LCD Girl, I'll Teach You Cultivation

Discussion in 'Latest Chapter Discussion' started by Terepi, Jun 6, 2018.

  1. Terepi

    Terepi Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2017
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    A Mature Lady: You have a house?

    Jiang Xiu: I can cultivate.

    A Ms. Perfect: You have a car?

    Jiang Xiu: I can cultivate.

    A Loli: Big Brother Jiang Xiu, do you have a seven-figure bank balance?

    Jiang Xiu: I can cultivate.


    Jiang Xiu once transmigrated to the Immortal Martial Continent, living out a long life there and establishing himself with renowned fame. He finds himself waking up to strange circumstances and discovers that he’s returned back home. What happened exactly? And what’ll he do from now on? Follow Jiang Xiu as he deals with the crazy scenarios fate has in store for him.

    One of the greatest things I like about this novel is that the MC is ruthless yet just to everyone. And I don't mean like a typical ruthless MC, as Jiang Xiu has, in a few instances, to repay what has been done to him with exactly the same amount of force, taking the saying "An eye for an eye" to a more literal meaning. In So many novels, I see MC's who claim to be ruthless, but if they are an attractive girl, they just magically wind up being forgiven and typically accepted into the harem, even though by all accounts their personality hasn't changed from when they met, nor done anything to deserve redemption. At the same time, it's not like some novels which take the other extreme, where MC takes out his sexual frustrations on any girl who crosses him.

    In my eyes, the Synopsis is both accurate and misleading, It mentions a Mature Lady, A Ms. Perfect, and a Loli, all of which are staples of a harem. However, in this scenario, they are all asking superficial questions about wealth, which I take as the Author's interpretation of poorly written Harem novels and how many female characters are added to the story just to add to the harem member count. At the same time, Jiang Xiu just responds with "I can cultivate" to each of them, which shows that he has no interest in a relationship.
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2018
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  2. Asf

    Asf 《《The aria of souls》》

    Dec 31, 2015
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    This novel is like a series of face slapping sequences stacked up next to each others with its underestimating surroundings..
    Idk what else to talk about. Lol
  3. Moonxious

    Moonxious 「We of the Moon Race greets you all.」『Lurker』

    Sep 13, 2017
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    I got bored before I even hit chapter 30.. (or is it 25? Meh)
  4. SleepingPIG

    SleepingPIG Active Member

    Oct 17, 2017
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    Still reading this series but truthfully I don't know how to rate this. Should it be above of rps or not.?!
  5. alzamer2

    alzamer2 Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2015
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    so i read chapter 77
    what does Cheng Lingsu think her self is?
    does she think universe is revolving around her or something?
    why does she think that any thing the MC do must because of her?
    in fact i feel she is the 1 that attached to him not he to her
    MobileDennis777 and oninick like this.
  6. Asf

    Asf 《《The aria of souls》》

    Dec 31, 2015
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    So far (ch80).. almost every girl he meets is the same.. theyre like all the same stuck up peerless beauty girl with that underestimating line of thoughts.
    The author cant make it any other way. Lol
  7. Asf

    Asf 《《The aria of souls》》

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Jiang xiu murders people in daylight and rob people out of their asset with a threat..
    Just humor me why he isnt a wanted person yet... or why did the police turn a blind eye on him.
    Even if he really did have some power, the government wont just let this guy free without convicting anything..
    He should atleast be treated as a terorist.
    You dont get away with murder with countless of eye witnesses in the modern world
    Kiling 30 people is already count for mass murder or a genocide with a death sentence.
    He might get away with it using his powers, but he would be dead socially..
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2018
  8. Deleted member 41274

    Deleted member 41274 Guest

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    Pretty awesome :coffee:

    Right now at the latest chapter MC is revealing his identity as Mister Jiang to his former fiánce.

    We all know he doesn't care for her but only for her big sister. And he has good reasons for that. He even kissed her because she looks a lot like her sister and missed her.

    Still I am curious how the situation will develop. I think these 2nd generation rich kids morons are an eyesore. Reading all their reactions so far was only annoying.

    I hope MC gets his 80% or 100% share from the Wang family assets.

    I am sure he will, because I think he will notice that their leader is up to something fishy.

