Spoiler Sister, In This Life, I’ve Become The Queen

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Rin.rinaaa, Aug 11, 2022.

  1. whitecoatprince

    whitecoatprince Member

    Jan 9, 2024
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    To be honest Cesar is trash who infactuated with anything related his brother...In previous life with Isabella and this timeline with Aria...we don't know about his character development of first timeline except the trash nature of him in the last ... ...Love and infectuation is two different thing....love make you fall for same person more when you spend time but in infectuation you try get person and when you get him/her ,you will eventually dump him/her after abusing him/her ,even instantly in some case.....In second time line Cesar is infactuated with Aria because of his brother and Aria is first one who have never accepted him,he get grossly infectuated....Her rejection just added to his infectuation

    When Cesar kissed her in second timeline Aria not able to do anything because she is still trapped in love for him because of his previous life....She hate him now but still she have soft corner for him may it just 10 percent..We should must understand she still have memory and feeling of previous life,she just get carried away...this kiss was forced on her but she not protested because of previous timeline...when Cesar stopped aria by holding his arm after that royal feast,she not protested him strongly and he strongly taking and supporting side of Aria marriage

    Alphonso is not weak character infact he is strong character since he is bound with his royal duties being future king he has to follow some conduct...but with time he realised he also have to respect his own feeling and have to fight back for it ...And he is doing well.....He look jealous sometime about Aria...But it is normal to have jealousy in love...If love is pure then jealousy will make bond strong and if it is infectuation or lust then jealousy will make trash and criminal...

    In this time line Aria really love Alphonso but she still trapped with her guilt of killing alphonso in previous timeline....She still not realised how much she loved Alphonso...The guilt of killing alphonso and pain of being betrayed by Cesar in previous life and urge to take revenge and fear of getting trapped with Cesar...still shadowing her love for Alphonso ...The way she reacted to miscarriage explain all this...She is still confused about everything...She have still no realised how much Alfonso loved her and how much strong is her bond with Alfonso..

    I don't know how the original authors will end story.....Still there is a lot be done
    1.Get over guilt and pain of past and her idea of revenge
    2.She must understand she also deserves happiness and become some what sympathetic to herself
    3.Bond between Alphonso and her is strong, miscarriage infact increased her bond more than ever...
    I hope author make her realise and also pendulum of justice convey, all she want is happy life with Alphonso with her children with him....

    I think princess will play role of Aria in this timeline and Aria will fight back for Alphonso and kingdom ..It will make her realise Bond and love for Alphonso is most important in everything...He love Alphonso more than Cesar in previous timeline....I think she need strong push like Fear of loosing Alphonso forever...fear of loosing him ignite strong feeling that surpass all feeling of previous time line
    I think biggest change in this time line is deep love of Alphonso for Aria...

    Also look of main character of another manhwa/manga Age of arrogance and Cesar is same ...there is high chance it can increase your sympathy towards Cesar...Cesar is real trash ,she just want Aria out of infactuation to have physical relationship with Aria....somehow few incidents in story arc tried to make him look good but there is number of place he himself proved how much trash is he..Like having sex with black haired girl after after getting cancelled by Aria....After miscarriage of Aria Cesar is only thinking about sex with her...Aria is going to have same fate if she end completely with him...

    I also think Alfonso was in love with Aria in first time line...Since we don't know much about interaction in 1st time line but He accepted last meal from her hand even after his dislike for such meal and knowing it is poisonous...In this timeline he was first to meet with Aria and fall for her in first glance...Cesar was never interested in Aria since beginning.. Because of his mother and after seeing closeness of Aria with Alfonso in debuntate he just got infectuated with her,just go and read how much he hated becoming her partner after being forced by his mother in her debuntate...Aria constant refusal to his just added fuel to his infectuation...
    Aria is strong character I just want to have heeling of her soul,heart and mind with warmth of love of Alfonso...She suffered most because of her sister and trash Cesar...and this time line they are doing same with her...Trash Cesar always dreaming about her body,Her sister cause miscarriage of her child which would have healed her...Only good thing in this time line is love and support of Alfonso..True love alone triumphs on all thing...
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2024
    Wapdyne, Mkh.97, Isthecat102 and 3 others like this.
  2. -prettylittleliess-

