Spoiler Raised by Villains

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Chizuru, Mar 2, 2022.

  1. Chris_

    Chris_ Well-Known Member

    Nov 22, 2021
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    Are the artist the same as 'I'll be the matriarch in this next life'
    i was like: Perez is that you with gold eyes
  2. syiraelric

    syiraelric Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2021
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  3. Trulycloudy

    Trulycloudy Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2022
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    the duke household has a custom where all the family members, gather and tell the head their aim for the year. FL, knowing her future says that she aims to leave the household. Triggers the interest of the granpa duke and daddy duke.

    She meets the daddy duke in the Library while she is looking through a list of orphanages. He found her interesting and decided to use her for fun to relieve his boredom. Everyone knows and calls FL his toy. However he starts finding her adorable.

    He gets a power outburst and FL rushes to save him using her knowledge from the og story. This makes the daddy duke start loving her. However he has yet to notice it.

    fl's maid Myla who apparently took care of her actually framed her for stealing the dukes artifact. She knew from the start that FL was a beast shape shifter and the family hates beast as it's considered a lower life form. so it was gonna be easy to pin it on her.

    Under stress of being accused she transformed into a lizard and now they all know she isn't related to the family. The knights attacked her and she lost her tail, she's injured and weak. daddy duke tried to calm her down and hold her but she was terrified and triggered her teleportation ability and now she's gone from the dukes household. The duke went feral because FL cried, is pissed at the people who stepped on her tail and the grandpa duke that accused her. He wants her back.

    At first he was just joking around and thought FL was fun. He thought it was interesting how this kid wanted to leave the Household instead of gain as much benefits from it. He wasn't sincere in being her father. He knew FL knew it too. But one time he got a power outburst, everyone ran away but FL ran to him and saved him with the fruit that can calm outburst. He kept thinking about how from then he started to favor the child.

    FL teleports in front of the orphanage she was planning to go to. Richard who goes there finds her and keeps her as a pet. He treats her wounds and they become friends (she's still a lizard).

    Richard was sold to slavery by the maid who hates his family (ml thinks his family abandoned him). The orphanage director was a war hero, he trains ml and treats him well.

    FL then manages to transform back to human and Richard is really happy that he can talk to her. The kids dislike ml because and FL. They hate FL because she's a beast and thinks that they are inferior to humans. But Richard always got her back.

    (I read the mtl version and it's honestly a BIG HEADACHE trying to understand what happened so please don't mind shitty spoilers. And the names might be wrong)

    he is a wizard and people naturally avoid him. They are afraid. The only person who didn't avoid him was the orphanage director who was a war hero. And FL. He becomes obsessed with FL. "You have to stay with me forever"
    "I saved you so are mine"
    He always tell FL to never leave his side, he adores FL completely and treats her really well. May be the ml.

    FL brings him back to his home and he is reunited with his family. He wants FL to stay, but they can't adopt FL since she's a beast (I'm quite confused about the Convo she had with the duke because the mtl was insane at this part)

    Chapter 100: they meet again at the banquet, FL is 10 years old and he's around 15. He's angry that FL doesn't want to be his family. So he ask her to marry her and he has a room just for her where he wants to confine her in. However he's not that bad of a yandere (at least not yet) so he's still soft towards her. Daddy duke comes in and fights him. But overall it was a cute scene

    FL meets him on the streets when she's going to find Richards parents. He was starving and so she went up to him and gave him bread. He actually made a bet that the first person who gives him a hand will become his master. So he follows her everywhere. He's from the temple and the temple hates all beast. FL was worried and also his personality don't match with the novel. He's sweet to FL but in the novel he's ruthless. But he saves FL from the slave auction, and is obsessed with her. He wants to be her pet instead of a friend because she has other friends. He wants to be special.

