Spoiler Actually, I was the Real One / 사실은 내가 진짜였다

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by DearBlue, Aug 19, 2020.

  1. Dimension Breaker

    Dimension Breaker Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2017
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    Agreed. Many KR shoujo manhwa these days have an MC that have a relationship with scum characters and then giving the said scum a backstory and a ‘tragic’ past that is not, in the least, tragic nor excusable for his behavior. the whole ‘humanizing terrible people’ doesn’t sit right with me.. but that’s just my honest opinion.
  2. so-chintzy

    so-chintzy One of the editors for Yukkuri Translation Service

    Sep 12, 2016
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    It doesn't work cuz they forget that "humanizing villains" is not "show the villain being complete irredeemable garbage with zero soft moments or times when they struggle with morality/ethics & then handwave it by having them have a sad backstory that was NEVER hinted at before & then they are automatically forgiven without having to work to regain the protag's trust".

    There's supposed to be hints/foreshadowing involved, but since the authors tend to write their stories on the fly, I don't think they really plot this kind of stuff ahead properly, so that's why the "humanization" is so half-assed.
  3. Dimension Breaker

    Dimension Breaker Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2017
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    For real. and these scums are made to look handsome and powerful, either a prince or a duke. Makes me cringe when they interact with MC and were supposed to have doki doki moments? LOL, only people with low standards will simp.
    Thank goodness we have more decent manhwa's like Beware of the Villainess.
    Th.ay, MochiPark, WinnieS and 4 others like this.
  4. I_am_one_Hell_of_a_Butler

    I_am_one_Hell_of_a_Butler Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2020
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    Exactly- I don't get how the scummy men get off of Scott free from the Devil's eyes, and the MCs are out there suffering. GOSH! Most of these MC's scummy influencers are their fathers, brothers, fiancee, boyfriend, or any of that kind!
    These authors really don't create anything original!
  5. ATrueStory

    ATrueStory Villainesses, Historical Shit, Noble Circuses

    Feb 6, 2019
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    Went there. As usual, more predictable judgements rather than spoiler. Guess I rather hang here than there.
  6. Merumeruni

    Merumeruni Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2020
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  7. Deleted member 265239

    Deleted member 265239 Guest

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  8. Folly

    Folly Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2020
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    Now that the Manhwa translations are caught up with the raw, please kindly take discussions to the discussion page and not this spoiler page.

    Thank you.
  9. Jennifere12511

    Jennifere12511 Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2018
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  10. Merumeruni

    Merumeruni Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2020
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    Your welcome. :blobokhand::blobReach:
  11. Dimension Breaker

    Dimension Breaker Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2017
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    Someone needs to compile the spoilers and request the original poster to put it below their first post so that when new people wants to read it we can easily point them to the first page.

    Improvise. Adapt. Overcome! :blobhero:
    Elliana and spchntrt like this.
  12. AnnHime

    AnnHime Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2020
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    Can someone give me some spoilers?
    1)What happens when Cosette shows up?
    2)What are people's reactions? Will they side with Cosette or Kiera?
    3) What's the father reaction?
  13. InsaneStuffedAnimals

    InsaneStuffedAnimals So silly goofy, quirky and different

    May 5, 2020
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    I agree. Honestly, that was one of the reasons I loved Death is the only ending for the Villain so much, because that was probably one of the most realistic approaches.
    The fact remains, no matter how tragic or messed up your backstory is, you remain responsible for your actions, and just because you had mommy/daddy issues, doesn't excuse the fact that you were a horrible parent and let your child be killed.
  14. althea.w

    althea.w Active Member

    Jul 13, 2020
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    so this is what happened about cossette and what basically happened why those things happened lol

    the family of keira's mom kicked out cossette's mom from the duchy, who was the first wife of the duke, coz the family of keira's mom is powerful. they kicked out/assasinated the 1st wife and her child, who is cossette and she died. so cossette was supposed to be real but since the 1st wife wanted revenge coz she was full of hatred about what happened to her, she made a deal with the devil to revive cossette. so the one who's in cossette's body is not the real daughter now, but the devil. however, the devil wanted to ruin and end the world by killing keira who is the saintess. keira's mom is nice and a good mother but her family is powerful and kinda greedy and she was also a victim. on the other hand, the grand duke didn't do anything, he neglected his own family because he wanted to stay neutral in society thus ignore both his wives. even though he got feelings for his 1st wife (cossette's mom), he ignored her pleas for help. same with 2nd wife (keira's mom) who he ignored, hated because of her powerful family and sees her only as a breeder. he is the main reason of all the sufferings because he can't protect his own family. he failed as a husband, father and as the head of the family.
  15. Dreamergirl

    Dreamergirl Member

    Oct 8, 2020
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    Where did you read it?
  16. MochiPark

    MochiPark Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2020
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    Basically that so call father is the antagonist :facepalm:
    LokaLari, Poor_Hero, Th.ay and 6 others like this.
  17. Atb2305

    Atb2305 Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2020
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    So here's a theory I came up with on why the Duke ignored Kiera:

    • So just like how Claude (WMMAP) chose to ignore Athanasia because of his feelings towards her mother, I think that the Duke decided to ignore Kiera because of his feelings towards her mum
    • But unlike Claude who ignored the original Athanasia because he didn't like that fact that his beloved (her mum) chose her over him, I think the Duke chose to ignore Kiera because he didn't think highly of her birth mother (the second wife)

    • Based on the spoilers provided, I think the MC's mum wasn't a good person ----- in fact, I think she was one of the people who was involved in organising the assassination (wouldn't be surprised if the MC's mum was the one who brought up the idea of assassinating the first wife to her family)
    • Going off of this theory, I believe that the Duke ----- who doesn't think highly of the MC's mother ---- probably went by the motto: "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree" and thus chose to take out his dislike towards the mother on his innocent daughter (the MC).

