Spoiler Sister, In This Life, I’ve Become The Queen

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Rin.rinaaa, Aug 11, 2022.

  1. whitecoatprince

    whitecoatprince Member

    Jan 9, 2024
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    I really felt bad for Ari and Alfonso because of her decision....hope Alfonso found about this sooner and stop her from taking contraceptive completely...if this continue I think She is going to regret it most even more than trauma of past...These thing are increasing my hatred for cesar for damaging her so much...
    Isthecat102 likes this.
  2. alpineibex


    Aug 12, 2022
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    I get it. You only want to view stuff happens between OTP in pink-filtered lenses, so you don't understand why we said Alfonso is being crafty to get married to Ari. Because pink-filtered lenses, you also want to think that everything is because of Cesare, and that Ari and Alfonso are just flawless. Because of flawlessness, Alfonso didn't "tricked" Ari into marrying him, and Ari being passive to Cesare must be because of what he did to her before or "obsession" to Cesare.
    Tad1989 and datagirl like this.
  3. whitecoatprince

    whitecoatprince Member

    Jan 9, 2024
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    I have read only till 380 on yonder...Till that he only had makeout with with her..so I told based on that talking during their make out...I have not read what talk happened between Alfonso and Raphael....stop teasing me...I want read from Naver but problem is I am facing issue while registration because of OTP issue...sorry sorry
    If you have girl like Aria you need to have trick...So fragile,so low self esteemed ,over thinker...i think there is no wrong in using trick if you two really love each other and her thinking is comming in between everything....
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2024
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  4. Hanjakanji

    Hanjakanji Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2021
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    You don't know all the spoilers yet. They have sex a lot after they marry so he not that innocent :p I think author even said he's the rough sex kind and Cesare the softer sex kind
  5. whitecoatprince

    whitecoatprince Member

    Jan 9, 2024
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    Seriously I want you ask you as you are reading novel ...How much Aria is serious about her relationship with Alfonso and How aria seriously taken advice of grandma.....I think Aria is causing more damage to herself than her previous timeline...At least she can blame Cesar for first time line and it would be very hard to blaming herself for this timeline

    I think auther make him that way to make Aria forget about Cesar.....call it intimate or passionate Sex not rough sex...rough sex involve giving pain to body like BDSM..kinda thinb
  6. alpineibex


    Aug 12, 2022
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    Their first night already happened in 377. Did you think they took off their clothes without doing anything?

    Ari is both very serious with Alfonso and also thinks that Alfonso should have a better woman (i.e. a princess equal to him). That's how complex it is, not like you can use simple reasons to understand (and it's not because of Cesare). Ari was already being told by grandma that on her Judgement Day if her karma was greater than her good deeds, she'd bring bad luck to other people. So her reason to think about ending her life is just normal because she cares about Alfonso, and she thinks her bad luck shouldn't affect him.
    Isthecat102 likes this.
  7. Hanjakanji

    Hanjakanji Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2021
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    That's what author said
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  8. whitecoatprince

    whitecoatprince Member

    Jan 9, 2024
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    I think auther make him that way to make Aria forget about Cesar.....call it intimate Sex not rough sex...rough sex involve giving pain to body like BDSM..kinda thinb
    What is this judgement day....can you please explain..I really far behind in novel...thanks in advance...I now really need to read novel from naver....yonder will take at least 3.5 months to reach current position of novel...

    To be honest I thought he has had make out with her and later asked her to marry him to increase confidence in her....she was at very worst stage...but it can also been seen as trick to make her marry... literally she was having worst emotional break down when Alfonso found her...

    To be honest I thought he has had make out with her and later asked her to marry him to increase confidence in her....but it can also been seen
    She can only have have good deeds greater than karma when she will give selfless sacrifice of herself for someone..
    It is only supreme good deed ...Her one death is inevitable in this nobel....then why she got red dot from infanticide by Augusto...
    Isthecat102 likes this.
  9. Hanjakanji

    Hanjakanji Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2021
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    Yonder chs the same as naver so the problem probably how you read?
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  10. whitecoatprince

    whitecoatprince Member

    Jan 9, 2024
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    Biggest problem is yonder post 1 new chapter everday ,original nobel is at 516 chapter so it wiil 135 days to reach current chapter of original nobel so at least it wiil take 6-7 month when yonder would in same pace with original nobel
  11. Hanjakanji

    Hanjakanji Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2021
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    Yeah but like Yonder is at 383 now and their snu at 377 so it alrdy pass that

