Spoiler The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by kiara8, Apr 19, 2017.


Will it get better

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. Fran.2424

    Fran.2424 Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Yeah he is very sweet although a little bit twisted, but just for how strong are his feelings towards the MC and how loyal is to him I kinda forgive him, they both have hurt each other, physically and emotionally so as long that the mc admit his feelings and the ml still being a lovely bun, I have no hard feelings for any of them.
    Soulfill likes this.
  2. Sa76

    Sa76 Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2019
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    Hello. I'm new to this forum. Does someone know if the anime will be realised in 2019 or 2020? Also i would like to thank the translators for picking up this work, you guys are doing an amazing job.
    Ludoret and baka8roukanako like this.
  3. baka8roukanako

    baka8roukanako Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2018
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    No one knows at this point. :sushi_sorry:
  4. Paper_Plains

    Paper_Plains Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2018
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    Most likely 2020 now ?
  5. Cypress

    Cypress Eh, what's "outside"? /sinks into bed

    Apr 16, 2018
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    Next chapter we're gonna have a face off between father and son...this should be interesting~
    I feel bad for SQQ he's hasn't had a break since he came back lol
    -Went to the demon realm to rescue fellow disciples
    -Got captured by Sha Hualing
    -Escaped but captured again and meet LBH
    -Luo invaded and molested him in the dream realm
    -With Liu Qingge he had a 2 vs 1 against LBH over who got to keep his original body (they played hot potato basically)
    -Got saved/captured again by Zhuzhi Lan
    -Again was molested by LBH in the dream realm
    -Escaped from ZZL and went to Cang Qiong Sect
    -Luo was there waiting for him with his army to bring him to Huan Hua Palace. SQQ had no choice, but to leave with him.
    -Luo molested him again
    -Soul got transported to his original body in the Holy Mausoleum
    -Had to deal with the Blind Corpses
    -Meet the BOSS, Tianglan Jun
    -Now LBH appears...
    He had to deal with poison, drinking demon blood(2x), spiritual powers being sucked, snakes, rumors, BingQiu song, LBH molestation and anger, sects emotional reunion, pain of soul transportation, Shan QingHua, anxiety, stress, sadness, etc.
    Can my dude SQQ get a break plz?!
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2019
    Ze Wu Jun, earp, redbean and 5 others like this.
  6. Paper_Plains

    Paper_Plains Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2018
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    ah the later events get more amusing Shen gets "rest" real soon lol
    Darcy likes this.
  7. readerz

    readerz Madam Jin

    Jan 4, 2017
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    OMG, I almost died laughing when someone on Twitter asked how come Binghe is the top when all the twitter fanarts have him crying or being a chibi, puppy, clingy lover.
  8. Ludoret

    Ludoret Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2019
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    But wasn't Bing-mei just following Shang Qinghua's advice on how to get Shizun to notice him? But yes, if I hadn't read the novel then I would think that LBH is the shou based on the fan art.

    I really want to see fan arts of LBH being a cool, hot gong but all of the fan arts like those I've seen were of Bing-ge's. Poor Bing-mei.
    Emoral, readerz and Neelambori like this.
  9. readerz

    readerz Madam Jin

    Jan 4, 2017
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    The ones where Bing-mei is all manly and hot are the R18 smut fanarts. :X3::blobpopcorn::blobnosebleed:
    Emmabluez and Ludoret like this.
  10. Sauling

    Sauling Wangxian[忘羨] is my Precious OTP ( ˘ ³˘)♥

    Nov 4, 2018
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    Omg the latest chapter gave me so many feels and poor LBH was hurt so badly by his father... My heart hurt for him T…T

    And funny thing is, while reading that chapter, I was like muttering in my mind "please dont end yet...Please don't end yet...." Cuz I will so "!!!!!" If it's a cliff hanger lol. Anyways definitely looking forward to next chapter! :aww:
  11. baka8roukanako

    baka8roukanako Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2018
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  12. cirrus74

    cirrus74 Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2017
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    Haha, they just haven’t read enough danmei. Puppy/dog gong is adorable ^__^

