Spoiler I Thought It Was A Common Possession

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Naenia, Apr 4, 2023.

  1. Yume-sama

    Yume-sama Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2021
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    No sadly she's not divorcing, she didn't even thought of that, she forgave them just like that :facepalm:..... If I be her - even if my husband belive in me now - but sience the whole family thinking I'm a trash, I'm certainly would go for a divorce......who the hell wanna live whit htat kind of trash family..... and do not foget that , the husband hated her at the beginning because the rumors and because she is ...well because she is she.......
  2. ladyescalante

    ladyescalante Member

    Apr 5, 2023
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    well divorce also will not solve the problem, bcs in her family she was also tortured :(
    is there still a long way to go for ML to believe in FL? even after their snusnu part?
  3. Yume-sama

    Yume-sama Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2021
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    in ch. 52
    Killian call her a cup of tea - rejected by FL
    call her dinner - rejected
    call her a walk in the garden - rejected
    and ML was a bit disappointed - serves you right :whistle:
    in ch 53. She still rejecting him - well done:blobpopcorn_cool::blob_grin:
    in ch 54. She rejecting to go in Oper, she saying why don't you go with Rize. At this point Killian accept that she is not obessed with him, every time when he invites her she got coolness, she ignore the temptations, and there is some stotcism too. and then it got his mind, there was something what she didn't rejectd, so they doing snusnu.
    I looked in In ch 59, and in this point ML alredy doubting a little in Rize. In ch 60 ML want to know FL better, he said he was childis etc. There's going to be some spicy scandal from FL. He began doubt in the things what he belived FL done before (evil things etc, the rumours, one maid disappered), but he don't trust her fully and he hope she doesn't done them.
    In ch 63-64. Killian scolding her why she solding her clothes and jewelry. Than he suddenly remember that he didn't gave her the monthly allowance..... Dude.... Just how much have you negleted her?! She supposed to get montly 2 million......she got in one amount 8 million now..... So in 4 month she didn't got any......
    ch 70-1. This was the boat incident, in this point he alredy changed his attitude bit... He worry about her (FL doesn't belive him) , and he thinks the accident was suspious, etc.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2023
  4. Pinkchik

    Pinkchik Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2021
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    Honestly I was expecting someone made suffer that bish Rize or just burn her alive ... I'm disappointed :blobunamused::blobunamused::blobunamused::blobunamused::blobunamused:
  5. RegisteredToAskAThing

    RegisteredToAskAThing Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2022
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    I'm not liking ML's family, I really hope they change for better, their character designs are very douche looking and well, ML is your average constipated ML.
    But I really hope the brother changes, considering
    he is with another woman at the end
    I don't understand why brown hair isn't something outstanding and is the average leaning to ugly idea of a character, maybe it's me, but I like them more and I found them prettier than blonde hair female characters, who always gives me spoiled rich girl vibes.
    I really thought we had a brown haired MC based on the novel cover.
  6. Yume-sama

    Yume-sama Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2021
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    Truthfully I would prefer if she reincarnating 12 times and suffer and die miserably just as her 12 victim. They must shuffered pretty much, they belived got a new choise dor a better life and they lived is a hell, because that b*tch.

    The duke and the ducchess never treated her as a daughter-in-law, there was some heirlom a necklance, what supposed to wear an in-law - when she accepted in the family, b*tch Rize weared it even thought she was not married in the family, but FL have not got the chance to wear it.......
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2023
  7. ladyescalante

    ladyescalante Member

    Apr 5, 2023
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    sad to think she had to survive alone in that house with no one to trust her for more than 50 chs :( is there really no one to trust or just talk to her? her personal maid Anna? then what was Edith doing all that time?
    hah not even giving monthly allowance? Killian, you disappoint.

    i read some spoilers, ML will take FL to his territory after the kidnapping. so does ML have regions and titles? what title does he have?
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2023
    Laerta, Erina22, Ainespi and 11 others like this.
  8. salty25

    salty25 Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2022
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    Oh my… this story will be pure suffering… Rize is like devil incarnate… her ending isn’t satisfying, if it was up to me I’d order her to burn on stake… or used lingchi execution on her for all the suffering she caused to Edith’s. Crazy b*tch… she just pretty much got away with everything since she was only sent to monastery… disappointing.
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  9. Yume-sama

    Yume-sama Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2021
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    The only one who was always in FL side is Anna, but sience she is a maid her words don't count so much. FL eat every time in her room... So I think mostly she stucked in her room :blobpensive:
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2023
  10. WinnieS