    -prettylittleliess- New Member

    Dec 30, 2023
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    Yeah Cesare is trash, people can be so looks obsessed, like ‘oh he’s hot so I don’t care if he has the personality of a flaming dumpster fire’
  3. whitecoatprince

    whitecoatprince Member

    Jan 9, 2024
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    Yup Cesar is just infectuated to her body....He just want her body ... Although he helped her out of Infactuation..Aria will have same fate if she choose Cesar...After using her body he will search for another one...To honest I hated when Aria not opposed his kiss in this timeline...But can't blame her because of her history with him in past...Aria still need development and maturity in dimensions of love....I think she love Alfonso but because of guilt killing him in previous tim line and using Alfonso as tool to escape Cesar in this timeline in the beginning...her guilt is surpassing her love,she just need push and spark to realise importance of her love for Alfonso..Her child would have act as her spark but he/she already get killed by her sister before birth....
    We reader become judgemental because of few thing...If we place in place of Aria...She has feeling of past time ,fear of cesar of past life...guilt of killing Alfonso of previous time line...This guilt has increased more after knowing she is only one whom Alfonso have always loved...Many misunderstanding created by Faria and Eric in past but still Alfonso choosed her...It is good they cleared misunderstanding...In real life scenario these misunderstanding increase love between people...So from Alfonso point of view His love for Aria have increased even more....It is aria who have to come of his previous time line experience ....
    Isthecat102 likes this.
  4. whitecoatprince

    whitecoatprince Member

    Jan 9, 2024
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    Seriously this Cesare is disgusting...He just want Ari body...Hate for this character is even increased..A delusional narcissistic infactuated human..

    Is there any remarkably progress in main nobel...?

    Alphonso is somewhat ideal kind of person...I think he respected his relationship with Isabella in first timeline..
    I think it harsh to say he not liked Ari in previous time line...He may be having feeling for Ari but he suppressed it because he married to Isabella and Ari was fiancee of Cesare...They way he fall for her since first meeting with her in second time line,I have sure he definitely had feeling for her in first timeline...He may have eaten last meal from her because of fear of her being get removed beaten or may be because of mixed feeling of being having feeling for her....problem is we don't know much about interaction of Aria and Alphonso in previous time line in details and we are seeing previous timeline with eye of Aria who was in love or infactuated to Cesar in first timeline... to be honest Aria feeling for Cesar in first timeline appear to me infactuation than love.. Although it look like she was doing everything for Cesar but if we think deeply She was doing everything to get love ,respect and affection from Cesar which see never get in previous timeline from anyone,Cesar being fiance in last timeline,he was her last hope.....May be because Alphonso is nobel man he respected his arrange marriage..Still it does not matter he hd feeling for her in previous timeline or not....In this time line Alphonso is deeply and madly in love with Aria
    Isthecat102 and Tad1989 like this.
  5. Hanjakanji

    Hanjakanji Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2021
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    @alpineibex didn't answer with her opinion. It from the novel. It clearly said he always eat the food cuz he scare of the servants getting punished.

    I don't think they got any interaction before. They weren't close. If they did Ari would've thought about them now that she love him but she nvr thought about their interaction in past so I think it's bc theres none.
    alpineibex and Isthecat102 like this.
  6. Isthecat102

    Isthecat102 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2023
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    I never believed that Ari loved Cesare, she didn't know what it was to love, she only became obsessed with Cesare for being the first person to treat her well and then she decided to help him with the coup d'état because she was obsessed with him and because she wanted to be queen.
    Tad1989 likes this.
  7. Shirayuki..

    Shirayuki.. 〖13th Princess Of Chaos♡〗〖Your Oneesan :3〗

    Jun 23, 2020
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    Thank you so much for the spoilers!!:blob_teary::bloblove::bloblove::bloblove::bloblove:
  8. NohrNeir

