Spoiler I Became the Male Lead’s Adopted Daughter

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by vy0110, Jun 24, 2020.

  1. Heyroseimrica

    Heyroseimrica Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2020
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    So i’ll skip the spoiler about the three beast vacation in the south. I’ll post it later because I want to start when Varya arrived North with the two happy beast!!

    * So all the maids were very shock when they noticed that there was a strange woman beside their masters. They’re already used to the 2 arguing but their eyes couldn’t believe that there was someone capable of shutting the two up.

    * Kara said that Varya doesn’t look like a Duchess suitable for the north because she really looks so delicate like a doll unlike the beast who have harsh aura around them but she was really happy about Varya. When Paul announced that Varya is going to be his wife, everyone rejoice HHAHAH they thought Paul is going to die virgin!! Mono even cried and Lupe almost fainted HHAHAHH

    * So after how many days of touring around the North. Leo noticed that Varya’s room is beside Paul so she said that Paul is a pervert. And he should not do that since they’re yet married. Leo then urged Varya to marry Paul so they can hold hand, kissed and exercise with ease HAHHAHHA Paul then said that such thing isn’t necessary (he doesn’t want to pressure Varya) So the smart Leo got the hint. She started shouting when did they kissed. But the two did not answer so the proud Leo went out of the room and shouted around the mansion that Paul and Varya already hold hand and kissed HAHHAHA Varya was so ashamed while Paul was so proud. Leo then went back to her room and asked them when did they kissed so Paul said during their vacation in the south. Leo said what time since she didn’t noticed. Paul and Varya flirt alot in front of her that she no longer mind it HAHHAHA so Paul said when she was sleeping. So Leo again started telling everyone with her loud voice that they kissed when she was sleeping. Everyone hears it that Varya just wanted to faint HHAAHA.

    * So the imperial workers already arrived in the north to check the gate. And when Lea, Varya’s best friend and She was also the one who Paul assigned to watch Varya for 5 years: (awhile ago I said that Paul already knew about Varya)

    * So Lea visited the deputy duke HHAHAH which is Leo. She has been the deputy duke for five days because after they arrived. Paul carry Varya like a sack and they went to his room. Before that, Paul assigned Leo to do his work. Leo was enthusiastic at first. For the fiest 3 days, Leo was very considerate. She told the servants to give them food and snacks everyday since they did not even dare to go out and eat! HHAHAHA until the 4th day, Leo become grumpy that she started banging the door. Then they heard the low voice of Paul which is already low as hell and hoarse HAHAHAH Leo started panicking, she then bang the door again and started shouting how was Varya, if she was still alive. Varya answered she was still alive in a low voice, those who have high senses like Leo can hear her faintly and everyone blushed even Leo. She knew that whenever they exercise it was intense but she couldn’t believe it was this intense HAHAHQHQ.

    * So on the 5th day HAHHQHQH Leo was really really angry now. So she went to his daddy room with Les again. This time, she did not bang the door but she started kicking the door HHAHHA. She started shouting why aren’t they still going out, she narrated how lonely she feel because she have to eat and sleep alone. She work hard in the office so she won’t feel alone but she couldn’t stand it anymore. So her voice cracked which made the two alarmed HAHHAHQH. Paul said he haven’t forgotten Leo and he will never forget about her. The cheeky Leo then out an eyedrop on her eyes so when Paul noticed that Leo did not answer, he decided to open the door only to see Leo crying HHAHAHAHA. They started saying their sorry. And Paul then said that they did not just do it all the time, they were also talking about Leo for the whole 5 days. Leo did know what to feel, she did not wether to feel honored or disgusted that they were talking about her while doing the deed HHAHAHAHHAHA . Leo also noticed that the two got skinner however their face was glowing HAHAHHAHA

    * Varya confessed to Leo that Paul made it clear to her that he dearly love Leo and Varya. However, if the two face the same crisis, Paul won’t hesitate to save Leo first. Varya understand that cause they only meet for a short time while Paul raised Leo. She also believe that Paul’s love to her was sincere so she did not asked why Paul love Leo more. So Varya said she wanted to know Leo and be her mom. And the blushing Leo said she already regarded Varya as her mom and was just waiting for her to let her call her “mom”

    * So the three went to Umari Estate where Regine was buried. They talked about her and Paul said he never liked Regina who was love by everyone. Leo the little cheeky agree HAHHAHA. So the three prayed for Regina and when Leo asked what Varya prayed to her. Varya said she thanked Regina for giving birth to Leo and letting her meet such wonderful kid, leo went blushing again.
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2021
  2. khaeos

    khaeos Member

    Aug 23, 2021
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    Does anyone have spoilers about what will happen in the banquet arc?
  3. blindpig05

    blindpig05 Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2017
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    Hi. Can u spoil us about varya? I mean how coild she came back in time and why did she get killed?
  4. Heyroseimrica

