Spoiler Cheating men must die (manhua)

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Kuro_0ni, Sep 18, 2019.

  1. Scarlet Feather

    Scarlet Feather Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2016
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    Yes, her wall posters and books on the floor. I didn't mention it as it didn't seem to be relevant to the story (I skimmed and only looked at the pictures). One of the posters is of Luxia's original form/first cover art. So I figured it was just used as filler instead of having to come up with art to decorate the background.
    Again, this is MTL spoilers, so take it with a grain of salt.
    Basically, he talked about how there were two people who can be so similar (referencing Mother!Luxia and now Wife!Luxia). It looks like Luxia confirms that she is his mother. He says that he isn't sure why she has returned, but is happy that she did. Asks if he'll see her again. Not sure if Luxia responded. Asks if she can pat his head like before (when she was his mother) and Luxia leaves the body as she pats his head and he cries.
    So sad. Poor baby.:blob_teary:
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2020
  2. famine

    famine Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2019
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    Blue haired, you mean. I think he did realize, and more than anything he is happy that Luxia came back. Though if we talk about romantic interest for her...I don't know.
    ishrocks18, Danigurl, nielyti and 4 others like this.
  3. Iloverabbits

    Iloverabbits Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2018
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    LuXia is basically transmigrated to the legitimate daughter of the Su family[LuXia's family in the first arc] as ZiYue. She is LuXia's niece. LuXia can't use her name since its rude to have the same name as the Empress Dowager.
    LuXia basically has to fight with ZiYue's father's illegitimate daughter[MingYue] who did so just because she's jelly of legitimate daughter status.
    Their grandmother favours MingYue as she didn't like ZiYue's late mother.
    MingYue schemed to make other nobles witness ZiYue being together with a trash nobleman so she will be forced to marry him. ZiYue committed suicide out of shame.
    LuXia dressed herself beautifully and invited noblewomen to a gathering. Since ZiYue was seen 'dressing improperly' when together in a room with the trash nobleman, LuXia style her dress in a unique, beautiful way so she can say its fashion. Initially, the noblewomen scorned LuXia but after she taught them how to style themselves, they started to side with her.
    the trash nobleman's family came to Su family to propose a marriage with LuXia, but LuXia rejected since she was dressed appropriately then and there isn't any evidence of her having relationship with the trash nobleman except for the 'improper dressing' incident.
    Since the dad didn't like the trash nobleman's lowly ranked family, he was fine with LuXia's rejection and threw the betrothal gifts out of the door.
    LuXia lured the trash nobleman's mother into spilling out who gave her the idea and she pointed at MingYue. MingYue instantly pleaded to the grandmother, saying she is just trying to let the matter settle as fast as possible to not shame the family. LuXia countered by pleading to the dad, crying out that even if it's unintentional, MingYue did ruin her reputation. MingYue asked for forgiveness by initiating her own punishment of staying in the ancestral hall for three months to pray. with that, if LuXia persisted, others will view her as being petty, so she can only let things go.
    Three days later, MingYue's concubine mother pleaded the dad to let MingYue off but the dad rejected. still, the pleading made him view LuXia in a bad light again as he felt the situation was just a storm in a teacup.
    A battle of wits ensued between LuXia and MingYue. LuXia purposely made one of MingYue's servant underling eavesdrop on her telling her servant it will be best if MingYue feigned sickness so she could send her away. LuXia knows MingYue won't believe the underling since the underling had exposed herself when she lured ZiYue into the room with the trash nobleman.
    MingYue feigned sick and LuXia sent a servant to inform the grandmother. the grandmother went to visit MingYue and send her servant to tell LuXia to stop with the punishment. with that, LuXia went over to the dad, telling him that grandmother wants her to stop the punishment, hinting to him that MingYue could control the dad's decision since she had both the concubine mother and grandmother's backing. Since the dad doesn't want others to threaten his authority in the family, a seed of suspicion of MingYue grew in him. the dad awarded LuXia 'kindness of letting MingYue off' by allowing her to go with him to the temple during Hungry Ghost Festival because she will get a chance to meet the emperor. on the other hand, being suspicious that the grandmother was used to challenge his authority, the dad scolded the concubine and disallow MingYue from going to the temple.
    MingYue countered by putting a mild poison in the grandmother's food so she could use the grandmother's illness as an excuse to pray in the temple as well.
    LuXia didn't mind as she wanted the emperor to meet MingYue to see if he truly know how to see through a bitch from her teaching ten years ago.
    MingYue dressed like the late empress dowager(past LuXia) as she thought doing so will attract the emperor's attention. Instead, the emperor scorned her since her facial features don't suit the style of dressing. Due to past LuXia's influence, he had an eye for dressing etc.
    LuXia set up a trap for MingYue by letting her chance upon her meeting up with a guard(disguised by little guy[system]) LuXia 'accidentally' dropped a penchant that was usually used by guys and let MingYue's underling see her together with a random man.
