Spoiler 이 3세는 악역입니다-This 3 Year Old Is A Villainess

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by novel_manga-fan, Sep 18, 2021.

  1. novel_manga-fan

    novel_manga-fan Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2021
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    NU: https://www.novelupdates.com/series/this-three-year-old-is-a-villainess/

    RAW: https://page.kakao.com/home?seriesId=57850880


    ‘Just why do I have to possess someone who’s already possessed…?!’

    I became the female lead, who is already possessed, of the novel <I Possessed the Villain’s Granddaughter>. But the truth is, she’s actually the villainess who will torment the real heroine.

    What do you mean I’ve become the villainess who will suffer terribly for harassing the heroine? I can’t believe it! My fate was sealed to become trash before I knew it! I can’t live like this!

    ‘Please save me!’

    But a lot of things are already going wrong even before the heroine makes her appearance.

    ‘Dirty-blooded, right? You said she was trembling to have something to eat. Just like a beggar.’

    ‘They’re all dead.’

    Elliotte is a 3-year-old possessed villainess who will go through a lot of suffering. So, using my knowledge of the original story, I will try my best to find a way to live.


    Why is my grandfather, the villainous Duke, treating me so well? Why did my Dad, who’s been away for so long due to my Grandpa’s hatred for him, suddenly come back? And why are my brothers bothering me so much?


    ‘What is this.’

    *Elliotte made the whole world heartbroken ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
    *Ah ㅠㅠㅠ I’m sorry for pretending not to know that you were possessed and cursing you
    * I’m sorry ㅠㅠㅠ So that’s the reason why it happened
    ㄴ I acknowledge that I am trash ㅠㅠ
    *Isn’t this apocalyptic?
    ㄴ really lol
    *A bait is spread out on the floor. The cookies have poison, right?
    *Richmond.. Mother-in-law is waiting.. Come over to this dimension.
    ㄴ Get in line, teacher

    I stare at the holographic pop-up window in front of me.

    ‘I think this is the comment section of the Coconut Page.’

    What on earth is going on?

    Last edited: Dec 7, 2021
    neveille, neuxxx, Ceilo27 and 24 others like this.
  2. Spoiler Curator

    Spoiler Curator Hi , Click Edit and Edit My Posts

    Oct 13, 2020
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    Segnaposto del sommario spoiler

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    Nuova copertina Erilot 17 anni

    Daymond Astra
    • Capelli Biondi

    • Occhi rossi
      (capelli biondi + occhi rossi sono la caratteristica di essere benedetti ad Astra perché la prima testa di Astra ha capelli biondi e occhi rossi)

    • Davvero bello, secondo Erylott: papà è il più bello del mondo e confronta anche nella sua benedizione - la capacità di leggere i commenti - come nel titolo del romanzo.

    • Personalità fredda, ma ovviamente un padre affettuoso per Erylott e anche una buona figura paterna per i 3 figli che ha adottato.

    • Secondo figlio del duca, ha un gemello di nome Risian.

    • Generale di Astra, l'uomo più forte del continente/mondo(?). La sua benedizione è così forte che nel giorno della luna rossa, quando le benedizioni si indeboliscono, può ancora mostrare un potere straordinario.

    • Costruisci il tuo esercito privato con i cavalieri d'élite raccolti da ogni luogo e provenienza (schiavi, mercenari, gente comune, ecc.)

    • Ha un rapporto davvero pessimo con il duca e trascorre la maggior parte del suo tempo fuori dalla famiglia di Astra, come andare all'accademia piuttosto che seguire l'educazione della linea di sangue di Astra, in guerra o nel suo territorio (ha lasciato il suo territorio per 5 anni per la guerra e vorrebbe (non tornerò se non per la convocazione del duca a causa di Erylott)

    • Il suo territorio non è la terra più fertile + il budget appena sufficiente stanziato dalla villa del duca (il duca sta cercando di domarlo diminuendo il budget del suo territorio ma Daymond non si piega)

    • Erylott verrà poi a sapere del fatto che Daymond ha utilizzato la maggior parte del suo tesoro privato per il benessere dei gemelli (Balzac e Joshua) in modo che possano vivere comodamente e nel lusso, anche quando il territorio ha problemi con il budget.
    • He loves Erylott, even before meeting her (because he was in the war when Erylott was born), he was planning to show his disinterest in her to protect her. Because he knew how dangerous it would be for Erylott who has no guardian (at the mansion), to be seen as the precious daughter of Daymond and can be taken as hostage by his siblings.

    • He dotted and protected Erylott, even on their first encounter when Erylott was being scolded by his brother, he showed up and stand up for her in the midst of many people in the duke's birthday celebration.

    • When Erylott was prioritizing the blessing/purity? stone (his mission) over her own safety, Daymond was at a shock and immediately came to rescue her and told her not to do something dangerous.

    • Even tho he's a cold man to others, he showed his patience and love for Erylott from the beginning (he just didn't show his feelings when Erylott constantly visited him after he returned from the war).

      And after the incident of the blessing/purity? stone, Erylott said that she has to work hard because she is not dad's daughter, she's a mutant (which means she's an experiment and not born from Daymond).

      Daymond was really mad at the rumor and patiently and gently told her that he met her mother when he was at war, so she was born and not a mutant like the rumor said. He said to Erylott that she was the love of Daymond, and also said that her mother must feel the same way because she journeyed far from the war area to the Astra's mansion just to give birth to her.
    • Later on, Daymond made a decision that he has to be the next duke of Astra because he couldn't keep Erylott safe with his current condition (even though he was really strong, he didn't show any political interest before and basically just went to war everytime). He's gonna build a safe place for Erylott when he became the duke of Astra, know for the fact that Daymond really hate the duke and didn't want to have any relationship with the Astra people but he did it all for Erylott.

    • When Erylott's curse was broken and she was in a comma for 6 months, Erylott said that her dad was really emaciated when she saw him after waking up. She also found out that her dad couldn't work properly because he was worried for her when the vassals said that the general (Daymond) can finally work after she woke up.

    • When Erylott was going to Eclipto(?) territory with Joshua for an orphanage ceremony, Balzac was forcing his way to also come even though he didn't have a permit yet (the destination was quite strict with the permit), and Richmond was also putting his luggage in the carriage saying he's also coming and he has prepared the permit in advance. Then Daymond was left alone and he kept asking his aide Enzo why is he the only one who can't come and the aide said it was the 30th time he questioned it :blobjoy: then daymond said safe travels to the children, told the boys to take care of their sister then patted their heads one by one and also telling them to not skip any meals.

    • When the ancient monster Void showed up at the won competition between Erylott and Selene. He urged Richmond to <move> him to Erylott right away (the competition was held at the distant area), with the twins joined asking Richmond the same thing. People fussed that even Daymond couldn't defeat an ancient monster alone, but he didn't care at all and still wanting to go save Erylott.

    • When Erylott was angry because of the ridiculous things Daymond and the 3 brothers did (i.e. when they break things or beat people easily because of her), they're all afraid of her and just listening to her scolding and admitting their mistakes :blobjoy:.
    Risian is Daymond's twin, he was a great magician who had created many theories and magic, even the extraction of blessing for the blessing stones which later end up in the wrong hands. He's the real father of the twins, Balzac and Joshua but passed away early and that made Daymond chose to adopt the twins as his sons.

    Risian and Daymond had a good relationship before but for some reason they started to grow apart, the rumor said it's because Risian tried to poison Daymond which later caused the twins (Balzac and Joshua) to have complicated feelings toward their real father but then it's resolved. The rumor about Risian tried to poison Daymond was false, Daymond even said Risian was a timid person who couldn't do something like poisoning.

    Later he also showed that he still have a brotherly affection for Risian when he gave Blizen a new name Rishmond/ Richmond which is the combination of Risian and Daymond.
    The 1st timeline where Daymond hasn’t met Erylott yet since she was born because he was in the war and wasn’t summoned back to the mansion by his father like the current timeline.

    Daymond sent a letter for Erylott's Birthday
    [Let's go see each other soon. Happy birthday. Erillot.]

    The letter arrived on the day he died, the first encounter between father and daughter never happened. :blobsob::blobsob::blobsob:

    Twins: Balzac & Joshua
    • Red hair
    • Black eyes

    • Il gemello più grande

    • Grado attuale nella 3a generazione quando incontra Erylott per la prima volta: 3°

    • Benedizioni: rinforzo/rafforzamento (può essere usato per rafforzare se stesso e persino aumentare le benedizioni degli altri)

    • Il bambino più giovane a manifestarsi come Auror.
    • Capelli Biondi
    • Occhi azzurri

    • Il gemello più giovane

    • Grado attuale nella 3a generazione quando incontra Erylott per la prima volta: 2°

    • Benedizioni: compressione (la sua benedizione è un'ampia area di attacco, quindi la maggior parte delle volte non partecipa all'esame di addestramento pratico per evitare che l'area di addestramento venga distrutta).
    Rapporto tra i gemelli
    Balzac è come il muscolo dei due mentre Joshua è il cervello e il calcolatore *tossisce* come un serpente.

    I gemelli non erano in rapporti amichevoli, ma dopo aver incontrato Erylott.......
    non hanno ancora un buon rapporto SE si tratta di monopolizzare Erylott (c'è stato un tempo in cui Erylott doveva fissare un giorno separato per loro due + papà, per trascorrere la giornata con lei), e tende ancora a litigare ma è così dal lato amichevole, ma possono lavorare insieme se riguarda Erylott.

    Blizen/Arco di Richmond (cap.56-70)
    • Capelli Biondi

    • occhi rossi

    • Secondo Erylott, sembra davvero bello e simile a suo padre (Daymond) ma papà è il più bello!

    • Sua madre è la figlia del duca, ma è già morta.

    • Suo padre è noarizio, la gente lo vide piangere per la sua defunta moglie per 3 anni e pensò che fosse davvero innamorato della sua defunta moglie, ecco perché il duca gli lasciò gestire il territorio della sua defunta moglie e ottenne comunque il sostegno di Astra.

    • I Blizen rilevano il punteggio più alto in termini di abilità complessive tra la terza generazione e si richiedono addirittura uguali alle abilità della seconda generazione.

    • Benedizioni: Movimento (spostare cose/persone su altre coordinate - questa è una delle abilità che rendono Blizen uno dei più forti in Astra perché il suo <movimento> è molto più potente del <movimento> standard.
      Benedizione dell'attacco - oltre a < movimento>, Blizen ha anche un altro tipo di connessione da attaccare.