    NohrNeir rereading frenzy

    Apr 28, 2020
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    @alpineibex's spoiler:
    • After the whole palace went down to Taranto, the servants were all but gone. The servants of the De Mare household were called to the palace to take care instead. Ari also got Felicite (her unmarried friend) out of the convent to be her own lady-in-waiting.
    • Isabella tried to get a lady-in-waiting for her own but none of the nobles agreed to let their daughters to be associated with the king's hoe.
    • Cesare was in hiding from Rubina and Julia Helena until they arrived Taranto. Marquis Gualteri was trying to get Rubina's favor to help him in smuggling goods, so he let them stay in his manor. Cesare was forced to get a room near Julia Helena's room.
    • Felicite arrived at the palace to meet Ari, and she told the story that there were bandits attacked her carriage, but Alfonso's knights killed them all. They found out these bandits were Asseretto's pirates. So now because Leo III already left, Alfonso wanted to solve this himself.
    • Agosto made an appearance. Leo III was angry because Isabella didn't tell him her skin therapist was a man. Agosto talked to Isabella and promised to hide her scars. It's the same way as Salman grandmother using magic to hide Ari's dots. Though Agosto asked for Isabella some ingredient (newborn infant) for his black magic to work permanently.
    • Ari met Salman grandmother again and talked about her previous life, when she died. She was afraid that she would bring bad luck to the people around her, so she tried to clear things up and ended her life before Judgement Day. Grandma found out Ari was having contraceptive, she tried to convince Ari to stop taking it. Then while caring Ari's left arm, Grandma found out she got a new dot, but Ari had not done anything. She suspected Agosto had done something for the new dot to appear.
    Rubina might get the king's rage since he found out that Isabella's sleeping quarter was assigned far away from him because of Rubina so he thinks Rubina is trying to keep them distanced. He's having the servants moving her closer to him and also had an angry conversation with Rubina.

    The princess was trying to have a room next to Cesare. It appears he can sense that but scared of being taken by her and tried to assign himself to an unpopular small room. The princess misunderstood that he likes small rooms and was plotting dates with him.
  9. Tad1989

    Tad1989 Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2023
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    I get a sick pleasure at Cesare’s horror at being chased.
    BRain664 and Isthecat102 like this.
  10. Isthecat102

    Isthecat102 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2023
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    thanks for the spoilers!

    My theory is that Ari will die before judgment day, considering that Julia Helena apparently took Ari's place, she will probably try to poison Alfonso for Cesare, but Ari will stop him and she will be the one to die instead of Alfonso, redeeming her previous sin.

    But considering this novel will surely have a happy ending (if not, I'll go to Korea to burn down the author's house), maybe they'll find a way to revive her or the gods will help.
    Rex_chan and Mkh.97 like this.
  11. -prettylittleliess-

    -prettylittleliess- New Member

    Dec 30, 2023
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    That’s a good theory, though I hope Ari doesn’t die permanently . ( if she does, I’ll come with you to burn down the authors house )
    Tad1989 and Isthecat102 like this.
  12. whitecoatprince

    whitecoatprince Member

    Jan 9, 2024
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    I don't think she was in love with him...she was obssesssed with Cesar that if she will help Cesar he will marry her and give her respect like alphonso gave Isabella in first time line

    Thanks for update...Still behaviour of Aria hurt me...She still have not realised the more she try to run away from Alfonso more will she hurt Alfonso...she also deserve happiness...The thing she had with with Cesar in previous timeline and in this time line where she started accepting Cesar was nothing but infectuation created to circumstances by her family in previous time line....The real love she ever had combining both time ls with Alfonso..why I am saying Alfonso because He varied just seeing him when he returns back from war and also she become mad when Alfonso stopped touching her after they cleared all misunderstanding...hope she soon understand that real happiness for Alphonso is her existence

    I also want happy ending for Aria....I think while saving Alfonso she will go in limbo stage where she will make her realise that reason of her regression,reason for her seeing future by touching human and make her realise Alfonso happiness is in happiness of her for herself... Whatever she doing and forcing on her self out guilt will ultimately end up in hurting Alfonso...she still not able to understand

    @NohrNeir is she convinced that she will not take contraceptive or grandmother failed in convincing her...just askinh because I am not korean so unable to read main nobel site....when this will officially available to me ,it will take atleast half to 1 year
    Isthecat102 likes this.
  13. alpineibex


