Spoiler The Time of the Terminally ill Extra/Limited Extra Time

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Ahmya, Aug 16, 2020.

  1. Thamalasca

    Thamalasca Editing MTL's for "I'll Save this Damn Family"

    Aug 13, 2021
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    I agree with you to a certain degree and the parents are total failures to all their children, no qualms there.
    But you forget that they are nobles. They suffer from superiority complexes (generally speaking). Anything beneath them is mostly irrelevant or unconsequential. Since the parents and kids consider their own sister beneath them, (she is treated more like a maid or nanny than a sister or daughter), she is de facto irrelevant and inconsequential since she doesn't bring them what they need/want anymore. So her disappereance is considered a nuisance and irritating more than anything else. Even then, their honor and reputation is worth more in their eyes than her. The father states it quite clearly once she has disappeared.
    On that note:
    You can also see that he clearly consideres his daughter as "lesser" than his other chidren, thinking that she unable to do anything on her own and is too weak in character and intelligence to have gone far.
    The eldest son looks more frustrated than worried. After all, not only has this "lesser" sister disappeared but she still evades him, the superior one after 2 months. And he can't go back to the serious business of being the heir, and is probably asked, as the elder brother, to make time for his younger siblings, how annoying.
    The younger brother is, at this moment, totally absent from the story, showing the little care he has. He is probably having fun with his friends and maybe only regretting that his elder sister can't bring him goodies from outside, but he can just ask a servant, so it doesn't change his life one bit. And maybe that he has to play with his sick sister more now since his older sister isn't there to take care of that.
    The youngest daughter only cared for what her sister did for her she is only sad that she just lost a playmate and caretaker. Her guilt for having isolated her sister from all other social interactions by jealousy and for her own gain is VERY fleeting.
    None of them are worried about her physical wellbeing. You don't see: is she hurt? Is she dead? Is she ill? Has she been kidnapped, abused or molested? No tears, no worries. Just frustration, annoyance, or indifference and total uncomprehesion from all of them.
    Only the father is starting to realise a few things and to question himself. The mother only starts to react emotionnaly when she hold the painting that her daughter did, showing the family together, where her daughter's gift makes her feel what she felt, loneliness and bitterness. Other than that she seems totaly bewildered by her daughter's behaviour. and speaks in material terms regarding her daughers needs and never emotional ones.
    So, in the end if her disappearence holds no meaning to them, neither does her death. Why feel sad for somebody that 1. You didn't really know or care about. 2. That can easlily be replaced?
    And therein lies the true horror of this story. But also a quite realistic view of those who deem themselves "superior" to others.
  2. i love tea

    i love tea Member

    Sep 24, 2021
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    Again, I agree with your analysis too but I could never excuse the family for their actions, regardless of their upbringing. And even though they truly worth nothing, I would have love to see the FL becoming an extremely successful artist, more successful than any of her relatives to make them drench in remorse because they let go of such a talent. I don’t care about whether they started loving her back, I just want them to suffer. It gets to the point I want the world to know how shitty they were and thus, resulting in their reputation completely destroyed
  3. Thamalasca

    Thamalasca Editing MTL's for "I'll Save this Damn Family"

    Aug 13, 2021
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    There was something along those lines if memory serves me correctly.
    I think I read in the spoilers that:
    When she is revived for 5 years, she becomes a very famous painter in her own right. The eldest son learns of this and wants to contact her again, (it is suggested that he is only interested because of her fame and what it can bring him by association) but the father opposes this, saying that them going to see her will only make her suffer and bring her pain so they can't. This is their atonement for what they have done to her. The eldest son is NOT happy about this, but can't go against his fathers' will.
  4. Axiasan

    Axiasan Member

    Apr 30, 2021
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    Yes I agree with you. Terrible people rarely starts caring just because society tells them to. I learned that fairly early in life when one of my classmates in 7th grade passed away in a car accident and our classmates who bullied her for being poor didn't even come to the funeral with the rest of our class because "we didn't know her so why should we?". Their equally terrible parents didn't force them to at least pretend like they gave a damn and pay their last respects. That taught me that people who treat you bad won't suddenly turn in to nice people and that if I died my bullies would just go on with their lives and find someone else to mess with.
    Even if people are put on the spot they will find ways to excuse themselves, just like FL family did. If they would feel the full force of the blame they would be very depressed and have a hard time to go on with their lives.
    Shendee90, Laerta, Lilazeaf and 10 others like this.
  5. darkcrystal

    darkcrystal Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2017
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    What exactly doctor did?
    aboni_06 likes this.
  6. peanutbutter_J

    peanutbutter_J Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2017
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    Puffy eyes is trending now 3_3
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  7. Deleted member 282232

    Deleted member 282232 Guest

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    I don't know someone said he female lead had a crush on him, mind you, I'm not sure if it was the doctor who was doing her sister's treatment or some other man.

