Spoiler Blinded by the Setting Sun

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Khloud2003, Jun 17, 2020.

  1. Andvipe

    Andvipe Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2023
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    Erkin and Kaya aren't in these episodes.

    The prince arrives at the castle in the capital, and when he arrives he sees the girl he used to have an affair with (see episode 119), they have a small conversation, but it's not that important. She was sent by her father to the nobles meeting, and her name is Viviana.

    They see Terion's sister arriving too. It is said that Lindia (Terion's twin sister) wants to become the next head of the family instead of him, because even though she's younger than the prince and Viviana, she's really smart and capable.

    Then the prince visits Griselda in the dungeon, and it's a funny moment because the guard took him to the wrong dungeon, and for a moment the prince thought she was starving and bony, but when he's taken to the correct dungeon, Gris is exercising while looking cool and hot.

    He says he can't help her because it'll compromise his right to the throne. She asks him if he believes it was Kaya the killer. He says that judging by the last time he saw her, it doesn't seem so and that the real culprit must be trying to make her look bad and not like a hero like she used to be by making her look like traitor who chose the love of the northerner and not their country. Gris says that if Kaya had wanted to kill the king, she would have done it before, but she never did because she would have made the whole country her enemy.

    He also asks Gris if she has any idea of who was the killer. She says that that's dangerous (to blame someone) but tells him a story about a time when she was sent to the south and she was bite by a dangerous snake. She healed but someone told her "beware the green snake", while we see Lindia with a mysterious gaze in her eyes in the last panel.
    (Don't forget the Widehen family is from the south part of the country and thay it seems green is their color).

    Then we see Dion's mother (Prince Leonard's aunt) and princess of Mormeratta arriving to her old room in the main castle.
    She recieves the visit of Albrech and both start to talk about everything that's going on.

    At some point she says he's still handsome, and remembers she used to think she was going to marry Albrech's younger brother (Terion's dad) and that Al was going to marry Terion's mom instead, but then he chose to become a knight, and his brother was the one who married her (Terion's mom). She describes Terion's mom as a moon goddess (btw Terion’s mom has a name similar to that soap brand, and the princess has an uncommon name, so I already forgot them.)
    They talk about who's going to be on her side and on the prince's side, he says that the Widehens are neutral, but even though he can't decide because he is now a knight he has the favor of another noble house.

    She asks him what will he gain with all this if she becomes the queen meanwhile we see Leonard and Gris talking again, Gris knows about the stone and wonders what the real culprit wants to win by blaming Kaya, and the prince says they want the people to see her as a sinner and want a witch hunt while we see Albrech looking evil.
    At the end of this episode, the reunion of the nobles starts.

    In the meeting it is explained that the people on the succession line, if the king dies without an heir, can't kill each other because that would make them lose their right to the throne.

    Albrech is given the task of being the executioner of the sun knight, but the prince starts to question the timeline of the killings and he's interrupted because "the meeting is to discuss the succession" not the sins of Hildegard Aelius.

    Then, Terion's sister starts to talk about this topic too, she thinks prince Leonard isn't that wrong; she wonders about another posible culprit and that the culprit could be between the people of one of the two successors, but she's also interrupted by her uncle, and the princess has a strange look on her face, everybody seems uncomfortable, except prince Leonard.

    Albrech says that his niece doesn't now how to speak because it's her first time attending this kind of meeting, while she's just embarrassed.

    Viviana is on the princess' side because she's the niece of the pincess' husband. But the Lord of the family in the north of the country is on Leonard's side. It seems the late mother queen (the prince's mother) is not allowed to participate in the meeting and that she handed the throne to Mormodes when her husband, the king before Mormodes (Prince Leonard's dad) died.

    The moderator says that the nobles of each family have to stay at the capital until the decision on the new king is made. He also says that if the chosen one cannot sit in the throne, the other will take it. Everybody agrees, but Lindia is doubting, until her uncle speaks for her and says "the Widehens agree".

    Everybody leaves and she confronts her uncle and asks him why he agreed when he doesn't have the right to speak for their family because he's a knight, and why he sent Terion to the north. He says to be careful because the princess can crush her and the family and that he sent Terion to the north because he nows the criminals.

    When her uncle leaves, the prince approaches her and she says that she's sorry for embarrassing him, but he was fine and he invites her to drink tea with him. He wonders if she's a green snake too. It seems he's trying to figure out if he can trust her or not because he wants to clean Hilde's reputation.

