Spoiler Sister, In This Life, I’ve Become The Queen

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Rin.rinaaa, Aug 11, 2022.

  1. Isthecat102

    Isthecat102 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2023
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    Raphael looks very handsome!

    Although his face seems very similar to Alfonso's to me but with red eyes and white hair, I love his suit.

    I really like how the illustrator draws the characters' dresses, for example: Isabella's dresses are very pretty

    Thank you very much for sharing parts of the chapter with us, you are very kind
    AnnieBraun and Mkh.97 like this.
  2. incarnation

    incarnation New Member

    Jan 25, 2024
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    Cesar feeling for Ari is like child love for a toy.A child fufill every criteria,make all promises and show all tantrums for toy but if he/she get that he/she never value them.he will broke it or threw away and forget about all promises
    It is just obssesion
    Latarana likes this.
  3. NohrNeir

    NohrNeir rereading frenzy

    Apr 28, 2020
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    Author's feelings towards Cesare was stated in her blog before the hiatus. They were her blog posts long before readers harassed her and she took it down. When she opened her blog again, it was after the hiatus posting about the plagiarism. Author already has an outline and ending even before all this. There's no wish to change Cesare when she already has an outline drafted out. Another thing is you don't seem to even realize where the hiatus stopped at for you to assume the characters changed before and after the hiatus? Before the hiatus, Ari had already long stopped thinking about her engagement with Cesare. The hiatus came right after she miscarried. That shows that even before the hiatus, Cesare was just moping around his loss.
  4. miya_eh

    miya_eh Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2022
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    Do you know why the author has been harassed?
    Also, someone was copying Sister Im the Queen or was the author accused of plagiarism?
    Tad1989 likes this.
  5. alpineibex


    Aug 12, 2022
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    Author privated all of her posts as soon as one title was released. A few days later she announced that the story would go on hiatus due to unspecified reason. Readers waited for a month, then author announced that someone plagiarized I’m the Queen in this Life. Some readers tried to find the title but they couldn’t, and some entitled readers rated the story 1* because they thought author was lazy. Then author management announced they were suing this author and showed the suspected parts. Readers tried to read and they said there was no plagiarism, author should retract her claim and apologize to the other author. I must say they are kinda hypocritical, they claimed they must wait for the verdict, but then after reading, they bullied author with comments and ratings. The ratings are recovering lately, but the damage is done.
  6. incarnation

    incarnation New Member

    Jan 25, 2024
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    At least your POV and justification match with action
    Cesar love for Aria is like child love for any toy.POV of that child it will make him/her do better but in reality it is just bargaining

    Aria comparing Cesar is not justified and even blaming everything on his mother is not justified.resources Cesar hold next to prince of ertuscan kingdom and he must have studied phylosophy , theocracy etc but even after education, he never improved at the end , it was his own decisions.No where Cesar suffered like Aria.it is like Aria(Author) equated condition of motherless child of rich(Cesar) family to condition of motherless child of poor family(Aria)

    Author say Aria is some who take responsibility.she claimed she has become closure Cesar to Raphael even after knowing how bad image is of Cesar,from Raphael point view it would have been like deception for Alphonso for man who even can't be trusted.But her all sense responsibility go in in vain when she hided fact she used Alfonso love to save Cesar while telling everything to Alfonso

    She fall for Cesar in second time line with just with his flirting and flattering even betrayed her feeling for Alphonso even after knowing he is infamous for that with girls but when came to Alphonso she have high standards and her demand is very high.

    There is claim she have no feeling about Cesar now but she want Cesar improve out of sympathy not pity.sympathy actually involve sense of genuine care.if she really not have feeling for Cesar than pity word would have better suited.

    Her action only prove she love Cesar but she can't choose him because she can't trust to be specifically not want repitition of first time line.

    Some time I genuinely doubt she has feeling for Alphonso or not ..It look like her all action with Alphonso is out of guilt, opportunity.
    She claimed her feeling with Alfonso is closest to love but she never proved it.it always looked like she always running from Alfonso.because of guilt she not want him to again suffer.her action never proved true love.even for marriage Alfonso have to trick her.

    I genuinely want to see her unconditional true love for Alfonso not out guilt or opportunity.he deserve true love from her.

    I know many people will not agree with me,it's okay to have different opinion,please don"t abuse me for having different view. But This is how I see it.