    • Blizen di solito è in missione a causa della sua eccezionale abilità e appare solo nella storia dal capitolo 56, dove Erylott ora ha 10 anni e Blizen ha 16 anni. È stato menzionato quando la maledizione di Erylott è stata spezzata e ha causato l'esplosione nel maniero, che Blizen poi aiutò gli altri a evacuare (cap. 47) e fece sì che Erylott provasse ammirazione nei suoi confronti

    • È stato sperimentando estraendo la sua benedizione <movimento> e infondendola nella pietra benedicente

    • Successivamente, salvato *affascinato* da Erylott e adottato da Daymond. Rendendolo il fratello maggiore di Erylott e dei gemelli.
    Dalia (cap. 100-103)
    Arco di Ereka Gillard
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2024
  3. SourSpaghetti

    SourSpaghetti Member

    Aug 20, 2021
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    Hope someone will translate it! Hard to know how good it will be without reading it first though.
    IZANAMI666 likes this.
  4. ailiya98

    ailiya98 Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2020
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    Actually you can read it free in kakaopage web version from chapter 1-3 and its can auto translate from chrome
    Akioh, Suhyun and jennine0339 like this.
  5. Rin.rinaaa

    Rin.rinaaa Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2020
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  6. Akioh

    Akioh And here it is, our final night alive

    Mar 13, 2021
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    When I came to my senses, it was a luxurious table.

    In a large table that can never be hung in my palm-sized room.

    As soon as I saw it, I realized it.

    '...It's still this world.'

    I wanted to cool down even if I could, but even that is impossible.

    Because this body was a three-year-old who couldn't even pronounce words properly, let alone swear!

    All I could do was curl up like a hoppang* and squirm.
    (*Hoppang is steamed bread made by putting red beans or vegetables in a dough and steaming it in seaweed.)

    My name is Yoo Hyemin.

    No, Elliotte Astra.

    I was a three-year-old who was possessed by a villain in a devastating novel that is said to be the strongest in difficulty.

    'Save me!'

    * * *​

    Three years ago, a small citizen of Seoul died.

    The disease name was colon cancer.

    When I noticed it, I had already missed the treatment period and died without holding out for months.

    And when I opened my eyes again...

    'I was in this body.'

    Small and round hands like flour rice cake.

    A plump body that is wrapped in cloth.

    The body of a 'baby' that literally does not even come out with a right foot.

    No one explained it, but I felt it.

    'It's a reincarnation!'

    This is because it was a familiar setting for me, who once wasted money on Kakao Page.

    For that reason, it was quick to grasp the situation.

    'It's a childcare product because it's reincarnated as a baby.'

    'If you look at the luxurious room, my father is a nobleman.'

    'It must be an Archduke or the Emperor.'

    'You're a cold Northern Archduke, but you will be warm to your daughter.'

    Anyway, I decided to prepare steadily before meeting my father.

    The reason why I'm not preparing to meet my mother is because I don't usually have a mother in this setting.

    And it was clear that my mom was not there because she didn't really come to see me.

    Anyway, I worked hard until the adult came.

    'Let's practice not to cry even when I see something scary.'

    <It's amazing that you don't cry when you see me>. I practiced smiling for that development—

    'Aba? Babba? Papa? …Duke?'

    For the development of <Father embarrassed by his friendly name>, I thought hard about the title.

    I waited for my father with such a nervous heart, but....

    "Is this the one?"

    "Yes, Duke."

    ...It was my grandfather who appeared.

    'Isn't the father of childcare products supposed to be young...?'

    Is it a variant?

    Still, he had a very terrifying momentum like a duke.

    The duke asked the deputy who came with him.

    "So, she didn't show her abilities?"


    "Damn it."

    "What will you do with the lady's name?"

    The duke glanced at me and said in an insincere manner.

    "Elliotte. I'll call it Elliotte Astra."

    It was a strangely familiar name.

    'Elliotte, Elliotte, Elli... otte?'

    While I was thinking about the name, I suddenly remembered.

    Obviously, there must have been a character with that name in the novels I read.

    The Rofan novel that was serialized on a free site.

    <I Possesed The Villain's Granddaughter>

    Shortened to <Bing>. This is the content of the novel.

    I was an ordinary college student in Korea until I was possessed by the an Extra in a novel which I usually enjoy reading.

    Goara had to go through all sorts of hardships, but it turned out that I was the granddaughter of the Duke Astra, the final villain?!

    Duke Astra, one of the villains who pressure the emperor.

    I tried to run away because I was scared, but I became attached to my family.

    'There's nothing we can do about this.'

    I have to seduce the people of me family and repent them.

    Can I defeat the original female protagonist who I think has taken everything from me and change the future?

    So, is Elliotte the main character possessed by an extra?

    No, she is the 'original female protagonist' and the cousin of Dalia, the main character.

    In other words, my role was to play a villain pretending to be the original female protagonist.

    Even worse, it was a villain who is going to die miserable for harassing the real main character....

    'It wasn't my father who gave me a name, it was my grandfather.'

    I tried to think calmly, but my heart collapsed.

    Possessing a possessed novel?

    Where do you find a case like this?

    'In addition, this novel... It's been a year since serialization stopped.'

    Yes. This was a novel that was ruined and stopped serializing.

    The start wasn't bad. There were quite a few readers who came because they were fascinated by Clise.

    However, they stopped reading due to the poor development.

    The reason why the remaining readers clicked on the next episode was that it was worth watching the villain, Elliotte, suffer.

    The writer also bothered Elliotte a lot to see if he knew it.

    'To summarize, my life from now on will be....'

    1. Will be treated as though she didn't exist because she wasn't born with the powers her grandfather wanted.

    2. Her father, who had gone to the battlefield before she was born, will died in it when she turns four years old.

    3. Because there is no proper guardian, she will be bullied by other families.

    4. She will become evil and will harass the main character out of jealousy.

    The genre of my life was decided without my knowledge.

    It was a waste.

    * * *​

    Three years later, now.

    I crawled up on the chair with a gloomy look.

    'I couldn't go back to the original world again this time.'

    Yesterday was the day of the lunar eclipse.

    I expected so much that I thought it was the last way, but I failed again this time.

    'Instead of going back, I just gave up the night.'

    Thanks to this, I am dying of sleepiness.

    'No, you can't.'

    I shook off my head and grabbed a crayon.

    Now, I was taking classes at the '12th tower' where the children from other families of Astra live.

    I was living in this tower as soon as I was born because I was out of my grandfather's sight even though I was a direct descendant.

    If you say you're lazy, you'll be completely taken out.

    I looked at the teacher holding a crayon.

    Our table, which gathered under the age of 7, was currently learning letters.

    "Okay. Let's write a difficult word this time. 'Far away'."

    I wrote on the paper as I was told.

    [Far away]

    The cow muscle was not developed, so it was a very sharp handwriting.

    'Mmm, good.'

    Now you can use the imperial language roughly.

    While thinking like that, I suddenly looked around. I could see the letters written by the children sitting around me.

    [One more]

    [Waking up]

    [Forg et you]


    I slipped over the paper and added letters one after another.


    This has been a skill accumulated over the past three years.

    It shouldn't be too bad, but it shouldn't be too good.

    'Because I can't stand out.'

    Only then could I move freely.

    I was able to use various methods to return to my original world because I was free.

    The teacher looked around at the children's writing and nodded.

    "It's a difficult word. 'Far away' is a spelling that you learned last time, it's wrote…."

    While class was in progress.

    The door opened and the servant stepped in from time to time.

    "I have received a call from duke. The order is to take the childs to the duke castle at noon tomorrow."

    "I will be ready."

    Somehow, it has been noisy since a few days ago, so tomorrow must be the day to go to duke castle.

    'It's already that day.'

    The day when lineal and collateral descendants gather to take the test.

    The test was very important.

    'Because this determines the order.'

    Astra, a terrifying villain family, sets everything in order.

    Everything from pocket money to living rooms, and even future government posts.

    Therefore, everyone had no choice but to devote themselves to the test.

    'Well, it doesn't matter to childs like me.'

    How would kids who can't even dictate take the test?

    It's just roughly matching the number of heads and coming back.

    But the children were excited.

    "Will I be able to see you in person? Richmond-nim, Joshua-nim…!"

    "I like Balzac the best. He's so cool! Is the Youngest Auror user!"

    For the children, the lineal descendants were just like celebrities.

    'You don't know how scary dogs are they.'

    In <Bing>, Elliotte almost died several times because of the lineal descendants

    I thought so, but something pushed me hard on the chair I sat on.

    "Hey, dog hair."

    Looking back, a thin boy was smiling.
    That skinny guy has been bothering me lately.

    There's a rumor that I'm being ignored at home, so he must want to touch it.

    He was a typical extra at first glance.

    I can roughly predict what he will say.

    'I heard your mom is a commoner.'

    "I heard your mom is a commoner."

    'You're vulgar.'

    "You're vulgar."

    It wasn't any different from what I expected, so I became cold as snow.

    The skinny smiled and raised his hand. It was time to press down on my hair with his fingertips.

    I grabbed the index finger of the slimmer, saying, "Wait." Then he raised his other arm.

    “Teacher, this kid is bullying me!”

    As soon as that happened, the eyes of adults gathered temporarily.

    The slimmer was extremely embarrassed.

    In this case, it is usually the norm to hold a skirt and cry while shaking, but it was worth being embarrassed when I was wandering around.

    Teachers approached right away.

    They looked at the situation and soon opened their eyes thin.

    "You're bothering a child who's taking classes with me. I'm really disappointed, Timothy."

    "You'll take note of this. Reflect on yourself."

    He was scolded and wrote ten letters of apology.

    I sobbed and hummed as I watched the slender kid writing an apology.

    I know because I've experienced everything when I was Yoo Hye-min, but in this case, it's best to tell.

    'And you're afraid I haven't done anything for 3 years?'

    Of course, returning to the world was the first priority, but we prepared preventive measures just in case.

    "How? Are you feeling okay?"

    The teachers asked with an incredibly benevolent look.


    "That's a relief."

    "You know, grandfather. You make a lot of money if you invest in a company called Pena."

    Then the teachers picked up the notebook with twinkling eyes.

    "Pena company."

    "Pena company...!"

    Adult help was essential for a child to live.

    So I captivated teachers by releasing awesome stock information.

    I'm glad I remember well the story.

    "How can you be so smart?"

    "Candy. Do you want candy?"


    Oh, right.

    There's one thing I didn't introduce.

    When I was Yoo Hye-min, my job was an aide to the National Assembly.

    Of all things, I invited a trashy boss, and there are only three things I learned there.