    Later, Lindia is in a room at the castle and the prince arrives asking her if he made her wait too long, she says "yes" (it seems Lindia is a person who always speaks with the truth, no matter what) but that she was looking at the national treasures.

    The prince shows her a blue stone and says that that stone is for the protection of its owner and that since if was gifted to the castle, the castle's fires have decreased (it's the same stone in Erkin's necklace that Kaya gave him).

    Then she says that what really caught her attention was a light blue liquid in a glass bottle. He explains the meaning of that liquid: it's the elixir of the truth. Whoever drinks it will be forced to say the truth, it doesn't matter if they don't have their tongue. But it hasn't been used because it hasn't been necessary.

    Meanwhile we briefly see Terion looking tired and sad. This looks like a foreshadowing, so we can almost confirm Terion or Albrech will be forced to drink it later, most likely Terion.

    156: the prince and Lindia have a non romantic date. Lindia introduces her servant to the prince.

    They talk about the princess and say she's a ruthless ruler because she rules over her territory harshly, contrary to the prince, whose mother rules in a more merciful way.

    The prince also talks about his plans with the country if he becomes king. He wants to create some kind of bussiness plan that will benefit the northerners and the mormerattans in the north regions of the country (that's what I understood) and ease the tension between these two countries. He looks really exited about it, and Lindia seems too.

    Lindia also says that she still believes the princess is the right heir of the throne, and the prince says that he knows because he can't claim back something he gave. But Lindia also says that the Whidehens are allies of the Freedales and that the prince and princess are both part of that family. He says that the nobles are unsure of how he will rule, that's why they aren't exactly on his side or something like that.

    Before the prince leaves, he tells her that he saw Terion in Hildegard's castle, she asks him how he was, and he says Terion looked fine, she's glad because it has been a while since she saw her bro. She thinks that she didn’t know Terion was at the sun knight's castle and that her uncle sent him there probably. They agree with drinking tea together from time to time until she leaves the capital (I'm lowkey shipping them ngl.)

    At the end, the prince is talking with his guard about Lindia, they both think she may be a good ally, but she's also very loyal to her family, and because Terion is the only witness of the murder, the prince doesn't know what she will do or act. He wonders where is Hildegard while we see a panel of the snowy northern mountains.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2024
  2. ymenaug

    ymenaug Member

    Jan 23, 2024
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    Need spoilers
  3. Andvipe

    Andvipe Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2023
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    Not much has happened, but here you go:
    Erkin and Kaya are going through a snow storm, Erkin helps Kaya because she is about to fall.

    Later, they arrive to a cottage that is for travelers when the weather is bad in the outskirts of Erkin's town. He says that he never told anyone (but Kaya) the place where he was born, so no one will be able to track them there, he also asks her if her clothes aren't too thin for that weather, and she says they're fine and proceeds to take them off because they're are unconfortable when they're wet. It seems Erkin blushed at this sight, but his face was already red thanks to the snow storm, so I'm not sure.

    At night, Erkin and Kaya are sleeping in the same bed (it also seems they finally agreed to share it) and he hears her murmuring something while she is asleep.

    At morning Kaya wakes up sooner than Erkin and the storm has already ended. She is impresed by the sight.

    When Erkin wakes up he sees Kaya has gone, but he finds some snowmen outside and Kaya is lying on the snow. It seems Erkin still thinks Kaya might escape when she's out of his sight.

    He's thinking about the road and their lack of food when Kaya says she wants to have a snowball fight, and explains that she used to have those when she was young and used to play with Leonard, to Erkin's surprise, but the prince couldn't play much because he was always sick.

    When she was fighting in the war, sometimes in winter, her soldier friends used to play too, but she never played with them because she used to think that the commander shouldn't get involved in things like that, so she only watched them play, and also says that everybody becomes a child when they have snowball fights, even an old general who fights in the war with an axe.

    Erkin only says that if she keeps doing that (disappearing while he's asleep,) she will get in trouble, while he helps her to get up. And she asks him if he has thought about what he's going to do with her, about how he is going to kill her at the end if he doesn't find an acceptable conclusion, because he told her (off screen) he wasn't taking her there to see the landscapes.

    But we never see his answer because in the next scene they're walking and he's thinking about her questions and then she stops him when she sees a trap in the road. They hear a kid yelling, and then the kid runs towards them and he turns out to be the boy who played with Erkin when he wnet to live with this kid's family after his parents died.

    The kid is very happy to see Erkin again. He says he thought they were "dogshit" (southerners,) he actually used another word, but that's what he meant.