    I genuinely adore Author.She is writing great novel in terms of female emotion except few complaint with expressing emotion or may I am wrong due to change in translation.Reading novel in original language really make emotion different.during translation genuine emotion changed due to use of different word by translator.
    In this Author differentiated Karma and good deeds..but in reality karma is include both good deeds and bad deeds.but I can understand Karma is Indian sanskrit term.it is intention which make it different.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2024
    deadlatios and maymimi like this.
  7. NohrNeir

    NohrNeir rereading frenzy

    Apr 28, 2020
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    I only make views on what the author and novel shows. I don't make random opinions just on my own beliefs. You and the other two readers who kept arguing with me are making opinions because of the hate towards Cesare. A person doesn't need to love someone to sympathize with them. Even if she cares for him, care and love don't always correlate. Also, it is Ari's POV that shows she compares herself to Cesare. It is not me comparing her to Ari or the author doing so. Ari has those thoughts. Also she did not compare herself to Cesare because of Rubina. Read what I said:
    You're adding all these other things in because you don't like her feeling she's like Cesare. I added the other things in because I was trying to find out why she feels this way. She is an illegitimate child who didn't get love. Cesare was also an illegitimate child who didn't get love. Ari never really wanted the queen position and only wanted to be queen next to Cesare before. Cesare never really wanted to the king position either and only wanted to be king because his mother kept expecting it of him. If his mother never wanted him to be king, he would've just enjoyed his life lazing around. Ari knows he's always just drinking around and wouldn't have put the work to becoming king. Also this wasn't just Ari's POV, In the next chapter was Cesare's POV which also prove that he never wanted the throne. In this life, he only attempted for it to get Ari, now that he realized it couldn't even get Ari, he thinks it's a troublesome position. Like I said, I am only sharing things from what the novel says. You're making it as if I'm sharing spoilers based on my opinions. I try to give spoilers unbiasly because everyone else will have their own opinions but I'm just giving spoilers on what was directly written in the novel and that was what was written.

    Also when I say she has no feelings for Cesare, it means she has no love. I feel because you're very lacking in English, the way you read things come out as misunderstanding. I said no more feelings because that was Ari's feelings as mentioned when she looked over his affairs. "Cesare's affairs was came to be viewed as a small thing like it was someone else's."

    And people can have sympathy to enemies. I've seen people forgive their perpetrators in court before so that they can move on. You really need to read or experience more if you think sympathy is always linked to love. I also say Ari loves Alphonso because that's what she says in the novel. "...Grandma, I don't know what love is." The exchange of emotions she was sharing with Alphonso was the closest to love as far as Ariadne knew. You talk like this is MY opinion when no, I am just spoiling. Very rarely what I'm saying are my opinions. I am just sharing what was written and countering you and the others from what was written in the novel. Whereas, you and the others on the other hand are posting opinions because you're posting what you assume the characters are feeling.

    Note: I think you're one of the other two readers I kept arguing with because you're sprouting the same nonsense as them. If you made a new account to argue because you think I won't know after you have said you won't, just keep in mind, I'm wary of people's speech patterns especially on the internet where making new accounts is normal.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2024
  8. Isthecat102

    Isthecat102 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2023
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    I was very sad when the author deleted her posts on her blog, it was very fun to read them, I remember there was one with an image of her hamster jajaja
    jaskier, alpineibex and NohrNeir like this.
  9. incarnation

    incarnation New Member

    Jan 25, 2024
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    Inspite of all my criticism,I have a lot of sympathy for Aria
    The murder of person that gave her happiness through own hand in first time line is worst of worsest dream for her now because he is his husband and only person to love her unconditionally in both timeline.Guilt and love is something causing her lots of pain in her heart.She must be feeling it every second.judgement day and karma thing is already making thing worst for her.In this timline she did nothing wrong but instead tried cherish every thing
    That is why I support Ari,wish Author give her happy ending otherwise I will definitely never going read her any new novel ever.

    I agree with most of you but I am putting my thought,please don't angry with me again.wash it off after reading.
    it's not that I dislike Cesar means I dislike it when she think Aria as trophy.I dislike when making him responsibile for action all responsibility thrown over circumstances.I like Cesar as character ,he make Aria to realise how much special is Alfonso.I like Cesar when he make Alfonso Aware of his love for Aria.cesar is one of out of many biggest reasons is responsible for strong bond between Ari and Alfonso,he is the one who make both Ari and Alfonso conscious to each other.Engagement affair of Ari and Cesar is biggest reason to give dead end to Cesar in life of Aria .For her affair I can only say poison in heart of Ari is neutralised with mere pain of injection and she become more conscious of Alfonso.