    Also for god sake bang that girl who has qualifications to be your maid.

    I am certain it's not his character, but I would enjoy reading that
  9. Morvian

    Morvian 『Weakened King』『Abandoned Man』『Man Of Culture』

    Dec 3, 2015
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    so far it's quite annoying, so which one the real main girl? cz so far I see from review this novel is not harem while the tag also say it's not harem.
  10. Asf

    Asf 《《The aria of souls》》

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Its already a harem (settings/genre).
    The author keep making new peerless beauty every arcs. Everyone of em is single and someway or another keeps thinking about the mc (either in a good way or no).
    Not harem in a litteral way but harem as a genre.
    Morvian likes this.
  11. pothb

    pothb Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2016
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    So far, am liking the novel.

    I hope Cheng Big Sis is main girl. She sounds like a wonderful waifu.
  12. Bakaleaf

    Bakaleaf Active Member

    Jan 5, 2016
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    Chapter 90 - 100 d*mn it was so SATISFYING lol
  13. diamonds

    diamonds Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2016
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    1. What is cultivation?
    2. Can I have tips on how to murder people and get away with it while building a Manson-style cult/harem?
  14. AardwarkThe2nd

    AardwarkThe2nd (R-18 writer) Aardwark, the king of aardvarks!

    Mar 1, 2016
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  15. elengee

    elengee Daoist Ninefaps

    Mar 15, 2016
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  16. CosmicInsomniac

    CosmicInsomniac Well-Known Cultist

    Oct 7, 2016
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    >tfw 3 generations of your family died to an illusion
    Somehow, it doesn't surprise me that someone whose title says "R-18 writer" complains about a novel not having a harem.
  17. jacobpaige

    jacobpaige Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2015
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    C1: How careless is he that he's been caught by this trap multiple times? Also, why did his enemies not kill him while he was sleeping? Even if they needed justification, they could have simply said that he was still sleeping when they found him with the girl.

    Also curious why it didn't occur to him that he was in an illusion formation that generated it's reality based on his own memories.

    lol. I kinda hope she's the FL now ;)

    C2: "What if you knife me once I close my eyes?” rofl

    “This Deity… This Deity doesn’t have clothes…” lol. I was wondering about that last chapter. Also wondering why he wound up in her bed.

    “Ignorant woman. Take a look. This Deity shall make the water inside this cup on the table freeze.” This Deity seems to have already forgotten that he's lost all of his power...

    C3: lol. I really love how the descriptions still follow the normal xianxia tropes even as he completely fails ;)

    I wonder why she didn't take the hint from the cup exploding and say "nevermind" or whatever instead of digging a hole for herself and her family.

    C4: Why did he expect the talisman to work instantly when there was so little qi in the air?

    How is he even attending this school for the ultra-elite? Did he get a scholarship or something? If so, how did he not lose it if his grades were poor?

    C6: Seriously? The author thinks that learning multiple languages is beneath a supreme being? Has he never left his very small town? China alone has dozens if not hundreds of languages. Learning multiple languages is the only way to succeed on anything other than a very local level. Not to mention that this MC ruled over universes. There's no chance at all that everyone in those universes spoke the same language. He should know millions of different languages.

    Also, why would she be the one that needed to leave? She could simply throw him out of the classroom and tell the remaining students that since they all agreed with him, they could all have zeroes for that day's test, or detention, their choice. I like a good face slapping as much as the next person, but this wasn't a face slapping. It was just glorifying wilful ignorance, pointless arrogance, and self-destructive stupidity. It made no sense at all. It's like a painter covered a canvas in black paint and told people it was a picture of a bright summer day. Only people willing to perform obscene mental gymnastics would ever believe it.

    Also, why does this make him a "real man"? He's literally sabotaging his own future right in front of them as far as they know.

    It looks like her mother didn't need to ask for him to be expelled...

    C7: Why didn't he publicly expose Wang? What good does simply pummeling him do if he's still going to have his job?

    Beating Wang up once in front of the class isn't nearly enough to atone, much less instantly fix the mental issues that incident created in that girl if she eventually killed herself over it.

    I want to like this series, but right now it's feeling like generic wish fulfillment trash written by a prepubescent idiot.

