Spoiler Olgami (K webtoon)

Discussion in 'Manga Discussion' started by MariL, Nov 18, 2020.

  1. hhh_017

    hhh_017 Well-Known Member

    Jul 1, 2022
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    yooooo, they meet. legooooooooooooooooo.
  2. oofitsme

    oofitsme Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2022
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    *Note: This episode continues on with the scene where Geurim thinks that Father has seen him on the balcony inside the banquet hall.

    Geurim: “HAN CHAE AH, LET’S GO BACK!”

    CA: “WHAT?!”


    Geurim teleports and disappears.

    CA: “HEY—! WAIT!!! I…!” I can’t teleport!!

    She quickly crouches down.

    Is he still watching? She peers through the balcony but does not see Father.

    Whew…looks like he just left…

    Person 1: “Did you just see that? It was some boy, didn’t he teleport?”

    Person 2: “You saw that too, right? The boy that was next to that woman there. Isn’t teleporting forbidden in this party?”

    CA starts to panic as she hears what they are saying.

    Person 1: “Isn’t that so? Even her clothes are strange. Did an outsider make their way in?”

    Person 2: “Shouldn’t we call in some guards?”

    The lady raises her hand.

    Person 1: “Guards. There is a suspicious individual here —“

    CA looks up and quickly teleports out of sight.

    Person 1: “Oh my!”

    CA: F*ck, where the hell is this place!! Hopefully I didn’t teleport to some weird place. It doesn’t look like anyone is here…

    She hears noises from outside.

    CA: It looks like I moved somewhere not too far from that place from before…It feels like I got dragged to someplace dangerous. It seemed like the people from earlier were vampires too. If I make one slip-up here…what do I do…Geurim is probably waiting for me…His blood can turn me back into a human…

    Meanwhile, Geurim is desperately searching for CA.

    Geurim: “HAN CHAE AH…?”

    He is walking up a set of stairs.

    Geurim: She didn’t go back to the storage closet, so where is she? Thankfully I haven’t seen Father. Where on earth is Han Chae….

    Somebody suddenly yells out:


    Geurim freezes in his tracks.


    He makes eye contact with PYS.

    PYS: Geurim?

    Geurim: Park Yoon Soo?

    Meanwhile, CA is still sitting in a fetal position and her sense of hearing is overloaded with the chaos and ruckus going on inside the banquet hall.

    CA: What is all this noise? It’s quite chaotic…outside?

    Unbeknownst to her, a chain reaction of events are occurring, from people attaching PYS to Geurim being held captive with a knife, from Father attacking his rebellious subordinates to Rose standing amidst all the chaos.

    CA clutches her head and cries out, “AGHH—!!”

    A man’s body is suddenly thrown across the hall and crashes into the wall.

    Person 1: “WHAT…WHAT’S THAT?”


    CA breathes heavily. The wall in front of her has a large hole in the middle.

    PYS: “Haha….no wonder, I smelled something…”

    She looks up at him.

    CA: “Park Yoon Soo…? Park Yoon Soo, why are you here?”

    PYS: “And what are you doing here?”

    CA: “I didn’t come here with my own two feet…?”

    Someone runs towards PYS and punches him in the face. He kicks him away hard with his foot.

    CA watches them fighting in front of her.

    CA: What this?! PYS is even fighting here too?! What is he doing in such a dangerous place like this? …. What’s there to know! He’ll probably be fine on his own…!

    She turns around and walks away. PYS sees her leaving. Another man approaches PYS and he swiftly punches him in the face. Meanwhile, another assailant has managed to grab both of PYS’s arms and restrain them behind his back.


    PYS looks at him in silence as he tries to struggle against the man who is restraining his arms.

    Person 1: “YOU’RE NOT GOING TO TELL ME?!”

    The man whips out a knife and raises it above his head, getting ready to stab him.

    CA suddenly appears out of nowhere and punches the man square in the jaw. PYS looks at her, surprised.