    They arrive to the town and they see one of the kids who bullied Er once (see episode 104 and 106.) I think his name is Tami or something like that,and he's a farmer. This guy tells them he's married and that his wife is already pregnant. He also asks Erkin who's Kaya: "is she your wife?" But Er only says that Kaya is just accompanying him because she's not feeling well. (It sounded just like an excuse to me.)

    It's said that Erkin left 3 years ago and that the village has mixed with other villages, that's why Erkin might see unknown people walking on the streets now.

    The kid's father (the chief) arrives and when he sees Erkin and Kaya from behind he thinks they are Erkin's parents because he called their names instead.

    Erkin says sorry for leaving without warning. But the man only hugs him crying. Erkins says he's at home.

    Then,the chief's wife arrives too, but she doesn't seem happy to see Erkin again because he left without warning and he came back without warning.
    She asks if he will finally stay. He says they're on a trip and that they're just passing by because they need something.

    The woman asks him to go home (to his parents' house) because it stayed in the same place, and that she's going to cook something for them. She also scolds them because Kaya is wearing very thin clithes. She calls Kaya "Erkin's girlfriend."

    Erkin is wondering why everybody is saying she's his wife/gf (dude, really! ‍o_O) Kaya only thinks this is the first time in a while he looks so relaxed.

    Btw, when the woman, Yashu, saw Kaya taking of her hood, her hair looked red again, like flames, so this probably reminded Yashu of something about the past at the end of this episode:

    There's a little flashback of the days Erkin went to live with this family: Yashu and the chief are talking about Erkin. They say Erkin is still "stupidly" polite and that he takes care of their kids, and that he's always in his own world reading books. Her husband is glad because Erkin is too soft-hearted and has no relatives left. The woman says that he can be weird because sometimes he just sees the fire like if he were possessed, and she also says that it's like he's thinking about how his parents burned to death.

    The flashback continues with Erkin and the kids of Yashu eating. When her kids finish their stew, they want more, but Yashu doesn't let them have another bowl. Erkin says he's going to go for a walk and gives the kids his food because "he doesn't feel well."

    Then, he's wandering in the woods and he finds some berries and eats them. He thinks he can collect herbs to sell them and help the chief and Yashu, because they're having a hard time.

    But he sees a deer stuck in a tree and for a moment he wants to tell the chief he found a deer to make stew, because the hunts have been difficult lately. But he notices the deer has a baby, and even though he's very hungry, he helps the deer to get free.

    When he's back, Yashu notices he was eating berries and sends him inside. She thinks he's a strange, good kid, who moves on no matter the adversity, but that he's embarrassed of receiving help.

    Back in the present, Kaya and Er arrive to his old house. The house remained the same, it just needs some repairs. Erkin is chattering about his days there. He says the third step of the stairs always creaked, and once, when he try to eat jam at midnight, he was caught thanks to the step, and that when he was scared or being scolded, he used to hide behind those stairs, etc.

    Kaya says she also remembers that place: she says that she remembers herself lying on the table while Erkin watched her, even though her mind was dim and couldn't speak, she knew someone was by her side, while Er looks a little bit surprised.

    She says she doesn't know if she can stay there. He says they will only stay for just a moment, and that they will leave soon. And considering he said the words "just a moment" with emphasis, twice, I'm almost sure they won't leave as soon as he thinks.

    Later, Yashu and her son arrive and she sends them to take a shower so they can put on warm clothes. Kaya follows the woman and Erkin the kid.

    When Kaya submerges in the thermal water, the woman helps Kaya with the task. She says she has to treat Kaya properly because Erkin brought her with him, and that she (Yashu) was surprised when he disappeared all of a sudden and reappeared with a woman. She knows Erkin lived in Mormeratta those years, and she asks Kaya what kind of relationship they have and how she find him, while the woman is also touching Kaya's hair. I'm sure she suspects something.

    Edit: found
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2024
  4. Deleted member 710609

    Deleted member 710609 Guest

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    What challenges or obstacles does Hildegar face as she travels towards the nameless castle
  5. Andvipe

    Andvipe Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2023
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    Guys, I'm so sorry, but I have been struggling with my naver account and I can't sign in anymore. I was able to see today's episode, but not to translate it. I hope I can solve my issues with it. But until then, I won't be able to read the locked episodes, just the free ones :cry:.

    But for now, enjoy, at leat, the summary of episode 160 and 161:
    Kaya answers she's just Erkin's companion, Yashu thinks it's weird he brought her in the middle of the winter. The hair dye must be very cheap because Kaya's hair returns to its normal color when Yashu washes it. She's surprised. Kaya says that her hair was too noticeable, that's why she kept dyeing it, even though it fell every time she washed it.

