Spoiler I’m frustrated because I Can't Catch It - 못 잡아먹어서 안달

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Naenia, Oct 3, 2023.

  1. littlebitsad

    littlebitsad Active Member

    Jun 12, 2023
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    Wheree did you get the raws :3
  2. Queenofmirth

    Queenofmirth More than a Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2021
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    Me? I read the fan translation into Spanish. The name it goes by is "Estoy molesto porque no puedo entenderlo"
    It has 10 chapthers.
  3. AsmaeOphelia

    AsmaeOphelia Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2020
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    From what I gathered(too lazy to read so I just skim through chaps and get spoilers from others):
    -ML wil not know till later:FL was staying at ML's house, FL had fallen asleep and had a fever, when ML took off her clothes and wiped her sweat, he saw that FL had a lot of scars/operation scar.After that, ML investigated everything,and he asked a surgeon about the scar, and the surgeon told him was a liver donor surgery wound.
    -Then he also cross-checked and asked the people he asked to investigate this, to find out the name of the person FL's liver got donated to, which was FL's ex's mother.
    -This was difficult to find because the donor's track record had been erased by the stupid ex of FL who was really good at forging documents because he had power & connections as a lawyer.
    -Then finally ML felt like it made sense, why all this time, when FL sleeps like a dead person, it's hard to wake her up, and she gets tired so easily.
    Will add more spoilers if i find any or read more of the novel.

    More spoilers I got online(so take them as a grain of salt pls):
    -When FL ran away to overseas because of ML's grandfather,she disappeared just like for 1 month and no one knew where she was.ML even left his position at the office, begged his grandfather and aunt to tell him where FL was. Unfortunately, grandfather and aunt also don't know where she is going because FL didn't use what grandfather gave her(plane ticket to NY, account filled with $10 million) so they don't know where she went. ML has gone almost crazy, he's too attached to her.
    -FL's father was a driver who is very close to ML's parents, he was framed as his coffee the day of the accident was filled with sleeping pills(the uncle did it), that's why it was an accident.
    -Everything will be revealed at the end ,even to ML's family and ML's grandfather will finally approve of their relationship.
    For the ex:
    -The bastard died because he was involved in a shootout when he wanted to kill ML in the Philippines, his father also died in a golf cart accident when he was with a caddy girl, in the end his mother, who got FL's liver, was abandoned in a nursing home.
    - FL and ML have twins at the end,a boy and girl.
    -ML likes to show off his baby girl to everyone and the neighbors so that they would tell and praise him "she's beautiful like her father".:blobxd:
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2023
  4. tifftiff2121

    tifftiff2121 Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2021
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    I just want to hear about the shit exes misery!
  5. Sasikarn

    Sasikarn Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2020
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    Any spoiler on how fl start to like ml?
    Misa_Misa and Queenofmirth like this.
  6. Pathetic Angels

    Pathetic Angels Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2022
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    So... Did the ML do smth for FL's liver?? Did she get another transplant or something because I don't have to experience it to know that living with only 35% of your liver is hard. Does the trash ex family got exposed for scamming people to give their organs?? I want more than just death for them because THEY LITERALLY ROBBED SOMEONE'S LIVER :blobsob: This is why people, you should never donor any of your organs to someone other than your close family members that you know very well for all your life, even some of them can betray you let alone someone that you barely know for 8 frickin months :notlikeblob: This manhwa is so frustrating maybe I'll read it when it's about to end or at least when FL ditched the shitty ex, shame that the art was so good. :blobpensive:
  7. VR939

    VR939 New Member

    Nov 15, 2023
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    Where can I read the novel except for naver
  8. Memeee123

    Memeee123 Active Member

    Dec 15, 2018
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    The FL will start liking the ML soon after breaking up with her good for nothing lawyer boyfriend(she'll realise the bf was cheating on her with his coworker also she'll realise that the bf lied to her that no family member of theirs has the same blood type as the mother)....the ML will be good to her and always there for her through her misery and she'll fall for him and she'll even confess 1st

