Spoiler Sister, In This Life, I’ve Become The Queen

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Rin.rinaaa, Aug 11, 2022.

  1. DancingShadow

    DancingShadow New Member

    Jul 8, 2023
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    So I've been going back here and there reading yall's discussions and it seems like things have been slow moving. 10 months ago someone mentioned Isabella being the King's concubine. So fast forward and she is still his concubine and its just the two sons fighting with the King in public imagine/control of the people's hearts? I know there were a few major things like an official marriage of Ariadne and Alphonso that may or may not be reversed or I think we've moved past that. Isabella is still King Leo's concubine even though she has still managed to somehow avoid sleeping with him. Besides just waiting for King Leo to die one day, any really major things people are waiting on? How many chapters deep is this story now?
  2. Starlight900

    Starlight900 Member

    Mar 23, 2024
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    I hope that Alfonso does not die by guateri or be excommunicated by the new Pope. Whom Felipe IV will surely try to kidnap so that his bastard son can be recognized as his successor. We don't know if it will happen. It's just a possible theory. Well, I have read that some papes were kidnapped by monarchs.
    And yes, Isabella still has not given her virginity to the king.
    The novel is in chapter 561. It is in the middle of the story. The story is becoming more complex and new characters have appeared, such as Julia Helena, for example. I believe this story will have at least 1200 chapters. The story is very interesting.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2024
  3. karager

    karager New Member

    Mar 31, 2024
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    Thank you, it's interesting to read
  4. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    Don't joke:unsure::rolleyes:
    Alphonso is not the crown prince; there is no liability on him. It is all on Syphilis. The Black Knight belongs to Alphonso; it is not part of any kingdom's army. It is like a private army funded by his wife, Ari.
    We still haven't fully grasped the true power of the holy sword, but I believe it will play a significant role in saving Ari from Agusto in the future. Gautier may aid Cesare in orchestrating a coup, possibly bringing Cesare and Isabella together. Cesare's desire for Ari and Isabella's need for power create a potent combination for a villainous role.

    Cesare's decision to free himself from Rubina offers hope for a promising future, but I fear he will return as an even more wicked individual. His animosity towards Alphonso and obsession with Ari have become like two opposite sides of river bank . Whenever he tries to move on from Ari, his hatred for Alphonso reignites his obsession with her. Conversely, when he seeks to end his hatred for Alphonso, his obsession with Ari resurface his hatred. It think he cannot simultaneously overcome his hatred for Alphonso and his obsession with Ari due to his own flawed nature.I think that is why Author love Cesare.You want to help him but at the end you can't help him.You feel sorry for him but at the end you can't feel sorry for him.
    Mkh.97 and Latarana like this.
  5. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    The author loves detailing the emotions of characters so much that there should have been at least a few paragraphs about her feelings for Alphonso after she broke off her engagement with Cesare. I think the author corrected that mistake through a letter, when Ari-Alphonso was reading their stolen letters in chapter 393, where she mentioned how badly she wanted to be in his arms and breathe the same air as him after seeing Gabriella holding hands with her fiancé. Ari met fiancé of Gabriela for the first and only time at the birthday party Cesare threw for her, and that letter she probably wrote after breaking off her engagement.
    There's irony in that chapter as Ari was missing Alphonso seeing Gabrielle with her fiance while Gabriella was heavily simping for Cesare, forcing her to at least give thought to Cesare.But this explain why Ari was so deeply craving for love from Alphonso when he returns,In those 3 years she was only thinking about Alphonso.
  6. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    Chapter 562 and chapter 563,
    as they went to dock to see dolphins. Rubina said that wishing upon sighting the Winter Dolphin in Toronto would make a promise come true. Later, Rubina suggested that even if they couldn't see dolphins, they could fulfill the promise by visiting an island two hours away from Toronto's shore, known as Dolphin Island.

    When Cesare awoke from sleep, he felt massive guilt towards Rubina for leaving her. He thought that his mother's lifelong wish was to go beyond an illegitimate child and be recognized as a legitimate one. He decided to react positively towards Juliana until Machike did not call her, decided to become her friend. He couldn't ask the Princess to return as it would be betrayal to his mother. His mother is always alone.