    Heyroseimrica Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2020
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    I don’t think it was stated in the book clearly or I just don’t understand the MTL. The only reason I know why they are after Varya was because she have some information that is very important so she wants to give it to the duke but Remus Allor went after her before can even enter the north’s territory. I think it was also stated that she died in the North’s border. That’s how she was introduced then she woke up from her nightmare, it has been 5 years since she went back in time. As for how did she went back, I don’t know. However, the real owner of the south, Duke Aust has the power of foresight, she just told Varya that she have a rough time but she’s finally happy now. (This happened during their south vacation. And the duke also predicted Leo’s future. She knew that Leo came from other world and she did good adjusting while living as the Boreoti Princess. She then told Leo that because of her arrival, something change so she need to seize Paul’s title. Leo did not care about this prediction since she love her father so she’s not going to snatch his title, she’s planning to get it legally. Leo was about to tell Paul about the duke’s prediction on her but her granddaughter told her not to tell everyone and Paul urged her not to tell to him too.
  5. GhoulishGrrl

    GhoulishGrrl Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2019
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    I'm interested in starting this novel but I need to know if this has any Grooming in it? I know earlier people were saying that it's all family fluff but I've started too many fluffy family novels only to have the rug pulled out from under me. Please tell me this isn't one of those!
    ErryChu and IceQueenRinne1234 like this.
  6. Heyroseimrica

    Heyroseimrica Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2020
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    Varya was very eager to somehow lessen Leo’s muscle obsession. Varya knew that Paul already gave up with her perverted daughter mindset a long time ago and just embraced and love her for who she is. She did not force Leo to stop but they just went on liberal class and stop reading muscle books HHAHAHA poor Leo. When Varya told Paul that Leo is changing, Paul did not believe because he knew her daughter more. He knew that she was just acting (he did not dare to forgot the time when Leo trick him for the first time with her acting ( when Leo went out to meet the duke stalker HAHHAA). Paul pity Varya but he also pitied his daughter because even though she’s just acting, she was really doing her best. Their servants and knight and even Kara was very proud about the changes of Leo, they’re so happy but what they don’t know that during break time, Leo would often go to her room to draw muscles HHAHAHA only Paul knew about this because she can never lie to his father.
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  7. kyanma2605

    kyanma2605 Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2021
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    I'm smiling like weirdo :blobmelt: my brother even snatched my phone because I'm just smiling like really weirdo :blobjoy: how can they three be so wholesomeness! I think we dont need ML here, I'm satisfied that the story focus on family here :blob_blush:
  8. Lyvich

    Lyvich Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2020
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    poor leonia she doing her best. so how did her dad(duke) know she not from here?
  9. luanara

    luanara Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2021
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    somehow I think if they did not give her some muscles she'll go insane
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  10. Heyroseimrica

    Heyroseimrica Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2020
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    Remus Allor was so disgusting. The emperor’s faction met crisis when their corruption was revealed to the public. He went home only to find his wife crying. Then he hug her while reminiscing the only girl he love but couldn’t share to anyone. Then he called Regina’s name. So so disgusting (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)

    I don’t adore Regina but goodness! I’d rather be forgotten than be remembered by the man who causes my death!! I got goosebumps he’s very disgusting swan!!
  11. KristinaMariaSara

    KristinaMariaSara Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2021
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    i hope he will have a bad ending...by the hands of his real daughter
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  12. Heyroseimrica

    Heyroseimrica Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2020
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    So Leo deliberately wore a swan bracelet to get the attention of Remus Allor to mark the start of their hunt. So Remus began to suspect that Leo might be his daughter so he immediately run his mouth and he PROUDLY declare that the woman he bedded was a damn minor. I’m juwt 19 years old but I think i’m gonna die eaely from highblood and frustration because motherfucker. So Varya literally tear the bastard into pieces, she punched and kicked Remus because the bastard like young girls. He choose Rotta than Varya because Rotta is younger! So disgusting ! I just want this arc to end hohoho. So both Paul and Varya blamed themselves, Paul still blamed himself why he didn’t look for Regina earlier then he might have save Leo earlier while Varya was sad about her sister because the foolish woman literally acted like Regina!! She still want to get pregnant. Ah I think i’m really gonna die from stress. So the bastard son wanted a noble trial where he will bet all his assets, title and honor to prove that he is indeed the biological father of Leo. I swear he was disgusting cause he kept on visiting Leo while whispering how he love Regina (fokfok ang tangina pakyu!) The gladigo knights betted on how long the bitch will last. The Allor become a total clown in the empire because he was so proud about his pedophile habit!! So disgusting.
    Oh.Kay, Elren, MianneChan and 91 others like this.
  13. kyanma2605

    kyanma2605 Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2021
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    It's really disgusting wtf is this!!! this man should have death penalty :blobhero::blobthumbsdown:

    btw what will happen in noble trial? who won?
    Sitron17 likes this.
  14. KristinaMariaSara