    Duke brings him in to be fl's 'pet'. Basically planned by him so he can be with FL again.he tells them that FL might not be just a lizard but there's a restriction on him so he can't tell them anything more.
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2022
  4. Trulycloudy

    Trulycloudy Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2022
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    FL is kidnapped and put up In a slave auction. There she meets the prince, Eusho. He has a weak and sick body and was supposed to die there According to the og story. However FL tried saving him by warming him up and having lucillion use divine power to sustain him long enough before help arrives. They both become friends.

    FL sees her 'father' at the slave auction. She still scared to meet him. But she writes him a letter of apology and a list of ingredients for a medicine they will need soon because there will be a plaque and grandpa duke will die. (She still wanna save him after what he did to her)

    Lucillion use magic to make her invisible and told her to wait for him. daddy duke finds FL and pleads with her saying do you hate me now, please don't hide, be my daughter again. But FL says "daughter, papa, it was all just an act right? And when you're bored with me I'll have to leave." :( But dukes says, no this time I'm serious I want you to be my daughter. So they go back together. She reunites with his two sons. They are happy to see her again. However she left lucillion there. And he is pissed. He killed the slave traders and is mad at FL for leaving him. He's like "lying is bad"

    after reuniting with the fl, the daddy duke went to the emperor to get her in the family register. And because beast like lizards are considered lower than humans, he says "is it a Trend to keep beast these days" then daddy duke tells him the medicine he used to saved his son was made by FL then he was like oh shit.

    Ok so, remember Richard? The boy that saved FL outside the orphanage. FL sent him back to his parents who were finding him. And Richards father the duke applied for FL to be put in the family register. Daddy duke was outraged that someone wants his daughter. He starts sending assassins to Richards dad HAHAHA

    the heroine enters the house early in the story. After daddy dukes outburst, granpa duke found her to be adopted. In the og story, the heroine has the ability to calm outburst. That's why she was favoured and loved + she had a bright personality.

    The mtl says that she fell in love at first sight with the fl. Og heroine is borderline obsessed with FL, has pictures of her in her closet. She honestly doesn't really like the other family members since they only want her for her ability and only came for her after her mother died, acting all close to her. She calls the duke a madman. She says the other family members are hyenas that flock around to use her abilities But FL doesn't want anything from the og heroine. She just like her for her. So og heroine loves FL very much. She says she wanted FL to get an outburst so she would have an excuse to stick with her all the time.

    She even has a lizard stuff toy and she hugs it all the time. She made it when FL teleported away fter being accused. She was super sad so she created a lizard stuff toy to hug. She started creating more merchandise of FL, pictures etc and spread it around. (Yes, borderline yandere)

    Take this with a grain of salt because the mtl is really confusing: Og heroine said she hate men. Especially the men in the house. They kept coming to her to calm their outburst. She said they're annoying. She said she wanted a cute girlfriend (FL) to keep safe.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2022
  5. Trulycloudy

    Trulycloudy Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2022
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    everyone thinks she's just a lizard but she's actually a dragon. So she is related to the dukes family. The family is descendants of dragons and rarely a dragon is born among them. Dragons are creatures who are closest to God. They will imprint on the person they see as their parent and will be absolutely loyal to them. Dragons went extinct because of humans who used them as tools. Only one dragon survived who had a good master.fl is the descendant of that dragon.

    he is 14 yrs old and is fl's tutor. he's considered a genius.
    He was sweet in front of FL when first met but FL knows he's actually ruthless and kill alot of people and is a guild leader. He was interested in fl's tail since it looked unique and wanted to touch fl's tail. She said no he started fake crying like in the novel. He always device people with his crying face.

    then FL said things can't be solved by tears. Only people who have good parents, friends and people around them can cry and their problems will be solved. He got shocked cos that what he say to people who cry and beg for mercy when he's about to kill them.

    He's the first to notice that FL Is a dragon. He wants FL to imprint on him so he can have a loyal subject that will do whatever he wants. So he's trying to get close to FL.

