Spoiler The Abandoned Empress

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Regalia1896, Jul 28, 2017.

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  1. booho

    booho Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2020
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    Carsein's dad is strict but he still showed LOVE for him. He still can joke and debate with his father like parents and son. But Ruve LOL, Mirkan love him, but never showed his love. Just remember how Ruve got scolded when he ask his sick father to take a rest, his tone higher and cold when speak to his son but can change to loveable when speak to Tia in an instant - LOL - ( mann i will cried as hell if my own father like that )

    This !!! they need to RE-READ, try to read the COMPLETE book ( especially 3-5, of 4-5 LOL ) they sold it on google books, just translate it with google translate / papago. If we already read at least vol 4-5 , we will forgot about ruve 1st life,:blobparty: ( who is he ?? ) and just remembered it again when read the side story in book 6
  2. Emile

    Emile Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2020
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    I just had to comment on this. There's a difference when it's actual violence involved, because when you do accept him even if you're physically hurt repeatedly then that's Stockholm Syndrome. You're experience isn't universal and majority of victims put their abusers and rapists to jail.
  3. Dizzy-Wuzzy

    Dizzy-Wuzzy Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2020
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    Have to point out to not judge quickly that it's a Stockholm Syndrom. I have many friends who had experience of having relationship with abusive boyfriends (some only damaging mentally but some even using fists). My friends didn't accept it, but why some of them still hanging on such toxic relationship? The problem is they have a big empathy and patience. One of my friend have ex who is a cheater and abusive. She accepted him back because she thought he would change. You couldn't say she had stockholm syndrom, she was just being generous and forgiving person. Well in the end she blacklisted her ex from her life cos she had no sympathy on him anymore.

    Some stockholm syndrom cases are more referred with how victim slowly perceived violence acts from stranger/kidnapper as merciful acts to the victim and creating sympathy within the victim's mind.

    So in short, you can't assume/judge psychological cases quickly. There's a lot of factors. Also don't swallow fully my opinion about stockholm stockholm syndrom cases, since I'm not an expert and not studying psychology.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2020
  4. Emile

    Emile Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2020
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    Fair take, there are cases of it tho.
    To put it into another word, then masochists? Lmao.
    Anyways, just like your friend and the other one, they still got the short end of the stick and probably be exposed to more physical abuse and be taken advantage of, moreover at the and of the day people with that kind of character trait deserve better not some toxic person who don't help themselves.
    Your logic doesn't apply for rapists tho.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2020
  5. shelldon

    shelldon Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2018
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    Can you spoil more about carsein.. can u give specific instance in comics or novel that his father and brother were stony with him. I only read comics and i could not see any issues with them, even in the pov spoilers. Thanks.
    Eodez likes this.
  6. AngelRose79

    AngelRose79 Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2020
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    Do u have spoilers about the letters that ruve wrote to Tia when she almost died then sent them to her ? I'm really curious :blobnosebleed::blobpopcorn:
  7. Eodez

    Eodez Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2019
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    Because there aren't any. :blobexpressionless: I sometimes wonder if we're all reading the same novel and manhwa on this thread. :facepalm:
    Arkint is definitely very close to both of his sons, and he is extremely proud of Carsein. He won't stop bragging about how great Carsein is (no wonder Carsein has an ego the size of the Great Canyon) and how his son is a genius, the youngest knight of all time, etc.

    Some people here are twisting facts on purpose to justify their disliking of Ruve. Once again, there's no need for this. You're perfectly entitled to dislike a character. You don't need to justify what you feel, emotions are not rational.
    Just DON'T TWIST FACTS FROM THE NOVEL. This create fake news that spread on the Internet, and you'll end up disappointing or confusing other fans. Please, stop it.