    KristinaMariaSara Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2021
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    my god...after this i think i need to wash my eyes with holy water
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  15. Heyroseimrica

    Heyroseimrica Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2020
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    Noble Trial or Ceremony of Honor finally started. So the church was filled with people from all over the empire abd they believe that Leo’s real dad is Remus Allor.

    *So the emperor hosted the ceremony, Paul and Remus was then asked to bet everything they have with honesty. Then the sweet Paul betted his everything and even his heart “I will gave up the Boreoti to prove my claim and I will even give up my heart for my precious daughter” the emperor and other were shock. The priest then told them that if the water will turn blue, it’s real and if it’s red then it’s fake.

    *So Leo wounded herself Paul was so funny cause he couldn’t stand seeing Leo hurt so Varya literally barricade him. Everyone was expecting blue! So the one who made the potion is the husband of Marquis Orthio( they were closed before but suddenly their relationship become rough) Leo explained that they planned this so they won’t asked about the authenticity of the paternity test. Leo believes that someday her secret will reveal so instead of waiting for that day why not control it to her own benefit.

    *So the water turn RED and Remus and his father almost fainted because they better everything they have (they’re bunch of greedy psychos) so they will lose everything because the water turned blue. When they announced that Paul was the real father Remus started running his mouth again about how Regina and him love each other. I swear I literally cried this part because Count Umari (Regina’s dad) was there, crying silently while he listen to Remus while he proudly declares that he love Regina which lead her to her death. Paul sympathize with him because if it will happen to him and Leo, he might have gone crazy and kill everyone on the spot.

    *So the Count threatened to kill Remus if he keeps on speaking Regina’s name. Count declares that he will end Remus life while Paul also agreed because Regina is still a Boreoti. Then Paul asked to Remus how come he knew Regina when she did not left north even ones, how come an imperial knight from the south met Regina from the north. She was still a minor remember (Paul was really giving his best to choke Remus and the Emperor) The emperor went pale and decided to end the ceremony so when Remus was about to be sentenced he started running his mouth again that he and regina really met years ago. He said that the emperor give him the job to infiltrate north and find the weakness of the Boroeti (he sold the emperor since he gave up on him first HAHAH) Varya then told Paul that Remus is weak and it’s a miracle that Leo came from him. Paul then corrected that Leo is his. So Emperor went pale while Leo and Paul gloat.

    *So Leo punched and kicked Remus to vent while everyone watch the baby beast threatening Remus with her fangs, Paul and Varya just watch while they went pale again HAHHAHA. Leo kept asking why Remus kept on ruining the poor Regina’s name (she wanted to erase and clear her legitimacy’s and to give back the honor that Regina lost). So Paul asked for proper investigation about the infiltration of the imperial knight to the north ( Remus was still an imperial knight back then) The emperor stammered and he said why he didn’t believe him, the emperor. So Paul said to cooperate instead of talking nonsense since he declares he was innocent.

    *The ceremony ended and Leo was still angry, so instead of visiting the office to talk about their final hunt, Varya and Leo went to the training ground for light play. Leo was still frustrated so to show Varya’s mommy support, she also went along with her. She played with the knight while Varya played the violin as background music HHAHAHA the knight kept on saying it’s more creepy than hunting monster)
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2021
  16. luanara

    luanara Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2021
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    now I want Leo to torture him with the one she made

    Allor makes me want to vomit, he's seriously disgusting
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2021
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  17. Heyroseimrica

    Heyroseimrica Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2020
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    There 3 princes from the empire, The first prince was from Queen Usis (emperor was still a crown prince and isn’t married so he was called (out of wedlock) His name is Alice.

    In the middle of the book (that silver hair acting like a girl was introduced as second prince but suddenly his other brother became 2nd prince. I was quiet lost here then I realize that Chrys was known as the second prince cause Scan was acting like a girl. It took me long to understand their names and position.

    Alice- Ist Prince, he look exactly like Queen Usis.

    Scan- 2nd Prince but wasn’t known since he was more known as the sickly princess HAHAHA. He looks exactly like empress tigria.

    Chrys - third prince but was more known as 2nd prince. He look exactly like emperor.

