Spoiler The Abandoned Empress

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Regalia1896, Jul 28, 2017.

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  1. lan2001h

    lan2001h Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2019
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    Didn't you read the spoilers before :hmm:?
    Have you just jumped to the last site of this spoilers and raised you opinion :blobpats:??
    Don't get me wrong I also was on the Allen ship but after reading all the spoilers I realized that if Tia had stand by his side she would become a broken pet puppet by him with no freedom and just on the surface they had become the perfect couple for the public eye.
    It really broke my heart :cry: and I'm still not over it but I'm accepting it. :blobpopcorn_two:

    Because this story runs so deep with all this plots and twist. It's an really thrilling drama.

    @Eodez Thank you for all this spoiler
    You really make my day!
    flamingorangesoof, yueppic and Eodez like this.
  2. theilikepie

    theilikepie Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2017
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    Korean fans speculated that carsein end up with jieun in the other country since his kid has black hair and eyes. Which kinda makes sense since the mother isn't really seen since you know shes officially dead in the public eye...

    Also, an analysis copypasted from /a/ that really made sense

    "The deity was right. Korean Girl is the Chosen One and Savior, but doesn't mean that Tia wasn't the Chosen Empress. It's that people interpreted that the Savior who would help the Emperor to cleanse the world = Empress because she's a girl. They are fated in a different way. This was purposefully sowed by the Duke who destroyed the three to win.

    The previous interaction was all wrong. That's why the deity returns the Korean Girl to the past (literally poor girl doesn't get to be with her family and just remembers her baby die by that piece of shit before returning to where she met the Prince). She first pretended to "compete" for him but she doesn't want him, that was to make the Duke accept her in his ranks to spy and fuck them up - she's king of a Wei-Young if you're familiar with those character moved by revenge. She has always liked Tia and honestly wanted to be her friend and after she got confronted she confessed she was first selfishly angry she died because she didn't know what to do as Empress but then realized she couldn't blame a victim and was selfish, but she even saves her life when the Duke tries to poison her. Like I say, she never had a love for the Prince, she was just a scared teenager who lost her world and her family was persuaded by the Duke that if she didn't become the Prince's lover she'll starve in the streets. She's stronger mentally now to turn around this and face the Duke and destroy his corrupted faction. She's the Savior/Chosen one because she destroys the antagonists with the Emperor. She fulfills her fate unlike the first time.

    Tia wasn't made Empress the first time, just Queen, remember? Now she's Empress and helps to rule and administrate the Empire wisely. Both were important just had a different role. "

    This novel is way more complex then it seems. It takes all these tropes we think are gonna happen and turns them on there head. Nothing in this novel happens the way you expect it to but it ends in a way that leaves you satisfied. We might not like how it ended and that's okay. But it ended in a way that made the most sense
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2020
  3. Shiyurarara

    Shiyurarara Active Member

    Feb 5, 2020
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    I don't read the novel, but I''ve seen lots of spoilers about him. So to answer your question, yes, he does have a bad plan. He is obsessed with Tia like, super obsessed. He wants her all to himself and I heard he will kidnap her. I'm not sure about this though.
  4. Shiyurarara

    Shiyurarara Active Member

    Feb 5, 2020
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    Not gonna lie, I was like you before. I thought Allen was more suitable for Tia until the plot twist which reveals he is super obsessed with her.
  5. booho

    booho Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2020
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    allendis is super scary i prefer the red hair carsein ahahhaahh
    but still i'm #teamruve LOL
  6. Shiyurarara

    Shiyurarara Active Member

    Feb 5, 2020
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    I didn't read all of the disscussions, but I was sad about not seeing people talk about Carsein (the red haired boy) :'] I mean, there are some comments but just a few of it.

    I hope I'm not the only one who ships Tia with Carsein. Like, he is so cheerful and funny. He doesn't make her feel awkward and I think she can be more like herself around him. It's really cute to be honest. And they're both knights too

    I used to hate Ruve a lot but not anymore. I still don't like him though, it's just that I can't forget what the 1st timeline him did to Tia so it affected my view of the new him.

    For Allendis, at first I thought he was better than Carsein and Ruve until it was revealed that he is obsessed with Tia to the point where he can almost be seen as a 'bad guy'. I'm just gonna get straight to the point, I don't like him. If he ends up with Tia, he might not 'let her go' anymore. What I mean by that, since he is a yandere , he might lock her up in a house so she will belong all to himself.

