Spoiler The Abandoned Empress

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Regalia1896, Jul 28, 2017.

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  1. WinnieS

    WinnieS Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2020
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    People excused the past Ruve’s treatment to Tia due to the poison, but his treatment to Jieun is not related to the poison. So I can wholeheartedly say that he is indeed an a*shole. I even doubt the poison has anything to with his a*sholness to Tia. That is who he is, poison or otherwise. No wonder Jieun choose to return the second time for revenge. But it’s still wrong for her to involved Tia in her revenge schemes.
    Rheamelody, shelldon and rosie.rose like this.
  2. Eodez

    Eodez Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2019
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    Ruve's treatment of Jieun is related to the poison yes. Ruve is heavily poisoned at this point. And you can clearly see that when he slaps Jieun it's because he doesn't have a hold on his temper anymore due to the poison who emphasises his anger.

    No one as far as I know ever excused Ruve's treatment of Tia and Jieun because of the poison. It's Yuna who explains Ruve's actions are due to him being poisoned. Some people, like me, therefore see Ruve as another victim. A victim doesn't have to be a saint to be pitied.
  3. shelldon

    shelldon Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2018
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    In other server it says, break for a certain period to organize the contents of comics.
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  4. Mis Occ

    Mis Occ Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    No one excused that trash prince's behavior which is good but to see him as a victim? He may have been fed lies and pOiSon him but all of his actions are his own. He got his karma for going too far and then worse, having the audacity to realize the love for the MC after he finally suffered as well? What bullsh*t, an asspull move to gain sympathy for a generic character.

    Using drugs to reason his behavior but f*cking failed to address the PTSD of the MC is pathetic.
    Just like what @Xylade said, cognitive dissonance.
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2020
  5. Eodez

    Eodez Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2019
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    You may identify too much with Tia's sufferings to be able to relate to Ruve's sufferings. But yes, some people can empathise with both characters. Some even empathise with Allen. At the end of the day, we all project our own story on the characters, and the fact that some people are unable to find a single redeeming trait in Ruve speak more about them and their wounds, than about Ruve as a fictionnal character.

    But the spoiler thread is not the place to speak about this.
    SolNiger, aether.kye, booho and 5 others like this.
  6. WinnieS

    WinnieS Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2020
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    If he was poisoned, which hindered his sane judgement, why then he was able to recognized his wrong doing on Tia? So when the person is not there anymore, he’s no longer angry, so he finally able to have a rationalized mind? (Don’t get me wrong, this is a genuine question, not sarcasm. I’m trying to understand his behaviors) if I understand correctly, he was fed poison which amplified his anger, and duke Jenna was feeding him all these negative thought about Tia/Monique, so that led to him resenting her/family to death, so he humiliated and killed her. So who’s feeding the negative thought about Jieun that drives his anger to her? He came into the hatred himself this time? Am I correct to assumed that no one told him to do specific actions but himself? Someone provided the fuels, but it was him who made the choice?
    rosie.rose and shelldon like this.
  7. Mis Occ

    Mis Occ Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    Yes because its totally okay to side with AbUserS, its speaks more about their indifference because it's easier for them to say that as they haven't experienced that in real life. Also, we may project ourselves on the characters that may be true but it doesn't mean we can easily determine what's wrong without guidance, look at our MC who doesn't even have a close girl friend, she went again for the trash prince in the end. And that is tragic.
    rosie.rose likes this.
  8. Mis Occ

    Mis Occ Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    Really now? We may not be able to sympathize with a rotten character but his personality already speaks plenty. Tia's mother last request was to protect her daughter but what did he do? You don't need a tragic past to be an assh*le.
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2020
    wrongmind69 likes this.
  9. ATrueStory

    ATrueStory Villainesses, Historical Shit, Noble Circuses

    Feb 6, 2019
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    @Eodez, WELCOME BACK! We missed you. Don't worry, you haven't missed anything vital. It's still the same AE thread from months ago. This thread is always on fire! Don't mind the newbies, we have been there before!

    IIRC His recognition came too late. This happened on the side story on Ruve's POV where everything has gone to shit. So maybe it was two or three years after. I don't know what you consider as a rationalized mind because I think that is a loaded term
    Yes, he was being poisoned by Duke Jenna, coz the latter was his father figure. Duke Jenna may have also been his advisor since the previous emperor was a shit father and his immediate family resents him due to his birth. The Duke thought he's a good pawn to use. And convenient since he's the one slated to be the next ruler.
    No, he already resented Tia when he was younger. Tia's mother was a mother figure to him and he was jealous of her because she got this family that he wants for himself.

    The side story and the POV didn't mention any names, just his POV about how he is regretting stuff.
    Also, it didnt didn't specify the things you want to know so I guess you can assume from there.
  10. salaza189

    salaza189 Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2020
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    For people who still argue that Ruve is too boring for Tia to choose him, @Eodez has made a very detailed post to explain why:

    Basically, even though there are three men chased after Tia, only one shows enough sincerity for her.
    Allen already lied to her, and Tia knew this. In her heart, she couldn't let him in more than now.
    Carsein...basically shot himself in the leg...Thus, Tia never told him anything to personal, even her past.
    Ruve, so far, is the one who has the least contact with her, simply because she's scared of him and want to see him as little as possible. Yet, even in those little contacts, he could open her heart more. The contacts will become more and more in the manhwa, and you could see more of him.
  11. Clars

    Clars Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2019
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    I agree with eodez that he was a victim too...like yeah he did bad things ....but let's review..he was brainwashed heavily by that jenna , poisioned literally made into a puppet for the noble faction....guys i know it's hard....but the least we could see is that He is not like those entitle MLs who do shit because they were labeled immature..(like those CEO- tropes ones.....you know the most general ones i say...i know there are great MLs in Ceo-tropes too..and i don't refer to them...) ...and last thing is we need to know it is not defending him...it is simply justifying like giving an explanation for his action ...be understanding a bit.....^^
    Akiyuki_chan, WinnieS and Eodez like this.
  12. ATrueStory