    CA is breathing heavily and can only stand in shock.

    CA: I, I didn’t mean to hit him?! My fist just went out on its own! What do I do now?

    PYS: “Han Chae Ah.”

    His left arm gently grabs her neck while his other grabs her upper body. He leans in toward her ear.

    PYS: “Teleport now.”

    CA: “What?”

    PYS: “There’s too many people. Hold me and teleport.”

    CA: “Hey, I can’t teleport…”

    PYS: “Look.”

    CA looks at the angry man approaching them both.

    CA: What do I do? Should I punch him again?! “YEESH…!!” She shuts her eyes. “I REALLY DON’T KNOW?!!!!” She teleports.

    Person 1: “SHE TELEPORTED!”

    Person 2: “FIND THEM!!!”


    PYS: “Are you kidding me, Han Chae Ah?”

    CA: “You told me to do it!!”

    PYS: “And we’re literally right next to them…”

    They hear voices from outside:


    Han Chae Ah has teleported them both in a small closet with barely enough room to move. PYS is hugging her from behind as he looks at her with yellow eyes.
    DonutHeart, gnyaa, MiraLala and 4 others like this.
  3. hhh_017

    hhh_017 Well-Known Member

    Jul 1, 2022
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    Thankssssss! Lovely, they are sooooo lovely haha. Somehow, their conversation is hilarious to me. It seems like CA can only teleport following PYS's smell, so that's why she can't go as far lol. They are in a close space :"> I'm excited.
    Elisee likes this.
  4. citrusyuzu

    citrusyuzu Active Member

    Jul 6, 2020
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    think it's because of that drink at the door ty so much for all the translations!!
  5. lucaswhomademeaprincess

    lucaswhomademeaprincess Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2021
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    Hi, did yunsu really sleep with girl in the brothet at chapter 53? I was really exciting to read until that chapter, but idk, i kinda ilfeel with the fact that yunsu is the type of man who sleeps with anyone :(
  6. rannnchan

    rannnchan Active Member

    Jul 10, 2022
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    Yes, he did that too in chapter 112 :blobsad:
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2023
  7. _devourer_of_books_

    _devourer_of_books_ Active Member

    Nov 28, 2022
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    I mean, he is a very self indulgent, hedonistic character. He just does whatever he wants in general. He toys with everyone and gets away with everything in the beginning of the story. He is very much the type to sleep with just anyone . He mansplains manipulates malewifes manslaughter manwhores his way through life, if you will.

    It's okay to dislike him for it, in fact it's kind of the point? I would advise you to keep reading because the story is about the growth of both his and Chae-Ah's character.

    Scenes like that one in chapter 53 and other flashback scenes later on are there to showcase how his previous hedonistic lifestyle is a crutch for his own loneliness and to give us some insight on how he's feeling, exactly because defaulting to carnal pleasure, blood and drugs (alcohol and tobacco) is his coping mechanism. It's quite the nice exhibit of show/don't tell, I'd you ask me.

    Again, it's ok to dislike that about him, but I think it's a bit judgy to quit reading because if that. Like,,, you already knew from chapter one that Yoon-Soo is not a "good" person djsnsjsns

    Also, no episode this week, apparently. Shame, we were just about to get fed some PYS/Chae-Ah content after weeks and weeks of backstory and plot
  8. oofitsme

    oofitsme Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2022
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    Thank you for saying this! I swear there's so many instances where people just say outright "Oh I'm GoNnA qUiT rEaDiNg ThIs" because they didn't jive with a particular element of a webtoon. For example, if the ML is way too dom or too much of a player, there's readers threatening to drop it. I don't get what's so difficult about giving the story a chance. Character development in any webtoon is an essential element. If it doesn't have that, then over time readers will lose interest. If any of you guys have read "True Beauty," you've probably stopped reading it somewhere down the line; I stopped because there was so little character development even past ep 100 (the girl literally is so indecisive) and every ep seemed to be dragging on. Even the ratings for the newer episodes were abysmal. They used to promote it heavily every time I opened the KR Webtoon app but it doesn't even show up anymore, so I wonder what happened to it...

