Spoiler Trash of the Count’s Family

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by immortaltear, Sep 29, 2018.

  1. riris

    riris Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2020
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    Hoaa... after all read this ...it's make me curious even more :blobpopcorn::blobupset:
  2. Akimashta

    Akimashta Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2020
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    Guys, I'm confused about something. I remember Alberu became Alberumon because he wanted to tell Cale about how WS smacked them from behind and needed KRS's advice. But, what did WS do? Was it that he basically unified the whole continent or did he do something else that hasn't been explained in the novel? I appreciate the help!
  3. sasai

    sasai Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2020
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    I am re reading and reached the part when Pen, Rosalyn's brother, visited the Henituse Territory. I have always been curious about Rosalyn's age because it wasn't actually been mentioned or I don't know if I just missed it. But I just now realized that she is older than Cale. I actually thought they were same age but it was Pen who was the same age with Cale (18 during this time). And so since Pen is the 4th prince and Rosalyn was the supposed heir of Breck then it can be estimated that Rosalyn is around 23.. which is the same age as Alberu. And my heart is kinda fluttering just thinking about this, I don't know why! I think I approve of Rosalyn for Alberu, I kinda like Alberu too :aww::aww::aww:
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2020
  4. Shaiyamine

    Shaiyamine Reader of Novels, Slave to the Screen

    Mar 28, 2017
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    Hwhdjdgeueg WHERE WAS THIS

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  5. Raven Evernight

    Raven Evernight But they never just accepted me for the way I was…

    Aug 7, 2020
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    The hentinuse family was the best choice cause of the forest of darkness it had 2 natural powers there 1 magic path that led to another natural power the water of judgment and also it was the place the white star was getting dead dragon mana and the place Choi Han appears having cale become the son of the boss there is super logical if you think about it and she probably wasn’t there physically but like a projection and told cale to beware of a great danger and that he had to hide till the right time and he thought she was killed by the enemy and blamed himself and did what she told him and hid himself as a trash
    shadow83 and Yasmine bezzi like this.
  6. sasai

    sasai Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2020
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    Cale is so funny. I find it so cute that wherever he sits or whenever he walks it is always described that he looks so confident and comfortable as if he owns the place or as if he is just strolling. Like when the first time he met Obante in the city of life and showed Raon he urged the people to sit down as if it was his office or when he was about to save Pendrick's village he was at the wall with the Elves behind him and he looked like he was the chief of the village :blobjoy::blobjoy::blobjoy: there were a lot of other instances and that he seems like he has good sense of knowing where the comfortable seat is such as when he visited Alberu's office even before he was told he was already on his way to what it seems the most comfortable couch. I super love Cale!
  7. Uncopyright

    Uncopyright Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2020
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    I am reading what I have stockpile starting from Molden Kingdom and Jopis' arc and from what can I infer is that WS did something to the whole eastern continent except the Molden Kingdom. They align themselves with WS... Pressuring the western continent and Alberu... Plus making the mercenaries group to be ousted in their kingdoms...

    Hahaha, and now I am debating whether to continue reading till I caught up to the latest or stockpile again? The whole Korean arc is a mess... I mean Alberu's world... They need Cale as their center but Cale is busy resolving his regrets and sorrows of the past....
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2020
    Shey_04, Ludoret, Akimashta and 2 others like this.
  8. sasai

    sasai Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2020
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    Just an appreciation post for the owner of the Fire of Destruction. :blob_pompom:Even though he is quite greedy he seems to be the most heroic and a friend to the rest of Cale's APs. He was close with the thief and the crazy kid and frienemy of super rock. He probably was the first to die among them and a great lost during Ancient Times. Since he's power was the most useful against the enemies during the time he was probably the most targeted. Most of his talks with Cale are just crazy but there were also times that they were the ones of the most heartbreaking. :blobsad:Like when he said that he will give his best for those who spend money for him when talking about his parents, how they died and the reason why he went insane and fire up the north was revealed. There is probably more about him in the future. Among the APs, how he died and why did his ancient power ended up at the Ten Fingers Mountain were still a mystery. All those who have read until chapter 300 or so knows that the thief died because she was thrown tied up on a boulder at the sea so her powers ended up in northeastern sea, Rock lives in the Forest of Darkness so his power was left there for obvious reasons and also the glutton died in the Henituse territory when she was not able to do much when the darkness descended and there were only rocks and boulders in the place. Cheapskate seems to be someone who lives up north that is why he almost burn the Valley of Despair when he knew what happened to his parents and was friend with the crazy kid. But maybe he just went around the continent. I am just really curious to why it is the Ten Fingers Mountain. I like the the cheapskate because he is the most similar to Cale but a higher level of crazy.

    Sorry for the long post. Next time I will prepare a potato :blobjoy::blobjoy::blobjoy:
    Shey_04, Dhiyfal, Uncopyright and 3 others like this.
  9. Arnsol