    To save prince ersho, who was dying, FL found the dragonia seed which can cure all disease. She tried to grow it with Lilian his finance. But it didn't grow.

    Daddy duke said it's because only dragons can grow them. She went to her room and cried, the next day the plant sprouted she went to the imperial palace and gave him the plant. Then she transformed into a lizard again but this time her horns on her back was visible. Lucillion quickly brought her back home.

    She fell into deep slumber (dragon growth) in her dreams she was back in Korea, in the hospital. Her brothers who mistreated her were worried about her (lol) she started crying about how she wanted to go back and she lost consciousness. She woke up, realized she had paws, and wings. She saw daddy duke, and he looked so happy to see her. Daddy duke said she had been asleep for 5 years. She now 10 years old.

    Daddy duke actually planned to make FL head of the household even before he knew she was a dragon. So now that everyone knows she's a dragon, he gave her the heads key and now she's the duke.

    *The reason why FL was so fixated on finding a family is because dragons naturally want love. Their whole nature is imprinting on someone they love and doing whatever they want. The imprint wouldn't work if the dragon didn't love them. (Also take this with a grain of salt, the mtl is confusing)
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2022
  6. Trulycloudy

    Trulycloudy Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2022
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    the temple focuses on a doctrine where every creature other than humans is a sin. They hate all shape shifters, and also the descendants of dragons which is the dukes family.

    Lucillion is a person of the temple. He made a deal with the temple to give him the magic stones needed for FL to grow safely during the 5 years she was asleep. In exchange he was to be imprisoned. For 5 whole Years he was in the cell all alone :( FL tricked the money hungry cardinal to sign a contract where lucillion becomes high priest.

    I think he's definitely the ml. If he isn't then wow.. imagine being locked up for 5 years for the fl and not being the ml

    Fl's third uncle is a high priest. In the temple he gets whipped daily. (he willingly allows it) when he was 13 his powers got out of control and he killed the girl he loved. Consumed by guilt he left for the temple where they hated dragons, beast etc. everyday was hell. he hates beasts and himself. The cardinal manipulates and gaslight him into thinking that his existence is a mistake and he is the embodiment of sin. But actually he just wants to make sure the uncle stays so that the dukes family will continue donating money to the temple.

    Third uncle doesn't like FL at first. He was hostile but FL kept visiting him, talking about his dead lover telling him it wasn't his fault and if he's going to waste his precious life he should just give it to her. Slowly he starts loving FL. When she reunites with lucillion and he wanted to kiss her hands he carries her up and started being protective, allowed FL to cling on him etc.

    "Daughter, are you going to live with father for the rest of your life?”

    Erno Etham asked seriously.

    "uh.. no."

    He stood still for a moment, as if shocked by my answer.

    "no?, Why?"
    "Because I want to date and I want to get married"

    Suddenly, there was the sound of something breaking. I turned my head to look left and right, there was nothing broken, but it was strange.

    "Yeah! but my dad is the best.”

    At my words, Erno Etham's hardened face softened slightly.

    “Yes, there is no need for men to exist in the world.”

    He mumbled, with a look as if he was missing screw somewhere.

    I have a feeling that the novel isn't exactly true and og fl isn't the heroine at all. The og heroines personality doesn't match the novel. She isn't all friendly to the duke and the brothers and only loves FL. I feel like the novel was supposed to guide FL. It is said the dragons have insight, I think she's gaining knowledge of the future in the form of a novel.

    FL hates that the novel is called a happy ending just because the heroine lives in the end. But the extra characters are all dead. So she basically tries to save everyone, their lives and emotionally as well. One funny thing she said is that she should get all of them a cat since they are the best animals for healing.

