Spoiler The Female Lead Had an Affair With My Fiance

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Scarlett0o0, Jan 28, 2022.

  1. Agavadon

    Agavadon Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2021
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    It's fine bud, we Don't need to, Don't have to, and more importantly don't want to :blobwoah:
  2. gloomymood

    gloomymood Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2020
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    Reynos looked at Duval and he blatantly said "Crazy" while stroking his hair back (In the novel that Ciela read, if Reynos brushed his hair back like that, it means he was angry). But after that Tyriel came wearing a white dress similar to a wedding dress, she showed it off to Duval and Ciela, she asked "Is the dress beautiful? I will wear this dress for the engagement ceremony". Ciela and Reynos could only sigh at Tyriel's behavior. After she asked that, Tyriel just realized that Reynos was also there. Tyriel immediately embarrassed and said "Who?". When Ciella was about to answer, Reynos pulled Ciella in front of him and put his arm around Ciela's shoulders.

    Reynos : "I'm Lady Lavirins's Lover"
  3. Latarana

    Latarana Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2022
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    Oh my God! Tyriel and Duval it's just a couple make by heavens
    She is stupid, he's a scumbag
    Be together for the rest of the life and maybe after !
    Poor Ciela, thanks to Reynos he is so nice
    A good ML!
    Ruyi255, crystalleciel, Riev and 15 others like this.
  4. vinsa 4

    vinsa 4 Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2021
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  5. Hoouuujae60

    Hoouuujae60 No One from Nowhere

    Oct 19, 2020
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    “I’m sorry, Ciel. But we’re still friends, right?”
    *grabs hair and dunks head on the toilet*
    ^ ^ bish...
  6. gloomymood

    gloomymood Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2020
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    More spoilers later when I've gathered the energy again to write all the spoilers :')

    Ciela's grandfather, who was then Marquis Lavirins, lost all his money because a scammer who offered business investment. After he died, the title Lavirins was passed down to Ciela's father. At that time, Lavirins was ridiculed a lot because he was considered only the founder of the Arzentime Empire but had no money. Ciela's father gets help from Count Essit (Duval's father) who’s smart in business, to further strengthen their relationship, they engaged Ciela and Duval.

    Ciela and Duval's engagement was legalized by a notary named Count Valentin. Count Valentin died and was succeeded by his son-in-law. His son-in-law was then caught up in gambling and alcohol, he violent towards his wife, Aria Valentin and even cheated on her with many women, most recently he had an affair with Duval's sister, Leyla Essit (Leyla is actually dating the current Count Valentin to spend his money and wants Aria Valentin to help her business). Since he was dating Leyla and Duval also asked for it, the Count didn't want to give his autograph for Ciela and Duval's engagement termination letter.

    Aria who couldn’t hold it anymore, asked Ciel Love Manipulators for help to discover his husband’s affair. In short, Ciela succeeded in helping Aria to divorce from her husband, then Aria inherited her father's title and became Count Valentin. Ciela asked for Aria's signature for her and Duval's engagement termination letter, then Ciela sent the letter & a voice record when Duval said he wanted to cancel his engagement with Ciela to Government Office. The Government Office agreed to Ciela's request to break off the engagement.

    There were 5 families back then that helped defeat the Evil Dragon and each of them had a special ability.

    1. Emperor / Royal Family.

    2. Duke Justice : I still don't know what their abilities. However, it was Duke Justice who could slay the Evil Dragon and could sense the Evil Dragon's energy. The current successor to Duke Justice is Rublett Justice. He was a purple-eyed and silver-haired man who was already an adult but his body was still the body of a 13-year-old child. He has to achieve several work targets so that his body can grow.

    3. Duke Abschlecti : ‘Fascination' ability. They can control the person they want like a doll. But, Duke Abschlecti = Emperor. Duke Abschlecti was an imaginary family created by the Emperor.

    4. Marquis Lavirins : Can open the Labyrinth, in the Labyrinth there are demons. To open this Labyrinth, Ciela had to sacrifice her mental health. So Ciela must be in good health when opening the Labyrinth and can't open the Labyrinth often. Ciela can be 'eaten' by the demon if she pushes herself.