    Aug 12, 2022
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    If it’s not mentioned in novel, then it doesn’t exist. Only two things exist:
    • Alfonso didn’t have any interaction with Ari before. If they had interaction, then it wasn’t memorable to Ari. Ari only remembered how well he treated Isabella.
    • Ari did love Cesare in previous timeline. Her love is kinda naive and sacrificial. Her love to Alfonso in this timeline is also similar, because she would try to do anything to make him the rightful king.
  14. whitecoatprince

    whitecoatprince Member

    Jan 9, 2024
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    1.I can agree with you in first point because every thing of first time we are seeing from memory of Ari..even if other thing existed from side of Alfonso we will never no until second entity like god or Alfonso from past say us...so I totally agree...
    2.If you ask me honestly Ari not able to express his love for Alfonso in this timeline...What she is doing to make Alfonso is morr appear to me because of guilt of killing him in previous timeline and another guilt for involving him initial stage to run away from Cesar...Using contraceptive still shock me because Alfonso never asked her use it like Cesar was controlling her her in previous timeline...
    I think she still not able to move on from Cesar...I even not see love for cesar in first time line as true feeling of her it was her obssesion with cesar ...it was infectuation because he treatedl better than anyone initially but in rest time in previous timeline she just trying to get love and respect by giving what Cesar wanted in previous timeline....Cesar just treated her an object and controlled by asking her to eat contraceptive grass,a sex object,he cut her left ring finger so she can't move on with anyone and only fake promise of marriage...
    Why I think she not able to move on from Cesar Because when when Cesar stopped her by holding her arm after injury of price Julia hand at that royal dinner...She not opposed him strongly except those verbal exchanges....
    To be honest only Alfonso and Raphael loved Ari in true senses...Cesar reactions for her is just infectuation in this time line because she was close to Alfonso when he meet her first time in this time line personality and her constant rejection just added to his infectuation....

    I can't deny some time I hate Author to make her having kiss with him in this time line,even fiancee for him in this time line....But at somepoint I understand it was important to her to make her do that so that she will able to move on from him and realise some point of time that he never loved her and also she always had obssesion,never love....I am expecting some where in future in this timeline probably before judgement day,she will have massive emotional breakdown when she will realise or perceive reality of both timeline because of harm to Alfonso to a level all her feeling for Cesar will pure hate that she want kill him...only then she will able to move on from Cesar..

    To be honest I am expecting mental breakdown of Ari only the she will completely able to move one from his feeling for Cesar..Still she has feeling for Cesar..that is stopping her from seeing herself as pefect partner for Alfonso....

    Many people see her as very negative light....what she had for her Cesar in previous life is because of Isabella and other family members creating that situation...She was very young at that time and unable to decide in anything...seeing him as his princess charm ,she become obssessive to him and ended up becoming tool in hand of him just to get love and respect from him..

    The unfulfilled desire of obssesion of her from first time for Cesar has always stopped and confuse her from strongly opposing whenever Cesar tried have advancement with her...Either it was her multiple kisses with him after she become in his fiancee of Cesar in this time line....when Cesar tried to remove her dress in that ball room she would have ended with him if he had not removed her glove...Also Cesar had different behaviour in his first time line...It is all these behaviour was temporary to get her from his Alfonso....it was painful for reader to see her reaction for him in this timeline but we can't blame her..she had never had any experience and emotional support to get over desire and trauma of past..Even if she has feeling Alfonso she was not able to use that because she was unsure about him because of lack of communication and circumstances..Author did great job here by having complete closure in dimensions to any future scope of her relationship with cesar..It is great help for her to completely move on from cesar...She will never have second thought or regret related to Cesar ...she got closure from any future hope of having romantic relationship with him in this time lime and only now, due is her complete closure from her heart and her past.. although,I also hated kisses and reaction of her whenever Cesar approached her

    She deserves happy ending and Also she has some one who love her more than anything in both timeline....
    Rest is depend on Author how he/she want to end story...I think still Author is experimenting with emotion of Aria which making people frustrated because it is look like Author is unnecessary dragging the story..hope Author has better reason for experimenting with her feeling...But I am sure without of emotional breakdown she will never able to move on from Cesar...It is important to make her realise how much she is important and perfect for Alfonso and whetever she is doing to save him from golden rule is actually or will cause more harm and pain to him..It is also important to preventing her from falling again and again in trap of trauma and guilt. seriously in last time line Cesar forced her to take contraceptive and this time she herself taking contraceptive really pissed me off when I think about Alfonso..She is too harsh on herself she really need closure....
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2024
    Isthecat102 likes this.
  15. Marie1

    Marie1 Member

    Aug 9, 2023
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    okay but does the ari love alfonso? does he really really love her?

