LCD Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Discussion in 'Latest Chapter Discussion' started by jacobpaige, Aug 26, 2019.

  1. lunarshadow

    lunarshadow Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2016
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    You do remember there's like only 4 people in her whole sect that aren't her. And she was running a small city... This? This was nothing.
    Westeller likes this.
  2. Blank-1

    Blank-1 Fantasy-holic

    Nov 10, 2018
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    Now that I think about it, the avatar skill along with her samsara related skills basically sets up a possible foundation for her to be an independent samsara that at the same time is one person
  3. Blank-1

    Blank-1 Fantasy-holic

    Nov 10, 2018
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    Who wants to bet the only reason they got their bags is that GQS reminded that they’re a lawful sect lol
    lunarshadow likes this.
  4. lunarshadow

    lunarshadow Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2016
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    "I can"t read."

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  5. Blank-1

    Blank-1 Fantasy-holic

    Nov 10, 2018
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    I sure hope she does never learns GQS is an angel of condemnation.
    Her twisted passion rn seems to be a mix of gratitude, being charmed by him, and desire for his occult abilities
    If you add him being the same ‘species’ she might become even more passionate at the opportunity of making more angels with a high quality partner
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2021
  6. PrimordialChaoticVoid

    PrimordialChaoticVoid Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2016
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    "I can't read" My friends, this is even funnier if you remember one thing from ages ago, this was the same excuse he used when he had the order when he encountered Laura!
    lunarshadow likes this.
  7. Mephistophvera115

    Mephistophvera115 Active Member

    Feb 4, 2020
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    Okay, so, the highest power level we've seen should be renedol who's above deific king level, and deities come after that. The giant of beginning and the Holy father should be particularly strong even in deific king realm but still not renedol's level. So the highest boss should be at that level for now without including the dusty world. The life god was at deity level, and she got fused with soul shrieker while escaping the defic king level asura which was dead and got controlled by the parallel world, so the boss that just got shown, the master of the golden chopstick should be at that level. Then theres the angel girl who ventured in dusty world and got cursed. She shouldn't be in deific king realm as she got threatened by Immortal goddes while inside the base of star empire, when su xue er was receiving the inheritance. the inheritance was only deity level. Gu qing shan said he wouldn't need to be afraid of soul shrieker if he reached maheshwora realm with the demin dragon transformation. so he's power level at that time should be deity level. but because it includes demon dragon power, let's say that sumery lord equals deity level. Bau hua fairy is going to sumeru lord realm now, so her power should be at deity level. but as she is even more of a cheat than our mc(she disappeared for about 300 chaps and skipped 9 relams, and she again disappeared at paragon realm and returned at peak maeshwora realm undergoing tribulation for sumeru lord realm, this is to much, who's the focking mc, her power up is just way focking stupid.) Bai hua fairy should be deity level strong, same as that yandere angel who got cursed in dusty world. and if bai hua fairy completes sumeru lord tribulation, she should be almost deific king level strong. Damn power level, its so focking hard to define. I still can't see the power ceiling at all man, the dusty world is still left. and the power up for bai hua fairy makes you want to vomit blood. her origins are simple, daughter of a paragon realm cultivator from the age of old. not even a year and she skips paragon, yama king, and mashehwora realm. if she was so talented why didn't it show in her childhood man. this is so bullcrap. if the author gives another random power up to her, imma drop this shit. the power ceiling we saw is renedol level, but even she only got lucky in dusty world. just becuase of some random frutioits opportunity in dusty world, she got that power ful. so if the author takes another powrr up off of his ass for bai hua fairy, Im done..
  8. ngheem

    ngheem Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2017
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    I can say that bai hua fairy is way more powerf
    At the end of the novel, she is still stronger than our Gu boy, so deal with it. And btw, a little hint that she did not disappear but has been present all the time (remember her skill?)
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 16, 2021
  9. la0o9

    la0o9 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2019
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    There's actually a very reasonable explanation why her powers had been skyrocketing while constantly being one realm higher than our MC, but if you still think that power level actually matters at this point despite everything the MC has shown capable of doing (constantly killing/tricking/defeating enemies strong than himself - some even at a Deity level) as well as a prominent system of power that doesn't necessarily require strength to wield (Causality skills), you're still expecting the novel to be a regular cultivation novel, which it isn't.