    @AngelRose79 Bohoo posted about them, just scroll up. :blobsmilehappy:
  8. LazuliBean

    LazuliBean Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2020
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    So the artist is going on hiatus?
  9. ATrueStory

    ATrueStory Villainesses, Historical Shit, Noble Circuses

    Feb 6, 2019
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    I give up. I have never heard of a knights' responsibilities being equal to an emperor. I am open to changing my mind but please do send receipts.
    And before anyone gets cute, even the Roman empire didn't have knights and that was fairly long ever since Augustus was declared emperor. And if you think you can find a knight equivalent in Eastern empires and kingdoms...

    War for independence? You're now proposing a civil war. Perhaps you mean sovereignty? Even so, are you high? Do you want those said knights to be declared traitors? They give their oath to the emperor, which is technically is their boss, not the nobility! If you go try to kill your boss, guess what happens?

    Oh Lord. History books could weep just for this answer alone. It's so wrong it hurts...I just can't take this response as serious. Maybe, this is a troll?
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2020
  10. MOMO26

    MOMO26 Have a coffee

    Jan 25, 2020
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    Arkint and Mirkan may be a bit Similar but these two are a lot different.

    They are both fathers and strict to their sons but still showing a lot difference.

    As you can see, Mirkan did love Ruve but did not show it.

    Arkint was strict to his sons but still show his love for his sons.

    They already said the reasons so I'm not gonna say it further
    Ariawolfgar likes this.
  11. AngelRose79

    AngelRose79 Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2020
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    I mean spoilers about the other letters that Ruve wrote to Tia when she was sick, not the letter he wrote about the incident with the princess
  12. wrongmind69

    wrongmind69 Active Member

    Apr 20, 2020
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    Alrighty, dude. I gotta admit you're right about this whole argument getting redundant. Not like you can throw shade at "us" for ranting when "your side" also comes and argues against "us". Not really "our" fault when people like you keep fueling the fire. You keep saying "your side", and honestly I can see how you lump everyone that's made the PTSD argument together, but people like you aren't really making good arguments to debunk what I'm saying if you had to resort to "Y'all I made a Bingo card because y'all say the same sh*t." in an argument. If it's so annoying to you, don't respond. As I've previously stated. Also, I haven't disrespected anyone since I've joined this forum, so that point is automatically invalid. Being ignorant and grouping people into "your side" "my side" isn't really helping you. And if you gave up, why are you still responding?? I'm not arguing for the sake of you joining "our side", I'm arguing because (in my opinion) you haven't even debunked any of my points. You try to find a hole in my arguments but you just end up including these random statements derailing from the point you were trying to debunk. Even with this whole comment you tried to undermine my comment saying "you people" and antagonizing "us". I'm just having fun at this point.

    Your side of the argument doesn't really add up since you obviously ignored the point where I care and talk about this because it's purely for the sake of talking about good and/or bad writing.

    How are "my" opinions incorrect to the spoilers? Or are you talking about someone outside of the argument between us two? My opinions have mostly been about how I THINK that it's bad writing to just suddenly take away the PTSD the author THEM SELF put in. I'm not changing the story. Just giving my opinion on the writing. Like I've stated several times before.

    "As for fantasy, it’s a genre where the impossible and illogical happen. Nothing complicated about it."

    You're right. There is nothing complicated about it, but I literally state why saying 'it's a fantasy' does not make sense with the argument.
    At this point you're not even reading my comment. It's kinda funny. You obviously excluded the part where I go into depth about why saying it's a fantasy is not a good argument against the author suddenly taking away the MC's signs of PTSD (out of nowhere) and you excluded that part out.

    At this point you're just saying sh*t out of your *ss. Sh*t, Shield Hero is a Fantasy, but it executes PTSD pretty f*cking well. What I mean with the previous sentence is NOT "if Shield Hero can do it, so can the Abandoned Empress," it's for the sake of Fantasy and PTSD (or if you want to be more technical, the psychological genre) can be executed well together AND they can also be completely different from each other. You can say that the Psychological part was the main focus for Shield Hero, but the author of "The Abandoned Empress" seem to make the MC's trauma the main focus for a good chunk of the book.