    1. When the same faction falters, a migratory bird-like tightrope walking toward another faction without looking back.

    2. How to speak by catching the other person's tongue and turning it into a child.

    3. The raccoon-like habit of pretending to be nice to the weak, pretending to be nicer to the strong, and making me the most pitiful person in the world.

    I thought about the skills I learned from the garbage boss without regret.

    'This is K politics, children.'

    A day after I completely failed to return to the original world.

    I made up my mind.

    'If this happens, I will somehow survive.'

    * * *​

    The next day, noon.

    I arrived in nature with the collateral descendants.

    As soon as the children entered to the castle, they burst into exclamations.

    An 11-body sculpture that occupies the entire huge wall.

    A large and beautiful stone pillar.

    A luxurious insignia decorated with gold.

    It was an overwhelming spectacle.

    'Although it's a creepy sight.'

    I glanced at the strange monsters wearing chains in front of the gate.

    Their eyes are so big that it's scary.

    'This is really uncomfortable.'

    Suddenly, the feelings of a child come.

    Even would often become a complete child.

    'Maybe I have a penalty because I'm not the main character.'

    I guess it was the same for a kid my age and I were scared of monsters. I took a quick step to pass the monster.

    I ran after the kids in a hurry.

    The three-year-old's body did not develop muscles, so no matter how hard I ran, it was difficult to keep up with the other children.

    'Oh man, I'm dying.'

    I barely followed the children into the test site.

    One child, who arrived first, muttered with a flat face.

    "What? We're the only ones here...."

    There were no direct lines in the room that the children expected so much.

    'That's right.'

    The direct line is 'those who do it'.

    The collateral line are 'those who are being called'.

    The class is clear, but it's not good to let the direct and the collateral take the test together.

    Because the collateral line are scared and can't show their skills properly.

    'No matter how good the direct lineage get, people won't believe it.'

    So, the fact that I, who is a direct line, took the test with the collateral line meant that my situation was the worst.

    If my father dies next year....

    I got goosebumps when I thought about it.

    'You have to get good grades on the test no matter what.'

    Even if there was no 'ability' that my grandfather wanted, I had to show that I was a helpful child to the family.

    The older ones looked happy to see if they were lucky. On the other hand, the children were disappointed.

    Soon after, scholars came into the door.

    "The landlord is coming."

    The children who were in their seats woke up at once.

    Soon the surroundings quickly became quiet.

    A low heel sound came from outside the door.

    And soon....


    Seeing the man entering the door, I breathed heavily.

    It was a terrifying feeling of pressure.

    A black jacket made of beast skin.

    A outfit decorated with all kinds of luxurious things.

    The first thing that stood out was the gaze.

    A creepy look as if it were a collection of all sorts of unclean things in the world.

    The first thing that stood out was the gaze.

    It was my grandfather, Duke Astra.


    They were young and old, and they were all fresh green.

    Scholars are familiar with this reaction, not an inspirational look.

    Children and grandchildren were also trembling, so it was natural.

    An scholars said.

    "I'll start the test."

    Then other people dragged a trolley. What was in the trolley was a frame.

    The scholars raised it and said.

    "This is a copy of a historical book recorded in ancient language."


    "I will give points to those who give the most similar answers to the interpretations revealed by scholars."

    'It's extremely difficult.'

    Ancient language was a character that was extremely difficult to interpret.

    There are still few spelling and words that have been revealed so far.

    'How can you interpret that?'

    Small children who have barely begun to learn their native language cannot be able to solve it. The older ones also look like they're panicking.

    Still, the test began, and I had to do something.

    The children spoke in public, transcribing the footprints on the paper they handed out.

    "So... this is..."

    "Uh, because this is the pronunciation...."

    No matter how hard I try, there is no way to pass this test.

    'Of course I'm overdoing it.'

    It was only last month that I learn imperial language. Ancient language was a theme that I had never seen before.

    Still, I thought it would be better to show signs of effort than to stand still.

    I raised my tiptoe and looked at the footbone.

    Meanwhile, scholars whispered.

    "As expected, the question was so hard."

    "The land where dragons fall asleep... The interpretation is correct."

    "I can't believe it. How can such a child be...."


    It was ridiculous.

    'Why is the ancient language korean...?'

    I was going to select one of these words (Possessed, Villain, Granddaughter) but decided to put Bing (it is Possessed in Korean) which is shorter.
    Duke Astra entered the study with a quick step.

    As soon as he sat down, the scholars who chased him opened their mouths.

    "I don't know what kind of harmony it is. How can a three-year-old lady interpret an ancient language?"

    Astra's people did not believe that children could perform well on the test.

    Another person opened his mouth with a puzzled remark.

    "The test could have been leaked."

    "Is it leaking?"

    "She may have memorized what sentences would come out on the test."

    Ancient language was still a difficult word to interpret.

    It is difficult to guess because there is no haerye and it is completely different from the existing language.

    Even historical books that have caused test questions have not yet been interpreted in half.

    Another scholar shook his head.

    "The exam questions were decided just before the exams of the direct lineage."

    "Yes. Above all, how did 'Lady Elliotte' buy the examiner?"

    Her mother is a commoner.

    The father is the son who has the least relationship with the duke.

    'What fool would dare leak test questions for such a lady?'

    The scholars all convinced and groaned.

    'But how?'

    While everyone was encroaching, an administrator said.

    "Maybe Lady Elliotte has improved her abilities."



    Nobles in this world are born with special abilities.


    Super strength.

    The power to make plants grow fast, etc.

    Each person had a wide variety of abilities.

    It was an ability called <Protection>, and it was enough to think that was a nobleman only if was born with this protection.

    'But Lady Elliotte hasn't abilities.'

    An scholar asked.

    "The protection comes before the grand astronomical gates (the pores in the baby's head) close."

    "Yeah, it's been a long time since the Great Heavenly Gate has been closed for the lady."

    That's why as soon as the Great Heavenly Gate was closed, it was sent to the 12th tower where collateral line children lived.

    The duke, who had been lost in thought, said.

    "Bring Elliotte here."

    It was a scary low voice.

    * * *​

    Coming to my grandfather's study, I sneaked around people.

    Vassals, scholars, and even family members were crowded.

    They showed me a book.

    "Read it."


    "From the second line on page 72. Here."

    I glanced at my grandfather and read the part pointed out by the scholar.

    "Te towel was competed. It was the fuit of hwad wok. (The tower was completed. It was the fruit of hard work.)"

    All the scholars took a big breath.

    "Tha—that's right."

    The old man was so surprised that his eyes were about to pop out.

    She nodded at the scholars and looked at the duke.

    "As expected, it seems that her <Protection> has emerged."

    'It's just because it's in Korean.'

    It was not strange that ancient language was Korean because it was a novel written by a Korean.

    However, what they think like that is within the expected range.

    People around the world think that most of the 'unique situations' are due to protection.

    The faces of the vassals were subtle.

    Protection is something like a family's property, but it's only 'the ability to read the ancient language'.

    That's exactly what he looked like.

    The vassals started talking.

    "Isn't that a relief? You have received protection, so..."

    "Do you have to build a new building to develop your skills?"

    "Yes. What can you get by developing 'the ability to read ancient languages'...."

    I was reading a book while people were talking.

    And at a certain point, I read the contents of the promiscuous.

    "Milte, plai, dwagom boms, budied.... (Myrten, plain, dragon bones, buried...."



    In an instant, the eyes gathered.

    The vassal asked me with a stiff expression.

    "Wha—What did you say?"

    "Milte plai. Dwagon bones. Here. (Myrten plain. Dragon bones. Here.)"

    When I pointed to the sentence, people opened their mouths wide.

    Dragon's bones are very precious resources.

    Because the intensity jumps over iron, all weapons made using the bones of dragons boast extreme power.

    However, the number is so small that no one sells it even if they give money now.

    It's like discovering a diamond mine.

    "Map! Bring a map!"

    The scholars hurriedly brought the map, and all the adults gathered to check the location.

    "This place was called the Myrten Plain in ancient times."

    The vassals hurriedly handed over the map to their grandfathers.

    The grandfather, who was still looking at the map, said.

    "Make sure it's true."

    The scholars rushed out.

    I was looking at my grandfather with a calm look.

    'It's real.'

    It's clearly written in this historical book.

    'Besides, it will be discovered soon.'

    It is found in the process of building a temple a few months later.

    I giggled inside.

    'It'll be discovered anyway, but I told you in advance, so it's my win.'

    My grandfather turned to me. I could feel the chills in my spine from my thin eyes.

    It was a sense of pressure for an ordinary child to burst into tears at any moment.

    I grabbed the skirt tightly and smiled awkwardly.

    'I know how.'

    Just feed them, and as long as you don't bother them, they'll stay calm.

    —That was the appeal.

    My grandfather's eyebrows wiggled slightly.

    * * *​

    I got off the wagon feeling exhausted.

    Thanks to the carriage from the castle, I felt comfortable, but I felt like I was on a jet coaster about ten times.

    'What's so ugly about people's eyes?'.

    Criminals in the movie may not have such eyes.

    Thinking so, I trudged into the twelfth tower.

    Perhaps because the sun was setting, the tower was still.

    The sound of words flowed out of the children's bedrooms.

    "The castle is so cool. Every door is guarded by Monsters!"

    [Didn't you cry because you were scared?]

    "I didn't cry at all."

    [Yes. Dellen is brave.]

    The sound of communicating with parents.

    "I don't like carrots. I hate nanny."

    "Oh my God. The nanny has a heartache. I can't believe my beloved lady hates me."

    "No! It was a lie...."

    "Then you'll eat carrots, right?"

    "Umm... I don't want to...."

    The sound of being childish to the nanny.

    I stood in the dark hallway and was listening to the friendly sounds from room to room.


    'A child's body is really uncomfortable.'

    If I were an adult, I wouldn't have been jealous of this at all.

    I don't have a mother, and my father was far away in the battlefield.

    'There's no nanny there either.'

    For the children here, their parents attach a nanny. It was natural for the nanny to be by her side because she was a noble even if she was a stranger.

    Until yesterday, no one took care of me, an invisible child in the Astra family.

    Therefore, the nanny was not attached.

    'It's not inconvenient to lure the servants and teachers of the tower well....'

    I rubbed the skirt with my palm, and soon raised my head.

    'I'm going to hurry up and take a bath.'

    Warm water is pouring out here.

    Unlike Yoo Hye-min's room, there is also a bathtub.

    If you soak it in warm water, you will feel better soon.

    'Look at the cancer's getting worse. Have I ever wanted to do that!'

    I bravely walked down the hallway and envisioned my future work.

    My stock price will soar if the dragon's bone comes out of the Mirten Plain.

