Spoiler Death Is The Only Ending For The Villain

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by LockedPuppet, Dec 20, 2019.

  1. adyaa

    adyaa Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    Unfortunately because of his obsession with Penelope and her affection led him to become Yandere( I believe his previous hardships and losing everything also affected his thinking ) . He knows that although Penelope paid attention and and gave him gifts she did not love him like he loved her, and only saved him for a reason. His obsession made him betray Penelope and bring Yvonne back to the Eckart family, because he thought that if the dukes real daughter return, Penelope would lose her status in the Eckart family and she could stay with him.He supposedly also watches many of the interactions between Callisto and Penelope which always hurt him . He wanted to gift Penelope flowers that he picked because she always gifts him things(to gain his favour )but he can't gift her anything so after going to her, he witnesses her and the prince talking happily together and she the prince for giving something to her. He hides behinds a tree and after Penelope sees him he will run off and stays heartbroken in his room for three days. After Penelope comes to see him he cries and ask her why she didn't search for him on the day he ran away and tells her that he will not get swept away by her present again. The flowers he picked were scattered in his room. Penelope tells him that she was sick so she couldn't come find him and that there is nothing between her and the prince .
    and that she was only happy because the prince gifted her an ancient map(she can teleport with the map). But still in the end he could not stand the idea that Penelope could love Callisto and not him. In the end Eclipse dies protecting
    Penelope from the Golden Dragon. I also read from naver blogs people said this was a good ending atleast he don’t have to watch her suffer . The thing also said Penelope could never love him as he was too hardcore and insecure . Especially as a love interests in comparison with the prince . I found the above from translations and Instagram .

    I’ll add for other characters later .
  2. Upsadaisy

    Upsadaisy Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2020
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    I'm afraid this isn't actually a happy scene.
    At this stage his favorability towards her is 76% and she asks whether he likes her?.But Penelope realizes that Callisto actually wanted to be partners not a lovers as emotions is not something he wants. He wants to be the perfect emperor without any weaknesses and he views loving someone as a weakness. But as he enjoys spending time with her and feels comfortable and happy around her, he thinks it's best for the both of them to be together as 'partners' as at least they can have fun.

    Penelope does like him but rejects him as the most important thing to her at this stage, a week before her coming of age ceremony and Yvonne's return, is survival - and she can't compare his favorability with Eclise which is 96% by this stage. However, Callisto gets called away by his aid and he tells her to leave the answer until the coming of age ceremony

    They don't know about the system per say nor about her family in the other world but she did tell Callisto that she wasn't the real Penelope and spoke of her real mother and how she wanted to be an archaeologist because of her.

    I could speculate that it's possible that Vinter also knows of her "other life" because he "touched time" to try and discover a way to defeat Yvonne but saw not only the future but all of Penelope's past lives were she failed to defeat her and died each time. Think of every way Penelope ever imagined she could die and it's likely that she had actually died that way in a past life.

    Penelope was also never kicked out of the duke's family. If anything, they did everything possible to try and keep her there - they did not want her to leave as by this stage they all cared for her. In the end, Penelope ran away after Yvonne tried to brainwash her and she retaliated with magic knocking her temporarily out.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2020
  3. rero00

    rero00 Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2019
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    How did she tried to brainwash her ?
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  4. Upsadaisy

    Upsadaisy Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2020
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    There's honestly a lot of things wrong with Eclise. My main issue with him is he doesn't care about Penelope's opinion and just did what he wanted.
    First things first, Eclise is not just a noble from his kingdom Delman, I believe he is an illegitimate son of the king who was treated the same as the other princes. So Eclise = prince.
    Eclise is aware that Penelope is using him for a purpose throughout this entire story. He doesn't know what she wants from him but knows there's a reason but he also uses her. Everything he wanted, Penelope gave to him, she even got Derick to agree to find a trainer for Eclise to master the sword which is unheard of seeing as he is a slave. He is also very aware of how Penelope has been treated by the Eckart family and staff and planned to kill everyone who ever mistreated/insulted her. He even made a mental list of names... Despite all this he knows that even though Penelope says sweet things to him, her emotions never reached her eyes as she says then - i.e. she's never been sincere.