    FL had feelings for him but he treated her trash.
  8. istebumukemmel

    istebumukemmel Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2021
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    where i can read this story ,English is not my language kakaopage this app is not available in my country
    I want to read it even if it ends badly
  9. Bilbilla

    Bilbilla Active Member

    Mar 13, 2019
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    You can read it in play book, just search the Korean title, the book has an auto-translation it might not be perfect but its better than anything
    syane, snowberry and istebumukemmel like this.
  10. AnimeHuntress

    AnimeHuntress Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2017
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    Can someone please explain about the Extra of them going back in time? Is it an Extra, and extension, or a spinoff? I'm curious but really gunning for it being a spinoff or sequel... Thanks!
    istebumukemmel likes this.
  11. mmonstra

    mmonstra Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2018
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    If you don't mind machine translating novels (MTL), the Korean novels are available for purchase on Google Play Books. You can translate right in the eReader, but you cannot c&p the Korean (unfortunately)
    minako25 and istebumukemmel like this.
  12. minako25

    minako25 Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2018
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    Am I the only one actually and absolutely in love with the plot? THE WRITING AS WELL, wait let me check the novel if there's none, then I'll be patient for the manhwa, like give it 2-3 yrs ish and hope for the best. Good stories deserve the wait imo.

    AHHH THE SPOILERS Just makes me love this novel even moreee

    The characters are amazing (like not all but I especially feel attached to the male lead). And the frustration i felt was great as well, though it was still annoying cuz they're baddies, I've already decided they're dead in my heart and soul. So whether they're rotting cuz of hunger, won the jackpot, or regretting for being the most disgusting rotting trash of a person idc THEY'RE DEAD I MOVE ON. I knew i would feel stressed and frustrated when those old coogers appeared in the manhwa so i just skip their dialogue cuz they're so predictably annoying. But that doesn't stop me from appreciating it. I also fell in love with how the author ended the story. LIKE it left me feeling satisfied even though i just read a clippet of how it ended. It's still a tragedy but you could feel a sweet tinge from it, it bittersweet but the sweet was only a little bit more. It comforts the readers, leaving them feel satisfied after a session of angst everywhere.

    ALSO THE ADDED EXTRAS OF "WHAT-IFS" was great. I recently read a story with a lot aus/extras after the ending. Which i thought was great on the author, but felt it was too much. 11 aus/extras and after each au, the characters were getting less and less like the original. That it would be better to brand them their own name instead of pushing through as aus....

    Okay i went through a tangent there whoops. Anyway can't wait for chapters and see their romance develop

    fuck the parents, don't give 2 shits if they regret it or not. They're dead in my mind already, so whether they're happy or not doesn't concern me
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2021
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  13. dearsir

    dearsir Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2020
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    I don't blame you for seeing FL's parents as such. It still doesn't take away that they are abusive. Negligence is still a form of abuse. We usually turn a blind eyes to it or excuse it because it not physical or fit into what we think abuse is. I don't think any child nor adult that went through negligent ever think their family doing it out of love esp. once they step away from that environment.

    FL didn't just have to deal with it for two or three years. Her parents negligent her since she was a child. At the age where you need love, care and attention. They gaslighted her every time she reach out. Forcing her to set aside her emotion, her need, and etc for the whole family. Yet, she doesn't get to have that option back. In every health relationship there is a balance. It not the case for FL, because it clear that this is one sided. The parents relationship with her is built on guilt and sacrifice, on her part only. They never give her an option to be anything else that isn't beneficial to them. Also there is four of them yet the parent were able to show so much love for the other three but not her. It's some deep as* favoritism. It so bad that even her siblings treated her the same. Those behavior seem to rub off on the maids too (them not knowing she been missing for two days)

    I honestly don't think they see her as their child but more so someone that is blood related. It show over and over how the parents give two fk for her unless it got anything to do w/ the other kids. Their whole deal is she should be thankful for the roof over her head. That is a horrible pressure to live under.

