New Fear Unlocked



☄your favorite meanie࿐ྂ, Female
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Since childhood I have been a strong kid, never have been really effected by fever or sorts of those disease and I am very thankful of that.
And because of that I sometimes forget how my body can fall short sometimes, physically and mentally.
Today I experienced a weird thing, I felt dizzy and was on the verge of fainting the street full of people.

Even though my every cells of the body felt lazy but due to a promised outing I had to go out and I dressed up cutely in thought of taking good pictures of it and post online but alas...anyway I was out with my friend and after shopping we stood street food shop— it was buzzing with customers, the crazy smell of food and the hot weather over that, carrying this heavy shopping bag me and my friend stood by the road to eat that hot halim ( we ordered halim and egg cake ) usually I would be devouring that shit but today was different I was literally panting and feelings nauseous while eating it, I was doubtful about what was happening to my body so after finishing the eggcake, I ran to buy a sprite thinking it was because of the weather, took a sip but it was still the same, I was so nauseous to the point that I had to threw the halim even tho I didn't eat anything... walking back I told me friend the I am going to sit someone by the time he pays up...anyway just at the time I was taking a in anime— something flashed and I gripped my friend's shirt telling him to hold me because of not I might do down on the road infront of this many people LOL

I was aware of my body, so I tried to walk back to a seat with the help of my friend...sitting there adding to that nauseous feeling, I had my ears go deaf and my vision blurring to almost blackened for a moment.We sat there for like 20 minutes telling that I am feeling okay now, meanwhile according to him it's because I didn't eat but tho I haven't had lunch I did ate rich in the morning but well he says it's a hypoglycemic shock I experienced, low sugar levels...

Anyway we prepared to leave when I told him I need to pack food for home so I went to the same stall while he went to bring the scooty back...

Same buzzing of people, the weather, the heat from the food, I started feeling the same like before....I shook my head a few times thinking it might, with the blurred vision I walked a bit here and there and lastly when I realised it's not working...I went to my friend saying it's taking time and went...
(Didn't mentioned because we are out and I would feel bad that we have to return soon because I got sick)
Anyway we went to another street shop and sat there, thankfully the place had tables to settle down, where I told him I experienced it again there when he asked....

I came home and shared my this incident with my family...ackk they are blaming I don't eat hehe well even I was shocked because it was the second time in my life I experienced this and that so vividly... Anyway my grandma, dad,mom and bro says it's because I used phone to late till 3 and how my sleep schedule is a mess....ngl kinda agree too...

Phew this experience was a new fear got unlocked and I kept questioning why awoo this is scary!

Empty Canvas and SleepingTaiger like this.


    1. Esha07 Jun 22, 2024 at 3:17 PM
      @Empty Canvas
      True! True! Always the blame on the phone but I have to agree with them this time especially because of my messed up sleep schedule not the phone.

      Oh my.... hospitalised for 2 days?! Was it that bad? Damn...hope the exam went well
      Empty Canvas likes this.
    2. Esha07 Jun 22, 2024 at 3:16 PM
      @Lotus_Skiies ah you should eat more!!!
      Hehe yeah halim and egg cake tastes good...unlucky me had to throw it way argh

      The thing that's surprising to me happened for the first time and I have been to crowd, more bigger crowds than this one hence the whole situation was kinda funny to me haha

      P.s- what do you usually do when this happens, since you said it happens frequently?
      Lotus_Skiies likes this.
    3. Empty Canvas Jun 22, 2024 at 1:08 PM
      Anything happens, parents always blame it on the phone...

      This happened to me during a super important exam, I studied and gave the exam all chill while most were panicked for their life, and on the last day of the exam it finally clicked that this was going to decide my future, and my body gave out on me after the final exam, which was not a verry fun experience, in my case, I had to be hospitalized for two days..
      Esha07 and Voidiris like this.
    4. Lotus_Skiies Jun 22, 2024 at 2:57 AM
      I also experience blackout and dizzy spell sometimes when I'm in a crowded place with crazy hot weather especially during summer season but my pressure will always be normal
      my family members always tells because I'm a picky eater I don't get enough nutrition...
      Halim and egg cake are so yummy...
    5. Esha07 Jun 21, 2024
      @Voidiris I don't think the problem is people surrounding me...
      I mean I do have experienced panic attacks from inferiority complex of mine but the one I experienced in the past and this one is different...
      Weirdly I checked my pressure as well, it close to normal
      Empty Canvas and Voidiris like this.
    6. Voidiris Jun 21, 2024
      Well this sounds to me that your body didn't notice people were there, then you had a situation where your body got reminded of the fact and then fear flooded your mind. It even happens to me with two people that I know for a long time and suddenly I'm twitching in fear. Apathy and music help me dealing wit6h such situations.
    7. Esha07 Jun 21, 2024
      Despite all that esha did took pic of halim and egg cake!
      Empty Canvas and SleepingTaiger like this.
    8. Esha07 Jun 21, 2024
      I just got reminded of a funny remark my friend mentioned...
      Sometimes I act as an extrovert and deep down I know I am introvert.
      Well tbh my whole class knows me and I interact with most of them... causing my friends to joke that I am not actually an introvert...
      Today because of the incident my friend remarked how the body totally proved I am an introvert physically too
      ( Reference to the before blackening, the place was buzzing with crowds of people )

      Well guess I am really an introvert hehe
      Empty Canvas and SleepingTaiger like this.