    That would have resulted in various benefits.

    I should use the benefits to think about living in the future.

    'It's best to save money and open it....'

    It was when I just arrived in front of the door thinking that way.


    Someone snatched my collar.

    Surprised, I looked up and saw a familiar face.


    He wrote ten letters of apology yesterday for bully me.

    The child dragged me deep into the hallway.

    "Do you know how much I suffered yesterday because of you?"

    'It's because you bothered me.'

    That's what I thought, but the thin frowned.

    "What kind of class is this?"


    "You cheated on the test today, didn't you? That's why he remained in his nature and was being scolded."

    While I was in the castle, the people of this pagoda seemed to have guessed so on their own.

    A three-year-old reads ancient language.

    It could only be explained as cheating.

    The skinny laughed meanly.

    "You're already hated by the duke, and I'm sure you'll be kicked out of the tower because he said."


    "Because of this classmate, I have such a disgrace... Do you know who my father is? A vassal with jurisdiction!"


    "Apologize to me. Knees will boil and go to the villa!"

    And hit me! Shoveling, I squirted on my butt as it was.


    It hurts so much that tears fall out.

    It hurt so much that he kept shouting even in the midst of the public college.

    "Can't you hear me?!"

    The skinny raised his hand to me.

    I don't really fight with the kids.

    I usually told the adults to solve the problem.

    It's comfortable, but above all, I handled it gently as they were children.

    'But violence is different.'

    Not just once, but several times.

    "My knees are boiling right now... Ack!"

    I bit the skinny's leg completely.

    And the moment he leaned down to separate me.


    He even grabbed his hair.

    I keep pushing—


    Calling me a half-blood—


    Threatening and mocking!


    When he shook his head up, down, left and right sides, he burst into tears.

    "Uh-huh! Mom...!"

    How loudly they cried, people were flocking in.

    In an instant, the surroundings became crowded.

    Soon after, teachers came running.

    The teachers who came to us through people looked at us with puzzled faces.

    * * *​

    The skinny and I were taken to the room.

    I sat still holding the skirt, and the thin room left and cried.

    Baron Moro, the general manager of the twelfth tower, grabbed his forehead.

    "What are you doing?"

    "That's me, heng, biting and hitting me, hieng...!"

    Baron Moro aimed at me at the words of the skinny.

    I tried to convey the situation calmly.

    "The skinny one first—"


    Baron Moro shouted sharply.

    He pressed me without giving me a chance to speak.

    "What do you mean assaulting a colleague who studies together and making excuses?"

    The way he looked at me was so cold.

    'I knew it would come out like this, but it's too much.'

    Other teachers adore me, but I wasn't a baron in that way.

    It was because of that man that I initially thought of making teachers my side.

    That person is a terrible pedigree and opportunist.

    When I was a newborn,

    "I can't believe I'm in charge of this nonsense. I'd rather die than feel comfortable."

    —There was a time when he burst into anger saying that.

    Of course, he said this because I thought I was a child and didn't understand what you said.

    Even when I grew up, my eyes looked like trash every time I saw myself.

    That's why I thought other teachers should be on my side.

    It's hard to live if the general manager is like that.

    "In addition, you cheated on the test."

    'In fact, you were angry because of that.'

    I think I've ruined my reputation by cheating in my last name.

    Baron Moro chased and kicked his tongue.

    "It's a bee. Stand with a bucket every lunch break."

    The baron, who said so, turned to the skinny.

    It looked like honey dripping.

    "Stop crying now. How hurt would it be if your father knew?"

    "Yes, Baron...."

    "You had a hard time yesterday?"

    "Because of that class—!"

    The kid stared at me with a huff.

    Baron Moro smiled softly.

    "Don't worry. There won't be any record left."


    "Yes, please tell your father not to worry."

    Baron Moro, who said so, called in a servant and made him bring bucket full of water.

    And he let me out and gave me a bucket.

    "Don't try to play tricks on me."

    Speaking firmly, he went back into the room with a skinny man.

    There was a laughter from the room.

    "Will you have some snacks?"

    "I like it's good."

    "By the way, what kind of hobbies did your father have... Ah, horseback riding. I like it too."

    While the skinny was excited and chatting, he was holding a bucket.

    'Let's go first.'

    For the first time in nature, I became interested in me.

    If I moved incorrectly here, it could have been ruined from the initial image.

    In the midst of a long public distance, the students who took classes together approached.

    "Why is the baby here?"

    The children at the same table called the baby the youngest day in this tower. It was the influence I called a baby.

    "Ged pwunished. (Get punished.)"


    "Thad the wold is that. (That's what the world is like that.)"

    "Ah, that's how the whole world is punished."

    The children nodded.

    "Baby godo the rum. Cool. (Baby go to the room. Cool.)"

    Unlike the skinny ones, those kids were on the midst side.

    If you see them together for no reason, the baron may punish them for their dirty temper.

    The kids said, "Yeah." and went in.

    I had to be punished for so long.

    10 minutes.

    20 minutes.

    30 minutes.

    No matter how much time passed, the baron did not come out.

    'Until when should I do this?'

    As time went by, my hands hurt so much. My shoulders are about to fall off, too.

    Baron Moro came out of the hallway while the sound, balls, and balls came out naturally.

    "Oh, my. Don't try to trick me.

    Then he slapped the bucket and hit it.

    "Listen carefully!"


    I'm already exhausted.As it turned out, the bucket stumbled under the weight and collapsed.


    Water poured on the floor, and I became a wet raw rat.

    "You're really no different from a rat."

    Baron Moro stared fiercely at me.

    It was then.



    I turned my head at the sound of a voice that could not be blown here. Baron Moro and the widower also hurriedly looked back.

    The silhouette swallowed by the shadow of the tower walked out of the darkness.

    Looking at us with a silver staff—


    It was the Duke of Astra.

    In the middle of winter, I quickly trembled because I was wet with cold water.

    I have come to me straight with my grandfather. Then he took off my jacket and covered it on my shoulder.

    "What's wrong?"

    "It is...."

    Moro, who was embarrassed when he saw the duke, laughed awkwardly.

    "I heard what happened in the test. I was deceived when I heard that I cheated. Even if you think you need reflection even if you don't, you even argue with another child."

    "What did you say?"

    "Don't worry. She must have reflected on herself. She should've done that again—"

    "What nonsense are you talking about?"

    The deputy raised his voice.

    Baron Moro looked embarrassed and looked at his grandfather alternately.

    "Today, her return home was delayed due to cheating...."

    "The reason why she were late was because she showed her generosity!"


    Grandfather looked at me.

    "You were right. The area where the dragon's bones were buried was the former Myrten Plain."

    I thought it would take a long time, but you've already found it.

    Well, it won't be too hard to find it if you use the protection.

    Baron Moro turned blue.

    Now he seems to be slowly grasping the situation.

    His hands trembled.

    'He will.'

    The thing grandfather hated the most was the mutiny award.

    After all, I am the granddaughter of the Duke Astra.

    I don't know when you treat me as an invisible child, but now that I've proved my value, you're definitely one of the small owners of Astra.

    Baron Moro opened his blue lips to make excuses.

    "I, this is, so...!"

    "I'm going to ask."

    It was my grandfather's words.

    Even though it was only one word, goosebumps ran from the tip of my toes.

    Even the sound of the wind is in darkness.

    The moonlight flowing from the window broke along the outline of his silhouette.

    As he walked along with the sound of a low-pitched heel, Baron Moro collapsed.

    Grandfather asked.

    "What are you?"

    There was no high and low in the voice.

    When I got off, I just saw a sad glare in my eyes.

    Baron Moro swallowed dry saliva and said.

    "I'm the 16th generation descendant of Moro—"


    Grandfather raised Moro's chin at the end of the cane's support.

    "You're a dog."


    "Bark when asked to bark, bite when asked to bite."

    The tip of the staff climbed down Baron Moro's chin and reached the neck pole.

    "Because the dog didn't recognize its owner."

    Baron Moro barely spoke with a full main voice.

    "Sa... please save me."


    "Sa— save— save me. Save me. Please save me. Please save me. Please save me. Please save me. Please save me. Please...!"

    "You know how to bark."

    When he said so, he turned his back on Baron Moro.

    The deputy took care of me and followed my grandfather.

    It was only when the deputy put me down that Baron Moro burst into breath.

    What touched my ears at that moment.


    ...It was a strange crack sound.

    "Keu, Keukhyuk... Kukkouk...!"

    I hardened hard. He was turning his head slowly like a broken machine.

    "Don't look back."

    The deputy stood close together and covered his back.

    It was not difficult to predict what Baron Moro looked like.

    * * *​

    I was moved to the castle.

    When I packed my luggage and came out, teachers and children who had already heard the news were out.

    Teachers saw me off from the hallway.

    "I really enjoyed the class with the lady."

    "Be brave even if you go to the castle."

    "He's a wise man, so he'll be good at anything. If you need anything, please contact me."

    The teachers were really nice to me.

    They give me a lot of candies and milk.

    "Thank you, samsami. If you inves in Sabong Bank, you make lot of money. (Thank you, teacher. If you invest in Sabong Bank, you make a lot of money.)"

    The teachers took out their notebooks in tears.

    "Yes, Miss. You should be fine. But is it Sabon or Sabong?"

    "I will never forget the past 2 years with you.... The pen isn't working. Can you lend it to me? Sabong Bank?

    We had a tearful breakup.

    The teachers saw me off in front of the carriage, and I got into the carriage waving my hand.

    Subsequently, the deputy in the carriage saw teachers petting the notebook with a strange expression.

    "Isn't that Sir Andrew and Sir Simonic?"

    "Yes, it's the name of Samsammi."

    "Aren't they the leaders of the Eastern and Western Academy?"

    The deputy muttered, "Why don't these talented people take the bureaucracy exam and teach teachers..."

    It was.

    In fact, the teachers were talented enough to have their names mentioned in <Bing>.

    The reason why those people are teaching right now is because—

    'Because I don't have money.'

    The smart ones knew.

    Even if you become an official, you will only be rolled to death without money and then it will end.

    That's why he became the teacher of the twelfth tower.

    In order to establish ties with the aristocrats of Astra, Banggye-ra.

    'That's how you were going to build your back stomach.'

    But the children were so young that it would have taken decades to make a proper side.

    That's when I appeared.

    She is the granddaughter of the Duke of Astra (back stomach), and a child (money) who is holding big information.

    In other words, the treasure that will allow you to get your back stomach and money.

    'Teachers think I give investment information, but it's not true.'

    I was investing.

    To create a talent who will be my strength if I enter Astra Castle.

