Forum Rules Forum Rules

Discussion in 'Novel Updates Site Discussion' started by Tony, Feb 23, 2017.

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  1. Tony

    Tony Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 20, 2015
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    Reading List:
    Please follow the forum rules while you're at the Novel Updates Forum.

    Forum Rules
    1. General Forum Rules
    2. Anime Forum Rules
    3. Community Game Rules
    4. Community Fiction Rules
    5. General Chat Rules
    6. "I'm Looking For..." Rules
    7. Latest Chapter Discussion Rules
    8. Novel Discussion Rules
    9. Novel General Rules
    10. Novel Pickup Request Rules
    11. Spoiler Forum Rules
    Violation of Forum Rules
    Violators of the forum rules will be given warning points (WP) and possibly have their post deleted. There are no "verbal warnings." Warnings points will serve as their name suggests, a warning. Warning points can accumulate into a ban.

    User can't view warning points, but a notification will be given every time the user receives warning points. Duration of bans varies, depending on warning points accumulated.

    Sometimes a ban could be issued without notification (usually for serious offenses), in this case, warning points notification serve as banning notification.

    Serious offenses:

    • using information on NUF to dig out personal information (privacy infringement, "doxing")
    • posting suicidal*, terrorism, and or anything related to criminal activity.
    • constantly targeting and insulting a user
    • threatening the mods or a user, in a way that tries to intimidate or ends up scaring the receiver
    User that disagree with locking/deleting thread are welcomed to PM moderator that performed the action.

    Reporting Violation of Rules

    There are report button for post and comment. If you happen to encounter a violation of rules, report them instead of directly replying to the thread/status as it would often lead to off-topic discussion. For the same reason, summoning a mod to lock/delete/edit is not recommended either. Simply report or ignore the post content.

    *In the case you are feeling depressed or down, you are welcomed to make a thread in general so another user could cheer you up.

    • Please report all violators via the report button. Tagging a moderator to report a violator is not the correct way to report it.
    • If you have complaints towards a mod, send them a PM. Don't post on their profile or make a thread about it. There is absolutely no need to make it a public affair.
    • Ban evasion will result in your clone being banned and will increase the time on the original ban.
    • Don't ask for or give links to pirated content.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 29, 2021
  2. Shio

    Shio Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2015
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    Reading List:
    General Forum Rules
    This is general rules for NU forum, applicable for every thread and post. There might be additional specific rules in sub-forum.

    The general rules for posting:​
    1. No NSFW/racist/avatars/propaganda post. Be nice and polite. Respect others and think before posting.
    2. Double posting is tolerated, but within moderation.
      - What is double posting? Double posting refer to posting in a thread twice or more in a row.
      - Is there a case when double posting is allowed? There are several case when double posting are allowed, for example: In original creation and original composition thread. The first poster of a thread might also post two or more post in to better organize their thread.
    3. Respect other member's privacy.
    4. Posts should be kept English only, as managing multiple languages would require an extraneous amount of resources.
    5. Do not request or share licensed novel in threads and/or status post. Similary, do not ask or give link to aggregator site.
    6. Any spoiler should be placed inside spoiler tag or within spoiler thread.
    7. Do not hijack/ derailed from topic from thread with 'serious' or 'no-hijacking' tag. Even without the tag, you could still differentiate which thread is serious or not. Do not hijack any serious discussion, especially if the original poster already give warning to not go off topic. Yes, this apply even in the infamous general -> general section.
    8. A post consisted of nothing but @ to summon user is considered as SPAM. If you want to summon someone, please add your reason to summon them too.
    9. Do not necro threads if the thread has been dead for 3 months. Simply make a new one. An exception to this rule would be the thread cannot be remade for reasons or you have a good reason to necro the thread.
    10. Threads and posts related to religion and politics are banned. The topic is too volatile.
    Making a thread:
    1. Title of the thread should be representing the content of thread. Blank title ".....", misleading, or ambiguous title is not recommended. Similarly, the thread must at least contain an idea to discuss. Thread that is made for SPAM posting will be locked.

