Spoiler The Abandoned Empress

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Regalia1896, Jul 28, 2017.

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  1. cestrella

    cestrella New Member

    Nov 1, 2019
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    If you skip to the end of this forum you'll find some really good spoilers :)
  2. cestrella

    cestrella New Member

    Nov 1, 2019
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    Thank you so much!
  3. cestrella

    cestrella New Member

    Nov 1, 2019
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  4. ATrueStory

    ATrueStory Villainesses, Historical Shit, Noble Circuses

    Feb 6, 2019
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    also to @cestrella.
    He/she is entitled to their opinion. But as an opinion, it doesnt have to be taken as fact. Especially after the ton of info you yourself have provided. If they dont offer any spoiler to contrary, then it is safe to say that your info is genuine and trustworthy.
    Eodez likes this.
  5. Eodez

    Eodez Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2019
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    Of course! I don't think he/she was saying my spoilers were not genuine or trustworthy (for everyone can buy the novel and check for themselves anyway ^^), just that he/she was still not convinced by the coherency and quality of the author's work. And well, this is up to her/him to judge after all. If in regards of the spoilers, he/she doesn't like what he/she read, there's nothing we can do really. Let's hope he/she can find a story better suit to his/her tastes. ^^
    Anyway, this is a spoiler section, not a discussion one. As for myself, I don't want to go into any debates on AE tbh.:blobsweat_2:
  6. ATrueStory

    ATrueStory Villainesses, Historical Shit, Noble Circuses

    Feb 6, 2019
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    yeah. Better not to derail the spoilers. There's a better way to talk about AE by fleshing out the story.
    Do you have any dirt on Duke Jenna and his family? As we know he hates Tia but I believe he has a daughter that he tried push as empress candidate? For all he talks about purity of blood (a great candidate for a Slytherin), there has been little info on what family he actually has.
    I also in the process of making a family tree just ro make sense of every character and family relationships. This story has a great ensemble of characters and kudos to the author for that.

    Are you planning to summarize the side stories too? (hope I didnt repeat this question).

    I better check out your doc before I ask more.

    *serves Spanish bread with tea*
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  7. Eodez

    Eodez Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2019
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    I Don't have much dirt on Duke Jenna because I wasn't paying much attention to anything related to him. I focus more as I re-read the whole thing to summarise it, so maybe in the future!
    A family tree? That's GREAT!

    Of course, I'm planning to summarise the side stories one day. ^^

    Ooh thank uuu *eats happily* :cookie:
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2019
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  8. ILoveU3000

    ILoveU3000 Member

    Oct 31, 2019
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    I can understand that Ruve from the 1st timeline is a character that is hard to care about especially after what he did to Tia but you need to factor in everything that happen in order to understand why everything went to bonkers. And that's why it feels much more grounded when you see Ruve from the 2nd timeline come to terms with feelings for Tia and him awkwardly convey them. In the most recent chapter of the manhwa when Allen's father provokes him with saying how amazing Tia is with being a squire and at the same time hosting social gatherings and you'd expect him to annoyed like in the previous chapters. Rather than being annoyed he was more worried about her saying to Duke Arkint to not let Tia strain herself as she was prone to getting sick easily.
  9. ILoveU3000

    ILoveU3000 Member

    Oct 31, 2019
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    And although I'm happy that Tia and Ruve get an happy ending in the 2nd timeline, I'm still a bit sad about 1st timeline Ruve died alone. Which gave me an idea, someone had previously posted about how rather than just Tia going back in time so does Ruve. And I raise you this how about a role reverse where Ruve is the one to go back in time. Can you imagine Ruve going back time and attempting to prevent the tragedy that happens in the future.
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  10. Eodez

    Eodez Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2019
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  11. Aguni_Erina

    Aguni_Erina Well-Known Member

    Apr 21, 2017
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    Last edited: Nov 5, 2019
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  12. Rifaman

    Rifaman Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2017
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    I know this is not a popular opinion and i really like this series, i really do. But after i get the spoiler. I must say Ruve deserve die alone and the fact that Tia ended up with Ruve again is really disgust me.

    And again this is my personal opinion and i just want to express it even though nobody agreed with me. Peace.
  13. lucefer

    lucefer Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2019
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    oh yah! thanks you so much! :aww::aww: Carsein is my favorite so I'm kinda curious why he was injured. The ambush is by Duke Jenna right? Oh I also wonder have Carsein ever confessed his feeling to Tia? It's kinda hurt to see him being rejected since he's such a nice guy.
  14. jjong44

    jjong44 New Member

    Nov 3, 2019
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    hi...i cant get access to wanderring willow...they said its already closed...
    can you send me the google doc...i really want to read please..i beg you...
  15. Rukkii_

    Rukkii_ Active Member

    Apr 9, 2019
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    I remember looking up the spoilers for AE when the webtoon was in its early stages and I dropped the webtoon for a while after hearing about the ending.
    However,now,after reading all these spoilers, my opinion has drastically changed. I think EA is a great reverse-harem story where most of the love interests are actually given the opportunity to be fleshed out and develop over time. The MC herself isn’t as mary-suish as she could’ve easily been.
    I’m glad I stuck around and I’m really thankful for everyone who filled this forum with spoilers.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2019
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  16. ILoveU3000

    ILoveU3000 Member

    Oct 31, 2019
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    Does anyone know how exactly does 1st timeline Ruve find out Tia loved him? Does he find out after he executed her?
  17. ATrueStory

    ATrueStory Villainesses, Historical Shit, Noble Circuses

    Feb 6, 2019
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    It's after. I believe it was in one of the side stories in Ruve's POV.
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  18. Eodez

    Eodez Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2019
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    @lucefer Yes! The ambush was planned by Duke Jenna. Carsein kind of confessed, but not in a straightforward way like Allen.

