Spoiler Oh, Dear Nemesis/ 오, 친애하는 숙적

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by -NEAR-, Dec 26, 2021.

  1. Caveia

    Caveia Member

    Dec 1, 2021
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    Oh, sorry. Didn't saw it when I post my comment. Thank you btw!
  2. choupwp

    choupwp Member

    Mar 5, 2022
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    @aneliese thanks really much for the spoilers :LOL:
    where do u read it?
    please let me know since im curious so badly about what happen next
    Laerta and aneliese like this.
  3. aneliese

    aneliese Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2020
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    Alanif_7., Azka Anees, Klioo and 2 others like this.
  4. Eloisane

    Eloisane Well-Known Member

    Feb 24, 2022
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    I guess users will criticize MC for not kneeling and regretting or even saying sorry to ML for killing him in the first timeline,I mean it's fair to treat her as bad as some of you have treated MLs like the one in stories like the abandoned empress or i wont accept your regrets,even thought they said sorry plenty of times and justify with actions their pardon,come on,where are you dear users?
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2022
  5. maskedwaltz

    maskedwaltz Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2022
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    Got very happy when I saw the manhwa of this, since I have read it long time ago :D And it is one of my favorites
    Their first time was during a masquerade ball in the imperial palace, they did the deed all night, to the point where Kalmia could hardly walk the next day, and Rudbeckia told her “The next time I will do it harder, so you can’t walk”

    So Storoni was the mastermind behind Kalmia’s first life, he was the one who planned everything, even Elois’s death
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2022
    luliibunny, smeilia, RubySBS and 61 others like this.
  6. Miki04

    Miki04 Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2016
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    Can i ask for spoilers for the plot please:blobpeek:? Especially the relationship between Kalmia and Rudbeckia? Also character development for kalmia as well as wtf is happening with storoni

    Laerta and Deleted member 420792 like this.
  7. Astellar

    Astellar Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2022
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    Lmao hhahahhahhahahahaahahhaaha
  8. Miki04

    Miki04 Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2016
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    I really love the theme of the story since there is no betrayal (cause they are enemies from the start) from the leads (Kalmia and Rudbeckia) which they became closer and eventually lovers. So yeah I'm really obsessed with this book that I try to find ways to read where i mtl and read some sample pages from the google play book
    The reason of why they travel back is due to the poisoned wine which is in fact a mana stone. ML apparently gave a false info to the enemy when they got the stone(?). ML, whose hope was lost due to the events that were happening (princess's lover died so the princess's mind is not gud, the books is in storoni hands, etc.) so he drank the poisoned wine (that is in the enemies' hand) which brought him back in 10 years ago.

    Also, ML said that storoni planned to kill Ellua after seeing how close Ellua and Kalmia are (they super trust and support each other as well as Ellua is so smart). Kalmia goes into grief or cries (?) after knowing that Storoni not only controlled her life and betrayed but also planned to kill her brother.

    Also ML says that since their lives ended (?) and restarted again, they can start over again.

    ML: “We both died and came back to life, so our relationship died once. So let’s start over.”
    Kalmia: ?????

    also kalmia got sick cause of it + work so ML visits her and Ellua and the household is okay with it but Kalmia really hates it.

    Kalmia: "You? I haven't answered you yet. But with what qualifications do you take care of me?":blob_catflip:
    ML: As a 'friend'
    Kalmia: *sighs with an expression of disgust*

    I cannot understand wtf is happening in volumes 5 and 6 samples since it is mostly politics. Though I do got some info from volume 6.

    Apparently, they canceled their engagements in one of the volumes ( i dunno what vol) and people thought they are always fighting (from vol 5)
    they had a deep kiss (?) in public which revealed their relationship.

    Gotta say their relationship is so cute since they are former enemies. Also, I love how Kalmia looks at Rudbeckia as if there is something wrong with his head (girl he is in love with you! Just notice it!) but it is acceptable to think so since they are once enemies that are at each other's throat especially she killed him
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2022
  9. ChEeSyWoRdS

    ChEeSyWoRdS Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2021
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    Please spoil more about this story whenever you will have time drop some spoiler's:aww::blobpats:.Thank you:blobmelt:
  10. sets_trans

    sets_trans Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2019
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    Double standards
  11. Kawaii Panda

    Kawaii Panda Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2020
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    Spoiler for the cute Ellua:blobpopcorn:
  12. dumplingslag

    dumplingslag Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2021
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    Also the count needs idk some sort of reprimanded if for his Indifference towards her in both lives??
    Laerta and tisifone21 like this.
  13. Luzunia

    Luzunia Member

    May 1, 2022
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  14. maishamaisha

    maishamaisha Member

    Mar 21, 2021
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    I want to know why the count(fl father) discriminate fl and her twin so much?is it because fl is a women or there is another reason?
    Laerta, YuyuxHime, tisifone21 and 2 others like this.
  15. yoyo098

    yoyo098 Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2021
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    Does the twin become the count in the end? If not hat happens to him
  16. its0k

    its0k Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2020
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    I have checked the manhwa raws (up to ch.13 has been uploaded so far) and the father behaves like a total a$$hole. Does anyone know what's his problem?
    I don't know Korean, so I've been MTLing random panels, so I might have misunderstood, but it looks like father is either waiting for MC's and ML's engagement to break up or plans to break it himself at some point and to pair MC with Storoni, which is supposed to be humiliating for a prominent family to marry their daughter off to a fallen noble instead of a Duke family, who has reached out to propose the engagement first.
    Also the father doesn't want MC to participate in any social activities, he is not hiring her a teacher to get ready for her debutante ball, so basically all she was taught up until 14 years old is some basic etiquette for kids, which will make their family a laughing stock if she makes a mistake.
    I'm wondering if he's just stupid or was somehow brainwashed by Storoni. Because when the father has dismissed all his students (or apprentices), he has only left Storoni.
    It also looks like in the previous TL Storoni had access to the basement library, which is allowed for heirs only, and used knowledge from those books to push MC to do what he wanted. There was mention of magic beasts and alchemy and even time rewinding in those books, so it's quite an impressive collection of knowledge to be shared with an outsider.
    In current TL the father is openly fine with letting Storoni supervise MC's brother in that library, but is not mentioning even the existence of it to MC.
    I wonder if there was some story between Storoni's family and the father that he's so dedicated to this guy and promotes him here and there, or does he trust him for some other reason?
    It is just ridiculous how little the father thinks of his daughter and how much he relies on Storoni, and I really hope there's some dark secret involved, otherwise it's just too sad that MC has to suffer so much just because her father is simply misogynistic and stupid.
  17. AnotherDayAnotherStory

    AnotherDayAnotherStory Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2021
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  18. Lovina

    Lovina Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2019
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    Why have mc killed ml in the first timeline ?
  19. whitecanis

    whitecanis New Member

    Dec 3, 2021
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    Omg!! Can anyone can give us a snippet of their smut and lovey dovey scenery? But thanks for the spoiler. I hope the novel is translate into english so I can read it r+19 officially.
    tisifone21 likes this.
  20. Miki04

    Miki04 Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2016
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    I have good news, my comrades. I bought volume 3 after a long time. I'll post the mtl chapters here after I copy them. As for why vol 3, cause someone already posted the summary of vol 1 and 2.

    So here is Vol 3 Ch 9 (vol 3 starts from ch 9).

    Warning: This is MTL I have no edits on it.
    It was hot, but neither showed it.

    “Thank you for taking me.”

    Kal Mia got out of the carriage and tried to let go of her hand, spitting her greeting. For a moment, she felt that Rudbeckia's finger, which had been lightly touching her, felt a slight force, but it disappeared without realizing it. Rudbeckia quietly let go of her hand and took a step back.

    “Please enter carefully.”

    As he was about to say hello and turn around, he suddenly found someone at the entrance of the hostel and stopped his steps. Kalmia also turned her gaze to follow him. Someone standing in front of the dormitory spotted the two and quickly approached them. It was Elua.


    "missing child."

    Ellua, who came running at a hasty pace, had a very serious expression on her face. He, who would normally have found Rudbeckia first and greeted him with sympathy, was only looking at Khalmia. In the unusual atmosphere, Rudbeckia did not turn around and looked at Ellua's complexion. She had a lot of things she wanted to say, but it was not cleared up, so El Lua mumbled several times. Kalmia's expression became serious at the same time as his expressionless expression.

    "what's the matter?"

    El Lua, who was about to say something, eventually gave up on her and handed her the letter she was holding. As she did, she spit out only a single word.

    “It’s news from the territory.”

    Hearing her words, I guessed what was written without looking at the contents of her letter. But she thought she still had some time left. Kalmia, who had been staring at the paper in my hand, looked back at Rudbeckia.

    “I’m sorry, but I can’t see you off.”

    After she spoke her quickly, she turned to her quarters without hearing her answer. Short sentences caught my eye as I opened her letter, striding her wide stride. It was a familiar font. Stony's handwriting that I have seen often in my previous life and often in this life as well.

    Not slowing down her pace, she read her content, checked her period at the end of her, and then raised her head. As she entered the dormitory with her lips closed, El Lua and Melody rushed to her side. Kal Mia, who handed her letter back to El Lua, ordered Melody.

    “Pack up. Let's go back to the estate."

    * * *

    The expression used in the letter was ‘serious’. However, Kal Mia expected that by the time she arrived at the estate, she would not be replaced by another word.

    For example, something like ‘to die’.

    “Your father?”

    Early in the morning, upon arriving at her Phlox mansion, it was a somber and dark atmosphere that greeted her. She went upstairs without taking off her coat. Even in her previous life, she was rapidly debilitated and she died, but in this life it was faster.

    Having become her successor, even if he dies, her title will return to Kal Mia, but she could not give up her wretched heart. Above all, she still doesn't know the reason why the royal family and the Phlox family broke up. Count Phlox was the only person who could know that, but it would have been difficult if he died without a word.

    When he opened the door to the Count's bedroom, the first person he saw was Storoni. Sitting down with a sunken complexion, he looked at Khal Mia and stood up.

    “Kalmia, you came quickly. I was worried that it would be late because it was far away.”

    It was a friendly voice, but somehow it seemed to be mixed with a bit of embarrassment. She glanced at Storoni with questionable eyes, but there was nothing special about her expression. Kalmia responded bluntly for once.

    “The Matari family provided us with great horses.”

    Perhaps it wasn't a lie to say that it was serious, and the count seemed to be out of breath at any moment.

    “The doctor said it would be difficult to get past this week.”

