Spoiler Under the oak tree

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Lovina, Dec 25, 2019.

  1. athena1979

    athena1979 Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2021
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    @zel_ Korean readers are satisfied enough with the ending. However, international readers aren't happy with such kind of ending. Even, my acquitances told me that the ending was open and cliffhanger. Some readers hope Kim Soo Ji might tell us bout' Duke of Croix, the inheritance issue, Riff's real father, his childhood memories, especially the rendezvous between him and Maxi, their future children and beautiful togetherness at Anatol. However, at the end, even there's only 1 paragraph bout' their togetherness. The rest is bout' Maxi and her best friends. Fortunately, all my acquitances're happy with the TBA (to be announced) side stories. They are waiting for them, patiently and enthusiastically!! @EnterYourNickname, aa, yes, The Kiss is Gustav Klimt. As long as I remember, dear author Nim or P is inspired by the painting.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2023
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  2. EnterYourNickname

    EnterYourNickname Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2022
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    I don't quite understand why people perceive the ending as cliffhanger, it ended with ultimate proclamation of love and devotion on Riftan's part and them being happy ( a fitting/good end in my opinion). Where's the cliffhanger?
    Yes - 'Happy ever after' is an "open" ending (this is how majority of books end), but not a cliffhanger.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2023
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  3. MARSEA12

    MARSEA12 Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2022
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    It can't be about the side stories of this cover, it's book 1, part 1 that's coming in E-book format in Korea.
  4. athena1979

    athena1979 Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2021
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    @EnterYourNickname, I bet it is because they are still curious bout' either other issues, such as inheritance or characters' aftermath, such as Agnes and Ruth. Therefore, they consider the ending is open or cliffhanger. I guess Korean readers have been familiar with such kind of ending. So, they have no problem with it. By the way, I sometimes watch a series on one of the TV stations. Mostly bout' someone's struggle to achieve her or his success. The main characters always come from a big family with more than 4 children. However, not all of them are being discussed. Except the main characters' along with 1 or 2 of their siblings.

    Yeah, I've understood it. The rest is once again just my prediction.
    emdl07, MARSEA12 and Sa12Ben18 like this.
  5. Sa12Ben18

    Sa12Ben18 Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2022
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    I think many people just want to know what happens to all the other beloved characters. The bottom line is that the story of Maxi and Riftan is over. Sure, children would be great, but that's not important. It's the development they have made. I am also interested in what happens to all the other characters and the children, but it is up to each of us to decide what happens next and let our imagination run wild. I'm having a lot of fun with it. I just found it a shame that the last two chapters came so quickly after each other. I wasn't prepared for the end, but now that time has passed, I'm very happy with the ending.
    MDE, sendyv, zel__ and 4 others like this.
  6. MARSEA12

    MARSEA12 Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2022
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    Mostly who were upset with the ending was the Western fandom because they wanted an ending that everything to be revealed. I have seen many upset with book 2, just cause it's all war and politics and the couple weren't together alot and always separated and little romance and smut. I don't think it was a cliffhanger or an open ending. Many wanted the ending to be about them having children. Not all books need to end with children. As for me the only thing I wanted to be revealed their childhood past but I am okay if she wants to reveal in side stories or in a Q&A just like the other events many readers wanted. I am not going to say nothing about book 2 and the ending until is fully translated to voice my opinion what I think about the whole book 2 and the ending. About the children I am okay if ended childless but the reason I want them have children because Riftan has said he wanted children, even at the end Maxi was jealous of Rosetta having a child and she wanted a child. If it didn't have that in the book I am okay with Riftan and Maxi not having children. I noticed most webtoons/webnovels end always with children, I haven't found one that doesn't end childless but just one webtoon/webnovel that had no children and I think she doesn't stay with the ML or is in a distance relationship with the ML and she goes to this place of only where witches live.
    zel__, Sa12Ben18, emdl07 and 2 others like this.
  7. emdl07

    emdl07 Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2022
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    I agree. I think the reason why ppl were disappointed is because the ending came so abruptly, and also, although it could be considered a good ending, there were still a lot of things left unanswered. The other issue was that Rif and Maxi went through so much hardships and after they reconciled, they were separated a lot and missed each other. The last chapter was mostly about some secondary characters that didn't come into the story until book 2, and although it ended with a cute scene between Maxi and Rif, I think it left us wanting more than just a few short paragraphs after so many chapters of separation to end it. It is a romance novel after all so the story should cater to that with lots of fluff in the ending.

    There were many who were also wondering about what happened to some of the original characters. Although there are hints, I think some readers are use to endings where they know exactly what happened to the characters. In this story it felt like some of those characters kind of just disappeared without explanation.

    Think about the movie the Lord of the Rings. A lot of ppl joke that it had like 11 endings lol. The story could have ended with Frodo destroying the ring and getting rescued, but we see him seeing his friends one last time, like Legolas and Gimli while He is healing in Rivendale, we see him and the other hobbits being honored by the king, we see Aragon and Arwen get married, we see Faramir and Eowin develop an interest in each other, we see Frodo, Gandalf, and Bilbo saying goodbye to their world and sail away with the last of the elves like Elron amd Galadriel, we see Sam, Mary, and Pip living their lives in the shire, and Sam getting married and having kids. All the characters in the story got their ending and it brought closure to the audience. I think that's what some of us were expecting.

    I would have liked to read about Agnus going back to the Drachium, how Nunori maybe changed some protocols because of what happened in the war, exactly how Ruth and Maxi organized the new wizards in Anatol, see the demise of duke of cryoso dying miserably, seeing who inherited the duchy, seeing Rosetta move forward in her life, what happened to Hebron and his secret lady, what were the other knights up to, catching a glimpse of Sir Leon and Sir Argen out on their adventure to catch the last if the monsters master ppl, seeing Richt and king H get punished, and of course more Maxi and Rif time in Anatol enjoying themselves and going out to inspect the new growth in Anatol.

    I also agree it didn't need to end with kids, but that's always a cute trope to see. I'm glad the side stories will be dedicated to it.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2023
  8. Sa12Ben18

    Sa12Ben18 Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2022
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    I actually wonder who the master mind behind the monsters was. Somehow I'm missing something there too. But well, maybe things will be added in the manhwa, like in the short between episodes. Those things weren't in the book either.
    MDE, athena1979, zel__ and 3 others like this.
  9. MARSEA12

    MARSEA12 Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2022
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    KSJ said in the Q&A Hebaron didn't last with the secret girl. She wanted a fiery relationship and Hebaron didn't want that kind of relationship.
  10. emdl07

    emdl07 Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2022
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    Yeah me too. I don't remember if it was a theory I read but I could have sworn someone made it seem like there were dark wizards behind the monsters becoming intelligent. Like some former Nonuri wizards that had turned bad, But then it ended up being that the monsters became smart on their own. I'm wondering if it took them years to learn how to develope war strategies like humans did. Like how did they suddenly evolve into intelligent creatures when all this time it was well documented that they just acted like any other creature. Or did someone use magic to make them smart? Idk. It was something I thought about for a while.
    Thanks for clarifying. I didn't know that. Makes sense. Hebron seems like a free spirit. But still it did seem like he disappeared at the end. I would have liked to see him hang around and ruffle Rifs feathers towards the end to give us some humor to read about.

    We also never found out what the favor was that Leon owed Rif right? KSJ didn't say in the Q&A?

    I personally didn't mind it, but I know some readers were also not satisifed that it was never explained how the oak tree story related to Rif and Maxi. I didn't really pay attention to the legend and thought the story was fine without it, but I remember some ppl did care about it a lot, and they came up with some interesting theories. If I'm not mistaken I think KSJ ended up saying there was no connection and that it was just some legend in the story, and even the title of the book could be left up for interpretation. I think some readers wanted a more solid answer for that. Like they wanted KSJ to tie it in somehow.
  11. sendyv

    sendyv Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2022
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    Yeah I totally agree with all of this! I think it just hit me super hard how the ending happened without me expecting it. I thought we would be told "hey, the next chapter will be the end" or something. I'm also a bit selfish and would have loved to read more about the rest of the characters and have just a bit more insight into their beautiful life. The ending was good, I just wasn't ready.

    I also agree with this. I would have loved to see where each character leaves off, at least a glimpse of what they're doing. Hebaron just kind of went MIA at the end :ROFLMAO:. But I get it. i'm sure she didn't want to make the ending drag out either. That's why I appreciate the side stories coming, whenever they do.
    yeah people were invested in that oak tree meaning, but, like you said, I think KSJ mentioned she let it become open for interpretation. I suppose she had other intentions when she started the novel but I get things change in the creative process and concepts take on different meanings or they evolve. I have this mental picture of Riftan and Maxi relaxing under an oak tree in their free time in Anatol and it's super sweet. To me, it's like their meeting point, their safe and exclusive spot in Anatol. The image is so clear in my head, that I kind of always think of them there.
    MDE, Sa12Ben18, athena1979 and 2 others like this.
  12. emdl07

    emdl07 Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2022
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    I am also greatful for the side stories and hope we will get glimpses into the others lives, but mostly have it focus on Rif and Maxi. I really want to see a nervous Rif with a pregnant Maxi and them as new parents with a new born. I think that would be so fun and sweet to read.

    That's such a great image to have in your head about Rif and Maxi having an oak tree as their meeting spot. I love that idea and will now hold onto it in my head when I think of them. Thanks for sharing.

    I could be wrong because I didn't really read or pay attention to the oak tree nymph story, but I think I remember that the nymph and knight were in love, but something happened and they were separated? He was taken on a dragon to heaven? And she got put into an oak tree and is waiting for something to bring them back together? Something like that...idk. Anyways, I know so many ppl came up with theories that were really good, but in my head, i interpreted that the nymph and knight related more to Rifs parents because they were separated and died, and that why Rif doesn't like to hear the story because it reminds him of the tragic life his mom lived separated from the one she loved, his step dad being miserable at his mom side, and his bio dad abandoning him and his mom and then dying. And that's how I left it to settle in my head.
  13. athena1979

    athena1979 Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2021
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    Happy Saturday morning and Friday night to all of us :) Although I'm only a spoiler reader, I'm also quite shocked to learn that Kim Soo Ji has ended UTOT faster than I thought! At the time, I considered she might have ended it next or next two weeks :eek: Even, in another platform, I noticed several people kept saying that she decided to finish UTOT soonest coz' she was already bored with it. And, those who "judged" her were international fans. I also found out that a few wondered if UTOT were cursed coz' it made Kim Soo Ji and P sick and all the fans depressed :rolleyes::confused: Honestly, I have no problem with the ending. As long as they had been returned to Anatole, they would be together. I'm completely happy with the promised side stories o_O I'm 100% okay if Kim Soo Ji likes to explain everything in Q & A better than in stories. I'm afraid the forum would be erased if UTOT ended. For, there will be neither theories nor opinions anymore. But, nowadays, we make the forum alive again because most of us are waiting for the promised side stories. I'm overwhelmed to see some of you again; @EnterYourNickname, @emdl07, @Lizaa and @hanwausus
  14. honeybuttergarlic

    honeybuttergarlic Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2022
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    KSJ was sick and tired of the novel, so I finished it quickly.
    Note that such speculations are rude to the author. She already wrote the ending scene four years ago. The scene of the oath of the knight. In the first place, the author decided to end the story with a scene where he gave the knight's oath when he organized the story six years ago, and also released evidence.
    And the monster behind.The relationship between the wizard and the monster... drgonian. MTL user or spolilers. Looking at these, I can see how many details are missing.
    There were more than 3,000 comments on the last episode, but when I looked at the comments complaining, they were all in English.
    And the inheritance problem is not a problem if you read and understand the novel properly. I'm tired of explaining one by one.

    ++ And sometimes I see comments saying that Riftan should unite the Seven Kingdoms and become king, it's just funny. It's like a comment that breaks down the narrative and the foundation of the story.
    Since the world view is so large and there are many characters, it seems that there are many words.
  15. Delina

    Delina Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2023
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    I was reading this translated korean romance online novel called Cry Even Better If You Beg and it has abrupt or sudden ending too. But the author provided 4 chapters of epilogues and 18 chapters of sidestories to complete that ending. The epilogues and side stories contains the life of the ml n fl couple after the end chapter, on how they spend their daily lives together with their toddler son, how the relationship between fl and her family inlaws going on - she was an orphan and a commoner while ml is a duke so it was hard for the family to accept her as the duchess at the beginning, how the fl continues her tertiary education after the marriage and many more details. I feel contented and satisfied at the ending after reading the epilogues and sidestories like they complement the ending nicely. I have a slight hope that when KSJ is free she will provide these kind of epilogues and sidestories too, but the hope is not too high. I totally understand if she doesn’t come out with it.
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  16. honeybuttergarlic

    honeybuttergarlic Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2022
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    ++ And my thoughts on the Wigrew legend.
    Legends are just legends. Riftan may be his reincarnation, but Riftan is just Riftan.
    Wigrew fought. the ascalon in one's hand to unite the Seven Kingdoms. And as a result, her lover, Dryd, was left alone. But Riftan did not. Returned the Ascalon and chose Maxi. This is the difference between the two. Maxi was also worried that the sword would return to its original form when Riftan caught Ascalon. And maxi wanted riftan to choose her. And Riftan did. chose happiness with my loved one, not a tragedy that follows the legend, and that completed the story. If Riftan is his reincarnation, it can be interpreted as regretting his past choices and choosing to live with his lover.
  17. sendyv

    sendyv Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2022
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    Yeah, that’s what I think about the legend too. Riftan chose his happiness with Maxi instead of the glory of Wigrew, bringing the story full circle. And I’m glad KSJ left the legend as a legend. I wanted them to be together and happy at the end, which was achieved.

    Also, I hope you don’t think we’re being rude to KSJ in this forum. We’re all united by our love for UTOT and appreciation for her writing. We tend to be very supportive. I think some comments might be misconstrued due to language barriers, but we all respect KSJ. We may differ on opinions about the ending, but it’s just because we’re passionate about the story. Most of us liked the ending here, though. We’re just excited about the side stories now.
  18. athena1979

    athena1979 Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2021
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    @honeybuttergarlic, I'm completely sorry but please trust me those who commented were people from different platform, not me! I like the oath ending! I was glad because finally Riff was able to defeat Richt. I'm grateful coz' Kim Soo Ji decides not to talk more bout' the legends. Both songs are tragic and miserable. I'm completely okay if there are 4 Wigrew's reincarnations. Even both Quahel and Sejour are considered Wigrew's reincarnations however they are still Quahel and Sejour so is Riftan. I bet in Maxi's eyes, he is still and always Riftan not one of the Wigrew's reincarnation. I had realized if Riff chose Ascalon, his life might be more difficult and harder. He might be separated from Maxi for the sake of Ascalon. I also completely disagree when a few think that Riftan must be an emperor. I guess Kim Soo Ji wanna describe Maxi's special relation with both Sidina and Annette. I'm honestly okay with it! Although Maxi is a married woman, she is still able to spend her time with her best friends. I've often noticed several married women who consider after getting married, they would have less and less friends. In the case of Maxi, we learn that Riff might have changed his possessiveness. He allowed her to hang out with her friends while waiting for her to say goodbye to them, patiently. Kim Soo Ji's idea of writing bout' their future children in the side stories instead of the epilogue is briliant! I and the others here are completely excited bout' the side stories. We will wait for them, patiently. Hope, Kim Soo Ji stays safe and healthy, mentally and physically. I decided not to keep in touch with a few of acquitances since Kim Soo Ji delayed the updating coz' of her broken laptop. Their judgement depressed me.
    honeybuttergarlic and MARSEA12 like this.
  19. Sa12Ben18

    Sa12Ben18 Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2022
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    Oh yes, the long awaited Riftan vs Richt fight was so cool. You don't have to write an ending for everything. The last scene in the book where they are under the oak tree is beautiful and Maxi briefly remembers the boy from her childhood and all that at the spring festival. I can already see the manhwa picture in my mind's eye. So beautiful.
    And well, the hot scenes we all wish for.... We'll give them their privacy:whistle::X3::oops:.

    It also shows Maxi's developments, that she now has girlfriends, which she never had in her childhood. And wouldn't it be a bit boring if Riftan had chosen Ascalon?
  20. athena1979

    athena1979 Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2021
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    @Sa12Ben18, I completely agree with you bout' Riff's and Richt's duel. It was marvelous! Yeah, Maxi's education at Nornui and her friendship with Sidina and Annete have proven her development. She isn't as timid and insecure as before. Furthermore, her relationship with both Sidina and Annete is very different from her relation with Agnes and Rosetta. There is a contrast between how she faces them. In my opinion, when Riff rejected Ascalon is similar to when Maxi refused Calto's offer to continue her study at Nornui. There is a parallelism between the two events. For Riff, Maxi is even 100th times more important and precious than Ascalon. ;):love:;) I assure they must have a memorable b..s... after the unforgettable duel!! They definitely needed a privacy. You're 100% correct!!
    Sa12Ben18 and MARSEA12 like this.