    MingYue let the emperor know about this but the emperor wasn't impressed by her schemes[he saw through what she was doing]. MIngYue insisted on the emperor following her along to see if she was telling the truth.
    Once LuXia noticed MingYue had arrived with the emperor and all, she kissed little guy. excited, MingYue tried to be like 'surprise motherf*cker'/I caught u' on LuXia but LuXia turn little guy invisible to others. Other than MingYue, no one else saw Little guy, so the emperor was like, wtf are u going on about? MingYue persisted by asking the emperor to search the whole bamboo forest area but of course, found nothing. With no way out, MingYue let her servant underling take the blame.MingYue asked LuXia to give the servant a punishment since she knew LuXia can't dish out any cruel punishment in front of the emperor, but LuXia pushed the responsibility to the dad, aka the dad will totally know MingYue tried to ruin her reputation again.
    The emperor got more and more interested with LuXia as he felt she was similar to the late empress dowager.
    The dad was pissed and punished her by banning her from going out and telling her to copy the book on female virtues.
    MingYue slit her wrist to seek LuXia's forgiveness and so, LuXia 'forgave' her. Little guy asked why isn't LuXia countering n she told him it was fun to see schemers like MingYue crash and burn on their own.
    LuXia was invited to a flower gazing party in the palace by the emperor(such parties are usually held for emperors to select his wives.) MingYue butt into the conversation and the dad allowed her to go along as well.
    Yet again, MingYue dressed like past LuXia to attract the emperor's attention(but he just got even more sick of her). Then MingYue 'accidentally' revealed bruises on her hands, stating that LuXia punished her for the prev incident. She added that LuXia thinks she is going to be the empress and felt even more prestigious than the late empress dowager since past LuXia had never become an empress.
    the emperor saw through her schemes as no way would LuXia be so stupid as to injure her right before the party. MingYue tried to win favour by confessing her love for the emperor but the emperor didn't care at all.
    The emperor found LuXia and proposed to her. initially, LuXia 'rejected' and the emperor was fine with it as he didn't want another lady to enter the palace unwillingly and would only take one wife in his entire life. LuXia ended up accepting the proposal while MingYue looked at the sidelines in jealousy.
    MingYue set LuXia up by poisoning the grandmother with red ginseng soup and making it so that it was linked to LuXia. However, every single thing LuXia used were bestowed from the emperor, so no way would LuXia have cheap ingredients of the red ginseng soup. After which, LuXia invited a witness over (LuXia bribed the grandmother's servant) who stated that indeed, LuXia sent soup over but the grandmother gave it away. Then, MingYue's servant took away the soup and served it to the grandmother in MingYue's name.
    to save herself, MingYue pushed the blame to her mother and ended up killing her. before her death, it was revealed that the concubine mother had always insulted MingYue and compared her with the legitimate daughter, which is probably how she got her complex. MingYue blamed LuXia for forcing her to kill her mother.
    LuXia suggested to the dad to let her give out porridge to the poor in the name of Su Family. the dad agreed since it would boost LuXia's reputation.MingYue went along as well and started scheming again.
    when they were giving out porridge, MingYue 'realised' the rice they brought had grown moldy so she suggested LuXia to go over to one of Su Family's houses nearby.
    LuXia fooled MingYue by letting her find her sachel in the carriage before knocking her unconscious so MingYue would take her place in the schemes.
    Previously, MingYue has written a letter to trash nobleman to lure him to LuXia's carriage. Trash nobleman wanted to rape MingYue so she fled in a hurry. when chasing MIngYue, the trash nobleman was caught and ended up killed by LuXia. LuXia set the scene up to look as if he was killed by MingYue.
    MingYue tried to deny it but the carriage driver and her personal servant called her out. the emperor banished her from the Su Family and sentence her to jail.
    One year later, it was revealed that MingYue ended up turning into a servant. when she was eating a bun that had dropped onto the floor, she heard from her owners that the emperor would be marrying LuXia that day. She grabbed onto the owner's lapel in disbelief but was hit severely right after. MingYue ended up turning crazy and thought she landed in such a state because her mother cursed her before her death.
    during their wedding night, LuXia asked the emperor when did he realise she was the late LuXia. he told her the transmigration stories that late LuXia told him made him get the idea.LuXia asked, "If that's so, are you still willing to let me be the empress"
    the emperor, "Well, I don't know what Mother is trying to achieve so the only thing I can do is to cooperate with Mother.
    although I don't know how Mother turned into Su ZiYue nor why Mother wants to enter the palace, but
    I will fulfil any of Mother's wishes"
    Little guy, "so touching! what a filial boi!"
    LuXia, "As I thought, you are always such a smart little boy
    My mission is complete now, do you have anything you want to say to me?
    Emperor kneels down, "please stroke my hair like you used to again."
    LuXia, "Sure"
    Emperor, "... will Mother come back again to visit me?"
    LuXia, "it depends."
    Emperor, "this is enough, I'm satisfied with meeting Mother this one last time"
    LuXia, "farewell, YunLing."
    Emperor, "goodbye, mother."
    Sorry for the typos and all >.<
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2020
  4. PainedSouL

    PainedSouL Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2020
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    Wow, the last part is so touching, our Luxia's teaching was not lost, the emperor remembered her and followed her teachings after all(*´ω`*) Such a good boi :blobmelt::blobmelt:
  5. zenslover

    zenslover Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2018
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    WHAAA I REALLY LOVE THIS GUYS SOOO SWEET AND LOYAL, too bad Luxia doesn't have any romantic feeling towards him or another male lead...
    Hope Luxia will find the perfect male lead for herself
  6. Lilylam

    Lilylam Well-Known Member

    Oct 29, 2016
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    What happens to the emperor after Luxia leaves? What about Ziyue? I never got a good grasp on what happens to the story after the MC leaves.
  7. FIEND

    FIEND i eat crayons

    May 17, 2020
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    so for the arc thats almost ending, does the yandere guy escape the world? i kinda hope he does low key
    whats his end like
  8. suckmyduck

    suckmyduck Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2019
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    Well, in the epilogue (next chapter) we're gonna see Jing Chen with Luxia's corpse encased in ice, and from the spoilers from the past pages, he kinda knows that Luxia is checking up on him.

    After this arc, the story drops some pretty spicy info in other arcs like another transmigrator, Ling, who saves Luxia before she became an agent, how Yun Ling (Luxia's son from the first arc) knows about Luxia's transmigration to an extent, and we're getting a pretty meta world about novels in the raws, so I'm not discounting Jing Chen coming back in the future.
  9. PechDepi

    PechDepi Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2017
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    This arc end now, let prepare for another soon.
    PainedSouL and Danigurl like this.
  10. Danigurl

    Danigurl Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2020
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    Currently at chap 122, the ML is creepy (the sky temple story " forgot the real title she's currently in)lol. This one is one of my fave manga, the story is refreshing you see hehe. ;)
    PainedSouL likes this.
  11. Danigurl

    Danigurl Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2020
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    Me to
    Me too!, (The famous actress falls? ) sorry I forgot the title, the actor ( her dating target) is so cute and I was happy for the both of them getting married and gettin old together ( I mean Su didn't aged). I also love the vampire (arc)
  12. Danigurl

    Danigurl Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2020
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    aweeee the e
    awwwwe the Emperor is sooo kawaii
    I hope they will meet again in the future
    Aquaa and PainedSouL like this.
  13. LotsOfSodaLove

    LotsOfSodaLove Active Member

    Mar 19, 2020
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    Famous Actress is my favorite one, my god that male lead can go suck it though, literally the worst.
  14. Danigurl

    Danigurl Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2020
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    Can someone give me a link on this manhwa's raw. please:aww:
  15. LotsOfSodaLove

    LotsOfSodaLove Active Member

    Mar 19, 2020
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    I wonder if we will get more arcs until we catch up with our current Su Luxia.. maybe these prequels will help us fully understand her identity as we read on
    Danigurl likes this.
  16. verraol

    verraol Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2020
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    anyone else wondering if there’s an ml for our mc:sleep:
  17. I_am_one_Hell_of_a_Butler

    I_am_one_Hell_of_a_Butler Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2020
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    Can anyone give me a spoiler on the Plagiarism ARC??? It seems confusing tho... it could help if someone gave me a quick spoiler to summarize the events so far in the Raw. I don't understand any language except for English. So... hehehe...
    Pansy25, gracecfe, nielyti and 2 others like this.
  18. PainedSouL

    PainedSouL Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2020
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    In the latest raws, when the mc and the ml were at a party with the plagiarism bitch, the hamster peed in the bitch's wine glass and she drank it without realising it! LOL!!!
    P.S. Can someone can tell me what's going in this arc, I can only see the pictures as I don't know Chinese.
  19. FIEND

    FIEND i eat crayons

    May 17, 2020
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    I honeslty think this is the authors way of throwing shade at the authors who are copying her ideas
    Like im starting to see similar manhuas popping up like the canon fodder in other worlds on, and something about defeating bastards
    ursweetalksx, Xi-hime, DOHere and 2 others like this.