Spoiler Sister, In This Life, I’ve Become The Queen

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Rin.rinaaa, Aug 11, 2022.

  1. Hanjakanji

    Hanjakanji Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2021
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    He doesn't read on naver. That person just on the yonder app. If he was reading on naver, he wouldn't go on and on about the same thing for many pgs.
  2. Jiya777singh

    Jiya777singh Member

    Sep 30, 2023
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    So Fl become empress and that blonde hair is Ml become king.

    Hmm do they get happy ending and have children
    DOHere, MarthaDaria and Isthecat102 like this.
  3. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    Terevero earnestly demanded help against King Phillip from Alphonso, without promising anything in return. If Alphonso agrees to Terevero's request and sends his troops, Syphilis will see this as treason. If he doesn't send troops, he will be stigmatized by the Pope. Alfonso is still not the crown prince, and his marriage is not recognized by Syphilis.
    San Carlo is at risk of being taken over by bandits, and there are signs of civil unrest.

    In general, a king should try to understand the failure in war and try to strengthen weak points, but Syphilis is busy draining the national treasure on himself. Syphilis never recovered from the loss of 1500 knights caused by Caesar by recruiting new knights.

    The root cause of everything is Syphilis.

    Without the black knight, the Ertuscan kingdom will become a completely defenseless country.

    We know that Cesare came into Ari's life in this TL because of Syphilis, and she was on the verge of letting go of Alphonso because of all his drama of being the perfect fiancé. It took Ari a lot to recover from the guilt of allowing Cesar in when she had strong feelings for Alphonso. This guilt was even bigger when the misunderstanding got cleared (as discussed in chapter 423, where Ari herself talked about it).
    Currently,Syphilis is enjoying himself in Toranto with his concubine, and there is competition going on between Julia and Isabella.Julia spent 3000 ducato just compete with her.

    The situation is bad for both Ari and Alphonso. To be honest, I am not ready to read about their another separation due to Alphonso leaving San Carlo. Last time when Alfonso was away, when she helped Caesar by spreading the plague, Ari was literally alone. Raphael helped to some extent, but nobody is closer to her emotionally than Alphonso.
    I want chaos in San Carlo; this can only weaken the position of Syphilis, but not when Alphonso is not with Ari. I fear she might start using sacrificial methods again to save Ertuscan.
    At least the Pope should help in the official recognition of their marriage and Alfonso as the crown prince by showing the fear of excommunication to Syphilis using inactivity as a proper king, or maybe even better, excommunicate him for his disease and improper function as king

    I don't think it was the right option for Ari. She is massively harsh on herself when she starts judging.
    But I definitely like today's condition of Cesar. He keeps complaining that his parents are forcing marriage on him, but he never contemplates that he did the same with Ari when the engagement was forced on Ari. He doesn't try to realize how Alphonso feels when the same things are done to him.

    I want Julia to say the same thing as he had said to Ari once, ofcourse by holding his cheek
    "Damn, I am marrying you, understand my heart and understand me..."
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2024
  4. EbonyGrim

    EbonyGrim Well-Known Member

    Jan 10, 2022
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    So does Isabella meet her fate or not yet? I remember reading that she’s trying to cover up Arabella death and was the reason for Ari’s miscarriage I could be wrong tho:blobspy:
  5. Queen of manhwa

    Queen of manhwa Active Member

    Mar 7, 2024
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    From what I know from the forum , Isabella has still not met her fate and yeah she was the reason for Ari miscarriage as they got in a fight

    Can anyone post actual updated spoilers to the forum please? Last thing posted was about Ariadne miscarriage and the novel already past 500 chapter and most of us can’t pay to read it. It be great if someone can please spoil
  6. milano

    milano Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2023
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    God I had some hope before but now I really think Ari needs to cutoff her relationship with her father. He still based on what's happened has not let go over prioritizing Isabella over Ari. A part of her still longs for his affection mainly I think she wants to be told for once that he values her more than Isabella but its unhealthy for her to pursue this idea. Send him away for good and just tell him you don't want a closer relationship and that its over.
    maymimi, FudgeCone and Mkh.97 like this.
  7. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    Terevero asked for help without promising anything in return, regarding attack of fillipo and Syphilis ordered Alphonso to stay in San Carlo as a sign of loyalty to him, to protect the city. He claimed to be having sleepless nights due to the northern border, which is obviously a lie; Syphilis is actually enjoying himself in Toranto and squandering the national treasure on himself and his cucubine and julia
    The northern border is connected to Terevero and part of Gallico. Alfonso is contemplating what to do.
    Ari, Alphonso, Manfredi, and Dino had a meeting. Ari mentioned that since it's winter, fillipo soldiers will likely to use the Etruscan route to go to Terevero. Ari wants to advise him to ignore everything for a year, as Syphilis will likely die by next winter, but she hasn't shared this with him yet and has decided to support him regardless of whatever decision he makes. She doesn't want to pressure Alfonso into officially recognizing their marriage or becoming crown prince, as she doesn't want to live long and believes everything will be okay when she will be gone.

    Both Alfonso and Ari have sleepless nights as things grow more complicated without discussing their concerns. In the morning, Ari asked Alfonso if he still loved his father because he hadn't sent any spies to South Toranto to monitor pirates, nor had he challenged any of Syphilis's decisions, despite having a stronger position than Syphilis.Since they are still talking in recent chapter,we don't know final conclusion but this talk with Ari about syphilis is hammering his head.Hope he realises his own mistakes regarding Syphilis

    I feel sorry for Ari, Alfonso's involvement with Terevero could make things complicated for both of them without getting anything in return.I also feel bad that she has completely become hopeless about herself and her future.

    Sometimes, I don't like Alfonso's attitude. He hates Cesare but still loves Syphilis, even though Syphilis has done more harm, including actions against Ari ,Alfonso himself and Alfonso's mother, Queen Margeratte. Syphilis is not any less than Cesare in any aspect,Cesar is just copy of Syphilis,Syphilis is not the kind of person you can win over with love and respect alone. A coup doesn't necessarily mean you have to kill Syphilis; he could just be placed under house arrest.

    You will hate Syphilis more than Isabella.
  8. Pollyg246

    Pollyg246 New Member

    Feb 9, 2024
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    I'm not sure what part of the book your on but her relationship with her father does get a lot better and he start to prioritize her happiness over his ambition, to the point that they hug and she calls him papa, he also tells her that he loves her
    This is all happening at the moment in the latest chapters on yonder
    k.night18 and Tad1989 like this.
  9. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    If bandits will not harm syphilis.I think Alphonso will orchestrate a coup this time out of guilt towards Ari. Maybe Syphilis will act on his own or under the influence of Isabella to do something terrible to Ari, eventually forcing Alphonso to carry out the coup. Almost everyone will support his coup
    In the end, if Alphonso aids Terevero, as he likely will, the person who will suffer the most is Ari. It is Alphonso's duty to secure official recognition of his marriage, and he will feel trapped by guilt for causing to Ari.
    Isabella want power I think she will try to eliminate Ari and Alphonso with the help of Rubina or Julia,if she get married to Cesare.
    everyone hate Isabella, but she is the only one who positively influences the plot inspite of being main villian. Whenever she tried to harm Ari, she ends up inadvertently aiding Ari,most time solving Ari's biggest issues and causing more harm to herself.As per her track record it is positive for Ari that she became main mistress of Syphilis
    To be honest, It will be frustrating for me to see Ari and Alphonso to suffer more and seeing Ari's mental suffering is already too much for me. I hope helping Terevero becomes a turning point ,leading series of events,for Alphonso to stage a coup in the future if the bandits not cause harm to Syphilis.
  10. milano

    milano Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2023
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    MTL the raws, im ahead of yonder
  11. Lulus_tea

    Lulus_tea Member

    Nov 14, 2023
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    Y'all, did the art style for the novel change? Or am I just cray? The art been looking a little funky lately. And best believe I think Alphonso is the most handsome in this story. Especially after the time skip, but the art just feels off to me. I'm not just talking about Alphonso either. Cesare looks a lil strange in chapter 339 too...

    Also, I was going to add the illustrations for chapters 339 and 340 but I don't know how to do that. What can I say? I'm just a dumb girlie :/
    FudgeCone likes this.
  12. FudgeCone

    FudgeCone Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2023
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    It is not just you. Alfonso and Cesare look slightly off, especially around their noses, and it is pretty uncanny.
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  13. luliibunny

    luliibunny Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2021
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    It's the same artist,it's just that the technique of artists usually change with time.We can see it clearly if we compare the first and last episodes of webtoons.
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  14. Lulus_tea

    Lulus_tea Member

    Nov 14, 2023
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    Let me add something else to the convo real quick...

    Correct me if I'm wrong, buttttt can't Ari just take Alphonso to the hill that she meets the grannie at once a month and tell him about the golden rule/past life? I feel like he needs to know so that Ari can finally get over the guilt of her past life's sins. Because if I'm being honest I think he'll defo be shocked at first but I know my golden prince will reassure her that her past life mistakes shouldn't haunt her in this life. And I just think that's something my girl needs to hear to really accept her relationship with Alphonso. This really is the last hurdle that she needs to get over for their relationship to flourish.

    I will admit I haven't read past chapter 390 but I have read EVERY post in this forum. So, can someone tell me if she can even take him there and tell him? Like does it only work that way because the grannie is Moorish? Will Alphonso face the consequences if she talks to him on that hill? I know that under a full moon, or something like that, on that specific hill they are allowed to talk about the golden rule but I don't know enough about it to accurately answer my own questions.

    Also, I know that Ari believes she's going to die and bring bad luck to Alphonso so that's another thing holding back their happiness. But I truly feel like she owes it to Alphonso to at least tell him why. I truly hate the way she brings herself down when it comes down to these circumstances. My girl deserves nothing but happiness. Although she made horrible mistakes I truly feel like she has atoned for those mistakes. Can't fault her for being human and I will die on this hill. She needs someone to completely know her, golden rule and all- so that she won't be alone in this awful adventure anymore. Who better than her beautiful glorious prince? Her life partner. The person who doesn't love her for the things she has accomplished but just loves her. Plain old Ariadne. Flaws and all.

    -XOXO, Ari defender for life :p
  15. ellanica

    ellanica Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2020
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    I don't see it in the first page spoilers, what happens to the Grand Duchess who is obsessed with ML? The one in the recent manhwa chapter.
  16. Queen of manhwa

    Queen of manhwa Active Member

    Mar 7, 2024
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    Apparently around chapter 370 sum (I have not read past chapter 339) she has gone completely insane , dyed her hair black , starving herself, and is in a monastery. She sees herself in a mirror and is so terrified of her reflection she just drops dead from a heart attack.
    torte1315 likes this.
  17. Shion Lee

    Shion Lee Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2019
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    Is the novel still not completed?
  18. Tad1989

    Tad1989 Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2023
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    Nope! Not yet
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  19. chonoiks

    chonoiks Active Member

    Dec 31, 2021
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    is it better to read in Yonder? or should I just stick to the google translated Naver chapters?
  20. Tad1989

    Tad1989 Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2023
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    How far along are you? Because if you’re past where yonder is I’d suggest just continue mtling.