    It seems like that painful chrysanthemum bursting scene is about to come soon?
    readerz, Ludoret and Fran.2424 like this.
  13. readerz

    readerz Madam Jin

    Jan 4, 2017
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    Nope. That scene is near the very end. IIRC, it's the second to last chapter, lol, not including the extras. :LOL:
  14. cirrus74

    cirrus74 Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2017
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    Oohhh I thought with Bing-Mei going all red-eyed and being bashed about by Papa Luo, then he’d develop some qi deviation and then SQQ would have to sacrifice himself :D
  15. Ludoret

    Ludoret Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2019
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    You know, it's been bothering me lately that fanfic authors seemed intent on making Shen Jiu as a martyr and some were actually pushing all the blame on Yue Qingyuan in the process. Like, I understand, Shen Jiu's backstory is horrible and it could make you sympathize with him and YQY failed in keeping his promise but he'd tried, even severely injuring himself in the end. SJ was a terrible person who abused children and ruined their lives and potentials and LBH wasn't his first victim. He was horrible person who deserved what happened to him. YQY still cared for him until the end even though he failed him and failed to apologize thanks to his guilt but it was not his fault that SJ chose to beat and abused kids, who were all weaker than him and were under his guidance and protection. SJ was abused as a child so was it right for him to abused others, too?

    Okey, I understand that some people liked SJ and felt pity for him but to bash YQY and push all the blame on him(which I totally saw some fanfics did) and say that he didn't deserve what LBH did to him was so excessive it made my eyes roll. What happened to SJ was karma for all that he had done before and the only thing I didn't like about it was that YQY had to die, too.

    I apologize in advance to those who might feel offended but I stand with my opinion about SJ.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2019
  16. claudine

    claudine Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2018
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    I'd say that YQY was the root of a lot of things that caused the events of Proud Immortal Demon Way. SJ abused LBH, yes, but YQY enabled it. He allowed SJ to take LBH on as his disciple, and then never put a stop to SJ abusing LBH even with his authority as Sect Head. Even telling SJ at their last talk in Huanhua water prison, that if only he hadn't treated LBH so badly! What a joke, when YQY had every chance to stop it but didn't out of his guilt to SJ.

    YQY thought that failing SJ meant that even trying wasn't worth telling him. SJ... just wanted to know that he tried. He imagined that he was going to look for YQY's bones. He'd rather YQY have died in the process of trying to save him. In focusing on his own guilt, he treats SJ like a cross to hang himself on.

    The point of the QiJiu extra was to flesh out SJ's character, show what his character motivations are when he treats LBH this cruelly. It's the abused perpetuating abuse, but it could have been stopped. And that's the tragedy, that two people who love each other go past each other like passing boats.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2019
  17. Valarra

    Valarra Active Member

    Jul 8, 2016
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    I feel like all the tragedy in this story (starting from SJ and YQY ...all the way to bingmei and shen yuan as sqq...) are because of people not wanting to talk to each other. A lot of problems could be avoided if they just had a proper conversation :cry::cry::cry: and I agree, YQY had authority to stop the abuse but he didn't. I'm not excusing SJ, he's a horrible person that deserved to turn into a meat stick 100% but I still felt like he could have been better than what he was. I wonder what it would look like if he got a 2nd chance (rebirth story) :hmm:
    Emmabluez and busyoldfool like this.
  18. baka8roukanako

    baka8roukanako Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2018
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    No human being deserves such treatment, no matter what horrible deeds they've done. The original LBH was a bad guy, plain and simple. He kept a harem, was ruthless, vengeful etc. I guess the cycles of karma demand that the original LBH be turned into a human stick too?
    Rinfantasy, Ze Wu Jun and busyoldfool like this.
  19. Ludoret

    Ludoret Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2019
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    But who turned him that way? Who had shaped, molded and pushed him to become that person? It was SQQ. SQQ who was one of the few adults who'd become responsible from rearing him and became his guardian. LBH was said to be an innocent child who was grateful to SQQ for saving him from a miserable life, only to be hurt and humiliated by SQQ throwing a scalding hot tea at his head. And hot water really hurt. Imagine being bullied physically everyday by your peers and people stronger than you and later betrayed in the worst possible way because of something that you had no control of, severely damaging you mentally and psychologically. And for what? For a very petty reason. SQQ knew that he couldn't get back at LQG(who was much stronger than him) so he decided to turn his anger at a weaker child who obviously can't fight. SQQ was a scum to LBH till the end and I felt more pity towards LBH than him, even after knowing about SQQ's backstory.