    The teachers were still crying and waving at me.

    I waved my hands too.

    'Make capital as soon as possible to manage your nature. Teachers!'

    Some time later, the wagon began to move.

    I was surprised and looked at the deputy.

    "There's no grandfather!"

    It meant that the duke didn't ride, but can we start?

    "The Duke stopped by while he was going out. Let's go with me in nature."

    I said, "Yes." and calmly folded my hands.

    The deputy smiled brightly.

    He was a friendly man who was not like the additional officer of the terrifying craftsman.

    'Your face is handsome, too.'

    Soft brown hair and yellow eyes.

    He was a handsome man with a gentle image.

    It even had the charm of making people feel comfortable, so it was not inconvenient to come to the castle.

    When the carriage that arrived at the castle stopped, the deputy hugged me and dropped me off.

    "Then I'll guide you to where you're staying for the time being."

    I got to stay on the third floor of the annex.

    He, who opened the door, said.

    "The servants will release the luggage. Then rest."

    He grabbed the end of his jacket to say hello and go back.

    Then he lowered himself and asked.

    "Do you need anything?"

    "I want to know their names."

    He paused for a moment at what I said.

    "As expected, you're unique."


    "Ah.... It doesn't mean anything bad. Because none of the immediate family members wanted to know the name of the employed."


    "I'm Conrad Martial."

    He smiled with his eyes folded, and then raised himself.

    "Have sweet dreams."

    Then he left.

    I was looking at his back without even thinking of closing the door.


    It's Conrad Martial?

    I covered my mouth with two small hands. Because I almost screamed...!

    'If it's Conrad Martial, that's the man.'

    There were many words referring to Conrad in the novel.

    The leader of the blackout.

    The youngest person who passed the bureaucratic exam.

    And... a traitor.

    'Because he stabbed my grandfather and escaped.'

    After that, he appeared as the head of the information guild.

    * * *​

    The next day.

    It was a cool morning when the bird cried pack, but I was not refreshed at all.

    'Conrad is coming out here.'

    Conrad played the role of Dalia's helper, the protagonist of <Bing>.

    He is aimed at the Duke of Astra for his entire life because he betrayed the Duke.

    Dalia, who is loved by her grandfather, steps up and mediates it.

    In fact, Conrad, who was tired of Astra's pursuit, becomes her person.

    There's nothing wrong with that.

    'The problem is that after being attacked by Conrad, my grandfather is in a coma for some time.'

    When grandfather is in a coma, this place will be a battlefield.

    Astra's direct lineages were close to beasts. That's not tamed either.

    Now I'm tied to the leash of grandfather, but if it disappears, it'll be a mess.

    'Then I have no one to protect me....'

    I felt like my heart was going out with my feet in the air.

    I thought so, but I heard a knock.

    "Can I help you get up?"


    When I answered, the maids came in with washing water.

    The maid wetted the towel, took off her eye boogers, and wiped her face.

    She brushed my hair, but even in countries with severe curls, it didn't hurt at all.

    "Which ribbon do you want? I think this yellow lace ribbon will look good on you."


    "You're very gentle earlier. It was easy to prepare."


    The maids laughed as if they were cute for answering well.

    After all the preparations were completed, she showed me the mirror.

    "Do you like it?"

    I opened my eyes wide and looked in the mirror.

    I can't believe my hair, which seemed to be a straw bundle, has become so neat.

    Of course, all was by the maidens of the castle.

    'That's right. The Elliotte setting was the best beauty in the world.'

    I forgot because I looked like a sick poodle because my hair was not managed.

    After being well managed, the leaves are different.

    It was a very cute face.

    After I finished preparing, I had breakfast.

    It was a cream soup with light beef and fresh vegetables cut into small pieces.

    It was delicious because it was savory and soft.

    I paused when I saw the bell pepper trying to eat the garnish with it.

    Then, I sneaked a look at the maids.

    'I hate bell peppers.'

    I don't eat bell peppers. Bell peppers were children's enemies.

    If I were in the twelfth tower, I would have quietly buried it in another vegetable, but now the maid of the castle was looking at me.

    Every move I make will be reported above and flow to my grandfather.

    I really hate bell peppers, but my grandfather would like to eat them.

    I swallowed my dry saliva with a fork.

    Then, I crunched and bit, and my face immediately became tearful.

    The maids, who were looking at the war of me against bell peppers with interesting faces, laughed.

    Fortunately, the maids seemed friendly to the young me.

    'Grandfather is important to keep going like this.'

    The house should not have been ruined in a coma.

    I made up my mind.

    I can't help it, so I'll protect my grandfather.

    * * *​

    After eating, I played with the maid for about a day.

    It was fun to play with the maid.

    "Wow, look this way."

    "Come this way, lady. Good job. You did a great job!"

    ...The maid seemed to be more enjoyable than me.

    What fun would it be to work in a terrifying craftsmanship on the outside and in reality?

    'Poor unnies.'

    I played passionately with my unnies.

    And in the afternoon, I had a call, so I went to my grandfather's study.

    There were several scholars and vassals in the study.

    As I learned from the maid in the morning, I put my hands on my belly button and bent my back.


    The gods opened their eyes in a circle.

    "Oh, yeah. I'm Debussy. It's an honor to meet you."

    He had a puzzled voice.

    I must have seen only the direct children who had been beating people up since was young, so I seemed to look rather unique, who was normally polite.

    Viscount Debussy smiled brightly.

    "Thanks to you, I was able to excavate the dragon's bones."


    "The ancient language reader was very attractive. Speaking of which, can you read another part of the history book?"


    "I invited you to check how much you can read today."


    "It's hard to wear a family name, so I know you can't read that much in a day."


    "Read it comfortably. If you're having a hard time, you can stop."

    The servant brought me a book.

    When I opened the book cover, the adults nodded as if to read it now.

    My grandfather, who was sitting at the top of the big table, also focused on me.

    I started reading from the first sentence.

    "In the beging, depair crated the wold. (In the beginning, despair created the world.)"

    "Umm. As expected, at least one sentence...."

    "The fist wold is a lang gowerned bi silence and dawness. We call it emtiness. (The first world is a land governed by silence and darkness. We call it emptiness.)"

    "A single paragraph is fine..."

    "Life was borng out of notwigness (Life was born out of nothingness.)"

    "One page...?"

    I read a series of messages.

    At first, the facial expressions of the vassals who were nodding their heads gradually changed.

    Page 1.

    Page 2.


    Page 13.


    The vassals screamed. Even scholars saw me with their mouths open.

    "Ho—how long have you been reading a book?"

    "It's 30 minutes."

    "Is it possible to use the protection gear for 30 minutes at that age?"

    It's just because it's in Korean.

    Since we don't really use family names, it's not difficult to read books.

    I'm a little thirsty.

    "Emty felt sorry for twe fragile life and gave him pwotetion. To mwaintain stong pwotetion, gave gracious land— (Empty felt sorry for the fragile life and gave him protection. Gracious land was given down so that strong protection could be maintained—)"

    "Gracious land?"

    [Gracious land was given down so that strong protection could be maintained.]

    —In this part, people's eyes opened wide.

    "There's land like that?"

    Of course, it was a mess.

    "Where are? Do have a location?!"


    "There must be a hint in the book. Oh my god!"

    It was almost in the middle of the festival.

    * * *​

    The duke looked at Elliotte with a strange look.

    It's already been about an hour since she started reading books.

    That kid was tireless.

    I didn't even know how to complain.

    'You may resent the work of the tower.'

    The vassals were about to dance when they saw tremendous content in the book.

    Elliotte, who had been reading for a long time, coughed.

    The vassals and scholars hurried look at her.

    "I'd better stop here today."

    They looked worried that her precious protection would be damaged.

    The duke nodded.

    "Sergeant, organize the contents of the book. Let the meeting be undone."

    The duke rose from his seat.

    And he left the room with his senior, Debussy.

    "You were surprised earlier."

    Even Debussy, who was cold to the evaluation, could not hide his surprise.

    "How is the progress of the dragon's bone excavation work?"

    "It's going smoothly. To the point where the flies are already twisting after hearing the rumors."


    "The imperial family seemed to want to pay for it."

    "I can't give it to you easily."


    "Go to the Yellow Sea yourself and find out their repercussions. The way you drool is not bothering you."

    "Yes, I take care of myself right away—"



    I felt a sign of constant concern behind my back.

    Looking back, Elliotte, who caught the rabbit doll's ear, was running all the way.



    On the subject of running so hard, Elliotte stood tall as soon as he made eye contact with the Duke.

    Elliotte hesitated for a long time and picked up a rabbit doll.

    "My unnies gave to me."

    Debussy laughed.

    "Yes, it's a very cute doll."


    From afar, the maid often walked up. Then, when he found the duke and his own work, she hurriedly bowed his head.

    Viscount told Elliotte.

    "I think you're here to pick up the lady. Come to think of it, it's time for dinner. You've been working hard until late."

    The maid used to be silent and bent toward Elliotte.

    When the maid asked, "Shall we go?" Elliotte nodded.

    "Hello, grandfather."


    Viscount Debussy laughed as he saw Elliotte leaving holding the maid's hand.

    She was a really funny child.

    'Is it because she grew up in the twelfth tower, not in the castle?'

    It was completely different from the direct lineages.

    There is no child carrying a rabbit doll in this castle.

    And a child who boasts of dolls to the Duke Astra is even more.

    What do you mean with "Hello, grandfather?"

    Don't you treat the Duke Astra as if he were an ordinary grandfather, where even old aristocrats are nervous?

    I had an interesting sightseeing today.

    I can't believe I see Duke Astra not ignoring, but not responding.

    'How long will you go?'

    Soon you will notice that your grandfather is not an ordinary old man.

    Children are surprisingly quick-witted.

    Contrary to Debussy's thoughts, however, Elliotte was steady.

    When the Duke left the study, Elliotte sat down in front of the door.

    The child had a book in his hand.

    She was smaller than children of his age, so the book was as big as it was.

    "If u read a booc, u be malt. (If you read a book, you'll be smart.)"


    The next day, I sat down in front of the restaurant.

    Likewise, there was a sketchbook the size of a body in my hand.



    The next day, the bedroom.

    There was a bottle of milk in it.

    "If u dwink milk, u grow up. (If you drink milk, you'll grow up.)"


    Elliotte's every move did have to be reported.

    I reported it on my own and went around.

    A week like that.

    "I'm eting snacs. I haw to wush ur teeth. (I'm eating snacks. I have to brush your teeth.)"


    Elliotte was doing something in front of the office as always.