    I was initially very wary of reading Olgami because it was a thriller. Anything bloody, gorey, etc. I can't read or watch (yes, I cannot watch a single ep of sageuk dramas) but this webtoon completely blew my mind. It is also much more bearable to read than "A Hard Day," (available on Manta Comics) which I almost put down several times while reading cause it was a LOT to handle. I'm usually the type to read Victorian-era/modern office romance webtoons but thanks to Olgami I've been branching out and reading other genres while improving my Korean.

    The author seems to get sick often :( somebody get her some ginseng lol
    gnyaa, MiraLala, Lizaa and 1 other person like this.
  9. Lizaa

    Lizaa Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2022
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    Hiii im re-reading this in webtoon app, is more understandable, so in chapter 144 how far they went???.... when chae remembers when she asks him to erase her memories it kinda gives a open interpretation ... i thought their first time was after she became a vampire am i wrong?

    I hope the author come back healthily i was looking forward to the new episode... father backstory was interesting tho.
  10. _devourer_of_books_

    _devourer_of_books_ Active Member

    Nov 28, 2022
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    Oh don't even get me started on True Beauty djdnsksnsmsnd I rarely ever drop manhwas. I'll file them to catch up on later or something but I like to finish and review them eventually just to give myself like, resolution. But oh my god, after dragging myself through 150 chapters of nothing, I simply could not go on, I legitimately cannot remember a single plot line after like, somewhere around chapter 90? Like what even was that. It wrapped up a few months ago I think, but I'll probably never finish it.

    Funny enough I was also a bit wary of the 'thiller' tag on Olgami when I first saw it, because only a few chapters had been out on webtoon then and I wasn't sure if it would be a romance at all? Like, it wasn't giving fantasy dark romance novel at first sjsbsjssjsnsj and I suffer from this very specific condition where I need a romantic subplot in order to get through anything scary so... But I ended up sticking around cause I was curious to see if my girl Chae-Ah would make it to the end of the story cause her chances were not looking up on those first chapters

    I hope the author doesn't have issues in her wrist, though I am suspecting it might be the case? It's very common for artists. Unless they have a team (and even then) it can put a big strain on them and lead to this kind of inconsistent updating and the need for sick leaves and hiatus. God knows everyday I pray for the artist of Purple Hyacinth (if you haven't checked this one out, do yourself the favor, it's my favorite webtoon ever, even if it's in hiatus rn, the music, the art, the story, it's just ughhh chefs kiss) to feel better. Hopefully the author for Olgami doesn't have this issue, but if they do I hope they'll be able to finish the manhwa before taking a break

    Hi! I'm pretty sure they only heavily make out. The flashback in chapter 144 is the one that tells us they did not in fact go all the way despite the random deja-vu's and the wet dream she had. After that scene of Chae-Ah admitting she trusts him, I'm pretty sure we get the hug and the crying while Yoon-Soo erases her memories and arranges to drop her off at the airport and that's that?

    Their first time is when she's already s vampire, in chapter 165.
    oofitsme and MiraLala like this.
  11. oofitsme

    oofitsme Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2022
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    CA: “You told me to teleport!”

    YS: “Then how did you come to me? Didn’t you chase after my smell?”

    CA: “Park Yoon Soo, your smell? Ha! There’s so many people here, how could I distinguish your smell?”

    YS: “Huh? You, you can’t even distinguish my smell? WASN’T LAST NIGHT ENOUGH?”

    CA becomes frustrated and jabs him with her elbow.


    YS: “Ha! The one who keeps pressing against me is you, you know that?”


    Both of them sit in silence breathing heavily.

    YS: “You ran away like you were never going to see me again.”

    CA: “Speaking of which, aren’t you embarrassed about yourself?”

    YS reaches out with his hand and touches CA’s hair.

    YS: “Han Chae Ah, why do you keep coming back? Do you like seeing people suffer?”