    If the author made the trauma so f*cked up, they'd have better be able to back that with GOOD arse writing, again, in my opinion. But the writing, IN MY OPINION, didn't fall through. The hell you mean lighthearted?? Are we reading the same story?? Bruh, if I raped someone, physically abuse them, killed their dad, and then wrote a book about it, sh*ts gonna be hella lighthearted. I don't care if the MC became a yandere or was killed by the prince again. I just want to see good writing.

    I can't argue with the fact that the politics aspect of the story made me stick around for the most part because, in my opinion, it was pretty friggin' interesting.

    Also, last time I checked, there's no rule stating we can't state our opinions in this spoiler forum. You honestly think that just because it's labeled spoilers, people aren't gonna state their opinions about the story?? What naivety. Plus, as far as I know, this is the only forum that I could find where people even actively talk about this book. Even if it's only because the Webtoon is still ongoing.

    Also, the reason that I rant on here is just to put it out there and then be on my merry way. If someone agrees with it, cool, but if someone doesn't agree with it fine. The only problem was that the reasoning for you not agreeing with it didn't make any sense to me. Which is why I'm still here. I'm not forcing ANYONE to change their opinion. I'm trynna give my take on the whole thing since I replied to you AND defend myself as well. I AM a newbie to this forum, so I haven't read ALL the comments, but the spoilers in this forum are good. I'm not saying this is a bad story. I just think the author could've written certain parts better, but hey, that, again, is an opinion. Not a fact.
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2020
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  13. rosie.rose

    rosie.rose Member

    Feb 18, 2020
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    I've never heard an empire that has the king only. You think the country would exist if it didn't have officials like knights, dukes, marquesses, earls... Everybody has their own responsibilities, why did you have to compare the knights and the king?

    Omg! Are you joking?! Did I say that I was proposing a civil war? Where is it on my previous comment?

    What I did say is: "Citizens' life depends on the policy which was proposed and implemented by the government officials such as dukes, marquises, earls and knights."

    Stop twisting my point. It's so impolite. And you think all of policy are created by the king only, don't you? So where are the government officials? And who will protect the safety of the ordinary people and the king in the empire at all times? Your response is such a troll. I'm so sick of it.

    The novel portrays Arkint as a cold person like Ernia (Carsein's mother), he isn't a funny person like the webtoon.

    Btw, if you surf twitter, you'll realize the author's novel and ina unfollowed each other. I'm not sure but an acquaintance said there was an argument between Ruve's fan and Allen's fan on page kakao because ina changed the storyline which makes Allen less crazy (chap 109), Tia's expression to the nobles and Ji-eun in court was changed a lot. It made fans disappointed. They guess it brought on the hiatus.

    But... I don't care anymore. I'm out! I'm sick and tired of this thread.
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2020
    daisy12 likes this.
  14. shelldon

    shelldon Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2018
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    What tia expression to the court and jieun changed a lot? Is it during chapter 114 to 115? What should be tia expression then? Can u cite more? I'm interested in any deviation from the novel to comics.
  15. rosie.rose

    rosie.rose Member

    Feb 18, 2020
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    She was stronger than the webtoon. At first she was scared of Ji-eun's appearance and the nobles' accusation but she calmly faced her fear in court, yes she was so strong. She didn't run away and wanted to win Ji-eun. The webtoon portrays her as a strange person.
    flamingorangesoof likes this.
  16. shelldon

    shelldon Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2018
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    Ohh she looks tense as she found some info with jeremiah (comics). How was tia expression described in novel upon hearing about her mother, how stronger she was? Maybe u can tell some about this, its a spoiler for me. Unless its a drawing issue.
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2020
  17. SolNiger

    SolNiger Active Member

    Apr 23, 2020
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    Hello, when you say they slept together you mean have s*x or just sleep
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  18. SolNiger

    SolNiger Active Member

    Apr 23, 2020
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    He begins to realize how incompetent Jieun is and compares her to Tia, so he begins to focus his anger on her
    Where did you read the novel?
  19. aether.kye

    aether.kye Active Member

    Mar 29, 2020
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    They just fell asleep
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  20. booho

    booho Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2020
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