Spoiler High Class Society/상류 사회

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by your crush, Mar 27, 2022.

  1. your crush

    your crush Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Name: High Class Society/상류 사회
    Author: https://ridibooks.com/author/95155#books (Author of 'Obey Me')
    Status:60 chapters(ongoing)
    Adele, a shoe shiner from a slum. She is in a position to be sold because she can't pay her protection fee, so she meets Cesare, who she meets by chance, and plans a scam for her.

    “You are my little sister who has been hidden from today.”
    “The goal is to seduce the son of della Valle and marry him.”
    "all right."

    Cesare smiled brightly, her eyes shining like a morning star.

    “The deadline is three months. In it so that she becomes a great Buona Parte lady. Her body, mind, and tone, from her fingertips to her toes, everything. We are deceiving the whole social world for pornati.”


    Seeing Cesare at her engagement ceremony, Adele said calmly.

    “You brought me in in the first place to marry Sir Ezra.”
    "Yes it was."

    Cesare answered meekly. For a moment, he burst out laughing.

    “Then why do you feel so bad?”

    Hehehe~ seems interesting. Spoilers Please!!
  2. Spoiler Curator

    Spoiler Curator Hi , Click Edit and Edit My Posts

    Oct 13, 2020
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    Spoiler Table of Contents Placeholder

    Table of Contents
    • Chapter 100 spoiler
    • Chapter 250 spoiler
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  3. Rinkunai

    Rinkunai Active Member

    Feb 28, 2022
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    This seems pretty interesting! I checked it out on Ridibooks, and the ratings are pretty high. I think this novel is in the Top 10 in the Weekly Ranking? I hope someone picks this up :blob_plusone:

    If anyone wants to pick this up, I'll gladly provide the raws!
  4. NohrNeir

    NohrNeir rereading frenzy

    Apr 28, 2020
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    Author writes well for something boring. I keep reading it just for the engagement scene in the synopsis even though I'm getting bored of it. It's just one social event after another, nothing else. ML isn't a great guy either though it seems FL is still somewhat always thinking about him despite not liking him much. ML on the other hand seems to be falling for FL but doesn't know.

    I'm bad with names so I shorten some of them (probably made mistakes in some too). It's set in a pseudo-Italian society so lots of Italian words.

    FL was caught having overheard ML and his friend and was then made included in his plan to get out of a marriage with a lady (Lu) from another noble family. He didn't want to marry but his family and her family had long made an agreement before for someone of their descendants to marry, so ML thought to have FL pose as his sister to marry the lady's brother (Ezra). He was originally skeptical of the plan but when she removed her disguise, he realized she was beautiful so it works out even though their features were different.

    Before he had her come out in public high society, he had her educated. He brought in the supposedly best tutor but she was strict and mean to FL since the tutor wanted ML to marry Lu. She would be extra strict on FL even though FL did all she was asked off. One time when she was learning to dance, she practiced so long every day, her feet bleeds from the shoes and couldn't walk well and ended up accidentally falling over while ML was in the middle of some social event. She was able to play it off well that she wanted to see her brother. ML pretended to be a nice brother in public but once alone, he got upset at her for showing that state and also revealing her ugly feet so he punished her. (don't quite remember the punishment)

    Something happened with the teacher where she sided with Lu to remove FL and the tutor told Lu that FL isn't ML's real sister as they had claimed. Lu had originally thought to befriend FL to get on ML's good grace. FL decided to take up her offer since she had to try to marry Lu's brother so she thought to use her as well. ML wasn't pleased to find out and thought FL was just mediocre. Somehow the teacher tried to not help Lu anymore and Lu wasn't pleased and had the teacher killed when the teacher threatened she will tell ML. ML had already found out so he didn't care and ended up hiring another teacher. (I don't quite remember this arc but I remember FL was left scared of ML thinking he killed the tutor when it was Lu.)

