Spoiler This Marriage Is Bound To Fail, Anyway / 이 결혼은 어차피 망하게 되어있다 / This marriage is bound to sink

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by seoktonin, May 8, 2021.

  1. NohrNeir

    NohrNeir rereading frenzy

    Apr 28, 2020
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    Well, not many are willing to read MTL since it can be difficult for some people to read. Most also don't want to deal with buying raws, but if you ask me, I would rather buy raws because it's closer to the source of the author's writing and it's much cheaper. Tappytoon is making people pay 200 points per episode for the novel. Imagine 601 episodes. That's close to 120K points. If you don't consider sales or Tappy club, that's almost $150 USD for all 601 episodes. Now compare that to raws on Ridibooks. 100 Ridipoints per episoide. That's about $50 USD for all 601 episodes. A third of the English translation, and you're not getting the mistranslation from the translator's emotions and interpretations.
  2. maggiesaus

    maggiesaus Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2021
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    Hi! I was wondering, if I wanted to buy the novels from Ridi, is the mtl decent to get through? I've read some mtl novels and understood it fine enough, but I've also been burned by other series' mtl where it was impossibly hard to decipher. About to purchase the whole series in one go :blobsmilehappyeyes:
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  3. NohrNeir

    NohrNeir rereading frenzy

    Apr 28, 2020
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    What I would say is that if there's a part where it's not understandable in MTL, you can just ask here. But just some examples of the MTL, you can read from @Celebrianna 's tweet posts when she tried to prove Tappy's translations were inaccurate.

    @Celebrianna showed MTL from both Papago and Google.

    These are also MTL'ed parts
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  4. Celebrianna

    Celebrianna ❤️‍Solo Leveling❣️

    Nov 26, 2020
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    It’s kind of ridiculous how we would end up paying $150 for the novel from Tappy when compared to buying it from Ridibooks. I was still in two minds about buying the chapters from Tappy but I find I have no compulsion at all to open their chapters anymore because it would just aggravate me to see more misinformation. I can’t stand it at all. I think the last straw is when they put that Ines loathe Carcel in the crown princess timeline because of his promiscuous ways. Meanwhile, the story clearly says later that Ines was quite indifferent to Carcel. When the ladies would talk about him, she thought it was too noisy / loud. She also stayed away from him because of how Oscar would treat her after she talks to other men especially Carcel. At no time in this story did I ever think Ines “loathe” Carcel. I would say the only man she would use that word on is Oscar because of her murderous feelings towards him. By the way, murderous feelings that would increase anytime he threatens Carcel’s life to her face.
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  5. NohrNeir

    NohrNeir rereading frenzy

    Apr 28, 2020
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    I find this part ridiculous because they had initially already mistranslated Carcel as her "friend" who helped Emiliano escape in an earlier episode and now Ines is saying she loathes him? Clearly the translator isn't consistent.

    Had you emailed them about this?
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  6. Celebrianna

    Celebrianna ❤️‍Solo Leveling❣️

    Nov 26, 2020
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    No. I didn’t email them with that one. I knew they would be inconsistent. It’s just like they had Ines say that she’s not interested in any man now because of her “one true love” yet turn around in maybe three chapters and has Ines saying that perhaps after she divorce her husband she can fall in love again. I mean, didn’t she just swear off all men who isn’t her “one true love” a few chapters ago? This is why they should stick to the original text because they’re making Ines seem so fickle. Ines who plotted divorce for almost two decades. Even when Ines finally accepted that she didn’t want to leave Carcel, it’s after struggling to stick to her plan because she’s that stubborn. Even when she got jealous before deciding to stay, she was still stubbornly sticking to her plan. Clearly, she’s not a person to just keep changing her mind thoughtlessly. If she was so determined that she can only love the supposed “love of her life” she wouldn’t be saying a short time later that she might fall in love again.
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  7. NohrNeir

    NohrNeir rereading frenzy

    Apr 28, 2020
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    Well, knowing they're inconsistent and doing something about it are two different matters. I suppose you've long given up on calling them out on their errors. :blobsweat_2:
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  8. Celebrianna

    Celebrianna ❤️‍Solo Leveling❣️

    Nov 26, 2020
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    Not really. I still want to do it but it’s honestly a struggle to open their chapters. I feel a strong aversion to it like I’m seeing something dirty. No joke. I can barely open the ones I already read.