    C8: How can she even remember anything from when she was 3?

    Does he not know a spirit gathering formation?

    Seriously? Laundry? That's his revenge? Is he going to tell her she's not wife material because she can't do housework next? If so, I'm probably going to drop this series.

    C9: Why wouldn't he have awakened his bloodline previously?

    Why would she hand-wash his undies?

    I'm mildly surprised that their wasn't a trap in the undies.

    C10: I wonder why they used a Benz for that trip. There are plenty of high-end all-terrain vehicles out there. Even if they didn't own one, renting one wouldn't be difficult at all.

    I wonder why he saved them.

    C11: If he lifted it by the bumper, then wouldn't the bumper break off long before the care got lifted? It's not designed to hold that kind of weight after all.

    Why didn't he just tell them to check the Benz? I doubt either of them could do the same damage to it that the MC did when saving them. Or, he could have told them that the MC had just saved his life and ask them to give him a bit of face. Or both. I really have to wonder how he rose so high in the military if he's so easy to push around.

    C14: I wonder how he'll get dragged into this competition.

    C15: Yeah, that makes a lot more sense than him joining the competition. I wonder what she'll do to try to force him into her division. Also curious why he hasn't been expelled yet. Is the headmaster falsifying documents in preparation or is he just waiting until Monday because he doesn't feel like working on the weekend?

    C18: lol. Neither the Headmaster nor the Vice-Headmaster has a sense of shame or any hint of a spine ;)

    That aside, it really wasn't necessary for him to lie like that. He could have just told the truth and said that the student refused to tell them why he hit the teacher or even acknowledge that he'd done so, and that they therefore had no choice but to expel him.

    C19: Why does she keep meeting with him? She can just discuss things with him over the phone. There's no real point in meeting face-to-face until he's agreed to end the engagement.

    I'm also curious why he keeps stringing her along. He has no intention of going through with the engagement, and it doesn't look like he's trying to seduce and dump her.

    "Invite him out and make the Martial Arts Division members cripple him.” I'm betting he won't tell the MAD people who they're supposed to cripple. If he does, then I really won't understand it if they don't cripple him instead.

    C20: "As for the relation between Jiang Xiu and Cheng Lingsu, after the student council president, Ye Wenchen shut the mouths of those sweethearts up, it wasn’t spread out anymore." It said in the previous chapter that it had already spread all over school. Silencing two students wouldn't do any good at all.

    I was thinking it was the Chengs that murdered his father, but now I'm starting to wonder if it was the Yes.

    C21: Is the Chinese word for integrity the same as the one for dignity? I've seen this translation error before, so I'm just wondering.

    Yep. Definitely the Martial Arts Department. I wonder if they'll go so far as to cripple them though. Also curious if they did it to get revenge for almost getting them killed, out of respect for the person that helped them, or both.

    C22: Even if Big Lei doesn't give a f' about any individual set of parents, all of their parents working together would certainly be a more of a hassle for him than those three girls would be worth. He should know that.

    That's an odd thing to get upset about. I sincerely doubt he's the only one that says that even in the martial world. It feels like a super common saying among arrogant pricks.

    C23: He does realize that they'll go after his family right? He doesn't even live with his family so how is he planning to protect them?

    C26: I wonder if he's planning to conquer Earth and add it to his empire. If so, I wonder if he'll also need to conquer whatever empire it already belongs to, assuming it even belongs to anyone and isn't so remote that no one has ever bothered to care about the general area of space in which it exists.

    If he never met his relatives, then how did he find out about his fiances? Also, why would their parents agree to such engagements? And why wouldn't they have canceled them by now to free up their daughters to marry men who weren't already spoken for?

    C27: How did he save up 20k? The pathetic allowance he gets is barely enough to cover miscellaneous expenses and clothing. Saving anything would be difficult, much less a hundred months' worth.

    What kind of moron drives at 112mph in the city? Is she trying to die? I already don't like this girl.

    That aside, if he only started making the talisman when she was ten meters away while she was going 180kph, then he'd definitely die. It wouldn't even take a second for her to hit him, and it would take much longer than that for him to chant anything.

    They actually allow 60mph inside the city? Are pedestrian lives worth nothing? Or is that a translation error and it's supposed to be kph?