    ML wasn't nice but FL still trusted him so even after many occurrences, she was still fine with him but the one event that broke her was when he didn't tell her about a test before coming out in society. He dressed her up and brought her to a place where everyone wore masks and left her alone pretending he had to go somewhere for a bit. All the other nobles at the event started to harass her. The women mocked her for being next to ML and the men wanted to sexually harass her once they found out she was pretty. ML watched on the side with his friend saying she has to be able to handle it since all people of high society goes through the test, but his friend said that usually family members would tell their female family members beforehand to prepare them. He didn't do that. The whole time FL thought ML would come back to save her but it took him a long time to come back and when he finally did, she ended up crying and apologizing for not doing well. ML got upset since seeing her cry made him feel disgusted. After that she stopped trusting him and put on a perfect sister mask in front of him all the time even when he tried to make her break that mask and he would try to call her by her real name. She just laugh it off.

    During his birthday was when he finally plan to show her off to society. FL met Lu and Lu's friend (Gevionette (might've spelled her name wrong)). Lu's friend was starting to realize Lu isn't a good friend when she befriended FL who was actually being nice, not the fake nice Lu displays. ML and FL danced well together but he was trying to flirt with her and she rejected his advances. Lu saw them dancing together and realized ML made a small mistake while dancing which he never did before so she caught onto that ML have feelings for FL. She thought FL lied to ML to pretend to be his sister to get close to ML so she called FL and prostitute and ML is being seduced by her. FL upset ML when after their dance was over, she told him to introduce her to Ezra who had just came in late.

    ML and FL took a vacation at some resorts with other people from high society. FL asked ML if she can ride with him. He was surprised but when she told him she wants to go to some event where Ezra is, he didn't want to bring her and had her knight (Aidel) take her instead. He usually just leaves FL to play games with his friends. He kept winning the horse races. FL doesn't know how to ride and wondered about it. FL had a nice moment with Aidel. He rode with her and was making the horse run fast so she can feel what it was like. She enjoyed it a lot and was smiling but when she got back ML kept eyeing the knight.

    Lu decided she will still help FL marry her brother but later on she will reveal that FL isn't ML's real sister so she can still have ML marry her and would be able to get FL out of the way with her brother. So she pretended to be nice to invite FL over to a greenhouse but pushed her and left her alone. Lu had lied to her brother to meet her there so Ezra showed up and was upset to see FL. He thought FL was trying to seduce him. FL pretended she didn't even want to marry him so he lowers his guard and they became close. Ezra noticed she couldn't walk cause she got hurt so he carried her back. ML who noticed them coming in together wasn't happy but then pretended to be fine when they showed up. He mocked FL later on for doing well.

    Ezra who is worried about her feet invited her to some book club so he can check up on her. She agreed but when ML found out he also tried to invite her to another more renown club for higher ranked people so bribe her she can make better connections but FL turned him down since her original goal is to marry Ezra. ML got upset but pretended to agree since it was true. He just keep saying he feels disgusted around her.

    Ezra showed up to take her to the book club. He asked about her feet and FL said it was treated. Ezra found out that ML was there when FL was getting treated and had shown her feet and ankles to ML. He found it odd since even siblings aren't ever in the same bedroom, let alone the lady showing her ankles and feet to a guy even if he was family. But FL doesn't notice. She thought it was perfectly normal. FL found out that the club ML invited her is much better than the book club. She wondered if ML went there. At the book club, she saw her friend. People were surprised to see Ezra and FL coming in together, also FL coming to the club as well since the book club wasn't that renowned and most of the nobles there are like 3rd or 4th sons and daughters of lower nobles. FL tried to play off as the aloof lady but the other nobles were able to see through her disguise when they realized she was talking about something that normal nobles don't do in reality but only done in books so it was as if she read a bunch of books about nobles and thought that was real. They were talking about dueling. Later on the conversations steer to about the poor society and FL got upset since they were talking about the place she was from and looking down on them. Ezra noticed she was upset and took her away. He told her later. FL was thankful and touched for Ezra but also felt guilty.

    ML ended up not going to that club he invited FL to. He was so upset that he went to another club instead and decided to go back to his old habit of playing and sleeping around since FL is supposedly enjoying herself with a guy too so he can also enjoy himself with a lady. Charlotte and ML flirt around and they were heading to the 2nd floor about to go have sex. She pushed him down and the whole time he was tipsy and imagining he was with FL, but then when Charlotte kissed his neck, he broke out of his immersion since he knows FL would never kiss him. He threw her down and left. Charlotte was upset but ML rushed back to the resort to check on FL.