    I’m so sad, he deserves happiness and love
  16. whitecoatprince

    whitecoatprince Member

    Jan 9, 2024
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    she Alfonso more than Cesar in her past time line... Although initially she wanted to use him as option to get away from Cesar in this time line but later she fall for alfonso...Things are complicated for her due to trauma and obssesion of her for Cesar in past life and guilt of her against Alfonso...these thing have always complicated her judgement and even also caused lack of confindence in herself....it is easy for us to judge as reader but we think think of her placing ourself in her place...things are more complicated for her..
    There are many instances but I can only recall few to my claim for her love for Alfanso
    1.I give you some example when Alfonso came from war she started crying mere site of him
    2.when Alfonso stopped touching her after resoving misunderstanding for respecting her existence,she started feeling deep pain
    3.when she came to knew Rubina has created misunderstanding between them ,so quickly went to him to clear all misunderstanding...
    There are many example
    Problem is she trapped in circle of trauma, obssesion and guilt due timeline one...She start thinking everything in extrene negative when it come to herself when any wrong thing happen to her....
    Also obssesion of Aria for Cesar from past time line affect alot to her judgement... because that she never able to oppose cesar in entire life when he tried to have any physical touch type things....To be honest I have not find anything love in her for Cesar in timeline 1 and in timeline 2...She was just grossly obssesssed to him..... May it was love for her but as viewer it appeared to me obssesion...but this obssesion is so gross it always affected face to face interaction of her with Cesar..To be appropriate she is not obssessed with Cesar but she is obsessed with getting love and respect from cesar...After breakup of she had to two ecounter with Cesar and everytime she never able to show strong objection... in both time when Cesar tried to force himself with words or touch on her she totally get confused how to react,It is other thing Alfonso saved her both time...this reaction of her really pissed me off..I will not blame her because this obssesion is byproduct of Isabella and who de mere family from previous timeline
    only person she ever has true love is Alfonso in this nobel till this time,combining both timeline 1 and timeline 2.. but it is still immature because of those thing...problem is obssesion and love as similar appearance but it start differentiating in it's core value....She need emotional breakdown or some divine intervention to realise all thing to move on from obssesion for that trash Cesar and accept herself completely... Alfonso and Ari have already suffered a lot...so, just want want happy ending for Ari..
    .Anyway we can only believe in Author....

    But his real happiness is Aria herself...By punishing herself she punishing and hurting Alfonso more ...problem is she have still not reaslised it...it is very sad thing...Also If she will not realise it ,she will able to accept herself for him and never able to give complete closer to the obssesion she had for Cesar....
    Cesar understand importance of Aria for Alfonso ...that is why he is so obsessed with Aria...In previous timeline although Alfonso was married to Isabella but was never in love with her ,he just respected his relationship for sake of kingdom...So Aria only one whom Alfonso ever loved in whole nobel...in whole Aria and alfonso complete each other....only divine intervention or some kind emotional breakdown can make hear realise all these thing...
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2024
    Tad1989 and Isthecat102 like this.
  17. whitecoatprince

    whitecoatprince Member

    Jan 9, 2024
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    Aria was obssessed for love and respect from Cesar in previous life that why all thing he did in previous life was to please him no matter What..this even not love....A naive toxic relationship in form of obssession
    In second time line although she used in Alfonso to get away from Cesar initially...but she fall in love with Alfonso in true sense.....What Aria trying to do for making Alfonso real king out of her guilt for killing him in previous life...Her real love for Alfonso come when she carried for him just seeing him first time after 4 year,when see tried to run away from life Alfonso or when she feel frustrated when Alfonso stopped touching her...
    Even in this time line when she got engaged to Cesar she hated all time she spend with Cesar and even those kisses....we can understand this from when she wrote true feeling of her heart in those unsend letter to Alfonso....Past life of his obssesion with Cesar always stopped her from behaving strongly in front of Cesar...She never even given him second chance....She tried to respect his engagement in this timeline because of all of his help and some may be due to his obssesion of previous life...But when He has sexual relationship with her sister ,her hatred and revenge took over everything and she broke her engagement... whatever differently Cesar behave in this time line all was out of obssession to snatch her from Alfonso never dur to love it is other thing Aria or few viewer perceived as his change......He was showing his obssesion for from the time he seen her with Alfonso in her debuntate...before that he even not wanted to meet her even after seeing her in that church and also him as her partner in her debuntate was a forced move by her mother...Still this trash cesar is dreaming of having sex with Aria,even obssesion is so high that he is having sex with similar looking girl....I don't care how much people obssessed with Cesare because of look but Aria not deserve that trash....She was object for him in previous timeline and he tried to do same with her in this timeline also....
  18. alpineibex