    “Isn’t it tonight?”

    “Fortunately, that’s not the case.”

    Is this a relief? Kal Mia took a deep breath and brushed her hair.

    “It must have been difficult to come by horse-drawn carriage for a long time, but first, let’s unwind.”

    There was no room for annoyance at her friendly speaking Storoni, so Kal Mia decided to wash up and come to his senses. The repeated drowsiness and waking in her carriage while she was coming was only adding to her fatigue. She turned her body around without saying a word.

    Outside her window, the sun was now shining.

    Melody invites Kal Mia to take her breath away, but she replaces her rest by soaking her in warm water. Kal Mia, who had changed her comfortable clothes, busily headed back to the Count's bedroom. Before Count Phlox died, she had a saying that Kal Mia had to hear from him.

    “… … Everywhere there is a place that fits his fountain.”

    Karl Mia stopped as she was about to enter her room. With her hand on the door, Kal Mia quietly held her breath. The person inside of her raised her voice as if she didn't feel popular.

    “You are smarter than your sister.”

    “Being a head of state because you are smart is just coercion.”

    “Elua… … .”

    When it was time to die, she seemed to know how to sympathize with the dying person. Kal Mia silently shed her ridicule. She knows how determined Elua is. The Phlox twins seemed completely different, yet the same. El Lua was her real brother, and her personality was as much as her appearance.

    She is as repulsive as Kal Mia, who is repulsed by her words not to have, at her words that she should have El Lua as well.

    So it was only natural for her to react so coldly now.

    "I do not like it. would you do better? Gratitude for being pushed up by abilities you never hoped for? Even if I'm not happy at all? Why are you ignoring my will as if it were natural?”

    In fact, she had never directly stated her feelings in front of Elua Kal Mia. She could only see in her eyes that he didn't really want to receive the title, even from her side. Kal Mia, she thought, could be because she didn't want to take on her duties or responsibilities, or it could be because her position was burdensome.

    Kalmia reflected once again. What is the difference between him and me? It was meaningless to ask her why. Like she wants it, he just doesn't want it.

    “You are going to end up throwing away your worth poorly.”

    “Whether I’m smart or not, that doesn’t determine my worth.”

    Without hearing more, Kal Mia slammed her door open.

    “Stop bullying the kid you don’t like.”

    Khal Mia, interrupted by her cold voice, scanned her room. El Lua, who had been glaring at Count Phlox, looked at her Kal Mia with astonished eyes. She smirked at him and she walked over to her bed as Karl Mia with her cold look on her face.

    "The main thing is that this kid doesn't want it."

    Count Phlox, who looked at Elua and Kalmia alternately with a complicated gaze, closed his eyes sadly. Looking towards him, Kalmia asked in a cynical voice.

    “Are we just tools to put in the right place in your eyes?”

    Count Phlox shut his lips firmly. Not expecting an answer in the first place, Kal Mia looked back at Ellua as she sat in her chair next to her bed. Elua whined as she quickly returned to her usual childlike appearance and slapped Khal Mia. She was going to go say hello to the Count for a while, but she complained that Strooni was in critical condition, so she kept her by her side. Somehow, she wondered what was going on with El Lua, who hates Count Phlox as much as Kal Mia, and she is alone with her.

    “Where did Storoni go?”

    “I went out to have a guest to greet me,” she said.

    Kal Mia narrowed her eyebrows at Elua's blunt answer.


    Stony, whom she had met briefly earlier in the morning, came to her mind. He looked a little surprised at the appearance of Kalmia who came down earlier than expected. And today's guests. Since Kal Mia is still the Count's heir, if Storoni wants to welcome her guests, she must obtain permission from her Count, not her. It wouldn't have been too difficult for Storoni, and maybe she had tried to greet Khal Mia before he got to her mansion.

    Come to think of it, when was the last report of the rat swarm? Karl Mia, who was worried while frowned at her, bit her lip. She was a guest of Storoni, and her anxiety came over.

    “El, I’m out.”

    El Lua was delighted and turned to her immediately. The door slammed shut, and soon there were only two people left in the Count's bedroom.

    “I won’t tell you back.”

    Cal Mia, her hands neatly placed on her lap, stared at the count's face. He had a dark complexion in the shadow of death. Seeing that even the slightest breath does not stimulate sympathy, it seems that my heart has left me. With that in mind, Kal Mia opened her mouth in a cold voice.

    "Tell me please. What happened between the royal family and the Phlox family.”

    "You… … .”

    “It’s not a meaningless statement that you won’t be able to afford it, it’s the truth. I will inherit the Phlox family, and I have to know the truth to protect it.”

    Count Phlox's eyes, which were tightly closed, twitched. Kalmia stared at him quietly, keeping her chapped lips tightly shut. The lips that seemed to have been closed for eternity fell slowly, and a voice mixed with resignation soon came out.

    "do not worry."

    That was a bit of a nonsense. Kalmia, who had blinked her eyes blankly, asked with a bewildered voice.


    “The second prince will protect us.”

    “… … What are you talking about?”

    It felt like the blood all over her body was getting cold. 2nd prince? Why is he jumping out now? In his previous life, Count Phlox had no relationship with the 2nd Prince. Because it was Kalmia that Storoni introduced to the second prince. In my previous life… … .

    Kalmia wanted to scream. Storoni in the previous life was by Kalmia's side. However, throughout this lifetime, he was by the side of the dying Count. Why didn't he think he would link the dying Count to the 2nd Prince!


    “The crab has been granted liberation.”

    “What does that mean!”

    Kal Mia, who finally raised her voice, jumped up from her seat. Her fists trembled with strength. After Khalmia became the heir, Storoni never had any contact with the second prince. He seldom left the mansion, and he seldom exchanged correspondence with anyone. It meant that he had planned to bring the count to the second prince from before then. why? What did he think the 2nd Prince could get from the dying Count Phlox? At least the only things I can use in this house are the books in the basement library... … !

    Could it be that the prince already knew the value of the study? So, does Storoni know what's hidden in the study?

    After biting his lip and barely swallowing his anger, Count Phlox took his breath away and spoke again.

    “Nothing was ours… … You just have to live quietly.”

    Kalmia's eyes fluttered slightly.

    “As teachers of the royal family, it was our duty to preserve knowledge.”

    A forest to protect the trees. What immediately came to mind were Storoni's words. Books that did not know what the key to the book was, and did not have the key itself. Didn't he even think about opening it because it wasn't ours in the first place? Did you mean that you broke up with the royal family to bury everything about the underground library's knowledge and magic ore? That's why she was so harsh on her, who longed for her central political world and coveted her power. Do you have to hide?

    Kal Mia, who was breathing heavily, asked her squeeze.

    “What the hell did you do?”

    The Count closed his eyes again. His face, contorted with pain, seemed very comfortable.


    Kal Mia, who had been stiff as if struck by her lightning, suddenly turned her body fiercely. Kal Mia ran to her embankment, stomping, and pulled out the key pack of the basement library and books she had been hiding. The employees were surprised to see Kalmia running down the stairs as she rushed down the stairs, but they had no intention of caring about them. Kalmia reached the basement study at once.

    In front of it was a strooni. In his hand was a key he had never seen before, and Khalmia recognized it at a glance to be the key to the underground study. It was probably a spare key that the Count had kept separately. Kal Mia, who stopped while holding his breath, could not hide his vigilance and looked at Stony. Her Stony, who looked at her like that with her strange eyes, opened her door without hesitation.

    “… … What are you doing now?”

    The trembling in his voice was not hidden. Kal Mia bit her tongue, trying to find her reason. But no matter how hard she tried, the trembling did not go away. The knowledge of her underground study was the source of her power. A power that should not be given to anyone.

    “You were the last of the Countess.”

    Storoni said with a very sweet and soft voice. Her as if she were mocking her.

    “Count Count! The messenger sent by the 2nd Prince has arrived!”

    I heard someone shouting in a loud voice. Kal Mia grabbed her skirt tightly. Wet sweat dripped from her hands. Stony's words continued to her ear, which had been biting her molars.

    “Return to the master what is his master’s.”

    Storoni opened the door of the study. She came in and out many times, and a scene familiar to her was unfolding before her eyes. The smell of fresh paper washed over me like a wave. How hard did you try to open that door? It took me days and days to understand each book, but it was a place I was desperately trying to find out. It was not a place where other people's footprints would be so easily taken. Kal Mia contorted her face.

    It wasn't originally ours, so I'll give it back.

    Storoni, who had stood her upright and stared at her Kal Mia, slowly approached her. But before her hand could reach her, Kal Mia turned her body first. She glanced around and called a servant she was passing by.

    “Bring me the biggest hammer.”



    The servant, who was confused for a moment, quickly ran to somewhere. She glanced at the servant's back as she moved away, and Storoni approached her back and spoke to her in a low voice.

    “You don’t think that destroying the book will change anything, do you?”

    Her strooni wrapped lightly around her shoulders from her Kal Mia and patted her as if comforting her. Her tantrums swelled at her leisurely gestures, but Kal Mia quietly exclaimed her anger and waited for her servant. It wasn't long before her servant ran up to her. In her hand was a fairly large two-handed hammer. It looked so large and heavy that it was difficult to wield it with both hands.

    He brought it as he was ordered, but the hand he handed was full of hesitation. Kal Mia, who almost took her hammer from such a servant, stumbled as she could not bear her weight. Storoni smiled at her staggering look and supported her back, but Kal Mia twisted her body away from his hand. Storoni did not try to forcefully cover Kalmia.

    “What are you going to do with it? As long as the royal messenger has come, I cannot overturn her words.”

    Stony lamented her pity and comforted her. Either way, Karl Mia, who separated her from him or her, slammed her hammer and her head down on her floor.

    “… … What is yours to your master?”

    A high-pitched murmur erupted from between her twisted lips. Taking a deep breath, she pulled out a pack of her keys from her pocket and threw it on her floor. Storoni's expression hardened subtly. Karl Mia, who gave her lavish sneer towards her storony, who had a puzzled expression on her face, clasped the hilt of her hammer strongly with both her hands. Her lips clenched and her hammer flashed, she stared straight at her target. Storoni, who had her expression on her stern expression, spat out her awe, and tried to stop her, but to no avail.


    A key made of magic ore shattered in all directions and bounced. Kal Mia, who hit the floor with all her might, took a deep breath and raised the hammer again. Bang again! A roaring sound resounded, and less fragmented pieces bounced in all directions. Breathing in her breath, Karl Mia, as she looked down at the pieces of her key that she had smashed, threw the hilt of her hammer haphazardly. Contrary to her blazing eyes, the voice she spoke out was as cold as frost.