    There is no doubt that Alfonso love Aria deeply and unconditionally and I have not denied Aria share closest emotion with Alphonso but I have only said love of Aria not appear unconditional to me because she still have doubt in sharing her pain and her low self esteem to Alphonso to be appropriate she still not have been able to trust Alphonso completely but I have hope with new challengse in way of throne she will able to trust him completely.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2024
  10. Hanjakanji

    Hanjakanji Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2021
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    Not wanting Alphonso to get hurt from her karma is love. How is that guilt from past?

    Her guilt from past is what make her want to run away. You confusing yourself and using wrong reason for diff things.

    How is Ari even suppose to share her feelings? It's like you nvr read the novel. Like what she supposed to tell him? That she had a shitty last with Cesare so she don't know love? That she want to leave bc she don't want him to get her bad karma? You do know anyone she tell about the regression to will die or get hurt. How she supposed to tell him?

    Did you make new acct to argue cuz you said you'll stop with the other acct? LOL
  11. norionut

    norionut New Member

    Jan 27, 2024
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    I think People are not offended with her kiss but Her attitude towards Alfonso.She never took stand for Alfonso like he took stand for Cesar.She used letter with Alfonso to save cesar,She burnt all his and her own unsend letter for shake of saving engagement with Cesar,she fight and cried with/infront of Isabella for creating misunderstanding between her and Cesar by using Alphonso,She broke her engagement because isabell created scandal what if Isabella not created scandal not because of Alphonso.her attitude you can kiss me on hairs, forehead,chicks even with mouth but I can't say I love you.Even she accepted he has intimate relationship with Cesar in front of Raphael who know feelings of Alfonso for her.
    Suddenly when Alfonso came she started behaving like how much she was waiting for him.how she is honest with her love for Alfonso,She started having emotional breakdown because of her intimate relationship with Cesar.

    Engagement was forced but truth is she ended of liking it and openly accepting it in front of everyone when Alfonso came she started hating those intimate moments, started having emotional breakdown and guilt feeling because of that.
    It's look like she is using Alfonso

    People are to sensitive these days.Those who support Aria started making theory to justify her reaction.
    You know you can't blame them also.
    I don't want to debate,l already know every dimensions and just put the thought of those who become offensive with those intimate moments.Above are not my personal opinion.I don't want to spam further with any discussion.I am sympathetic with Aria and I understand her situation.

    But I will suggest Above people who is getting offended with intimate scene,please read at least chapter till her marriage with Alfonso.Author and Aria have herself given reply to all these questions.I can only say Aria become more proactive for her relationship with Alphonso after misunderstanding get cleared.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2024
    maymimi and Isthecat102 like this.
  12. alpineibex


    Aug 12, 2022
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    I think you don’t have to make new accounts just to voice your own opinions. Why do it when your speech is the same? Also we don’t care if people have their opinion. We do care if they give wrong spoilers or trying to disguise their own opinion as spoilers.

    Also I get it, you’re talking about your own Aria, so you’re free to have your Cesar obsession over Aria. We’re talking about Ari, and we already said Ari has no obsession nor current love to Cesare.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2024
    Jennarinq, Wapdyne, jaskier and 6 others like this.
  13. Isthecat102

    Isthecat102 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2023
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    If I keep reading what seems like more psychological analysis of Cesare and Ari in the posts I think I'll go crazy.

    Also, there is no problem in giving your opinion <3, your opinion is understandable and pleasant to read, but do not always repeat the same thing, otherwise it will become repetitive.
    Jennarinq, Wapdyne, jaskier and 5 others like this.
  14. Hanjakanji

    Hanjakanji Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2021
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    Did you make new acct to argue cuz you said you'll stop with the other acct? LOL
    Why are you still making new acct to argue you think we wouldn't know? You said the same things before. It very obvious your the same person. Saving marriage, emotional breakdown, same words over and over again. Why shouldn't she care about hiding the letters? She was engaged to Cesare. If ppl find out she was still writing letters to Alphonso who will be the one to look bad? You think society will be like omg you love the prince, feel so bad for you. No. They will shame her for being the one cheating on her fiance.

