Spoiler The Reason Why Raeliana Ended up at the Duke's Mansion

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by lazynoodles, Dec 17, 2018.

  1. mayairreal

    mayairreal Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2020
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    I think there some part need to be revised.

    The black magician who approach OgRae died. Remember when NewRae go to town in search of OgRae memory (manhwa chap 80)? She found information that black magician died, because she help Soroso (Siatrich Concubine) in giving birth a prince (Seymour).

    The one who murder Eun Ha is The Goddess / the writer. She kill her to cast her as NewBea, because OriBea soul die before the play over. She needs to find other soul, so the play can be continued. The explanation about this in chap 125 by Iosa and chap 139 by the black magician. Hiika also point about soul matter in chap 67.

    The conclusion are :
    - OriBea soul and Eun Ha / New Rae soul are different soul (A lot of misleading spoiler say Eun Ha is Ori Bea reincarnation, but from the explanation, if a soul die, it can't be reincarnated, but replace with other soul until the play / the body is over / dead)
    - The black magician (who approach OriRae), The Goddess / The Writer, Iosa, they are 3 different people. But all of them are women.
  2. serratia.marcess

    serratia.marcess Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2020
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    Does anyone know how many chapter we'll be getting for the new sides stories? Because i really hope we could see the wedding scene
  3. GiGi the K4Tz

    GiGi the K4Tz Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2020
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    This reminds me of something that they told me "Sometimes you will have to abandon your dreams, goals or illusions, don't go to the moon and stay on the floor because at least it will not be so painful" at first I didn't understand this at all, but little by little I realized its meaning, sometimes the human being, regardless of his situation, always wants things and it's okay, since these are usually motivations to continue living ........................ SOMETIMES.

    Just as they can be motivations, they can be chains that eat away at your mind little by little and not even fulfilling a dream or goal can bring you happiness and that is exactly the case of many characters in this story, especially OG Rae.

    The current Rae and Noah only wanted at first to profit from an agreement between the two of them, they never thought they would end up together. Now, are them unhappy because they plan didn't go the way they wanted? But of course not, in fact the two of them are extremely happy, they even had children and stayed together forever, which if they had been told from chapter 1 that they would marry in the future, they would probably avoid this at all costs. since they would think that it would ruin their lives completely.

    And just as the protagonists represent this side where perhaps not everything goes according to plan has to be bad, the original Raeliana is when she clings too much to that everything is as she wants but ends up sacrificing herself.

    Let us admit the following:

    -She always wanted to be like the protagonists of her books, where most of them are completely idealized by their authors and are the center of the universe, she always wanted to be because she believed that that would make her happy forever.

    -The witch pressured OG Raeliana to change her body feeding her dreams of being the heroine of a book, telling her that what she is doing isn't wrong, she put it in her head that it's her right to be Beatrice more than the new Bea / Eunha

    -She NEVER cared about her family, because she shows too much that she is one of those people who only fight for their own benefit regardless of trampling others since it's guided by the philosophy "The strong dominate the weak", but since she was a coward (Weak in her eyes) she acted extremely submissive in a way of saying "Don't eat me" like she was a crying bunny. As soon as she managed to be above almost all aristocrats, being the daughter of a duke of the old nobles instead of a baron of the new nobles, she acts in a very confident and sophisticated way, being very sociable and even threatening anyone. (In fact she seems to feel powerful having Beatrice's body, since it's the body of the winner according to her eyes)

    -She after changing the body, she had two options not to die because of the change, the first to kill the current Raeliana and the second to look for another witch to return them to the bodies that were their turn, but according to her it would be Raeliana is being a failed and irrelevant daughter of barons that nobody cares about, she firmly believes that following her dreams and goals of being a fairytale heroine is worth it, enough to kill anyone who gets in the way.

    Then in the end she dies because instead of defending her own life, she preferred to listen to a strange woman who never questioned whether it was a good idea to trust In her, that didn't matter to her as long as she was Beatrice and thus, fulfilling her dreams that turned against her in the end for having put these on top of the innocents, she hates Eunha and hated her friend for that, because they were extremely bright and worked hard to achieve their goals but at the same time they didn't need to hold onto something to be happy, they just had to enjoy the good times to be happy.

    With this I don't mean that having dreams, goals or illusions are something evil, but if it's necessary to prioritize for your own well-being, both physically and mentally, the original Raeliana sacrificed both in order to have a dream that would never come true, cause she asked for something that it's almost impossible to obtain, the attention and approval of the whole world as normally are the heroines of novels that most are either romanticized.

    That is why many hate the current Beatrice because her way of thinking where she sacrifices many innocents and even her for being a "disney princess" makes them detest her for being such a selfish bitch and that is also why some understand her or they love her for the fact that she was someone extremely pitiful and immature, the person who "helped her" just wanted to destroy her to feel like she was equal to the goddess / playwright.
  4. mayairreal

    mayairreal Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2020
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    Can be accessed in Kakaopage Korea an Naver Series

    It's hard to explain in here.
    What I do, I screenshoot the application page, and use Google translate to understand the menu bar, then try and error.

