Spoiler Helena: Master of the Guardian Stone

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by dunnoperson_, Mar 17, 2022.

  1. Deleted member 424436

    Deleted member 424436 Guest

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    Any spoiler about how step sister story gonna end because for me I don't like her , she's basically an evil character and is the reason why mc died in past life so why should I care about such character when she killed one innocent person because of her ambitions or because of whatever xyz reason cz if we will consider the same thing then many evil chracters born out of such things like for example Rashta,her past self was also pitiful but it doesn't mean I'm gonna take a blind eye for her deeds because of her dramatic past here same goes for this step sis too ,she deserve punishment .And the reason mc got stone it might be related to step sis's actual origin seems like she's not the real daughter of marquis and if it's true and she's aware of it then it made her character even more disgusting and cunning because she's basically trying to kill someone who deserve that stone and she herself is an outsiders in such scenario.

    Spoiler please:blob_plusone::blob_plusone::blobalert:
  2. DOHere

    DOHere Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    Yeah, it's because of her ambition, honestly (talking abt step sister). It's not like she was gonna die if she didn't inherit the title. She was still gonna end up a noble, marry well and she still had a mother and even step sister who loved her.
  3. Juju48

    Juju48 Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2019
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    I think we are oversimplifying the step sister's situation. I think the mother is the real cause. Mommy dearest wants to do bad things, but wants someone else to take responsibility. Wants everything to go her way and be loved and respected by all.

    I think she's conditioned the daughter to take charge and be the strong one. To be the knight in shining armor her mom always wanted to have. The mom throws out this vibe like, I want you to make all the decisions. And take all the responsibility even though I'm making my own calculations and doing bad things in the dark. So daughter please bare responsibility for everything bad I've ever done. And do what ever it takes to make me happy, even if it makes you a murdered too.

    the daughter has had to take on the parent role while the mom acts more like the child. Happens a lot when the parents are addicted to drugs... anyway that's how the dynamic looks to me. It has left the daughter thinking she has to get everything for the mom. It's the mom's dreams of being mistress of the house, standing next to the lord that loves her, that the daughter is trying to fulfill. She's basically trying to be her dad (if her really was her dad) because the dad never filled that role. He ignored his wife, she got no respect from the servants, he refused to acknowledge viat as his heir, and instead, in every way that mattered, he replaced his wife with a mistress and was most likely preparing to make the illegitimate child his heir.

    I do think he had good reasons for these actions. Reasons that have yet to be reviled. But it left the wife viat's mother feeling like murder was her only option to get what she wanted. And once she had committed it, she spent viat's whole life pressuring viat to be the perfect husband that the mother never got.
  4. RedRuchi

    RedRuchi Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2020
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    Not to rain on your long rant, but I think it is too early to judge if MC’s mother is “Trash” or not. MC’s mother disappeared so and Father was murdered so anything could have happened.

    Their marriage was political clearly (as no love lost) so if someone wants to break away and divorce from a toxic marriage than you can’t just say they are “trash”. Don’t know about MC’s mother yet.

    This story is good currently because antagonist is smart. A good story always consist of smart and strong protagonist and Antagonist both. True battle of wills now.

    We can similarly call the Viat (older half-sister) lucky as she is born with everything, has full control over the household and power & standing noble society except just one thing - not guardian stone owner.
    I will call Viat smart in sense that she is using her resources well, also trying to get power by planning to kill her younger half-sister (now killing someone just because you want your sibling’s power goes under asshole category for me)

    Similarly, Harnia (MC, I can’t get her correctly spelling) was mistreated and ignored by literally everyone around her, not even allowed to step outside got lucky in one things become Guardian Stone owner (I think the power would have gone to eldest child like told about other families but it could be related to previous Marques murdered, her being descendant of Great Witch or Viat may not being the biological child of previous owner)
    But MC is smart in using her resources well too that is previous life knowledge about each person’s character, using her power & the right time to get public attention to get her way when needed by forcing Viat’s hand.