    She didn't even want to marry Cesare that much when she kept dragging out the engagement. If she rly wanted to marry him, they would've done it alrdy before Cesare got a chance to cheat.

    They are your opinion bc you're mad she not "loyal" to Alphonso. You keep going on and on about what she did during her engagement with Alphonso as if it hurt him. Self inserting yourself when Alphonso even don't care and Ari alrdy move on. They alrdy married in the novel. You think they're fking while she still busy being guilty she let Cesare touch her? Wtf you on. They are your opinions.

    Lmaooo YOU are the one getting offended. Not other ppl.
    Wapdyne, Mkh.97, Alma Ta and 4 others like this.
  15. miya_eh

    miya_eh Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2022
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    I thought I was the only one who realized there were 2 other fake accounts...
  16. whitecoatprince

    whitecoatprince Member

    Jan 9, 2024
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    God swear,this is my account,....I accept I made mistakes with my lot of theory.but I have never posted anything after I promised although I visited site...You can not do bitching with someone because of me...As I have gone through his comments he just put his thoughts.....You also wanted to fight with me for Cesar ....every people can't support na someone will have mixed feeling,some will like and some will hate..ignore those comments ...that's it...please don't abuse some one because of your Assumptions

    Technically....every account is fake....No body is using official id...Thing is this novel becoming popular because of manhwa and viral YouTube videos...Free chapter of novel is available till 3** chapter....people like me do mistake on overthinking character...

    You can stop useless discussion like did few days ago but please don't abuse any body because of me.....I am requesting you..if comments look similar just ignore them...people have their personal life and personal commitment also,...I am doctor ....I read this novel during my vacation of 5 days...I have a lot of patients to care and I have no time to make new account... ..please don't abuse anybody because of me...I have already accepted my mistake..
    miya_eh and Isthecat102 like this.
  17. LaDyViL

    LaDyViL New Member Staff Member

    Nov 9, 2015
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  18. incarnation

    incarnation New Member

    Jan 25, 2024
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    To be honest some time found previous timeline Alfonso was also responsible for
    Technically every Account is fake here ,no body is using his/her original name and.Because of manhwa and short video on YouTube this novel is getting popular.problem is free chapter is Available till 3xx only.people are making Assumptions on that.

    1. Most debated: All those kisses are due to her immaturity in handling those situations. It's not like she loved Cesar, so she gave in.

    2. In the first timeline, she had no understanding of Cesar; she was just desperate to get love and respect similar to what Alphonso gave to Isabella in that timeline. She was like a puppet of Cesar.

    3. This time, due to crossing, she got enough time to understand Cesar, and she experienced the love of Alphonso before. So, she became more devoted to Alphonso, in other words, conscious of him.

    4. When she said she couldn't understand him, so she rejected him. It's not that she abandoned Alphonso; it simply means she can't accept him, even if she ignores Alphonso because she can't trust him.

    5. She was just tolerating Cesar because of the fear of the king again trapping her in marriage with him and his appreciation for helping him from the king.

    6. She decided to go with fate because her only dream of her past life was appearing to come true in this timeline. You can call it a second chance.She was not serious about it.

    7. She didn't feel pain in breaking the engagement but felt pain for devoting time and energy to him. Even after she tried to trust him this time, she failed.

    8. It also removed some of her misunderstandings, like Isabella may have lied to her about his comment on her.

    Actually, the entire engagement episode helped her move on from her feelings for Cesar in both timelines. The entire engagement arc was like a painful injection for her, a kind of horror, but it benefited her the most.
    Since our Aria is an excessive thinker, she might have tried to contemplate about him at some point in the future, but this closed all doors for him inside her thinking.

    Hope ,this unnecessary drama end here.please guys don't fight

    The way Author is showing Cesar as victim of circumstances especially his mother,I am thinking Author is going to give him sacrificial death for Ari.may be he get killed while saving Ari or Alphonso.This also can be a good atonement to trauma he have given to ari in first timeline.
    Isthecat102 likes this.
  19. Hanjakanji

    Hanjakanji Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2021
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    If he die for Ari and Alphonso then Alphonso's fated death from before can be replaced by him and Isabella's death can replace Ari's
    Isthecat102 and alpineibex like this.
  20. alpineibex


    Aug 12, 2022
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    Wapdyne, miya_eh and Isthecat102 like this.