    ML spotted her looking distraught at the garden. He asked about it. She noticed the lipstick mark on his neck and he wiped it off. But FL said she doesn't care about her brother's private life and he got upset. She did end up telling him about the conversation about the poor place. He said questioned why she should feel bad when she's in his family now and should just forget her past. He asked if Ezra upset her. FL said Ezra made her feel better. ML wasn't happy to hear that.

    FL wanted to avoid Ezra because of guilt but next day she spotted ML dressed up nicely and thought he was going on a date. Instead he took her on his horse and they rode to a gambling place. They bumped into Charlotte there whom FL thought ML had made love with the previous night but then Charlotte slapped his face and FL found out ML had left her. Charlotte ended up inviting Ezra as well. Ezra commented on the cheek and ML commented that Ezra is a virgin. Ezra got embarrassed but FL didn't see what's wrong with that. Later on, it turns out ML is bad at gambling and kept losing and Ezra is pretty good at gambling so Charlotte brought him as payback for what ML did to her. ML pretended to be upset about losing but when FL pulled him aside to ask about it, he told her to keep it a secret. He said his sister is annoying and FL told him to keep that a secret. He laughed over that. FL thought it was the first time she saw him really laugh.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2022
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  5. NohrNeir

    NohrNeir rereading frenzy

    Apr 28, 2020
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    There was a part before where ML tried to do it with FL. He pinned her to the bed but she turned him down and eventually he let her go. He clearly feels sexual attraction towards FL and does think she's very beautiful. I can't tell if he likes her as a person but he does get surprised when she notices things about him, things people normally don't notice. Latest chapter it reveals more of his ideology.

    To explain, ML isn't really consider "nobility" and hence why his family might've wanted to marry into nobility for more power or standing. The family is powerful though as they had been ruling a republic for a long time. The citizens of the country respect the family and ML. The keynote is "citizen" as FL couldn't even really be called a citizen before as her being from the slums she doesn't have as much rights as the "citizens".

    In the latest chapter FL asked if he saw the report about what happened at the book club since he never brought it up. He said he did but had complicated feelings over it since he had originally viewed poor people the same way as the nobles did- that they're lazy and hence why they couldn't work their way up, but after knowing FL he realized that even FL who was from the slums needed his help to escape the slums and it wasn't as if she didn't work hard. ML as the head of the republic chooses to remain neutral in most of the stances between the rich and poor. Somehow, FL respected him for being neutral and felt he was actually nicer than she thought, and thought that was probably why the citizens love him even though he is someone who is willing to sell the slaves as slaves.

    She commented he is nicer than she thought and he told her that she's more stupider than he thought. When he reached over his hand, she thought he would hit her forehead but he ended up touching her hair. She just closed her eyes and endure being stroked on the head and felt the touch go to her neck.

    Suddenly she heard the voice of Ezra yelling what ML was trying to do. She opened her eyes and was surprised to see ML so close to her. She was confused what had happened and asked. Ezra was speechless but managed to say ML just kissed her. (So he had kissed her neck instead of touching it.)

    Author good at "interesting" cliffhangers.
    SinfulChibi, rtmwng, Dvenger and 46 others like this.
  6. your crush

    your crush Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    The fl seems to have no backbone. She should do something about not defending herself against people rather than having vain expectations from ml and Erza(2nd ml?). Anyways, thank you very much for this detailed spoiler!!!:bloblove:

    Hahaha, dunno why but I feel sorry for Erza who had to see pseudo(?) incest.
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  7. NohrNeir

    NohrNeir rereading frenzy

    Apr 28, 2020
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    vague continuation until c94