    WinnieS Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2020
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    Rizi’s ending so disappointing. After all she did killed 12 innocent lives. Not just killed, but tortured before dying. With all the scheming Rize made, those 12 must have suffered.
  11. Tumciale

    Tumciale Active Member

    Aug 13, 2022
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    :blobcurse: so rize has been
    kiIIing 12 innocent souls
    She is a psychopath I hope she dies pathetically 12 times too :blobcat_knife::blobcat_hyper:
  12. Hikaro12

    Hikaro12 Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2020
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    Author why? :blob_catflip: Since you put a psycho white lotus b***h character in your novel, why not make an ending befit to that character? 12 human beings were tortured!:blob_teary: and she ends up living a solemn, peaceful life, far away from the capital city until she dies. Wow. What a tragic ending huh?:blobcurse:. Poor 12 souls.

    More spoiler, please :derpyblob:.

    I am not going to read the manhwa, I feel like losing years of my life seeing the poor FL, but I am looking forward for more spoilers :blobparty:
  13. Selene830

    Selene830 Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2021
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    Why was she Rize sent to the monastery?

    Is the novel translated in to English ?
  14. Yume-sama

    Yume-sama Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2021
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    I don't think it having english traslation.
    Naenia likes this.
  15. Yossy jc

    Yossy jc Active Member

    Oct 30, 2022
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    I hate the blonde I can't be satisfied with her ending....I shed a tear as they made MC suffer .........I needed a cruel revenge to feel satisfied
  16. pstns

    pstns Active Member

    Jun 13, 2021
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    Thanks for some spoilers. Officially dropping this now :blobunamused: Seems to me that this is gonna be one of those stories (again) where the ML is in love with another woman (OGFL) but is forced to marry the MC ("villainess") and he treats the MC horribly because (1) his heart belongs to the OGFL, (2) of the MC's ugly reputation (she's the villainess, you guys! ofc she has to be evil and a bully!), (3) of his cOnfLICtiNg fEeLiNGs towards the MC (he loooooves the sweet and innocent OGFL but at the same time he's attracted to the MC's body), and most importantly (4) he's a dark-haired emo who needs to be aloof and keep a dour disposition in order to be "hawt" (because irl an ADULT man who constantly glares at you and neglects you is attractive, right? Right???).

    I can almost foresee some events in this story lmao. It's gonna be the usual scenario where the ML will ignore the MC because he prefers to spend quality time with the OGFL instead of his WIFE (nevermind the potential scandals, doesn't matter that he's a married man), or some drama will happen involving the OGFL/his family and the MC and OF COURSE it must be the MC's fault because she's the villainess! She must have acted like a bitch again and bullied his loved ones! Just look at how traumatized the crying OGFL is :blobexpressionless:

    But despite all the wrongdoings and abuse the MC experienced, miss girl won't even try to stand up for herself and seek divorce. After all, the ML's toxic behavior is just one of his charming qualities :blobconfused:

    I'm impressed with one thing tho, the OGFL (apparently the real villain of the plot) doesn't even get her PROPER comeuppance. The innocent lives lost because of her actions are... well, just disposable lives any way I guess. Now that's new! It's another day of trying to find justice in these kinds of manhwas...

    Sarcasm aside you guys, for those who actually like the story, please don't mind this rant and keep on reading. While I find this manhwa to be generic and upsetting, it doesn't mean that you're not allowed to read it lol. Enjoy reading! :blobsmile:
  17. Aguni_Erina

    Aguni_Erina Well-Known Member

    Apr 21, 2017
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    where can we read the raws aside the official website? i don't know how to register to use the official web...
  18. jjaggii

    jjaggii Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2021
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    About Killian's feelings

    This is after their first night and when Killian is often thinking more of Edith than Lizzie. In this chapter, Duke Ludwig and Killian are inspecting the territory that will be Killian's in the future (It will be split between Cliff and Killian.) In this chapter, Killian thinks: "Killian, who once bad no intention of continuing his marriage with Edith for a long time, was now thinking of bringing her down to the estate. It was more bearable than I expected, and knew that Lizzie's heart had already left me. I felt much better after I made up my mind." It seems Killian knew that Lizzie liked him as a brother. In this chapter, he resolves to focus on his future without Lizzie and planning it with Edith in his thoughts. He acknowledges his feelings to a crush to Lizzie that has coole and thinking deeps of Edith.

    I have a guide on how to read raws on my profile. This is how I do it and its not the only method. There are other ways but this method works for me ^^
    Nanashy, VelvetColors, Neyva and 70 others like this.
  19. Despaireon

    Despaireon Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2021
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    Lmao are you me from an alternative universe?:cry:
    SibylK, Aien_31, zozoshawky and 4 others like this.