      How to know if the thread is made for SPAM posting? It generally follow several patterns:
      - No clear main idea/ general direction, with 2 or more change in topic within 3 pages
      - User only post picture/ video/ link without any discussion/ comment

    2. Thread with mature content (gore, explicit/detailed torture or sexual description) should be tagged 18+
    3. Post the thread in the correct place.
    4. Use tag to made it easier for people to find your thread. Please put the main topic of your thread as tag.
    5. No political/religion thread
    1. Self-reporting will resulted in warning.
    2. Useless threads with no purpose will result in warning.
    3. Do not harass other users.
    4. No NSFW profile or signature pictures (even if hidden under a spoiler).
    5. No Videos and GIF's in your signature unless under a spoiler. Picture in signature should not be bigger than 200 px in height. Total height of your signature should not exceed 15 lines of 15px text.
    6. Do not advocate piracy
    7. Do not offer monetary (RL item/money) in any form.
    8. Do not spam/cheat the likes system.
    9. Do not use the platform to contact and coerce users.
    10. Do not advertise your discord server on NUF.
    11. No homework help threads
    12. "For Sale" threads are not allowed.
    Last edited: May 31, 2018
  3. Parth37955

    Parth37955 [Unavailable, go away] Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2015
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    Reading List:
    Latest Chapter Discussion Rules
    • Don't make a thread and not say anything about the novel. Example: Latest discussion, Here we will talk about the latest chapter.
    • Don't spam-no irrelevant or hijacking posts
    • Tag and title the thread properly
    • Only one thread for a novel. Check to see if there is already a thread for the novel before making a thread.
    • Any and all spoilers must by hidden under
    • If you have nothing nice to say in the opening post, don't make the thread. Do not make a thread for a novel you do not like. It deters readers.
    • Read the novel you are making a thread on. You have to be reading the novel if you want to make a thread about.
    • Give your opinion about the novel in the original post.
    • Don't make a thread just to make one. Actually be interested in it.
    • You can ask questions about the novel as long as it's about something that has been translated (no raw discussion/spoilers)
    Some advice if you find it difficult to write a good Opening Post:
    • It helps if you actually read the novel. In other words, read the novel.
    • Talk about something you like about the novel, the latest chapter, a little about the setting, give your opinion, etc
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 23, 2017
  4. Parth37955

    Parth37955 [Unavailable, go away] Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2015
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    Reading List:
    General Chat Rules

    While general is considered anything goes, there are some basic rules that need to be followed and here they are.
    1. Title of the thread should be representing the content of thread. Blank title ".....", misleading, or ambiguous title is not recommended. Similarly, the thread must at least contain an idea to discuss. Thread that is made for SPAM posting will be locked.
      How to know if the thread is made for SPAM posting? It generally follow several patterns:
      - No clear main idea/ general direction, with 2 or more change in topic within 3 pages
      - User only post picture/ video/ link without any discussion/ comment
    2. No NSFW/racist/propaganda post
    3. Do not hijack if the thread has a 'serious' or 'no-hijacking' tag.
    4. If the thread is serious, put a 'serious' or 'no-hijacking' tag.
    5. Avoid double posting.
    6. Do not make a thread if you know it will be locked and/or are planning on it getting locked.
    7. If your thread gets locked and you feel wronged, PM a mod. Do not start spamming a mod's profile or making a thread about it.
    8. Threads created should encourage discussion
    Please just follow these rules to minimize the mess. Your efforts are appreciated. Any mod's feel like editing this or changing it, feel free.

    Some Clarification. Just cause General Chat say "Talk about anything and everything." doesn't mean talk about anything and everything.
    • Put some thought into it. Don't just make a thread to make one.
    • If you could literally just google something, don't make a thread asking about it.
    • Don't say "serious" if it's not serious
    • Don't call it a discussion, if you are not discussing something and only made thread for a quick laugh.
    • Here's a tip: Use the bar test. Would you walk into a local bar or coffeehouse and talk about that topic? If not, then your topic is not welcomed here. If you wouldn't say it in RL, don't post it here.
    • Post with common sense
    Important Sticked General Threads:
    1. Hello Newbies! A Welcome Thread for You Reader! is for the new people to introduce themselves
    2. Daily Laughs~ is for funny memes, pictures, etc
    3. Username and Avatar is for talking about your avatar and username
    There may be more in the future. Please...Do not make redundant threads. Use these threads for whatever their purpose is.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2017
  5. Parth37955

    Parth37955 [Unavailable, go away] Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2015
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    Reading List:
    Novel General Rules

    This is a guidelines for posting thread, since a lot of people are confused which thread should go where.