    U can read it at series
  9. AsmaeOphelia

    AsmaeOphelia Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2020
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    I just read some chapters today and there are new infos about the coworker and mistress of Hee-wook,her name is Hyunji,(I read through mtl so myb translations aren't totally accurate)
    She actually hates Heewook,FL's ex.
    Backstory of Hyunji :
    -Basically she had a bestfriend,named Hana,they were friends through elementary,middle and high school but broke up in college as Hyunji went to the US to study as she wanted to be an actress,they were still close though,talking through the phone all the time.
    -Then one day Hana told Hyunji that she has now a boyfriend(he's HeeWook)and he's a law student,Hyunji was a little disappointed since Hana usually tells her everything before taking a decision but she was still happy for her as she thought a relationship will be a good happy distraction for Hana who was going through hard family times and dept.
    -Hyunji thought that once you're in a relationship, you naturally lose contact. So Hyun-ji just thought that Hana was in a relationship again and couldn't contact her often. It was strange that Hana used to call Hyunji first but she now only responded with a text message.
    -Afterwards, what felt more than strange and suspicious was wwhen she received a phone call from Hana's mother.Hana's mother told her that None of them can contact Hana,It's been a while since she came home, and she didn't call for two months already. If she keeps in touch, she just sends a short text message.And asks Hyunji if she knows anything.
    -Because she herself had been unable to contact Hana, Hyunji became worried later on. After a long time, she decided that she should return to Korea. As soon as she finished her final exams, she returned home.
    -She then went to find Hana's home with Hana's family.Hana was found passed out after bleeding.Hana was taken to the hospital.
    -She said she was suffering from the after effects of a miscarriage.
    -Hana says she had a baby with her boyfriend a long time ago, and her boyfriend, who acted like he was going to marry her right away, stopped contacting her after that, but one day he came to her with money. Her boyfriend(Heewook)urged her to have surgery to get rid of the baby, but she just couldn't do it.Because she found out she was pregnant late, she couldn't have surgery, so she took a break from school and even turned down an offer to appear in a drama.
    -Hana says that after that, someone called her,it was her boyfriend's mom(who now has FL's liver) who came by and took her to her house. She said she was sorry for not knowing about Hana all this time, she said they would be friends from now on, and she just told her to be healthy and comforted her. Her boyfriend also said he was sorry for all this time and brought up the story of marriage again. The apology from the two people gave Hana strength again. Her boyfriend's mother welcomed her warmly as if she were attending her master and prepared her food, and her Hana ate her food with pleasure.
    -However, that night the baby's heart stopped(basically FL's ex and his mom poisoned her food so she'd lose the baby).She was left with no choice but to have the surgery to remove the baby. It was a miscarriage in the second trimester of her pregnancy, so she had one major hemorrhage.After that, she completely lost touch with her boyfriend, and her body and mind were ruined.
    -Because Hana was too young, didn't know anything, and because the other person,HeeWook, was a law school student, she couldn't do anything.
    -Hyunji took a leave of absence from school and stayed in Korea, and she stayed by her side so that she could help her return to being her energetic Kang Hana again.Hyunji ended up returning to the United States after half a year.
    -And two months later, an obituary was delivered.Kang Hana, her pretty friend with a promising future and her only best friend, passed away in vain at the age of twenty-two.Hyunji engraved the names of Yang Hee-wook, who did not appear at any funeral, and his mother on her chest(for revenge)
    -She then quickly finished her college years in the United States and entered law school in Korea.She studied hard and became a lawyer. She didn't necessarily become a lawyer out of revenge on Hee-wook, but when it came time for her to get a job, she naturally turned to Hee-wook's law firm.
    -After she joined the law firm, she only found out about six months later that Hee-wook was in a relationship.But didn't reach out to the girl.This was because Hee-wook did not show any signs of her or his relationship.All she did was gradually approach Hee-wook and take the time to investigate to see if there was any corruption in the cases that Hee-wook was assigned to.
    -Then she heard about the liver surgery of Hee- wook's mother.Listening to what was said, it seemed like it was a liver transplant surgery, but it was suspicious that Heewook kept elaborately describing it as a liver cancer surgery. So, she begged Hee-wook and Hyun-ji went to the hospital where his mother was admitted, and she learned that the mother had received her liver transplant. Feeling a terrible premonition for some reason, she asked the nurse who was going in and out of the ex's mother's hospital room,the nurse answered "Probably her future daughter-in-law(FL) donated it.".
    -Hyunji couldn't even express her frustration and astonishment at that time.That was the first time Hyunji regretted her indifference.She could have saved her(FL) if he had found out a month earlier.She could have told her how cunning and evil Yang Hee-wook and his family were.
    -Hyun-ji reflected on the past and belatedly met FL.
    -So-eun Han(FL) who rushed to a bar at the invitation of Hyunji was a weak and innocent woman who still loved Yang Hee-wook even though she was so deceived by him.Hyunji thought So-eun was foolish, and felt sorry for her and felt like she was going to die like her friend,Hana who left her behind in this world, and who was also deeply missed. In fact, Hyunji wanted to hug So-eun and cry.
    -At that time, Hyun-ji checked Yang Hee-wook's attitude toward So-eun, and she resolved to separate the two as soon as possible. She deliberately created an argument and made Hee-wook drive out So-eun. Still, she continued to fret,she was afraid that foolish Han So-eun, who loves Yang Hee-wook, might have bad feelings.
    -But something interesting happened after So-eun left the bar A tall man(ML) entered the bar and took a seat at the end. He was a strikingly handsome man who made you wonder if he was a celebrity, but the man didn't even order a drink and just quietly looked at his place before leaving.
    -After the man left, Hyunji got up and quietly followed the man, pretending to go to the bathroom.She saw the man(ML) with So-eun in front of the convenience store and saw him talking to her for a while. The two people knew each other.
    -Seeing the man fidgeting next to So-eun made Hyunji feel strangely relieved.Even if she breaks up with Yang Hee-wook, she thinks FL can get over him.
    -A few days later, the same man visited Heewook's Law Firm and asked her and Heewook to do global headhunting work. When she received the business card, she saw that it was a person named Kim Tae-jun(ML), an executive at Han So-eun's company.Somehow, she seemed to know this man's intention in visiting her and Yang Hee-wook and making them work closely together.Hyunji had no choice but to welcome it with open arms as it will help her plans.