    Then, he explained how Dolphin Island fulfilled wishes in a nasty way like monkey glkves, like a man who wished to live always with his parents in a grand mansion. Lightning struck everyone in the locality except his parents, who became paralyzed. He bought grand mansion there and looked after his paralyzed parents. So, a person has to be very specific about their wishes. Rubina then remembered Cesare becoming a duke when she made wish to the dolphin. They reached the island, island has ruins of building of previous settlements and Juliana wished to marry Cesare, both passionately in love:blobthinkingsmirk:. Cesare silently wished to be free at any cost by the year's end:blobwhistle:.
    They docked the ship, and the staff started to prepare a barbecue. Rubina asked Cesare and Juliana to go for a walk and pushed them. The Viscount wanted to go with them to look after her. Rubina made a fuss, claiming that she was humiliating her son. Later, Viscount remembered her conversation with Cesare a few days back, where Cesare assured her not to worry as he is not a bad person (seriously:rolleyes:).She thought If he wanted to do something with Juliana, he would have already done it. Juliana reminded viscount of the previous promise of not to interfere in Toronto, and if things didn't go well, they would leave Etruscan from there.

    After Cesare and Juliana started strolling on the island, Juliana felt her heart skip a beat on touching Cesare's finger for the first time. Rubina made the ship leave the island, leaving both behind on island without telling anyone. The Viscount become angry and said "Rubina is crazy":blobdevil:
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2024
  7. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    As expected, Cesare failed to keep his promise to free himself from Rubina by the third chapter. This time, he fell deeper into Rubina's trap. Rubina Tulia crossed the line this time. I think Syphilis will kill her after knowing what she did, if any unfortunate event happens with Cesare and Juliana. Cesare is wearing thin. I think she wants Cesare and Juliana to sleep together.

    Juliana will marry Cesare if her wish is fulfilled

    I feel sorry for Juliana

    In chapter 446, when Augusto took Isabella to the King's chamber, he searched his memories. He mentioned that Alfonso was planning to save Syphalis through the same secret pass. This means he was aware of the coup in the first timeline. Later, Cesare used the same secret pass to allow his knights to enter the palace in the first timeline. Augusto was there in the palace when the coup was going on. The possibility is now very high that Alfonso willingly allowed himself to get killed by Ari in the first timeline. I hope the golden rule shows a vision to Ari about Alfonso when she will fight Isabella. It is hard to believe that Alfonso of the first timeline would not have thought that Cesare will use Ari to coup while preparing in advance to counter the coup. It would be hard to deny for me that Alfonso had no feelings for Ari in the first timeline after the way he loved Ari in the second timeline. In case Ari indeed had a secret desire to know how it feels to be loved by Alfonso, it also explains why Ari loves Alfonso deeply in the second timeline. Alfonso was Ari's dream person from the first timeline. Also, when Alfonso fell in love with Ari, she literally had nothing. In a recent chapter, Alfonso mentioned that his heart ached on seeing fear in the face of Ari when he met her for the first time. He met her in Ramboult Shelter; most people there have had similar characteristics, for example, Sancha.Also Alphonso care deeply for Ari but at same time he is complete Apathic towards other women

    I think if Alfonso from FTL had feelings for Ari, it would decrease her guilt towards Alphonso, making her more open in front of him. For Ari, it would mean she regressed back in time to correct her mistakes and reunite with her true love and will decrease her guilt of ruining his life.
    Mkh.97 and luliibunny like this.
  8. milano

    milano Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2023
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    oohhh we got chapter 348 in web novel with the image.
    The one where Alphonso gets mad because he thinks Ari may have gotten intimate with someone else and holds her against the wall. Pretty hot lol
    Maybe this is where Ari's masochism towards him awakens lol
    Starlight900 and luliibunny like this.
  9. luliibunny

