Spoiler The Abandoned Empress

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Regalia1896, Jul 28, 2017.

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  1. Mis Occ

    Mis Occ Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    Disagreed. Many forgave because they only lack proper communication and had consistent arguments all the time. BUT not to those who abuse their partner and that is where our MC is at, she has been abused by the trash prince (disgraced her esp by telling her to lick his shoe, threatening her by killing her dad, raped her, and the indirect cause of her death). HOW WILL YOU EVER FORGIVE SOMEONE LIKE THAT? I just don't want everyone here to casually accept that just because the trash prince was suddenly whitewashed. It's clear that she was still uncomfortable accepting and yet just she went against that. Where is the self-respect? Here we can see the author victim blaming/shaming the MC because she was cold and aloof in the 1st TL. Unfortunately the author seems determined to pair her up with her future rapist and the person who ordered her death, while handwaving how much of a complete ass the ML has been.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2020
  2. Mis Occ

    Mis Occ Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    +1, The author never did provided a catharsis for all the negative emotions the readers read. There was the injustice, but then *poof* gone as if the 1st TL was just a dream but it's not.
    +1, *sshhh* it was the bad bad drugs' fault. we can't fault the trash prince cuz he's just mIsUndEsToOd, every decision he made wasn't his.
    2nd TL Prince is inNoCenT now.
  3. Eodez

    Eodez Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2019
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    Tia just wants to escape the competition, so she doesn't really care for Jieun's tricks. Tia is only concerned about her kingdom's future. She has bigger issues than playing with Jieun. She never loses her spirits because of Jieun. Probably because Ruve only has feelings for her and it's clear that he doesn't even look at Jieun. Tia is the only possible choice for him.

    She's however broken by her poisoning that leaves her barren and unable to marry Ruve even though she has fallen in love again with him and was ready to accept his hand.

    I've just discovered the "ignore" feature. I'm over the moon.:blobparty:
    Zeref_96, otomereader, booho and 3 others like this.
  4. ATrueStory

    ATrueStory Villainesses, Historical Shit, Noble Circuses

    Feb 6, 2019
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    It's AE. It's the NU AE thread. To be honest, I would love to go back to discord but I will have a ton of catching up to do so I don't dare. Thread is till the same. I usually just go here to get my daily salty intake and leave those who just want to rant but some posts are just way too salty and I have some boring time on my hands. But you're more patient than me so I do hope you're sticking around.

    It was a tongue in cheek reply. But you do you.

    Your reasons are fine.

    It’s just of the numerous reasons we already heard before. Not your fault but your side often comes here, rant about things we already heard before and expect to own the place. It is nothing new, really. Personally, I could predict every rant there is in this thread. I already made a Bingo card and maybe I can win every side every time someone new here posts. And while many readers who stuck to this title always extend the time and effort to understand your side’s reason, it been fairly documented enough in this thread that your side has been very dismissive and sometimes, borderline disrespectful of people trying and making an effort here like @Eodez and @LockedPuppet.

    While you think it is your right to share your opinions, most often than not, the post is often so incorrect to the spoilers we already know. Even it is correct, it doesn’t give anyone leave to derail the spoilers for your opinions that’s already been hashed before. Create a discussion thread if you like. We don’t have to subscribe to the same view and some like you even have points. We all know that this title has problems, but you or other people on your side cannot seem to overcome and accept that. Nobody forces you here so I really suggest you rant, move on and find something else to enjoy. Because frankly, whatever your feelings or opinions are, your side is just clogging this thread for sake of ’opinion’ on a title you are not going to enjoy or be interested in.
    I gave up on explaining on people like you on the other side coz you sweep it away somewhere and just double down. And its freaking tiring to see the same damned subject post over and over again when somebody else is trying to read and make sense of things.

    As for fantasy, it’s a genre where the impossible and illogical happen. Nothing complicated about it.

    If I could sticky this to this thread, like the spoilers, I would have done it years ago.

    edited this part for brevity and less emotion.

    But we all know newbies on this thread be like...

    @flamingorangesoof I wish these people would just go over the LCD thread you made.