    Even the MC's power-ups are completely nonsensical if you take a step back to look at it: Despite having been Paragon realm for the past 300 or so chapters, he had been facing enemies that are progressively stronger and more difficult to face, while also gaining strength that doesn't have anything to do with his actual cultivation level. If anything, I'd argue that his cultivation is actually the least significant compared to everything else at his disposal, considering he doesn't even use spirit energy for his strongest attacks like [Rahu's Eclipse of Sun and Moon] or the Sacrificial Dance.
    tkato and Blank-1 like this.
  10. spycho357

    spycho357 Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2018
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    it's already been stated that cultivators in the 900 million world layers can't reach these levels. The cultivation scriptures and knowledge were suppressed or destroyed. I believe it was at paragon realm GQS said he was equal in power to the top combatants. At his soon to be level and Bai Hua's level they will literally be the strongest beings from the 900 million world layers. The soul shreiker is shaping up to be a midboss against the power levels GQS will be facing from the other fragments. I'm looking forward to the multiverse curbstomping that will eventually be handed out.
  11. Mephistophvera115

    Mephistophvera115 Active Member

    Feb 4, 2020
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    You didn't get my point actually. The power system of this novel is one of the most amazing one I've seen. My problem is, seeing gu qing shan go through so many hardships and finally attaining the power he has, and some side character is still stronger than him just becuase of some golden lotus. Man, do you know what happens to the sense of accomplishment the author has developed after so many chaps becuase of that, It goes to focking trash.
    So many monster fought over heaven sword because of its amazing display when the heaven sword was completed. So, I don't know why nothing happened when bai hua fairy was born and it caused the heaven and earth to go dim. Demon dragon already existed at that point and he wasn't even defeated by gu qing shan. why didn't he report it to his boss? why nothing happened. I know its a plothole the author couldn't avoid becuase the power ceiling constantly got widened and the story got longer, but my problem is the sense of accomplishment that goes to trash after figuring out bai hua fairy is still stronger than him. just because of a golden lotus no one bothered with even though it could make one skip even sumeru lord realm.
    don't take it to heart man, im just frustrated these last few chaps.
    the novel is one of the best novel, i'd definitely say ranked with the likes of lord of the mysteries, reverend insanity...
  12. Mephistophvera115

    Mephistophvera115 Active Member

    Feb 4, 2020
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    Wtf, shit srsly?????!?!?!?!?!
    I'm really starting to question who the hell is the protagonist here, and just because of a focking lotus. like man seriously?? Bai hua fairy is definitely the protag, the sense of accomplishment you develop with gu qing shan's growth can go to trash.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 17, 2021
  13. Blank-1

    Blank-1 Fantasy-holic

    Nov 10, 2018
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    GQS may be a talented dancer, cook, swordsman and leader, but his accomplishments in conning are truly multiverse class.
    The_Loner and lunarshadow like this.
  14. Blank-1

    Blank-1 Fantasy-holic

    Nov 10, 2018
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    Wait... if WGS only awards him soul points for killing equal or stronger opponents, then does it stockpile the soul points from all the weaker opponents and other soul points that are extracted?
  15. lunarshadow

    lunarshadow Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2016
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    Not to mention how much it siphons for itself on the stronger opponents.

    Of course most cultivators only have a cap of a few k soul points so it's not like GQS is really losing out
  16. Blank-1

    Blank-1 Fantasy-holic

    Nov 10, 2018
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    Doesn’t GQS have his infinite soul point capacity.
    I mean, I agree that WGS has used stocked up soul points to great effect, and has been shown to be wise to do so.
    But still... along with the tests and secrets it has, it feels like WGS thinks GQS either isn’t ready, or not yet 100% certain that GQS will carry out its own end goal
  17. la0o9

    la0o9 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2019
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    Or it might be afraid that he's going to squander it all away. considering how many times he's gotten into dangerous situations and spent his entire reserve at once, or how he gives the rooster statue way more than enough soul points to do its job (originally it was 500, now he's giving 10,000 at once)
    lunarshadow and Blank-1 like this.
  18. lunarshadow

    lunarshadow Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2016
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  19. Blank-1

    Blank-1 Fantasy-holic

    Nov 10, 2018
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    So that’s why yanderes keep popping up...
    lunarshadow likes this.
  20. lunarshadow

    lunarshadow Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2016
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    Remember GQS's soul points are always mentioned by current/MAX where his max is currently like 6k (too lazy to bother looking for the exact number). WGS allows him to ignore his cap and supposedly to absorb soul points via killing entities of his strength or higher. When he had the Demon King Order active is when you began to wonder if GQS has the ability to absorb soul points via killing unrelated to the WGS at all. The Demon King Order even commented on how efficient GQS was at taking soul points from kills. At the time I thought it was just the Demon King Order not realizing it was the WGS, but now I think differently. He was still able to gather soul points when the WGS wasn't there. The Demon King Order basically took all the soul points for itself, so we have no confirmation if GQS can ignore that cap without WGS present. I'm still not a 100% sure if GQS is a returner or if a parallel GQS basically got the memories of that GQS when he inherited the WGS.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2021