Spoiler Death Is The Only Ending For The Villain

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by LockedPuppet, Dec 20, 2019.

  1. AnastasiaGc

    AnastasiaGc New Member

    Jun 4, 2020
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    My goodness! Thank you all so much for these amazing spoilers. I hope all of you are always given health. :love:
    MianneChan likes this.
  2. TishaCat

    TishaCat Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2020
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  3. rero00

    rero00 Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2019
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    2 last question ...... So Yvonne , Callisto and Penney the three of them got poisoned thru the series ?
    and did Callisto realized his feelings after she got poisoned ?
  4. Kat Rina

    Kat Rina Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Oh my, thank u so so so much for this spoiler! I'm just falling more and more in love with this novel. So, MC is indeed the Original Penelope. Her soul didn't last in the "game" world, and so was reborn in Corea. Little question, hope to not disturb you, in case I apologize: is it true that the curse that Yvonne casted on Penelope also influenced the way her real life family treated her?:hmm:

    Anyway, I'm happy that Callisto, in the end, realized that Penelope is much more important to him than becoming the perfect emperor. I mean, he should have realized long before (since he risked his life for her many times), but I guess he needed time to admit it. :hmm:

    I really found amusing how the writer decided to explain the reason why she was transferred to the game world. It is indeed a really peculiar story, and I apprecciate it very much:cookie:
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2020
  5. yaywww

    yaywww Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2019
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    English is not my first language, and I learned a little Korean before. But I want to share spoilers!! PLEASE, if you know Korean, please correct my spoilers!! I love this couple and I tried my best, but if its wrong please let me know!!! :blobsneeze:

    1st Kiss

    1) When Penelope caused a cave-in in the underground ruins when saving the children by unlocking her magic (that she can't control yet), she Callisto and the others almost drowned. While unconscious, Callisto performed a few rounds of mouth-to-mouth CPR. She vaguely remembers the feeling of something soft on her lips, before she coughs up seawater and sees him next to her.:blobmelt: She doesn't remember this.

    2nd Kiss
    2) Shortly afterwords when they're all fine, Callisto gets a call from a magic ball he stores in his pocket from his assistant, Cedric Potter freaking out on where he is. Apparently the palace has a magic that can instantly teleport Callisto back to the palace at any time. (we see that teleportation magic is very popular in this world, very convenient). Callisto is irked that the summoning circle is activating quickly, as Penelope grabs his arm before he leaves and tells him to please get treatment, he grabs a hold of her and gives her a quick peck on the lips as goodbye before he teleports off. Penelope is internally screaming :blobdizzy: The kids see and are :blobpopcorn_cool:

    At the palace, we see that Callisto is in a reaaaaally good mood. Penelope is on his mind A LOT. he compares her to a really cute bunny and he finds her really pretty and attractive, esp her red lips. Cedric finds him touching his lips often and is like ?? Youre highness, are you OK? are they chapped? you keep on touching them www. We get a little monologue from him that he grew up on the battlefield since he was a teenager, so he thought he lost the desire and lust for women a long time ago. (Just like when he first meets Penelope in the labyrinth garden, he's violent and threatens her and treats her roughly)... but now he has so much fun with her, for the first time ever.

    More info on the Prince's Bday party event
    Some time passes, and its his birthday. He gives a few dresses for Penelope to choose from.. but for some reason she wants to keep on the down low and rejects all of them. But they are FANCY, and they are designed with a lot of thought from Callisto... something like he saw all those diamonds.. thought of her.. and had the tailer made her an excessively fancy shiny diamond dress wwwwww At the party, she was about to choose Derek as the dance partner (literally "eh why not") callisto comes and announces to everyone she's his partner lol. She's terrible at it, and he basically leads her the whole time, and she's so nervous cuz there's a lot of close body contact between the two of them (plot point: not just anyone can even come close to touch a royal's body). After the dance she runs away in shame embarrassed. He chases her, they talk (sorry I don't know the details I don't understand OTL) But she gives him her gift of Ruby cuff links (like his eyes!!) imbued with healing magic (PLOT). He just immediately stabs his ears to hang one of them as an earring and Penelope freaks out lol. But of course, its healing magic so his ear heals. I think this is where they have the convo about him proposing they be "partners". He admits he enjoys her company immensely, he knows she's interested in him too, so why not? Penelope isn't very happy and she's about to reject him, but he's summoned by cedric again lol.

    Callisto's thought process so far
    On a sidenote, Callisto is a very logical man. he is a completionist, and he does his duties without fail. His dream for his entire life is to rule the continent fairly as an emperor, not a puppet, and away from the corruption of the nobles and he's lived his life with that goal in mind. He meets Penelope, and actually enjoys life now. He enjoys her company, their conversations, teasing her, her sarcastic replies, how she tries to avoid him, the little weird things that she does, her-ever changing expressions. At this point, he think's its a GREAT idea to have her around so he can relax easier without the emotional baggage of actually loving someone. Remember, Penelope is his first budding love and he doesn't know what to do with feelings yet. He thinks love is a terrible idea, inconvenient, irrational idea that will hinder his goals :blobpopcorn_two::facepalm:
  6. MianneChan

    MianneChan Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2020
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    Thank you for the spoilers!
  7. rock.doll

    rock.doll Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2018
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    OMG! What a day...WHAT A DAY! SO many spoilers and info that I'm just going to die of happiness! :blobparty: THIS IS MY FAV THREAD!

    @adyaa @Upsadaisy @yaywww and @Elyriona THANK YOU SO MUCH for your hard work and sharing spoilers with all us here! :blobnom:

    @Elyriona, I will humbly ask if you can from time to time post your translations, they are awesome and give us pleasure and actually reading this awesome novel! Of course everything depends on your availability and health, this is the most important.:aww:

    Take care and stay safe ya all! :blobsmilehappy:
  8. yaywww

    yaywww Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2019
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    Once again! I tried my best, please let me know if I misread something!!

    A few days before Penelopes coronation/birthday – Please see
    @Upsadaisy’s post!!
    Callisto brings her a bunch of gifts, he brings up his proposal to be partners again, and this time she gives the official no. Callisto is completely shocked at her answer… he really didn’t think she would say now. He was VERY certain she liked him too. Penelope explains how they can’t be together, because their feelings don’t connect. Based on his words, he just wants someone to spend time with who can help relieve his stress and to talk with, while she wants someone who loves her enough to set her free from the ducal house and ultimately, protect her from her inevitable death from the villainess ending. She even suggested that he become acquainted with Yvonne, the true heroine who will probably start off with 30% favoribility and get along with the prince quickly. Callisto beomes very frustrated at her suggestion and rejection, and stands up to leave. Even in his anger, he will still see her at her coming-of age ceremony.

    During Penelopes coronation/birthday – this part really confused me

    At her party, Penelope and Callisto have a nice, cordial conversation. It’s as if their argument never happened. At some point he gave her this necklace that can detect poison. (either from a week ago or now, I forgot). Afterwards, Penelope is having tea with Yvonne and some other ladies. For some reason, Penelope is poisoned. ((I don’t understand of Penelope intentionally drank it to die to leave the game, or Yvonne poisoned her, or someone else did.. BUT SHE WAS POISONED and coughing up a lot of blood and in pain). Callisto, who was somewhere at the other side of the party literally sprinted over to her. (remember.. this is Callisto, who is freshly rejected because he didnt want to be more than 'partners'... but he has strong instinct when Penelope is in danger www)) He held her up, begging for her to wake up and screaming for the doctor or healer to come. Derek, Reynold, the Duke were kinda just standing on the side panicking…). We then fast forward to 3 days later, all the male interests are convened at the Eckhart estate somber and trying to find the culprit.

    Third Kiss
    (The scene before this was Cedric telling him there’s a battle to the north and Callisto is very angry that he has to go fight people when Penelope, his LOVER is dying right now and he can’t do anything about it)

    We see a scene where Callisto walks up the stairs to Penelope’s room. Emily sees him, and lets him in, and leaves to give them privacy. He describes her previously vibrant features are now dull and limp, as if she was a corpse already. He recalls the time she faked being sick to avoid him after the hunting competition and put on makeup to make her look tired (he knew wwww), but even then she still looked full of life and cute. Now, its real. He keeps on seeing images of her pale with blood running down her mouth and coughing in his arms. He holds her hand, but its so thin and weak. He says he’ll find the culprit, freeze their heart, tear their limbs over and cause them so much pain because of what they did to her – but he stops himself because he knows she won’t like this cruelty, and that he came here to wish her recovery, not to make threats at his enemies. He falls to his knees as if to apologize and touches her face. He tells her that he has to go back to the battlefield and to fight the rebel enemies again, but that he will come back as soon as he can. With that, he leans in for a goodbye kiss. He whispers in her ear “ When you wake up, I will do everything [you want]. Love, or leaving the duke’s house, or whatever I will fulfill your wishes.. just don’t die. At this point, he’s desperately begging for her to not die. “don’t die, Penelope” :blob_teary::blobconfounded:

    More info about Calisto’s feelings now :blob_teary:
    We find out later from that while she was unconscious, Callisto would visit her as much as he could, and would stay up all night by her side, holding her hand and praying/wishing/encouraging for her to wake up. He was so worried that he barely slept at all, that his fear was if he fell asleep, then she might have died without him knowing. Even though just a few weeks ago he was insisting that they just be partners, it’s not until seeing her actively die, and see her cold, almost lifeless body in her room for days he admits that he does indeed love her. The proud Callisto, who never shows weakness, is now on his knees at her bedside staying up all night, begging her not to die and even promising her that he will fulfill all her wishes as long as she wakes up. This is when he admits he loves her and he wants to be the one by her side from now on. Before, his aspiration was to become a perfect emperor so no one would question his authority, so no one could dare think of going against his rule; however he realizes that this goal is nothing in comparison to if he lives in a world without Penelope. His new happiness is seeing Penelope alive and well, and he can only wish that she will choose to stay with him if she ever wakes up again. He admits that his eyes will automatically look for her always, he looks forward to teasing her, their bickering and bantering, how she's full of surprises... at this moment we see his new determination - that nothing is worth more to him than Penelope, and he is willing to throw away his dream and risk everything for her - the one he now calls his lover in his heart

    Emily is a total Penelope x Callisto shipper. Character development :blob_plusone:
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2020
  9. TishaCat

    TishaCat Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2020
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    @yaywww blobmelt_thumbs thank you for sharing spoilers!
    :whistle: and me!
    I love to watch the evolution of the relationship between Penelope and Callisto!:love:
  10. Cerealisa

    Cerealisa Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2019
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    Omg i'm so happy today cause mass of spoiler update. Thank you everyone for your kindness sharing the spoiler

    Love uuuuuu :bloblove:
    rock.doll likes this.
  11. pooptarts

    pooptarts Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2020
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    Sorry guys, I read the novel again after someone pointed out my mistake, and it seems she's really Penelope's reincarnation. I don't know how I missed this important part while reading the novel:

    무수히 많은 죽음을 겪는 동안, 페넬로페의 영혼은 끝끝내 가루처럼 부서져 사라졌다.
    더는 페넬로페가 돌아오지 않았다. 세계가 멈췄다.
    영겁의 시간이 흐르고…...
    마침내 아주 조그만 영혼 조각이 다른 세계에서 환생하였으니
    「그것은, 바로 당신!」

    While suffering countless deaths, Penelope's soul was broken down like powder and disappeared in the end.
    Penelope didn't come back anymore. The world stopped.
    An eternity passed and....
    Finally, a very tiny fragment of the soul has been reincarnated in another world
    「And that's exactly you!」

    I will check the novel before posting and not rely on my shitty memory from now on:facepalm:
    Sorry about that:blobsad:

    Edit: I will put a spoiler about Yvonne to make up for my mistake:
    Yvonne is one of the most pitiful characters from the series, because her soul was still alive when the leila had taken her body. She could still come out from time to time in the beginning because the leila was still in the process of gathering power. But as the leila got stronger, she couldn't come out as much as before. The leila also keeps inflicting phycological damage on her, telling her she has been abandoned by her family.

    「……진 거야. 넌 버려진 거야. 넌 버려진 거야. 넌 버려진 거야. 넌 버려진 거야. 넌 버려진 거야. 넌 버려진 거야. 넌 버려진 거야.」
    「……ere thrown away. You were thrown away. You were thrown away. You were thrown away. You were thrown away. You were thrown away. You were thrown away. You were thrown away. 」

    「넌 버려진 거야. 네 아비도 네 오라비들처럼 널 버린 거야.」
    「You were thrown away. Your dad has also thrown you away like your brothers.」

    「저걸 보고도 모르겠어? 네가 멍청하고 쓸모없으니까 널 버리고 새 딸을 찾은 거라고. 더 예쁘고, 똑똑한 새 딸! 페넬로페 말이야!」
    「Can't you get it even after seeing that? It's because you're stupid and useless that he threw you away and found a new daughter. A prettier and smarter new daughter! I'm talking about Penelope! 」

    And the leila keeps doing that to kill her soul and sanity:

    그럼에도 레일라는 멈추지 않았다. 아이의 영혼과 정신을 완전히 말살하기 위해.
    Nevertheless, the leila didn't stop. In order to completely annihilate the child's soul and mind.

    Also, can you imagine how traumatic it must have been whenever she got conscious and saw the humans the leila(she) had fed herself with?

    “아…… 아악!”
    그때였다. 방금 전 게걸스럽게 먹어 치운 게 거짓말인 것처럼 아이가 경기하듯 비명을 질렀다.
    “이, 이게 뭐……! 흑, 오빠! 데릭 오빠!”
    정신이 든 걸까. 이본이 엉엉 울며 제 오라비들을 찾기 시작했다.
    “데릭 오빠! 레널드 오빠! 아무도 없어요?”
    나는 깜짝 놀랐다. 레일라에게 몸을 빼앗긴 이본이 제정신으로 돌아오리라곤 생각지 못했기 때문이다.
    “시끄러워! 아니야! 싫어!”
    이본이 갑자기 풀썩 자리에 주저앉더니 제 귀를 마구 내리쳤다.
    내겐 들리지 않지만, 필시 몸에 들어간 레일라가 무언가를 속삭이는 듯했다.
    “아파! 싫어! 오라버니……! 아빠, 나 아파…….”
    몸을 있는 대로 구부린 채, 아이는 괴로워하며 훌쩍였다.

    "Ah...... aargh!"
    It was then. As if the fact that she had eaten it voraciously just a while ago had been a lie, the child screamed as though she was having a seizure.
    "W-what is thi.......?! Sob, brother! Brother Derrick!"
    Maybe she came to her senses? Yvonne burst into tears and began looking for her brothers.
    "Brother Derrick! Brother Reynold! Is there no one?"
    I was startled. That's because I had't expected that Yvonneㅡwho had her body taken by the leilaㅡwould return to her senses.
    "Shut up! No! I don't want it!"
    Yvonne suddenly sank down on the spot and struck her own ears hard.
    I couldn't hear it, but it was definitely the leila that had gotten inside her body that seemed to be whispering something.
    "It hurts! No! Brother......! Dad, it hurts......"
    With her body curled up as it was, the child sobbed in anguish.

    And after dying, Yvonne's soul has been stuck in spacetime.

    “레일라에게 몸을 빼앗긴 후에 줄곧 시공간에 갇혀 있었던 것 같아요.”
    "It seems that after her body was snatched away by the leila, she has been continually stuck in spacetime."

    So, she is as pitiful as Penelope, if not more.

    P.S. You guys are amazing. You are all way more well informed than the idiot here who read it in a hurry and missed about such a crucial fact. I'm really ashamed of myself:blobsalt:

    Penelope is pregnant:blobsmilehappyeyes:
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2020
  12. Upsadaisy

    Upsadaisy Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2020
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    Hi just a few edits for what happened at her coming of age.

    The necklace was actually a gift from Vinter which he gave her when they went to rescue the children but she forgot to return. Even though it didn't match the dress she was wearing she decided to wear it.

    Previously she had asked Emily to monitor Yvonne's maid and she reported to Penelope that she was seen in I think the black market area? or something along those lines. Penelope had also commissioned Emily to ask Vinter to make a poison without an antidote for her and if he refused she said she would cut off all ties with him. So Vinter agreed to make it.

    Flash forward to the coming of age ceremony. The duke wanted to keep Yvonne's return secret as he wanted the day to just be about Penelope and came to visit her that morning as she had said that's all she wanted him to do for her that day (she said this during their meal right before the butler announced that Eclise had returned with Yvonne but the duke still remembered). Penelope had originally planned to drink the poison before the coming of age ceremony but because the duke remembered to visit her she didn't. Instead she went ahead with the day.

    Derick had been missing the entire day but suddenly arrived with Yvonne beside him much to the duke and Reynolds fury. The system then announced Penelope had failed hard mode and her favorability decreased by 20% with Reynold and Derick, and 10% with the other targets. To save face for the duke, Penelope thanked Derick for bringing Yvonne as agreed and announced to everyone that Yvonne had returned. She told them that today was not her special day but a special day for Yvonne as she was back and toasted to her. Yvonne's maid then came out with a glass of wine for her and Penelope's necklace glowed yellow. Realizing what was happening Penelope took the glass from Yvonne saying the maid had mistaken the glasses. Yvonne sees Penelope's necklace and I believe she recognizes it as Vinter had given it to her in a previous life. Penelope then toasts again "to the main character" and drinks the poisoned wine. Vinter then notices the color of her necklace too late and screams. Penelope then vomits blood and collapses. But the system announces she got a special reward from the "saving the children" event which allows her to survive which Penelope doesn't want. But the system automatically accepts after 5 seconds if she doesn't press no and she can't move her body to reject it so the system automatically takes the payment and she essentially gets to live.

    Derick is standing watching the entire exchange confused and tries to move to her when she collapses but is suddenly shoved aside by Callisto who sprints to her and grabs her body screaming for a doctor. Derick then realizes what Penelope vomited was blood. The duke and Reynold crowd around Penelope unsure of what to do. Vinter then announces he has an antidote on him for poison. The duke doesn't want to give it as there's no proof she was poisoned but Reynold points out it's first aid and if they didn't do anything now she will die (she was previously convulsing in Callisto's arms but by this stage she's suddenly stopped moving completely. Callisto orders Vinter to give it to her quickly but if anything happens he's essentially dead. Vinter then gives her the antidote and color begins to come back to her face. The doctors arrive by this stage and so they carry her back to the house.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2020
  13. yaywww

    yaywww Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2019
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    thanks so much for the clarification!! So many things happened at this scene. It makes sense now that Vinter gave her that necklace.. I knew he gifted her *something* during that arc.. and now it makes sense why he had the antidote.. I thought he just had a generic one.

    So Penelope did intend to poison herself.. can you clarify what lead to this decision? I don’t understand why she spent all this time trying to avoid death but she took poison.

    was it because she knew that since no love interest confessed to her and no one reached 100%, she failed the hard mode and instead of being killed by someone, she chose to die before then on her own terms? :blobdizzy: P-Penelope!!!
    perez, Elphin, jujuli97 and 20 others like this.
  14. Cerealisa

    Cerealisa Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2019
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    Btw which chapter that penny drink poison?