Spoiler Trash of the Count’s Family

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by immortaltear, Sep 29, 2018.

  1. CatCat19

    CatCat19 Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2018
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    Cmiiw, the info about Cale's mother only that she has red hair like Cale. I think no more or less than that, I also curious about Cale's mother because from among Henituse only Cale that can't wield a sword. Even the chimera boy also said that Cale plate was worst than ever, (which when I looking at Cale webtoon kinda, 'noooooo his body too good to be Cale Henituse', but...'not bad for fan service' lmao). It makes me wonder, tbh, what person was Cale's mother, even how she died author never mention it.

    Yes, I'm on this side theory too. That's why the parallel world thing, it's kinda disappointing, imo. Just let be Cale as Cale, don't make it kinda he take someone else place. Let it be Cale/KRS place :blob_teary:
    creizreiz, Kristal, Akimashta and 3 others like this.
  2. Narakura

    Narakura Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2020
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    I think the webtoon's art is good. The webtoon style is the same with the art in the novel's cover.
    And the novel really tell that Cale has a handsome face and nice body. The one KRS loved the most!!!!:aww::aww::aww:
    Cale's smirk really give me heart attack. :blobnosebleed:
    Love to see all of his expression.
    So funny?!!!!
    creizreiz, Kristal and CatCat19 like this.
  3. Uncopyright

    Uncopyright Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2020
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    @angie_sash, Thank you so much for the spoiler this week! When you first posted that p!KRS immerges I worried that he might be a threat to KRS (given that KRS facial features is the same with WS) but I realized KRS is KRS all the same.

    Haha, I love how CH snapped when this situation happens all the time when they are fighting. Though, I guess this is much different cause the Vitality of the Heart is not there. Also Hosik too... I can say he is different than Clopeh who just crazily follows Cale without being concerned in Cale's wellbeing.

    I also am holding the hope that Cale and KRS is the one and same person.... But given the conversation between LSH and KRS when LSH gifted his embrace power to KRS, saying to him not to worry about ori!Cale because he is happy wherever he is... I guess the ori!Cale died and he was with his mother that is why he is happy wherever he is. Plus how did LSH knew about ori!Cale if LSH himself is already dead and was only seeing KRS because of G.O.D. unless.... They are in another parallel world.... Arghh so much thinking, I'll just wait for author-nim to reveal the mystery.

    And my dear Raon is so capable. I wish more screentime for Alberu and WS battle... It looks very promising.

    Sorry for the rant. :justabotow:
    CatCat19, Akimashta, Khalala and 3 others like this.
  4. Shaiyamine

    Shaiyamine Reader of Novels, Slave to the Screen

    Mar 28, 2017
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  5. Eclat123

    Eclat123 Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2018
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    Noooo I've finally finished reading all the chapters + spoilers. What do I do now???
  6. KIBBIE21

    KIBBIE21 Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2019
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    Do you guys know where to read this novel's raw?

    Reading this novel until its latest chapter, i really wonder if there was something wrong with Cale's world.
    The prince alberu talked about cale about the three earths. Since choi han can enter the rift where cale is from that means something happened to the rift, like a dimension were someone can enter to another parallel world. It like the one earth is about fantasy, from the book. The other one was normal that humans have dont have poeers to begin with. ( Except for the part that demons invaded them). Then lastly, the one that the prince mention, a game like earth with you having or knowing your level or rank of strength ( sss rank-fff rank) and then dungeons.

    In my theory something happened that Gods cannot fully interfere and demons were trying to rule over the three worlds.

    Well, it was my theory, and I still needed more chapters to read!! Hehehehehe
  7. angie_sash

    angie_sash Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2017
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    I purchase the latest raws on RidiBooks, so I can't help you with that. The translated chapters are around 10 chapters behind the raws, so I think it's fine if you just wait.
  8. Khalala

    Khalala Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2016
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    Thankyou as always for the spoilers @angie_sash :aww:!!

