Spoiler The villainess is a marionette

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Lovina, Jun 18, 2020.

  1. Thamalasca

    Thamalasca Editing MTL's for "I'll Save this Damn Family"

    Aug 13, 2021
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    Any type of abuse is too much.... Cayena's husband from the first timeline was a real piece of work. A perverse narcissist that physically and mentally abused her with quite a bit of gaslighting. He is also a compulsive collectionner and, he says it himself when he talks to Rezef's aide that he collects beautiful "things". He doesn't even consider her as a human being. Probably one of the reasons why she was beaten, an "object" of his collection was voicing opinions and behaving in a way that didn't suit him. He most probably thought that she was some kind of doll for his pleasure. (I can perfectly picture him having fun "dressing her up" like one....Yikes!) If he could have killed and preserved her at the peak of her beauty, he would have, hadn't she been Rezef's sister, which in fact he does in the first timeline as she attempts to escape his grasp. (You can see this when he pictures her in a snow white type coffin surrounded by roses in the manwha)
    Considering that, I don't know whether he would have consumated his marriage with her or not.
    Which, of course, could lead to marital rape in this case considering the abuse, but I really don't think he was interested in her in that manner.
    Mind you, this is pure speculation on my part. My theory is, he would NOT want her to get pregnant, and we all know that contraception is never 100% guaranteed to work. And, considering the historical setting, if you put it into context, there were only condoms around that period. I can't see a guy like him, with his pride and arrogance, accepting to wear one. (Plus if the story was to be a little historically accurate, condoms were made out of pork guts or bladders at the time! :eek:)
    Pregnancy would have, in his view, "defiled" her with the body transformation that naturally ensues. She wouldn't be perfect anymore. Which, for him, would mean losing a precious piece of his collection.
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2021
  2. virito3

    virito3 Member

    Mar 5, 2021
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    Frick that makes a lot of sense, but its still a traumatic experience being held as an object. screw that guy!!! How long were they married though before she died
    Hera a misigga and Thamalasca like this.
  3. TiaUnniee

    TiaUnniee Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2021
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    What are the events that led to Cayena being the emperor? I read a previous spoiler that the king gets poison and killed? so the King did not appoint Cayena as emperor? so how did Cayena be the emperor instead of Rezef and Heinrich?
  4. its0k

    its0k Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2020
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    I’ll have to summarize the second half of the novel to explain everything. Heinrich has lost support after the explosion during the hunting competition, Rezef quickly was caught after he has killed the Emperor. Cayenna has gained a lot of support by that time so she was an obvious choice.
    If you want to have the details read the MTLed chapters on previous pages.
    Creolenerd and TiaUnniee like this.
  5. Hera a misigga

    Hera a misigga Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2021
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    May I know what will happen to the emperor cayena's father since he literally is a trash and also his mistress cause she isn't actually evil right?
  6. its0k

    its0k Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2020
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    The Emperor is killed by Rezef. I don’t remember any mentions of the mistress in the spoilers, but she was very quiet, didn’t have any power and knew her place all along for the sake of her son, so there was no need to get rid of her. Moreover Cayenna liked her youngest brother, so she wouldn’t do anything to his mother.
  7. Thamalasca

    Thamalasca Editing MTL's for "I'll Save this Damn Family"

    Aug 13, 2021
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    Hi! Actually Cayena chooses the emperor's mistress as her chaperon for her coming of age ceremony and protects her and her younger brother because she already has in mind to make her younger brother emperor in the end once he comes of age.
    It is a calculated move on her part but also she likes her younger brother and appreciates his mother (the mistress) who has never wanted to be the emperor's mistress in the first place. She just wanted to live a quiet life.
  8. hanni29

    hanni29 Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2021
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    sooo... she was cayena in her first life and in second life she was from republic of korea....now she's back to her first life pastor both if then are two different people?? i don't get it...
    also i read the manhwa cayena got scared of the flashbacks of abuse when that viscount gillian came to her .....so is she the same princess cayena who didn't remember her 1st life in kingdom??? i am hella confused...why would ahe be scared if they haven't got married in the first place
    Creolenerd and GoldenTales like this.
  9. Yerunidian

    Yerunidian Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2021
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    So right now the manhwa show when cayena got kidnapped. And anybody know what happened then? Is there any spoiler?
  10. RedRuchi

    RedRuchi Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2020
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    Any news on Season 2 release of Manhwa?
    Season 1 ended on 9th August.