    Originally he had planned to have Penelope run way with him as he had met other slaves from his former kingdom whilst training with his new master of arms (correct me if I'm wrong at any stage) and was planning a way to escape with them. But Penelope refused as it seemed useless and would run a serious risk of ruining her relationship with Reynold and Derick when they had just started warming to her and there was also no guarantee Eclise would raise beyond 96% before normal mode begins at her coming of age. She instead tells him to focus on what he needs to do which he becoming stronger so he can protect her.

    But instead he decides to push Penelope into a corner by bringing Yvonne back BEFORE Penelope's coming of age ceremony which was when Yvonne was originally meant to return. Yvonne by this stage had already met Eclise when he was training outside the Eckart estate and began brainwashing him and convinced him to take her to the house (Vinter actually refused to help Yvonne when she told him she had regained her memories of who she was so she instead went to Eclise). As mentioned before he had done this because he wanted Penelope to be pushed out of the Eckart estate and to have no one else to rely on but him. Though this did not happen as the duke loved her as his own daughter. Instead Eclise was imprisoned and Penelope had 2 guards assigned to her. Penelope originally thought this was because the duke was scared she would hurt Yvonne but I think it was actually to protect Penelope from Eclise as the duke saw how she reacted to his betrayal and it reminded him of how "OG Penelope" reacted when she was accused of stealing the necklace.

    When Penelope sneaks into the prison to confront him over the betrayal because she can't understand why he who loved her did this to her. He then realizes that she has been fully aware of his feelings this whole time. But Penelope has essentially made him crazy, he wants her so much and every time she pretends to not know what he's feeling it drives him further into insanity. She doesn't love him and he also knows it. Penelope concludes she completely failed at his route and she needs to find a new way to survive the game. She throws the ruby ring into his prison cell as betrayal is death and he is dead to her.

    Once Penelope leaves Yvonne appears and then begins brainwashing him again by assuring him he had no choice but to bring Yvonne back. As Eclise believed he needed to get Penelope out of the house as soon as possible so she could live (he came up with this belief after she arrived home from Callisto's party freezing because she walked home and hysterical in Dericks office as she watched a caged bird... He believed the family had abandoned her and allowed her to walk home without an escort when in reality she fled the party after rejected Callisto and went to the office when she heard the chirps of the bird.. As the bird's feathers are a similar color to her hair it's likely she saw it symbolizing herself trapped in this beautiful cage and this made her hysterical). But as Penelope was so cold to him there was no one he could trust but Yvonne (though he does tell her he will kill her too). But then tells him about a piece he needs to get from Penelope (a shard of a mirror she stole from the cult when she was rescuing the children with Vinter).

    They have one final meeting before she flees the estate which is in a burner room where she was trying to destroy the shard. He had broken out of prison after he heard she had awoken following the poisoning (she drank poison that Yvonne had tried to use on herself at Penelope's coming of age ceremony). She tells him it was him who drove her to try and die and if he wants her forgiveness he should die. She then takes off his collar and releases him as her slave and hands him over to Yvonne who walks in. Yvonne realizes he didn't manage to get the shard from Penelope so she then tries brainwashing him again by telling him that Penelope wants a "high position" and the only way to do this is by conquering the kingdom as he is a prince. So she tells him to go north were the rebels are fighting Callisto.

    Once Penelope escapes, he goes insane as she disappeared without him. So he searches everywhere for her and eventually goes north were he leads the rebels and sees her in the battlefield alongside Callisto. He then tries to kidnap her on a flying monster and warns her if she doesn't stop struggling he will kill Callisto. When Callisto chases after them, she stuns Eclise by smacking him on the head with her wand and jumps down into Callisto's arms. He tries to take her back again but has no choice but to retreat.

    They meet again when Penelope is leaving Vinter's hideout after discovering Yvonne has stolen the shard of the mirror she left with him leaving her with the only remaining piece. He confiscates her possessions with the exception of the rose Vinter left her and locks her up in the Empress' palace. She tells him she doesn't love him but he tells her he doesn't care if she becomes an empty shell and he just wants her. He then gives the last remaining shard to Yvonne so she can complete the ritual.