    It's a fair criticism but for a webtoon, I think you're expecting too much. More or less, this is for light reading or reading entertainment, not like a novel where more nuances and allowances for execution can be made. Even by that, there's no guarantee that you'll like the outcome even if said execution was done well in your opinion. Let's face it, most readers want to change the outcome because they want a feel-good story. Not even a well-executed plot can be spared if you or others think it's not realistic in your perspective. If you want an alternative ending, there's always fanfic.

    Abuse it when you can! I'm pretty sure I'm pretty much blocked by many people in here. Like a badge of honor!
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2020
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  5. rosie.rose

    rosie.rose Member

    Feb 18, 2020
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    Every girl seems to love princes who's a good-looking, rich and powerful man in spite of their bad character. He seems to be gentle to the only woman he loves... how about the other women whom he can't derive benefit from?

    The thing that I don't like him in the second life is because he treated badly princess of Yit with ruthless conspiracy. He was also jealous of Tia's intelligence. Yea, she spoke against Tia behind her back. Don't get me wrong, I don't stand up for her impolite action, but I think she shouldn't have received a mortal tight dress which probably makes her die of suffocation. It's so cruel.

    If someone is in school or your next-door neighbor, they spoke against you behind your back, you think they'll have to put to death. This thought is so disgusting. He's likely to commit murder and injure a girl who has never been harm Tia's body.

    It's so strange that many people still accepts him. He never treats well the other women whom he can't exploit.

    I like Tia except one thing, which she stole Allen's tax policy. What goes around comes around. If she hadn't stolen his idea, she wouldn't have met him and put herself in danger, probably he would get his father's attention by 17 year old, some fan couldn't have offended him and changed their hatred from Ruve to him.

    The author seems to blame on Tia, like it's her fault which led Ruve to be a cruel man. This reminds me of nth room case and burning sun scandal in Korea. The author seems to disregard females. That's what I hate the most in this novel.

    Now I can get over this novel :blobparty: because I know the answer of my question: "Why do many people still accept him?" Because he comes from high social class and is a wealthy prince, kinda sweet. :blobwink:
    river.wyles likes this.
  6. WinnieS

    WinnieS Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2020
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    So her divine powers is making a flower rains? Or is there something else? Can raining flowers helped governed the nation? Or does her divine power has a practical use in improving anything? (Honest question) I have been always bias towards Tia, because personally I feels that she works hard all her life to reach the level that she is, whereas as far as divine power is concerned, that was bestowed without efforts. So it’s really nothing comparable to Tia. To say that she/Jieun is equal to her, for me, she is not. But as you said, in the eyes of the public that holds divine power as something holy, she might be equal to Tia, but not necessarily better. This is my personal opinion, and I don’t mean to open another discussion/dissections of characters to see who’s better between the two. It’s a matter of preference.
  7. Akiyuki_chan

    Akiyuki_chan Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2019
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    Hi @Eodez ! Glad to see you back!

    They really exist. I'm one of them. Even after he hurt me again and again, I still accepted him back every time he wanted to come back. But all is well now ( he's married & I have moved on also forgive him completely). Therefore even though my experiences could not compare to Tia's story at all, I kinda understand why Tia could accept 2nd Ruve even with her PTSD.
    The point is, love is somewhat scary. You can accept anything with love as the basis, and sometimes it's not a bad thing at all.

    In turn, I don't understand why some people are so stuck in Tia's past life. I mean, yes, in real life, many people don't deserve such forgiveness because they're bad and cannot change whatever happens in their life. But this thread is about a fantasy story. Even with anyone relate themselves to the characters in this story (including myself), this is a story about Tia.
    Tia had decided to move on from 1st Ruve, choose to believe in 2nd Ruve, and turns out all the believes are worth it. 2nd Ruve really love her & could give her a life full of happiness she'd ever dreamed of. We can see that she's totally happy with her choices in this life by the end. What's so bad about all that? :blobconfused:

  8. ATrueStory

    ATrueStory Villainesses, Historical Shit, Noble Circuses

    Feb 6, 2019
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    For those interested, I'm doing a AE Bingo card for every new post/rant. Those who spent many times here could contribute the familiar terms they have read via PM and let's see if we can get some amusement out of this. After all, 62 pages and I think we heard every reason under the sky. I already have some words and when finished, I will send the bingo card to those interested.
    bigredqueen and Akiyuki_chan like this.
  9. flamingorangesoof

    flamingorangesoof Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2020
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    Damn, that’d be fun. You’re a genius.
  10. booho

    booho Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2020
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    @Eodez OMG i'm late but Welcome Back !!!!