    According to novel,
    she is taken to temple and later she is rescued by ML, he gets the authority of commander and successor so he was able to save her. More events happen like visiting her mother’s family and the younger brother (silver-haired one, in academy & bonded with him) and later, after finding out about assassination of her nanny by Rezef (this is the main trigger for Rezef vs Cayena fight) Cayena decides to trade 50% of her remaining life to get magic power, which I think is teleportation or telekinesis type power. Another almost kidnapping event but she has power now, so she escapes by herself and the one who granted her power & encounters ML, going to his mansion to stay for night (they confess I think then - Cayena mentioned she is not an innocent princess). After that, next day in morning Cayena and ML decide to get engaged, discuss strategy moving forward, I think FL will now try to take the throne. I read a long time ago so only remember bits and pieces but novel ch 100 already covered till the part I mentioned.
    Last edited: May 15, 2022
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  11. amin882

    amin882 Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2021
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    Can someone explain the drama between the parents clearly. I think all this shitty stuff happened due to empress and Raphael's dad. If they had affair first regardless of their positions and marriages.
  12. its0k

    its0k Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2020
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    I’ve only read spoilers, but it doesn’t look there were many details about the parents. Apparently Raphael’s father was married into the Duke family as an arranged marriage. He didn’t like Rafael’s mother and probably felt inferior to her because of the difference in their statuses. He also didn’t seem to have any actual power in the dukedom, which has probably added to his frustration.
    I also don’t remember any mentions of Raphael’s mother being in love with her husband, but she was obviously hurt by his behaviour. So unless there are more details in later chapters or if I missed this detail it seems like their marriage was purely a business transaction arranged by the 2 families and while the wife tried to keep everything neat and civilized the husband was a grumpy a$$hole.

    At some point Raphael’s father cheated on his wife with Cayenna’s mother. I don’t remember if they’ve had an affair before their marriages or started after, but I have a feeling there was something going on even before they have married to their spouses. Cayenna’s mother was a known beauty and the Emperor has been fascinated with her until he found out that she is pregnant with a bastard child from the Duke. After she has left to a secluded place to cover her pregnancy and to secretly give birth to Rezef the Emperor has killed her by sending meals with nuts which she was allergic to.

    As far as no one knew about Rezef’s birth the Emperor has claimed that he was his son with some random no-name-mistress. All of this was done to torture Rezef later because of his parents cheating, and to feel superior to Rafael’s father who had no idea about his illegitimate son with the Empress. The Emperor later had fallen in love with Ethel’s mother, but because she was a daughter of a poor noble or for some other reasons he hasn’t married her. Moreover later on Heinrich has blackmailed the Emperor with Ethel’s and his mother’s live’s to become acknowledged as an heir to the throne, this has lead to the mistress being banned from entering the palace and from meeting the Emperor and for Ethel to not be properly acknowledged as an heir, because his mother’s family was powerless and he didn’t have any communication with his father, the Emperor.

    The Emperor has hated not only Rezef, but also Cayenna because she grew up to have the same face as her cheating mother. But it also didn’t look like he cared much about Ethel, because he was kinda happy that Rezef has Heinrich as an additional competitor for the throne. He was just observing the fight and laughing at Rezef’s attempts to gain more power. I don’t remember if it was just a speculation in the comments or if he had really thought about telling everyone that Rezef wasn’t his child when he gets the closest to the throne.

    Rafael’s father became an even worse person after his lover’s sudden death, he didn’t hide his hatred to Rafael and his mother and mostly didn’t live in the dukedom. At some point in the beginning of the novel Rafael’s parents have divorced.
    TrinaAngel, Belle76, ELtein and 10 others like this.
  13. amin882

    amin882 Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2021
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    I see thanks. Does Rafaello's mother get a decent ending, and does the father get thrown into hello because I won't be satisfied if he doesn't.
    Zvskdlin likes this.
  14. its0k

    its0k Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2020
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    Raphael’s mother is a typical blunt strong single lady and she liked Cayenna so she probably had a nice ending though I don’t remember any mentions of her in the MTLed side chapters posted here.
    Here’s the end of Raphael’s father and the Emperor. Can’t insert the quote for ch154 here, but you can find it in the table of contents on the first page.
  15. Plumpuppeach

    Plumpuppeach Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2020
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    I'm so confused okay

    So what I understood was:

    Late Empress + some Duke = Rezef
    Brown(?) hair women + some Duke = Raphael
    Late Empress + Emperor = Cayenna

    And who's Rafael? Is it also the ML name as well?
    And the brown hair women is the one the emperor likes?

    Oh this is the brown hair women then, so she is not ML mother
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2021
  16. Thamalasca

    Thamalasca Editing MTL's for "I'll Save this Damn Family"

    Aug 13, 2021
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    Actually, if I'm not mistaken, it is:
    Raphaello's father + Late empress = Rezef (that would make them half brothers....)

    Raphaello's father hated to be married to the Duchess, Raphaello's mother, and transfered his hatred onto his child, Raphaello since he couldn't do much against his wife who held the real power in the house. The father was just there to be a "stallion" in a political marriage and was in love with the late Empress.
    Raphaello's mother has the same black hair and red eyes as her son, which drives the father crazy. There is no physical similarities between Rapahello and his biological father which alienates them further.
    Rapahello's father is a weak drunkard of a character. You can see it is the manwha chapter when Rapahello reminesses his childhood.
    Melita_H, Alniyat, Zvskdlin and 7 others like this.
  17. Plumpuppeach

    Plumpuppeach Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2020
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    I only put "some Duke" because he's not just Raphael father, he's also Rezef father.
    And because he married into a duchess family

    That's why I was getting confused since ppl were saying Raphael father and Rezef father and I thought they were two different people when actually it's the same person

    But yeah fuck whatever the hell that trash father name is lol
    Zvskdlin and Thamalasca like this.
  18. hellobangsie

    hellobangsie Member

    Nov 24, 2021
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    Hi can someone explain if cayena actually traded half of her current life for magic? Like is she really gonna die early (god i hope not)?
  19. Thamalasca

    Thamalasca Editing MTL's for "I'll Save this Damn Family"

    Aug 13, 2021
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    So Here is the story:
    Cayena did indeed go to a sacred temple to be the Priest/god that lives there to get magic powers. In order to get them she has to give half her life span. The more life you have left, the powerful your magic powers.
    when Cayena does the ceremony with the priest/god he is surprised at the amount of life she has. It isn't just one life span but 3! He realises through this that she is not only from this world. It turns out that:
    She lived as Cayena in her first life and got killed by her husband. then reincarnated on Earth where she lived normally and then reincarnated again in this world as Cayena again but with memories of her previous life on earth and the momories of her life as OG Cayena but in "book format" since she thinks that hse read this story in her previous life on Earth.
    But be reassured:
    In the end, the God becomes friends with her and removes her powers at the end of the sotry, reinstalling her life span. but she indeed intented to sacrifice it.
    Melita_H, Zvskdlin, Muty30 and 14 others like this.
  20. hellobangsie

    hellobangsie Member

    Nov 24, 2021
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    Thanks for clarifying! I was a bit confused since I thought the two other lifespan from the 1st and 2nd life was able to compensate for her current one
    Thamalasca likes this.