    C28: I wonder how she'll find out the truth. Also curious who the real FL is. I'd be shocked if it was any of his fiances. I like Ye Bing, but I'd also be pretty surprised if it was her at this point.

    C29: "Descend, the nine mythical arts, cleanse the heavens, a thousand years of karma, an artless heart yet romantic." O.O Did his master hate him or something?

    I don't know why they're surprised. Charlatans attacking each other would be quite common under those circumstances. They have to make sure they get 100% of the credit if they want to get paid after all.

    C31: If there's no one competent to solve the problem besides the MC, then how did it get solved in the original timeline?

    Also, why not just rebuild the temple and then build the project around it? Sure, he'd lose a ton of money from not having the plot, but it'd be less than what he'd lose from shutting the whole thing down. Plus, it'd be a tourist attraction since it'd be a confirmed spiritual spot.

    C32: Not all women like a**hats. Just like not all women like doormats. The majority prefer something inbetween.

    I half expected him to offer to teach her how to cultivate.

    C33: I wonder if Ye Bing will show up too. It doesn't seem like her sort of thing, but her parents might drag her to it for networking purposes.

    That aside, how did they even manage to organize something like that in less than three days? Normally, it takes a minimum of months, especially if actually want anyone to show up. The target buyers aren't perpetually free after all.

    C36: Why didn't Tang Weichong tell that idiot that the MC was his father's benefactor or something similar? Unless the moron was okay with deeply offending Old Father Tang, he'd have backed off.

    C37: Why has Young Master Tang not called Old Father Tang yet? This has clearly gone beyond his ability to solve it. Actually, why hasn't Old Father Tang shown up himself? Doesn't he want to see the MC and try to form a positive relationship with him?

    C40: I was wondering why Qin wouldn't be there to prevent a face slapping from being necessary. I wonder if the MC will solve the problem this time or if he'll wind up leaving in a huff again.

    “To tell the truth, this talisman is a ‘Returning the Soul Fragment to Origin Talisman’. We lost it a few days ago.” Seriously? Do their reputations mean nothing to them? And why do they even need that talisman? None of them are crippled.

    C43: I considered that he might ask for shares back when the problem was first mentioned, but I was thinking it'd be a lot less. Of course, if they hadn't insulted him, it probably would have been. I wonder if the price will go up again now. Though, I'm not sure how it could without him giving up the company altogether, which would be a bad idea for the MC. After all, the company was only a success in the future thanks to the efforts of the current owners, and it's not like the MC has any actual interest in running the business directly himself.

    That aside, if he actually does get half the shares, and the project manages to at least break even, his family's net worth will actually be higher than the Chengs'. At that point, I wonder if his former fiance's mother will try to destroy all evidence of him having canceled the engagement, and if he'll have taken precautions against such a thing.

    C45: Would anything built on that site even have any value after all of this? It seems extremely unlikely.

    Seriously? He wants to take everything? Qin should just accept the deal and then siphon funds like mad while building the shoddiest buildings possible for the least amount of money possible. It'll be years before the project finishes. Plenty of time for him to move all the money off shore and leave the country for good. It's not like it'll matter to him if the company goes under after all.

    "If the project turns out as a success with profit, he’d have a few million." How? He'll have no shares whatsoever. The amount he makes is the same whether it succeeds or fails if we ignore embezzling. It's like the author doesn't even understand basic math.

    C47: “Let it be. It’s best to let nature take its course, cultivation comes first.” Really? Has he forgotten how his parents died? Or is he trying to create an opportunity for the Chengs to embarrass his family?

    I know they're trying to make the landlord out to be evil, but so far, she hasn't said anything wrong. Well, unless she's lying. Though, even if she is lying, the only reason his family is having to suffer through this is because he was too lazy to tell them that they became billionaires. So this is totally his fault.

    C48: I know that this is supposed to emphasize how evil she is, but again, this is the MC's fault. He could interrupt this at any time by bringing out the money or making a call to Old Father Tang and having him crush A'Lin like a bug.

    C49: How is this a bad thing for A'Lin? She'll make a boatload of money from selling the property. Or is the stall the only property she owns?