    The duke glanced at the child and entered the office.

    Viscount Debussy and Conrad, who came in together, laughed.

    Conrad said.

    "You're here today, too."

    "Did the lady come yesterday?"

    "He's been coming lately."

    "If I knew this would happen, I would have seen a grandchild, too."

    When Debussy laughed, the Duke frowned.

    Viscount's shoulders were lifted.

    Would you care if that nobleman was following his grandson around?

    He put the documents he had brought on the Duke's desk.

    "This is the trend of Marquiso. The grain area was taken away, and the atmosphere on the side of Toliso is strange. Even the line of funds with one is blocked… Your Excellency?


    The answer was subtly late.

    As if you were thinking about something else.

    When Debussy and Conrad looked at each other with a strange expression, the Duke shook his hand.

    "Keep going."

    He said it casually, but he keep paying attention.

    The back of the yellow head.

    * * *​

    At sunset.

    I stood with my tiptoes up and peeped into the office.

    So, it means the Conrad in the office.

    I've been chasing Conrad hard lately.

    'It's time to betray you soon.'

    Although it was described as passing by in <Bing>, I saw it clearly.

    That Conrad betrayed 'the winter of his fourth year in Astra'.

    And looking into it, it was only winter in its fourth year.

    'I can't leave him alone with my grandfather.'

    If you're alone, you might attack.

    However, it was too much to stick to my grandfather.

    Grandfather wouldn't like it, and most of all....

    'My life is precious.'

    What if I get swept away when I attack my grandfather?

    For that reason, I never went into the heating room and was always outside the room.

    I'm ready to scream when something happens.

    'It's uncomfortable because I'm a child.'

    If you're going to immerse yourself, you should've done it with your adult body.

    There's nothing a child can do.

    Pointing to a three-year-old deputy who's doing a good job—

    'He's a traitor. There's no evidence, but I saw it in the novel.'

    —If you say that, you'll think I'm crazy.

    I was thinking like that.

    Conrad was coming out of the room.

    "You were still there."

    When I nodded, he bent one knee and made eye contact with me.

    "Aren't you bored?"

    "I haw nacks. (I have snacks.)"

    I held up the bag of snacks in the sense that it was okay to wait while eating.

    "You're very calm."


    When I answered, Conrad laughed.

    "If it's okay with you, may I touch you?"

    There were other scholars behind, and it didn't seem to be trying to do anything dangerous.

    I nodded my head.

    Then Conrad opened my collar and gave it to me. It was a very friendly touch.

    "It's still cold."

    I could feel the maid passing through the hallway glancing this way.

    I understood them.

    'I can't help but look at you because you're so cool.'

    When I laid my eyes down to open and give my collar, I thought I was looking at a pictorial.

    Sunset soaked in long eyelashes.

    Clean eyes.

    A sharp nose.

    Lips that draw a friendly line.

    'Above all, Conrad's biggest advantage is its gentle feeling.'

    "Will you stay here?"

    "What about Conrad?"

    "I'm going home now."

    It was good to hear.

    If Conrad is not with his grandfather, there is no reason to keep him here.

    In fact, it was a little cold, so I wanted to keep going back to my room.

    "Okay, I want to go two."

    "The stairs of the castle are still high for you, so I'll take you to your room."


    I walked holding Conrad's hand.

    He was an adult who followed his child's steps, so it was comfortable to walk.

    On top of that, he also put words well so that I don't get bored.

    "Do you read history books every morning?"


    "Aren't you tired?"

    "I'm nwot tiled. Becaus I rid little by little. (I'm not tired. Because I read little by little.)"

    "That's a relief."

    It's quite far from my grandfather's office to my room, but it wasn't boring at all.

    Conrad took me to the front of the room and greeted me.

    "Have a good night."

    So he left, and I groaned 'Hmm…' inside.

    I don't know yet to attack my grandfather.

    Nights with few people are the best to attack, but Conrad has recently continued to return home early.

    'But why did Conrad betray my grandfather?'

    I was thinking carefully, and I heard a familiar voice behind my back.


    They were maids who came to take care of my dinner.

    The maids looked at the back of Conrad and said.

    "Oh my God, it's Conrad-nim. You always paint it white."

    "I know. It was my pleasure to see you once in a while, but it's a shame that I can't make it anymore."

    Listening to the maid's words, I opened my eyes wide.

    "Why can't you go to Conrad?"

    "He said he would step down as a close aide to the Duke."


    "You're probably moving to a place where your work is relaxed. I have to take care of my brother."

    Another maid added to the remark.

    "He've been sick since summer. Because of that, you've been returning home early recently."

    "Does it hurt? Where?"

    "It's called sunstroke... Ah, it's time for you to sleep, right?"

    The maids who swallowed the words watched the bed.

    However, I already know if it's a sunstroke.

    Sunstroke begins with several spots on the body in the beginning.

    The more spots there were, the stronger the pain became, and eventually, it was a disease that died when spots covered the whole body.

    However, the treatment itself was easy.

    There's a special medicine called blue flower bulb.

    'The problem is that finding blue-flower bulbs is like picking stars in the sky.'

    It was almost safe to say that it was a legendary flower.

    The price was an astronomical unit because it was so difficult to find.

    At that moment, I felt like the light bulb in my head was turning on.

    Sibling who got sick.

    A very difficult treatment to obtain.

    And betrayal.

    'What, you betrayed Astra because of your brother's medicine!'

    Those who ordered the attack conciliated Conrad as a cure.

    Conrad would have betrayed Astra for his younger brother.

    'I don't think they've contacted Conrad yet.'

    If he had contacted him, he would not have stepped down from his grandfather's post of deputy.

    There's no place more perfect than that in the attack.

    'Then you're mean that you're not going to betray Astra if there's a cure.'

    It would have been solved by just getting the blue-colored bulb.

    'That's easy!'

    The next day

    I headed to the study because it was time to read the ancient language.

    In the study, there were only my grandfather, Debussy, and Conrad.

    After tremendous content such as 'Dragon's Bone, Blessed Land' came out, it seemed that only a few people should know the content.

    I pretended to look at the history book.

    "There is a tweory that the blu flowel buls stengtwen protection. (There is a theory that the blue flower bulbs strengthen protection.)"

    Of course, there is no such word in the history book.

    Debussy's eyes slightly bigger.

    "Are you talking about blue flower bulbs?"


    "I can't believe that it has such an effect on the blue flower bulbs...."

    Debussy Zak turned his head toward his grandfather.

    "What do you think?"

    "If you can only develop a family name, it's worth checking."

    "If I do...."

    "Come to the rescue."


    I grinned inside.

    It was really easy to get a blue flower bulbs from me.

    Because I can use the Astra craftsman!

    No matter how hard it was to get the blue flower bulb, it was not so difficult with the power of the Duke of Astra.

    The financial power that doesn't dry up no matter how much you scoop.

    Information sources spread throughout the continent.

    Astra is really a family that can be won even by a star in the sky.

    Grandfather took a step further.

    "As soon as you get it, share it with my grandchildren. I should check the effect."

    "Yes. It's not a toxic plant, so it won't be dangerous."

    Debussy Zajac looked at Conrad.

    "Conrad. Contact the intelligence office to find blue flower bulbs."


    Conrad's eyes were shaking.

    Of course.

    It's an object that's desperate enough to betray his owner.

    Conrad went out with a stiff face.

    I quickly put down the history book.

    "I'm tiwed nou. Can I go? (I'm tired now. Can I go?)"

    Grandfather nodded.

    I said hello and quickly chased Conrad.

    He looked half absent-minded.


    "Ah. Yes, miss."

    I grabbed the end of Conrad's jacket and whispered.

    "If I get a bub, I'll giw u, Conrad. (If I get a bulb, I'll give you, Conrad.)"


    I raised both hands and spoke like a child.

    "Maden unnis said that. Conrad blotel is sic. You need blu fowel bubs. (Maiden unnies said that. Conrad's brother is sick. You need blue flower bulbs.)"

    "...Why would you give me such a precious thing?"

    "I like Conrad when he's happy."


    Conrad covered his face with one hand.

    I could see my eyes shaking between my long and pretty fingers.

    While calming his trembling breath, he soon bent one knee.

    "I will never forget this grace. Never."

    His eyes were filled with energy.

    I patted Conrad on the head.

    'Okay. Don't forget.'

    * * *​

    And a few days later.

    I walked down the hallway humming.

    'Because Conrad's younger brother has recovered!'

    As expected of Astra's Intelligence Service.

    They've been looking for blue flower bulbs in a lot of course of a week.

    As promised, I handed over blue flower bulb to Conrad.

    'It's good, it's good.'

    Now you don't have to worry about your grandfather's coma.


    Conrad was seen from a distance.

    "It's late at night. Where are you going?"

    "To my grandfather."

    Conrad surveillance was over, but I was still eagerly coming in and out of the Duke.

    'I get attached to you when I see you often.'

    Reading ancient words will be over someday.

    Then I'll do everything I can.

    So I needed to get close to my grandfather in preparation for that time.

    "Oh well. The Duke has just gone out. There's an urgent meeting of senior nobles."


    "It's better to be careful on days like today."


    "Because it's the day when the red moon rises."


    I nodded my head.

    When the red moon rises, the protection becomes very weak. The nobles who relied heavily on protection were bound to become sensitive.

    'It's a dangerous day.'

    Conrad looked around and said after confirming that no one was there.

    "Your education schedule has been set."


    "When direct lineages return from training, they will receive education together. The content of the class is...."

    Now Conrad has begun to give me various information.

    He seems to think that I'm a savior because I gave him blue flower bulbs.

    I was thrilled.

    'I love this information!'

    In high-class society, information exhibition is everything.

    As expected, it was a good thing I gave Conrad blue flower bulbs.

    I listened to Conrad's story.

    "Miss, your swordsmanship teacher is rather strict, so you'd better be nervous."

    "I'd fall asleep if Conrad did it for me off."

    He's a strong man who made a surprise attack on the grandfather.

    And is very kind to me.

    Conrad laughed in trouble.

    "Unfortunately, I'm not a martial arts person."


    "I've never learned swordsmanship. I've never been trained to kill anyone."

    ...What does this mean?

    Then, how did you do that?

    At that moment, something that had been overlooked came to mind.

    'Spy may not necessarily be one.'

    This horrible novel!

    Be sure to describe it as if Conrad himself had a surprise attack...!

    'Wait a minute.'

    I turned my head and looked out the window.

    Red moon.

    A day when the protection gets weak.

    Emergency meeting of senior citizens.

    'It's a surprise.'

    I turned around and ran like crazy.