    ATrueStory Villainesses, Historical Shit, Noble Circuses

    Feb 6, 2019
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    Cmon, Clars, You speak sense too much. Don't be like that. You're ruining other people's scope of belief. They don't really need to understand. As long as they can hate, it's fine.
  13. Clars

    Clars Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2019
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    hey , hey ,hey,dude:blobowoevil_horns::blobowoevil_horns:...... seriously ..... i think i am still gonna speak it...cause if i think we have been judging Ruve from tia's pov too much.....we need to see it from a third person's perspective too..... and cmon, speaking sense is not always bad
    Eodez likes this.
  14. Eodez

    Eodez Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2019
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    Not playing 1stRuve's advocate here, just explaing how the poison seems to work from my point of view.

    The poison doesn't hinder Ruve's judgement and mental faculties. It was designed to rile up his paranoïa and anger (depriving someone of sleep is recognised as torture and the resulting lesions on the brain are scientifically proven), so that Duke Jenna can make Ruve pass for a tyran and deposit him. Due to Ruve being rejected by the Emperor and his mother because of his low blood (or so he thinks), Tia's expressionless face and cold attitude towards him works like a trigger. Ruve sincerely thinks Tia is disgusted by him and only agreed to marry him to use and manipulate him into getting what her faction wants.

    We can see everytime Tia's cold unfeeling mask slips, Ruve is able to regain some of his mind and his anger goes down, so it's really the sight of an unfeeling cold woman who triggers Ruve's crises. Once Tia is not around anymore to act like a trigger to Ruve's deepest wound, Ruve can manage to have a better hold of his temper. Tia lashing out at Jieun and stabbing Ruve is also due to the poison. Knowing Tia and how gentle and forgiving she is, we realise she wouldn't have done those things without the poison either. The poison seems to work has a drug that depossessed the poisoned being of his control over his/her unconscious, and it's the ruthless, untamed part of the psyche that briefly takes over. The anger, resentment and jealousy were Ruve's but the physical and mental violences weren't. As Tia said herself, Ruve wasn't treating her badly and wasn't hostile towards her before he was poisoned. So we know Ruve's bad actions towards Tia are due to the poison. (At least that's what Yuna wanted to convey.)

    And as for Jieun, Ruve is never as angry against her as he is against Tia, because Jieun doesn't "trigger" his wound. She's passionate and expressive and that's what saves them both. Ruve manages to hold his anger in a lot better around Jieun, even when Jieun disappoints him and distresses him, and even when she provokes him. Only when she's cruel to him does he lose control and slaps her (after warning her several times to stop). Jieun and Ruve are very ill-matched. Poison or not.
  15. shelldon

    shelldon Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2018
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    Thanks eodez for the spoiler, you and boohoo were my saviour.
    I have question, if i remember correctly the comics say jieun delay the marriage consumation because she consider tia as a friend. but the spoiler said she delay the consumation because she did not love ruve yet and just wanted to marry to save herself. Then after that jieun met tia.

    So in novel there was no such thing that jieun considers tia feelings? Am i correct?
    booho and Eodez like this.
  16. Eodez

    Eodez Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2019
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    Aaaw THANK YOU!! It's nice to see familiar faces around! :blobReach:

    Yeah... this thread is still the same, lol. :blobhero:
    Akiyuki_chan, salaza189 and Clars like this.
  17. Eodez

    Eodez Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2019
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    My pleasure. ^^
    Yes. In the manhwa Jieun not only didn't postpone her sleeping with Ruve out of concern for Tia's feelings (Jieun married Ruve without knowing Tia's existence, both in the manhwa and in the novel), but even went to Tia to announce her that she was going to be Ruve's wife (so sleep with him) in spite of Tia's feelings.
    Akiyuki_chan and rock.doll like this.
  18. Eodez

    Eodez Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2019
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    Why wasting your time on a story and characters you don't seem to like very much, and on a thread where you won't obviously find many people who agree with you? Why not moving on to a different story? Or a thread where you can discuss with people who share your feelings and views?
    Sorry, I'm not trying to hurt you or mock you, those are genuine questions. :blobneutral:
    Akiyuki_chan likes this.
  19. shelldon

    shelldon Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2018
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    One more, sorry because povs were scattered and comics changed a little. When tia died evrything starts to crumble but what i see jiuen and ruve relationship had a rough by 3 to 4 year. The 3rd year had magnified evrythibg. So that means that first 2 years they were still a lovey dovey?
    Is it true that ruve somehow crying on tia bedside or this is just a fake story?

    Does jieun had known that tia loves ruve, in the comics tia never told that she loves ruve.

    Did tia tried to comfort jieun when she was crying just like in the comics (scene where tia cried in the tree and was seen by jiuen then jieun cried and was seen by ruve). Doe it mention in the original novel?

    Just finish my online exams and my brain were still on the mood to think.
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2020
  20. Eodez

    Eodez Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2019
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    I think Ruve's crying on Tia's bedside is a fake... or a confusion. Ruve does cry on Tia's bedside in second timeline when she's poisoned and he nearly loses her. Maybe fans got confused.

    And no, I don't think Jieun and Ruve were ever lovey-dovey. That was only in Tia's imagination (Tia didn't get to see them a lot in truth). From what Jieun says to Tia after her reincarnation, and from what we can gather from the different POVs, Ruve was never deeply and passionately in love with Jieun like he is with Tia in second timeline. He certainly never flirted and embraced Jieun in every dark corner of the palace, like he will with Tia.
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2020
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