    What Novel General is for:

    1. Talking about multiple Novels.
    2. Talking about a genre.
    3. Comparing Novels written by different authors.
    4. Asking for the status of a Novel (dropped,hiatus, etc).
    5. Pretty much anything Novel-related except for what listed in the "Not For's".
    What Novel General is not for:
    1. For discussing 1 specific novel: the subforum for that is:
    2. Asking for Recommendations or Title of Novel: the subforum for that is :
    3. Asking for someone to pick-up a Novel: the subforum for that it :
    4. Anything not related to Novels
    1. DO NOT put a spoiler in the title of the thread. Seriously, that defeats the whole purpose of making a spoiler thread. Take other people into consideration before you write something like "X got ntr'ed by Y, when does X get revenge."
    2. By entering a spoiler thread, you are accepting the risk you may see spoilers you did not intend to find. So...don't click on a spoiler thread unless you're sure that you can handle unintentional spoilers.
    Other Rules:
    • No Spamming and/or Hijacking
      • Spamming is any irrelevant/unhelpful post
        • Irrelevant posts will be deleted and warning points will be given, in increasing amounts for each post deleted.
    • Avoid Misleading Titles that could mislead new readers and make them not read that novel
    • If you're going to make a poll, make sure the choices aren't biased and are not random. Don't just make one to make one
    • Tag these threads properly. Don't make up random tags.
    • Be CIVIL. Do not disrespect each other, the mods, or the community.
    Before making a thread, make sure to check for a similar thread to what you were about to make. If there is one, try asking/discussing there, instead of making a whole new thread. How do you search for threads? Use the search bar located right below your username in the top right corner of the page or this:
  6. Parth37955

    Parth37955 [Unavailable, go away] Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2015
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    Reading List:
    Novel Discussion Rules

    What Novel Discussion is for:
    1. Talking about 1 specific Novel
    2. Comparing Novels written by the same author.
    What Novel Discussion is not for:
    1. Talking about a genre.
    2. Comparing Novels written by different authors.
    3. Talking about a Translator(s)/Group
    4. Asking for the status of a Novel (dropped,hiatus, etc)
    5. Asking for Recommendations or Title of Novel: the subforum for that is :
    6. Asking for someone to pick-up a Novel: the subforum for that it :
    7. Anything not related to Novels
    1. DO NOT put a spoiler in the title of the thread. Seriously, that defeats the whole purpose of making a spoiler thread. Take other people into consideration before you write something like "X got ntr'ed by Y, when does X get revenge."
    2. By entering a spoiler thread, you are accepting the risk you may see spoilers you did not intend to find. So...don't click on a spoiler thread unless you're sure that you can handle unintentional spoilers.
    Other Rules:
    • No Spamming and/or Hijacking
      • Spamming is any irrelevant/unhelpful post
        • Irrelevant posts will be deleted and warning points will be given, in increasing amounts for each post deleted.
    • Avoid Misleading Titles that could mislead new readers and make them not read that novel
    • If you're going to make a poll, make sure the choices aren't biased and are not random. Don't just make one to make one
    • Tag these threads properly. Don't make up random tags.
    • Be CIVIL. Do not disrespect each other, the mods, or the community.
    Before making a thread, make sure to check for a similar thread to what you were about to make. If there is one, try asking/discussing there, instead of making a whole new thread. How do you search for threads? Use the search bar located right below your username in the top right corner of the page.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 23, 2017
  7. Parth37955

    Parth37955 [Unavailable, go away] Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2015
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    Reading List:
    "I'm Looking For..." Rules

    These rules are specific to the "I'm Looking For.." section.
    • Unhelpful responses will result in a warning and getting your post deleted.
      • e.g. posting only "I don't know" or "Why?"
      • "+1" or "Camping"; just click Watch Thread if you're also interested.
      • Trolling
    • Do not use acronyms when recommending a novel
      • This goes back to being unhelpful. A person who has not read the novel would obviously not know the acronyms for that novel.
      • In general, I don't recommend using acronyms for novels in this forum section at all.
      • Click here if you do not know what an acronym is.

    • Wait 1 week from the last post to bump a thread.
    • Include the proper prefix for the thread. Ex. "Forgotten Title" if you're looking for novel...whose title you forgot.
    • Don't use "I'm looking for" or "Help" as a title...that's lazy
    • Notify mods by reporting your thread when it needs to be locked (that would be when your question has been answered)
    • Give details about your requirements instead of one liners and also to not be rude/brush off replies. Don't be crass
    Remember, people post here looking for answers, not to be messed around with!
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 25, 2022
  8. remy911

    remy911 ┗|`o′|┛ Staff Member

    Oct 20, 2015
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    Reading List:
    Novel Pickup Request Rules