    Yashu thinks it makes sense Kaya didn't want to draw attention in the North, but at the same time, it's weird she kept dyeing it when she was only with Erkin. That's why she remembers a time when Erkin almost put his hand on the fire in the chimney.

    She took him to some cliff where they could see the woods and had a conversation. She said it must be hard to loose a good parent, but he has to get over it and move on. She also said he can still cry in days like the anniversary of their death like she did when her parents died and when she had miscarriages, but she moved on. She asked him to remember just the good things they taught him.

    It is said, at the end of the flashback, that Erkin stopped watching the fire like a possessed from there on.

    At night, Kaya, Erkin, the chief, Yashu, Tami and other two guys are dining. The chief is a little bit drunk and he's telling his love story with Yashu. He also says he thought Erkin was his father when he saw him from afar because they look alike, he only has his mother's eyes.

    Btw, Kaya in northern clothes is so cute and pretty, if Erkin doesn't stop being wary of her and marries her asap, I'm going to take her far away and worship her myself, because, at this point, it's very obvious it wasn't her the killer, but he still doesn't want to believe her.

    When the chief asks him if he's going to stay, Erkin says he only came back because he needs to ask him something.

    He asks the chief if it is true his parents died by the hands of the witch and asks him about the details. Yashu looks for the letter because the chief kept it.

    Honestly, the translation was so, so bad this time. Some dialogues might be completely different in the official translation.

    In episode 161, the man gives Erkin the note he received to announce Erkin's parents' death. But judging his face, it probably didn't clarify anything about whether Kaya killed them or not, or the letter did clarify she wasn't the killer and he was frustrated because he doesn't know now who did it, idk.

    Later Kaya and Erkin are alone talking and it seems she's going to kiss him because she pulls him towards her, and even though he looked so frustrated,he was going to let her do it, he was like: I'm a little bit mad and anxious, but im going to let her kiss me, bring it on! But she was going to whisper something in his ear, to his surprise, not to kiss him, lol.

    The young kid seems to be in trouble because he's talking with some weird guys outside, and at the end he's running and the clothes he was carrying in a wooden cube are now on the floor.

    In this episode, i wasn't able to translate it, so idk what Kaya said to Erkin, what was exactly on that letter and what those miscreants told the kid to make him throw the clothes and run.

    This is the exact moment he thought she was going to kiss him. The creator posted this on their X/twitter account, btw.

    Last edited: Feb 10, 2024
  6. CosmicGhost

    CosmicGhost Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2023
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  7. Andvipe

    Andvipe Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2023
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    I was able to sign in, finally, so I will summarize 161 properly:
    • Like I theorized, the letter didn't clarify anything. It just said that the witch killed the people at the camp when she was prisoner there (remember that Kaya was never captured, so this is a lie.)
    • The letter was sent by a commander called Olen Habach of the second plain army.
    • Yashu's son knows the guys, and they were asking him about the "dogshit" in his house (Kaya.)
    • Then, Erkin and Yasu have a conversation about the kid saying that word. She tells him a story: the word comes from a long time ago when a northern noble kidnapped a kid from the south, the parents made a deal with the man, and he agreed to return the kid at the border, but when they all arrived, the kid was nowhere to be seen, so when he was asked about the kid, he said it wasn't time, so he waited until the dogs he brought with him pooped. Apparently, the dogs ate the kid.
    • Edit: that northerner must be Ramsey Bolton, I swear.
    • She tells Erkin that her son has been hanging around with bad guys and asks him to be careful too.
    • Later, Erkin and Kaya are talking about the letter. She says she was never a prisoner of the northerners, and that some things aren't easy to understand. She says she's worried about him because he was also blamed for the king's death, but she says if she leaves, he'll be able to live a life in his town, because they want her, and if they capture her, they will forget about him.
    • Erkin asks if she's going to leave, and she says she wants to say goodbye, and there is when she pulls him towards her, that's why he thought she was going to kiss him and he was also going to let her do it. But she whispers a plan to get out of there without being noticed because she realized someone was spying on them from outside.
    • It was the kid, that's why he threw the clothes.
    I hope the kid doesn't betray them.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2024
  8. CosmicGhost

    CosmicGhost Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2023
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    it 100% sounds like the kid is gonna snitch and it's going to open a whole world of problems for these two uggghhhh
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  9. Andvipe

    Andvipe Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2023
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    He didn't snitch, but he did something as bad.

    Yashu is looking for her son and when she realizes he left the clothes on the floor she goes to ask Erkin if he has seen him. But they aren't in their room and she sees the clothes she lent to Kaya on the bed, and it seems she is realizing they're gone.

    Then, we see Erkin and Kaya running away, Erkin sees the kid and this makes him fall because there's a rope as a trap, and he didn't see it. His face and lips are bleeding.

    The kid asks Kaya if she's the sun witch and Erkin begs him to let them leave. The kid says he heard she killed the king, and that she must join them, because he also heard another northerner saying they are building a new army (or something like that.) She says she can't and the kid asks her why.

    Erkin is mad and stops him saying that her life in only on his hands and that she can't fight because she's sick and can't survive without medicine.

    I didn't understand the kid very well, but he called Erkin a traitor because he thinks Er is now on the "dogshits'" side.

    But Erkin mad says that that land (the north) has never been kind to him (or something like that,) and that he had to leave alone, etc.

    The kid is furious and tries to stab Erkin, but Kaya gets in the way and tells Er not to intervene. She holds the kid's hand, that is stabbing her on the chest and tells him not to look away, because when he's ready to kill someone, he has to be ready to suffer too, and that he has to see how the life abandons her eyes, etc. The kid is in shock and tries to remove his hand but Kaya doesn't let him. She's bleeding a lot and dying.

    At the end he is yelling his mother's name while she is about to find them.

    A few episodes ago Erkin thought the rumor didn't reach his town, but its obvious it did, i think that's why Yashu was so suspiciousof them.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2024
  10. Andvipe

    Andvipe Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2023
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    These two brand new episodes have been a roller-coaster, so here you go:
    Yashu sees her son stabbing Kaya. He's screaming and he finally removes the dagger. Erkin holds Kaya and she says she's recovering too slowly.

    Yashu scolds her son. She's in shock, and her son too. The kid says everybody was saying that the dogshit (Erkin) and the witch must die and some other things I'm not going to translate.

    This is when Yashu notices Kaya's healing powers and asks Erkin why he brought her there if he already knew she was the sun witch. But she notices the people in the town heard the noise and tells Erkin they have to leave now and when they're trying to stand up, she also tells him not to come back ever again. When she says that, Erkin has a hollow expression on his face, if that makes sense.

    Kaya tries to change Yashu's mind, but she stops when she notices he's crying (and the hand holding her is shaking) even though she can't see his face... and I took that personally miss Yashu.

    Poor guy, I hope he finds a place he can call home in the end, whether he ends up with Kaya or not (I hope he does end up with her.)

    Yashu tells her son to keep what happened a secret and tell his father that Erkin had an accident with a wild dog and he tried to help him, this because his hands are covered in blood. She tells him not to say the word "dogshit" again while she's crying.

    She has an inner monologue and says Erkin chose to chase the fire he was always looking at, and that now he's possessed by it (or something like that.)
    Idk if she meant he was charmed by the fire (Kaya) or consumed by his desire for revenge and now he's possessed, or both.

    In Teburz, the guard takes Terion to the place where Erkin and Griselda met with the northern merchant. The guard says another chaser is waiting for them and that he decided to join them recently. It turns out it's Dion, the prince's cousin/princess' son. Dion cut the merchant's fingers because Dion was interrogating him and he didn't answer quickly. This guy is so creepy, istg.

    A few days later or the next day, idk, Kaya and Erkin are sleeping in a meadow, and when Kaya wakes up she notices he was crying the entire night. She asks him what's he going to do now and he says he's going to look for the commander who sent the letter, but that he also has to find the crow lady. I understood that he also told her that if she wants to stay, she can do it, but that he won't because he has nowhere to return to (or something like that). Kaya looks worried.

    Terion, the guard and Dion are traveling on a carriage, the guard is a little bit sick. He asks Dion why he joined them. He answers he was bored and that he had to do something relevant if he's going to become the prince and later, the king. He doesn't want to kill Kaya, he wants to use her like a weapon too, like his uncle (or worse.)

    He says he wants to put her in a coffin made of moonstone, and just let her out when she's needed, blah, blah.

    Later, Erkin and Kaya find a little girl in the woods, he asks the kid if the town there is Habak, but he notices she hurt her knee, he tries to help her, but she just runs away. In the town Erkin tells Kaya to wait for him in a narrow alley, because the people seem not that friendly with strangers, and he's going to buy medicine and food.

    It seems that isn't the town of Habak, but another one.

    Erkin is asking a guy on a herb store for Kaya's medicine, but he doesn't ’t have that herb there and tells Erkin to search it in Teburz. Erkin takes a look around and in this moment the guard arrives to buy medicine for his stomachache, but he doesn't see Erkin, and when our ml is about to leave, he meets Terion face to face, who is entering. They are both in shock and Terion pushes Erkin trying to make him leave, but in that moment the guard asks the seller if someone has come to buy that certain herb, and the guy betrays Erkin with his eyes (if that makes sense.)

    The guard throws bottle of glass at Erkin, and our ml runs away with the guard chasing him and Terion just standing in shock.

    Btw, idk how, but the guard knows Erkin is from Sizes; Erkin said a few episodes ago that he never told anyone the name of his town but Kaya, so I wonder how he knows that info.
    Comment something, I don't want ro be the only one commenting the episodes, lol.

    Edit: spelling.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2024
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  11. missbluesunglasses

    missbluesunglasses Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2020
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    Ah! I need to catch up to this series but my tests are keeping me busy. Thank u for the recap. What do u think will happen with our main characters?
  12. Hautetoast

    Hautetoast Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2024
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    …I’m tired of Terion. He may be a victim too but I won’t be too sorry to see him kiss goodbye alongside his uncle.
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  13. Andvipe

    Andvipe Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2023
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    Idk, they can't be chasing the mcs forever, so I'm not sure if they will catch them or not. This series is getting more and more unpredictable. Erkin and Kaya will have to meet the crow lady at some point, no matter what. I still think Kaya will loose her powers at some point, so the moonstone doesn't affect her anymore.

    And also, I'm sure Erkin will forgive her at some point too, because when they were sleeping at the cabin, he was sleeping with his back to her, and in this one, he was sleeping facing her. Ik that isn't something romantic really, but it's a small change. He doesn't seem mad, just confused. I hope he forgives her before knowing the whole truth.

    Idk if it was clear, but the one who betrayed Erkin with his eyes was the seller, not Terion.
    But why are you tired of him, I'm curious.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2024
  14. mapleluna

    mapleluna Member

    Sep 1, 2023
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    Thank you so much! I live for these summaries :aww:
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  15. Hautetoast

    Hautetoast Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2024
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    His entire betrayal arc and that
    he apparently stood there staring at Erkin… I dunno. I didn’t see the raws but that just really turns me off because he isn’t being helpful or anything.
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  16. rinainthemoon

    rinainthemoon Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2022
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    I agree Terion can definitely be a frustrating character, especially because out of all of the mains he started off the most naive and immature. But also he's had a lot of gradual development, and it's pretty obvious he's starting to change and grow.
    I actually have a lot of empathy for him in his current situation because he really is in a Catch-22. Albrecht is a very competent villain and he has a lot of power over Terion. Terion cannot openly choose Erkin or Kaya because his family, the most important people in his life, will pay for his actions. If he tries to take down Albrecht, disobeys him or betrays the extent of his divided loyalties, Albrecht can drag him down with him very easily. Albrecht intentionally made sure Terion was directly involved in the assassination of the King and if the truth comes out there's a high likelihood he would be executed for regicide. He can't exonerate Kaya without incriminating himself.
    Not to mention that Albrecht is, for all intents and purposes, Terion's primary father figure.
    It's a very difficult situation to be in emotionally and one wrong step will absolutely result in he and his family dying. I can't blame him for being paralyzed, especially since he doesn't have much power on his own. He is thoroughly under Albrecht's thumb with no easy way out.
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  17. Andvipe

    Andvipe Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2023
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  18. Hautetoast

    Hautetoast Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2024
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    Yes, I know all of that and I agree, but I still dislike him. I’m biased like that.
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  19. CosmicGhost

    CosmicGhost Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2023
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    i immediately didnt like him for how he came into the castle and mistreated Elkin, and THEN IM FORCE FED LIKE A 20-CHAPTER BACKSTORY ABOUT HIM THAT IDGAF ABOUT, only for him to start liking Kiya, and then still being a little two-faced punk and reporting to his uncle, and then him marching into the castle to detain Elkin and Kaya, and now the pursuit. which the latter stuff i knowwwww i get because of his uncle, but dude has no spine whatsoever. his saving grace so far is that he gave Elkin a head start.
  20. Hautetoast

    Hautetoast Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2024
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    Wow, you dislike him more intensely than I do! :blobxd:But yes, his introduction scene wasn’t ideal and that’s also part of why I dislike him.
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