Spoiler Serena / 세레나

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by dunnoperson_, Oct 22, 2022.


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  1. livius

    livius Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2020
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    I’ve reread this series from the start once or twice already and I feel that the pacing is just right inorder to build each of their characters. The amount of patience we gave to Serena in facing her inner demons weighs the same on us giving patience to Eiser facing his. After rereading the whole series, I realized that there are still a lot of uncovered past events that we are yet to know that will shed light to Eizer’s past. That alone is enough to understand that this whole slow burn is understandable.

    I believe several of us, which includes me, are frustrated with the turn of events but let’s also not forget that in order for our mom and dad to actually create that loving vibes we so crave, they both need to tear down each other’s wall first.

    Well, I think Eizer subconsciously created a crack on Serena’s wall which is enough for her to slightly bend and step back on what she thought Eizer is. Now that she herself admitted that Eizer’s is affecting her in some ways that’s making her confuse. In same way, Serena should then be also create a crack on Eizer’s wall. Especially we all know what happened with his previous relationship :blobsad: and Serena’s situation with Fred is somewhat similar which also makes sense why he will distance himself to avoid hurting again. Ohh dad, I just want him to be happy:blobcry:
    arlovebird, Ang3Blue, Reem007 and 4 others like this.
  2. Baon2219

    Baon2219 Member

    Nov 13, 2023
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    I’m so glad that there are readers like myself who thought it was so out of character to make Serena a virgin. I honestly thought when I read chapter 75 and Serena was like what else is there after kissing and acting very innocent was such a cop out to the point that I think the author was pressured to make her a virgin by fans or by her editors. Everything in terms of panels and inner monologue have shown us that Serena and Frederick were intimate. There was scene where she goes home and tells Frederick that she wants to have a picnic and while taking a phone call Frederick is kissing her chest and touching her body. And when they’re in bed and she’s straddling him, she must have felt a big something below there. And when they are intimate she never got arouse down there? Or even feel aroused when Frederick is kissing her entire body? There’s no way she’s this ignorant when she’s been in the throes of sexual intimacy. It reminds of the film blue lagoon when 2 kids are shipwrecked on an island and as they entered puberty on the island they come to realize their sexual desires and had sex without knowing that a baby results from sex. The point is they knew sexual desires on their own without books or any adults telling them.
    And this is why I think the author did a 180 in regards to Serena’s sexuality. It does not align with previous chapters.

    And since she allowed frderick to do a lot more than eiser - it doesn’t make sense for her to play a Virgin Mary when we know shes a savvy woman. It’s completely out of character. I think had the author not kowtow to her editors or to the virgin loving readers we would still have a strong sophisticated rational female lead who knows the difference between lust and love, not to mention we would have gotten more actions in chapter 75 and 76.
    This is why I think telling us she’s a virgin contradict her character development and again make me question the author and the exposition cause everything contradicts each other. Like kissing a man, straddling a man, having a man kiss all over your body arouse no sexual desires? Like she never saw the bulge? Fredrick never went to 2nd or 3rd base with her even though he refrained from a homer? It doesn’t make sense. Human beings do not read about sex to know what sexual desire is. The human body tells us exactly how we feel even if we don’t know how babies are made!
  3. EPITHE11

    EPITHE11 Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2022
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    Virgin? I think she lied
    I'm disappointed that we didn't see a sexual relationship between them, no improve, no other romantic moment.
    Now i suppose we will wait many months for something happen between them. I suspect a divorce soon
  4. Baon2219

    Baon2219 Member

    Nov 13, 2023
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    Also for anyone who cant wait for chapter 76 that’s coming out in literal hours -

    iser asked if she’s going to regret it. She stops him bc it’s too sudden. Iser leaves the room. She gets dressed and goes to the lake where she’s in deep thought. Iser sees her in the lake and runs out there. She tells him that being in water helps her think clearly. He picks her up telling her that it’s a lake and not a bathtub and that she doesn’t know what could possibly in the water. She stares at his chest saying even though this isn’t the first time she’s seen a man’s chest, it is the first time she wants to touch it. He tells her to stop touching and sets her down on a rock. She tells him she’s confused bc she doesn’t know anything about him. She asks him to tell her about himself and why he hates his family. She reveals that initially she thought he and her grandma devised a plan to kill her and that’s why she was/is scared of him. He coldly dismissed her saying why he has to tell her anything about him especially his personal problems just bc she’s curious. If she wants to know, she should figure it out on her own. She gets mad and says she doesn’t want to hear about him from someone else. She wants to hear about him from him. She realizes nothing has changed even after what happened earlier in the bedroom between them. He tells her that there’s nothing he can help her with and walks away. She asks if he’s open to a trade. Chapter ends.
  5. seddy_2

    seddy_2 Active Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    Do you think divorce will be on the agenda soon?
  6. untitledvu

    untitledvu Member

    Jul 10, 2023
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    its absurd, that's your opinion but if you read the story carefully you will notice that the author used many allusions to show Serena's innocence. ik its unbelievable but the previous 70 chapters show the author did not change any plot
  7. parttimebroccoli

    parttimebroccoli Well-Known Member

    Jan 10, 2023
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    Following this story really help practice my patience. Author is not gonna feed my man until chapter 100+ at this point lmao poor Eiser. The pacing is indeed slow but at least the story telling is consistent so Im not complaining… just.. painfully crying… :blobimfine:

    I hope the “deal” Serena is proposing is them exchanging information. Serena used to ask Eiser what was his deal w grandma and he said then you tell me why you hate Grayan so much. I hope she tell him about her trauma with Victor next chapter then he will open up about his past which led to deal w grandma “as an exchange”. Don’t like the fact that they are treating this like a business deal on the surface but at least that’s something to get them to open up. Highlight this chapter for me is Serena is being super vocal about her feelings with Eiser now rather than keeping it to herself. She initiates skinship, tell him she’s conflicted, want to learn more from him directly, and she acknowledge that nothing will change between them if they don’t talk. Not every change needs to be physical. Author’s style is definitely slow and steady.
  8. witchy_shuo

    witchy_shuo Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2023
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    Though it would have been something if they snu snu, I’m eventually glad they stopped when things are unsure still. It would please us if they did it now, but it would also please us more if their relationship isn’t rocky anymore when they do it—thereby total abandonment in each other’s arms, both go wild XD.

    I like the thought of them making deals as a way of opening up though. It’s businesslike but it’s a language they’re familiar with and can grow from there. Eiser’s trauma is probably going to be a hard rock to break into.

    ALSO just recalled, chapter 37 where Serena described Eiser as a “still, quiet winter lake” and in this Chapter 76, they’re both in a lake that’s not frozen. Just thinking of the metaphor/symbolism.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2024
  9. roseO

    roseO Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2019
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    Wow, these two really take one step forward only to take 5 steps back immediately after.

    I'm glad that they didn't sleep together. There is no trust between them and they hurt each other a lot. There still has to be major character growth from both of them in order to reach a healthy and loving relationship in what feels like another 100 chapters. There's a lot of fire and passion between them ("love" and hate) but barely any kindness, care and understanding. That's not love. There is potential for love at this point in time. But for now, they mostly have the hots for each other.

    The whole thing is a tough pill to swallow for me, personally. It's especially hard (sickening) to see how Eiser and Dia's relationship is still a rock in his shoe.
  10. untitledvu

    untitledvu Member

    Jul 10, 2023
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    me had expected they would do it (since we waiting centuries for this) so tho reading the chapter was a bit suffering, it reminded me why I like this series that much, its just a masterpiece even when it suffers us.
    Reem007 and Ang3Blue like this.
  11. Breakthewall

    Breakthewall Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2023
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    Hi guys, just came to tell you abt the part that's not translated in the unofficial translation it's Eiser's memory part

    The words here are just like some kinda of puzzle if you connected them together they will make full sentences


    And here what the sentences say

    No need to say it, I know.

    My judgment is your judgment, Eizer

    I can't do anything about it.

    You too would have done the same.

    For grayans' sake

    That was the only option left!

    It was all for you.

    According to the sentences they're snippets of the convos between Eiser and his father then some of Eiser with Dia
  12. huminbii33

    huminbii33 Member

    Jul 13, 2023
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    honestly, I just want to say how much I appreciate Serena's personality. She has such a strong and honest inner character and has endured losing so many power struggles against Eiser with such a nondramatic/accepting attitude. There is so much depth to understand in all the characters beyond what they think to themselves or say aloud. I think her transaction will be to let Eiser use Serenity's assets/money as he wants as well as to be her true husband in exchange for him being open with her about his past and plans.

    Also, I wish we knew how long this ‘contractual marriage’ was supposed to last… I think that would clear a lot up on everyone's perspective of the situation.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2024
  13. Ochin7

    Ochin7 Active Member

    Feb 24, 2024
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    I percent agree with Serena to not consummate the marriage or relationship. Her and Eiser don’t even have trust between them, that’s why she was hesitant to go all the way with him. This chapter I love Serena’s growth she is willing to try and understand Eiser. I thought Fredrick was her true love but it looks like Eiser is starting to own her heart
  14. huminbii33

    huminbii33 Member

    Jul 13, 2023
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    I honestly think Serena does trust him... she said in the previous chapter that it's 'different' now to view Eiser as her husband... I think at this point she just wants him to love her and be open with her (not just as a tinder hook up)
    felicitysz, Reem007, Ang3Blue and 2 others like this.
  15. shung90

    shung90 Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2021
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    I think it makes sense that for the “transaction” if Serena tells him why she hates Grayans and in turn he tells her why he hates his family. That was one of the things he asked her about, being genuinely curious.
    felicitysz, Reem007, Janu123 and 4 others like this.
  16. Soleking