    So in no way will FL tell them that she is dying. She have completely given up on wanting any of their love. She have every right to, she don't own them anything. She was just unlucky to be born into a trashy family. You know you failed as a parents or just as a human being. When your kid hide her sickness and chooses to go live the rest of her dying days with her fiancé who she met once. In a way he still a stranger, a freaking stranger make her more comfortable than a group of people that she call family. smh

    lol no hate to you, sorry for the long reply and bad english :oops:
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2021
    neomisa, lylac, babayagu and 19 others like this.
  14. naruharu

    naruharu Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    When I told you guys I was crying so hard at 2AM last night reading the spoilers here lol. Anyway, I bit the bullet and bought the novel (at least the last volume).

    Will MTL it for you all when I can. For now, here's the first one:

    Karina Leopold is dead.

    Within a few days, her death passed through the North to the Capital and Southern territories. Count Leopold heard the news on his way back to the Southern territories.

    “ … Who is dead?”

    “Maybe … it can’t be. Until a few days ago, it didn’t look so bad!”

    Count Leopold, who sat down in his seat, seemed lost.

    Infrik, who saw him, tried to turn back to return to the North. Of course, he was beaten by the escort that Million had placed and he crumpled back into the wagon.

    Before Count Leopold had even reached the Confederacy, the news passed through to the Countess. Upon hearing the news, the Countess fainted, and the twins stayed in the room all day, crying.

    News of her death spread to the social circles as well. It was just as Karina wanted.

    ‘Karina Leopold’ has become a person who no longer exists.

    Shortly thereafter, they heard of the accident of their doctor, Nocturne. On the way back from the North going to the South, he was attacked by thieves and attacked horribly. It was so tragic the person who discovered the scene suffered trauma. It was said that it was such a horrific tragedy that even a complete body could not be found, and a proper funeral could not be held.

    When Winston too heard the news, he was shocked and lay ill for a few days. After recovering only a few pieces of his body, he held a funeral and buried his body in a sunny place provided by the top.

    Count Leopold was not heard from for a while, and even the management of the household was not looked after. There was no use returning back and regretting. This was what the public heard.

    Note: This was after her first death, before she was revived.
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2021
  15. ghost2612

    ghost2612 Active Member

    Nov 27, 2016
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    For me I want to see a redemption arc for this family.

    I dont know, the family wasnt as bad as other abusive family in other manhwa. I love a good redemption arc, like in silent voice. I want some good closure. The siblings were not bad, just plain ignorant.
    Though i wouldnt exactly blame the youngest to be manipulative, shes a sick child, that have been babied by her family all her life, everything she want, she get. I really want also pov from her, no one told her that her action is bad. Hope that by mc’s death, it will opens their eyes on what had the mc endured throughout her life with them
  16. AnimeHuntress

    AnimeHuntress Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2017
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    Wait why did Nocturne get a bad end? I have the sense that his was intentional rather then a random attack? If so why? Yes she had a crush on him when she was younger but he didn't notice her as he was one-sidedly in love with her younger sister (I think that was less him being in love with her and more in love with what she represented. but that's just my personal thoughts). Creepy but since he didn't act on them and I'm kinda thinking his love was platonic, I'm withholding judgments until I learn otherwise. Still her having a crush and him not paying attention to her aren't enough to have him killed... so any explanation would be very welcome.
  17. naruharu

    naruharu Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    I was surprised Nocturne got that ending, but I didn't buy Book 4 where the scene with Nocturne happened (the Parents' Reaction was the first scene from Book 5 - last book- which I bought). Still reading and MTL-ing, but from the next chapter after this, Million was very angry at him for some reason. (If anyone's already read it and knows, I'd also love to know)

    Me too. I wanted a huge redemption arc with a meaningful apology and restoration on both ends. But I also think how the author dealt with it was realistic (I put in that part below). Yeah, I teared up a bit.

    Recently in the capital, a new artist’s name has been making its rounds.

    It was an existence called ‘Karina’, an invisible painter who was supported by the Perial family.

    She didn’t put out much work often, but it was consistent, and often the price of her works go up to 10 times at the auction. It has become so that owning a piece of work by ‘Karina’ becomes a big topic in the social circle. Among the nobility, it became a novel movement about collecting the works of Karina - if you don’t have it as a noble, you can’t help but feel left out.

