Discussion Net neutrality is done now!

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by MostlyBlue, Dec 14, 2017.

  1. Cupcake Ninja

    Cupcake Ninja [Kind Sage][Lord Benevolence][ The Great Paragon]

    Nov 19, 2015
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    i dont know i never had trouble getting info i need through internet, as for cheating techniques maybe it aint need but you know its just an example. Google is a search engine, one of the best, without it you can tell there will be a pretty significant limit on who kind of subjects you can research since google isn;t just able to provide general information but can also be used even more effectively. People just dont understand how to use google's many features. Even advanced searches and the google scholar features aren;t all too widely know, but are very useful for those who DO know about them. Again, just an example though.

    Not many other search engines can compare to it, there'sa reason its so popular after all. Still, yeah, schoo llife by itself may not experience too many changes.

    I know right? But dont worry fam, net neutrality can still be saved. Let me break it down for you. See, beCause next years midterms allows us to decides who represents us americans in the house of representitives and who represents us in the senate its our chance to force our voice to be heard. All we have to do is kick out all the members of the House and the Senate who do not support net neutrality and keep all the members of those who DO support net neuttrality. Now once that happens congress can then pass a law to keep net neutrality. Though it hasn't BECOME a law yet, it'll still have go to Trump first so that he can either sign off on it so that it really becomes a law or veto it so that it doesnt. So you know he will most likely veto it and it'll go back to congress. And if it goes back to congress thats where our actions previously can be of use, since even if trump veto's that proposed law, as long as we get a two-thirds majority vote from congress in support net neutrality they can override Trumps veto and we can save our precious porn. Because obviously thats all we really need to care about.

    They want to take away our porn. So we'll take away their fukken 'eads i tell you what.
    SquadCammander354 likes this.
  2. igiveup

    igiveup a good boy

    Sep 24, 2017
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    Companies with assets worth nothing relative too the whole, able too bribe themselves too victory.
    Just shows how stupid the masses are, and why they deserve too be enslaved.

    Any half competent person could resolve these sorts of things with ease.

    Before you ask, the answer is, I am not one of you..
  3. userunfriendly

    userunfriendly A Wild Userunfriendly Appears!

    Oct 23, 2017
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    Yeah, forgot.

    But Trump SUCKS!
  4. Luneder

    Luneder Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2017
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    I see people blaming Trump but sadly this would happen no matter the president because the telecom companies took advantage of changing powers to put their own people into positions or bribed those that weren't on good footing in order to get the law changed. The thing you have to realize republicans aren't happy either and also notice there is an obvious behind the scenes deal with the IPS groups. More than likely they had people on all side already bribed and setup to move for repeal after all the election was so funky either candidate could have won.

    Normally the repeal as mentioned before on another post wouldn't mean much of anything but the problem is none of us trust the IPS groups who is not associated with any political party and have in the past made use of all political groups to push their own greedy agendas through bribery.
    Read1212 likes this.
  5. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
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    I just love those threads with a link and a single sentence... Could you try a bit at least? Try to make people that don't want to open a link be on par to what happened? Put a proper defined opinion on the matter? Encourage discussion somehow?

    This kind of thread kinda makes me sick... Haa...
  6. asriu

    asriu fu~ fu~ fu~

    Jan 9, 2016
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    deal with it
    unless there massive protest to against it then deal with it
    or time to to be more aware toward politic
  7. Arbelbyss

    Arbelbyss 『Abyss Augur』『Epiphron』『Tempestarius』

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Did anyone understand the Net Neutrality Act completely, we only know about the web page stuff but did it talk about anything else? We don't know everything about the Net Neutrality Act, but usually things start to get going once the word sue comes into place, if one could sue a website just because the Net Neutrality Act has been dropped then of course the Government would try to implement a new system like the Net Neutrality Act. The problem is, has anyone read all of the Act, do we know all of it? Are people just hopping on the bandwagon because they were fed information that supports keeping the Net Neutrality Act... That's my problem with this, we don't know what it is in its entirety yet we back it because it's there.
    m7vpc likes this.
  8. Deleted member 36162

    Deleted member 36162 Guest

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    I was really moved by your post , untill I saw the last two paragraphs .......
    Cupcake Ninja and Wujigege like this.
  9. Cupcake Ninja

    Cupcake Ninja [Kind Sage][Lord Benevolence][ The Great Paragon]

    Nov 19, 2015
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    heh. want me more serious then? alright. Let me give you some bad news then: Next year there might not even be enough net neutrality-supporting individuals who are going to be running for representative. So really that method of voting out the nonsupporters may not even work. Might not even have the choice, see?

    Yeah, hows that for dark and serious? Bet you wish i was being the playful and slightly sexual cupcake now, huh?
  10. m7vpc

    m7vpc Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2017
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    I thought politics can't be talked on NUF?
  11. Deleted member 36162

    Deleted member 36162 Guest

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    Dude .
    I'm in a place where I can't guarantee that there will be an access to the internet in the next year in my area\whole country.
  12. Asf

    Asf 《《The aria of souls》》

    Dec 31, 2015
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    We people outside of US needs a new provider of anime, manga, porn and all the good stuff with servers outside of US then...
    Then we wont have anything to do with NN anymore.
    Maybe a new site can throw down google and youtube throne too.. hm...
    Potential money making..?
    Get me links if someone know..
    Time to move on..
    If the speed debuff is THAT bad that is..
    If not, then idc..
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2017
  13. Cupcake Ninja

    Cupcake Ninja [Kind Sage][Lord Benevolence][ The Great Paragon]

    Nov 19, 2015
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    ...RIP, Kuro. you shall be missed. i shall share tales of your exploits long after you vanish from this plane, your name wont soon be forgotten...
    Deleted member 36162 likes this.