    “Tell me to take it.”

    But if I can't see you, neither can you. When she said that, her lips drew cynicism.

    "you really… … .”

    Storoni, who was looking down at the broken key with an absurd expression, lifted her darkly subdued gaze.

    “Do you know what you did now?”

    "know. I just came here to hear about the Phlox family duties from her father. As a successor, I have fulfilled that duty.”


    There was a slight anger in his voice. When she found out, she felt a little better. Angry Stony. The fact that the man who always hid his plans with a gentle face couldn't control his expression like that meant that what Kalmia had just done really hurt him. Kal Mia gently stepped on the piece of her key with her foot.

    Count Phlox did not know how to open a book without a key. Even if he learns that magic ore is a material, he must go through the Ighalo shop to obtain it, and obtain permission from the Matari family. Unless there is a way for the 2nd Prince's forces to avoid their eyes and obtain magic ore, it will be difficult to open a locked book.

    Even that, Storoni and the 2nd Prince would not know. As the thought reached that point, reason gradually returned to the blackened mind.

    “If you wanted me, you would live like a dead mouse. After all, you didn't want me."

    At those words, Storoni's eyes, which had hardened with anger, trembled. Storoni, who was taking a deep breath, quickly responded with a self-helpful voice.

    “If you lived like a dead mouse, you wouldn’t stay with me for the rest of your life. In fact, you have no intention of accepting me, do you?”

    Of course, I didn't mean to put him by my side. Storoni will detect and dig in the gap like a ghost if it shows a small gap. But that didn't mean he wanted it back. Aside from the fact that Storoni would be a troublesome opponent if he turned completely into an enemy, it wouldn't be pleasant to have to point a knife at the man he once mingled with. Kalmia, who was biting her molars and glaring at the Stony, said in a pessimistic tone.

    “At least you shouldn’t have hit the back of the head like this. Are you happy that I made you let go of even the slightest expectation of you?”

    “You were the one who disappointed me in the first place.”

    Storoni replied responsibly. The eyes that looked very pitiful and painful contained Kalmia.

    “You are the one who got along with other men, knowing my feelings.”

    Should I say this is absurd? Kal Mia was momentarily speechless and bit her lip. Are we going to rhyme about her love on the subject of a wildly fucked up thing, now?

    “Stony. You have to speak right away. Are you going to claim that your heart is really pure love?”

    Kal Mia did not hide her own disbelief. She has memories of her previous life. I know a double Stony, who acts like an infinitely sweet lover in front of me and gives nothing behind her. Had she lived the same life this time, Storoni would have been too. If you're going to say it's a love affair, she'll laugh out loud. If it was Stony's love affair that made her lover a scarecrow in front of everyone, she wasn't needed in this life.

    “At least it definitely started there. Whether you believe it or not.”

    He muttered to himself until the end and moved his body. Passing by her Kalmia, he said in a subdued voice.

    “The prince’s messenger is waiting. You explain it yourself.”

    There was a gloomy shadow in his eyes as he glanced back at her at her.

    “As you said, if you were fulfilling your duty as her successor.”

    * * *

    The dress that Kal Mia chose for her was a two-piece dress with black stripes on top of indigo silk.

    It consisted of a top that was worn like a jacket and a skirt that felt like a scratch, and inside, a white shirt and a white skirt with light stripes were layered and worn in abundance. A large pearl was fixed in front of the collar of the white shirt that wrapped around her neck, and the jacket buttons were fully closed and wrapped around her body smoothly.

    It was a dress that fit her right up to her wrist, so the way she was wrapped tight looked quite ascetic. A ribbon made of ivory silk was fixed at the back of the waist and decorated so as not to be empty. When she put on her white lace gloves, only her face was left where her skin was exposed.

    Kal Mia looked in the mirror one last time, and she checked herself. It was a dress that looked calm and modest. If she hadn't put on heavy makeup, she would have looked like a very gentle woman. Her dark eyes and her red lips made her more seductive than her usual. Even so, her eyes were slightly raised, but when I emphasized that, I could not feel her quietness at all, even though her whole body was tightly wrapped around her. Her hair, which was braided at an angle as if it was slightly disheveled, also contributed to the strangely dangerous atmosphere. All the more so because she didn't make her headgear otherwise fuss.

    This should be enough to divert the lion's attention elsewhere.

    She couldn't use much of her jewelry because she was in a hurry to dress her up, and her makeup didn't show much skill. But she couldn't meet her without dressing up at all, so she chose the fastest way possible. In particular, the outfit she's wearing now was perfectly suited to give her a calm, public feel as an heir rather than a daughter of the aristocrat. At the same time, her face is beautiful.

    Kalmia took a deep breath. She got dressed and organized her words, but she couldn't help but tremble.

    “You are in the living room.”

    It was Storoni who was now dealing with the prince's messenger. I purposely had her servants reside nearby to listen to the conversation between the two, but it was not good to leave them alone for a long time. Kal Mia left her room with a busy pace. Just like Kal Mia, El Lua, who had finished dressing herself up, appeared in her hallway with a firm expression on her face. As Kal Mia said, he wore a navy blue coat and was in a very good-looking state, probably because of her hard work.

    “Mia, what do you mean the second prince is taking the books from the underground library?”

    El Lua, who had not even heard her proper explanation, quickly approached her and whispered.

    “Originally, it belonged to the royal family.”

    “Why are you taking it all of a sudden?”

    “I must have taken the wrong medicine.”

    The twins arrived in the drawing room while having a conversation that would lead to being arrested for contempt of the royal family if caught. The pleasant laughter of the men could be heard over the open drawing room. Storoni with a familiar back was the first thing I saw, and the man sitting opposite him caught my eye next. Kal Mia squinted her eyes and entered her drawing room. A little chubby guy with auburn hair. Fortunately, it was a face Kalmia knew. The kanji she stood behind him was 'Grenziel', whom she had met the other day.

    “It is an infinite family honor to welcome the messenger of the royal family. Nice to meet you. This is Kalmia Phlox.”

    “This is Elua Phlox.”

    As she gently bowed her knees to greet her, the man of her chubby physique smirked and got up from her body.

    “Twins of the famous Phlox family! Nice to meet you!”

    Kal Mia smiled and rolled her eyes. Neither the clothes nor the attitude are formal messengers. She didn't feel relieved when she checked it out.

    “It is an honor to meet you, Earl Turner.”

    “I didn’t know you would recognize me.”

    “I had an encounter with the count’s aide.”

    At those words, she looked at Kal Mia with Gren astonished eyes. She had only met her briefly three years ago, and she didn't seem to recognize him. Kal Mia pretended she didn't know his gaze, and she grinned at Earl Turner.

    “But the Count is the prince’s messenger, right?”

    “Of course, I… … !”

    “Did you bring the official letter with the royal seal?”


    Count Turner frowned at the unexpected question. Kal Mia, trying not to distract her expression, recalled Rudbeckia's tone in her head. A voice that is hard and clerical, but without emotion as much as possible. That would be just right for the current situation.

    “Unfortunately, Count Phlox is in a state of terribly unstable mentality with his death imminent. Therefore, I am in the process of taking care of the family business, but I have to ask because I did not receive an official notice of the visit. I have been told that he has come to take over the noble duties of the Phlox family that has been passed down from generation to generation.”

    “Yeah, that’s right.”

    “As a servant to the Elmark royal family, I am ready to bow my head in response to my calling. However, we understand the gravity of the matter, and it is impossible for us to close our obligations without an official letter. Of course, it is necessary to confirm the approval of His Majesty the King.”

    Count Turner was visibly bewildered when the word of the king's approval came out. There can be no such thing. The 2nd Prince is about to take the book in a hurry. Taking a closer look, it must have been that Kalmia and Elua were looking for an empty space to sleep.

    Perhaps the current king was unaware of the existence of this book. The Earl said that the Phlox family's duty was to be the boss of knowledge, and it started from the ancestors. If the previous earl had worked with the previous king and tried to hide his knowledge of magic ore, the previous king would not have made such an effort to disclose such information to his children. Of course, the current king wouldn't have informed my children either.

    Whether in his previous life or in this life, Storoni must have dug up the secret from the Count and dedicated it to the Second Prince.

    “Oh, that’s right. Hmmmm. I… … Gren?”

    Earl Turner, who was coughing unnaturally, slyly called out my aide's name. He is said to be an aide, but in fact, the real 2nd Prince's eyes must be Gren. They've been followed to make sure they're doing things right. Kalmia's gaze turned to Gren. Hearing the conversation between Kalmia and Count Turner with surprising eyes, he immediately smiled and said,

    “I am well aware that the Phloxes are risking their lives to fulfill their duty. The 2nd Prince will give you great praise. But, as you know, House Phlox's duties are confidential. Please note that we were also unable to visit officially because we were unable to find even a single document. Besides, this is an issue that has already been agreed upon with Count Phlox, so Count Small need not worry.”

    No matter what promises the previous kings and previous Counts made, and whatever duties Count Phlox assumed, there is no document to prove them. So it was said that the prince also did not need to visit officially. In the end, it is said that the content is not interested and it is up to interpretation, so Kalmia decided to interpret it as she pleases.

    “As I said, Count Phlox has a precarious mental state, and it is difficult to trust his judgment.”

    “But he is also a head of state with the seal of House Phlox. He asked the second prince for protection, and the generous second prince said he would be happy to understand the hardship.”

    It is a flashy but unnecessary and exhausting conversation. When I confirmed that there was no way to overthrow the situation even when I was consistent with my rigid attitude and was biting the tail, I felt both annoyed and tired at the same time. Since she is only her successor, who has not yet received her title, she could not overturn her headmaster's decision, no matter how vexed she was.

    damn act. Had I known this would happen, I wouldn't have waited for the Count to die.

    Khal Mia pushed away the heavy fatigue that had settled on her eyelids, she asked in a sullen voice.

    “Then can we trust that the 2nd Prince has properly understood our duties?”

    "of course."

    “Do you mean that you understand what I did to fulfill my duty?”

    Asking me this far, Gren looked a little anxious. Unable to answer hastily, he hesitated a little, then asked with an awkward smile.

    “For example, what are you talking about?”

    Kal Mia straightened her back a little. She gazed intently at Gren, squinting her eyes, which had been lying down on her the whole time. Her blinking, which had slowed down a bit from her fatigue, created a languid expression on her face.