    I also considered mixing up the posts on the errors because I imagine they’ll think I’m singling out one character. So, I thought I would do my next novel post on something related to Ines or Carcel. Like the “loathing” Carcel one would be ideal because there is the text later of her thoughts of second timeline Carcel that speak many times to her indifference back then. That is, if they still has that word in there.
  9. NohrNeir

    NohrNeir rereading frenzy

    Apr 28, 2020
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    I have a strong aversion to any social media or public posts about BR aside from the posts here. Whenever I see them, they tank my mood and I end up not wanting to continue my translation so I've been taking breaks.

    I remember you said how you're glad the author doesn't write fan service for readers and today she just left a blog post about her writing journey of her recent novel and how she takes writing in general. It's interesting because she had said she took no breaks when she wrote BR and was posting 5 days a week. The only break she took during that time was when she needed surgery. Even when she was writing the side story, she only took a small break because she caught Covid. She's currently working on Spring Shade and she's only getting sleep once every 2-3 days. I think it goes to show being an author is an actual job and people who demand things from her should just understand she's writing as she pleases and not for others.

    This is MTL from her blog:

    The fact that she knows more people hate her works more than they like it shows she doesn't care since she still continues to write as she pleases. She's also quite defensive of her characters and do not write fan service for others. While her Q&A does gave more details to the 3rd lifetime that people may wish to know, none of them were about Ines' so-called "happy life" with Emiliano but more on the tragedy that Ines' suicide brought to her family afterwards. Yes, they suffered but it's because they love Ines that they suffered. It just goes to show it's not a lifetime the author even wish upon her characters as even in the 2nd lifetime, Luciano was able to heal and move on from Ines' suicide but the wrong choices Ines made in 3rd lifetime caused a spiral of other wrong decisions that just destroyed everyone. It's not a lifetime worth noting and as Isabella would say, this current life is the one and only life and take your life as that. Readers should note that it's not a story about different dimension, but about a life gone wrong and regression just fix that one life that had gone wrong. And the author is not afraid to show that Ines and Carcel are perfect together, after all if the story is inspired by a folk song of a wife waiting for her husband out at sea, the author already knew since the beginning who she intended Ines to love and be with.
  10. Celebrianna

    Celebrianna ❤️‍Solo Leveling❣️

    Nov 26, 2020
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    I honestly wish we had varied forms of emotions for liking posts on here. I LOVE YOUR POST a thousand, no, a million times. Thanks for sharing this. Yep. I dislike writings that cater to other ships with the main lead just for fan service. In my opinion, those authors have no backbone nor principles. I refuse to support them. This is exactly why I read this forum before spending money on a novel or comic. I don’t like writers who betray their vision for obnoxious fans. I stay very far away from them. I actually like writers who defend their work even if they take heat for it. It means they believe in their work and the choices they made for their characters. After all, who knows their characters better than the writer who created them.

    I’m especially glad that Kim ChaCha came out with this post. I’m glad she knows all those who dislike her works aren’t even worth a second thought. She has her own set of readers and it’s good that she knows that those readers will continue to support her work. It makes no sense to try to please everyone because that’s an impossible task. She has the right idea. It’s better to write the stories that she wants to tell that are born from her heart. @NohrNeir, I will say again that her writing reminds me very much of the writing style of classical literature. She’s very good at detailing delicate feelings. Ines, alone, has many complicated feelings and it’s kind of remarkable how Kim ChaCha keeps her very consistent despite the contradictory feelings Ines might have in a single scene. At no point Ines doesn’t feel like herself even when she began to change. It’s so very well done. Even when Ines has some good thoughts about Oscar mixed in, I had to honestly admit that humans are like this and I commend the author for her accurate portrayal of people. I often see commenters think that hating someone is consistent and easy. Hating someone is actually tiring and even bad people do good things at times so that affects the way others think of them too.