    luliibunny Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2021
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    ]she awakened her hori san side XD
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  10. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    In chapter 446, when Augusto took Isabella to the King's chamber, he searched his memories. He mentioned that Alfonso was planning to save Syphalis through the same secret pass. This means he was aware of the coup in the first timeline. Later, Cesare used the same secret pass to allow his knights to enter the palace in the first timeline. Augusto was there in the palace when the coup was going on. The possibility is now very high that Alfonso willingly allowed himself to get killed by Ari in the first timeline. I hope the golden rule shows a vision to Ari about Alfonso when she will fight Isabella. It is hard to believe that Alfonso of the first timeline would not have thought that Cesare will use Ari to coup while preparing in advance to counter the coup. It would be hard to deny for me that Alfonso had no feelings for Ari in the first timeline after the way he loved Ari in the second timeline. In case Ari indeed had a secret desire to know how it feels to be loved by Alfonso, it also explains why Ari loves Alfonso deeply in the second timeline. Alfonso was Ari's dream person from the first timeline. Also, when Alfonso fell in love with Ari, she literally had nothing. In a recent chapter, Alfonso mentioned that his heart ached on seeing fear in the face of Ari when he met her for the first time. He met her in Ramboult Shelter; most people there have had similar characteristics, for example, Sancha.Also Alphonso care deeply for Ari but at same time he is complete Apathic towards other women

    I think if Alfonso from FTL had feelings for Ari, it would decrease her guilt towards Alphonso, making her more open in front of him. For Ari, it would mean she regressed back in time to correct her mistakes and reunite with her true love.
    He got angry because Ari was Asking why he is not touching her these days, but it was taking him superhuman strength to control himself but her every movement was deeply tempting him to touch her,not because he thought she had become intimate with someone else.
    Actually there is error in translation.
    luliibunny likes this.
  11. Lulus_tea

    Lulus_tea Member

    Nov 14, 2023
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    There was actually a hiatus for a couple of months. The author was dealing with a lawsuit for someone apparently plagiarizing their work. That issue was actually recently "resolved". I don't know if the author won or not, all I know is that the author came back from hiatus and resumed releasing chapters. So that's a hundred percent why it felt like nothing was happening because nothing actually WAS happening due to the hiatus.

    Isabella has indeed successfully thwarted the kings advances for quite a while but I think the hiatus made it feel like a much longer time. I seriously doubt she would have been smart enough to pull it off for THAT long. I'll take any chance to bring Isabella down a notch. I despise that women.

    I remember when yonder was behind like three hundred chapters but now because of the hiatus it was able to catch up and is only behind by about one hundred chapters. Insane.

    Y'all Isabella is not a virgin. She has a whole CHILD and was MARRIED. The only one who thinks she is still a virgin is the nasty King. He only thinks that way because he is DELUSIONAL just like his son Cesare. Isabella only tells him she's a virgin to entice him further. She has simply just not slept with him yet. And even if she did she wouldn't be losing her virginity. I think the reason she hasn't slept with him is because 1. he's disgusting 2. he has syphilis 3. it keeps him intrigued because men like him are gross and like the chase *cough* Cesare *cough*. I don't know if I mentioned this but he's also disgusting.

    I've seen people complain that the novel is too long but I truly feel like this is one of my favorite stories. I'm praying that it does reach at least a thousand chapters. There are many Korean novels that have almost reached two thousand or even more that. I feel like there is just so much more to expand upon in this and if the author decides to cut the novel short I'll be devastated. There's going to be at least 300 to 500 more chapters. There is just no way to wrap everything up in less chapters than that. I've been way too disappointed, way too many times with other Manhwa's/ Korean novels because they try to complete the story in under 200 chapters. The endings are just never good even if the story was EXTRAORDINARY. Such let downs and I truly hope the author doesn't do that to such an amazing story.
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2024
  12. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    Chapter 564

    Viscount Irene initiated a confrontation with Rubina over leaving both Yulhel and Cesare behind. The Viscount feared pirates. Rubina have already removed the Accreto pirate from Dolphin Island by asking Gautier. Marchioness Cepinelli and deboraha fought with Viscount Irene for Rubina.viscount irene requested at least provide her one boat,at least a life boat,to go back to them .Suddenly, Rubina feigned unconsciousness, claiming to feel unwell. Rubina's people emphasized the urgency of consulting a doctor, prompting their return.