    “As you said, it’s confidential, and we can’t leave any documents, so there’s no way for us to prove that we’ve done our duty. So the will of House Phlox was replaced by breaking the key to the book. The Stony over there is a witness.”

    She sighed as if she couldn't help it. Like Earl Phlox, she was so hard on herself that she whined. She nodded her head at her stony, which had hardened with her subtle expression, and spoke her up in a slightly lighter tone, letting go of the hard tone she had maintained throughout her life.

    “You know what our duty is, right? The name that the Phlox family carried on their shoulders was ‘the boss of knowledge’.”

    As she slowly lowered her head to the side, several eyes followed her actions.

    “It was a bit of an ignorant choice, but I decided that it was the surest way I could see. I'm sure you'll understand that as heir to the family, I had to uphold Phlox's honor in some way. But if it becomes a problem, it will be officially tried... … .”

    “The prince will understand. Unless you damage the book.”

    Gren's voice in reply was very friendly. It's probably because only the key was broken. You would think that it would be very easy to disassemble the lock and make a key for it. Kal Mia had a faint smile on her lips as if relieved. Then she slid back behind her as Gren coughed with a slightly reddened complexion.

    “Will you please fulfill the promise of Imanga-ju?”

    It's the governor's promise. Just hearing it is a bad expression. But Kal Mia nodded her head without showing it.

    “The books are kept in the basement library.”

    “We brought the workers, so don’t worry.”

    The conversation ended more amicably than expected. Kal Mia sent her trusty gaze to Gren, who added that she would get the job done quickly without making a noise.

    “Yes, I am not worried.”

    Count Grendo Turner also seemed satisfied with Kalmia's attitude. Kal Mia, her narrow eyes closed, slowly turned her gaze away. When her stony and her eyes met, she gladly gave her a smile. Storoni's complexion darkened and stiffened. She seemed to be a little angry, somehow. Maybe it's because she's outspokenly showing off her other guys? Whatever the reason, it doesn't really matter.

    Kal Mia spoke in her gentle voice with Stony and her eyes met.

    “Did you hear me, El? Go and help.”

    Elua, who had been watching the conversation from behind, slid forward. She didn't give him much explanation, but Kal Mia believed she had understood the situation to some extent through her present conversation. And Ellua did not disappoint her expectations and spoke to Gren with her casual attitude.

    “Come with me to check the book list.”

    “A list?”

    Gren paused. Seeing Earl Turner and Gren exchange their glances, Ellua pretended not to know and raised her voice innocence.

    "Yeah. A book to take with you. Are you planning to take all the books from the basement library?”

    “I can’t, L. You don't even know what to bring?"

    Kalmia scolded Elua with a stern voice. El Lua noisily touched my forehead and shook her head.

    “Oh, right? sorry. Weren't you in a bad mood? It’s because I’m the type of person who often talks with short thoughts.”

    “… … it's okay."

    El Lua smiled with her trusty smile towards Gren, who nodded her head tremblingly.

    “Come this way.”

    Ellua took the lead with a smile on her face resembling my sister. Count Turner, who had been standing still, smirked and followed the two of them. Kal Mia, delighted to see her El Lua doing her own role in her splendid role, turned herself to leave her room. Contrary to her smiling face, her head was in a state of ruin like a place swept away by a typhoon.

    How long will it take for her to take the book and find out that she can't open it in the usual way? Before she can do that, she has to match her with Rashid, and ask Rudbeckia to do it too. Even so, Rashid, what do you say to Rudbeckia? What the hell was she doing to the rat swarm, by the way, for not reporting properly to get things to this point? When the prince's people leave, there are not one or two places that need to be touched.


    Kal Mia woke up from her thoughts because of the force that grabbed her by the wrist. Before she knew it, she and her Stony were the only two left in her drawing room. Received her Kalmia's gaze, he said in a voice mixed in with a sigh.

    “I don’t know what you are thinking.”

    “Do you need to know what I think?”

    He took a deep breath as he looked down at her Kal Mia with her distorted expression. With a face full of anguish, he explained softly.

    “You don’t know how dangerous Ighalo’s jewels are. The Count is only trying to protect the family from danger.”

    “I have a child, but I don’t know why you are representing the father.”

    “If you hadn’t gotten close to Duke Matari from the beginning… … !”

    The high-pitched voice stopped. I didn't know if it was because I was conscious of the outsiders, or because I didn't want to show an emotional breakdown. He bit his molars as he looked at her coldly sunken eyes with a pitiful look into her eyes. Her chin, which was strong enough to show her outward appearance, stood out. Chimi saw him numbly suppressing her emotions, and Kal Mia tried to shake off her grasped wrist. But she was held so tightly that she could not raise her hand.

    Meanwhile, Storoni, who had calmed down his emotions, spoke in a calm voice.

    “What he wants is the books in the basement. The Count tried to do his duty by hiding it somehow, but he lured you into it, so you were all dry. You decided to give it back to the owner if it was stolen from him, do you really not understand this feeling?”

    I know roughly what the flow of thought was. To be precise, I can see what logic Storoni must have whispered to Count Phlox. Karl Mia, who was looking down at her gripped wrist, glanced up at Storoni's face.

    “When your father dies, who will you put in front of then?”


    “If I broke my marriage with the Duke of Matari, and betrothed to you according to my father’s will. Then you would have made your intentions come true with me?”

    Stony looked like he was speechless. Astonished by what he was, his wide-open eyes trembled. Kal Mia looked at her expressionlessly, then slowly raised her lips.

    “He’s a man who can’t come forward if he doesn’t put someone in front of him.”

    A numb voice escaped from between her lips.

    “Don’t you think it’s too bad, Storoni?”

    Has she ever uttered such harsh words in her previous life or in this life? Kalmia felt like she was a different person who spoke at this moment. She didn't regret it though. She gave me enough opportunities, and it was Storoni who refused them. She was sincere when she said that she would give her her mansion if she lived quietly.

    She really didn't want to cut the stony this way.

    But what's the use of all that? Storoni won't change, so Khalmia will never accept him.

    “I can’t get along with a guy like this.”

    The strength in his hand, which seemed like he would never let go, fell. Feeling it, she turned her back as if Kal Mia had been waiting for her. He felt a stinging pain in the flesh in her mouth, tattered from her chewing all the time.

    She somehow had a premonition that she wasn't going to get better any time soon.

    * * *

    Whatever Ellua had done, Earl Turner and Gren could not even fill half of the wagon they had brought.

    Still, almost all the locked books were taken out, so looking at the empty seats on the bookshelf made me sick to my stomach. However, it could not be said that he had completely lost hope because he had left behind novels, etc., of which the importance was not recognized. Kalmia met with Rashid right away that afternoon to discuss countermeasures, and summoned a swarm of rats to pour out her anger.

    As a result, it was discovered that several contacts were also missing from the herd of mice. As soon as the contacts were discovered, they completely stopped all activities and were in the process of saving themselves. Even though the timing was unlucky, Deloitte prayed that his hands would become his feet. At the same time, it was a report that the words he carefully came up with seemed to have been exposed in the process of looking after the Terra Coma family. He was in the midst of a rush.

    Since his hastily descending from the capital, Kal Mia has been unable to sleep well and has been locked up in his office.

    Instead of hiding the terra coma, the time has come for him to pull out Haley. He had already spoken with Rashid on the rough side, and was soon to be re-arranged for a specific contract. The herd of mice decided to completely stop the distribution of drugs for sure hiding, and the underground study decided to undertake a major construction. He had left it to Elua to rearrange the books in the basement. If it weren't for the count's aides who had been chosen in advance, the work of the estate would have been a mess.

    Cal Mia, frantically checking the last paperwork, let out a long sigh and put her pen down. As I lowered her tired eyes, I saw my wrist. The bruises were a mixture of red and purple. At first, it was just red, but after a day, the purple color became clear. He thought he was ill, but I didn't know he was held strong enough to bruise. Or maybe my skin is that weak.

    After kicking Elua's buttocks and sending her into the study, who was raging to get rid of Storoni immediately, she was so busy with work that she didn't even care about her bruises. It was fortunate that she seemed to be disappearing quickly. Kal Mia, who was gently wiping her discolored skin with her fingertips, got her body up.

    She recently openly entrusted a servant to watch over Storoni, who stood by the dying Count without any action. According to Khal Mia's command not to be left alone, a servant always accompanied him, but after hearing a report, he said that he didn't even have long conversations. Count Hagiya seemed to find it difficult to spit out long words now, so the conversation itself would be impossible.

    He said it would be difficult to get past this week, so he has to prepare for a funeral soon. How do I get the list of deputy chiefs? When I turned around, there was something to do, and it felt like it was happening again. Will there ever be a day when I leave this office? I was walking around the window, relaxing my aching body from sitting all the time, when I heard Wei's voice from outside the office.

    “Count Count! A guest has arrived!”

    Kal Mia answered, rubbing the nape of her neck.

    “If you are Rashid, direct me here.”

    She answered in a loud voice, but she was quiet outside. She had often given loud orders without opening the door, so there was no way she couldn't hear it.


    When I called him again, the office door slowly opened. Wei, who appeared, had a somewhat embarrassed expression on his face. As Kal Mia was about to give him her words with a puzzled expression, someone suddenly appeared from behind Wei.

    “If it’s an office that a merchant could get into, would you allow her fiancée too?”

    “… … like that.”

    Kal Mia frowned and mumbled. As she strode into her office, it was clear that Rudbeckia did not understand her words. Kal Mia, who looked at him with astringent eyes, opened her lips slowly.

    “Go away.”

    “Didn’t you say that Rashid is a field?”

    “Don’t ask questions and go out. You came at a very bad time right now.”

    At those words, Rudbeckia put on her puzzled expression. So, she can't even guess this. Kal Mia didn't intend to explain kindly, so she warns instead, bluntly.

    “I am overflowing with compassion for Confucius right now. If you don't want to see your violent fiancee, then get out."

    How can you smile and greet the person who has messed up the rats in front of you?

    At Kal Mia's words, which were full of her emotions, Rudbeckia paused as if she felt the seriousness. As if contemplating for a moment, he narrowed her brow and looked around, pensive in thought. As she looked around as if looking for her something, she found a sword that he had hung as a decoration on the wall, and she inquired.

    “Are you going to swing your sword?”

    “If you wield something like that here, you will only damage your property.” “I don’t think there is anything else that could be used as a weapon.”