    My thoughts and theories:

    • The MC's mother and her family were probably crooks
    • The Duke who knew the MC's mother and her family were crooks, didn't think highly of them and regarded them as nuisances
    • The MC's mum was probably a jealous woman, like a REALLY jealous woman. Jealous enough to bully, harass and eventually murdering the first wife
    • The MC's mum was probably either crazy and ambitious or smart, calculative as well as ambitious.
    • The Duke probably was naturally nicer to Cosette because she reminded him of his first wife (who he actually loved)
    • The Duke could also be treating her better as a means to make amends for not taking action when his first wife was getting bullied and eventually murdered
    • The Duke might also be playing the "Sure...kill them if you want, but just because you've killed them and their kids does not mean I'll acknowledge you let alone your children" card towards the mum
    • Still going of my theory that the MC's mum might've been crazy and jealous, she might've killed the first wife with the hope that the Duke would acknowledge her and favour her now that the "nuisance" (the first wife) was out of the picture. But not only did killing off the first wife make the Duke more disgusted and revolted by her personality, but it also made him distance himself even more from her as well as her offspring.


    Anyways, those were just my theories and what I think might be going on.
    But even if the mum was a scum, that didn't give the Duke an excuse to treat Kiera and (maybe) her brother like TRASH :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
  18. Deleted member 262282

    Deleted member 262282 Guest

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    OKAY I mtled the latest chapter.. here's how it'll go..
    I'll just write what I remember
    ' for thoughts

    Butler [Robert]: a bill arrived from the traffic department. it was an invoice about the lady renting the airship for an entire day..

    Scum duke: Renting an airship for an entire day? How much will it cost? Pay them the money..

    'Of course. I used to feel stuffy too. (?)'

    Butler: About that.. your grace..

    The.. The lady rode the airship together with a man.

    Scum duke: 'what? a man?'

    Butler: She was also seen in a restaurant with him..

    Scum duke: 'Then those weren't excuses?'
    *recalls mc when she said to him that she wants to fall in love*
    'no..no way.. rented an airship for a man? I don't think it's true... maybe it's better for me to ask her directly'
    'Yes, let's ask her directly'
    *gets up*

    I'm going to the mc's room.

    Butler: ah yes.. then I'll inform her..

    Scum duke: no it's just a small matter. I'll just ask her right now.

    maid 1 and maid 2 are squealing at the new dress designed for the tea party.
    [mc is going to look gorgeous.. I swear.]

    mc: what is there in that dress for you to be praising it so much(?) aren't all dresses the same?

    maid 1:no milady this dress is gorgeous look at the design and the delicate jewellery!
    milady do you have any favourite designer?

    mc: I like blacksmiths who design swords very good(?)

    [after that they talk something but I forgot it lol]

    maid 2: *opens the door* who is it? huh duke?

    mc: your grace?

    the duke speaks [I don't remember] maybe he said something like "I came to talk about the airship you rented" I think it was that.

    maid 2: I shall bring over some tea

    Scum duke: no need. I won't be here for long

    maid 2: then I shall bring some cookies

    Scum duke glares at maid 2

    mc: 'why is he suddenly looking like that?'

    yes I rented an airship the other day.. the price won't be too high right

    Scum duke: no. price is not the problem. I can't pay without knowing the reason why you rented it.

    then they talk something

    Scum duke: Robert mentioned that you were with a man that day

    mc: *turns into a tomato* how did you *stutters* [gosh mc is such a cinnamon roll! *waves lightsticks* someone needs to protect her]

    then they talk again

    Scum duke: 'so Robert was speaking the truth'

    I need to know his identity.

    mc: 'is he trying to convince him to stop seeing me(?) and by that stop me from going to the tea party?'


    I'm tired and I need to rest.

    Scum duke: wait! [me: damn that was one satisfying reaction you bastard!]

    mc: is there anything else you need to say your grace? I want to rest now.

    Scum duke: Why won't you...

    "am I entitled to ask this? [I think he was trying to say why won't you call me father anymore.... haha burn!!!]

    Scum duke:............... no take rest.

    Walks out

    recalls memory of mc running to him calling him "father"

    you sunnuva bit*h! you ruined ma girl's smile and now you want her to call you father :blobcat_hyper:. hell no! don't even think about it. don't even dream about it. [also if you can stop breathing:blobtaco:] even if heaven splits I won't ever allow this! nu-uh nope:blobcurse:
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 23, 2020
  19. kawaii12345

    kawaii12345 Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2020
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    I enjoy seeing him get a LITTLE pain but really this is just stupid right now. Big pain is what he deserves
    1. She hasn't dealt with Cosette yet alienating him is counter productive
    2. Never do anyone a small injury. It's pointless, and just causes problems
    3. This kind of emotional behavior is what got her killed in TL 1
    There is the argument that being affectionate to him was wasted effort and it's solid, but this telegraphs too much. I am sure plot armor will clean it up in the end and things will break MC's way
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2020
  20. Deleted member 262282

    Deleted member 262282 Guest

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    dunno this focuses on her character development. so it will get better in the later chapters. also since cosette hasn't come so..
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