    Maybe it's just my preference of male lead, but I always like characters like Carsein. The cheerful guy that's always friendly with the MC and always make us laugh.
  7. Shiyurarara

    Shiyurarara Active Member

    Feb 5, 2020
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    Omg same ahahah though I'm not team Ruve :blobjoy:
  8. Justpassingthrough

    Justpassingthrough Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2018
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    From beginning to end the only one I was really rooting for was Carsein. But he's so nice to her that it was obvious that he wouldn't get the girl. Ruve's past and the fact that his behavior was pretty much the same in the second life in the beginning made me hate him. If Allendis was a little less obsessed he would have been the best choice. Carsein isn't a match for Tia intellectually. But out of the three, I still feel that he's the best.
    NSheraM and Creolenerd like this.
  9. Lazil

    Lazil Active Member

    Mar 4, 2019
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    There is a lot of discussion on this novel which drawn me to it. But I cannot find where to read it.

    Can anyone please provide the link? Is it only a comic?

    Thanks a lot in advance ☺️
  10. OtomeAddict

    OtomeAddict Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2019
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    You guys aren’t the only members of team Carsein. Honestly of all the guys he is the most well-adjusted and he is really the only one who treats her like a normal human being. And yeah... Him being that nice was kind of a red flag that he wasn’t going to be ML. I sure do hope that he gets himself a lovely lady love that’s even better than MC... TwT
    I actually kind of dropped the manhwa a while back because I was salty about the end game spoilers. I am still mulling over whether to continue because I try to buy most of these webtoons from Tappytoon. Has anyone been actively keeping up? Is it worth it?
  11. Eodez

    Eodez Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2019
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    Gradis has red hair like his father. He's a mini Carsein.

    Jieun being his mother is a fake. This is just a fan ship (that makes no sense). Jieun is the only person with black hair (she has white hair at the end of the novel) so everyone would know who would be the mother of a black haired child born after Jieun's official death.

    Jieun's death was voted by the Parliament. Ruve went against their decision in secret to save her for Tia's sake. But he warned Tia : If Jieun were to be found alive, it would be the end of them both. Ruve would be overthrown. Hence his preference for her dying.

    If this is not enough, there is nothing in the novel or the side story that could lead to such a relationship between Carsein and Jieun. And also, there is no way Gradis would be admitted as the princess playmate if he wasn't of impeccable birth. His mother is most likely a lady of the Empire.

    As for Carsein being the best of the three for Tia, I have to disagree. Sure, I really like Carsein (who wouldn't?). He's funny, genuine and he's a loyal friend to the end. He doesn't push himself on Tia (brownie points for him) and saves her several times from bad falls and during attacks, risking his own life to protect her. In the manhwa he almost loses his eyes for her. So hail to Carsein!

    BUT... Carsein gets on Tia's nerves on many occasions. He's too rough for Tia to ever open up to him about her feelings. Each time he witnesses her being vulnerable and starts to see something deep about her, he makes fun of her, ruffles her hair or hits her forehead. Which is funny for us readers, but is unhealthy for a sensitive person in the long term. And we can see in the novel that everytime Tia is struggling and suffering, going to Carsein is never an option. Carsein is a person that deals with things through acting and fighting. Tia can learn a lot from his attitude. But she cannot feel "understood".

    The "knight oath" is what Yuna used to show to the readers whom from her three male characters was the most suited for Tia.

    Allen lied to Tia when he swore the knight oath. His intention when making this false pledge was to use her as a step stone to become Duke. Even if he sincerely fell for Tia years later and turned his fake oath into a real one, still his twisted intentions when he swore his oath show he wasn't touched by Tia's sincere longing for a true love's oath (Allen's mind sickness makes him unable to feel other's emotions). Instead he cunningly found a way to take advantage of it. Which I find, in one word, despicable.

    Years later, Tia witnesses another knight oath of love when Kaysian proposes to Freincia in front of everybody. Again, she's longing for what she could never have. Carsein had all our hearts throbbing when he took Tia's hand and mimicked his brother's oath... To ruin everything by making fun of Tia. Saying he knows how great he is but she needn't look so moved (his narcissist tendencies are also a problem if you ask me). Yes, it's fun for the readers. But if you've ever experienced such a thing, it's also embarrassing and hurtful to be taken for a fool, even in jest. And Tia's sincere hope for a love oath is mocked and crushed by Casein's idea of fun.

