Spoiler Death Is The Only Ending For The Villain

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by LockedPuppet, Dec 20, 2019.

  1. yaywww

    yaywww Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2019
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  2. Deleted member 212141

    Deleted member 212141 Guest

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    It's beautiful dear!
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  3. biha

    biha Mr. Callisto's soulmate

    Feb 22, 2020
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    Ommooooo it's insanely prettyyyyyy:blobsob::blobsob::blobsob::blobsob::blobsob::blobsob::blobsob::blobsob::blobsob:
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  4. Spade_Ladyz

    Spade_Ladyz Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2020
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    @Asianpotato13 Do u wanna split those chapters? I can do chapter 22 and you can continue with 23, is that okay for you? If yes, we could do that and so on :3
  5. SilverSoul1

    SilverSoul1 Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2019
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    You guys, why are you guys so kind :blobsob:
    Thank you so much everyone for the spoilers and translation. Bless your souls!
    Asianpotato13, Spade_Ladyz and biha like this.
  6. biha

    biha Mr. Callisto's soulmate

    Feb 22, 2020
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    Agreed. They're so kind:blobsob::blobsob::blobsob::blobsob::blobsob:
    Danigurl likes this.
  7. kiragnia

    kiragnia Active Member

    Apr 6, 2019
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    Hello! I just finished catching up with the manhwa and halfway scouring through this thread (RIP Eclise I was rooting for him). My friend told me there was a rumor of the author writing some kind of alternate ending to the series? Is that true? Sorry for asking something so dumb btw
  8. Spade_Ladyz

    Spade_Ladyz Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2020
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    Yes ٩( ᐛ )و I can do the odds and you can do the evens. If that's okay for you, we can continue on with chapter 23 and 24.
    And omfg, thanks for the chapter. Callis bae honestly deserve the ML title (ಥʖ̯ಥ) *cries of fluffiness*

    Yean i think i read that somewhere in this forum too, but im not sure. Cause i have read through most of the side stories but didn't see a single one of that.

    Haha really? I understand :3
    But well, i do like to see what will happen if Penny didn't stay with Callis (Probably it will be painful af, but i wanna see) and what happen if Penny ended up with other male leads. I'm pretty sure they knew that she would never truly loves them, so i DO want to see them desperately tried to gain her favor.
    Hehehe im down for some angst ( ˘ ³˘)
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2020
  9. kiragnia

    kiragnia Active Member

    Apr 6, 2019
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    I just checked the author's blog and apparently due to health issues they won't be able to write the IF ending? I couldn't understand Korean tho, it was purely google translated. If so, then it's unfortunate because I'm curious about the "IF" route. But I hope the author would get better soon.
    Danigurl likes this.
  10. Kat Rina

    Kat Rina Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    From what I know the author is considering the idea of writing side stories in which Penelope ends up with the other male interests. Though, it hadn't still been confirmed if he/she will actually do it. That's all I know. Tbh I didn't search more because I'm not interested, I don't like the "what if" type of stories :sweating_profusely:
  11. Upsadaisy

    Upsadaisy Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2020
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    I agree, I'm quite happy that the author took this route in regards to how Penelope deals with the Eckart family going forward. She's went through 6 years of hell in their family and a few months of them trying to improve their relationship is not going to make everything they did suddenly disappear. It just feels it's more realistic and it stays true to Penelope's character. Yeah I hope her relationship with the Duke and Reynald may improve in the future, but I'm glad she hasn't forgiven them and wants to try and take this time to heal.

    "To leave something at the door" is an English idiom which you can roughly translate it as meaning 'give up on the "something" as it's not happening.

    It does make it seem like he was attracted to her since she first entered the manor. At that time he would have been 17/18 so it wouldn't surprise me if he found her attractive when he was that age. But then he would have also been angry at the girl who was stealing his sisters place and in combination with his probable disgust and shame at his attraction towards her, he resorted to mistreating her to hide his feelings from everyone. Fast forward 6 years to when he gave her to scarf and she smiled, I'd say it was in that moment when that attraction turned into love and there was no way of going back.

    I'd say it would be an interesting concept though given the authors style of writing. I mean, it all comes down to the "what if" moments in question. For Derick maybe the "what if" moment would be if she told him in the jail cell that she had evidence and if he actually tried to defend her at the trial. Then their relationship wouldn't have been damaged beyond repair and he could have had a chance to win her over. But that doesn't necessarily mean their ending together would be happy. His mindset and possessiveness over her wouldn't have improved and when Yvonne returns, his controlling behavior towards Penelope would have probably worsened under Yvonne's brainwashing. He'd still want to lock her up like a bird so I can't see how their ending could ever be good. Likewise with Eclise. What would his "what if" moment be? What if he didn't betray her? What if he did manage to kidnap her in the North? What if he did manage to kill Callisto and took her as his queen? I can't ever imagine their ending together being a happy one. If anything, it would have probably been a dark ending with her left as an empty shell.