    Arnsol Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2020
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    I honestly always imagining the setting of inside out ⸜(*ˊᵕˋ*)⸝‬ when ever the APs are talking to Cale. Like they would watch and then panics every time Cale does something that endanger himself. ゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。 they're really care about Cale's wellbeing in their own way ( ꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)
    Shey_04 likes this.
  10. shadow83

    shadow83 Icarus

    Sep 22, 2020
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    that's cool theory i'm with that
    Raven Evernight likes this.
  11. shadow83

    shadow83 Icarus

    Sep 22, 2020
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    it's 602
    Shaiyamine likes this.
  12. shadow83

    shadow83 Icarus

    Sep 22, 2020
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    ‘Your highness, if I am unable to return by November 7th…’
    Alberu looked toward the clock.
    The current time was November 8th at 12:00am.
    Cale had said the following.
    If he was unable to return by November 7th…
    ‘For about a day.’
    Actually, for exactly a day…
    ‘Please keep me alive.’
    Alberu had felt his heart sink when he heard Cale calmly tell him that.
    He had turned toward Cale who was caressing his mane at the time.
    ‘…What do you mean by that?’
    He asked that question, but was looking for an answer on his own as well.
    November 8th was the day they were supposed to catch the unranked monster if things went according to plan. But a variable must have come up if that failed.
    That was why Alberu thought that Cale was asking him to be the Dark Tiger and support him to deal with the fall out of that variable.
    ‘You want to fight together?’
    Alberu had asked while being slightly concerned.
    ‘Yes, your highness. Let’s fight together.’
    Cale had continued to calmly respond and caress Alberu's mane.
    Cale’s hand appeared and disappeared over and over as he caressed the Dark Tiger's abundant black mane.
    Cale had started at some point to caress Alberu’s mane whenever he had the time.
    ‘Dongsaeng, why do you need to be so serious to ask me to fight together?’
    ‘I guess you’re right.’
    Alberu had flinched internally at that moment.
    Cale had pretended to caress his mane while writing with his finger that could not be seen.
    His movements were very stealthy, as if he could not let someone see it. Alberu saw that Cale's face was completely calm, as if he was not doing anything.
    Cale was stealthily writing on the skin underneath the Dark Tiger’s mane while standing there with a calm expression on his face.
    < In different places. >
    Let’s fight together in different places.
    Alberu had barely managed to keep his expression from changing.
    He was acting stealthily. He knew that he had to do so since he saw how Cale was moving so that nobody could see what he was doing.
    Cale was only telling Alberu about this.
    He continued to leisurely caress the mane again, as if he never did anything else, before he continued to speak.
    ‘We need to all survive. Everybody should survive without dying.’
    Cale’s hand that was hidden underneath the mane again stealthily wrote something else.
    < Definitely. >
    Everybody must definitely survive and not die.
    Alberu gave a short response to everything Cale had just asked.
    ‘Let’s make sure to fight together.’
    Cale had then laughed, as if he was very happy.
    alexfilia, yuriezzz, Shey_04 and 10 others like this.
  13. Cuddles You

    Cuddles You Eternal East Wind

    Sep 29, 2020
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    gonna read it :blob_plusone::blob_plusone::blob_plusone:
    Uncopyright likes this.
  14. sasai

    sasai Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2020
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    Saying 'Please keep me alive' is ominious.. I hope nothing bad happens to Cale or anyone in the near future
  15. Uncopyright

    Uncopyright Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2020
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    Me too... All I ever asked for this novel is a happy ending... A sure happy ending not like a vague happy ending like ORV.

    I regretted that I choose to catch till the latest chapter, I am in agony of waiting what will happen because I was hooked up... Unlike when I am just reading spoiler, I mostly by-pass the newly introduced characters from Korean arc but now, I found them relatable and adorable well mostly the Steel Feathered Hawk such a cute noonim... I wish she can be with Cale at the other world, hahaha. Cale is a very charismatic character, he was loved by all... I am betting that WS will also love Cale hahaha kidding~
  16. sasai

    sasai Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2020
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    Yeah, i feel you with ORV's ending. But I wasn't into it as I am with TCF, thankfully, so I was not too disappointed.I really hope to see Cale's happy couch potato ending. He is by far the most adorable MC I have read of.

    And goodness :blobnosebleed: reading the chapters beyond chapter 500 is soooooo really tempting. One best thing about this novel is that all other characters are very likable, I am excited to be fully reading about these new characters being introduced. I wonder how the dragons as mentioned from the spoilers that they will have to get support from find Cale, I am excited to know if they will join the ever growing harem :cookie:

    And I also put my bet in WS liking Cale if they were on a different circumstance :blobjoy:
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2020
    shadow83, Ruruki and Uncopyright like this.
  17. Uncopyright

    Uncopyright Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2020
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    Read it. Read beyond the chapter 500. Hahaha and feel the misery of standing in cliffs... :blobjoy:.

    Don't mind me, I am looking for someone who can share my misery catching up till the latest as you know... Misery loves company haha.

    And I agree Cale should be there when they started recruiting the dragons but why do I feel that it is Raon who will convinced all the dragons to help. Raon's explosive cuteness will not receive a 'no' ever. :love:
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2020
    AoMay, Ruruki and sasai like this.
  18. Raven Evernight

    Raven Evernight But they never just accepted me for the way I was…

    Aug 7, 2020
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    I want more chapters of the manga version cause I’m super curious about what everyone looks like I wanna see my baby lock and all the other cute kids cale has and everyone
  19. Alberu_cale

    Alberu_cale Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2020
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    Cale said this to alberu
    It's heartbreaking, i almost cried because it's been really tough for cale this time with pain from two worldss
    Shaiyamine likes this.
  20. Uncopyright

    Uncopyright Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2020
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    Webtoon Chapter 24 link raw

    Soooo. I see Cage and Taylor...
    Cage's looks is kind of different than I imagined... I was looking for a long sleeves robe where she gets her cup for alcohol but she've got short sleeves and a tattoo but anyways she looks cool too! I never consider long haired guys for anime and webtoon to be handsome but Taylor looks handsome and cute when they were talking about drinking beer hahaha. The Stan's crest was also illustrated earlier hmmm but looks like I missed the Henituse's crest (edit: it is on the prologue, I really missed it). Also I am so waiting for the day that Raon becomes a chubby dragon!
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2020
    seabuckthorn, Anfir, sasai and 3 others like this.