    Mee too agree with you and still hoping that Cale and KRS is the same.

    That's a really interesting point. I think if og!Cale really died, why when Cale first transmigating to the body, no one suspicious or thought that he's different person? They just thinking that he grew up. Considering the Author-nim foreshadowing, I think this is one of the clue that Cale is the same as og!Cale hehe.

    And the greatest mysteries is why and how Cale's mothers died? And that the behaviour of og!Cale as Cale thinks about him is not really trash given that
    1. He's not really drunk but that his face just really got red fast. So the act that hes doing when he's drunk is actually when he's sober and that hes just acting
    2. When hes throwing bottle, its just to the thug but not at civillian.
    3. He doesn't hate his half? Brother and sister and in Basen past that Cale is reminding him that he is Henituse family.
    So as I can see, the og!Cale is not really a bad person as the other character thinks. But he's just acting like trash? If thats really true, why? Why he's acting like that? Is there a relation to why and how Cales mother die?

    And the last mystery is just who is Henituse Family? They're rich, doesn't really have greed for power, in their land?duchy? there are so many hidden masters and I think Duke Deruth knows about them and use them I think.

    Thats it. As I believe in Author-nim foreshadowing, I think and I hope that the mystery I think is not just a background detail but a foreshadowing for what to comes or at least have relation to the plot hehe :blobowoevil:
    shadow83, SuyeMuxiu, xxdjynxx and 4 others like this.
  9. Uncopyright

    Uncopyright Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2020
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    This is my opinion but I think ori!Cale acted as trash because he is the same with KRS.

    -They both did not like to be the next Count/Duke.
    *KRS's reason is because he wanted a slacker life. Free of any restraining responsibilities.
    *Ori!Cale's reason is because of Lily and especially Basen. I remember the scene when Ori!Cale had a conversation with Basen in the past and he said that Basen must be the next Count or something like that. Because the people of the Henituse territory is against the new family (Violan, Basen and Lily) and they claim that Basen is not a Henituse (correct me if I am wrong, hahaha I was rereading TCF and I was only at the arc wherein they are trying to use God's rage for Paerun territory but I remember reading this though I can't remember what arc...) so as a big brother Ori!Cale acted as trash so that he can never be a candidate for the position of the Count. Which explains why he acted like a drunkard that chooses bad guys as targeted opponent, because he wanted to maintain the name of Henituse but take all the blame for being a trash. This move helps Basen to be accepted by the people as the rightful heir of the Count because they cannot help but compare the trashy!Cale and the responsible!Basen. Although, this strategic move was destroyed when KRS takes over. But I am happy that even if this was destroyed, KRS just cleaned Cale's name but never intended to take the position of the heir. It is a win-win situation for both Cale and Basen unlike the self-sacrificing strategy of Ori!Cale.

    -Given Deruth's wealth and his power in gathering information maybe he knows or maybe he did not... It is more welcoming suspicion if Violan is the one who knew who are the experts given that her master is one of them. I think aside of having Super Rock as their guardian in Ancient times, the Henituse family's ancestors are knights. And I so so love their motto. It is befitting for Cale.

    "There is no reason to be recorded in history. Live for peace and happiness"

    I agree there is something mysterious in the Henituse territory but nobody knew cause from their ancestors to the present generation they are super low-key. (Edit... Low-key is not really a fitting word cause they are flaunting their wealth... More like being humble of what they had achieve.)

    -As for Cale's mom, when Eruhaben was first introduced and he mentioned the family of dragon slayers... I thought Cale's mom is from there though it was explained in the later chapters that the dragon slayer family is not really related to each other because the standard is that they are all strong people who agreed to live together. So Cale's mom is either a plain noblewomen or she is something else.

    There are many mysteries that remain unsolved but author-nim keeps throwing as on an edge with new informations that I don't know if we can have the satisfactory answers. The writer is so great that you cannot help but look forward for more.