    During the final battle, he tries to kill Callisto and nearly succeeds until Penelope blasts him with magic to protect Callisto. When the dragon tries to kill Penelope he pushes her out of the way instead. We then learn after the battle that his body was never found but whether he is alive as he wasn't mentioned again in the novel and I haven't read any of the extras.
  5. Upsadaisy

    Upsadaisy Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2020
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    As a rewards for saving the children from the cult with Vinter she was awarded a shard of the mirror the cult had in their possession.Yvonne had dressed up as a maid and tried to search Penelope's for it but by this stage Penelope had already left it with Vinter as the system had been continuously warning her to keep it safe.

    As Yvonne tried to sneak out of the room Penelope realized she had no reflection in the mirror and so they confronted each other honestly.Yvonne remembers all their past lives and how Penelope always died but wonders who this Penelope was before her as she's different. Penelope tells her she just wants to live a quiet life and she's leaving this house so do whatever she wants. Yvonne tells her 'no' because Penelope has messed up everything and the brainwashing is not working properly.

    Yvonne agrees to let her go if she gives her shard is which she doesn't. Yvonne has a comb (Honestly, this is self translated so not sure if this right) that allows her to brainwash people if she has it in her possession, but it didn't work from afar on Penelope. So Yvonne and her start fighting and when she eventually succeeds in sucking Penelope into an illusion of her own world were she finds her dead body decaying. It then flashes to a news story announcing her death from overwork and malnutrition with police suspecting long term family abuse and bullying. Her family who are watching this are furious as news reporters are outside and the company is suffering and it's all her fault.

    As Penelope reacts to this, the system stats alerting her that she is being brainwashed so she begins shouting out magic spells trying to destroy the illusion. She injures Yvonne, but offers her a hand when Yvonne pleads that she's sorry thus causing Penelope to fail the quest. So she is now 18% under Yvonne's control and in order to break free of the curse she needs to find the mirror of truth in the Ancient Layla's tomb.

    The head maid and Emily arrive with the head maid panicking at Yvonne's condition as she's vomiting blood and demands to know where Penelope is going as the Butler and the Duke will hear what she has done. Penelope has grabbed whatever coins she had, the bracelet Derek gave her and the magical map and was rushing to leave. Emily quickly gives Penelope male servant clothes to escape as she proudly declares she's "Penelope's maid."

    Penelope then escapes in disguise through a new hole in the wall Reynold showed her as the doggy hole was filled in.
  6. tiffaniria

    tiffaniria Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2020
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    Thanks so much for the detailed spoiler!!! :aww:
    I would really like to read the novel but the Eng version is far translated to that stage yet.

    I wonder how the duke family interacts with Yvonne in the second life and if they got brainwashed and how they realized that.
    Also, what happens to Vinter towards the end? Does its favourability rise much?

    Thank heaps again to all juicy spoilers!
    Lisaa and MelleUnlikely like this.
  7. X2XO

    X2XO Well-Known Member

    Jun 9, 2018
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    Wow, Emily is a badass!.

    OK, I forgive her :)
  8. Spade_Ladyz

    Spade_Ladyz Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2020
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    Can't help but feel a lil' bit disappointed but well, Callis put the kingdom on top, and it's the right choice as the "perfect emperor". Yet i wonder what happened to the Empress and the second Prince.
    I think that Yvonne's brainwashing is one of the reason turn Eclise into that. Im surprised that he made it to that point. My my, i won't denied how twisted he is because, I waS PrEpARe foR tHiS!
    Thank for the spoiler, it broke mah heart :blobdead:
    Except for Emily, she actually turn out to be loyal to Penny :b
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2020
    Avery Very likes this.
  9. AnastasiaGc

    AnastasiaGc New Member

    Jun 4, 2020
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    Thank youuu for the spoilers :cry:

    Would you give us details of chapter 145 and 146?
    I'm really curious about penelope's answer after the prince ask to go "official with him" :cry::cry: And their sweet interaction :cry:
  10. MianneChan

    MianneChan Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2020
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    Ugh Eclise!!!!!

    This child is such a vulnerable subject to brainwashing. I feel sad but I feel like that brainwashing just intensifies the obsession he has with Penny.