    “Do you have to have a weapon to hit someone?”

    At Kal Mia's question, Rudbeckia nodded her head as if she understood. Then she made a more serious expression than before.

    “It is not easy to hit a person with a fist. You will get hurt.”

    Her serious voice seemed to be really concerned about her injury. But Kalmia couldn't afford to be moved by it. Before that, it was because it felt absurd that she had without the slightest doubt that she was going to punch her. It was she herself who warned of the violence, but not even her fists in mind. She at best was enough to throw things at him.

    Besides, Rudbeckia is acting like she's going to hit her if she swings her fist now. As if she knew my sin. Kal Mia, who was glaring at Rudbeckia with her displeased gaze, responded bluntly.

    “You don’t ask why you hit me?”

    Rudbeckia bit her mouth. Sneakly avoiding her Kal Mia's gaze, he answered in a calm tone, keeping her gaze on a distant place.

    “There are a few things I just came up with.”

    “Not just one, but several? How often have you been aiming at the back of my head?”

    It's not like she was aiming for the back of the head in the same way, but anyway, she has suffered the damage first, so she has the right to get angry first. Kal Mia placed her hands on her waist and sharply opened her eyes. Rudbeckia, who had guessed enough without looking into her gaze, coughed, and she countered in a calm voice.

    "If there's anything you're going to do to get her fiancee in the back, it's to protect her."

    “Hey, thank you, I’m in tears.”

    In the end, Karl Mia, unable to stand her sarcastic sarcasm, spoke her up cynically.

    "So you're saying you're here to protect the back of my head? Do you have a lot of work to do?”

    The distance between the capital and Pliace is not so close that it is easy to get to and from. However, she said that not long after Kal Mia returned, she visited right away, which meant that Rudbeckia had also come down in a hurry. He couldn't have followed him like this unless he noticed something. Filled with her doubts, she looked at her Rudbeckia's face.

    As soon as she saw her face, she was angry, but she was deeply concerned about how far Rudbeckia might have found out through her swarm of rats. It must be Rudbeckia who touched the contacts of the rats, and if so, it's very likely that he saw the report they were trying to send to Kalmia.

    What was written in the report? The order to the rats was to monitor Storoni, so it must be about Storoni's actions. How would Rudbeckia interpret it when she learned that she was spying on her Storoni? Could it not have been that she had become suspicious of all her actions in the past?

    “Of course not. Actually… … .”

    Frowning his brow at her perplexed face, he spoke carefully.

    “I heard that the close associates of the second prince visited unexpectedly.”

    Could it be that the information in the report was about the contact between Storoni and the 2nd Prince? Guessing that, Kalmia made a cold voice pretending not to know.

    “They said it was a confidential business, how did Confucius know about it?”

    “I apologize. I found a movement that I couldn't understand, so I put a man near Count Phlox. And my orders are missing what was originally reported to you. If you had known that the target you were checking was the 2nd Prince, you would have moved more carefully. that's my fault."

    At her neat confession that poured out at once, Kal Mia forgot to manage her expression and widened her eyes. I wondered if I had just heard correctly. She was surprised, first, that he had done it so easily, and secondly that he admitted the mistake and apologized.

    Karl Mia, who was staring at Rudbeckia with a bewildered gaze, asked with a voice that did not dispel her doubts.

    “Are you talking about a herd of mice?”


    A strange light flashed in Kalmia's eyes. It is true that Rudbeckia found the connection point between the rat swarm and Khalmia, but it seems that she understood the reason for joining hands with them, associating the 2 princes. Since Kal Mia publicly revealed her intentions to serve her 1st princess, she wouldn't have been strange about her behavior as if she was keeping the 2nd prince in check.

    There was relief in the fact that Rudbeckia's gaze had cleverly deviated from the core. She's a smart guy, so if she had started to doubt her Kal-Mia's attitude, she would have uncovered her secrets so quickly that she could get out of hand. The fact that she has returned to the past can't be caught now, so it was in Kal Mia's advantage to save her time and turn her gaze towards the second prince.

    The back of the head after being hit by Storoni is still tingling, but thanks to that, Rudbeckia also put her leg on the back, so it's not a complete mess. Kal Mia quickly shook her head.

    “You are acknowledging that because of Confucius, I have suffered fatal and enormous damage.”

    “I don’t know the exact details of the damage, but I guess I’m in a lot of trouble.”

    Rudbeckia looked very guilty. Even so, for Kal Mia, who had to prevent the magic ore from flowing into her 2nd prince, Rudbeckia's low attitude was very welcome. There was no reason to say that she would take care of her weakness by committing herself to her car, which had been contemplating on how to entice Rudbeckia and make her move as she wanted. If he's in debt to Rudbeckia, she'll always be useful in the future.

    Her head brightened and her complexion was about to brighten, but Kalmia struggled to maintain a serious and serious expression. She put her arms around her face as if the world was about to collapse immediately, and said as if she was letting go of her fears.

    “To summarize, it was suspicious and interfered with my work, but after ruining it, I found out that it was a job to check the 2nd Prince, so I am sorry to say that you came running like this? To compensate for the fatal and enormous damage to the Phlox family?”

    Suddenly, Rudbeckia's visit turned into a step to compensate for the damage to the Phlox family. When she inflated her words with her condescending expression, Rudbeckia also felt a little strange, so she couldn't answer right away, and she pondered.

    “If possible, I would like to know the details of the fatal and enormous damage… … .”

    “What are so many demands from the victim?”

    He was about to raise an objection, though weakly, and immediately gave up. Even so, he seemed to have acknowledged that asking the person who had done something wrong because of him to write the details of the damage was nothing more than arousing anger right away. With a troubled expression on his face, he gently asked a question.

    “Is the situation very serious?”

    “You just see the answer. Do you see that I am stiff?”

    I haven't been to my bedroom for several days. Even meals were simply arranged in the office, so it couldn't have been better. Maybe the condition under the eyes has turned black. The anger that had subsided for a while was revived when I became aware of my wretched plight to the point where I didn't want to look in the mirror.

    Kalmia, who gave strength to her eyes while wheezing, faced Rudbeckia head on. Rudbeckia stared at Khalmia quietly. As his silence grew longer, the vicious Kalmia's momentum gradually weakened.

    Does it mean that the current state of affairs is so bad that I am speechless? Kalmia, unable to overcome the silence, was about to say anything, but Rudbeckia spoke first.

    “You look nice enough.”

    “… … Are you making fun of people?”

    “Actually, you’ve always been kind.”

    The following words are irrelevant. Kalmia burst out laughing as if it was ridiculous. No matter how urgent a person is, they are trying to solve the situation with such an absurd sound!

    “It’s a physical reward, are you hurt? I was told there were no physical collisions.”

    Who else did you hear about it? Kalmia held back what she wanted to ask. Instead, he took a deep breath.

    “How the heck were you monitoring me? Did you plant three peas in the mansion?”

    Do employees need one more water change? With that thought, Karl Mia, who had frowned at her, brushed her throbbing head. And at that moment, Rudbeckia found something and strode closer.

    “Excuse me for a moment.”

    Having said that, he carefully grabbed Kalmia's arm and lifted it slightly. Without looking further, the bruises on his wrists were clearly visible. Rudbeckia's expression, which had not changed much throughout the whole time, changed noticeably. He asked in a low voice, looking down at the bruise without a word.

    “Is it Count Turner’s work?”

    He talked about physical rewards just before, so it feels like the bruises found right after that are proof of that. In fact, the physical reward was meant to use the accumulated fatigue from rushing down from the capital and handling the rush of work. I felt embarrassment at the real wound that was unintentionally discovered. Karl Mia pulled out his arm with a bewildered expression and gently wrapped his hand around the bruised part of his.

    “No, this is… … How did it happen?”

    “It’s a bruise from someone grabbing you hard. It must have been a man's hand, it must have been a few days ago. Perhaps on the day the 2nd Prince’s close associates visited.”

    needlessly accurate You've been talking nonsense about keeping the 2nd prince in check, so why did you suddenly become so quick again? He thought that accuracy would increase in a useless situation, and Kalmia said as if he was looking around.

    “If I had to define it, it’s a medal I got for kicking the love of a man.”

    I thought I had a good look around it, but Rudbeckia narrowed down the dragon's line in an instant.

    “It’s Storoni.”

    I think the word sympathy was too explicit. Kal Mia nodded silently and patted his wrist for nothing. It's not a very dark color because it's a bruise that has been around for a few days, and it's not surprising that it's so loud as it will disappear completely after a while. However, Rudbeckia was hardening his expression as if he had seen a very serious injury.

    “Did he usually treat you like this?”

    Is this man worried about her? Awkwardness rose at her sudden question. Karl Mia shrugged her shoulders indifferently.

    “This time was a little odd. I told you. It’s a medal that kicked off the love of a man.”

    However, despite Kalmia's efforts, Rudbeckia's expression did not improve at all. Just by looking at his expression, he feels like he has become a victim of constant abuse. Kalmia, who felt uncomfortable with Rudbeckia's unusually serious reaction, eventually fled to her desk. If I pretend to be busy while rummaging through the documents, wouldn't I show an exaggerated reaction and go out? He did his paperwork with such anticipation, but what returned was a persistent question.

    “Isn’t Count Phlox very serious? When he dies, how are you going to dispose of him?”

    “He is not a vassal of our family. He's just my father's disciple, and I have no right to punish him, as he only carried out his father's orders to the end."

    As long as he doesn't take issue with it.

    But Kalmia did not think that Storoni was waiting for his death by the side of Count Phlox without any measures. To be precise, everything would have already been prepared. Even in his previous life, as soon as the count had died and Khalmia had completed the ceremony of succession to the title, the person of the 2nd prince had come to pick up the two. It was thanks to the end of all contact under the water. If you see Earl Turner and Gren come to visit again in this lifetime, Storoni's place has already been reserved for the second prince.

    He took care of the Earl for three years, and he understood that it was because he had become like a kite that had fallen off the string, although he thought it was strange to be in a lockdown. But looking back now, I thought that Storoni might have already finished all the arrangements three years ago.

    “If you wish, I can make a cause in any way possible.”

    “You may not know Confucius, but he must already be a very important servant to the second prince.”

    Now that I have the book, it will be even more so. The only person who can open the book and understand the contents is Storoni on the 2nd Prince's side.

    “But I am going to hold him accountable.”

    “If anyone sees it, you can tell that he has a crush on him.”