    Urgghh... Hahaha I hate you... don't talk to me :blob_catflip:, I became so long winded with all your questions that my brain is forming many possible theories.
    Hahaha. Kidding~

    Thank you for discussing your questions and theories, it is fun. Sorry for being so wordy bad habit of mine.
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2020
  10. KIBBIE21

    KIBBIE21 Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2019
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    Thank u
  11. tefycat

    tefycat Active Member

    Jul 20, 2020
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    I think that at least there are eight worlds, one for each of the beasts/ statues he saw with the sealed god
  12. Raven Evernight

    Raven Evernight But they never just accepted me for the way I was…

    Aug 7, 2020
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    What does the watering can do that was meant to be a divine item from the shed or is it never mentioned I feel like it should at least be something beneficial to the world tree
  13. Uncopyright

    Uncopyright Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2020
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    Not yet written/discussed/explained... As far as I know...

    There are many mysteries that the author has not tackled yet. Such as:
    -the god who heads to the south... He was never named. Why did he chained and named the ancient power the water of judgement when she really was not?
    -the divine item of G.O.D which looks like a diary is also on standby, how will they use it?
    -where is the original Cale? Who is his mom?
    -What is the connection between KRS and WS, why they have the same facial features? If WS is a soul that kept reincarnating and the body he had as of now has a bigger plate... Does that mean that if Cale was in the body of KRS he will also have a bigger plate to sponsor the ancient powers?
    -Who wrote the birth of a hero that KRS had read in Korea?
    -How powerful Raon's attribute which is the present?
    -What is the use of the fruit given by the world tree to Raon?
    -What is the connection between Cale's world and KRS's world that monsters suddenly appeared in there?
  14. Akimashta

    Akimashta Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2020
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    I have a question, do we have a TCF discord chat group or are we just posting here? Because if there is a discord group I'd love to enter!
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  15. Uncopyright

    Uncopyright Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2020
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    Count me in.... If ever there is. :blobphone::blobnom:
  16. Raven Evernight

    Raven Evernight But they never just accepted me for the way I was…

    Aug 7, 2020
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    Okay so what if the white star is the original cale but after getting his body taken over by KRS he was reincarnated back in time and doesn’t remember his past as cale and that’s why he looks like cale and has the same name
    Dhiyfal, xxdjynxx and Uncopyright like this.
  17. Justpassingthrough

    Justpassingthrough Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2018
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    I was under the impression that the God of War was the one who chained the Sky Eating Water but I'm not sure since I can't remember why I got that impression.

    But yeah, I agree that Cale's resemblance to WS is one of the biggest mysteries and one I hope will get solved soon.:hmm: Cale's mom might be related to it. The way the author has kept completely silent about her throughout the story gives me the feeling that there's something big there. She's never mentioned. Not even casually.o_O

    I don't think we're gonna see Raon's attribute anytime soon though. I feel like it might tie into the whole parallel world stuff along with The spear and whoever wrote Birth of a hero in KRS's world. Cus it definitely seems to be CH's memoire or something.
    creizreiz, Taoiiii and Uncopyright like this.
  18. Uncopyright

    Uncopyright Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2020
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    It is a good theory but WS always died a painful death before he gets reincarnated and he remembers every past life he had, that is why he is a master of everything.

    Hahaha, I forgot the god of war that has Cotton as his 'priestess'. Yes, I think you are right but I also can't remember cause I was stockpiling the chapters after they were introduced and relied in spoilers for now.

    Now that you mention it.... WS have both of the features of Cale and KRS.... Red hair from Cale's appearance but the facial features is from KRS. If the author plans a shocking twists such as WS is another KRS from parallel world... I don't know how can I accept it. Thou this is impossible given that KRS is basically a slacker wanna be, why would he cause trouble that will result in tragedy.

    Maybe it is a parallel CH's memoirs or our very own KRS is the one who wrote the Birth of Hero so that it can guide his self to the adventures he was doing for now. Hahaha, I am imagining many things.
    Dhiyfal and CatCat19 like this.