    Karina’s work immediately captivated people with her unique style of painting - it was bold, and the style of colouring was so unique that it catches the eye without it intending to be flashy. Actually, the subjects weren’t anything special. Most of her paintings were landscapes. Sometimes, there were people, but it was a view that looked like it was otherworldly. In a painting recently auctioned off, there was a view looking down on the capital from the top, and it became such a hot topic that perhaps the painter Karina was in the capital. But of course, it was just a rumour.

    Since there was only one artist and there was demand, it was a surprise that they didn’t raise the price. Unfortunately, there was so much money flowing into the Perial family that even Perial found it troublesome.

    It's been a year and a half since Count Leopold was in society after he heard news about his eldest daughter passing. The Count was not known in the social world.

    Count Leopold took care of his work at home and did not show his face to the imperial family except for a few instances. The twins and the Countess stopped socialising altogether. The only one who comes out consistently is Infrik. The Count would always go straight home to do his duties.

    Thanks to that, it took them over a year to hear the news of an artist called ‘Karina’. The twins didn’t know, but Infrik and the Count heard about the painter. When Infrik heard the news after a year and a half, he ran to the Count to tell him the news. As soon as he heard, the Count staggered and collapsed, his legs completely losing strength.

    “… She’s alive?”

    “Yes, I heard that there are works that have been released until recently.”

    Infrik swallowed his breath as he looked at the appearance of Count Leopold, who had lost so much weight and gained more lines on his face compared to a year ago. He looked very tired.

    “It is said that the Duke of Pestillo is also in the Capital. Maybe Karina … if you would like to go see her, I can make the arrangements.”

    Count Leopold shook his head at Infrik’s suggestion and buried himself deeply in the sofa.

    It’s embarrassing to be rejected by your child, but the Count also thought deeply after that.

    He tried to understand the loneliness of his child. It was a regret that was long overdue, but if he didn’t do that, he didn’t think he would have survived. He went into her empty room, thinking she would someday return, but she didn’t come back.

    “I see … she was alive.”

    In a voice that evoked such a deep relief, Count Leopold buried his face in the palm of his hands. The distorted and messed up expression on his face was a mixture of bitter regret and extreme anguish. Voices kept ringing in his ears, saying he was no longer qualified. It is no longer him that could give his child happiness. As long as she is alive, it is fine.

    “As long as she happy, let us leave her be.”

    His daughter left their home to make one on her own. The Count decided not to interfere anymore. If that was the punishment that was to be his, it is right to accept it.

    “We can no longer interfere.”


    “Karina Leopold is dead. Let us let her live as 'Karina' from now on.”

    He couldn’t face her family, so he took off the castle and left. It would have been too late to convey a belated apology, or even express regret. The best thing a parent can do is let their child live as they wish. It was the last thing he could do.

    “I’m happy...”

    Count Leopold ran his hand over his face again and again.

    “Thank God….”

    A tired voice came out over and over again, filled with relief. Infrik just stared at him and silently lowered his head.

    “I am going to the temple today.”

    “Yes, I will see you after work.”


    At Count Leopold’s words, Infrik nodded and slowly turned around.

    After that day, Infrik would sometimes think about what it would be like to be a parent - about what it means to be a good or a bad parent. Being one means that you have to endure a lot. There will be times where things may not go your way even though you’ve put in a lot of thought and consideration. There are ships that sail and do their best to head towards a certain direction, but still end up sinking.

    Infrik, who had left the Count’s office, breathed slowly. When he thinks of his precious little sister, his heart aches. And when he thinks of his father, he feels sad. The Count has been going to the temple once a week since he heard of Karina’s passing.

    As strong and capable as he thought his father was, he thought he also was someone who needed a place to lean on.

    The past year was difficult not only for his father but for his whole family. The twins lost their playfulness and their mother lost energy.

    “It’s time to head out.”

    Infrik got dressed and left the mansion. A mansion of this size always seems to get bigger as time passes by.

    But today, it felt especially big and empty.

    Yeah, regret is always at the end. (cries) I still wished there was an apology.

    Anyway, I'll post more spoilers later (sweet scenes between the couple, Million's reaction on Karina's pregnancy, etc).

    I'm crying because this happiness is short lived, I know.
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2021
    elaii03, Narakl28, Shendee90 and 84 others like this.
  18. Mmanggae

    Mmanggae Well-Known Member

    Oct 28, 2021
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    Karina, who had been wandering in her dreams for a whole day, slowly opened her eyes until dawn just before sunrise.

    As she lay down in a dazed mind and turned her head, she stepped away from the window and saw the cloudy moon and the sky as bright as the moon.