    Soleking Active Member

    Mar 17, 2023
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    Serena – " Its the very first time i want to do it. " ::bloblove::

    Although i know she has always only been in love with Eiser but her stating that in word makes me so happy. So all the Fredrick fans claiming Serena does or did love Fredrick sit down. Hehehehe :blobspy:.
    This is how you feel when you love someone. You wanna keep talking to them, looking at them, spend time with them, touch and feel them, be close to them, their warmth, their smell. You want their attention. You want them to pamper and spoil you and do the same to them. You want them to confide in you with everything and share everything with you. You are mesmerized by them, you lust for them. (SERENA IS GONNA SLOWLY EXPERIENCE EVRYTHING :blobjoy:)

    Ps - and if you don't get all that as expected basically you want them to love you but it doesn't happen or feels lacking, you will get frustrated, hurt, angry, unsettled etc etc
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2024
  17. llaladeriver

    llaladeriver Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2021
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    Them not spending the night was something I had expected. It would be such a turn off, at least for me, if they did it knowing well they don't trust each other that much. I think both of them are in an 'attraction' phase, not necessarily love. Love is a heavy word. It comes with lots of baggage with it. I think when they finally accept each other, all their past present and future, that's when they love each other and ready to heal.

    As a slow-burn reader, I like the pace and their inner monologues especially them making deals cuz I mean they're business people. I'm curious how they will open up to each other with/without realizing it with those deals
    felicitysz, Reem007, Ang3Blue and 3 others like this.
  18. huminbii33

    huminbii33 Member

    Jul 13, 2023
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    I feel like many people are making this into a both sides are equally hurtful to each other situation… but to me, these last two episodes didn’t seem that way. Eiser didn’t seem to be as thoughtful in the last two episodes as he was before.

    Like Serena asked herself, I want to know too. Is Eiser playing around with her right now?

    Eiser knows everything about Serena’s life. Serena has had to show so much vulnerability in front of Eiser. She has now cried in front of him. She showed she’s scared in front of him. She even called his name. She has given up her power to him numerous times. And she trusts him enough to be with him even though she doesn’t know much about him, and even though he doesn’t really share any of his secrets or communicate. She even feels differently about being Eiser’s real wife. The fact that she didn’t sleep with him was just because it was too sudden.

    On the other hand, what was Eiser thinking when he started trying to kiss her and sleep with her? It seems he just couldn’t control himself. What was his end goal? To have a no-strings-attached relationship knowing he’s not truly Serena’s husband and is going to leave soon/divorce anyway? Has he told Serena how long he plans to stay in a contractual marriage with her? Has he budged in sharing anything personal about himself (the way Serena has told him about her nightmares, or how she has to be overly careful about the people who hate her)?

    If he doesn’t want to be vulnerable with her and be more honest, why try to sleep with her? why bring her over alone to a house where she’s forced to look only at him and wear his clothes? Why? Is it just so he can have a one night hookup?

    Also, I find it hard to believe that Eiser finds no reason to talk about his family when his own brother just kidnapped her.

    I hope the next episodes get better :(
    roseO, felicitysz, Donelly and 8 others like this.
  19. Lilis0_0

    Lilis0_0 Member

    Aug 27, 2023
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    This is how he has always been. Even after starting to desire Serena and wanting to know more about her, he still thinks that sharing even the smallest piece of information about himself with her is useless and bothersome. It's evident that he cares about Serena, but, probably due to his trauma, he's afraid to be vulnerable and reveal his weaknesses to her.
    Janu123, felicitysz, Donelly and 10 others like this.
  20. scarhadil

    scarhadil Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2023
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    I think this fits their personalities very well.
    Serena grew up in an environment that allowed her to express herself and her feelings. We see her multiple times doing what she feels is right in the moment.
    She is very clear about what she wants. When she hated Eiser, she showed it to him clearly, and when she started trusting him, she didn't hide it either. When she prevented Dia from entering the room and told her that they don't have to act nice to each other, and even when she asked Fred to work as Sera's shadow, she didn't hide her suspicious looks.

    On the other hand, Eiser hides all his feelings. He shows no desire for anything. Maybe taking her to his place(the cabin in ch 73) was the first thing he did for himself, and he even said " I feel greedy" just because he wanted to be the one staying by her side.
    The dynamic between them is interesting, given that they are both complex characters.