    "Miss? Miss!"

    Grandfather is in danger!

    * * *​

    The Duke of Astra was surrounded by three works.

    The surrounding area was a mess because of the traces of one battle already.

    A body that's all over the place.

    The ground was colored with blood.

    "Monster-like guy…."

    Marquis Toliso, the monster of this work, gritted his teeth.

    How can you cheer up this much on a day when the red moon rises?

    Several soldiers were compressed by the Duke of Astra and rolled around the ground.

    'If you step back from here, it's over.'

    Originally, it was a matter of safely solving by attracting the vice minister of the Duke of Astra.

    It would have been over if the lieutenant was convicted after the assassination.

    If he was a deputy, he would know the schedule of the duke, so he could not even attract him by holding an emergency meeting.

    But things went wrong.

    His younger brother somehow recovered.

    'How did a noble family manage to get a blue flower bulbs?'

    Anyway, I had to kill Duke Astra today.

    Marquis Tolliso stepped back from the duke and soldiers and shouted.

    "Attack! Kill him… Argh!"

    Marquis Tolliso screamed.

    No, to be exact—

    To a small child who fell off the low cliff where the marquis was turning his back.

    "Don bothel my gandfatel. Yu bad gui...! (Don't bother my grandfather. You bad guy...!)"

    The young child was sitting on the back of Marquis Tolliso and biting his fragile hair roots.


    The duke called in an incredibly voice.

    ...Why are you here?

    "Take this girl away from me! Ack!"

    Marquis Tolliso, a coward, was way behind the soldiers.

    Out of reach, the soldier threw a dagger at Elliotte.

    At that moment.


    A knight wrapped in a robe engraved with Astra's pattern hit a flying dagger.

    "Your Excellency, are you all right?"

    A familiar voice was heard on the cliff. It was Conrad.

    Even at this moment, Elliotte, who was biting Marquis Tolliso's hair, thought.

    'Am I look stupid? How can i come alone?'
    "Ack! Argh!"

    Marquis Toloso's protection was vision.

    This means that even when you get older, you are a weak old man who only maintains 2.3 points of vision.

    I've never lifted anything heavier than a pen.

    Of course, I never pulled my hair out.

    On the other hand, Elliotte was a very brave child.

    I never lost to those who were much taller than me.

    The child's specialty was to pull the opponent's hair with his cute hands.


    With the sound of the few remaining hair roots leaving forever, the blade of the sword fell in front of Marquis Toloso.

    Only then did Elliotte let go of the marquis' hair.

    The Duke spoke to the blue-faced Marquis Toloso.

    "We must have a lot to talk about."

    Marquis Toloso's face turned blue at the words of the Duke of Astra.

    "You shouldn't think about going easy."

    "Du—Duke of Astra... Thi—This?"

    Duke Astra hugged Elliotte.

    Marquis Toloso's desperate scream followed the Duke walking at night.

    * * *​

    At dawn.

    Marquis Tolosso and the spy were taken to the Duke Castle and subjected to severe torture.

    The torture was handled by the Viscount Debussy.

    He came into the Duke's office after organizing the contents of the contents of the Marquis Toloso and the three works.

    "I was going to cover Conrad."

    Conrad was very surprised and asked back.

    "You mean me?"

    "I guess they knew that you needed blue flower bulbs because of your younger brother, so they tried to cover it up."


    Conrad's eyes trembled greatly.

    Viscount Debussy asked Conrad, who was embarrassed.

    "Fortunately, you said you got the blue flower bulb first."

    "I didn't save it."


    "The miss gave it to me earlier."

    "What's that?"

    My grandfather and Debussy looked at me.

    I pretended I didn't know and laughed.

    The duke lowered his bulb and did not add that he must consume it himself.

    So it's not something to blame for giving it to others.

    Rather, it was a huge ball because it used a bulb to prevent the departure of talent.

    "Are you quick to sense? The first thing I felt at risk for the Duke was the lady."

    "Yes. She said, 'Bad people will bully my grandfather'."

    Viscount Debussy burst into exclamations looking at me.

    "How did you know that?"

    "According to me, I happened to hear something suspicious that the three works said."

    Of course, it was a lie.

    The result was derived based on the contents and circumstances of the novel, but who would believe it if a three-year-old said so?

    So I said this.

    "The guads are going to bothel my gangfathel! (The guards are going to bother my grandfather!)"


    "The guads said they would sed him on the day my gangfathel wekens. They said it secretly. I heard it! (The guards said they would send him on the day my grandfather weakens. They said it secretly. I heard it!)"

    "What did you say?"

    Viscount Debussy nodded when he heard from Conrad.

    "You must have chatted easily because you thought you didn't know anything because you were a child."

    "Yes. You've been around the Duke lately, so you could hear the escort."

    I was relieved that Debussy and Conrad were convinced.

    Seeing that my grandfather didn't say much, he didn't seem to be very suspicious.

    'By the way, my wrist keeps hurting.'

    Perhaps because I was relaxed, the pain got worse.

    He seemed to have been injured when he grabbed the bad guy's hair earlier.

    I kept touching my wrist.

    Then I made eye contact with my grandfather.



    Grandfather kicked his tongue and pulled my wrist.


    What are you going to do with my wrist?

    I was so nervous that it hardened.

    But what he actually did was look at my wrist.

    "I'm sick of it. Why would you come in there when it's as big as your palm?"

    "I haw to powtec my gandfathel. (I have to protect my grandfather.)"

    That way, other directives can't aim for me.

    My grandfather glanced at me and coughed in vain.

    "You're too small to protect me."


    "It's not that small. When I was your age, I beat a bear."

    It's because grandfather has a killing protection.

    My grandfather, who applied all the ointment to me, coughed again.

    "Go to the room and get treatment."

    That was a good thing to say.

    Even if I didn't, I was very tired, but I'm glad.


    I answered and left the cute room.

    * * *​

    The ending of the raid was a battle of territory.

    Armed Astra's soldiers attacked Marquis Tolo.

    Astra is a family well-known for his military power.

    Toloso's soldiers were no match, and the castle fell in a week.

    It is said that the grandfather dragged the marquis of Toloso to the marquis decree that became the sea of fire.

    And then both wrists and ankles....

    'I'm so scared that someone might say it's black.'

    How would an old man whose family is ruined and disabled live?

    It was a disastrous result rather than dying.

    * * *​

    With a spoon full of pudding, I put on an ecstatic expression.


    Touch, scent, and caramel concentration.

    There's nothing missing.

    And the best thing is that you can eat this delicious pudding without any worries.

    I laughed as I put the pudding in my mouth.

    'You're going to get busy again soon, so you have to be generous.'

    The reason why he can relax now is that the Duke's Castle is busy with post-processing of the Yeongji War.

    Marquis Tolosso was incorporated into the Duke of Astra.

    So now, who controls this land is in a noisy state.

    Uncles and aunts were busy moving to become owners of the new land.

    'Thank you, I'm fine.'

    Because of the loud craftsmanship, the class was postponed!

    I pushed the finished pudding and jumped off the chair.

    And I went to the place where I collected picture books while singing.

    And as I tried to open the book, I felt a gaze behind my back.

    As I turned my head, the maids were looking at me gently.

    "Didn't you read that book yesterday?"

    "You read it the day before yesterday, too."

    "Three days ago."

    The maids groaned, "Ummm."

    "There's nothing for you to play with."

    "Did you ask the general affairs office for toys?"

    "It will take at least two weeks to review and bring it."

    After his grandfather was attacked, the security of Duke castle fortress was frighteningly strengthened.

    I had to go through a long review because I was afraid that something like a curse would be hung on the goods.

    Because of that, I looked at the books I had, looked at them over and over again.

    'It's still fun, isn't it?'

    Is it because of the mental penalty from the child's body? I liked the things the kids did.

    I was focusing on the picture book again, and the maids approached me.

    "Should I call my friend from the 12th tower?"

    "Yes. Since you're Banggye, you'll be able to get permission to enter even if you're in the current situation."

    I spoke lightly because I was concentrating on the picture book.

    "Friends are strict."

    "Didn't you grow up together?"

    "But we don't play together."

    "What? Why?"

    "Because my family doesn't like me."

    Children who don't know anything sometimes come to me.

    However, every time that happened, the children's nanny freaked out and hugged them.

    "If you play with your family's maniacs, you are treated the same way."

    —While saying that.

    There were many cases where they parents contacted and scolded they if was caught playing with me.

    So the children didn't play well with me, and I didn't approach them because I didn't like them being scolded because of me.

    After answering casually, I turned the next page.

    'Oh, it's my favorite picture.'

    I loved this illustration of the mother fish coming to find the baby fish.

    I was looking at the painting with sparkling eyes, and somehow the surroundings were quiet.

    When I turned my head because the atmosphere seemed strange, the maid's expressions were strange.

    "Oh, my...."

    I flinched when I saw the maids who quickly began to cry.


    I looked pitiful.

    'I said it casually because it was familiar to me.'

    This supporting actor penalty.

    Since I'm not the main character, I used to be mentally ill when I didn't concentrate.

    So I miss the hearts of adults.

    'Oh my, these unnies are weak-minded.'

    They were good unnies, not like employees of Astra Duchess.

    Maybe that's why I couldn't make it.

    'Well, it must have been assigned to me because I was an unprofessional employee.'

    Other rare directives are given a nus (a nanny of noble children. a high rank among employees).

    I flashed my arms up and said in a hurry.

    "I'm nod sad ad all. Ids fun to plai alown! (I'm not sad at all. It's fun to play alone!)"

    I said it hard, but they became more depressed.


    "Now you will not play alone anymore."

    "Of course! Now you've showed your protective spirit and you're living in a castle."

    Hilda hugged me tightly.

    Greta also stroked the back of my hand.

    "Adults are bad. What do you think he knows? I didn't let you play."

    "I know."

    Hilda and Greta's eyes flashed.

    * * *​

    "—That's what she says."

    Conrad told the Duke.

    The children of the twelfth tower did not play with Elliotte.

    The adults seemed to be pressured.

    The maids told Conrad what they heard from Elliotte, and Conrad collected and told the story to the Duke.

    Duke Astra opened his mouth, focusing on the documents.


    The daylight of Conrad has darkened.

    'I thought your eyes on you have changed recently.'

    It expressed protection and helped the family.

    She was even the biggest contributor to the attack.

    I thought you knew that my grandson was cute because he was cold-hearted and looked after his wounds.

    'Haha, you've lived your whole life without knowing what affection is to people.'

    There's no way they'll come forward for her granddaughter.

    Conrad became sullen, and Debussy, who was with him, smiled.