    After the 2nd ambush and Tia's near experience death, her confession to Ruve and their engagement, Tia goes to see Carsein who was also wounded in the attack. Tia is very distressed that Carsein got hurt once again while protecting her. He says that she doesn't need to worry, and that it's not her fault but the fault of the people who were always targetting her. His back hurt a but but otherwise he's fine. This is Tia's first time being in Carsein's room. It's a spacious room, with little furniture, but with lots of swords hanging on the wall. They all have a meaning. There even is the sword Carsein held when he defended Tia in the first ambush. Carsein asks Tia to make him tea, as it's been a long time. Sitting and drinking tea together, they think about their childhood. As they recall their childhood memories, it's a very bittersweet moment. Their childhood is gone.

    Carseins says "It's good to talk about the old days. I miss you. I would like to go back to that time. Tia?"


    "Our promise to meet, just the two of us. I don't think I can keep it anymore."

    "Huh? Why? Are you angry?" Tia asks carefully.

    But instead of anwering, Carsein looks out the window and tells her : "About my mother. There was someone she loved. It was an engagement that was arranged by Emperor Mirkan, but my mother fell in love at first sight with her fiance (it was Keirean, Tia's Dad). Then one day, he asked the emperor for the breaking of his engagement because he had found a woman he loved (Jeremiah, Tia's mum). In exchange for this, he swore the Monique's oath and vowed to give his life to the crown."

    (Tia's Dad was reluctant to swear the Monique oath, which was a humiliating process aimed at putting the Monique heir under the thumb of the crown, but he did it to break his engagement with the emperor's sister and be allowed to marry Jeremiah - the woman the emperor Mirkan also loved. That is why Keirean was called the 'Romanticist of the century'.)

    Carsein carries on "Your father chose a woman with no riches nor station, and my mother's pride was deeply hurt. She even considered abandonning her title and going to the temple. But my father reached out to her and proposed to her. She didn't love him, but accepted his proposal because he was comfortable and fun to be around. And slowly, although it never became a passionate love, she came to love my father."

    --> I didn't know what to say. Why is Carsein suddenly telling me this?"

    "I wanted to live like that too. I wanted to love as hot as my father did and to be loved as calmly as my mother loved my father... You know Tia... Do you remember that field back then? The one we walked through on your estate three years ago."

    "Yes, of course."

    --> I spent an unforgettable time with Carsein back then. The golden fields were swept under the shimmering autumn sunshine, and the hair of the boy that was flying in the wind was burning like a flame. How can we forget about the scenery that was so peaceful and beautiful?

    "Actually, I was going to ask you to go there together. I had something to say. But... It's no longer necessary. So it's okay. You don't have to worry." Carsein says in a somehow bitter voice.

    Seeing how Tia looks at him with anxious eyes, Carsein quickly wipes his face and smiles.

    Carsein takes Tia back and they part ways.

    Tia --> Carsein smiled and let me go. I was weak, and he stroked my hair. My heart ached. Sein, what the hell is wrong with you ? I waited, but he only looked at me with sunken eyes and never said anything. He looked different today. When I sighed and turned my back I heard in a low voice : "Good night, Tia." My heart sank down and only then did I realise. He was saying goodbye to me. Everything he said fell into place : the old stories suddenly brought out, the golden cufflinks of his family he was wearing instead of his usual ruby rose ones, and he saying we didn't have to go to the fields anymore. It all meant that. Carsein had told me what he had kept from me for so long and was saying goodbye to me. Sometimes he acted like a close friends, some other times like a friendly brother, but sometimes his attitude to me was too intimate to be that of a friend or a brother. It was my mistake to think he had never longed for more. I always thought he acted in an excessive way because he didn't have any other friend but me. I knew his eyes were on me. I had the urge to look back for a moment, but I bit my lips and held on. If I looked back now, I wouldn't do him any favour. All I could do now was accept his farewell. I had no other choice left. I took the frozen bridge and climbed in the carriage. As I sat down, I remembered a lot of time we spent together. Our first meeting. Our sword lessons. How we learnt and cried and laughed. The day we fought back against the assassins... and the golden fields, which remained the most intense memory in my mind. Soon the carriage took off, and through my blurry eyes I saw a young man standing lonely as it was three years ago through the curtain. A corner of my heart hurt and I whispered : "Goodbye Sein".
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2019
  19. Eodez

    Eodez Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2019
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    1st Ruve has always loved Tia. This is explained in a side story in volume 6. But we can see in the early chapters of the novel (chapters 28-30) that 1st Ruve is not happy at all with Jieun after Tia's death. 1st Ruve doesn't love Jieun (although he tried hard to love her, because she was warm to him and said she loved him), and she doesn't really love him either. 1st Ruve "accepts" his feelings for Tia after he finds out that she cared a lot about him, like monitoring his favourite food, observing him non stop, and that she really wanted to help Jieun to become a good Empress (she had written on all official documents meant for Jieun simple intructions for Jieun to follow). That's when he allows himself to calle her by her name for the first time : Aristia.
  20. ILoveU3000

    ILoveU3000 Member

    Oct 31, 2019
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    Thank you! This really cleared up alot of things I was still confused about.:blobpats:
    Eodez likes this.
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