Spoiler Shadow queen (manhwa)

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by ChuChi, Jun 8, 2020.

  1. AnnaArpa4

    AnnaArpa4 Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2020
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    Omg that means Ciel is the ml:aww:Len was mentioning him in chapter 234 as king.I don't get it how there can be 310 chapters since there is only 234 chapters in Kakao right now:blobconfused:
    Nia2760, bigredqueen, syofiaa and 2 others like this.
  2. mijikado

    mijikado [Unorganized Member]

    Jul 27, 2020
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    Oops it was 210* sorry I mistyped :blobdizzy:
    It meant that you were reading the 3rd side story :blobhero: (from 231 to 234)
  3. magical_al00

    magical_al00 ✧・゚:*( ͡ꈍ ͜ʖ̫ ͡ꈍ )*:・゚✧

    Apr 12, 2020
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    Ciel is he her ex-husband?
    Asya.M and syofiaa like this.
  4. AnnaArpa4

    AnnaArpa4 Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2020
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  5. Stargirl4100

    Stargirl4100 New Member

    Aug 25, 2020
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    Does anyone know what happened in the other timeline where Elena died?
    What happened to the empire after Veronica took her place again?
    Why did you want a substitute for Veronica?
    Who is Len? (I'm lost)
    How was it that the current Elena was able to remain in her privileged position even though she was not the true daughter of the duke and was only the daughter of fallen nobles?
    How did the other nobles accept her as the emperor's wife (Ciel)?
    Nia2760, djan29, Marie_0720 and 9 others like this.
  6. Hera Elizabeth

    Hera Elizabeth Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2020
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    how many side stories does it have?
    n can any1 spoil about what happened to her baby ian at the end . did she have more babies ?
  7. AnnaArpa4

    AnnaArpa4 Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2020
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    Thank you so much for your spoilers:aww:It would be nice if you also mention which chapters are these spoilers from.
    mijikado likes this.
  8. mijikado

    mijikado [Unorganized Member]

    Jul 27, 2020
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    He despised Veronica so much: each time he got close to her, he could only think of her cruelty in his memory (seems like they met during their childhood and she didn't give any nice vibe at all). In his eyes, she was only an hypocrite, cruel and vicious woman.

    During their official mariage, he didn't even bother to make eye contact with her since it was not worth it. The only thing they did was to do the first formal dance at the after-party dinner.
    Veronica tried to call him, but Ciel just blatantly ignored her.

    After the party, Ciel was obliged to spend his night in Veronica's bedroom. Veronica, in her nightwear, took courage to speak and to propose him some wine, but Ciel still treated her as an invisible woman. He sat on a black chair face to Veronica and stared at the window across the street.
    He sat in this position until sunrise then left the room codly without any greetings.
    It was one of the biggest humiliation that Veronica had faced

    One day, Ciel heard from Cecilia that 'Veronica' was learning tea etiquette. He found it quite unexpected coming from her but it was still not something he would care for.

    When he walked through the East Palace, he heard that 'Veronica' was there. It made him feel like a precious place had been defiled by something ugly.
    "Go back." He tried to chase her away, but when he saw 'Veronica's lonesome glance and her wistful smile , he was deeply confused whether she was really Veronica.
    Nevertheless, he turned away, ignoring such annoyance. It's just a passing question. To Ciel, she was nothing but an object of contempt.

    Every 2 days, 'Veronica' came to see Ciel to make him some tea, but it always resulted in him sending her back. This time, she began to disturbe Ciel, since the real Veronica never acted like this.
    It became a daily routine for Ciel to send her back each time she came to see him (Idk if I should laugh or not :blobsweat_2:)

    One day, she didn't came. Ciel found it unusual and asked his subordinates to find her whereabouts. Turned out she was having a tea time with Emperor Richard.
    He then rushed to the garden and heard his father laughing. He doubted his ears since the emperor Richard had lost his laughter as his health deteriorated and as the atrocities of the nobles went too far. But now, he was showing a faint smile.
    Well, Ciel decided to cut in :blobxd:. Veronica was so embarassed that she ran away, whereas Ciel finally tasted her tea for the first time and found it surprinsingly delicious

    When Richard died and his funeral took place, Ciel couldn't take his eyes off "Veronica" in a moment. Everything in "Veronica's mourning the death of Emperor Richard was reverent. Her moist eyes were filled with sincerity to dismiss it as acting.