    CA: “Don’t be mistaken, I didn’t come back to you. I heard everything. So Geurim’s blood can turn me back into a human, right?”

    YS: He freezes momentarily. “Ah~ you found that out? ….that’s no fun.”

    CA: “I know. Didn’t you want me to stay by your side forever as a vampire?”

    Her words catch him off-guard.

    CA: “Do you really think I’ll be happy living as a vampire? Living such a long life…Park Yoon Soo, were you happy? THE ME IN YOUR IMAGINATION, IS SHE HAPPY BEING BY YOUR SIDE?” She looks back at him.

    YS thinks back at the people he saw in the banquet. Despite them being vampires, they were happily chatting amongst each other, dancing, and enjoying themselves. He looks at CA’s face. It is clear that she looks miserable.

    YS: In my countless fantasies of Han Chae Ah, there is no instance of her laughing. But, what if that didn’t matter?

    Footsteps approach the closet that they are in.

    Person 1: “Are they here?”

    Person 2: “Nah, no way.”

    CA: “They came all the way here!”

    YS: “…Han Chae Ah. Play a game with me.” His fangs have come out, and there are traces of blood on his lips.

    CA: “What are you saying?”

    YS: “Who will find Geurim first. The person who finds Geurim first wins. How’s that?” He leans in towards her.

    Person 1: “Do you remember the smell?”

    Person 2: “No? I can’t even sense their presence because of the blood we drank earlier at the entrance.”

    YS: “If I find Geurim, I’m going to leave this place regardless of whether you’re with me or not. We’re going to be going our own separate ways so it won’t matter, right? Our relationship, let’s get it over with right here —“

    CA: “Hey! You know where Geurim is, don’t you?! So why are you making me play this game…”

    YS corners her against the wall.

    YS: “If you don’t want to, you can spend the rest of your life staying by my side like this.”

    CA: “You, really…!”

    He leans in closer to her as footsteps slowly approach the door to the space that they are in.

    YS: “Sh…we’re going to get caught.”

    They are both breathing heavily as they look into each other’s eyes. His lips touch hers as she closes her eyes tightly. Suddenly YS’s head falls to her neck as she looks at him in surprise.

    CA: “Hey, wait…Right here…?”

    YS: “I haven’t reached it yet. What thoughts are you thinking, Han Chae Ah…What are you thinking about that you have been flinching since earlier…? You’re making me, really want to do it…!

    CA is overwhelmed with the flashbacks of them in bed. Her ears get very red and her foot accidentally kicks the door. The door opens with a loud creak. CA breathes heavily as she runs out of the room they were in.

    CA: That was crazy…! What was I trying to do with him? She stops in her tracks and turns around.



    CA: “Ha…” So he’s going to disturb me till the very end? “Fine, let’s do it. Don’t regret it when you lose.”

    YS: “Haha, sure~ Why don’t you try your very best, Chae Ah~!” This is our ‘last game’ anyway!

    CA runs throughout the hall.

    CA: I was looking forward to it. Once I found out the way to turning back into a human, that he was going to give up and help me…but sure.

    “Son of a bit*h…!”

    Park Yoon Soo will never change.


    A cell door slowly opens.


    Geurim looks up. He is breathing heavily with blood on his face and neck. In his right hand, he holds a small but sharp dagger.

    Who do you guys think found him first? Will it be Chae Ah, who defies all expectations, or Yoon Soo, who always seems to be one step ahead of everyone else?

    OMG I LOVED Purple Hyacinth!! Is the author of that still on hiatus? I was really looking forward to Season 4. I didn't see any news of when the exact ETA would be, did they mention anything about it at all?

    I feel like almost every webtoon artist has some health issues. I have a lot saved on the KR Webtoon app and it seems like almost everyday, for one of them, the author is on a short break for health reasons (whether it's the flu, wrist injury, etc.) Some time ago on Twitter I remember seeing a tweet where a publishing company released a staetement where an author actually passed away while the series was still ongoing. Totally forgot the name of the webtoon though, but that was so sad...These people are young and have so much life ahead of them :(
  12. DonutHeart

    DonutHeart New Member

    Apr 24, 2023
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    What if it's neither Chae Ah or Yoon Soo, and instead someone who might want Geurim dead? I am a bit scared that it might be Leo who is emotionally unstable after what happened with Rose..:unsure:

    Thank you for the spoiler as always!
    oofitsme likes this.
  13. oofitsme

    oofitsme Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2022
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    OMG I LOVED Purple Hyacinth!! Is the author of that still on hiatus? I was really looking forward to Season 4. I didn't see any news of when the exact ETA would be, did they mention anything about it at all?

    I feel like almost every webtoon artist has some health issues. I have a lot saved on the KR Webtoon app and it seems like almost everyday, for one of them, the author is on a short break for health reasons (whether it's the flu, wrist injury, etc.) Some time ago on Twitter I remember seeing a tweet where a publishing company released a staetement where an author actually passed away while the series was still ongoing. Totally forgot the name of the webtoon though, but that was so sad...These people are young.
    You're welcome!

    I totally forgot about Leo for a second there. I'd imagine him and Father having their own little fight together. I don't think he quite fully grasped the fact that Rose died though. I won't be surprised if Father goes on a killing spree and tries to "off" everyone in the building. The entire time I was reading this week's chapter I wanted to grab our girl's shoulders and say "WHY CAN'T YOU ACKNOWLEDGE YOUR FEELINGS FOR HIM" :blobsob::blobsob::blobsob: But then after reading Yoon Soo's thoughts I kept going back on forth on the idea of whether they really should be together. She's clearly not happy being with him yet he is obsessed with her and wants to tie her down into his life. Her immense trust issues and the remnants of her not-so-good past keep turning up wherever she goes, so her immediate instinct is to push anyone and everyone away from her life. I really think our couple has potential but Yoon Soo seriously needs to stop messing with her like he did during the start of Olgami. As soon as he mentioned the "game" that he wanted to play, my thoughts immediately went to the corpse incident at the way beginning.
  14. oofitsme

    oofitsme Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2022
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    Person 1: “STOP RIGHT THERE!!!”

    Geurim is sprinting across the halls.

    Geurim: There’s nowhere else to hide now! Where do I go?

    He sees an opening where a set of stairs leads down. He runs toward it and descends, panting heavily.

    How long do I need to keep running? If I think about it I’ve always…been running.

    He remembers that time when the servant told him to run whenever things got difficult.

    Is that right? If I’m always running —

    He has a flashback of when Leo told Father that he killed Park Yoon Soo.

    The set of stairs turned out to be the place where Father had held his experiments.

    Person 1: “Huuh, Huuh…. I finally caught…”

    Geurim turns and stares at him.

    Person 1: “What, do you want to have a fight now? You, do you have idea how valuable your blood is? This isn’t something that’s going to be solved just by you getting rid of me.”

    Geurim: “What…? You wanted to be a vampire because of your wife…”

    Person 1: “Hah! And you believed that? So I can turn back into a human…with your blood, we can surpass Father! NOW, LET’S COOPERATE AND BE OBEDIENT —!”

    The man slashes Geurim’s neck. Blood drips onto the ground.


    The crazed man scoops up as much blood as possible from Geurim’s neck and drinks it. He gulps it all down as Geurim watches him slyly.

    Person 1: “HUH…? Why is my hand like this…? Wrinkles…My grip strength…”

    Geurim holds a sharp object in his hand.

    I will no longer run away!

    Some time later, the man lies dead. Geurim stumbles and clutches his neck.

    Ah…I’ve lost too much blood…Where is Park Yoon Soo? No wait, was that my imagination earlier? I’m sure he died back then…I was so desperate that I must have seen wrong….


    Geurim: “Park…Yoon Soo…!” He collapses and YS grabs on to him.