    The fl's family in Korea is weird as well. They mistreated her and hated her but when she lost consciousness and went back to the hospital in Korea her brothers were worried about her saying they won't do it again etc. Its like 'death is the only ending for the villainess' where fl's Korea family suddenly changed saying they loved her etc. The mtl is only up to 100 ch and the novel is still ongoing so I'm hoping we get answers on this

    dragons were most powerful beings. They didn't have emotions like affection at first. So to protect and prevent them from going berserk God created engravings. So that dragons can have affection and coexist with people, it was to protect dragons. However humans were greedy and used dragons, that's how they became Extinct with only one dragon who didn't become evil. That's why dragons are rare now.

    Dragons will do anything to protect their parents they engrave on. Common sense don't work on them if their parent is hurt. dragons can even kill every creature alive so that their parent can have a peaceful sleep.

    In chapter 92 the grandma duchess was scolding daddy duke and he was bleeding. FL got angry and almost attacked her.

    Only daddy duke can stop her. He asked her why is she angry, she said because he was attacked. Then he said, please don't kill the grand duchess, later you will go to jail and I can't be with you. Then FL stopped.

    Everyone was like, he's not concerned about his mother dying but concerned that he won't be able to be with his daughter if she goes to jail. Then FL said she'll just destroy the jail and the knights. Then duke said she doesn't have to kill anyone because he'll do it for her. Then she released the grand duchess.

    Grand duchess isn't bad, she was just reprimanding the duke, she likes the FL as well. But because FL is a dragon she will attack anyone who attacks her father.

    in her last life, while being abused FL always wished for a family who will love her. She wanted the heroine life in typical rofans. It all came true in this life to a frightening degree. Everything was accurate. She started feeling afraid. Thinking that it's all not real.her trauma is making her think shes actually gonna wake up one day and it's all gonna be a dream
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2022
  7. RegisteredToAskAThing

    RegisteredToAskAThing Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2022
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    Reading List:
    Chapter 4:


    Chapter 6:


    Chapter 21:


    Chapter 27:


    Chapter 34:


    Chapter 43:


    Chapter 56:


    Chapter 66:


    Chapter 70:


    Chapter 78:


    Chapter 84:


    Chapter 91:


    Chapter 97:


    Chapter 111:


    Chapter 112:


    Chapter 121:

  8. Panapoco

    Panapoco Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2023
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    The novel will be adapted into a webtoon and released on May 13th!
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  9. Panapoco

    Panapoco Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2023
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    And here is the gift of the day

  10. Rin.rinaaa

    Rin.rinaaa Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2020
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  11. teni_tine

    teni_tine Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2021
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  12. linda.itali

    linda.itali Member

    Oct 18, 2022
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    Thanks spoilers!! Waiting for more <3
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  13. Liya khan

    Liya khan Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2021
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    Who is FL mother ?
  14. millieeee

    millieeee Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2021
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    What about her family in modern times?
  15. Foureyedwierdo

    Foureyedwierdo Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2023
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    Who are fl's real parents. Her daddy adopted her right? It was written that she was an illegitimate child.
  16. Violet_lily

    Violet_lily Well-Known Member

    Jun 9, 2020
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  17. azrarum

    azrarum Well-Known Member

    Jul 1, 2020
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    FL is actually her adopted father's real child. I read the novel a long time ago. That's why I don't remember much. But I know she is real child of his. At the end of the novel, ML, the white-haired boy, becomes a demigod for Fl. Fl, on the other hand, lives for a long time because she is a dragon. That's why ML becomes a demigod. FL asks her father to live with her, but her father refuses. He says I want to see your mother too. There is little romance. I can say that FL accepts ML after a very long time.
    Last edited: May 13, 2023
  18. CatGirlAlena

    CatGirlAlena Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2022
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    What chapter is she reunited with the Duke after running away?
  19. spica moore

    spica moore Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2021
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    What happened to the maid that framed her?
  20. Foureyedwierdo

    Foureyedwierdo Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2023
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    Who is the Erno's wife? Did she die?
    Is mc really the real daughter of erno? If so how come he didn't know till now
    Elisee, tehanu, crystalleciel and 4 others like this.