    This is so twisted!!!!
    Th.ay likes this.
  11. Kat Rina

    Kat Rina Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Thank you so much for the spoiler! If possibile, may I ask how and why Penelope confessed her true identity to Callisto? Was it because she now totally trust him? Or because Callisto had some suspect about her not being the OG Penelope? Anyway, I head thought there was a reason Penny knew so much about archeologism, so it was due to her mother. Aww Penny :cry:

    Oh my.... :eek: poor Penny, she really is so unlucky :cry: I am happy to know that Emily is so loyal to her, though, since now I couldn't totally trust her, but reading this I have to admit she really has become a good maid. So, correct me if I am wrong, after she escape, she goes to the north and meets Callisto there?
    MelleUnlikely and ARaine like this.
  12. Upsadaisy

    Upsadaisy Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2020
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    With the exception of Derek to an extent, the duke family weren't brainwashed by her in this lifetime.
    In the case of Reynold, Yvonne tried to brainwash him and turn him against Penelope by giving him a nightmare of witnesses Penelope pushing Yvonne to the ground. She then "accidentally" encountered Penelope in the forest as she was searching for where they imprisoned Eclise. Yvonne trips and as Penelope is trying to help her up, Reynold walks on the scene and thinks the nightmare happened. However, Penelope then asks Yvonne to tell him the truth on whether she wash pushed or that Penelope tried to help her after she trips - which Yvonne does admit. Penelope then comments that things haven't changed between herself and Reynold and he chases her after she leaves trying to apologize. But Penelope doesn't want to accept his apology with the conversation eventually escalating to her telling him that the entire reason she has been mistreated is because of his attitude towards her and tells him if he is sorry then to avoid talking to her for the time being.

    After this there is very little interaction between Reynold and Yvonne, with the exception of when they were interrogating Penelope over the poison and Yvonne offers to let them search her room but I think Reynold tells her to shut up. Afterwards, when Yvonne is exposed to the family by the Duke he thinks she's insane and willingly fights against her.

    The Duke was awkward with Yvonne since she arrived as he didn't know how to interact with her - much like he didn't know how to interact with Penelope. He wanted to keep her return secret as he didn't want to take attention away from Penelope's coming of age ceremony. Even though Penelope begged him several times to call it off or delay the ceremony he refused as I think for him it was the one time he could do this celebration for his daughter and I personally feel he saw it as his way of trying to atone to Penelope (despite ignoring the fact she didn't want it). Before Penelope had went to her room and caught Yvonne there, she had been having tea with the Duke. It's there that she gives him a final warning that if he has tea with Yvonne, so look into his cup. So after Penelope runs away and he decides to visit Yvonne as he had been avoiding her, his conversation with her consisted of him mainly looking into his cup. But by doing this he realized Yvonne had no reflection. So after he allows her to leave the house he secretly has guards follow her. When she returns after attacking Vinter, she is confronted by the Duke at the entrance who exposes to Derek and Reynold that Yvonne has no reflection so demands to know who she is.

    Derek was the easiest for Yvonne to manipulate because of his guilt towards her as it was him who she snuck out to see the festival with as a child before being swept away by the crowd. Because he couldn't protect her, she uses this to try and brainwash Derek. So she gives him a nightmare of seeing her dying of poisoning at Penelope's coming of age ceremony - but this backfired as Penelope drank the poison instead. It's during the interrogation that I think Yvonne realizes the brainwashing isn't working properly as Derek still wants to continue investigating despite Penelope claiming she poisoned herself and the duke telling him to leave it. He only stops because Reynold tells him that if he continues pushing it Penelope may try killing herself again (I think that's what they were saying).

    When the Duke confronted Yvonne the house, Yvonne threw away the pretense of being an innocent girl but again tried to manipulate Derek to protect her which ended up with him being taken hostage and unable to protect his father from her monsters. When Penelope returns to save them, Derek stabs Yvonne as he realizes she's not his sister but he's severely injured by her.