    So smart Protagonist and Antagonist, hope none of them loses their marbles so it could continue to be great story.
  5. Priyyaa

    Priyyaa Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2021
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    Hmmm well i would side with her parents. First thing is that nobody knows their side of the story. U know if the marquis was bad he could have simply gotten rid of Viat and her mother and after like 2-3 yrs he could have married FL's mother and then FL would be legitimate but he asked for a divorce. He is a really simple man. He couldn't harm his wife though is evil and ended up having the bad reputation of having a mistress and an illegitimate child. His wif wasn't satisfied with just killing MC's mother so she even tortured an innocent child. And as for viat, even if viat might be his real daughter, since her mother was evil he might be having difficulty accepting viat. Ik that was wrong of him but this is human psychology u know. How can MC's mother be compared to trashta when she could have simply gotten rid of Viat and her mother then she could have been the legal wife rather than a mistress being disgraced and insulted like that. How the hell can she be compared to rashta.!!!? Viat is a literally cheap and idotic character. Rather than smart she is a prsn who is good at schemes. She uses other ppls lives to climb the ladder. She herself doesn't have the capability to do somthing on her own but used 2 men to win and scheme. I would never have pity on viat for her poor childhood since she used her childhood as an excuse to kill MC who is innocent in every single thing. They got rid of the couple already why can't they just stop!! Do they need to kill the child as well. And the reason viat and her mother didn't kill MC bfr was bcz everyone was suspicious of marquis and his mistress death. And so if they got rid of MC as well their reputation would be ruined and might even be questioned that's the reason y they didnt kill her. And most importantly she was the daughter of marquis so the stone might choose her was the possibility that could happen so getting rid of her bfr the stone chose viat was out of question. PPL would definitely be suspicious. So they might have gotten rid of her after the stone chose viat bcz then no one would be suspicious as there's no reason for them to harm MC who was already a prsn with nothing.
    Sarah1281 and RedRuchi like this.
  6. Desperate

    Desperate Desperate for spoilers <( °-° )>

    Mar 13, 2021
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    I find this very annoying. I rlly dislike people who fawn over women just because she is "strong" or a "BaDdI" no matter what she did. I agree with how shitty the Mc's parents are. They r both hoes, but that doesn't justify killing her and literally torturing her. I don't think she has the qualities to be an fl. The Mc literally has done nothing yet but they abused,neglected(and eventually killed her) from the get-go. And I don't understand the mc is lucky apart??? Hellooo? :blobxd:She was literally abused from the very beginning lolll she wasn't a girl literally pampered throughout her childhood, wasn't pampered, was getting showered with love from a man or experienced luxury/privileges and then suddenly facing the wrath because of her parents hoes asses. "Hardworking to be a heir" yeah sure, mentally abusing an innocent girl because of ur father's hoe ass fault, humiliating and painting her as the villain sure is hardworking and a rightful thing to do. This whole comment was making me lose braincells. Your just literally mad with the cheating and that's it lolll and now u think the sister is cool and all despite doing the most horrible shit to an innocent girl because the mc getting killed is fine right?? And why aren't you mad at the sister for being a hoe too??? She's literally the same as her father. They are both hoes. The double standards:blob_coughblood::blob_coughblood:
  7. Selene830

    Selene830 Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2021
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    The manhwa showed this silver hair guy with a cane and he seems to know the FL mother i think thats who the stepmother didnt want the FL to meet. Anybody know who he is?
  8. eyjafjalla

    eyjafjalla Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2020
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    i see they summarise something about MC like "The price of the contract is to give up her love and emotions toward people, with the exception of one person." what's that supposed to mean exactly? Like not having any emotion towards other people except the ml like that? is it kinda like emotionless? cuz I've never seen her emotionless any bit in manhwa
    Melita_H likes this.
  9. EPITHE11

    EPITHE11 Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2022
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    So no really spoilers, just some debat
    Sarah1281 likes this.
  10. Averyn

    Averyn The Forum Lurker |ω・)ノ

    Feb 23, 2022
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    So what? Got a problem with that?
    And fyi, there ARE spoilers in the first few pages, so please don't say that it's all just debate here ^^
  11. EPITHE11

    EPITHE11 Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2022
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    lol why are you angry? i just said a few words
    Sarah1281, sssssleigh and akasugaro like this.
  12. Violet_lily

    Violet_lily Well-Known Member

    Jun 9, 2020
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    I can see a really heated debate is going here on mc' mother, mc' step sis and step mother. Apart from these debate can anyone tell me who is this dude? Like mc is he also a descendent of the witch? Why is he will viat? Is he an evil person too?
  13. CreativeCriticalThinker

    CreativeCriticalThinker Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2022
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    The fathers in the Genre Fantasy Romance Isekai Melodrama are quite extreme or full of shit.
    You can categorize them in
    1. The ignorant neglectful father who is full of bias and suddenly becomes loving towards FL out of nowhere
    2. The unfaithful stupid blameless father who caused female characters scheming and killing against each other
    3. The hot pretty psycho father killing the OG FL but gets fond of new reincarnated FL from Modern Korea
    4. The really trash scum father who doesn't care about his bastard daughter and gets blamed & punishment
    5. The false father abusing mistreating gaslighting the FL for a very long time
    6. The shit drunken addicted gambling father who has lots of debts and eager to sell FL
    7. The unconditional loving father who died or gets easily taken advantage of
    8. The mighty powerful secretly kind father who never knew he has a daughter spoils her with luxuries
    9. The adoptive father who wants to use FL but grows attached to her or develops feelings for her.......