    "I'm going to tell you what I heard. Rather, it is the result of three works of torture. Conrad, I'll deliver it to you."


    The duke, who was handed over the documents, looked at the documents. And glances at the cornrad.

    "Is this everything?"

    "Yes. He was promised a title and money by Marquis Tolosso and moved on."

    "What about Toloso?"

    "It is said that he was vindictive that the granary area was taken away."

    The duke laughed out loud.

    "Your excuse is insincere."


    "Do you really think the head of this case is Toloso?"


    Astra treats information difficultly.

    No matter how much Toloso belongs to the Presbyterian Association, he can never find out his escort list.

    It is also possible to pick a hairless person who can be passed on to Tolloso among the guards.

    Conrad, who had his eyes squinted, flinched.

    "Are you saying there is an enemy inside? Who the hell is...!"

    "It must be one of my children."

    He is the only one who has the power to move Toloso.

    Moreover, the duke's enemy was always in the same vein.

    "Oh, my...."

    Conrad was just a bait.

    Bait to keep them from being caught that they gave you information from inside.

    The duke burst into laughter.

    "I guess I've been so merciful."


    "When I see that I'm not satisfied with the salt that the pigs give me and I'm greedy."

    The Duke's eyes flashed to live.

    Conrad swallowed his dry saliva.

    "What should I do?"

    "You have to tighten it properly. Let's prove our loyalty to Banggye first."

    "If you're loyal, then…."

    "Say hi to Elliotte."


    "Flat, lie face down and do it properly."


    The duke raised his body.

    "The second generation (children of the duke) should break up the private army."

    The Duke, who said so, stepped out of the room.

    Conrad looked at the duke's back with a foolish face.

    Why do you say hello to Lady Elliotte when you prove your loyalty to Banggye?

    And lie flat as if you're apologizing.

    Conrad looked around his head.

    And the Viscount Debussy....


    I was giggling while grabbing my stomach out of nowhere.

    The duke, who was just leaving the hallway, threw a vase from the decorative table.

    Viscount Debussy, who sneaked away from the vase, followed the duke.

    "You must have had a hard time thinking of excuses."

    "Shut up."

    In the dark hallway, the sound of the Viscount Debussy dying of laughter echoed.

    * * *​

    I looked at the couple lying flat with a puzzled look.

    My face was turned blue.

    'What's wrong with these people?'

    This morning, people suddenly began to line up in my room.

    Everyone had a familiar face.

    They are adults who came to pick up their children every break in the twelfth tower.

    In other words, it meant that they were the parents of Banggye children.

    "I'm—I'm Rondontas. I'd like to say hello to the lady."

    "...What I said last time wasn't because I looked down on you..."

    Why am I so scared?

    When he saw me from the twelfth tower, it was different from the way he was mocking me.

    I peeked out of the room.

    It wasn't just parents with children on the 12th tower.

    But everyone else was shivering.

    Thinking about what would happen, I soon nodded.


    You must have been scared because it became known that I expressed my protection!

    I even saved my grandfather.

    The maid stared at the adults behind me with a goblin-like expression.

    "Now, it's time to move on.

    "Wait! Give me one more minute. I haven't solved the misunderstanding yet!"

    Thus, the couple was dragged out by the servants this time.


    And again....

    It took as long as two hours to receive greetings from the elders of Banggye.

    I was tired, but the maids were single all the time.

    "Lady. There's another good thing."


    The maid looked at each other and laughed. Cheers to me! I stuck it out.

    It was a pretty freesia.

    "Wah, pwetty! (Wow, pretty!)"

    "Right? Lord Conrad brought it. He saw a pretty freesia resembling a girl on the way and came back."

    "I like fowels. (I like flowers.)"

    "It smells good. Do you want to smell it?"


    I answered and received freesia.

    When I smelled it, the maids were making a fuss, saying, "Kyah—! Cute!".

    "You have a lot of happy things today. Get flowers and greetings."

    "I like it."

    "Right? You were so happy to say hi, right? The flowers are very pretty, too."

    I don't know greetings, but flowers are happy.

    'This is proof that Conrad has a favor to me.'

    As I was greeted by the classmates today, the immediate people will pay attention to me.

    My stock price rose due to various things, but it was far short of other directives.

    'If it's a conrad, it'll help me.'

    I laughed and told the maid.

    "Twank you so mush and I want to do it."

    I'll say hello to Conrad and ask him about the schedule of writing the ball in the future.

    The maids laughed.

    "Yes, he'll be in the castle."

    "I want to go!"

    I left the room holding the hands of the maid.

    When I went downstairs, Conrad was coming out of my grandfather's office.

    Next to him was Debussy and his grandfather.

    The maids hurriedly greeted the Duke. Then asked Viscount Debussy.

    "What's wrong with you here?"

    "You said you wanted to say hi."

    "Aah. Today's work."

    Debussy Zak smiled and looked at his grandfather.

    "He wants to say hi."

    Grandfather coughed in vain.

    "It's nothing special. It's done. It's annoying."

    "Don't do that. Isn't it your sincerity?"

    My grandfather coughed again, and Viscount caught my eye.

    "Yes, lady. Let's say hello."

    Maidens, Debussy, Conrad, and grandfather paid attention to me.

    I smiled and took a step closer.
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2021
  7. The Blue Moon

    The Blue Moon Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2021
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    Woww new novel and another posesif fams has come out :blobparty::blobparty:
    crystalleciel and jkumi7 like this.
  8. skiesbleu

    skiesbleu Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2021
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    I like this novel so far. They kinda have fun making fun of all the cliche rofan element to it like for instance
    The start of the novel when fl first realized that she was in a novel and immediately assumed she had no mother because it's cliche to happen to rofan novels. And another event where she suddenly bleeding and fall into unconscious state, she was in a dream where everything is pitch black and when she was about to step into a light door thing someone stop her and when the person who stop her tried to introduce herself she was called her mom and that she was here to tell that she has enormous power cause according to rofan law the mom always appeared during these time and reveal things. But the person denied and she was like are you a spirit? God? Some powerful being? Are you going to tell me i was your child and blah blah blah. The person ended up giving up telling her stuff. She was pissed cause how will she survived without knowing anything. That person did said something but i forgot. Need to recheck but i'm pretty sure it's something vague.

    I love her interaction with people around her. And yes i love her dad and grandpa!! And i love it more when they fight for her!!!!

    When her father wanted to go back to his territory and wanted to bring her her grandpa reject by giving out bunch or reasons. Grandpa was like;

    G: she can't leave because she need to translate these ancient text!
    D: i'll make sure she do the work at home!
    G: she the only one who knew how to make my meds!
    D: i'll get the recipe/send the meds to you!

    And then grandpa closest vassal, Viscount Debussy told her father, Damond just before he leave with her that she said she liked her grandpa more (which she did because she wanted something back then lol) And daddy was all like is it true? And everyone was starring at her so under all these pressure cause she can't choose one she needs both of their favor to survived! So she ended up saying she like puppy more. And the daddy was like 'alright that's good enough. My nickname is son of a bitch anyway' and proceed to take her out.
    kiki8119, its0k, Elisee and 57 others like this.
  9. kiraikirei

    kiraikirei Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2019
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    just reading the promo manhwa and instantly became interested. camping for more spoilers:blobpopcorn_cool:
    if anyone know where to read/buy the raw novel, i'll appreciate it very muchh:aww:
    AnniePoo likes this.
  10. Anidori

    Anidori Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2021
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    " I became the female lead, who is already possessed, of the novel <I Possessed the Villain’s Granddaughter>. But the truth is, she’s actually the villainess who will torment the real heroine."

    Can anyone please explain to me what this means because I'm an idiot and I'm confused. She possessed the female lead of the novel but the novel's plot twist is that she's actually the villainess and that the girl she will torment is the real heroine/female lead?- is what I got from this. Please tell me if I'm wrong lol
    Lucy scarlet and jkumi7 like this.
  11. SourSpaghetti

    SourSpaghetti Member

    Aug 20, 2021
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    This is from reading the promo webtoon.
    OG PLot:
    She's the 'Villainess' from the OG plot. She was disliked and treated badly by servants and family members. Later, they adopted a daughter who was well-liked and successful, so in the OG plot, she bullied her adopted sister because of jealousy, eventually leading to her complete downfall.

    So what they mean with plot twist is she seemingly reincarnated into a heroine but actually, plot twist, she's possessed the villainess!

    In this life, she'll get along better with her family and find out more about the world (it seems like at least.) Don't know if they will adopt the OG Heroine in this life or not though, it wasn't mentioned in the promo.

    So yes, you are correct!
    Elisee, Yukari_me, Tem and 4 others like this.
  12. Merumeruni

    Merumeruni Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2020
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    I want to know what happened to the ogfl. And does this novel already completed..?
    crystalleciel likes this.
  13. The Blue Moon

    The Blue Moon Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2021
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    Woww what chapter is this? :aww::aww:

    No, this is new novel which come out Sept 17th and it has updated till chapter 86 :blobneet:
  14. Anidori

    Anidori Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2021
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    Thank you for clearing that up! I had to read the synopsis a couple of times to make sense of it. :blobsweat:
  15. joyfuldragon

    joyfuldragon Stop re-reading, ur lists are piling up @ me

    Nov 30, 2020
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    Any of y'all got more spoilers? This is a really fun novel!! :blobReach:
  16. skiesbleu

    skiesbleu Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2021
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    It's toward the end of chapter 13!

    Anyway her father really love her. If you want to read his pov it's at chapter 18 and 19.
    I would spoil you guys but my spoiler are too detail sometimes and people tends to hate it :blobsweat_2: but if you people still want them i'll try to put them up
    AnniePoo, AnnHime, Shey_04 and 10 others like this.
  17. joyfuldragon

    joyfuldragon Stop re-reading, ur lists are piling up @ me

    Nov 30, 2020
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    Please, I want them! :blobReach:
  18. The Blue Moon

    The Blue Moon Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2021
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    Wowww yes yes pleasee :blobtorch:. I wanna read this since chrome can translate directly without screenshot 1 page then MTL :blob_teary:, but kakaopage doesnt available in my country :bloborz:
    AnniePoo likes this.
  19. Sea of Sorrow

    Sea of Sorrow Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2020
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    Does anyone have the novel/raw link? :aww:
  20. lilicutest

    lilicutest Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2021
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    I tried to read this novel on kakaopage until chap 3. But I can't read the rest of it cuz I need to download the apps to read more and the thing is this apps isn't available in my country:cry::cry:.. so I hope the spoilers can make my heart that cannot read this interesting story, happy.. hehe
    Blossomie likes this.