    ** Btw the manhwa now is hold on Hiatus mode :cry: dunno until when, i hope it won't be too long. They only said want to make the content better

    ahh yes, in manhwa the ending already spoiled in chapter 7 :LOL:, from the color choice, and art drawing between the Character, it's already obvious who will be the end-game :whistle:

    That's why people say love is blind, they will say we're stupid creature until you feel it by yourself :blob_teary:
    Ah, there's a line from Ruve " we hated and feared one another, we've been hurt countlessly, and comfort our pained feeling, but now i can talk about it as cherised memories"

    and some interesting part i found, why i think Ruve is better option than Carsein / Allendis > consideration<
    On the dining table, Ruve and Carsein gives a striking difference when serve the food LOL
    Carsein always choose what food that Tia must eat ( most of it meat, he said knight should eat meat LOL ) even she dislike it cuz she love vegetable ( like mushroom dish etc ),
    but Ruve, he serve all Tia's fav food, let her eat and enjoy the mushroom dish / vegetable first, and after that he will give her a slice meat slowly.He used to said " u should try this" than " u must eat this"

    maybe it's diffrent from each person, but i love his character from small things like this :aww:
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2020
  11. aether.kye

    aether.kye Active Member

    Mar 29, 2020
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    Preach I’ve been holding back too
  12. Eodez

    Eodez Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2019
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    No, as hard as it is for some to understand, we don't like the ML because he's a prince and he's handsome. We love him because he's truly a very interesting and endearing character.

    I think something VERY important escaped you in the story. We are not in a high school, and Princess Ite is not an annoying brat who wants to become the most-handsome-boy-of-the-school's girlfriend. Princess Ite is a political TRAITOR from a country that swore alliegeance to the Castina Empire. As such she is Mirkan and Ruve's vassal. But instead of respecting her liege and his son, she chose to turn against the Empire by colluding with Duke Jenna to become Crown Princess and spy on the Crown Prince. It is very clear that Ite and Jenna were planning to make Ruve a puppet King (the poison also comes from Ite's kingdom, so she might also be in the poisoning plot). The punishment fit for traitors in the Castina Empire is beheading and destitution. Mirkan and Ruve treat Princess Ite very kindly by only annexing her country. She's not even made prisonner - she's free to go home.

    As for the dress (or shoe) incident, Princess Ite stole a present custom-made for Tia. Ruve allowed it. But he never forced the silly girl to wear the dress or the shoes. Ite got what she deserved by wanting to show off her victory over Tia to everyone. She could just have kept the dress, or wore it later after adding more fabric to it. She already belittled Tia in front of everybody for being young and short, she could have said she had a bigger bossom so she needed to amend the dress.
    True, what Ruve did was not nice. And that was not diplomatic either. But considering Ite's treason, I think he was quite restrained in his punishment. Wether he was in the wrong or not (and I believe he was) he paid HEAVILY for this one mistake. Not only does Tia scolded him harshly, but Tia had to bow her head to Ite to apologise in his stead, and when Ruve learns about it he's mortified. He's so ashamed that he writes a letter of apology to Tia that he never even dare to send. So it's a lesson learnt the hard way I'd say.

    Another very important fact : Ruve is NICE to everyone, and not only to Tia. And that's the reason for his father's abuse. It is plainly explained multiple times in the story. Mirkan wants to toughen Ruve, because his son is too soft and sensitive. Mirkan fears Ruve will be eaten alive by the nobles if he doesn't learn to be tough and cruel like Mirkan. Ruve cares a lot about his father. He also cares a lot about his guards and the knights (giving them days off after getting drenched in the rain). He's very protective towards the weak, and is also very nice to animals, as we saw with Luna. It's alright if you hate Ruve... just don't spread inaccurate information. Not after all the effort and time I've put into explaining and translating the story. Sorry, but no.

    Once again, you are misinformed. Ruth and Allen's problem don't stem from Ruth refusing to aknowledge Allen's talents. In fact, Ruth aknowledge Allen's genius so much that he knows Allen will be able to get a title of his own once he works for the Emperor. Ruth was also the third child of his family, and he won his title and fortune through his own talents. He wants Allen to do the same. And so he lets his eldest son get the title - as the tradition of the Empire requires. Ruth also knows that Allen is a sociopath who is unable to have empathy for others. So he thinks Alexis, who is warm and cares for everyone, is a better fit to run the estate.