    I was agreeing to the majority of your post until I read about YQY telling him that everything happened because of his treatment of LBH. Wasn't that right?! Why, do you really think that if SQQ had been a good and decent person everything that would've happened to him in the original novel would still happen? He was designed to be a scum villain, a cannon fodder and a stepping stone for the protagonist. Having a harsh and pitiful backstory didn't change that, only to give more substance to his character. And that sad thing was, he could have been a decent person, even while remaining cold and aloof, like when he had saved LQG during the whole mission with SQH, but he didn't. He remained the petty, hypocrite and abusive person that he was. A true scum until the end.

    I was also horrified at his eventual fate and felt that it was too much, until I remembered that LBH wasn't the first child to suffer under his guardianship and probably not the last. A person who have an authority and responsibility towards an innocent and helpless child shouldn't act like that. In the end, he got what he deserved, and in the hands of his former victims, too.
    Ze Wu Jun, Emmabluez and Fuyuneko like this.
  20. Nokia Red Panda

    Nokia Red Panda Active Member

    Feb 14, 2019
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    I personally don't know whether I should be horrified by your reading comprehension or your sense of justice. As has been told by others, SQQ may have been abusive, but here's the thing.

    He was only overtly abusive to LBH alone. Not his other disciples. You think if he treated everyone like that, even YQY's enabling can save him? Please. Be sensible.

    And also, YQY telling SQQ that. Think about why he told him that, yet did nothing. Normally, if you see someone being abused, and you have the authority and responsibility to stop anything from happening, you would act. YQY did not. He did nothing. And it is here, where his silence did the most damage. If he just talked, and opened his mouth, and told SQQ, instead of giving up, most of the events of Proud Immortal Demon Way would not have happened. Let me throw your words back at you.

    "A person who have an authority and responsibility towards an innocent and helpless child shouldn't act like that."

    You know who else is responsible for the well being of the people of Cang Qiong Sect? Its the one, the only, Zhangmen Shixiong! He holds power to stop anything from happening in Cang Qiong Sect. SQQ is trashfire, but if YQY told him to stop instead of scold him, he would have stopped. The one saving grace of SQQ is that he loves YQY, would do anything for him. If YQY orders him to stop, he would.

    And yet, what did YQY do? Nothing! And damn, we knew very early on, in Chapter 1 in fact, the very first chapter, that YQY knew SQQ was abusing LBH. Why is he not doing anything?

    I am in no way defending SQQ. He is a horrible person indeed, a scumbag definitely. But he was not the only one who played a part in LBH's blackening. YQY did too. YQY's silence did more damage than anything SQQ could have done. Imagine! A person who is supposed to take care of the other disciples wellfare, allows his subordinates to mistreat their disciples! That's terrible. If your boss allows bullying to happen, would you only blame the bully? What about the enabler, the boss?

    And where was it exactly, that it was stated that SQQ abused other disciples? For all his wrongdoings, he was okay as a Peak Lord. A little aloof, a little cold, sometimes teaching the wrong things to his disciples to hinder them of their cultivation (and this only happens to ABOVE AVERAGE DISCIPLES ONLY), but never did he raise a hand directly against his disciple. LBH was the only one who got special treatment. Why? Because LBH was everything SJ was and yet he had everything he did not. LBH was abused because of SJ's self hatred. He does not hate LBH as a person. LBH isn't even worthy of hate. He's collateral damage.

    Everything SQQ did at Cang Qiong Sect, it was to get YQY's attention. YQY's guilt gave SQQ everything except what he needed and that was to be accepted. YQY sees his guilt whenever he so much looks at SQQ, and SQQ knows this. He hates it. He hates that YQY can only see his guilt and not what he is. His cultivation, him beconing peak lord second only to YQY, the famed wielder of Xiu Ya was not enough. So SQQ did the only thing he knew and has known for his entire life.

    Abuse LBH. "Look at me abusing one of your disciples. Will you now finally look at me?"

    But nope! YQY did nothing. The more SQQ acts out, the more quiet YQY became.

    This cycle of abuse perpetuated more abuse, and it does not end. SQQ and YQY are terrible people, but the ending they get, no one deserved that. No one. And I'm apalled that you conveniently placed all the blame at SQQ simply because he's a scumbag and plays a more overt role in LBH's blackening, when YQY also shares blame in this.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2019