    I also find the tutorial in youtube in my language.

    Try to search video tutorial in youtube.
    Wish this can help.
    Naver series and webtoon almost same in cookies.

    Victo.gg and GiGi the K4Tz like this.
  5. TheGodEmperor

    TheGodEmperor Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2020
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    I think she was more certain that it was fate that she (as in Rae/the body) had to die. She basically went mad. Not excusing her, but I have some pity to her. I also think that there's a thing of "we don't know all the good we really have in our life." I totally could see her doing that, not realizing the good friends, family, and comfort she had because she got so focused on the fact she was going to die cause "destiny demanded it."
    L0GIC and mayairreal like this.
  6. Ysagassi

    Ysagassi Active Member

    Jan 9, 2021
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    About the inheritance of the title of duke, can anyone tell the details of it? Is robert wynknight the brother of noah's mom? Is that why the widowed wife of robert give the title to noah when he decided to make siathrich the king?
  7. GiGi the K4Tz

    GiGi the K4Tz Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2020
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    Well from what I understand, yes, Robert was the brother of Noah's mother, he was probably her younger brother since Justin says he was good friends with which makes me doubt that he was old, apart from the fact that he had no children.

    Now that I think about it, does anyone know the names of Noah's parents?
    Ysagassi likes this.
  8. GiGi the K4Tz

    GiGi the K4Tz Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2020
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    Noah is extremely possessive with Rae, but rarely at the same time respects her with all his being, so weird, Noah is that strange, you can tell he likes to keep everything under control to be untouchable, that's why he is asocial, but when It's time to live with Rae, who is a free spirit, prefers to be docile and submissive so as not to bother or hurt her because that is what she wants to do the least

    Mmm, could it be said that his desire to control and monitor everything to be safe is the fruit of the education he was given or because of his traumas? I remember how Noah said that falling in love would only bring him problems and that he didn't want to be the same as his father, he rejected a lot of women just because he thought that he would be just as failed in love as his father was, let's be honest, Noah's father shows that he was like a trained pet of his mother, he is extremely apathetic with people for fear of ending up like his father. Who according to his words "Both as king and father was a failure and didn't win anything"

    Although also seeing how was Noah's mother, who was very cold with an expression of eggs without salt, he probably learned things from her.....


    As they would say in my country "It seems a joke but it's anecdote"
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 19, 2021
  9. siv91

    siv91 Active Member

    Jan 17, 2021
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    Hello.. Finally I am here. I am silent reader to this forum.. And this is the first korean novel that get me hooked up.
    mayairreal likes this.
  10. Hypothon

    Hypothon Semi-known disqus/NUF smut/shoujo commenter.

    Mar 10, 2020
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    Went to check the raws since I expected Beatrice's end to have been more... impactful from what I remember from the spoilers. Thankfully, I understood right the main story is done upon seeing the raws and while its probably been spoiled, can someone give me a rundown on the train ride subplot? Wasn't Rae about to talk to god or something? Was the god the shota? Then who was the handsome man that talked to Noah?
    And can someone give me a brief rundown on the substories (still a shame we see no kids, so remind me again about their kids in the novel both in main and modern timeline? Thanks again!)
    InsaneStuffedAnimals likes this.
  11. glitter89

    glitter89 Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2020
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    I just want to confirm this...
    1) OGRaeliana does deal with Black mage and tries to switch her and Beatrice's body
    2) Unsuccessful and OGBeatrice ends up being reborn as Eunha
    3) Creator is like time is up and Eunha (aka OGbeatrice) is isekai'd to Raeliana's body

    essentially, OGbeatrice and Eunha are the same person/soul?
    InsaneStuffedAnimals likes this.
  12. bluesea23

    bluesea23 Active Member

    Jan 19, 2021
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    When Noah and Rae meet again in Korea in their Next life im assuming? This is when she as Eunha (i think that was her name again) is like wtf he's a stalker right? So was it ever said who was older? Like Im just trying to guess who passed away first...I'm assuming It happened when they were both old though
  13. mayairreal

    mayairreal Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2020
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    The Goddess split her identity as Emily to talk to Rae and Androgynous man/woman to talk to Noah.

    About kids, there is a little glimpse at novel book 3 side stories, you can search the link at page 1, Side Story 9: Maybe.

    Story about the kids also can be found in book 4 side stories.

    We can't see their kids in modern time, because the story of modern time end up not long after Eun Ha get her memories as Rae.

    1. Actually, the black mage was the one who approach OGRaeliana first, tell her that she will die in her fiancee's hands, and tell her a way to become Beatrice.