    Perhaps because she suffered from a fever all night, Karina woke up like an instinct, feeling a burning thirst. ‘I want cold water.’ She found a kettle on the table as she tried to get up from her seat to get water.

    Karina carefully place her hand on the kettle. There was water droplets on the surface as if it had not been long since it had been there.

    With her breath in, she slowly took her hand off the kettle. It was obviously his consideration. Whether he ordered the maid or him himself brought it here, it was clear that it was his intention. Mirion cares about her.

    Karina's expression, realizing it, collapsed at the moment.

    “…..I thought you were coming here." Karina, who gathered and hugged her knees, muttered, burying her face in the meantime.

    ‘Did he know about my condition?'

    Karina hugged her knee a little tighter. I'd rather kick him out saying he knows everything and can't handle it, but I know he won't. Millian was a person with a strong sense of responsibility, even though his tone was rough.

    "Please,If you didn't know until the end." murmured frightened Karina quietly.

    She didn't want to build any affection with him. He didn't want to have any feelings for himself either.

    Karina don't want either cheap sympathy or consideration. What came to mind on the day she was sentenced to a time limit was the reaction of the family that would change from time to time depending on the rest of her life.

    Karina knew better than anyone else that if they were informed of the time she has left, she would be given such a desired affectionate attention.

    But at the same time, she felt miserable about the fact, she didn't want to confirm it. So she wanted to leave the mansion behind.

    She didn't want to confirm that the things she’d been struggling with would barely come only when she’s facing death. So she decided to cut off even the thin thread of hope herself.

    No matter how hard She tried to block it, she was afraid that she would not be able to control herself and use her life as bait to attract attention, like sand pouring through her fingers.

    She needed a place to spend the rest of her time quietly away from the Count. She needed a place to organize her mind. She chose him* because he disliked her. (*Mirion)

    The northern part was out of reach of for a Count. There were many reasons to find. Using them as an excuse, she tried to stay here as if she were not there. She suddenly stopped moving.

    'No,’ Karina shook her head. "That's not it." In fact, her face slowly collapsed. Just as the sand castle swept away by the waves collapsed, Karina's expression, pretending to be expressionless, quickly broke into tears.

    He was the only one who told me to say no if I didn't want to. When she couldn't say anything even if she was upset or sad, she would swallow her thoughts. So she used to think of what he said when she hated herself so much.

    She didn't think deeply when she came here. She just had the thought suddenly and then made her way here.

    Even if it was selfish, it cannot be refuted. But Karina didn't know Mirion would worry about her.

    ‘Why on earth can you worry about me?’

    Karina gave up her relationship with her family.

    Everyone is selfish. Everyone has their own painful fingers. People are not fair. There was a priority in everything.

    Throughout her life, Karina learned things like that. That's why she had never thought that someone who didn't have much contact would sincerely worry about her.

    However, having felt his consideration and affection today, she suddenly became afraid.

    'I‘ll die,' and Mirion will live. Whether sympathetic or worried, he should not have any feelings for her. ‘…..Why exactly?’

    No one was considerate to her. She didn't expect the attention he would give.

    "I didn’t think well enough," she said hopelessly. ‘Should I leave somewhere else now?’ Planting emotions for those who will live and for those who will die is to let them experience the desolate and sad life they have walked.

    Holding her head, she frowned. “…..There was something like an amulet to erase memories in a book I saw before," she muttered.

    She remembered seeing a talisman that could erase the memory that a tribe made in a book called Various Ancient Things.

    ‘If you have it, you can erase your memory.' Karina's blue eyes briefly came alive. 'I think I can draw with the book.'

    Karina had the power of creation, she can create new things with pictures and breathe life into them. Any object can be created with only explanations and pictures. So it didn't matter that much whether the talisman actually existed in the generation. She just had to see, feel, and understand.

    Karina didn't know, but it was a very rare kind of "miracle." There was also an anecdote about the miracle of creation in the history book. An artist with the power of creation can draw the stopped heart of the dead and breathe life into it if he wants. The power was also possible to revive the dead for a while.

    Of course, it is the power that disappears over time, so complete resuscitation is impossible, and even those who have been dead cannot be revived.

    However, it must be a tremendous ability, so if the historic art family knew, it was clear that she would join as a foster daughter and hang herself on to provide any support. “Should I have rather entered the monastery?" she murmured with a sigh.

    As she turned her head out of frustration, the rising sun was pushing out the darkness. Little by little, sunlight permeated the window.