    It's hard to not see the various calamities as the MC's fault. All he had to do here was tell the new idiot to call his boss and the moron would likely have forced A'Lin to her knees on the MC's behalf.

    C50: If the street is worth 200 million + however much had to be added to buy it all so quickly, then how can he afford it? He's going to owe Old Father Tang big time for this one.

    C51: "if she weren’t allowed to come in then she wouldn’t be able to lease out her store." That's not true. She can just have a realty company handle it for her. Sure, her profits would go down, but she'd still be earning money off the property and her workload would decrease.

    I wonder if the MC actually has any plans for that street or if he just bought it to show off. If he does have plans, how does is he going to fund them?

    C52: "There was no reason for the father to offend his own children!" Not true.

    I wonder how he'll get his parents to start cultivating. It seems unlikely that he'd let them live a normal lifespan.

    C53: Did his wife not tell him about the pledge the MC signed? If she did, then he just insulted the MC's honor by implying that he'd go back on his word.

    C54: He should have just texted her his address. He needs to repay the 2k anyway. Well, assuming he has the cash anyway.

    C55: For a moment there, I thought he was just going to taunt the guy so that he'd send his followers after him, but nope. MC plans to rob him directly ;)

    C56: Are we sure that the Heaven Treading Sect isn't a demonic sect? The MC had no real grievances with that god, but he was still totally happy to try to eat his soul to speed up his own cultivation.

    I wonder why it doesn't occur to him that he might have broken through so quickly because of what he managed to steal from that god.

    C58: Why are his friends referring to him as "Young Master"? As far as they know, he's much poorer than them.

    "Crime World Supremacy Contest" Seriously? That's what it's actually called? And they expect people in the streets to know about it? Just how little influence does the law hold in this region?

    I wonder why he's still dressing like a poor person. I wouldn't have thought his pride would allow it now that he has the money to afford better.

    C59: He really shouldn't be so surprised or offended that people don't believe him. Why should they? They actually know him after all.

    C61: lol. I still really like Ye Bing as the FL. The MC needs someone to take him down a few notches from time to time ;)

    C62: Did the MC ever agree to fight for them? I only remember him agreeing to come as a spectator.

    C65: Her father wasted the MC's favor :( How's she supposed to convince him to teach her cultivation now?

    That aside, I wonder if he's wishing he'd tried to shove the MC and his daughter together rather than trying to pull them apart ;)

    Even if you can't turn down the dual, can't you just admit your defeat without stepping on the stage? With the strength he's shown, no one would look down on you for it. On the contrary, they'd praise you for your adaptability and foresight.

    C67: Unless the pilot panicked, knocking out the tail wouldn't actually force a helicopter to crash. It'd just force it to land.

    "From now on, he was the lord of Jiang City’s underworld." Wasn't he there representing the Tang family? Why are they saying that he's the overlord and not the Tangs who have his support? Do they really think that such a small city's underworld would hold any interest for someone with that level of power?

    10yr olds can fly on the Martial Continent? That must make for some interesting children's games ;)

    C68: So, does that mean he'll be getting all the dead god's faith energy going forward?

    C69: “Teacher, someone is passing a paper slip.” :ROFLMAO:

    Aww, looks like the FL is about to show up. I was really hoping it'd be Ye Bing too :( I just hope she's not the stereotypical doormat FL that CN WN authors seem to love so much.

    C70: Why do these idiots still not know that the MC is a billionaire with the backing of the Tang family and multiple large properties? What are their parents even doing?

    I get the feeling that Mr. Cheng is going to be very upset when he gets home and finds out that his wife and daughter have tossed away all of his face, broken his word and offended the most powerful person in the province.

    C71: If he just wants to marry her without bothering with whether or not she loves him, then that's super easy. All he has to do is show the mom his real estate portfolio and she'll fall all over herself to arrange the marriage.

    That aside, why is the FL always a f'ing doormat? :/

    C72: I wonder if he's actually planning to bother with college for some reason. Honestly, I'm not even clear on why he still attends school. He's already got enough money and power for the next century or so and school isn't helping him at all.

    C73: Why has Ye Bing's father still not told her who the MC is? It's in his best interests to try to leverage her relationship with the MC, and he doesn't seem like the sort that would ignore such a thing.