    So Ezra proposed to FL in front of ML. He felt if he married FL, he can protect FL from her brother. He still doesn't know they're not really siblings so he felt ML is having forbidden feelings for his own sister. Afterwards, Ezra sent an actual proposal to the family. ML kept hiding it from FL and kept FL home. She was allowed to go to a ladies' gathering. There the ladies talked about what they own. One lady, Palmina, working under Lu, decided to bid against FL. They gambled cards. If Palmina wins, she will get the ships under FL, and FL wants Palmina to donate the winning money to the poor society under Bonaparte's name if she wins. In the first round, Palmina won. ML was talking to his servant when he found out that the ladies were bullying FL and on the verge of losing. So he rushed to the ladies' gathering thinking FL might cry again. She didn't cry and he disrupted the lady. He ended up playing the game against Palmina with FL's help. ML won with FL's help. Everyone was surprised since ML always loses. Later on when alone, she gave him the card that she switched out to help them win and said she would've easily won herself but since he came, she had to adjust her tactics to win. ML kept the card.

    ML hosted a party, saying it's in commemoration for his winning a card game. ML and FL danced away from the other people. They talked and when he tried to kiss her when he felt her leaning on his chest, she pushed him away. He thinks that if it was Ezra she would've accepted his kiss. ML got upset and told her to see him the next morning. The next morning he finally gave her Ezra's official proposal as well as a picture of a mansion. When FL asked about the mansion he questioned if she's going to have fun with him. In other words he was trying to bribe her to play with him for the mansion. He made a backhanded comment about how she's pretty that she could've done better. FL felt insulted replying that if she had sold her body earlier, she wouldn't have been poor. FL said he would have to kneel to her if he wants her body. So he got on his knee and grabbed her leg to kiss it. FL pushed him away and ran off without her shoes. She bumped into Ezra who saw her disheveled crying state and thought ML did something. FL refute it, but he took her somewhere private to hide her from the other approaching ladies. He covered her with his coat. Fl cried because she got hurt from ML commenting why she didn't sell her body, but she didn't tell Ezra. Ezra offered to let her stay at his place and she agreed but she needs her brother's approval, so Ezra went on his own to get it. He came back with a bruised cheek and told FL that ML agreed. They got her belongings and left for his family residence.

    They bumped into Lu at his family's place and Ezra told Lu to be good to FL since they'll be family. Lu pretends to be nice to FL. FL met up with Ezra's father who told FL that it's difficult for nobility to marry for love but he expects husband and wife to be on the same side. He wants his children to still be happy. Ezra promised FL he'll be a good husband and FL also promised him that she'll be a good wife to him. Ezra decided to host a ball. He didn't invite ML but ML found out anyway when his friend got an invitation and let ML attend with it. He told ML to go to show FL what she's losing out on since ML is better than Ezra. ML decided to go to do that but when he got there he saw FL and Ezra dancing happily and felt disgusted. ML approached them and greeted them. Ezra stepped in between ML and FL, while FL stepped behind Ezra to let him defend her. ML noticed this and had an argument with Ezra. FL ended up stepping in between them to stop them, but ML then asks FL for a dance. Without even hearing her answer, he took her hand and forced her to dance with him. Even after 1hr, he wouldn't let go and kept dancing with her after 3-4 songs had passed. Everyone pitied FL since she looked tire but ML still wouldn't let go. An elderly lady with dementia thought they were lovers making a comment that's not how a brother would look at his sister.

    Probably the longest month ever. It was set for FL to seduce Ezra within 3 months, but it's long been a month left for the engagement. Also ML had already noticed his own feelings for FL but isn't taking FL seriously because he doesn't think she's on par with him. He just thinks it's a pity that he couldn't get to have a taste of the woman he finally likes before sending her off to marry another man.
    rtmwng, Dvenger, icay1x and 47 others like this.
  8. Alicelz

    Alicelz Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2022
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    After reading the spoilers, I really want Ezra or other new love interest become ML, or the ending is just FL happily live without ended with someone
  9. Hazel123

    Hazel123 Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2021
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    Please keep spoiler until the end and thank you for the spoiler.
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  10. Rin.rinaaa

    Rin.rinaaa Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2020
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  11. your crush

    your crush Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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  12. november27

    november27 Happy, free, confuse and lonely in the best way

    Mar 3, 2021
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    Please keep spoiling :cookie::cookie: also the one in the cover , is it FL ? Cause I saw a cross-dressing tag for this and also given the fact that she dressed as a man when she was in slums :blobowoevil::blobowoevil:

    Thanks a lot for spoiling btw :blobmelt::blobmelt:
  13. your crush

    your crush Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    It doesn't seem like it though. The person in the cover is more likely the Ml cuz look at his chest :blobokhand:
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  14. NohrNeir

    NohrNeir rereading frenzy

    Apr 28, 2020
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    It's viable for him since he's not even the oldest son. He's not the heir.