    "There is."

    Kalmia's hand, who had been meaninglessly touching the paperwork, stopped. As I slowly raised my gaze, my eyes met with Rudbeckia, who was looking at me. Her calm, sunken eyes stared at her wrist. She didn't know since when she had been watching.

    “I injured my fiancée, so as her fiancée, shouldn’t I be held accountable?”

    It is a principled, moral, yet convenient excuse. Even with that thought, Kalmia somehow couldn't shake the feeling that he was genuinely angry. Rudbeckia, I mean, looked really upset when she saw her bruise left on Kal Mia's wrist. Like a fiancee who was angry at her wounded fiancee.

    That's weird. It's weird, but I don't think it's strange in a way. Come to think of it, Rudbeckia has been trying to do her part as her fiancé all her life, so it's only natural that she would be upset just because someone had a bruise on her body. The two of them are a little different from the usual betrothal relationship, but recently they've become close enough to kiss.

    As I recalled the events of the past that I had forgotten about because I was crazy, my mind became more complicated for nothing. Kal Mia opened the door quickly, hoping that her secret thoughts would be exposed.

    “How are you going to hold me accountable? He is a man without a family or wealth, so there is nothing he can accept.”

    At that question, Rudbeckia's well-groomed lips twisted a little.

    “How about taking your life?”

    She would take her life for bruising her fiancee. It's just an excuse for anyone to see. Perhaps trying to kill Storoni is also linked to the grudges of her previous life. Kal Mia suddenly remembered herself in her previous life, where she handed the poison to this man.

    Is this man trying to figure out how to get her life back someday?

    When she thought that there might be a grudge against herself deep inside her, her friendly sense of distance seemed to double abruptly. He thought he was getting closer, but he felt as if he had encountered a cliff that was too far to cross. He seems to fall as it is if he walks a few more steps while being careless.

    After taking Storoni's life, is it your turn next?

    “I'll have to think about that. I have a lot of work to do right now, so I don’t have time to worry about it.”

    Kal Mia slowly turned her eyes away. Rudbeckia is the nemesis of a previous life. She must have resented her for her, her for leading her to her death. As she repeated it, her mind flashed as if cold water had been poured into her head. There's no way she could change her relationship with just one kiss. She struggled to smooth her rigid complexion.

    “Be prepared for that, as you will surely receive a reward.”

    Somehow, she didn't feel very happy.

    * * *

    Aside from her conversation with Rudbeckia, Kal Mia wondered if she should kill Storoni before she was too late.

    But in the end, her troubles had no choice but to end with her worries. It's because she sent someone to Phlox's mansion from the 2nd Prince's side. She looked like she had brought some good medicine to keep her trust with Count Phlox, but inside her, she was a manpower to protect Stony. She must have known that she had visited Rudbeckia, and she must have sensed her vigilance there as well.

    Thanks to this, the mansion was crowded like never before. Even if it wasn't, Kal Mia, who was too busy with her worries, doubled as her unwelcome guests unpacked their luggage and went to her long-term stay. She finally decided to drive out Rudbeckia and all those on her 2nd prince's side.

    On the night of that decision, Count Phlox died.

    His death was reproachingly peaceful.

    Not even having time to sort out her basement den troubles, Kal Mia had to stop all her work and cling to her funeral arrangements.

    “Mia, will you protect me if I have an accident?”

    And El Lua, who suddenly came to her busy Kal Mia, asked a strange question at first. In the last few days, I put Rudbeckia to deal with instead, did she carry the nonsense? Kal Mia, who looked at El Lua with her eccentric expression, sighed and shook her head.

    “Don’t ask for the obvious.”

    Even if she didn't, her funeral and succession of titles were added to her many duties, and she was so busy that she was dying. To the extent that she has no desire to resent the countess who died gracefully. She passed on to her outside employees and her guests, not to mention her condolences to the deceased.

    As she waved her hand as if to drive away her flying flies, trying to get her El Lua out, she suddenly raised her head. Ellua was smiling as if she really liked Kalmia's answer. Sera Kal Mia added her words quickly, probably due to a major accident right away.

    “But if you want to make an accident, do it after I get the title.”

    He has the proper power as a count only after a succession ceremony and official approval from the king. Until then, he was only a deputy head of state, so there was no choice but to limit Kalmia's ability to protect Ellua. At Kalmia's words, Ellua was very disappointed and had a pale expression on her face. When she saw the reaction, she became more anxious.

    “Have you done it already?”

    “I was going to do it right away, but my brother said that it would be better to ask Mia and do it, so I came here.”

    There are days when Rudbeckia is helpful. She's probably giving her advice based on her own experiences. Kal Mia nodded her head satisfactorily as she recalled her carefully crafted claims statement.

    She said, “You sounded right. But, what were you going to do?”

    “I was going to give my lightning bolt to Storoni.”


    Kalmia raised her eyebrows upwards. After confirming that no one was in her office, El Lua spoke over and over again.

    “The child was leaving without attending his father’s funeral, so I wanted to give him lightning as a last gift.”

    That can't be all. Kal Mia glared at Elua with her suspicious gaze. In her eyes, El Lua added in her small voice, secretly avoiding her gaze.

    “… … I cut her saddle straps.”

    It sounds like she was trying to assassinate proudly. At this point, it wasn't an assassination, he was just about to rush to kill him outright. To her absurd Kal Mia, El Lua took another bite of her, and she even added her words, 'Your brother said we should do it together'. Kalmia immediately withdrew her judgment, which she thought had helped Rudbeckia. That human was more rude than Rashid and should be avoided. He doesn't have anything to stain a child, so he's trying to color such a filthy thing!

    “It’s not your job to do that.”

    At Khalmia's resolute words, Ellua put on an unfair expression.

    “But Kalmia! Do you know how much a man named Gren stalked Stronnie while you were locked in the office? What the hell is that kid, he has the 2nd Prince’s mark?”

    It was Gren who came with the medicine sent by the 2nd Prince. Kalmia, who knew him in his previous life, recognized at a glance how important the 2nd Prince Storoni was. Gren moved as if it were one body with the second prince. She said that she gave him a token that she belonged to him and ordered him to bring her Stony. Her change of posture was so absurd that I wondered how she could have left Strooni almost locked up in Phlox's mansion until now.

    Anyway, Gren's raucous behavior was an unspoken warning that she shouldn't touch Stony.

    "L. The person who has the 2nd Prince's token is protecting Storoni, how will they react if they kill him outright?”

    Even if it is not, what if it is on the verge of taking a seat, but in this state, there is a dispute with the 2nd prince? Kalmia could not expect that Princess 1 would fully protect her. Her 1st princess liked her, but she hasn't fully embraced it yet. Rudbeckia? It wasn't something to be expected from the beginning at all. He is a human being who inspires Elua to get rid of Storoni, and even considers Khalmia suffering from the wrath of the second prince.

    “Then are you going to let it go like this? The whole basement library was turned upside down because of him?”

    “Anyway, without a key, all books are useless. And did you memorize the list of books they brought with you?”

    Kalmia had Elua make a list of the stolen books. As a result of checking, many of the books they took had already been read. She was convinced that with what she knew, she would be ahead of them right now. If they don't open the lock all the way, the gap will widen. It was a quicker and easier way to block a book from being read at all than to retrieve a book that had not been read. Besides, if it was Storoni, he would be willing to open the lock no matter what. Even if you waste that much time.

    Kalmia was going to turn the time he wasted into a golden opportunity. Besides, if you think about it, Storoni must be under the 2nd Prince to utilize the future knowledge Kalmia knows. In order to prove his worth to her 1st princess and establish herself in her politics, inevitably Storoni had to play the same scheming as her previous life on the other side of her. So that Kalmia can use it backwards.

    “It is, but… … .”

    Kal Mia sighed at the sight of Ellua trying to roll her head to the wrong side of her over and over again. She opened the bottom drawer of her desk and pulled out two books.

    “It seems like I have time left to think about useless thoughts, then look at this and analyze it.”

    "what's this?"

    On the heavy cover, an open lock was swaying. Elua looked at Kal Mia with her wide-open eyes. She turned to him, and Kal Mia responded in her hoarse voice.

    “Well, it’s a stolen book.”

    Rather than deliberately stealing it, it was fortunate that I did not put it in the basement study because it was what I was looking at. The voice that said it had been stolen was so proud that Ellua felt that stealing this book was not a big deal. She stole the royal family's belongings, so if caught, she'd be fine.

    El Lua, who was holding a book without tension, murmured in her puzzled voice.

    “Analyzing the novel?”

    “The magic ore that appears in the novel is Ighalo’s Jewel.”

    El Lua, who had unintentionally turned her bookshelf, was startled. She only added a word, but she understood the situation. She thinks she's a smart guy too, and Kal Mia gets her attention with a blunt look.

    “It is something that no one should know. To the older brother you like so much.”

    “Yeah, you’re the one who regulates Ighalo’s jewels.”

    Elua, who mumbled as if talking to herself, looked down at her unfolded contents. Perhaps, she will grasp the contents of the book so quickly that Elua can't even compare it to Kal Mia. Maybe she finds out more about Kal Mia than she did. Kalmia decided to admit it. Given the circumstances, she knew that it would be absurd to dig up the secrets of magic ore alone and deal with everyone. She wasn't good enough for her abilities.

    Kal Mia, who had her chin on her chin and looked at Ellua, asked in her calm voice.

    “El, are you always on my side?”

    Ellua rolled her eyes and met her Kal Mia.

    “Don’t ask for the obvious.”

    Hearing the harsh remark, Kalmia smiled involuntarily. As always, the twins were each other's closest family and friends.

    maybe forever in the future.

    “You really don’t see me playing.”

    “Because you don’t play quietly and you always want to have an accident.”

    El Lua, who had been smirking at her happily smiling Kal Mia, murmured into her mouth. She had been liking her for a while because she didn't help with the business, but she seemed dissatisfied with taking on a new job. Even though she muttered, her manner of scanning the table of contents of novels was so sincere, Kal Mia was immersed in joy for a while. Thanks to her El Lua, she had relieved her tension for a moment, but suddenly she remembered the words she had heard before.

    “But, L. Storoni said he was leaving without attending the funeral?”

    "Yes. It's because I don't have the confidence to see the end of the person I've been serving for a long time, or something. Who doesn't know that it's all bullshit?"

    Elua told me to ignore it, and she gave me advice that didn't seem like advice, so I grabbed her book. Kal Mia was unable to focus on her work again, even after he left, clasping her book cover in her cloak and swearing to get the job done. Covering her face with her hands, she let out a weary breath.

