Proposal against Corrupt NUF officials!!



[Goddess of Chaos] [An unprofessional therapist], Female
Blog Posts:
Dear nuffians,

With upmost regret, me, the Great Sleepy The Eater, has to inform you that NUF is no longer as glorious as it was back in the olden days! The evil vines of corruption, indulgence and greed has covered the once golden kingdom of nuf! The law and order has dwindled as corruption among officials runs high! *sneakily points fingers towards @911 *

To demonstrate this injustice, I'll recount you my own personal experience, my own tragic tale. So, I am just a cute innocent person who never does a thing wrong (except for occasionally stabbing people and committing arson). One fine day, I called 911 upon @theknownuser genuinely concerned for their well being when they tried to kiss me after I stabbed them. So I asked 911 to send them to a mental asylum only for 911 to send me to a mental asylum!!! Such insolence!

But I had always been a person with a big heart. I forgive 911's careless approach as I escaped the mental asylum. Some time later, I encountered a group of rebels ( @Esha07 and @Bad Storm ) who were plotting to overthrow the government. Being the kind and upright person that I am, I decided to call 911 on then and ask her to arrest these rebels! But instead, that corrupt official had me sent under house arrest!!!

Now, I, the glorious Sleepy would stay quiet no longer!!! We as nuffians need to rise up and protest against these corrupt acts!!!


    1. I Am Made Of Memories Jun 28, 2024 at 3:00 PM
      It was so randomly in posts I’d see him on back in the day on my old account
    2. sleepandeatallday Jun 28, 2024 at 2:20 PM
    3. I Am Made Of Memories Jun 28, 2024 at 12:13 PM
      If it makes you feel better I’ve sexually harassed him a lot in the past and he didn’t hate it… the rest of the details in npas +19 smut novel found on wattpad near you
    4. JamesBunny Jun 28, 2024 at 8:20 AM
      Corruption will always exist, you just have to out lobby your opponents with enough nuffles
      Baldingere and sleepandeatallday like this.
    5. Baldingere Jun 27, 2024 at 7:08 PM
      He put you in prison without reason so you're going to give him some? How generous of you
      Agentt likes this.
    6. Grimsilent Jun 27, 2024 at 5:08 AM
      Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité !!!!:blob_thor:
    7. no preservatives allowed Jun 26, 2024 at 6:50 PM
    8. sleepandeatallday Jun 26, 2024 at 5:32 PM