    Now, Ruveliss has witnessed the scene between Carsein and Tia. And contrary to Carsein he understood that Tia was longing for such an oath and that it was important to her. That's why, even after she confessed to him and they're about to be married, he pledges an eternal oath of love to her. Even kneeling at her feet (which an Emperor should never do) and swearing a blood magical oath engaging his life. This is how seriously he takes this oath. And Tia's desires.

    I understand everyone has their personal preferences and that's completely fair. Yuna created three male characters so that everyone can have their favourite. But sorry, in a spoiler thread (not a discussion one) I have to insist : from a scenaristic point of view, Yuna really managed to highlight that it is Prince Ruveliss who is the best match for Tia.

    Yuna even drilled it by writing several times how similar Ruveliss was to Keirean (everyone's favourite right?) and how in the end he even surpassed Keirean by stealing his title as "The Greatest Romanticist Of The Century". Now this is also important. Tia was also hurt to see how much her father loved his mother, and that she would never be loved like that. She thought her mother was so lucky. So Ruveliss surpassing her father says something really important : it puts things in order (a girl shouldn't stay attached to her father and his love for her mother or for her) and heals Tia's wounds and insecurities forever.

    For those who ask about the manhwa, the raw is currently at chapter 110 and Jieun has arrived. We expect to see her in the next chapter. :blobpopcorn:
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2020
  12. meliantiqua

    meliantiqua Member

    Nov 21, 2019
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    @Eodez I agree with all your points. Tbh, as much as I love Carsein... I've always thought he was more like a brother figure to Aristia. Brother and sister if you will.

    Regarding Allen, I always knew he was a shady mofo. The so called "love" that he has for her is borderline psychotic and it's just plain creepy as hell. Still can't believe that there are still people rooting for him to be with her even though they've already read the spoilers.
    flamingorangesoof and Eodez like this.
  13. Shiyurarara

    Shiyurarara Active Member

    Feb 5, 2020
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    Oh yeah the nice guy always gets rejected, while the ML that's kinda a jerk ends up with the MC:blobconfounded: Not always the case though, don't get me wrong I don't mean that every ML is bad but I've seen some which sometimes I wanna punch the MC for choosing that guy lmao
  14. Shiyurarara

    Shiyurarara Active Member

    Feb 5, 2020
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    I'm still going for Carsein though, I can actually agree to all of your points about him but I don't think Tia really cares or gets hurt when he makes fun of her. And she doesn't seem bothered after he patted her head blobmelt_thumbs I'm sorry if I sounded angry but I'm actually not--

    I'm just simply stating that for me, Carsein will be the best for her :')) sometimes, I really want to see the other male leads win :blobjoy:
    NSheraM likes this.
  15. Goldendarkness101

    Goldendarkness101 Member

    Feb 9, 2020
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    All of these is part of a big conspiracy.
    Ruvius loved tia all along. He cared for her and was obsessed with her. He wanted to have that baby with her and didnt mean to hurt her it was just tia was made of stone never showing any emotions so he didnt know what to think plus the fact that he kinda blames her for the death of jeremiah who was the only person who cared for him.
    Jieun was the first person who made him feel loved and wanted. He loved her innoncence and felt that she was the only person with no ulterior motive that she loved him as him instead of his power. He thought tia was only after his sperm to produce the next emporer and hold power for her clan.
    In fact he never killed her father, he was just upset because tia came without the crown that symbolizes being his wife and thought she was leaving him.
    Both him and tia were drug addicts. Tia not as much as him. Duke jenna was at fault he was feeding him poison which is why he often loses his mind and cannot differentiate friend from foe. He tried to stop her execution but due to jieun reminding him of his guilt toward her, he nevertheless allowed his one and only love die.
    After her death jieun never had the happy life as well, she felt rube's distance, she felt all the stares and all the endless comparison between her and tia.
    She loved tia and idolized her but was also manipulated into thinking tia betrayed her and was only fooling her. When she later found out the truth she was so guilty and downtrodden. She said "if only you didn't exist. No if only you didn't try so hard. We three could've been happy forever.
  16. Goldendarkness101