    YS: What happened? “Geurim? What is this…”

    He notices the corpse on the ground.

    Someone already came looking for him…? The blood isn’t stopping…It is because he’s a hybrid? Now that I think about it, back then he recovered after drinking Han Chae Ah’s blood…so human blood for sure…but if a hybrid drinks human blood, they will age!

    Geurim: “PAY ATTENTION, PARK YOON SOO! Why are you so agitated when there’s an injured person in front of you? A little…I want to rest for a bit…”

    Some time later.

    Geurim: “Don’t look at me like that. I’m not going to die.”

    YS: “…Are you okay?”

    Geurim: “I thought you weren’t going to come. Even being here with you right now, I wonder if it’s all just a lie.”

    Back then….

    Geurim remembers YS telling him to go to England and wait for him there, and that he would come back for him.

    You said that…

    “Why were you so late…weren’t you curious about how I was doing?”

    YS sits in silence.

    Geurim: “I, lived for a long time as a young child…so I came to find out while living as an adult without you. You raised me…so well.”

    YS remembers him and a much younger Geurim holds hands on a winter's day. Geurim looks up at him and smiles cutely.

    YS: "Geurim...about your father..."

    Geurim: "LET'S BURY THAT. Even though that incident hurt us both, we have to live on anyway. So let's bury it. So Park Yoon Soo, you should let go of Seon."

    Geurim looks as tears fall down Yoon Soo's face.

    YS: Ah...the one who wasn't letting go was me....

    Geurim suddenly reels over and coughs.

    YS: “GEURIM!”

    Geurim points towards a cart in front of him.

    “Park Yoon Soo…there…give me something…there’s a glass bottle I used to get some of my blood. Park Yoon Soo, give this to Han Chae Ah. Han Chae Ah, she wanted to be a human. You need to let go of her. The beginning was so messed up. No, actually…there was a wall that vampires and humans could not cross. Both cannot coexist. And the one who is going to break that barrier is not you, a vampire — but Han Chae Ah, a human. But…there’s no way that can happen…”

    YS: I know…that by chasing her like a predator, all she’ll do is run away like a rabbit.

    “Alright…” He takes the bottle.

    If Han Chae Ah becomes human, she will not be with me…

    YS: “Things are done with her anyway. All I need to do is take you and get out of here.”

    Geurim: “What about Han Chae Ah?”

    YS: “Ah~ her? It’s a shame but, she lost the game.” His eyes turn yellow.

    I guess I feel sorry for you, Han Chae Ah? It was a game that you couldn’t win from the start.

    YS takes Geurim and they both start heading out.

    YS: “Do you think you can teleport?”

    Geurim shakes his head.

    YS: Even if I were to drink vampire blood…

    “Let’s walk out for now.”

    and my sense of smell was to weaken…I can still find the scent of Geurim’s blood…! Well, try getting out of this place on your own then —

    Meanwhile, in another part of the castle:

    CA: “St…stop…! GO AWAY…!”

    CA is cornered into a wall as a figure looms over her.

    Father: “ROSE…?”

    So that last part was a surprise for sure, wonder what's gonna happen next. Father is really out of it :blobfearful: this can't be good...our girl needs to teleport asap
  15. soheiru_s

    soheiru_s Member

    Aug 20, 2022
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    THANKYOU SM :barefoot:
    oofitsme likes this.
  16. yadasan

    yadasan Member

    Sep 25, 2023
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    can anyone spoil me about the ending? I can't wait lol.
  17. Pathetic Angels

    Pathetic Angels Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2022
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    None of us know the ending either it's an original webtoon if I'm not mistaken and all the spoilers your read in this thread is the latest chapter of the manhwa
    yadasan likes this.
  18. yadasan

    yadasan Member

    Sep 25, 2023
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    AWWW... I can't . my heart will explode if the ending is not to my liking :(((((((
  19. oofitsme

    oofitsme Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2022
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    Hey guys! Just a heads up, I start a new job tomorrow so I am not able to upload the TL for the next chapter at my usual time (~11 AM PST). I'm supposed to be there for a few hours for training but I'm not sure if that will actually be the case. If nothing gets uploaded by 5 PM PST tomorrow check back at around 9 PM! In the meantime, you can download the Korean Webtoon app on the App Store (idk about Androids) and buy 'cookies' to see the visuals in the new chapter tomorrow.
  20. oofitsme

    oofitsme Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2022
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    Father reaches out with his hand towards Han Chae Ah.