    Karina was confused because she felt Mirion's kindness and consideration in the form of a kettle.

    How on earth was he able to stay with a impertinent and troublesome being all night?

    She couldn't understand.

    All the while, all of those things have been given to those who are not her.

    Families, like an experienced doctor, quickly noticed Abelia's fever, did not notice Karina's pain. Karina tried to justify her family's behavior by disparaging herself that she was not worthy of such attention.

    "What should I do?" Karina swept the soft blanket with her finger and buried her face between her knees again.

    While seriously contemplating, she heard a sound of rubbing the hem of my clothes outside.

    It was not long before the door opened quietly with a click. She turned her head reflexively and made eye contact with the incoming person. Karina's eyes got bigger. The other person also widen his eyes wide as he didn't expect her to be awake.

    “You were up." "Your Grace." Karina responded to him a beat later.

    Mirion, strode over, pulled a chair next to Karina and sat down. Karina looked quite disorganized as she just woke up. 'Did he come this way as soon as she woke up?' She turned her head toward him, hugging her knees.

    "Are you suffering from art disease?" As soon as I sat down, Carina's shoulders stiffened by the Mirion’s straightforward question.

    Even though Karina did not answer, in her reaction, Millian found the answer without difficulty.

    "What kind is it?"


    "I heard from Maria* that there are several types of art disease, and I’m asking which type is it?" (*doctor’s who came to check on her probably)

    It was not a sarcastic voice, nor was it to blame. Mirion looked at Karina with red eyes that didn't reveal any thoughts.

    She couldn't face his gaze and bowed her head with trembling pupils. “….I'm sorry."

    "Just answer the question."

    "I know I'm doing something selfish and impudent."

    "I'm not asking that." Milion shook his head at Karina's reply to avoid giving an answer.

    If she had no place to lean on, would she had come to her fiance's house, which she had only seen once in the far north? At least Mirion was roughly aware of a series of events.

    "I'm sorry I came here at will. I wasn’t thinking enough." It was an answer that was completely irrelevant from the question.

    The conversation was going nowhere. Two creaking cogwheels are trying to turn in the same direction. Milion's face wrinkled. Strangely, he couldn't shake off his uneasy and strange feeling.

    “….. I shouldn't say let's pretend it didn't happen now, right?" Mirion’s expressionless face became rough at Karina’s careful reply.
    I’ve started reading where the manhwa left off and this should be around chapter 15-16..
    This is MTL and I’d edited some parts to make it flow better. So please understanding this is not 100% accurate and forgive me for any grammar errors made!!
  19. Plumpuppeach

    Plumpuppeach Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2020
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    His name is Nocturne, he's the one with greenish dark hair, he's the twin sister doctor. Not the one that help MC.
    And he was her first crush/love.

    Ay yo so Nocturne fucking died?
    What did he do to deserve that but not the older brother...

    I agree 100% just because she had a crush on him and he didn't notice/reciprocate her feeling doesn't mean he deserved death, like what did he do since like you said it seem plan.
    So far we haven't seen no spoilers of him being trash and I think only ppl are saying that because he mostly focused on the twin sister.

    Well idk, I still don't think he deserved a horrible death he got just for this tho

    Thank you so much for sharing, I wish there was an apology as well but I like what the author did in this scene, she wrote it so well, I'm like bruhh let me cry for awhile
    want add that I don't actually hate the family (except the older brother lol) I think the author gave it a good ending to them, it wasn't all about revenge, the younger siblings did seem to love MC and MC still loving them as well, plus they're kids, they don't know what's fully going on and of course the younger sister gonna get jealous bc she has to stay home all day, compared to MC who can leave whenever she wants but that doesn't make the younger sister a horrible person. This family wasn't as cruel as you're making them, they did care for MC but sadly they were also (and too) neglectful as well.
    So in Conclusion:
    They do make me angry but I don't hate them enough were I want them dead. I'm happy the parents are forever in remorse and guilt
    For the younger siblings it's sad they changed but you can't blame them for there parents doing because they did love their sister
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2021
  20. Tt123

    Tt123 Well-Known Member

    May 25, 2019
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    For me i still disagree with the father thought on “too late to apologize” actually you NEED TO APOLOGIZE to her no matter how long the time pass. If it’s happen with other sibling i doubt will he give up this easily. I feel like they did not put any effort or try to repent anything. They just feel regret and that’s all.
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2021