    Why the f' would he bother cheating? He can easily memorize and comprehend all the course content in a few hours with less effort than cheating in such an idiotic way.

    C74: Why doesn't she just snap a picture of him cheating? She won't need the book then.

    The majority isn't always right. On several tests I've taken, there've been hard questions that only a small number of people in class got right.

    How is everyone in the classroom unaware of what's happening? It didn't seem like the MC was using a voice transmission technique of any kind, and the change in his eyes should be quite striking.

    C75: " you’ve regained your reserve maid qualifications now. The rest is up to your future performance." lol. I have to wonder if the author is trying to force a love geometry situation or what. I really hope not. I hate love geometry.

    C77: I was wondering how he was going to avoid plagiarizing the guy. Looks like he just straight up stole his answers and replaced them with random garbage ;) Either that, or he just swapped the names on the test papers.

    C78: Did Qin Weiping think that his wife's family would actually bother to shield him from the backlash of stealing from the overlord of Jiangnang? Is he stupid? If they actually cared about him, he wouldn't have needed the MC's help in the first place.

    He said he'd arrive at 7AM, but didn't arrive until 7:01 AM. How is that "punctual and accurate to the second"?

    C80: When it said bikes, I thought it meant bicycles, not motorcycles. How can an unmodified, rented motorcycle be faster than a Porsche customized for street racing? This isn't a question of skill. It's a question of basic specs.

    C82: The Wang family has obviously heard of him. They've obviously heard that he's at least a demigod. Why the f' are so many morons throwing their lives away to challenge him when they don't even have any hope of slowing him down? Are they all stupid? Or was the information about his strength suppressed so that they could get his help in trimming their family tree?

    “I don’t want much. I just want your Wang family to submit and transfer 70% of the shares in your industries to this Deity.” Those two statements are a bit contradictory...

    C83: "You’re in the peak of the Supreme Stage at most." Are their eyes and ears made of dog sh*t? Or have they just convinced themselves that all the reports from the competition and the construction site/auction were exaggerations and lies? What kind of supreme stage expert can f'ing walk on air!?

    C84: "If the Wang family had known Jiang Xiu was so strong" But you see, that's the problem. They did know. There's no f'ing way they didn't know. Every f'ing person in the district who had any degree of status at all knew. I'm getting very, very tired of these gargantuan plot holes that don't really serve any worthwhile purpose.

    C88: I really don't get why the demigod wasn't on standby, especially if he lives right next to the spot where the family head just died. Are they stupid? They're stupid, right? Is there anyone in this f'ing series that isn't stupid?

    C89: Why would he need to go underwater? He can just kill the Old Madame then go back to the Wang compound and slaughter everyone there. If and only if that's not enough to drag the demigod out of hiding would he need to care about going into the water.

    C92: "There was no doubt that only a few people were left in Jiangnan who could stand on equal footing with Jiang Luoxia." There's only twelve demigods in the entire country. Why do they seem to think that there's anyone left in their province who can stand on even footing with him? Do so many of those demigods live in this province for some inexplicable reason?

    C95: I wonder if the Cheng family will be suppressed after this by people wanting to please him.

    "Jiang Xiu didn’t like cooperating with others. This was because he lacked trust " But he does it all the time? He's doing it right now with the Wangs? He did it before with the Tangs and all the other families in Jiangnang's underworld? It's not like they can't betray him just as easily as the Chengs after all.

    "If he had the Divine Race Regalia Design Chart, he could have predicted what Godhead it is by comparing each one of them." Couldn't he just message his grand disciple to check the chart for him? Even if cultivation supplies would take forever to reach him, information wouldn't.

    C96: "He had achieved it using his own strength and could easily score the top marks if he wrote it again." He seems to have forgotten how he passed that test...

    "It’s just that his clothes were too wretched." Seriously, why are they still wretched? Is it just so that the author can pretend that it makes sense for people to not know how rich he is? No one with a pulse in the business community of that province doesn't know his name, and no one with a sense of self-preservation doesn't know who that name belongs to.

    "My Cheng family has achieved all we have today by relying on ourselves, not on others.” Is she trying to get herself killed, or has she really forgotten where their wealth actually came from?