    Cesare hurried back to the dock with Yulhel. There, he discovered his mother had already set up a tent with foods and other comforts . Inside the tent was a massive bed with two towels in shape of swan placed on bed.He realized Rubina's intentions. Rubina is scheming that since they were stranded together on the island for a night, they must have slept together. Consequently, Cesare would be compelled to marry her.

    Cesare asked Yulhel to return to the mainland but suddenly a strong southern breeze started blewing. Tent caught fire.The princess get completely covered by a cloth drenched in candle wax, burning with fire.

    We have to wait for the next chapter to find out the percentage of burns on the princess and whether Cesare might also get burned while saving her.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2024
    rahee, Starlight900, Latarana and 2 others like this.
  13. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    I think Isabella is going to become more darker character now.

    especially after what happened with Cesare in the current chapter. Rubina is going to drop, and Isabella will demand authority over Palazzo Carlo. I think Isabella is going to kill Ottavio and her own daughter Giovanna to completely free herself from any objections from San Carlo society in gaining authority over Palazzo Carlo. I don't care about trash Ottavio, but I feel bad for Giovanna being born to such people.

    Although she has become the mistress of Syphilis, Syphilis will face heavy retaliation from the San Carlo society if he gives authority to Isabella after she still being attached to Ottavio and Giovanna.

    Being prince wife ,Ari is noblest woman of Ertuscan kingdom.Now Authority of Palazzo carlo should belong to her.But Syphilis is nasty.He will never want to give her Authority because of his own complex feeling and will try to please Isabella.so may be he himself get involved in killing them .
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2024
  14. Mkh.97

    Mkh.97 Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2022
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    Oh God!!! Poor girl:notlikeblob::blob_teary: and Ceaser, anyway he is doomed to have a bad ending, so who cares:blobcheeky:
    Tad1989 and Latarana like this.
  15. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    Chapter 565

    Cesare ran on his own upon seeing Juliana's condition and saved her; the burn was limited to Juliana's sleeve and Cesare's hair. Upon meeting Cesare's gaze, Juliana started crying and threw herself into his arms. Cesare also held her tightly without any second thought. He comforted her by patting her back, something he had never done before with anyone. He had always used the weakness of women and situations to seduce and sleep with them. Doing so with Juliana for the first time made him feel awkward, as he was not interested in her.

    Cesare felt that something was missing and wrong in the situation. Then, he realized that the woman he was comforting for the first time was juliana, not Ari. He started crying upon realising this. When the juliana saw him crying, she thought he was crying for her and believed Cesare to be very kind. She wanted to correct his situation that he couldn't have her father's mistress, but she didn't know where to begin.

    Rubina had tried everything to ensure that Viscount Irene did not run from the ship to save Juliana. However, fearing that Viscount would use another boat, Rubina is planning to kill Viscount by drowning. Currently, nobody is interested in her and machique because the winter palace is in chaos due to the Terevero representative.
  16. Lulus_tea

    Lulus_tea Member

    Nov 14, 2023
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    I also believe Isabella will take on a more darker role. In the past she has only done childish and stupid things in an attempt to ruin Ari. Like at the debutante ball, the masquerade ball, and even the incident when she broke up the engagement between Cesare and Ari. The only thing she is decently good at is manipulating people. She manipulated Ottavio into marrying her. She's manipulating the king now. But I think that she needs other people to help her truly succeed.

    Her father gave her all the support she needed at the beginning of the story. Without said support she wouldn't have gotten as far as she did. Ari had no support but knew the game and was incredibly talented at playing it. Isabella only knew how to manipulate the people around her. If she didn't have the kind of support her father gave her I seriously doubt she would have come even a little close to how far Ari got. Isabella knew some of the rules to the game but had no idea how to truly use them to play the game and win.