    FL actually had a small misunderstanding at first:
    -She first saw the name 'Hyunji',realizing it's the mistress,calling ML's phone at night,she got uneasy and couldn't sleep.
    -The next day when she was going to the company she saw Hyunji walking in,FL was like 'hell no,you can have Hee-wook but you can't have Taejun' and walked in the company,uneasy but ready to fight.
    -she heard that Hyunji went to ML's office's floor,FL went there and heard them talking in his office,hearing Hyunji say something like 'Are you afraid FL will know about this?'.FL misunderstood a little and was contemplating going in and she did and walked in on them,surprising them both.
    -ML was kicked out of his own office as Hyunji wanted to talk solo with FL.FL clinched her fists as she didn't know the relationship between the two,is it friendly?because Hyunji teased ML naturally.
    -FL was confused and she was still ready to fight but took a seat in front of Hyunji.
    -FL told Hyunji what she was doing here and Hyunji told her "I don't think Director Taejun Kim has talked about it yet. Can I talk about it?"
    -FL didn't respond to that smiling face and as Hyun-ji asked back even more arrogantly,So-eun changed her question:"Have you broken up with Yang Hee-wook, lawyer?"and Hyunji answered that it's personal.
    -FL said : "I don't know what's going on, but if it's not something honorable, I hope Attorney Choi won't come visit anymore(i think she meant that she doesn't want Hyunji around ML)."
    -Hyunji was confused and asked FL to elaborate more,FL answered: "You have a record, so no matter how you package it, I can't help but be suspicious."
    -Hyunji again asked her what she means exactly by record and FL told her to not pretend as if she doesn't know,Hyunji was quiet and FL said :"A record of ruining a relationship between lovers who even promised to get married."
    -Hyunji burst out laughing as if it was absurd.
    -Hyunji asked FL if she was unhappy now,So-eun clenched her fists and spoke "I'm not talking about that, but the lawyer approached the director(ML) with impure intentions..."
    -Hyunji answered :"Whether it is with impure intentions or not, if he feels swayed by my approach, isn't that also a problem with Director Kim Tae-jun?"
    -While So-eun, who had never fought with someone like this before was about to speak,Hyunji raised her voice."Han So-eun should be thankful to me. I helped you.".Fl thought this is getting weird as this is not the direction she thought she's be in when she walked in this office.
    -While So-eun was speechless and gaped at her, Hyun-ji fired back."Yang Hee-wook is 30, but do you think Han So-eun is the only victim?"
    -FL wasn't the only one whose emotions got stronger.Hyunji also looked upset, as if she was having a hard time overcoming her anger."Do you think Han So-eun was the only one who suffered?"
    -So-eun hesitated and stuttered and was like didn't you wants to marry Hee wook...and Hyunji was disgusted telling her why would she marry such a useless guy,does she(Hyunji)look like that?
    -So-eun still didn't know what Hyun-ji was talking about.Did Hyunji possibly fight with Hee-wook and split up? Is that why Hee-wook also came to see her too earlier(he came to her before in the company)
    -So-eun couldn't find anything to say in response,and as Hyunji realized her voice was too loud,she lowered it a little.
    -"I only did one thing wrong to you.I feel bad because of that, like I still owe money." Hyunji spoke,FL stayed quiet and Hyunji continued "The day we first met, I offered you a drink at the bar(FL later asks her why would she give her alcohol if she knew she was sick and had the liver surgery,Hyunji then later told her she made sure to dilute the alcohol with so much water so it didn't contain much alcohol,but FL was still a little bit tipsy that's why Hyunji felt guilty.)we first met at the bar.I was really sorry back then. So the next day, I took some good nutrients and medicine for your liver. That's what I took.Hee-wook was busy taking care of himself even then."