    The scum emperor wanted to marry Scan to other family so Scan and Chrys went to north to find solution since he could no longer hide that he’s a man. They met Varya and Leo there (the two went shopping) so when Leo was alone she started threatening the two that if they won’t come out they will die in there. Chrys went pale cause he can’t believe he was being threatened this way while Acan was nonchalant because he already know about Leo’s nasty temper HHAHAHA.

    * Varya didn’t know that the two are the princes of the empire. She only knew that Scan is an escort of Chrys and she believe that they are lovers traveling HAHAHAHA. Before Paul agreed to let them rest in the north mansion, Leo interrogated them and pinch their sore spots HAHHAHA. She did not even show mercy to Chrys and vent out how she hated Chrys face. He look like the emperor HAHHAHA. Chrys could no longer stand Leo he wanted to go home. He narrated that this was the reason why the imperial family couldn’t conquer the north, they’re crazy HHAAHAH. Leo showed her muscle obsession to the two when they went out to wall around the estate. Chrys immediately told Scan to be strong because among the 3 princes, Scan is the more muscle type. Scan was nonchalant cause he was already molested by Leo.

    *So crown prince as ML is no longer on the picture. Because Alice and Chrys has only the right to seize the throne, Chrys has the most legitimacy but he’s scared of Leo while Alice already hug someone from the south named Ruth and they haven’t met properly except when they celebrated his 16th bday).

    I guess Scan is the ML since they already flirted HAHHAHA and he was nonchalant to Leo’s perverted nature. He actually like her free speech because it made him feel free. He live in the palace where etiquette is everything so meeting Leo was like holy water to cleanse.

    * It was almost Leo’s 13th bday, Varya was preparing eagerly for her daughter’s bday while the whole north also prepared for it. The three went out to buy gifts and they they become so lovey dovey that Leo escape HAHAHA. So when ahe was roaming around, she met Scan who bought souvenir (they’re going back now) Leo was kinda sad that they won’t be able to celebrate her bday and even though she kept on urging the two to go back HAHHAHA. So Leo being aleo just asked for gift instead. Scan went pale cause he don’t know what to give Leo. She’s richer than him HHAHHAHHA. So they went on a date HHAHAHA.

    * Chrys and Scan is finally going home. Scan was still thinking what to give to Leo. Before he climed the carriage prepared by Paul, Scan went to Leo’s side and hold her hands. (I swear Paul and Varya was so funny because the author narrated that Pail’s eyes never pop out like this before while Varya kept on screaming while pointing their hands HAHHHAHA) Scan give an ornament that the empress gave to him when he was still young. It was for girls still he carried it around when he was young then it become as habit. It has a sentimental value for Scan so Leo can’t easily accept it but Scan insisted. So to match, Leo took her watch of and give it to Scan. Paul shouted to Leo on what are they doing, Varya said Paul looks like a tomato he became red HAHHAHA) but Leo did not listen. Scan was very pleased and promised to treasure her gift. Leo hug the ornament and she felt her heart tickles (yoee ML ma this) Paul shouted Scan to Leave HHAHAHA but before that Scan went back to Leo again and kissed the back of her hand. Paul snap and Scan immediately runaway HAHAHHAH. Paul was still so angry that he asked Leo what was that, the daze Leo said his hand was nice HHAHAHHAHA.

    * The three went home and Leo put the ornament on her treasured box. They ate together then Leo made Paul mad HAHHAHA. Paul couldn’t stand to give Leo a corporal punishment so they went the living room. Paul prepared a small chair for kid, Leo started shouting it was embarrassing but Paul did not listen and forced Leo to listen while he reads fairytale HAHHAHA Leo hated this kind of punishment the most. The fairytale that Paul read was entitled “Angel and the woodcutter) They hated this book because according to leo, the guy kidnaped and sexual harassed the girl. HHAHAHA It was actually a fairytale for kids but Leo ruined it, both Kerata and Lynne’s throw this book away when Leo told them about her opinion about the book. Varya was laughing her ass of while saying her babies are so cute. Leo’s shout can be heard throughout the mansion while Paul voice also overlap HAHAHHAHA.

    Blessing you with some fluffy moments since you read some awful things awhile ago.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2021
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  18. luanara

    luanara Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2021
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    Now this is cleansing my soul. Thank you
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  19. ak4hoshi

    ak4hoshi Well-Known Member

    Jun 6, 2020
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    I'M SO RELIEVED!! I hope Scan comes to the North for good at the end!!
    Alniyat, Belle76 and luanara like this.
  20. luanara

    luanara Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2021
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    do you guys have any idea what happened at the banquet where Leo attended? What did she do to intimidate the nobles and the emperor? I want to know since I think it will be very satisfying.
    solivagantsoul and Belle76 like this.