    She won't attend the funeral? Can't afford to see the end? As Elua said, that was bullshit.

    “… … You are wasting your time asking me to meet you.”

    What do you want to say to this point?

    * * *

    It was purely coincidental that Rudbeckia was faced with the current situation. He didn't mind when she asked her pardon with her sorry face, saying that El Rua, who she had always wanted to stick with him, got her job. Anyway, there were things that Rudbeckia couldn't handle because she had to come to Pliache in a hurry, and his subordinates were moving instead of carrying work. Since he had already attended the funeral of Count Phlox and decided to return, he had no choice but to bring work here.

    So Rudbeckia had a lot of work to do even though she was staying in someone else's mansion. He had just received a report from Herylton the other day. Herylton said he found out that the second prince had carried a number of books from the basement of the mansion. Rudbeckia could easily guess what it was. It must have been books about magic ore. It was said that Storoni succeeded in making a deal with the 2nd Prince as in his previous life. Even though he was angry at the fact that he could not stop the flow in the end, if there was one thing that was relieved, it was the fact that he already knew what was going to happen in the future.

    In his previous life, after learning that the knowledge of magical ore was held by the 2nd Prince, he opted to bring it out in the sun. This is because, if he did not have information, he thought that it would be better to lower the value of it by revealing its existence in front of everyone. As a result, he found the magic ore that was buried in this country, and it seemed to poke the loophole of the second prince at the beginning. Although he wouldn't have made such an enterprising choice if he had had a little more information on him.

    Even in this life, Rudbeckia did not get as much knowledge about magic ore as she had hoped for. In that case, he tried to block the import of magic ore at all, but he failed. A great current is flowing as in his previous life. Recalling that the words of his previous life were very bad, he had to be vigilant. Still, why is the corner of my heart loose?

    He just went out to the garden to find the answer. He really didn't mean anything else. It was never a step I took with the intention of overhearing other people's conversations.

    However, I didn't want to pretend that I didn't know about the conversation I heard by chance.

    should i stop Should I make it public again? Revealing the magic ore hidden in this land?

    Despite their troubled minds, the conversation between the two continued.

    “What for example?”

    “It may be hard to believe, but it is a cursed stone. One day, the evil energy of that stone will summon monsters to this land.”

    monster. It was a word I hadn't heard in a very long time in my life. The enlisted members of the Matari family were prepared several times more firmly than in their previous lives, and constantly warned the royal family, persuading them to train their soldiers. However, no matter how prepared you were, the uneasy thing was uneasy. Previously, monsters appeared suddenly, and for the people of the kingdom who were immersed in peace, it was like a clear-cut force. Of course, there was no choice but to inflict great damage.

    It was an extremely realistic statement to Rudbeckia, but Kalmia responded lightly, as if she had heard an absurd sound.

    “Stronnie, you must have been quite obsessed with novels while you were locked in your room?”

    “I know you won’t believe it. So I couldn't talk. It will sound absurd to you.”

    Of course. Rudbeckia wouldn't have believed her if it hadn't been for her previous life experiences. Storoni himself, who said that, must have been vaguely imagining monsters.

    “Let’s say we make a hundred concessions and that’s what happens. Why is that a reason to come to you?”

    “The second prince’s book must contain the answer to govern the stone, and it will be my job to study it.”

    There was certainty in Storoni's voice. When the hell did you meet the prince? In my previous life, I thought that I had contacted the prince with Kalmia at the fore, but it seems that Storoni had a different method of its own. In what form do you intend to intervene in this life? Now that he's lost on the Phlox family, will he try to help Prince 2 by staying in the lab and living a reclusive life? As Rudbeckia was weighing several possibilities, Storoni took a step towards Kal Mia with her calm face.

    “It’s not too late. Come with me.”

    that crazy bastard Rudbeckia, who swallowed the profanity she almost spit involuntarily, tensed her body. Should she step in?

    “I never thought of letting you go for even a moment.”

    Rudbeckia wanted to laugh out loud at her shameless face. However, from an objective point of view, Stroni's expression was full of sincerity, which made him anxious. She might know a little bit about why Kal Mia was helplessly swayed by Storoni in her previous life. She acted with such a desperate expression, so she would have had no choice but to believe that you were sincere.

    Fortunately, Kalmia in this life showed much more accurate and wise judgment than in the previous life.

    “Then do it now.”

    She cut Storoni's mournful words with her single knife. Furthermore, he bid farewell with a generous ridicule.

    “Aren't you going to the funeral? Then this will be my last goodbye Good bye. I don’t see you off.”

    At the sound of her voice, which seemed without any regrets, Rudbeckia was captured by her unknown sense of relief. Perhaps she would have been more perfect without Strooni's next words.

    “How about a goodbye kiss instead of seeing off?”

    Rudbeckia ran away as soon as possible, and she almost got in between them. Grasping her wooden post, he struggled to suppress her impulses. Meanwhile, Storoni's calm nonsense continued.

    “If you kiss me, as a last favor, I’ll give you a piece of really important information.”

    She couldn't guess what Kal Mia was thinking just by looking at her expression. Rudbeckia took hold of her wooden post stronger. She felt the slightest pain as her rough bark and thorns burrowed into the delicate part of her palm. It suppressed her mysterious emotions that were churning with pain and helped her make a rational decision.

    “Information that will be of great interest to you.”

    Storoni's attitude was irrational. It is unknown whether it was anger at Kal Mia for not moving according to her will, or an obsession with what she did not have, but it was certain that her judgment was clouded by it. Perhaps there is nothing wrong with hearing that information. At first glance, it seemed useful to be able to hear information at a kiss. Her head came to the conclusion that it wasn't bad at once.

    To accept her conclusion, Rudbeckia almost ripped off the bark of her tree pole. It was a bonus that she had a lot of thorns in her hand.

    “Do you think I will find it difficult to kiss you?”

    A question with a slight smile was heard. It was noticed that Kal Mia had reached her conclusions like her Rudbeckia. Considering the way she behaved during that time, it was a natural conclusion. But is it just a calculation based on rational judgment?

    When Rudbeckia asked to take Storoni's life, she remembered the image of Kal Mia, whom she was not happy with. Kal Mia in her previous life was Storoni's lover. The relationship had not progressed to that point in this lifetime, but there was no guarantee that there would be no emotion. Maybe there is something resentful about him in my heart?

    There was no trace of regret anywhere on Kal Mia's dull face, but she kept thinking about it. Anyway, a few days ago, she was hesitant about killing Storoni.

    “I wish I hadn’t done that. Besides, it's no big deal. Just one kiss.”

    Rudbeckia held her breath without realizing it. Kal Mia crossed her arms and nodded her head in agreement with Storoni as she walked slowly around him. Close enough to snuggle into her in one breath when Strooni stretches her arms out.

    She really is a woman who doesn't know the proper distance. Rudbeckia bit her lips involuntarily. As if she was giving a review, she was filled with frustration at her gaze as she scans Stony. When the hell is she going to understand that there is no one man to trust in the world!

    Or does she actually want her to kiss?

    My blood went cold at the sudden thought. Rudbeckia gave strength to the two legs she wanted to intervene immediately. He wanted to see Kalmia's choice. Whether it's information or regret, she might want her to kiss Strooni. Her choice was up to Kal Mia. If she wants her kiss, if she wants... … I'll have to go and think about it then.

    Kal Mia, who had been hovering around Storoni as if in pain, tapping her lower lip with her index finger, finally stopped her steps. Storoni, who had been waiting patiently for her, gently reached out to her. But before his fingertips could reach Kal Mia, she barely stepped back from her. I could see the hem of her robe moving away as if it was about to touch her fingertips. She smiled slyly towards Stony, her lightly frown on her face.

    “I’m sorry, but my fiance is very jealous.”

    A question with a slight smile was heard. Kalmia seemed to have reached the same conclusion as Rudbeckia. Considering the way she behaved during that time, it was a natural conclusion. But is it just a calculation based on rational judgment?

    When Rudbeckia asked to take Storoni's life, she remembered the image of Kal Mia, whom she was not happy with. Kal Mia in her previous life was Storoni's lover. The relationship had not progressed to that point in this lifetime, but there was no guarantee that there would be no emotion. Maybe there is something resentful about him in my heart?

    There was no trace of regret anywhere on Kal Mia's dull face, but she kept thinking about it. Anyway, a few days ago, she was hesitant about killing Storoni.

    “I wish I hadn’t done that. Besides, it's no big deal. Just one kiss.”

    Rudbeckia held her breath without realizing it. Kal Mia crossed her arms and nodded her head as if she agreed with Storoni, as she slowly walked around him. Close enough to snuggle into her in one breath when Strooni stretches her arms out.

    She really is a woman who doesn't know the proper distance. Rudbeckia bit her lips involuntarily. She was filled with frustration as she looked at Stony as if criticizing her. When the hell is she going to understand that there is no one man to trust in the world!

    Or does she actually want a kiss?

    My blood went cold at the sudden thought. Rudbeckia gave strength to the two legs she wanted to intervene immediately. He wanted to see her Kalmia's choice. Whether it's information or regret, she might want her to kiss Strooni. Her choice was up to Kal Mia. If she wants her kiss, if she wants... … I'll have to go and think about it then.

    Kal Mia, who had been hovering around Storoni as if in pain, tapping her lower lip with her index finger, finally stopped her steps. Storoni, who had been waiting patiently for her, gently reached out to her. But before his fingertips could reach Kal Mia, she barely stepped back from her. I could see the hem of her robe moving away as if it was about to touch her fingertips. She smiled slyly towards Stony, her lightly frown on her face.

    “I’m sorry, but my fiance is very jealous.”

    The rock that had weighed on her chest disappeared. Without further ado, her body moved first.

    “It’s nice to know.”

    The sight of Khal Mia looking back at her with her startled eyes lifted her mood a little. Rudbeckia straddled her long legs and she approached them both. Storoni's expression was clearly distorted. Rudbeckia, who looked at him with a pitiful gaze, parted her lips with a dull expression. But before he could utter anything, Kalmia came up to him at first glance with a smile.

    “You can do this!”

    Kal Mia, who spit out a big sigh, fluttered her skirt and came up to Rudbeckia's nose. Grabbing her cravat, she met her eyes and whispered very softly.

    “Help me.”