    These rules are specific to the "Novel Pickup Request" section.
    You can see the general forum rules here.
    • 3 months or more from the latest release is required for a novel to be considered stalled or inactive. Threads requesting series that are considered active will be locked. The exception to this is when the translation group has specifically stated they have dropped the project.
    Name: Series name goes here
    Raw Link:
    NU Link (if avaliable):
    Why It Should Get Picked Up: Reasons go here
    Description (if you can find one): Synopsis or description here
    • As a courtesy, if you decide to pick up a novel, or if the novel does get picked up, please post the name of the group or translator that is picking up the series. The OP should edit the thread prefix to "Picked Up". (Or you can message one of the mods to get this done if you are not OP.)
    • That said, Novel Updates does not endorse any form of "dibs" or reservations on projects.
    • You may bump threads after 1 week.
    • No Blantant Advertising.
    • If your thread get's deleted, don't make more. Simply PM a mod.
  9. Tony

    Tony Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 20, 2015
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    Reading List:
    Community Fiction Rules
    • Your chapters must be posted on the forum. Do not link to the chapter via an external website.
    • The work you post must belong to you.
    • Your original compositions must be in one thread.
    Make sure your thread follows the format below:

    Hello, I'm writing a story called "Title Here", you can also read this story at

    Synopsis (optional but you should have one): If I want something, the Heavens better have it. If I don’t want something, the Heavens better not have it! This is a story which originates between the eighth and ninth mountains, a world in which “My fate is to seal the Heavens like a demon!”

    Genre (optional): Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy

    Table of Contents (required)

    Please just make a table of contents. That's all that I ask for as it'll make it MUCH easier for new readers to find chapters. It's a real pain having to scroll through pages of comments to find the correct chapter.

    How do you find the link to the chapter? It's on the bottom right of each post (after you've published the chapter). right next to the reply button.

    Just go back to the first post to edit the table of contents after you post a new chapter.

    Keep the conversation thread focused (unless the author of the thread doesn't care lol).
  10. holyshin

    holyshin Moderator

    Oct 20, 2015
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    Reading List:
    Anime Forum Rules
    • Don't talk about anime piracy or aggregator websites.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 23, 2017
  11. Tony

    Tony Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 20, 2015
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    Reading List:
    Community Games Forum Rules
    What is Community Games for:
    1. Creating a game to play with the community.
    2. Any sort of roleplay or sect.
    What is Community Games not for:
    1. Discussing about a specific game you're playing outside of the forums.
    2. Advertising the games you're making.
    What are the Roleplaying Games for:
    1. Playing games that require multiple threads to run.
    Other Rules:
    1. Make sure the first post of your game has it's rules explained clearly.
    2. Don't post random characters in your post for no reason, talk to people instead.
    3. While double posting is not encouraged, you are free to do it if necessary.
    4. You are allowed to necro threads in this section.
    5. General forum rules that don't contradict with those still apply.
    Last edited: May 20, 2017
  12. Parth37955

    Parth37955 [Unavailable, go away] Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2015
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    Reading List:
    Spoiler Forum Rules
    • Don't make a thread and not say anything about the novel.
    • Tag and title the thread properly
    • Only one thread for a novel. Check to see if there is already a thread for the novel before making a thread.
    • This subforum is for spoilers. DO NOT post chapters. Discussion is allowed if it is related to the spoiled content. Off-topic discussion and spam are not allowed. Spam includes stuff like +1 and thank you’s, and "camping for spoilers".
      • apparently this needs to be stressed. You can just click watch in the top right of the thread to "follow" the thread. There is no need to post that you are waiting for spoilers or that you want more spoilers. This is spam and just clutters the thread for people who were hoping for actual spoilers.
    • Large images must be hidden behind spoilers. Also, if you’re going to write long paragraphs, use spoilers to better organize them.
    • DO NOT ask for access to translations/raws. DO NOT post discord invites, download links of pirated content, passwords, Instagram, emails, translations of chapters or any other way of distributing content. Do not advertise your group or discord, this is not a recruitment subforum.
    • Do not misuse Curator-chan, abuse of the public account will result in actions taken, this includes removing content posted by curator-chan.
    • Warnings will be given at first rule-breaking. Continued rule-breaking result in:
      • a temp ban from thread followed by a temp ban from forum if you do it again after being unbanned.
      • avoiding the ban will result in a permanent ban
      • It is your responsibility to read the rules, ignorance of the rules is not a defense. If you see anything that breaks the rules, report it.
    • Lastly, be civil. Harassment will not be tolerated.
    If you have any other questions like how to use the spoiler feature, this may help:

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