    Judgement day was alrdy explained very early too. It's when they talk about the golden rule and at the end when she reach that time when she die in past, the gods will judge her for all the good and bad things she did from when she regress to that time and if she pass she can be awaken and if she don't, she get punish.
    alpineibex, Isthecat102 and SweetHela like this.
  12. miya_eh

    miya_eh Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2022
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    I havent read after chapter 420+ so can someone clarify it to me?
    Ari had the miscarriage, and after that, she starts taking the contraceptives and plans to run away, is that it?
    But how does she plan to help Alfonso if she's not by his side? I'm confused here...
    Isthecat102 likes this.
  13. alpineibex


    Aug 12, 2022
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    She didn't take contraceptives after the miscarriage, but after she got a chance to dream and see Alfonso and Isabella's interaction in previous life. Remember this is the power she randomly gets to see and cannot activate on purpose. Like when she saw Maletta trying to be Isabella's maid, or Cesare met the Cardinal to make him legitimate to be crowned.

    Isabella in previous life had a real miscarriage, and she cried a lot because it was her first failure, and she was afraid she couldn't get pregnant again. Alfonso tried to soothe her, and while Ari noticed that there was no love between them, Alfonso maintained his vow to Isabella that if there were no children, he would still keep her as his wife. Ari knew that even the loveless Alfonso could be that nice, then the current Alfonso would not abandon her. Her plan was to crown him king and left, because she wanted a better woman that suit his position more. Also due to her accumulated karma, she didn't want to bring bad luck to him or their family. So she planned to take contraceptives to prevent herself getting pregnant, and in her belief, there would be no tie between them if there was no children.
    Manolyaisabella and SweetHela like this.
  14. miya_eh

    miya_eh Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2022
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    Thank you for clarifying! But what does make her stop the contraceptives? After the miscarriage, does she change her mind to run away?
  15. whitecoatprince

    whitecoatprince Member

    Jan 9, 2024
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    She needed to be saved from her own overthinking....hope Alfonso found out soon...I really feel sad for her...I think god should interrvene give her proper understanding of golden rule....she will already accumulated good deeds by by crowning him,That is the main reason for her regression and that is what God want from her....right???...I think Raphael is going to play big role in helping Alfonso to save Aria and helping Aria to make Alfonso crown king....I am expecting massive emotional breakdown of her because of Cesar....Because his forceable and emotionally manipulative nature he will definitely do some untoward thing for thrown and snatching Aria from Alfonso... Although she has given closure to relationship with Cesar in this life but she have not given closure feeling and Cesar of first time line.....only positive thing this time would be that she will have enough memories and happy moment with Alfonso to help during such breakdown....I think biggest reason why she gave Cesar chance during engagement was she not had enough memories with Alfonso and mess created by lerissa and Enrico completely stopped their letter exchange even after they continuously sharing letters made her believe that Alfonso have abondened her....Cesar was able to force and emotionally manipulate her...She herself wrote devil inside her withering Alfonso memory ,forcing her to abondan him completely and another devil come daily that is so human tempting....she don't know how till what time she will resist him...(this letter is mentioned chapter in 253 )...inner devil was her feeling for Cesar from past and that devil who come daily was Cesar himself...Cesar only tried to force and emotionally manipulate her and even able to succeed in it..She tried to recover her letter,decided to go with flow and start dreaming about living with him in the venue of her birthday party ...... .Isabella at least did something blessing in disguise..she saved Aria....I think this Cesar if even worst than previous one for ari....this Cesar would not only have tormonted Aria in worst way,even would took all grudge of Alfonso on her but also abandoned her because of her scars.....To be honest Cesar was giving many red flags during her engagement most common was forcing himself on her everytime....
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2024
  16. whitecoatprince

    whitecoatprince Member

    Jan 9, 2024
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    Anyone facing injustice in this novel is Alfonso...He get killed in first timeline...went on war...forced to have engagement with lerissa by deception...Lost letter contact with person he love ...Love interest even get engaged by forcefully but she even decided to give a chance to person who gave trauma to her in past life,even become closer to him....Also faced many mean words because of fake letter by elco by her love interest...Even after accepting his love she even tried to run away...even got his child got miscarried,intead of understanding him she started tormenting him because of her overthinking...Even after marriage she not able to submit herself to Alfonso...
    In this Aria gave more privelage and justice the Cesar than he deserve even us his relationship with Alfonso to save Cesar, Although she hided this fact I imagine how painful would Alfonso feel after knowing that...she gave more injustice to Alfonso...hope she realise and can't run away from mistake ....I think Alfonso show biggest maturity by not digging in in relationship between her with Cesar during engagement if would have known she not only gave second chance but also become closer to her would have haunted him most....
    Novel is very good in exploiting human emotions....
    1.Action of Aria make you hate her but you feel sympathetic with her when you know the trauma she facing
    2.cesar....A bossy and emotionally manipulative character with good looks....Appealing from outside but from inside a total trash...He is one who want to own everything so that later he can destroy to satisfy his ego..never take responsibility of anything and try force it on other...
    3.Alfonso...No perfect .....at least A man of his word..who face all pain silently for the person he love.....
    At least this novel deserve happy ending of Aria for Alfonso...
    I just want to see Aria to show real physical anger against his forcing and emotionally manipulative nature of Cesar rather then adjusting with it....Cesar is the one who deserve more hate than Isabella but Aria hate Isabella more than Cesar...it is maturity to never show anger some time it huge justice on self to show anger to move on from trauma....
  17. Hanjakanji