    After that, he overheard Len and Elena and discovered that she was a fake all along

    When 'Veronica' saw him, she was terrified, Ciel was struck by a strong impulse. He wanted to comfort her. But he knew he shouldn't, so Ciel overcame the urge and turned a blind eye to her. He ignored her more harshly because she would shake his mind if he made eye contact.

    Ciel became more and more confused about his feeling when he learned that "Veronica" was learning Painting from Raphael. He interrogated the latter, who responded to him that Veronica was not a cruel woman and she was suffering from a terrible solitude. Ciel didn't understand why since Veronica was the heir of the Grand Duke's house, with almost the world below her feet.

    Sometimes later, Cecilia died by poisoning. Veronica's house was the prime suspect. 'Fake Veronica' too was a strong suspect since Cecilia drank tea with her the day before she died. But when Ciel saw "Veronica"'s moist eyes, looking at the dead Cecilia, which seemed to be heartbroken. Although she didn't shed tears, she seemed to swallow her sorrow. It was appalling to think that she was the one who poisoned Cecilia.

    Cecilia's vacancy didn't feel much. Veronica, who participated in the Empress's events, played her role without fail.
    The time between Ciel and "Veronica" naturally increased as they worked on the official schedule. When their eyes happened to meet, she shook her head, not knowing what to do.

    Ciel looked at the fake Veronica. As the suspicion of being a fake grew stronger, there was admiration for the fake Veronica and her striking resemblance. They ressembled each other like twins.
    However the fake Veronica was a good example of how to socialize with the envoys. Her elegant hand gestures, her smile and a frivolous way of speaking were incredibly dignified.
    Perhaps conscious of Ciel's gaze, "Veronica" turned her head, and showed signs of embarrassment. She smiled awkwardly.
    At that moment Ciel's face also turned with embarrassment. As he faced that smile, an indescribable strange feeling shook his chest to the point of displeasure. Ciel turned his head to turn away from the unknown emotion (yep you fell in love ma boii)

    After that day, Ciel deliberately kept the fake Veronica away. However, there were many common events between them. He tried not to make eye contact as much as he could, but she smiled awkwardly when he tried not to.
    Thump. Yeah, that smile. It rushed in without permission and left its mark deep in Ciel's heart. It was a smile that made him think of something even when he closed his eyes and did other things.
    It was the National Day, when Ciel got sick from overworking. Laying in his bed, he heard a voice calling him. It was the 'Fake Veronica'
    The fake Veronica was looking anxiously down at him.
    He asked:
    "Who are you?"
    "Yes?" The fake Veronica's eyes shook violently.
    "I asked who you were."
    It was something he wanted to ask more than a thousand times. Who was she?

    To the unexpected question, the fake Veronica was silent. Soon, she smiled. A very painful and sad smile.
    "It's me. The Empress Cecilia."
    It couldn't be Cecilia. Because she was dead.
    Still, Ciel understood why the fake Veronica said that: she was worried that Ciel might kick her out when he knew she was Veronica, but she wanted to be with him and she couldn't leave him because she was worried.
    Ciel couldn't say anything. He was anxious to see her sincerity coming to him.
    And Ciel's heart, which had been kept deep in his heart, was no different from hers, it was heartbroken.

    Ciel felt that he wanted to put down his duties and responsibilities that he had on his shoulders for the first time while he was in a daze.
    Ciel pulled her hand.
    "Your Majesty?" The fake Veronica's upper body bent down like a fall.
    Her surprised face was for a moment, and she gently closed her eyes, and soon after, their lips covered. They gave each other sad kisses that would only hurt each other.

    There were also the pregnancy part and stuffs but I already spoiled them on my previous post :blobokhand:

    PS: all of this happened especially in the 1st timeline and I don't know how many of these events actually took place in the 2nd timeline :blob_pout:

    You're welcome :blobReach:, they were from the 1st Side Story (from chapter 211 to 218 :blobhero:)
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2020
  9. mijikado

    mijikado [Unorganized Member]

    Jul 27, 2020
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    There are 3 Side stories for the moment, and they didn't have any children yet in this current timeline

    Actually, in the last part of the flashback, the baby was still pretty much alive. I think his life depends on Ciel's (if he survived, the baby survived, if he's killed by the Grand Duke then I assume Ian will die too)

    Here is the translation of the last part of the SS1:

    "Ian." Ciel called the low-lying child, while looking down with a warm gaze.
    The woman no one in the world remembered. She couldn't even leave a trace just because she was a substitute.
    He didn't even know her name.
    Ian was the only precious being she left to the world.
    Ciel held back the sob:
    “ Ian, your mother. She was the most beautiful and well-bred woman in the world. So let's remember. Even though she lived as a shadow, she was a better queen than any other. Only you and I should not forget, Ian. Do you understand?"
    Ravenz, salty25, Baji sama and 175 others like this.
  10. Deleted member 85337

    Deleted member 85337 Guest

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    I confused. Are you talking about Real Veronica or Fake Veronica (Elena)? :blobpats:
    Besides, I want to know did Ciel also reincarnate as Elena?
  11. Ellavader6666

    Ellavader6666 Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2020
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    omfg, that got me right in the feels :blob_teary:
  12. mijikado

    mijikado [Unorganized Member]

    Jul 27, 2020
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    It was the real Veronica on the 1st spoiler and Elena on the 2nd one. If I talked about Elena, I would write « Fake/false Veronica » but not only « Veronica »:blobokhand:

    Please take it with a grain of salt (I need to reread some part to understand better the MTL :blobsweat_2:)

    It seems like Ciel didn’t reincarnate nor got his memories of the 1st timeline back as he didn’t understand why Elena pushed him out like a person who was hurt by him :blobcry:

    Moreover, it was actually Elena who saw his flashbacks of the past in the form of dreams and not Ciel himself. So it was safe to say that this current Ciel didn’t have any idea about what he had done :blobsweat_2:
    Yume-sama, salty25, MarBoh and 101 others like this.
  13. mijikado

    mijikado [Unorganized Member]

    Jul 27, 2020
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    Finally, some moments in the current timeline :aww:

    Enjoy ~
    (Extracted from Chapter 230)

    Not long after she entered the carriage, the vibration that was coming from the ground stopped.
    "Have we already arrived?"
    Den nodded, took out his watch, checked the time, and was relieved.
    "That's a relief. I can't wait until today is over. Will you get off?"
    Elena, who got off the carriage following Den, was startled by the place.
    The unidentified thing located near the salon was in front of the livestock.

    "Ah," spread out like moving stars in the night sky was a galaxy of fireflies. The brilliance caught her eyes, and the sour night breeze blew softly.
    The mellow scent of flowers consoled her mind and body. A very familiar sound of water relaxed Elena's ears.
    She thought about her childhood’s place, where people used to play with their feet in the water flowing deep in the mountains.

    It was an incredible garden in the center of the capital. It was artificial, but beautiful.
    She felt like she was being healed.

    Elena turned her head and saw a man stood with his back against the Laurel tree
    "Your Majesty."
    Accentuated by the fireflies, there was a clearer smile on Ciel's face than ever before.
    “Happy birthday.” he said,
    “Oh,” Her heart was moved by his most affectionate congratulations. Including previous and present life.

    Ciel smiled. Elena couldn't take her eyes off him.
    His smile was natural enough to think that he was a cheerful person

    "You know, you pushed me out as soon as I approached."
    "Did I do that?"
    "You pushed me out like a person who was hurt by me. It wasn't a day or two that I spent the nights with my eyes open, thinking I might have given you new wounds I didn't know."

    Elena's eyes shook at Ciel's frank confession.
    Elena, who was trying not to repeat past mistakes, did not expect to make Ciel heartbroken.

    “So I hesitated.”
    “Your Majesty.”
    “But I don't want to hesitate any more.”
    Ciel approached while looking at Elena.

    He stood within reach. The distance that Elena had never been able to reach in the past, but now had been narrowed down.

    He held out his hand.
    ”Will you be my lover?”
    Elena's heart dropped. It was pounding so fast that she couldn't control it.
    "I promise won't burden you. I'll keep our meeting secret until you allow it."
    “Your Majesty.”
    “Would you like to meet me like this?”