    Not sure who tagged it as crossdressing because the Korean tags don't have that. Also personally I wouldn't tag it with crossdressing when crossdressing is only 1-2% of the novel and in the beginning? The cover is ML.

    As for rest of the spoilers, will have to wait for after the novel finishes because personally I don't really like this novel much so I'll just binge it and call it a day when it ends.

    I've read up to 120 though and it's only finally on this chapter that the actual engagement will finally happen.

    Before the engagement, there were some more moments between ML and FL. ML finally let them carry away with their engagement as he believes he needs to stop taking his feelings for FL seriously, but then whenever he sees them together, he gets upset.

    FL is also attracted to ML but knows their relationship wouldn't lead anywhere so she kept them inside. During a festival where people wear masks, FL spotted ML with his people and thought it was no wonder his people love him. Ezra and FL were spending the day together and talking about their future. They were to a hotel afterwards but Ezra got called for work. He didn't want to leave FL alone so he went to the police station to get a guard for FL. FL who was left alone, went out for a moment and spotted ML playing cards with one of the commoners and helped him win. ML decided to take her on a date afterwards and told her that for today, he won't be Cesare and made up an alias. Ezra came back and noticed FL was gone and found her. ML "kidnapped" her. They were wearing masks so Cesare just pretended to be someone else kidnapping FL to have a date with her. They went around to places and FL just wanted to head back. ML got upset and asked her for her feelings. She kept denying her feelings for him. He did eventually kissed her at the end before their "date" ended. But in the end, she still denied her feelings.

    After that ML had been ignoring her for a bit until the engagement.

    Some Korean reviewer said there's finally a confession in bed at 128. Haven't read up to there yet but the author is on hiatus again after 130.

    Edit: I forgot to add

    FL was very good at hiding and denying her feelings. The only time she admit to her love for ML was when ML's grandmother called and asked in private. This was after the grandmother had told ML to remember his position and stop being swayed by FL. FL admit that she does love ML but still planned to go with their plan to marry Ezra so the grandmother told FL to stick with that and avoid ML.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2022
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  15. Rin.rinaaa

    Rin.rinaaa Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2020
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    This is going to have a webtoon adaptation but its launch is still undecided. The novel also got completed back in September 29.
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2022
  16. your crush

    your crush Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Ooh! Thanks for the info! ::bloblove::
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  17. aneliese

    aneliese Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2020
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    This series ended recently. I skipped ahead to read the final two chapters, so I can't tell you what happened before those.

    Adele married Cesare.

    The epilogue shows a meeting between a mermaid and a little boy she's rescued from drowning. It's implied that Adele was that mermaid and Cesare was the boy. The boy is begging her to love him. In the end, the mermaid agrees to become human to be with the boy, but says that there is a price to be paid for such things. One of her sisters was said to have lost her voice.

    The boy promises to give the mermaid everything she wants, and the mermaid promises to love him until they both die. The boy smiles and says he'll wait for her.
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2022
    vannaokuzo, rtmwng, Dvenger and 44 others like this.
  18. aprilNEET

    aprilNEET Active Member

    Mar 31, 2021
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    The guy on the cover is the ML. The FL cross-dressed but she painted her face dark and covered her hair with a hat.
    alizarose and your crush like this.
  19. Lhuang17

    Lhuang17 Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2022
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    I need spoilers about the engagement scene
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  20. karaa00000

    karaa00000 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2022
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    Thank you! ❤️ Even though it's been more than a year if you still remember what happened during the engagement , Ezra and lu?