    Aug 12, 2022
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    TLDR your posts are just writing in circle about how Ari isn’t her own character as written by the author. I don’t care how you interpret the scenes, it is already written down that she used to hate Cesare in previous life, but this life in her eyes he was a different one (before the break up), and it is normal for Ari to have contradictory thoughts as the story was progressing. You think she hated Cesare in this life, but in her thoughts she always asked if this life he'd be different and if he changed. Though it doesn't mean that she'd give him a second chance either. The only one she actually hated is Isabella, and only until break up did she believe that the message she got before she died was all Cesare's words in previous life, not Isabella's made up words.

    If you want the kind of story of fateful love, this isn't the one. In this story setting, fate was what happened already in previous life. This story is about changing fate, but only if there are some sacrifices made.
    maymimi and Isthecat102 like this.
  19. miya_eh

    miya_eh Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2022
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    I can't agree when you said she didnt like Cesare in 2nd TL. Its explicit on the novel that she still had 80% hatred and 20% love torwards Cesare. Its also written that by the time she got engaged to Cesare, initially, what kept her from accepting his feelings was Alfonso, but after sometime, it was pure reason that kept her away from him (she thought she couldnt trust him after treason in 1st TL). In the novel, the author said she did love Cesare in 1st TL and she also did in 2nd TL, so, really, cant agree with whats being said here when the author explicitly says otherwise
    maymimi, Isthecat102 and alpineibex like this.
  20. whitecoatprince

    whitecoatprince Member

    Jan 9, 2024
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    I am not saying fom point of view of Aria...If we ignore her unsent letter to Alfonso....we never knew what she actually felt about Cesar after engagement...It always look like she is trying giving her second chance....She is having kinda obssession not love with Cesar in 1st TL....one of basic nature out of many nature that differentiate is love from obssession is freedom...she never had freedom in in first time line and it was like she was forcing her to do what Cesar wanted to get admiration ,love and respect from him...many time she herself accepted she never liked to do those thing...
    She is still not able to hate Cesar completely even after getting married to Alfonso...When Cesar stopped Aria after dinner party were Julian cut finger got injured by holding her arm ,she not opposed her advances....This is biggest downside of her , preventing her from accepting her for Alfonso and always make her to think harsh....Another biggest downside of this is She still think Cesar could have been innocent although she can't trust him and all happened because of her sister...But this is half truth,Cesar always have been like that..He always try to make good impression to get positive reaction from girls,after getting that He just dump them...even in first timeline he made good impression initially to get good feeling of Aria when she get obssessed to her her starte using her as toy to do coup.....

    Understand me i have never said she never had feeling what she had is obssession...even obssession have some amout of love that is temporary it evaporises when goal of obssession fulfilled...

    She slapped and pushed Alfonso twice when he tried force himself on her...Firstly at her sister death and secondly when they had misunderstanding but she never able to do same with Cesar even when she is married with Alfonso when Cesar tried to stop her at party by holding her arm....This really pissed me off...I was accepting one slap from her...it is his treason that is stopping her to believe him but it is her obssesion (a unfulfilled desire of getting love,respect and admiration) of first time line that is stopping her from taking proper decision when he do such thing....She need closure from that feeling ..I don't want to express because it absurd it all depends on Author but still somewhere in story It will be Aria who will kill Cesar after showing him what he did to her in past timeline,why she never believed him definitely she will cry for having feeling for such trash...The way Cesar is obssessed and dreaming to have sex with Aria, he is definitely going to do something to get her ,that is going to pissed off her completely...

    Anyway if you think her obssesion is love let me accept here...
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2024