    "As for Jiang Xiu, he too was puzzled." Really? I thought he was supposed to be at least mildly intelligent and extremely experienced. He clearly stated that he didn't like the Chengs in front of a large group of influential people that wanted to curry favor with him. He might as well have directly ordered them to suppress the Chengs.

    C101: He's failing spectacularly at being low profile here...

    I wonder if he'll arrange a good job for her that will let her support her family without working herself to death.

    C102: He should have taken that opportunity to tell her that neither Susu nor he loved each other, that they'd already agreed to break off the engagement several months prior, and that they'd simply been trying to figure out a good time and method to tell their parents. He could even have asked for her help in the matter.

    "This money is originally our Cheng family’s money." I wonder if she'll ever realize the irony of that thought.

    C103: "This matter was very inconvenient. First, this case was already 10 years old, and even if it is overturned, it wasn’t easy to reinstate the post." Why? After ten years, people basically won't care anymore. It's actually much easier to do it now than it was ten years ago.

    So, are they about to offend him by telling him he's no longer needed just like every other person who's ever requested his help? Can this author truly not think of any other plot lines? It's just this and people who can't see Mt. Tai, and honestly, this is just a minor variation on not being able to see Mt. Tai. So there's basically only one plot in this entire series and it's just being done over and over and over again.

    C104: I wonder why he didn't call someone to get himself a backstage pass.

    C106: "Even a man wouldn’t be able to bear it, let alone, a sweet schoolgirl." Women have a higher pain tolerance on average than men.

    "You doubt this Deity’s medical expertise?" Yes. As any intelligent person who cares about their own welfare would you pompous moron.

    C107: Seriously? His reflexes aren't that slow. If they were, he'd have died millennia ago.

    C108: Why would the van go out of control when the driver stopped it before jumping out? How can something that's not moving go out of control?

    He let himself be arrested? That's completely out of character. There's absolutely no chance whatsoever that he'd allow himself to be captured. He'd kill every single police officer there before he'd so much as consider allowing himself to be arrested. Does this author not even know his own MC?

    C109: That was a pointlessly convoluted way to deal with it.

    C110: Wow. Someone actually managed to see Mt. Tai before they offended him. Of course, this just means that he'll be disregarded when he tries to tell others about Mt. Tai and those others will offend the MC in his place.

    C116: Then why continue to associate with her? Why doesn't the MC just tell his parents that he doesn't want to marry her and that he and she agreed not to marry long before her family fell into trouble? Since the only reason his mother was insisting on the engagement was out of hate for the Chengs, there's no reason she'd continue to insist on it now that they're even poorer than his family ever was. Plus, not doing it is just giving Susu plenty of ways to control the MC via her sister, his mother, etc. Keeping her around is pointless and self-destructive.
  18. jacobpaige

    jacobpaige Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2015
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    C117: "Just the Myriad Base City Plaza project is worth a 100 million" I thought it was 1.3 billion?

    I'm betting that his cousins are the same sorts of people he is. That is, they'll be ecstatic to kick him while he's down.

    Welp. There goes the Tang family. I wonder if he'll let Ye Bing's family take over instead. Also curious why the Tang family didn't preemptively move to fix the situation and get his father reinstated. Did they forget what they'd done?

    Also curious how his parents felt when they found out that their son had saved the life of the person that destroyed theirs.
  19. jacobpaige

    jacobpaige Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2015
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    C119: I get the feeling that they're about to do something bad to her. I wonder if the MC will bother to protect her.

    C120: I'm really tired of this. If he wants revenge, he should just take it. If he doesn't then he should just drop it. Dragging it out like this and engaging in multiple petty vengeance just makes me lose more and more respect for him each time it happens.

    I'd really like to know how anyone in the Tang family doesn't know what Mr. Jiang looks like by now. They've had so many bad encounters with him that you'd think they'd have distributed his picture to everyone in the family and the family's employ with a big "DO NOT OFFEND!!!" note attached. Or, is this a different Tang family?

    Why weren't there guards at the party? None of these kids would be a bad target for a kidnapping.
  20. EricBannen

    EricBannen √[To Read or Not to Read]

    May 30, 2017
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    YOU NEED HELP !!!!... Look at how Geekily you have given a chapterwise review...^^