    -FL was confused to know that she has been taking care of her since the day they first met.
    "There is only one thing I would like to ask So- eun.It's okay to make a mistake and live with trash and abuse yourself.But still think about surviving. Because it's much more valuable. All you have to do is not give up on yourself. all right?"Hyunji spoke
    -Perhaps because Hyunji was a lawyer, her eloquence was frighteningly good.
    -FL never tried to give up anything. After listening to Hyun-ji's words, she felt that she should work harder and live strong without giving up on anything.
    -"I hope you are doing well. I hope you will be proudly happy.My soul is already broken, but I hope you can keep its goodness until the end." Hyunji started again and continued "There is such a clear person who should not be touched by the world's filth. Just as a fairy must live only on dew, a fairy tale must be pretty in itself."
    -As time passed, So-eun became more and more uncertain.Obviously, this woman is her ex-boyfriend's mistress and her enemy, but for some reason, she feels like everything this woman says to support her is true and sincere.And Why is that terrifying yet intimidating expression on her face so sad and miserable?(Hyunji was thinking about Hana that's why)
    -"I wish Han So-eun could stay foolishly good until the end, knowing nothing, not being tainted by the dirty things of the world, without getting blood on her hands, and just living like a fool like that. Because there are definitely people who are saved by that harmless appearance."
    -FL really came in to fight this woman. But instead got a huge compliment that flowed like a flowing stream,and as if she was hit hard by a bat with the word 'praise' on it.
    -Hyunji spoke again "One day, I saw Yang Hee-wook whining. I heard from Yang Hee-wook that Han So-eun was dating the head office director(ML) of her company, and I just came here because I needed someone strong to handle the data I had collected.Now that I've turned over all the data, I won't have to look at it anymore." She clearly explained the circumstances that brought her here to ML's office today in a business-like voice.
    -"If you still doubt my intentions, check the data. Because the atrocities of document manipulation that Yang Hee-wook has committed so far are summarized there." She added.
    -ML interrupted them and Hyunji left after shaking hands with FL.But before she left,Hyunjin told FL that she will still have to 'date' Heewook for a while as she still has some unfinished business and after that she sill go back to United States,she told FL that so the latter wouldn't be surprised to see them together later.
    -FL was upset and now ML knows he can't deceive her anymore so he tells her everything about how he pushed Hyunji and Heewook to work together so FL can break off with that jerk.
    -ML was a little confused and slightly upset and asked FL if she regrets and is upset that she broke up with her ex ,but FL quickly answers no but couldn't finish as they got interrupted.
    -they later finished talking at home:
    "I broke up with that person in order to live independently, but in the end, that was also on the palm of the director's hand." FL said(i think she meant she finally made a brave move by breaking up with her ex but that wasn't her doing as ML was behind it).
    "Is that thing resting quietly on my palm?" ML said
    "I think Han So-eun is sitting on top of my head."ML continued.
    Their positions were clearly different.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2023
  10. Memeee123