    2. Nah, this one is the biggest misunderstanding. OG Bea and Eun Ha are different soul. In this story, if a soul die before the play over, The Goddess will cast other soul, so the play can be continue. But, if the body die, but the soul still alive, that soul will travel to the next play / stage.
    - The Goddess know if Ori Bea soul will die
    - The Goddess cast Eun Ha as Bea to replace Ori Bea soul
    So the cycle is : Eun Ha > Raeliana (because she can't enter Bea body) > Eun Ha (with Noah as Won).
    The hint can be found in manhwa chapter 67 (by Haika), 125 (by Iosa), 139 (by the witch)

    3. Creator is like time is up for Ori Bea soul, so she cast Eun Ha to continue Beatrice role.

    Lee Won (Noah in modern time) is much older. He is 28 years old by American age and Eun Ha 20 years old by Korean age (19 in American Age).
    In Korea, when you born, this count as 1 year old.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2021
  14. GiGi the K4Tz

    GiGi the K4Tz Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2020
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    I always joke with this "freaky friday" plot, but that would be the change of bodies without joking[​IMG]
    bluesea23 likes this.
  15. Hypothon

    Hypothon Semi-known disqus/NUF smut/shoujo commenter.

    Mar 10, 2020
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    Thanks! But I was referring to the manhwas sidestories
  16. glitter89

    glitter89 Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2020
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    ohhh ok, cuz like I always thought that Eunha and OGbea were separate souls until like 8 months ago when I saw a spoiler that said that OGBea is Eunha and that Noah was like always meant to be with Bea regardless of the body and that idk why but kinda made me upset cuz it kinda felt like that fate can never be overwritten or smth. So this makes me feel a lot better lol

    just to make sure I get it then, OG bea soul died, Goddess decided she need a new soul to be Bea, but black mage and raelina do their whole fiasco so Eunha who Is meant to be the "new" bea (kind of like the understudy i guess) goes to Raeliana and the story begins. Does that mean Noah being meant to be with Bea isn't more so in reference to OGbea but just Eunha? sorry if this is confusing lol but there seems to be a lot of mention of fate but I think in the train scene in the end, the goddess gave the book and promised they would be with each other in the next life? So would that make Eunha and Noah the "new" fated pair?
    Xienne likes this.
  17. GiGi the K4Tz

    GiGi the K4Tz Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2020
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    Hmm, I think that Eunha and Noah would always end up together, since the goddess already knew that OG Bea was going to die, that's why she looked for a substitute, apart from the fact that when Eunha was a child they told her that she wouldn't live long in a fortune-telling house, it seems rather that the goddess had her in her sights since she realized that OG Bea would die, I think she was just waiting for him to die to return to Eunha in Beatrice.

    Another thing is that Eunha says clearly after seeing the new Beatrice act strangely, she begins to say that she doesn't look like the Beatrice from the flashback she had in previous chapters or the Beatrice from the novel, other than that it seems to me very suspicious that they emphasize to you that Beatrice's personality in the novel, being a carbon copy of Eunha's, but the latter maybe is just because OG Bea and Eunha are similar.................but it may be that I was wrong and original Beatrice if she was going to stay with Noah but because he died definitively, the goddess will match him with a soul that fits him
    Xienne and glitter89 like this.
  18. mayairreal

    mayairreal Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2020
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    Only the publisher and illustrator know, how much side story from novel turn into manhwa. As this far, there is 1 side story not turn into manhwa, Villa Interlude.
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  19. glitter89

    glitter89 Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2020
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    mmm okie so that's why the goddess granted her the final wish of getting into uni I guess...so she would be at peace with this life before acting as the new Beatrice. If OG bea was gonna die, does that mean Novel Beatrice is more so like...the future that could've been but did not occur? Like its more so a vision than an actually different timeline unlike other isekai manhwa (e.g. Who made me a princess, the novel was an actual timeline)

    Oh and just to confirm the OG Beatrice is just straight up dead, like her soul didn't go anywhere or to Eunha, she just dead?

    awww...that probably means Eunha spent 8 years alone after Noah passed...but its fine since they meet each other again :)
    ngl, considering this Eunha is the same age as me, if some 27-28 year old insisted that we were together, no matter how good looking he was, I would've dead ass called the cops lmao
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 19, 2021
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  20. GiGi the K4Tz

    GiGi the K4Tz Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2020
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    The life that Eunha would have in the future could be considered Beatrice's novel, not OG Beatrice's. So the book could be classified as prophetic.

    That Bea is dead ... well, let's see, it's explained that souls are reincarnating until their flame of life goes out, but from what I can see in the novel I think I remember perfectly that Iosa mentions the existence of the heaven, when false Beatrice tries to kill MC, she tells her to go to hell ........ I'm not sure, maybe it could be that the thing about the extinct souls refers more to that they no longer have a chance to reincarnate or be in a human body, so from there it is decided if what is left will go to heaven or hell.

    Although it may also be that when they are extinguished they stop being someone and become one with existence or they are simply like when you burn a paper, only ashes remain.

    In fact Eunha had planned to do at the beginning, but decided to call her brother, but the brother quickly became friends with Lee. Treason? Where?:blobxd::blobxd::blobxd::blobxd::blobxd:
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 19, 2021
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