    She needs others to be a villain. Isabella does not make a very good antagonist on her own. She simply does not have the skill set for it. The skills she does have can only get her so far. But I do think Isabella is a good antagonist to the story anyway. Not because of what she can do, but because she is relentless. I'll give it to her- she really never gives up. Failure does not stop her but only makes her worse. She does more heinous things by the day and feels no regret over it. It is very annoying at certain points in the story don't get me wrong. Sometimes she does feel kind of repetitive. And the things she does never really surprise me. I know she is awful. But at the same time every time she forces herself back into the narrative my jaw is on the floor. She definitely keeps us on our toes because we never know what she'll do next.

    That being said she now has Augusto to back her up. He can do black magic. And oh my god? That's so frightening when I think about that poor innocent baby they killed. Then I think about what she would be willing to do to our main couple with that power. On top of that I agree with what you're saying about her killing Ottavio and Giovanna. Isabella killed her own sister and felt absolutely no guilt over it. I would not put it past her to kill her own child as well. Which pains me to say. If she were to succeed and then take over society it would be a major MAJOR setback for Ari. Butttt I don't think it would last for that long. Like I mentioned before she just does not have the skill set. Just as in the previous life when Isabella and Cesare killed Ari and took over the throne the kingdom did not last for long. They were quickly destroyed because the both of them are just not fit to be in leadership positions. Not for long. She may succeed in replacing Rubina and getting ownership of society but due to her own arrogance it has very high chances of her failing yet again. She manipulates her way to the top but she doesn't know where to go from there. Also Rubina may not be the smartest but she knew how to play the King. She kept his attention for more than twenty years. Which is saying A LOT. Rubina's goal was power but mostly for her son. Isabella does it for Isabella. She thinks she's the best in the room at all times. The king thinks he's the best in the room at all times. Not a good combo in the slightest. I think when she gets what she wants she'll play a classic Isabella move and get on the kings bad side. I think we have to worry more about her plans with Augusto rather than her taking over society. Unless she learns from her mistakes (which she never has) I just don't see this working out. But who knows. Maybe she has learned from her mistakes and surprises us again.

    If Isabella fails at taking over society then I think that is what will truly send her over the edge and push her to completely use Augusto. She will truly do some heinous things then because she will have nothing else. Not the crown. Not society. Trampled under Ari's pretty foot yet again (because to her everything is Ari's fault).
    Starlight900, Tad1989 and seaurchin like this.
  17. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    It looks like some screws got loose in Cesare's brain after his wish for freedom on Dolphin Island. I think the island has a powerful influence, making people do things they never did or can't be expected to do. I think Cesare's behavior towards Juliana is similar to his behavior towards Ari during the initial three months of relationship in FTL. However pitiful and changed Cesare may appear, he is still Cesare.
  18. Mkh.97

    Mkh.97 Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2022
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    Like, I don’t get it why he started to cry? Cause the first person he comforted/soothed not his beloved Ari? Or cause he realised that he is capable of doing something good to others without getting any benefit? (even though it 0,000…1% of goodness in him)
  19. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    The author titled today's chapter "A Huge Swamp of Illusion." As for the rest, you'll have to read between the lines. What more can I say?
  20. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    The author titled today's chapter "A Huge Swamp of Illusion." As for the rest, you'll have to read between the lines. What more can I say?
    May be it can be effect of wishes they made to dolphin island.
    Due to the effects of their wishes, Cesare and Juliana will be together. Cesare will act under the influence of Dolphin Island as if he is a changed man, loving her unconditionally, and Juliana will believe Cesare loves her deeply. It appears that both are passionately in love, fulfilling one of the wishes Juliana required from Dolphin Island. However, it's worth noting that Juliana only wished for "both to be passionate in love," without specifying with whom.Even in above case , If you will read original description of Author it look like from saving her from fire to comforting her, some one is controlling action of Cesare.He has no control on his own actions.
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2024
    Mkh.97 and Tad1989 like this.