    Memeee123 Active Member

    Dec 15, 2018
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    Now i like hyun ji....... I can't believe i thought she was a B....i love how the author didn't make her to be a B coz am tired of how the girls are always made 2 be bad people

    I look forward to this story more
    Thanks for the spoilers... please spoil more
  11. drikamichiura

    drikamichiura Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2021
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    Omg!! Thank you so much!!!
    AsmaeOphelia likes this.
  12. Itzgraccie

    Itzgraccie Member

    Sep 11, 2023
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    Thank you for the spoiler
    AsmaeOphelia likes this.
  13. Lusaan

    Lusaan Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2022
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    This makes me so happy bc usually the women are always painted as villain so I’m really happy the girls are trying to help each other. Also for some reason this reminds me of a movie I watched recently
  14. Liliss

    Liliss Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2021
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    Thankfully, Liver, unlike kidney transplant that is moving the full organ, can regrow. Minimum necessary is 30% and it takes a year or so to (almost) get back to the original size.
  15. lucaswhomademeaprincess

    lucaswhomademeaprincess Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2021
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    Ah here we go again, honestly I feel bothered when I read that fl’s ex said he will save her first time until they got married, I thought that it included because the ml is a typical a workaholic boy who only focus about his work and never have a girlfriend like other typical manhwa with boss and his worker but I get surprised a little that he has an ex and he already give her anything she wants, it feels like he already sleeps with her. Well so it’s not necessary then to explicitly says that the fl is virgin. I dont like how korean manhwa is so obsessed with the purity of fl and its okay if ml experienced or not as long as we know that the fl is virgin and so pure
  16. AsmaeOphelia

    AsmaeOphelia Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2020
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    -Yes he did apologize but after quite some time:
    -It happened after the incident of shootout with Heewook when FL and ML were in the philippines.As i said Heewook died but ML got hurt and was brought to the hospital and had to be treated for quite some time and get operated.He was saved quickly thanks to the grandfather's intervention.FL also lied that she didn't have any issues to the doctors so they could take blood from her as ML needed it.she ended up passing out.Aunt was touched by that but ML was a bit upset that FL is reckless.
    -The aunt then finally accepted FL after she visited ML in the hospital(he was still angry with her because he found out earlier on when FL ran away that the aunt was the one who kicked out FL 20 years ago after ML's parents accident,and now her and his grandfather kicked her out again)
    -The grandfather appeared after ML and FL returned to Korea,ML was still in a hospital i think and FL went to get stuff from convenience store,she missed korean food and bought a lot...when she was going to pay,grandfather appeared and told the cashier that he will pay for her.
    -then asked her if they could talk before she goes back to ML.Grandfather admitted that she suffered a lot because of him,and that despite him being 80,he still has a lot to learn.He also admitted it isn't sincere from.him to apologize afterhaving things go too far.He gave ML pain and FL into even greater pain.He also apologized of what he qaid about her father(now the truth is out that he was set up) and that he was just angry and deaf because of sorrow because of what happened to his son,that he needed someone to blame and hate.He also said It's not FL's fault and he should praise/thank her for growing up well in a difficult environment and loving ML.He apologized again for giving her a hard time and for hurting her.He asked for a chance to pay back his regrets slowly in the slowly.FL accepted.

    So as i said in the last spoiler about Hyunji, she's a nice girl.She appeared again when FL ran away to the US.Hyunji was living there and so she welcomed FL,FL told her what happed,Hyunji kept cursing the grandfather,FL was like no he just wants the best for ML.Hyunji tried to teach FL to curse but to no avail so she just laughed at how Nice FL is.FL lived with Hyunji,FL insisted to help Hyunji somehow in paying for the rent/bills(?) but Hyunji told her she can take responsibility of cooking meals if she'd like.so Hyunji became FL's test object for cooking.Hyunji also helped FL establish a new life in the US,(university i think)and made new friends and even offered to introduce her to someone new.Hyunji is the clue why ML managed to find FL.
    -when FL reunited with ML and the two decided to go the philippines for her father's stuff,Hyunji is the one who drove them to the airport.
    -also after ML's accident,Hyunji went straight to philippines as she was worried about FL.
    -So basically FL and Hyunji became friends.
  17. Memeee123

    Memeee123 Active Member

    Dec 15, 2018
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    Thanks for the spoilers❤️
    More pls if u get em
  18. Sasikarn

    Sasikarn Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2020
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    when ml fall in love with fl?
  19. Queenofmirth

    Queenofmirth More than a Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2021
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    From the manhwa. He fell in love with her when they were children. (Chapter 23)
    It is why his dating life never worked out. Chapter 3 hints ML says FL's name every time he gets drunk. It also shows that at least one girlfriend dumped him because of that.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2024
    Veera ceraya likes this.
  20. Sasikarn

    Sasikarn Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2020
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    Thank you
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