    Allen's feelings of rejection have no ground. Contrary to what he says, his parents and his brother care for him, and he's the one who despise them and reject them all the time. Allen cannot conceive that love can be generous and shared, and that his parents can love both Alexis and him. Allen's idea of love is exclusive : if you don't love only him, then you don't love him. It is further portrayed with Tia : he is ready to kill Keirean and lock Tia up for the rest of her life because of his conception of exclusive love. Only when he realises that he's been on the verge of killing Tia several times does he chose to go away to protect her life.

    Ruth is only harsh with Allen because Allen refuses to get a title of his own. Allen is greedy and wants the fortune attached to a title (yes, it's plainly written in the novel) so if he can't get the Verita's title and fortune, he'll get the Monique's. Ruth takes Allen away from Tia under Mirkan's order to protect him. She's still Ruve's fiancée and what Allen has planned can be considered as treason. Allen will go all the way into the traitor's path by colliding with Duke Jenna and stealing secret information from his own father. In the manhwa he was even the one who gave the information who led to Tia nearly losing her life, and Carsein his eyes. Normally that would lead to the whole family's being guillotined. Allen never spared a single thought about endanreging his family - which shows how selfish and uncaring he is. Here you have your male lead who is only nice to Tia.

    In the manhwa Ruve is even nicer than in the novel because he's the one who spares Allen's life and his family, by only sending Allen's on a diplomatic mission. Allen choses to commit suicide, and eventually to stay in exile and heal. But I think Ruve was extra fair and nice to Allen, considering the circumstances and the punishment the law allowed Ruve to give to Allen. Here you have the true gentle male lead.

    Enough with this defending of Allen by twisting the facts, I'm sick of it.

    I'm pretty sure Yuna blamed the poison and Mirkan for Ruve turning into a cruel man.

    No. It's because we are empath, and we can empathise with more than one person at a time.:blobokhand:
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2020
  13. Eodez

    Eodez Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2019
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    True, and now that I've found the "ignore" feature, I won't stand for it anymore. If people can't be respectul and intelligent, I don't see why I would make the effort. :blobpensive:
  14. Eodez

    Eodez Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2019
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    Exactly. Jieun's power is rubbish (she says so herself). She can only make flowers bloom and can't heal humans (but people don't know this). This doesn't give her any practical advantage, only some prestige. And prestige can be somehow good to reinforce the power of the crown, especially as the Temple supports Jieun. That can add the power of the Temple to the crown.
    (Of course our Tia is better!:blobupset:) Jieun is however considered fit to be Crown Princess because she meets the criteria. She was trained for years and has the knowledge of her past life, and she also has the power and help of the noble faction to back her up. That makes her able to compete with Tia on an equal foot.
  15. Eodez

    Eodez Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2019
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    Thank youuuuuu!! Great job you did here!! Thank you so much! :cookie:

    Yeah. I only hope they don't change the artist. I want Ina to carry on drawing it. :blobwoah:

    Saaaame!! :aww:

    @Akiyuki_chan Bless you. Couldn't agree more with everything you wrote. :bloblove:
  16. booho

    booho Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2020
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    OMG nooooo it WON"T HAPPEN !!!, i'm crying if they change the artist :cry::cry::cry: don't be like Manhua pleaseee
    aether.kye and flamingorangesoof like this.
  17. Eodez

    Eodez Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2019
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    This hiatus is not normal. We are not at the end of season 3, and there were rumors about Ina taking on another project. So they're just wild guesses on my part. But that doesn't smell good if you ask me. Let's pray. :blobneutral:
  18. teamleobadboysupreme

    teamleobadboysupreme New Member

    Apr 21, 2020
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    Do you guys know if there's a blog or something with the novel translated? Like where can I read the novel?
  19. Eodez

    Eodez Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2019
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    There isn't. You can read the novel in Korean on Google Play / Google books though. With the help of the inbuilt translator.
    rock.doll likes this.
  20. shelldon

    shelldon Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2018
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    I think jieun is better with allen. She, allen, and allen mother has common interest flower. You know 3 of them can make flower business which can make them really rich. Just thinking aloud. :blobthinkingsmirk:
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