    Hanjakanji Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2021
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    You know you think about Cesare more than Ari? The only thing she think about him are the bad things now when she compare them to Alphonso. That doesn't need closure when she can see Alphonso is a way better man than Cesare. He's not even that manipulative. It's Isabella that's manipulative. She just fell for him easy in last life bc he was the only person who even kept her around. It's easy to fall for a person like that when you got no one else so she can't see he was toxic to her. Now she has better ppl around her like her friends, grandmother, and Alphonso.

    I think you're the one obsess with Cesare, not Ari.

    Omg, I don't even think you understand Ari. She been nvr thinking of staying with him for a long time now. Alphonso can kinda tell she didn't want to stay with him even before and that why he had to think of way to get her to marry him. She don't need to think of running away if she think she will die soon. Her death will be the cause for her to leave him. She not even leaving Alphonso bc of Cesare. Cesare got nothing to do with it. You're the one who keep thinking about him.

    The rl enemy here is Isabella. That why the title even say "Sister" and Cesare can only be enemy if he going to side with Isabella and become king with someone's help like Isabella or his mum.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2024
    alpineibex and Tad1989 like this.
  18. NohrNeir

    NohrNeir rereading frenzy

    Apr 28, 2020
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    She hasn't stopped taking the contraceptives yet. I've mentioned to someone else before that she was just talking to grandma about it:
    This was the latest chapter in the raws on Naver. The latest chapter was about her talking to the grandma about it so she hasn't stopped taking it. All she did was agree to take it less so that she doesn't die earlier. She also has no plans to change her mind yet about leaving Alphonso. Another thing that people seem to mistaken is her running away. Ari already believe she'll die early so she's not really plotting running away but just dying by the time she finished helping Alphonso.
    alpineibex and Tad1989 like this.
  19. Hanjakanji

    Hanjakanji Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2021
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    The rl enemy here is Isabella. That why the title even say "Sister" and Cesare can o
    Alphonso not even tormented rn. They had a fluffy scene in the carriage after the king left. You're the one who making up feelings bc you hate Cesare so much and keep thinking about him. It feels like you got a hate obsession with him.
    alpineibex likes this.
  20. whitecoatprince

    whitecoatprince Member

    Jan 9, 2024
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    Pardon for Alphonso comment you took in wrong way...To honest I hate Cesar as character in this time line....His obssession towards Aria too much....By giving him advancement and kisses during during her engagement period she already have put bone in front of dog....when he was engaged to aria he only reason behind his obssesion was being his brother love interest and her constant rejection and first one reject ...Now along with that he has moments and body touch he shared with her.... constantly seeing her with alfonso going through make him obssesive maniac towards Aria....He has not been able to express worst side because he has not got support...Now he will get princess as support like Aria in first time line....Things are going to tough this time....Things are not going to be easy for Aria ....Apart from saving Alphonso ,she will also have to save herself....I fear because of her overthinking nature she not started hurting herself....she already herself thinking she is not suitable of Alfonso
    Aria and alphonso will also have to face syphilis and Isabella....
    If any one calling Cesar feeling as love,sorry it is not love it is toxic obssession...Apart from Alfonso ,Raphael is the only person whose feelings I can call love....
    Aria already mentioned in previous timeline Cesar love for Aria was fire but when she submitted herself for him it was like love never existed...
    Due to regression only course event chnaged ,it has not changed the character of people...Irabella was able to change because she was child and she never had better interaction with Aria in first time line....In case Cesar Aria already gaven him every thing in past life...so Cesar was always a lost case....

    Cesar was dancing parter in in all party in previous life and even first dubantate partner both life....Alfonso only able dance on her dubantate partner...I just want Aria should have parallel memory to Cesar with Alfonso when she will have mental breakdown she able to save herself...Reality of this novel is that no body have ever loved her more than Alfonso,it is Raphael who only supported her ever... But she only have Alfonso for her emotional support....Trauma of cesar of first time line always haunting her and Cesar of this time will now haunt her....Those trauma always succeed because she not have any parallel memory and experience to fight back....

    I always feel sorry for her
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2024