    I believe I listed the most common father stock characters in such larger than life aristocratic edgy melodramas.
    The patriarchal fathers are often never blamed, targeted or directly criticized/attacked for their misguided toxic unethical actions/behaviour.
    In THE MONSTER DUCHESS, UNTOUCHABLE LADY and THE WAY TO PROTECT THE FEMALE LEAD'S FATHER the FLs have the epiphany and guts to scheme against + destroy their perpetrator father ;)
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2024
  14. Deleted member 475588

    Deleted member 475588 Guest

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  15. Desperate

    Desperate Desperate for spoilers <( °-° )>

    Mar 13, 2021
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    Can anyone spoil to me about the half sister??? Did the fl's father cheated on the mom or had two wives? I hate either reasons...
    Deleted member 475588 likes this.
  16. sanjanti

    sanjanti Active Member

    Mar 22, 2021
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    Tbh when it comes to TVTTHG it's not really Aria's fault in the original timeline - she's the version of this MC but without the homewrecking mother. Aria was dumb and vain in the original TL, much like our FL, though minus the vain part. What really sets them apart is how they handle the 2nd TL. Aria matures and turns Mielle's schemes on her, much like FL is trying to do, but FL is honestly kind of dumb. Right from the start she's too expressive and it's what makes Viatte doubt her - Viatte notices that she's proposing things at convenient times, Viatte notices that she acts nervously and her face shows the same when Hekeus is formally introduced to her, notices how her actions suddenly change from dumb and innocent to upright and prideful when she dumps juice on the girl's head. IMO FL is probably a more realistic portrayal but in terms of story is pretty dumb and difficult to cheer on. The only thing that saves FL from Viatte catching on when it came to meeting Hekeus was Hekeus himself cleaning up after her and covering for her.

    (P.S. not saying FL deserves what happened to her haha. I honestly wish she was written better and smarter, because with her you really do feel the risk of her dying/getting in trouble at any given moment while most other FLs prepare themselves in advance and think ahead for it. FL seems to only think of it when it happens except for things like the guardian stone, and multiple times already within the first 25 chapters she's had to make up a story on the spot to save her ass.)
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2022
  17. Deleted member 475588

    Deleted member 475588 Guest

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    First the female lead and her “ half sister” is actually just her step sister; they are not related by blood at all. The stepsister is actually the biological daughter of her mothers lover. Second he only has one wife legally which is the step sister's mom the Marchioness. He repeatedly asked for a divorce however the Marchioness refused the divorce because she didn’t want to give up her status. He wanted a divorce on the grounds that number one they never consummated their marriage. Second, it was a forced political marriage. Third, the Marchioness walked into the political marriage already pregnant with another man’s baby. I won’t go into detail but I will say the female lead father did not die of natural causes. The Marchioness played a part in his death; she wanted to protect her daughter's birth origins. Some may call it cheating but me personally I don’t consider with the marquis did as cheating because it was never a relationship to begin with between him in the Marchioness. A lot of people are painting the Marchioness and her daughter is the victim I won’t let them have that considering I know the truth. Put yourself in a marquise shoes ending up married to a woman that’s already pregnant with another man’s baby. Plus she has already told him not to expect love from her. Everyone is saying the step sister is smart and strong she just takes too much after her mother. Her mother got to where she is by being cut throat.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 31, 2022
  18. Darkjacky07

    Darkjacky07 Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2022
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  19. Desperate

    Desperate Desperate for spoilers <( °-° )>

    Mar 13, 2021
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    Thanks for spoiling and I'd honestly say the marquis did cheat. But I mean, if the marchioness don't give an f nor love him, it's also not cheating. Imo it's considered cheating only on paper.. since they r married.
  20. Darkjacky07

    Darkjacky07 Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2022
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    So when the main character died in the first life, the stone could never have gone to the stepbrother as he was not related by blood to the main character's father.
    shinichilove likes this.