    As for Reynald, I can't help but wonder what his "what if" moment would have been. He did change throughout the story, but I feel if they were to have an ending together it would be far in the future when she could find herself able to forgive him. So even if he did change how he acted and improved himself earlier in the story, I genuinely don't see how she could fall in love with him unless it was years in the future. The only other character who I could have seen her ending up with and being happy is Vinter. His "what if" moment would have been if he didn't try to test her that day they did the volunteer work. If he hadn't done that then they would have continued to have their meetings and it may have eventually led to her falling in love with him. If he had put away his distrust in her earlier, then he would have never ruined his chances with ending up with her.

    But the story wouldn't end with Penelope being with one of the capture targets as Yvonne would still return and they would all still need to defeat her. I can't see how Derick or Reynald would have been able to help her defeat Yvonne. Maybe Eclise could have taken on Callisto role and defeated the dragon, but would Callisto have become the enemy if she didn't chose him? Would he have taken on Eclise role if Yvonne managed to brainwash him? I'd also wonder how Vinter's route would have ended if she chose him. Would he have been able to help her during the final battle in the same way Callisto did? Also without Callisto's resources, would she have been able to save Vinter from the 'mirror of truth' like in the side stories? Whilst I do like Vinter, I don't know if he would have been enough to protect her in the final battle like Callisto did. I also don't know if she would have chosen to stay in this world just for Vinter like she did for Callisto. Also I don't think Callisto would have left Vinter alive if she chose him over Callisto...:blobsweat_2:

    On a side note, I'm happy that Penelope and Callisto are finally addressing his behavior. None of what he has done in the side stories so far has been acceptable. After all, he has firstly imprisoned her in the palace and then after she met Vinter, he then resorted to imprisoning her in his room. He also cut off her communication with the outside world to further prevent her from leaving. Whilst I understand his fear of her leaving or someone taking her away from him, locking her up in not the answer and is also unforgivable. I mean those actions alone mirror what Eclise and Derick wanted to do with her. So I'm glad she's calling him out on it. It's not okay and just because he's the ML, doesn't mean he should get a free pass!

    Also thank you @Asianpotato13, @Spade_Ladyz and @Elyriona for your translations. They've been amazing! :blobhighfive:
  12. Kat Rina

    Kat Rina Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Personally, I never liked the "what if" kind of story. Obv, it's just my own preference, so I don't intend to judge the author or the readers who want to see what would have happened with a different ML. It's just that, at least for me, once the story is ended in a way, it's endend. Maybe I'm too drastic(?) or harsh(?), don't know. Though I'm curious to see what would have been Penelope story with another ML, I would find it... "unnatural"?. Don't know. As I said before, it's just my personal preference in this case.

    As for Callisto, I totally agree with you. I don't want to justify his actions at all, because I would have totally freaked out if I was Penelope and I was caged in the palace. And in fact I really appreciate how Penelope deals with him, reminding him that she will always escape and even break up with him if he doesn't respect her freedom. In part I can understand (not justify) Callisto's behavior due to the fact that he never had been in a relationship before, so he doesn't have any idea on how it works.
  13. Upsadaisy

    Upsadaisy Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2020
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    I also agree as I also don't personally like "what if" stories as the plot has ended and I feel it would take away from the story. I'd be more curious with this author's writing style as I feel they would make these type of stories different than your typical "what if" story line. They'd definitely make it with a twist and who knows, maybe the only character who could have helped her save the world WAS Callisto so in the other character's routes she fails to defeat Yvonne and the world ends. I mean I can completely see the author doing that to us :sweating_profusely:
  14. Kat Rina

    Kat Rina Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    On this aspect, I agree with you XD if we know one thing about this author, is that he/she really likes to make us suffer XD
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  15. Sarehime

    Sarehime Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2020
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    I might like 'what if' story. I can't think a ml other than Callisto but I wonder what happen if Penelope end up with Vinter (yeah he is my second fave :D)
  16. Spade_Ladyz

    Spade_Ladyz Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2020
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    I found out about this author, she had already passed that part. You can continue with the part Vinter brought Penelope home and so on. Her translation is quite fast, so it will be fine if you skipped some of the small scence :3
    rock.doll, Upsadaisy and Danigurl like this.