    If Carcel is the one she gets the most complaints about, those people obviously didn’t read the full novel. Carcel is an amazing character. I have never read about a male character who is like him. I think Kim ChaCha did a wonderful job with him. I mean, she said he engraved scriptures in Ines’s ship praying that she would live to see her grandchildren. All of his wishes in the afterlife were only for her well-being. Even Ines says she can’t measure him because she knows just what kind of person he is to her. Then there is Isabella who calls him their beloved older son when she mentions the emperor wants to send him off to war. Miguel knows how much time and energy Carcel put into accompanying him day and night at Viviana’s funeral. A big brother who held him up when he was weak and kept an anxious watch over him to ensure nothing bad happened to him at the funeral. The way he faced everything with Ines and never once looked away like she feared. As she said, because she loves him, she couldn’t understand his love that didn’t turn away after knowing everything about her past lives. He’s just a great character all around. Also, notice that he never cries for himself. He cries for Ines and for things she does that touches him.
  11. june27

    june27 Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2021
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    Can someone please send me the mlt
  12. NohrNeir

    NohrNeir rereading frenzy

    Apr 28, 2020
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    The post isn't actually about Carcel in general, but it could be said with any of her novels. Even in BR novel, Ines is a controversial character. She's less liked initially if someone read the novel first without the bias taken from the manhwa. The author gets a lot of issues from readers so in any case, this post is for any of her haters. Even with her current work, she's just writing as is, except she's losing touch with her interest in her current work, Spring Shade, and lost sight of the initial feeling, so I think she can understand why her current work isn't as popular. I can understand how you kept referring back to Carcel since he is the character that's getting the most hate from the manhwa and people who are reading the novel coming from the manhwa do bring in those feelings from the manhwa. Most people who are even asking me questions from reading manhwa usually bring up the same topics of Emiliano or 3rd life. I'm honestly so tired of answering about that lifetime. I'm more interested in Leonel and Olga's backstory than the 3rd lifetime. If the author ever has a Q&A for foreigners, that's what I would ask but given how poorly adapted the manhwa is and how misleading the official translation for the novel is, I feel the author wouldn't want to even host a Q&A for overseas fans.
  13. lillac_rosies

    lillac_rosies Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2022
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    It sucks that the official translation of the novel and the manhwa is not doing the author’s work in justice. I wonder if the artist or even the author had full control of the manhwa…would it be better than what we’re getting right now?:coffee:

    I can just see the Q&A mostly being filled about Emiliano/is it true that Ines never truly love Emiliano?/What really happened in the 3rd life?/Why didn’t she choose him again?:blobthumbsdown:

    Anywayyy I’m hoping that their little Ignacio will actually get introduced into the main story since they want to make it a fast paced story:whistle:
    MianneChan, jsemere and Celebrianna like this.
  14. Celebrianna

    Celebrianna ❤️‍Solo Leveling❣️

    Nov 26, 2020
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    It’s honestly a shame that the official is getting hit on both sides. Seems like the season is ending and can someone actually point out a scene where Ines and Carcel are just getting along without an extension of sex? I read the novel version of the mass and Carcel’s visit to his teacher Noriega and Carcel thought about how comfortable he and Ines are with each other at this point in the story despite only being in Calztela for only a few months. I feel like all we saw and heard is the plan to get Carcel to cheat. Even the impression that Ines got of living with Carcel was majorly overshadowed by her divorce plot. Her saying that he’s fundamentally a good person was lost by the wayside because it’s immediately followed up by saying he has a filthy past. It’s amazing how much they focus on highlighting his flaws while hiding the truth about what Ines did in the third timeline. No one would even know she dubcon her “one true love” except novel readers.

    Well, a break is at least three months and a lot can change in three months. Who will stick around and who won’t. That is the question.
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  15. jsemere

    jsemere Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2021
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    I wish we all could do something to bring to the attention of this "Crappy Tappytoon fake Translation Team." Many people are already misinformed and blinded by the fake infos and opinions spread on various sites. I just came back replying to people that Ines and Mr. "E"s love wasn't true love nor unconditional even the Author confirmed it and told them they can check it out themselves but they're just so stubborn and delusional.I mean it's a fact you can't reason with fools but as fellow human beings you just wanna help them out!:blob_grin:
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  16. Celebrianna

    Celebrianna ❤️‍Solo Leveling❣️

    Nov 26, 2020
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    I think people will believe what they want anyway. In such cases, it’s what the original novel says that’s the most important. At least the manhwa didn’t say any nonsense about Ines calling him her one true love. I give credit to the manhwa for that. Plus, Ines is supposed to “bloom” by the time she returns to Mendoza. That means the drawing is supposed to be markedly noticeable that she’s in the bloom of youth all because of Carcel’s love. All the nobles in Mendoza will observe it and talk about it. She’s also supposed to look the healthiest she’s ever looked. Her transformation is supposed to be that apparent.