    Father: “Rose…”

    CA: “…What?”

    Is he mistaking me for someone else? This guy, he’s weird!!

    Father walks closer to her as she continues to step back.

    Father: “Rose, please…”

    CA: “Wa, wait! I’m not Rose…!”

    In Father’s eyes, he sees her as Rose. He suddenly rushes forward and embraces her in a tight hug.

    Father: “Rose…I dreamed a dream. That you left me first to die…a dream where even your bones crumbled to dust. But seeing that you’re still alive, it was all just a dream…That's right...it was just a dream. Rose...don't ever leave me again."

    His grip on CA becomes tighter and makes her panic.

    CA: My breath...I think my body is going to get crushed...!


    She tries frantically to escape his embrace.

    "Look....I'm....NOT ROSE --!"

    She pushes him away with all her might, but his fingernails scratch her arm, drawing blood.


    Geurim: "...Park Yoon Soo...I smell Han Chae Ah's blood...are you sure it will be fine going on our own?"

    YS: "Just like you said, I'm letting her go. She has nothing to do with me now."

    Back to CA:

    CA tries desperately to escape Father's strong grip on her arm. She ends up climbing up to a balcony.


    Father's eyes suddenly widen as he sees Diana taking her form.

    Diana: "Gray, did you enjoy my present? I'm here to kill you. Don't you feel it? The long life that's been flowing through you."

    He hears the sound of a clock ticking.

    Diana: "You hear it too? The time you have left..."

    CA: "HEY, LET...GO!!!"

    Father finally lets go of her hand. CA falls off the balcony and lands on something. She sees a pair of legs and a hand touching her chin.

    YS: "How foolish. It seems like you often forget that you can teleport?"

    CA: "No, it's because you keep holding...Wait, that's not what's important right now...."

    She turns her head and sees Father, who has teleported and is now standing before them, seething with rage.


    ...Huh? My body won't move. What's going on?

    Father grabs YS by the neck and pushes him against a tree.

    Father: "For you to touch Rose's body-- how are you alive? Did Leo deceive me? Why are the ones I’ve shown mercy to —

    His grip on YS’s neck tightens.

    — being so annoying?”

    Blood comes out of YS’s mouth.

    Geurim: “NO!!” He grabs Father’s arm.

    Father: “You…”

    He disappears and Geurim is thrown to the ground, full force.


    Geurim coughs up a large amount of blood.

    Father stands in front of him and sees his hand, which had traces of Geurim's blood, begun to crumble away. He remembers what Diana told him, that he should never become a human.

    Father: "What on earth are you? You have blood that can transform a vampire into a human, and not only that, you drank my blood like Rose did, yet you're still alive..."

    This child....it seems like he was born to confront me. Was all this some sort of revenge drama that Diana had planned out? He suddenly has a flashback of the witch predicting his death, and sees a much older Rose in his imagination.

    Father: "UGH..." He lurches forward.

    What was that...Rose is not dead.

    He grabs Geurim.

    "Without you there's no way that Rose would be dead!!"

    Geurim starts coughing up blood furiously once again.


    Father: "IF YOU WERE GONE --"

    He raises his arm.

    A hand emerges out of nowhere and blocks Father's fist. Leo to the rescue!

    Leo looks sideways at CA.

    "Ha... It's been a while, Han Chae Ah."

    Blood drips down a newly formed scar on the back of Leo's hand.

    Thanks for your patience guys! I'm so glad we get to see some action here, finally :)