    5. Count Puritina : Purifying Evil Dragon.

    Every year during summer and winter, Red Moon would appear so that the Crown Prince would definitely turn into an Evil Dragon. When the Red Moon is finished, the Crown Prince will not immediately be able to change his form as before, he can already turn into a human but when he changes, his eyes turn red and his hair turns black. That's why the first Emperor created an imaginary family when their hair and eyes changed. Every time Crown Prince turns into Duke, they use their 'fascination' ability to all the citizens of the Empire so that everyone will believe that the Crown Prince and the Duke are two different people. Reynos also has another ability, the ability to heal wounds. To heal wounds, he must kiss the wound.

    Red Moon appears in summer and winter. All the people were terrified at that period. Because of that, The Emperor held a festival, a prayer activity attended by 5 warriors's families, and a banquet to appease them.

    Ciela first saw Reynos transform into an Evil Dragon when they were dating at the red moon festival. Reynos turned into a small Evil Dragon who could only speak "bbeep!". Ciela took Reynos to Lavirins Mansion and when the Red Moon was over, Reynos offered to escort Ciela to the Banquet. That's why he turned into Duke Abschlecti. Ciela meets Duke Abschlecti while she’s helping Ledger who is being seduced again by his ex-girlfriend. Reynos took Ciela to his carriage and he released his fascination power from Ciela.

    Initially the successor was Gerald. Ciela's step-brother. But Ciela insisted she wanted to be the successor. Isabella, Gerald's mother and Ciela's stepmother, does everything she can to stop Ciela. She kidnaps Ciela but Ciela, who is helped out by Reynos, sets a trap for Isabella so that her crimes are exposed in front of the Marquis and Gerald. Ciela also attracted one of Lavirins' loyal subordinates, Count Mundell, to support her.

    Ciela also built a shop called Luminus to help Lavirins’s financial. But Ciela pretends to be Luminus's main investor and Ledger pretends to be Luminus's owner. Initially Ciela opened a chicken skewers stand at the red moon festival to introduce Luminus to people, then Luminus collaborated with well-known restaurants and made cute animal stickers for people who dined at restaurants that Luminus collaborated with. Luminus also sponsors artists and wizards from commoner who are constrained by costs in developing their products. Most recently, Luminus makes hot packs that are used in winter.

    Tyriel admires Ciela, but her admiration makes her obsessed with being like Ciela. She followed Ciela's way of speaking, walking, and the reason she had an affair with Duval was also because Tyriel felt that Ciela always got everything she wanted.

    At the Banquet, Tyriel followed Ciela's hairstyle, makeup, and even dress. Ciela who saw it was very angry but it was Duke Abschlecti (Reynos) who intervened, he spilled red wine on Tyriel's dress so that the dress was damaged and Tyriel was humiliated by everyone.

    I think 2nd ML now is Rublett Justice, not Duval. Rublett approached Ciela because he was dreaming of something. Rublett often competes with Reynos who is turning into Duke Abschlecti to win Ciela’s favor, but still Ciela was more attracted to Reynos.

    The dreams that Rublett dreamed of were: Ciela and Duval were executed by Crown Prince Reynos. Rublett died while he was investigating Ciela’s death which he felt was odd, and the last, Tyriel also died. Reynos turns into an Evil Dragon that destroys Arzentime Empire and haunts the entire continent. Rublett told this dream to Ciela when he visited Ciela after Ciela was kidnapped, when Ciela wanted to ask more about the dream, Rublett didn't want to answer.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2022
  7. Latarana

    Latarana Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2022
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    Thank you !
    What happens to the stepmother and her son?
    What did her father ?
    If she is a Marquise what will happens I she married the prince ?
  8. gloomymood

    gloomymood Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2020
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    I hope this can helps to answer your question ^^
    When Ciela break off her engagement and wanted to become a Sucessor, the Marquis along with Isabella and Gerald were in the south for a vacation and before they returned to the Capital, the Marquis sent a letter to Ciela "If you don't apologize to Essit, I will kick you out". When they returned, they discussed the successor. Isabella instigated the Marquis to keep insisting on getting Ciela re-engaged with Duval.