    In addition, if the manhwa follows the story, there will be plenty evidence of Ines acting like someone in the giddiness of love when she reads Carcel’s letter that starts the whole Sun of My Life address and other instances of her markedly calling Carcel her husband to Oscar’s face to drive home her point, the whole running and jumping into Carcel’s arms when he suddenly appears at the palace and even her crying over the fact that Carcel hid the fact that he was almost shot in his bed while sleeping. As long as the manhwa doesn’t cut out these scenes, which are all good development for our OTP, it will be clear that Ines is behaving unlike she has ever done before and her appearance should reflect that happiness. Oh, and on two occasions, Luciano says that she’s changed and points out that she blushes just by any mention of her husband.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2023
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  17. lillac_rosies

    lillac_rosies Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2022
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    That’s why I be giving side eyes to the shippers who say they were the “BEST COUPLE”:eek:
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  18. Celebrianna

    Celebrianna ❤️‍Solo Leveling❣️

    Nov 26, 2020
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    What a good joke. I don’t know how anyone could get best couple from what has been shown so far. The most I can say about them is they were foolish together. They don’t even have anything in common and Ines has said before that she felt like she was hanging out with someone who didn’t suit her. I still don’t understand why they didn’t leave the country because the man was prepared to leave the country only after the soldiers came after them.

    I can’t wait for the part where Ines turns the whole of Mendoza, if not the whole Ortega, into shippers for her and Carcel. She’s the one who actually promoted her romance with Carcel all over the newspapers of Ortega. There was practically no one in Ortega who didn’t know about her romance with Carcel. Carcel even read about it while at sea so his fellow sailors teased him about it. Why did she do this? To protect her man. Every single day, she put out stories in the newspapers to keep her man in the eyes of the public so that Oscar wouldn’t dare try to kill her man. She dedicated her all to this cause and even boasted on a daily basis about her man to any family member that would listen to her. I’m sure even Carcel’s parents were tired of her bragging about him. :LOL: That’s a woman who did the only thing she can do to protect her man while he’s away on the battlefield. At least this couple protect each other and face everything together. Carcel has the most beautiful lines in the novel as a testimony of his love for her and they have many great moments. It’s his love that enables Ines to love herself for the first time after living four times. She credits everything to him. That “best couple” you mentioned couldn’t even achieve in four years what Carcel’s love did in two mere years. :whistle:
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2023
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  19. lillac_rosies

    lillac_rosies Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2022
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    BAHAHAHA:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: I just want to get over the Mr. E arc. I’m growing more desperate to see the beautiful moments shared between our OTP:love: Also, I can’t wait to see once the backstory of the things Luciano did to her happens in the manhwa.
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  20. Celebrianna

    Celebrianna ❤️‍Solo Leveling❣️

    Nov 26, 2020
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    This is basically the end of it. This is the only time Ines will lose her stability to the point of hyperventilating which leads to her almost dying. After she wakes up, that’s the end of that drama. Things instead begins to move towards Ines and Carcel becoming a romantic couple. Ines begins to have her jealous moments too. Last chapter she was setting up Carcel with Maria and soon she will be jealous of Carcel talking to Maria and later, of leaving Carcel alone in Calztela where women like Maria are. When Raul wrote to her and told her that Maria came to the house to visit and Carcel refused to see her because his wife was away from home, Ines was very pleased. It’s kind of amusing how things change from a few months before. Ines has no interest in living her life being held back and tormented by her past. Like she said, she needs ignorance too. I’m glad that in the end, she overcame her past and was able to lead a happy and fulfilling life with Carcel. There will be many OTP moments especially after they become a romantic couple. One of the moments that always moves me is when they talked about her past life with Oscar. It was difficult for Ines to even voice her experience with Oscar to Carcel. What happens after she reveals it and the talk about killing herself with the gun Carcel secretly gifted her are very moving scenes.
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