    The barrier she had put gradually fell apart after Ciel's sincere confession.

    She felt that very little by little, there was a clear crack going on, though insignificant to the point of being invisible. Ciel stood silent, reaching out his hand.
    The fireflies stayed at his fingertips, reminding him of the distance between the two.

    Elena hesitated. She was happy but scared at the same time, everything had changed so much compared to the past. She was afraid she would repeat the same mistake.
    The newly launched relationship between the two could also face tragedies and she could lose what she'd accumulated.

    Elena needed a lot of courage. 'I want to hold that hand.'
    The feelings she had suppressed so far were choked up. She felt pathetic when she tried not to look back by forcibly turning away, avoiding, and pushing.
    She wanted to change it. She wanted to get out of the past. And she wanted to be honest.

    Elena put her white and long fingers on Ciel's hands. The fireflies flew in unison as if they had promised.
    She wanted to know about this person. Even if she could regret it, she could keep it as a good memory.

    “Ha ha ha,” Ciel laughed with the brightest smile. "You won't know how happy I am. I'm happy enough to want to hug you right now and run around the capital like a crazy man."
    “Please respect yourself,” Elena laughed shyly. She did not hate him, who was delighted to forget even the status of the emperor. "Will you take a walk with me?"
    "Yes," said Ciel amiably while leading her hand to his side.

    The shoulders of the two people standing side by side showed a different picture from the past.
    "In the future, I'll tell you my story."
    "It's okay now. "
    "No, I'll do it when the time accumulates a little longer. When those memories become dull enough to fade”.

    By then, everything would have changed, to the point where she would feel pathetic if she kept on clinging on the past.
    While pledging to him, Elena walked with Ciel through the garden and felt the warmth of both hands held tightly together for a long time.
  14. LazuliBean

    LazuliBean Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2020
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    any mention of what happens to Cecilia in the new timeline?
    MarBoh likes this.
  15. mijikado

    mijikado [Unorganized Member]

    Jul 27, 2020
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    In this timeline, Elena was known as "L", a woman with enormous influences over the cultural and social worlds, but also Ciel's favor since his days as Crown Prince.

    After Veronica's execution, Ciel became emperor and consequently, the empire biggest topic was the National mariage, as Ciel kept on postponing the Empress' issue.

    The opinions of the nobles were divided and sharply opposed:
    - The name of "L" had been called up and down, as with her influence and skills, there would be no problem for her to serve as an Empress
    - However, the capital nobles considered it unpleasant as they prefered a pure blood from an important noble family to rise to the Empress' position. But, with the collapse of the Grand Duke family, the emperor became stronger and in consequence, the noble's influence became weaker. Even if they disagreed with L as an Empress, they ultimately would have to accept Ciel's choices anyway.

    From what I've read, not at all :blobdizzy:
    As Ciel rose to the Emperor's position without an Empress, it logically meant that during his times as Crown Prince, there wasn't a Crown Princess (so no Cecilia)

    I think there are a few possibilities:
    - maybe Cecilia didn't have to enter a political marriage with Ciel in this timeline,
    - she could also be married to him, being a crown princess for a while then divorced later (as in the past, she didn't have enough qualities to be a wise Princess, let alone being an Empress :notlikeblob:),
    - or just in the 1st timeline, she got poisoned and ultimately died

    I hope she got a better outcome this time as she too didn't have a good life in the first timeline (having the Princess then the Empress' position pretty forced onto her and died in the midst of a conspiracy :blobsob:)
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2020
  16. Marwa_lay

    Marwa_lay Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2019
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    Why did Veronica get executed ?
  17. Hibaritoru45

    Hibaritoru45 Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2020
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    I don't know if this what your question mean, but mijikado already spill the ending of real veronica. Sorry if I take you wrong
  18. Marwa_lay

    Marwa_lay Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2019
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    Ohh thank you so much
    Also what happened when Veronica appeared ?
    How did people react to 2 women who look the same ?
    Also how did the ml find out that she's a 'fake' in their second life ?
    And in the first life did he ever find out that they got switched and the 'fake' was killed ?
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2020
    Ophelia_Hecate likes this.