    Rudbeckia couldn't afford to understand the meaning of those words. It was because of the words Karl Mia, who had glanced behind her at her glance, said with a languid smile to Storoni.

    “I can’t kiss a man outside my fiancée, so I’ll show you how to kiss instead.”

    I could see Storoni's face turning white. Without even having time to ridicule it, the cravat pulled up and a soft touch touched her lips. I could feel the moist, hot breath passing through her gaping lips. Instinctively wrapping his arms around his thin waist, the opponent leaned on him a little more reliably. His arms were wrapped around his neck, carrying his weight. His lips pressed closer together, and blood began to circulate through his tensed body.

    The attitude of Rudbeckia, who had stood stupidly, changed. He grabbed Kal Mia's tongue, who had been tapping like a prank, and buried her head, digging deeper into the other person's mouth. His arm, which was wrapped around his neck as if to wear it, tightened. His back was bent backwards and he lost his balance. Rudbeckia took her weight and brushed her lips without hesitation. A sweet, unfamiliar fluid from hers rolled down the tip of her tongue.

    Her arm wrapped around her neck quickly tapped her shoulder. The reason, who had forgotten her situation and was absorbed in her desperate movement, returned slowly. Kal Mia's face, gasping for breath with her flushed red face, came into her sight. As she parted her lips slightly, she opened her mouth wide to catch her breath. A glimpse of her tongue peeked into her slick lips, and she was thirsty again. But she couldn't help it when she hit her on the shoulder once more. Rudbeckia bit her lips in dissatisfaction.

    With her reluctant look on her face, he lifted her glance as he straightened her Kal Mia's body. Storoni was staring at the two of them with a ghostly complexion. Kal Mia, who had barely caught her breath, leaning against her Rudbeckia's arms, asked in her hoarse voice.

    “Have you been greeted?”

    Storoni's lips trembled. He looked at her Kal Mia with eyes that seemed to make her cry at any moment, and then he turned her head with a sad expression.


    Storoni, who had been standing precariously, could not stand any longer and turned her body. Kal Mia rested her head on her Rudbeckia's arm until he turned back to her rough gait and disappeared completely. Finally, when her pale blonde hair disappeared beyond her garden trees, Kal Mia also slipped out of Rudbeckia's arms. Rudbeckia, who had been holding her hand around her waist until then, felt the warmth of her suddenly escaped and turned her head.

    Kal Mia was adjusting her dressing as if it had just happened. She would have felt like she hadn't kissed her if her cheeks weren't blushing. Her expression of Rudbeckia hardened even more displeased. He closed her lips and pondered for a moment, then said abruptly.

    “It was a kiss without consent.”

    Karl Mia, who was cleaning her skirt with her hands, opened her eyes. She opened her mouth as if she couldn't believe what she had heard, and then she narrowed her eyes.

    “Honestly, did you feel good?”

    “Even so, it cannot be denied that there was no consent.”

    “Oh my God, I have nothing to complain about!”

    Kal Mia frowned and looked at Rudbeckia. Still, what she couldn't refute more meant that she also agreed to some extent with her Rudbeckia's question. Rudbeckia gently tightened her lower chin to keep her sullen look with her efforts.

    “You gave me immunity.”

    “What are you giving me?”

    She said Khal Mia and she didn't seem to understand what he was saying. Rudbeckia emphasized again with her calm voice.

    “You will have to skip it at least once in the future.”

    Kalmia, who had hardened her eyes and blinked, made an unsettling expression on her face. As she tilted her head as if something was wrong with her, she answered in her shaky tone.

    “… … Well, it is.”

    It was like a man with his eyes open and his nose slit. Rudbeckia, who was staring at Kal Mia quietly, smiled slightly and turned her body. He heard a voice asking what the hell he was going to ask her to go over behind her back, but he pretended he didn't hear her and moved on. As she looked around the peaceful garden and tried to calm the heat rising from her body, Kal Mia sneaked up to her side.

    “By the way, how far did you overhear the conversation?”

    “It was not intended. sorry."

    Rudbeckia apologized quickly. Kal Mia responded by shaking her hand as if it didn't matter.

    “It wasn’t even a very important conversation.”

    She turned her back and spoke to her in her hoarse voice.

    “I don’t need to explain why you heard. Ighalo's Jewel cannot be put into their hands. So, Confucius must work hard.”

    "of course."

    “But you have to look at my situation. Since it's related to the book kept by the Phlox family, shouldn't we know a bit more about Ighalo's Jewel? If possible, it would be better if the regulations were relaxed a bit.”

    Her calm voice continued smoothly. Rudbeckia could easily recognize that Kalmia's true intentions were behind the scenes. I don't know what he was going to do, but Kalmia seemed to want to comfortably distribute Ighalo's gems and magic ore.

    No, in fact, Rudbeckia may already know what she is trying to do. He recalled what he had been told in the capital. The Terracoma family has an unidentified patron. A medicine made from magic ore. Rashid's settlement of Pliache. A swarm of rats monitoring Storoni. that moved the swarm... … .

    Rudbeckia tried to diagnose my condition objectively. Even though he already knew the answer, he was putting off his final reasoning. That was not the case.

    Standing with his back on his back, he stared at the garden tree in front of me. Whether or not she knew what he meant, Kalmia was sitting next to him, secretly explaining why the Phlox family had to study Ighalo's jewels. As Rudbeckia glanced back at her with her glance, her delicate lips gently closed. She could see her gray eyes rolling. Seeing her showing a keen interest in magic ore, Rudbeckia opened her mouth without realizing it.

    “You must not ignore his warning.”

    At those words, Kalmia made a puzzled expression.

    “It’s unbelievable.”

    It's no use talking. Though she thought so in her head, Rudbeckia made a stern voice without realizing it.

    “The Jewel of Ighalo is dangerous. It will not stop at just summoning monsters. Its wickedness may affect people as well.”

    He spoke out impulsively and immediately regretted it. Is it a monster or evil? It was a warning no one had ever listened to. Rudbeckia has already told this to those close to her, and they get replies such as imaginative or intriguing jokes. Kalmia's reaction will not be much different either.

    “Is that why you regulate Ighalo’s Jewel?”

    “Of course, everyone says it’s a leap. No one believes it, and I agree that it's hard to believe, but... … .”


    The answer that came out while cutting Rudbeckia's words was very firm. Rudbeckia, who was about to add her gibberish explanation, looked at Kal Mia in surprise. Her expression, which she thought would be mischievous or ridiculed, was surprisingly serious. It was a reaction she didn't expect from anyone, but the response she had hoped for from anyone in her heart. Losing her words and staring at Kal Mia, he made a quiet voice.

    “Did she sarcastically ask him if he was obsessed with novels?”

    It was a counter-question that sounded a bit stupid even if I thought about it myself. Kal Mia also thought so, and she frowned as soon as she heard it. Then she asked, annoyed, as if she was talking nonsense.

    “Are Storoni and Confucius the same?”

    “… … Is it different?”

    At that question, Kal Mia clicked her tongue with a pitiful expression.

    “It’s like no one believes you. I'm Confucius' fiancée, so you have to trust me too."

    Rudbeckia held her hand firmly behind her back. Her previously injured area was pressed against her, and she felt her pain. It turned her stupidly hardened head back into reality.

    “I’ll take you seriously, so let go of your doubts.”

    How he understood Rudbeckia's silent reaction, Kalmia reiterated as an adult. She patted her on the shoulder with her favor and turned her gaze towards her garden. Thanks to this, Rudbeckia took a close look at her slightly raised eyes, her tall nose, and her side profile with her bitten lips in her eyes. Then she followed her and shifted her gaze towards her garden.

    “In the estate of the Matari family… … .”


    “There is one big lake.”

    Kal Mia's curious gaze was felt on the face next to her. Rudbeckia spoke to her while keeping an eye on her garden.

    “The sunset light on the lake at sunset is very beautiful.”


    “I will guide you when you visit.”

    Kal Mia grunted as if trying to judge her intentions in her Rudbeckia words. Then she asked cautiously.

    “Are you saying you want to brag?”

    Counting the leaves of her garden tree with her eyes, Rudbeckia calmly calmed her feelings and glanced at Kal Mia.

    “Yes, I want to brag. So please come.”

    As her seldom affirmed, her Kal-Mia's expression grew even more bizarre. Frown eyebrows, crooked lips, and even the cheeks that were slightly dug out from the effort. Observing the subtle changes in her expression, Rudbeckia doubted that she was crazy. Without that, that bumpy figure couldn't have looked cute.

    “I wonder how proud you are of how amazing it is.”

    “When are you coming?”

    As she moved forward to confirm her date on the spot, Kal Mia, unable to hide her embarrassment, swung her body back.

    “… … excuse me. She passed her father's death to her now, and is due to take over her title. Your fiancee is a lot busier than you think?”

    She hears it and sees it. Rudbeckia nodded her head, acknowledging that she had rushed too much.

    "all right."

    Her father's stature is about a week long, and her title succession ceremony is one month? It must be approved by the king in the capital, but this can be done by letter. As long as there aren't any major issues, I'll probably approve. It won't take too long, as Rudbeckia can urge you to do it again. The housekeeper will change and she will have to tidy up the messy interior, so can she take that into consideration in two months?

    As she was estimating the time of her death in her head, she heard Kal Mia's muffled voice.

    “And this is just advice. She knows that Confucius said this because he wanted to brag, but be careful in front of others. Anyone who hears it would think we were really engaged.”

    “Are you really engaged?”

    As she frowned slightly in response, Kal Mia shook her head as if she had heard something funny.

    “What kind of real engagement is an engagement that is supposed to break up? Stop joking around and get ready to break up your marriage. One year will pass quickly if you put down the rumors that Confucius has spread.”

    In her light tone, she smiled and tapped Rudbeckia's arm.

    “I will go in first. Go for a walk and go in.”

    Rudbeckia stared at the back of Kal Mia, who left first without even looking behind her. I don't know where to start to fix it. Somehow, her hips hurt. It's fake because it's an engagement that was supposed to break up.

    So, how do you really change it?

    It took me more than an hour just to recopy all Korean texts from playbook....:blobsob:

    But jealous and angry Rudbeckia:blobnosebleed::blobnosebleed: as well as Kalmia going crazy and smash those keys :blobpopcorn::blobpopcorn_cool: This chapter is quite on fire.

    Hehehe.... that kiss though o////////o

    It's already night in my place so I will probably post tomorrow Ch 10 when I have free time. Hope you guys like it:blobsmilehappyeyes: