Cleaning up tags on NU V2.0

Discussion in 'Novel Updates Site Discussion' started by marine1corps, Jun 23, 2017.

  1. tak

    tak ignorant but well-meant

    Dec 14, 2016
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    Survival Game and Unlimited Flow have a lot of novel overlap
    12-13 overlap from 25 novel in first page

    there's a trope named: Refusal of the Call
    but "refusal of the call" is a bad tag name. Also you want running away for large portion of the story, this is more like... the hero reaction, which is probably just a part of the story.

    confused about this bit. by "major conflict", do you mean:
    • enemy invite MC to duel, MC runs away (Cowardly Protagonist)
    • if MC help that slave MC'll be the noble enemy, so MC won't help (Apathetic Protagonist, Cautious Protagonist, Cold Protagonist, Cunning Protagonist, Pragmatic Protagonist, Ruthless Protagonist, Selfish Protagonist) (staff if i give wrong example you're welcome to cross the wrong tag)
    • there's a prophecy / MC is reborn, and MC doesn't like that fate, so MC tries to change it
      • by running away/hiding from the plot/fate (i've read some stories like this but mostly oneshot, for example a boy crossdress to avoid being sent as hero)
      • by trying different things from the plot/fate (befriend enemy, changing appearances/behavior, etc) (probably almost all second chance tag)
    while looking at the tags, there's Reluctant Protagonist, maybe that suits your want? there's no description so i'm not sure.
    sithkazar likes this.
  2. sithkazar

    sithkazar Professional Screw Up

    Dec 14, 2015
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    Thanks for the info! Some of these are close and I appreciate letting me know. I didn't see some of these tags before and many of them touch on what I'm trying to find.

    "Refusal of the Call" is part of the hero's journey, but I wasn't thinking of hero stories. I was looking more for survival stories, where the protagonist is not in a leadership role and escaping to save themselves is the only option they can think of. Think of a romance story where the female MC is being sold off in marriage and she chooses to escape her family, or a male MC owes the mob money and fakes his death to start life over.

    Maybe something like a "Desperate Protagonist" (which is not a tag that exists)? "Cowardly Protagonist" is more broad, but might include stories that I'm looking for, same with "Reluctant Protagonist." I will definitely check these tags out!

    Edit: Oh! I got it! Rather then runaway or escaping protagonist, we should call the tag "Hunted Protagonist." That is really the element I'm looking for; the fact someone, or something, is after the protag. Escaping is just a result of that.

    Is there an existing tag like that or can we get one added?
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2023
    tak likes this.
  3. tak

    tak ignorant but well-meant

    Dec 14, 2016
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    While checking out the tagged novels, do make a Recommendation List with all novels you meant. I feel like it'd be easier for staff to see how many novels could be tagged with that, & whether or not it is enough to add a tag. If the number is not enough, you could keep the Rec List updated & try again when the number grows as more novels are translated.

    This scenario also included "i don't wanna marry that person because he's sick/old!" Which isn't life threatening for MC, so i didn't thought of that. I guess when i read survival i directly think of "food, injury crisis", like stranded or chased by an army, instead of a more grounded "need a place to stay, social needs, and need money to live". Thanks for explaining
    sithkazar likes this.
  4. LaDyViL

    LaDyViL New Member Staff Member

    Nov 9, 2015
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    I saw this yesterday but forgot to reply. I like the tag, I feel like it's a good tag. I don't like Refusal of the Call for the same reason you said, it sounded too much like a hero specific tag. I liked the Escaping part mentioned before but Escaping what would encompass all the things mentioned in your posts? Escaping Destiny?

    What do you think? I like the idea but I can't get a clear vision of what to use. @MangoGuy @AliceShiki @NZPIEFACE @null @Blitz
    AliceShiki, NZPIEFACE and sithkazar like this.
  5. Blitz

    Blitz ⛈️ awakened from the reverie❄️

    Mar 21, 2016
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    I guess maybe make a distinction.
    • Runaway protagonist for novels in which the protagonist escapes or attempts to escape from thier predetermined role. Wether it being, running away from his destiny, fate, role, postion, birthright,arranged marriage or whatever
    • Reluctant protagonist doesn't have a definition and doesn't seem to be used in a clear direction in the current novels it's being used in. Maybe retrofit it into situations like: Protagonist reluctant to carry out their assigned role but forced to do so. Protagonist dragged along or into unavoidable situations or events against their own will. Protagonist having to rise up to occasions cause there's no else, etc
    • Hunted protagonist: where the protagonist is currently being pursued by entities or figures who would bring about an understandable situation to the protagonist. Motive can range from desire for protagonist or their life, romantic entanglements, competition, survival, knowledge or items, etc. Can be used along tags such as survival games and (other tags)
    the above isn't meant as a definition but an attempt at differentiating them

    Well runaway protagonist and hunted protagonist have overlap, although their are some distinctions too, so it being separate or the same tag could be understandable. If relevant a novel could have both tags too.

    Edit: forgot about the merge. This one doesn't have anything to do with the above statements
    Might be worth getting a lovecraftian or eldrich tag of some sorts. Novels that could fit it are pretty popular these days with stuff like Lord of mysteries, deep sea embers and other such novels. A lot of similar themed novels have been popping up too.
    LaDyViL likes this.
  6. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
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    I feel like Hunted Protagonist sounds good!

    Stuff like Runaway Protagonist could end up being used from someone trying to run away from home, which is quite different from this.

    Hunted sounds better, overall~
    LaDyViL likes this.
  7. LaDyViL

    LaDyViL New Member Staff Member

    Nov 9, 2015
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    These two covers the same thing, it's a different term used due to a different point of view. In the hunter views the protagonist is the hunted/pursued while in the protagonist view, it's running away/escaping. A change of word and point of view changed my mind about it, but I leaned more towards Hunted than Runaway.

    So Hunted Protagonist? What would the definition be? What novels are listed under it?

    I don't read novels surrounding these themes aside from LoTM so I can't give much but what would the term used be and what is its definition?
    Blitz likes this.
  8. null

    null Procrastinate Lv MAX

    Oct 20, 2015
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    Personally didnt like Hunted protagonist. Almost every novel with action genre would have mc escaping from or hunted by something. It need better definition.
  9. sithkazar

    sithkazar Professional Screw Up

    Dec 14, 2015
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    I see your point. My original suggestion is from a romance novel point of view, as I read quite a bit of those. I was thinking of a definition similar to this when I suggested a "Runaway Protagonist" tag:

    "A story where a MAJOR theme or motivation is the protagonist's attempts to runaway in order to escape their situation and abandon their current life. This can include external danger or romantic entanglements, as well as personal responsibilities."

    Examples would be:
    But I see what you mean with "Hunted Protagonist" being too general from an action novel point of view. Almost any action novel will have a part that includes being hunted by the antagonist.

    I feel that there is a need for a tag here, but I am not sure what form that tag should take.
  10. Smile_for_me

    Smile_for_me Isekai enthusiast/ knovel lover

    Feb 12, 2019
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    Ik this is about cleaning up tags but can i suggest one? Im desperate for a "found family" tag :meowsadlife:
  11. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Elaborate on what the tag would mean and what stories you have already read where the tag would apply.

    From name alone, the tag is way too vague and not worth considering.
  12. Smile_for_me

    Smile_for_me Isekai enthusiast/ knovel lover

    Feb 12, 2019
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    "Found family" is when a group of unrelated characters comes together as their own family, based on shared experiences, circumstances, and connections rather than by blood or relation. Theyre more platonic than romantic

    Some examples i can think of the top of my head are tcf, Ex rank supporting role, and count's youngest son is a warlock
  13. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Mmmmmmmm... Seems like a fine tag to me, but I don't think this name for the tag is ideal, since it's a bit unintuitive... I currently don't have any ideas for a better name though...

    I think we don't have any tags that serve its function either, so... Yeah, sounds good enough to me.
  14. LaDyViL

    LaDyViL New Member Staff Member

    Nov 9, 2015
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    I agree. At first I thought it's when estranged or separated family members found each other again but my mind kicks in and connect the dots when I saw the example. The tag name is not intuitive to what it's defining.
    AliceShiki and TXHY like this.
  15. Smile_for_me

    Smile_for_me Isekai enthusiast/ knovel lover

    Feb 12, 2019
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    Found family is already an established genre though, it would be confusing if we change the name here
  16. Nom de Plume

    Nom de Plume [Shio’s Disciple] [True Villain] [Equip: Gunblade] Novel Updates Staff

    Oct 20, 2015
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    Added definition for new tag Mistaken Identity. Could use some help adding it to relevant novels since it can apply regardless of genre.
    AliceShiki likes this.
  17. patient

    patient Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2019
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    So in the case of such novels that are set in 70s or 80s or 90s etc specifically (but written in recent years), though often involving transmigration or time travel, does the "Historical" genre apply? Alternatively, does the "Modern day" tag apply here, as the tag description says "current or near current Earth", how current should the current be to count as current?
  18. Kakipii13

    Kakipii13 Active Member

    Apr 4, 2023
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    Been reading a lot of interstellar novels lately and thinking about tags. I'm not experienced with the tag cleanup/organization on this site, but I have a data entry job and understand its importance. I just wanted to ask a few questions here:

    In the case of Interstellar genre novels where the Zerg feature prominently, I've seen mixed use of the "Insects" tag. I do feel like making a separate "Zerg" tag would be kind redundant (and I've found at least multiple series were the Zerg-like creatures weren't called the Zerg in Chinese and/or English, so making that tag would just muddle the issue further). But I think that a decision needs to be made on if "Zerg" qualify under the insect tag, but if they do the definition of "Insects" should probably be changed to mention it for the sake of clarity.

    Also, is there a reason why "Interstellar" isn't a tag? It's more than just a futuristic setting - it's very specific with consistent attributes. A "Futuristic Setting" could be near-future sci-fi like a cyberpunk setting. Not all Interstellar actually feature going into space so the "Outer Space" tag that could differentiate it isn't a guarantee (and not all stories that feature going to space are interstellar, anyway). From tags alone there's no way for readers to tell if the story has the specific interstellar setting, and sometimes even story synopses don't help clear this up, so I fell having an "Interstellar" tag would be appropriate.

    Lastly, in Sentinel/Guide, Orc/Beastmen, some ABO, and other works both interstellar and non-interstellar, there are characters with mental abilities that are able to manifest spirit animal-like beings. I was trying to decide on the best tag to use for these and settled on "Beast Companions", but feel like "Spirits" and "Spirit User" would also quality given the nature of these particular animal companions. On the tag list, there is a red "x" next to Spirit User and it lacks a definition - why is this? I tried to comb through the forums and couldn't find an answer, though maybe it has been and I just couldn't find it. In works like these should both "Beast Companions" and "Spirits" be used, or is the use of "Spirit User", which would be a more fitting term than just "Spirits", allowed?

    I'm sorry if this isn't where I'm supposed to ask questions! I get very confused by forums and rarely use them. I also don't want to come off as hostile or something because I'm not, I'm just a data entry nerd with a lot of specific questions. If this isn't were I should be posting or if there are already answers someone else, please redirect me! Thanks!
    minnyyas41 and FelicitaScarlet like this.
  19. Rumby

    Rumby Rumbly Tumbly

    Feb 23, 2017
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    Could the Artists Tag be changed to .......or maybe we get a new tag for like 'Visual Artists' ?

    as I've noticed a quite a bit of novels that get tagged with 'Artists' are idols/actors/singers/celebrity/writers MC's not like Painters/Illustrators/Designers (despite the Artist tag explaining not to use it for idols/actors/singers/celebrity )

    but I feel like people are not reading the tag descriptions, and new idol novels will keep adding the Artists tag, if left as is.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2023
  20. puukkiss

    puukkiss I'm Keeping My Eye On You!

    Oct 28, 2019
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    Hello, Not sure If anyone related to this thread still reads it or if there is some new thread I should be putting this, but fingers crossed.

    I would really appreciate it if some tag related to NoCP/无CP, No Romance, and Almost No Romance (like Apocalypse Lord there is a ML and he likes MC, but they have no on-screen romance or like I’m A Little White Flower In An Escape Game where in extras they marry, but no romance in the main text).

    Even when I click exclude genres - Romance - Harem - Ecchi - Smut - Yuri - Yaoi - and so on.
    and add exclude all tags related to Romance and Love, The search will give me novels where a love interest pops up, especially if MC is female. This is why there are so many Recommendation Lists with No Romance/No CP and main title, since on your own it is hard to see what is what.

    No CP/No Love interest would be great for novels where there's no love Interest or MC doesn't end up with anyone even if there were characters interested in them, but MC doesn't show interest.
    No Romance, explains itself.
    Almost No Romance, for novels that have CP, but it is closer to No CP as the love interest is a side character that maybe will get little attention from MC but nothing more. MC will continue to move on almost like they are single.

    These tags will also help people who like romance, since in both Apocalypse Lord and I’m A Little White Flower In An Escape Game some reviews critic/mention that there wasn't romance even though there was a Love Interest.