    However, the Marquis began to think again about appointing Ciela as the successor when Ciela left the house (because in the letter, the Marquis said he would kick Ciela out, so Ciela moved to a hotel), Ciela didn’t return home for 10 days and after that, she was kidnapped. The Marquis regretted even more his decision not to listen to Ciela's opinion first. Ciela's kidnapping spread until the Emperor himself ordered to find Ciela properly and the person who was proven to have kidnapped Ciela would be imprisoned in the Imperial Palace prison. When Isabella's crime was exposed, the Marquis still wanted to forgive her.

    But Isabella teams up with the current Count Essit (Duval's father) to kidnap Ciela using a guild called the Gream Reaper Guild. The kidnapping failed. Count Essit, knowing that Isabella had been caught, ordered his subordinates whom he had planted in Lavirins Mansion to put poison and letters, so that Isabella was accused of wanting to poison the Marquis as well. The Marquis was very disappointed when he found out that Isabella was about to poison him. He gave up Isabella to be imprisoned in the Imperial Palace Prison and Gerald was demoted to commoner status.

    Gerald and Ciela don't have a bad relationship, he loves Ciela like he loves his real sister. He apologized to Ciela and asked Ciela's help to take revenge on Count Essit. Ciela decided to put Gerald in Essit Mansion so that Gerald could find out the situation in Count Essit and destroy Essit. Ciela made rumors as if Ciela's kidnapping was made by Ciela herself to become a Sucessor, Gerald pretends to be angry and pretends to take revenge on Ciela with the help of Count Essit. With this, Gerald managed to infiltrate Essit and did several things to destroy Essit:

    1. Gerald and Ciela managed to trick Duval and Count Essit into buying an abandoned mine at a very high price and consuming half of Essit's fortune. Inside the mine there is a stone called Rubina, which people think is jewelry, but Rubina turns out to be just a magic stone that can melt when exposed to high heat. Essit made Rubina into various accessories such as rings, necklaces, and even Empress also wanted to design a hall in a palace called Ruby Palace with Rubina. However, when Ciela released hot pack products and everyone was wearing the hot pack, Rubina melted and it was only then that it was discovered that Rubina was not jewelry. Empress fainted, Everyone shocked, and the Emperor gave Essit a penalty.

    2. Count Essit uses a plant called Estalot. Estalot could control people's minds and Count Essit used this Estalot to control the minds of commoners who were talented in arts and others so that commoners would sell their works to Essit at a low price and Essit sell it again to other nobles at a high price. Essit got Estalot from a Baron named Alfred. Alfred has a wife named Dana (Dana is Ledger's ex-girlfriend who married the Baron for money). Duval is having an affair with Dana, Gerald reports this to Ciela. Ciela and Ledger make a play during Ciela’s celebration party. The play is the story of Dana-Ledger-Baron Alfred. The Baron immediately left the party and found his wife having an affair with Duval at a Festival held next to a river. The Baron cut ties with Essit and cut off the supply of Estalot.

    3. Gerald gains Count Essit's trust and even the Count wants to marry him off to Leyla.
    The novel hasn’t yet explained further what will happen if Ciela and Reynos get married.

    But, when Reynos turned into Duke Abschlect, he didn't want to go back to being a Crown Prince because the Crown Prince couldn't be the son-in-law in a family where his wife was the successor of the family. Ciela convinces Reynos to become Crown Prince again and advises Reynos to change the rules later when he becomes Emperor. Ciela wasn't really serious when she suggested this, she just didn't want Reynos to be criticized by the Empress and open up opportunities for the Empress and the 2nd Prince to rule. But Reynos really liked Ciela's idea so I think maybe Reynos will do something related to imperial law so he can marry Ciela.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2022
  9. Latarana

    Latarana Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2022
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    Thank you much ! C:
    Where did you read it?
    Haiting1536 likes this.
  10. Bobaaaa

    Bobaaaa Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2020
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    Can you please tell how tyriels&duvals reaction was, when reynos turned out to be the crown prince? Like wasn’t she jealous that ciela is now dating the crown prince :blobowoevil:
    crystalleciel, Haiting1536 and shiory like this.
  11. gloomymood

    gloomymood Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2020
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    Kakaopage kr! I mtl the raws with papago ^^

    Unfortunately the novel hasn't shown the reaction of Tyriel and Duval, maybe because of several things:

    1. Reynos' first official appearance was at Ciela's Celebration Party being the successor of the Marquis in Ruby Palace, Count Essit and Duval might not know because they were forbidden to enter the palace due to Rubina incident and Duval previously mocked Empress & Ciela in front of the Empress maid, and on the same day with the party, Duval gets into trouble because he got caught having an affair with Baron Alfred's wife

    2. Tyriel probably doesn't know either because since the dress imitation incident at the Red Moon Banquet, she's been locked up in the mansion and temporarily banned from outdoor activities by Count Puritina

    If the novel already shows it, I'll write it here
  12. badsanta88

    badsanta88 Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2020
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    IS ogFL Tyriel the only one who can purify ML's curse?
    crystalleciel and Haiting1536 like this.
  13. gloomymood

    gloomymood Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2020
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    The novel hasn't yet explained this because it's still on going with 97 chapters. But maybe there's something that can purify Reynos besides Tyriel, because Tyriel herself was killed by Reynos before in the OG Novel (Rublett's dream is a plot from the OG Novel that Ciela reads), It means Tyriel isn't very effective in purifying Reynos
  14. MOMO26

    MOMO26 Have a coffee

    Jan 25, 2020
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    No she was killed in the original novel but we're still not sure who can ACTUALLY purify ML.

    Her power is like a tablet of pain reliever.
  15. Chorkie

    Chorkie Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2021
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    @gloomymood Thank you for all the spoilers! :bloblove:
    Are there anymore funny moments between Ciela and Reynos? Or some sweet moments? :aww:
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2022
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  16. Sonali15

    Sonali15 Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2022
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  17. Zhiruo

    Zhiruo Member

    Nov 24, 2021
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  18. Shaydle

    Shaydle Member

    Jan 21, 2022
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    wow the audacity to cry when you're the one who betrayed your own friend...

    :cookie: btw, thanks for the spoilers!

    tbh i really like MC character design on the cover. it looks like a villain but she's just an unlucky extra (on the og novel). and the relationship between MC and ML are wholesome, based on the spoiler:blobpeek:. now i'll wait here for more spoiler since the novel is still on-going:blobpopcorn:
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2022
  19. gloomymood

    gloomymood Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2020
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    There are so many funny and sweet moments between Reynos-Ciela. Ciela is the outspoken type and Reynos is the shy type. Everytime Ciela gave something to Reynos, Reynos always said "I will keep this as a royal treasure". There are many more but I'm short on time to type them so maybe later when I have free time ^^

    Also, more spoilers!
    The Star of Summer was like an award for the best Lady at the Red Moon Summer Festival. The selection process is carried out by Empress by providing math, history, and other questions. Ciela won the Star of Summer. At Red Moon Summer Banquet, she was given an award and a gift in the form of a spirit stone that can speak (only Ciela can hear the stone). The Spirit Stone also can see the future and that’s the main reason Ciela wanted to be Star of Summer, Star of Summer also has the authority to choose the Sword of Winter. Sword of Winter is a sword contest held at the Red Moon Winter Festival, of course Ciela wants to win Reynos.
    Besides chicken skewers, Luminus, the shop that Ciela made, makes several other products:

    a. Hot packs
    b. Scrolls. Scrolls are paper that contains simple magic like fireworks.
    c. Lottery
    d. Ciela plans to create a Department Store.