    The empress we have seen alongside the second prince is not Callisto's mother as she died before the story began (the Empresses' palace was also close off when this happened so even the current empress couldn't stay there). It's because of his own mother that Callisto wants to become the perfect emperor much like how Penelope wanted to become an archaeologist because of hers. In the end, the second prince and the empress sided with the rebels and Yvonne so Callisto killed them in the final battle.
    As for Callisto choosing to be the perfect emperor, he didn't. At that time he thought that was what he wanted but in the end he was willing to throw everything away for Penelope. He just didn't realize it until Penelope drank the poison.
    Their conversation actually ended when she told him she didn't want that as his aid called him away but he told her he would wait until her coming of age ceremony for her answer. But after Yvonne came back to the house and before the ceremony, Callisto visited the house because he was dropping off gifts for her birthday (and I think he was worried about her as he discovered Yvonne was back).
    After he seen that Penelope had again lost weight he tries to beg her to come to the palace with him and leave her mistreatment in the Duke's house behind. But Penelope refuses. The conversation returns to the marriage proposal but Penelope rejects it again. Callisto knows they have a crush on one another so he couldn't understand why she was rejecting him. But to Penelope, she hates that she doesn't have his love - because a crush is not love. She has lived in fear of when she will be kicked out of the Eckarts estate so she wants someone who loves her enough to take her away from this hell. As Callisto wants to be the perfect emperor it's better he picks someone who he could enjoy time with and have pleasant conversations but not required to love - so Penelope suggests Yvonne. Callisto needless to say is furious at the suggestion. But Penelope wants love and can't understand why he is so angry if he doesn't love her.
    She then asks him to leave and in future to pretend that he doesn't know her. To not give her gifts or talk to her in public - they're essentially strangers.Callisto then says that he always thought they had the same mind, walking on the same path together and that while he knew she could reject him, this rejection left him feeling dirty. But he'll see at the coming of age ceremony. Penelope tries telling him that as he already have her a present he doesn't need to come but he has already started to walk away.

    Just as a happier note to that depressing spoiler - Yvonne meets him as he left the greenhouse and tries to hold him back by grabbing on to him but he threatens her at knife point to not carelessly touch a member of the royal family if she wants to survive. He only stops because he remembers Penelope is still inside the greenhouse and he knows she doesn't like blood. As he walks away Yvonne is clutching the thing she uses to brainwash people trembling because she realizes that she can't manipulate him AT ALL. His feelings for Penelope are too strong so he appears to be completely immune to Yvonne

  13. MelleUnlikely

    MelleUnlikely Member

    May 30, 2020
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    This series has me on a leash. I can't escape from it, and I don't want to. Thank you to everyone that has posted spoilers.
  14. Upsadaisy

    Upsadaisy Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2020
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    After they kiss they return to the north because Callisto is meant to be fighting the rebels but he left to find Penelope. It's when they teleport back north and the rebels attack that Eclise sees Penelope on the battlefield and calls off their archers and then tries to kidnap her.
    Just as another note as I don't think I said it before, but when she escapes the first kidnapping and Callisto catches her they fall and are basically are covered in mud and at this point Penelope is just so furious at the entire situation and her anger reaches her peak unlocking her full ancient magic powers. She then begins a counterattack that I thinks produces branches or roots that start dragging the monsters and rebels into the ground. Despite this, Eclise still keeps coming for her so she begs him to stop. That she doesn't love him and to leave and try and live a normal life. At this point Callisto cries out to her and Eclise comments that it's all because of him (Callisto). So I think at this point, this is when Eclise decides to kill Callisto. But as his army is losing he has no choice but to retreat.
  15. rero00

    rero00 Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2019
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    So wait what ...... the real Yvonne .... Is not the real Yvonne ?
  16. Upsadaisy

    Upsadaisy Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2020
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    I believe the real Yvonne died when her body was taken over by the evil goddess as a child.
  17. Spade_Ladyz

    Spade_Ladyz Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2020
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    Omfg Callis my bae! Im totally fall for him now! Yah!! Yeah i knew that Callisto's mother has already died, and so were the next empress and the stupid second prince.
    Ya' know, i thought it was weird that Callisto allow himself to risk his own life to protect Penny yet only want her as a partner. And then he turn out to throw everything for Penny, aNd ThAt HiT mE hArD! Can u spoil a bit detail what happened when Pennie rush out after Yvonne vomited blood?

    Thank you SO MUCH for your spoiler.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2021
    manga84, Rosie77, rock.doll and 3 others like this.
  18. FortuneS

    FortuneS Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2019
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    Could you tell me the back story why was penelope drank the poison again?and how does everybody reaction to that?
    tharrinne likes this.