    Goldendarkness101 Member

    Feb 9, 2020
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    After the rebirth tia and rube and ended up together after rub chased after tia countless times.
    He had been hurt by tia multiple times but had kept on with his belief that she is the only one for him.
    At one point during the comics I believe episode 9 where tia was awoken by teardrops that wasnt the current timeline but rather a glimpse of the future.
    Tia almost died at one point, they tried desperately to save her. Sien used his body but wasnt able to fully block it.
    Rube was looking at her almost lifeless body and was begging her to wait for the healer to not leave him and to not close her eyes. He promised to leave her and not force her anymore just as long as she lives. It was at this moment that tia finally realized that he really did love her and that she shouldn't condemn him for her trauma as that was another version of himself that doesn't even exist.
  17. dkvmflsk

    dkvmflsk Member

    Jun 3, 2019
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    I think majority of the fandom are against Ruve and Tia, (include me, slightly lol). There's a quote goes, "the past remains in the past, but don't forget the lesson we learnt." Have Tia learned from it? Yes, Tia learned to be more aware of the people around her and becomes stronger in the future. Yet, how she's still able to cope with the prince now got me puzzled. Treating nice to someone who has abused you? That doesn't fit right.

    Buuuuuuuut! After reading the latest chapters and spoilers, Ruve changed a lot. In fact he never actually shown any sign of hatred towards Tia in the first place? He was badly poisoned! Zena is the evil behind all the mess ever since she poisoned both Tia and Ruve, right? Ruve never had the intention to execute Tia, but she was executed eventually upon the votes of Zena and others. But not Ruve.

    So.. I think Ruve isn't exactly that bad. He proves his love to Tia as much as he could now. Seeing these two being lovey-dovey in the novel soon, it does makes my heart lighter. :cry:
    Akiyuki_chan, rose93 and Eodez like this.
  18. Aballia

    Aballia Active Member

    Jan 13, 2019
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    Actually, you should read it. The art is amazing, and the ML emperor really does change for her. Plus the story is not cringy or contains any typical cliche scenes of mc becoming arrogant and fearless in her second life. But this is based off of the manga. And yeah I kind of saw that coming since it is like a unwritten law that mc must end up with the quiet handsome and cold ml who has the most power. And yes it really is disappointing that she ends up with the one who abused her. Changing himsef does not mean he can change what he had done in the past(in her past life). True she can't blame him for something he technically never did but that does not mean she should just forgive and forget the mistakes of her past. Anyway don't let me tell you about it, read it and see for yourself.
    rose93 likes this.
  19. booho

    booho Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2020
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    Somehow, in any triangle romance story there always be 2 opposite character like carsein and ruve
    but usually the cheerful, funny one always be single until the end LOL
    from the start the author already give us the sign, when ruve read tia's letter for alendis .( which reveal her past life ) ..... Tia will still together with Ruve until the end

    to those who are disappointed and ask why Tia should be a an empress instead of a knight ? somehow people forget, in the 2nd life, tia wants to be a Knight not because she "loved" it or she really want to, she became a knight cuz she want to escape from her destiny as a wife who be killed by his own husband. ( maybe if being a priest will be a way out, she will be a priestess ) until her last moment she still wish for ruve's love

    in her bottom of heart she want to be empress and being loved by ruve, that's is her wish. and she got a 2nd chance and manage to make her wish happen
    she change her fate from an abandoned empress to a beloved empress
    when she imagine at first to do "knight's oath" for ruve and become his knight, at the end it's ruve who do an "oath" for her

    their tragic destiny in 1st life was start from misunderstanding, both ruve and tia didn't honest each other and rarely talk to each other, they keep distance and only look each other from far away.

    in 2nd life when tia become knight, she'# not like a princess in the box like her past. she got a chance to stay beside ruve closer, can see another side of him, get to working each other and understand him better ( tia learn about ruve's loneliness and his burden better )
    same with ruve, he also can see tia in another perspective ( not like a princess "doll" who lifeless like her 1st life, beside tia always push him away, and that's makes ruve more curious and attracted to her )

    i think the author want to show us, that tia-ruve can't change their ending FATE as a couple, they can't ran away for it. but they get a chance to create a better ending as a couple when u understand each other
    the author want to deliver that's "moral story"

    ( it's similiar with kdrama story about husband and wife who always fight and regret their marriage, they back to the past and try to avoid each other but slowly they learn from their mistake and still end up together but their new marriage life is so much better than before )
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2020
  20. SaryGM

    SaryGM Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2019
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    Does anyone know in which book they talk about what happened after Tia's death (POV Ruvelis), and speaking of books which book did they like best?
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