    All of these products are selling well in the market, Ciela also sponsors many cafes under the Luminus name and sells stickers that can be collected in a book.
    With Ciela becoming the Star of Summer and the successor to Marquis Lavirins, Ciela began to be eyed by Empress. Ciela was then increasingly favored by Empress when Ciela gave Empress hot packs and Scroll before scroll was officially released. Empress kindly allowed Ciela to have a successor party at Ruby Palace (the most luxurious and most beautiful place in the Palace to have a party). Not long after that, Empress invited Ciela to her tea party. Empress offered Ciela to marry her son, the 2nd Prince. Ciela immediately refused, Empress was furious and said Ciela was very ungrateful. Ciela herself also doesn't like Empress because Empress hates Reynos, all the bad rumors about Reynos in the outside are caused by Empress.
    Empress did everything to bring down Lavirins. First, the Empress declared to everyone that she would take down all the nobles who associated with Marquis Lavirins. Second, Empress banned the sale of hot packs on the pretext that hot packs were dangerous because of the heat, but everyone protested and argued that hot packs were useful and Empress also used hot packs. After that, Empress made a rule that couldn't make Luminus sponsor the cafe anymore. Ciela and Marquis Lavirins sent a letter to Emperor, the letter contained a request to review Empress who committed power abuse. Emperor finally judged that the Empress actions were wrong and Empress removed the rule.
    Magic Tower is a Tower where the expert magicians in the Empire gather. However, they are very secretive and don't want to have anything to do with the Royal Family. Empress uses all means to get in touch with Magic Tower, the Magic Tower doesn't budge. At the Scrolls release party, Ciela tells everyone that Reynos helped her solve the wrong formula while making the Scrolls. The Magic Tower begged to take Reynos but Reynos didn't want to go if he didn't bring Ciela, Marquis balked when he heard that her daughter wanted to be taken to the Magic Tower. In response to this, Reynos and Ciela made a contract with Magic Tower:

    1. Magic Tower will bring Apple, the Magician who made Scrolls, they must allow Apple to dedicate her life to Marquis Lavirins’s family,
    2. Magic Tower can still work with Reynos and Magic Tower ready to send their magicians to Arzentime at any time if Reynos becomes Emperor later.
    The real villain is a man trapped in a mirror on Imperial Temple, his name is Knox. He's been trapped inside the mirror for ages. The great pope really listened to Knox.
    Ciela had a dream, in that dream the world was destroyed and she met Reynos whose eyes turned red and his hair was black. Reynos looked at Ciela and said: “Why do I realize that it was you only after everything was over? Why should I kill you with my own hands, realize it, and regret it? What on earth can I do to break this link? It has been said that humans produce miracles since ancient times. As you have moved my heart, perhaps you are the only one who can change all this. So this time I'll try to refresh your memory, in a natural way for you not to be confused.”

    Black light shot out of Reynos's hand, Reynos crushed his heart with that black light then Ciela saw the world that had been shattered started to reassemble.

    and about Knox.

    Once upon a time, there was a magic kingdom called El Dorado. The Kingdom of El Dorado is protected by the Evil Dragon. The Evil Dragon fell in love with the last princess of the kingdom, but the last princess died, the Evil Dragon went mad because of her death and destroyed El Dorado. There were many rumors regarding the reason why the princess suddenly died, but it was heard that months before her death, the princess had a big fight with her twin brother where their fight was related to the Evil Dragon. The princess's twin brother spreads rumors that the Princess is a bad person. The Princess whose body is already weak becomes sick and died from stress. Her twin brother’s name is Knox.

    Conclusion : The current life is not Reynos and Ciela's first life.
    Knox learns from the Pope that the present is far different from the previous life. Ciela Lavirins and Duval Essit are not executed, Reynos and Rublett Justice have no interest in Tyriel and everything is centered on Ciela. Knox uses fascinating powers to seek information from the Pope. Knox finally calls Tyriel and asks Tyriel to get Reynos's heart, but Tyriel fails. Knox also used his fascinating power to Marquis Cherish, Empress's younger brother. Marquis Cherish, who was under Knox's influence, confessed publicly that Tyriel is his second daughter (but actually it's not, Tyriel's father is a commoner), so that Tyriel would get a position equal to Marquis Lavirins.
    Tyriel's purifying power was not to heal the Evil Dragon, but to prevent Reynos's true soul from being completely consumed by the Evil Dragon's curse.

    In their previous life, Reynos and Rublett had never liked Tyriel. Tyriel uses Estalot plant, she asks for Estalot from Baron Alfred. Tyriel actually asked for a drug to make someone fall in love, but because there was no such drug, the Baron gave her Estalot which gave the effect of heart pounding and the person who took it would follow the orders of the person who gave Estalot. Rublett realized this but he couldn't move due to Estalot's influence.

    Because too much Estalot was consumed, Reynos went crazy, he turned into an Evil Dragon and destroyed the entire continent.
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2022
  20. mrs.apache

    mrs.apache Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2020
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    Wow... Thank you for the spoiler. ❤❤ Really... This story's not just about affair and romance. But, it's a complete package!!! I really love it. Really fresh and exciting. ❤❤