Spoiler I was just taking care of my sick father

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Eloisane, May 26, 2022.

  1. Suustar

    Suustar Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2021
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    The protagonist situation is like this: She is the only daughter of the Duke of the North, the Duke of Solgren, her father was pushed to the north by his elder half-brother who became the emperor, the father also lost his status as a royal and could only survive because apart from being royalty he was also a descendant of one of the four dukedoms of their country and since there is an agreement that forbids the emperor from harming the ducal families as long as they did their duties, so the father was allowed to live, apart from all of this the father became sickly after all of the events that took place (losing control of his powers, harming his mother, losing his surname and position as royalty, being kicked to the north) so the brother and new emperor decided to let him be since the father no longer seemed to be a threat to him (but still kept him and the duchy surveilled).
    The following years the Duke of Solgren and the protagonist father, Herwin, tried to keep as low a profile as possible so the emperor wouldn't try to harm him, his health also continued to deteriorate, all of this created a bad image for both him and the duchy, all of the nobles of the empire started to look down on him and even his subordinates in the north belittled him.
    At some point he met and fell in love with a woman from the northern families and later on they both had their daughter, our protagonist Ybriel. Unfortunately this happiness didn't last, not long after giving birth to Ybriel the Duchess ran away one night stealing a relic from the family and rumors said that she had fleed with her lover. After this the protagonist was left alone with her father.
    Fast forward to the future the things didn't get better for the Solgren Duchy, the Duke Herwin was still sick and seemed like he could die at any moment and the prestige of the family continued to deteriorate, the princess, Ybriel grew up without being particularly close to her father since he always tried to push her away and she was able to see this, so she also kept her distance.
    When she was five she started to get tutored by a lady from the capital, she was originally close tho her and the teacher was nice to Ybriel, when she was nine years old the teacher proposed to Ybriel to go to the capital with her so she could broaden her horizons and also look for a cure for her father, Ybriel in her naivety believed her and accepted to accompany her unaware that all this was an scheme to get her out of the North.
    After they arrived to the capital, the change in her teacher was fast, she started to harshly teach Ybriel and began being cold to her. This harsh treatment continued for a year.
    After this Ybriel entered the Imperial Palace and was presented before the empress, after this started a hell for Ybriel.
    Previously the Empress had lost both of her daughters and had began going crazy, one of the things she did was that she would look at a girl around her daughters age and would start referring to her as the deceased princesses, so this was what she did with Ybriel, she became the empress “friend” or “companion”, Ybriel had to go around following the empress and calm her down when she had an attack, had to handle being called by the princesses name, had to handle her paranoia, she basically became an doll for the empress and she couldn't do anything about it since her position wasn't good or strong and she had no one to stand up for her. Aside from this the life at the palace wasn't good either, since she was the daughter of a disgraced family everyone looked down on her and openly mocked her, of all of this one of the most vicious one was the crown prince, who was constantly playing pranks on her said mean things to her. This harsh treatment kept on for four years.
    (Also as a note, during these years her father didn't try to contact her)
    One night when Ybriel was fourteen she was awaken in the middle of the night by crown prince, Tezeric, he urged her to move and dragged her by the arm, as they ran, the protagonist questioned the prince why he was doing this and if it was another one of his pranks, he denied this and said that they were running because she was in danger, the then explained what happened, he revealed to the protagonist that in the previous days the veil that protected the north from the beasts had ruptured and as a result the the land was infested with monsters, at that point more than half of the northern territory was already lost and the soil had corrupted, it was so that even the Imperial family had decided to give up on the north so they didn't even send help, when the protagonist inquires about her father the prince reveals that it is expected that he already died, since they had lost contact with him seven days ago, Ybriel is shocked by this and then the prince also reveals that since the Solgren family had failed their duty to protect the north she, as the last descendant alive was going to be executed, so the prince is trying to help her runaway from the palace.
    Later they arrive to a Chapel in the palace and the prince says to Ybriel about a secret passage and gives her instructions on how to get out of the palace. Btw, when all of this is happening Ybriel questions Tezeric about why he is helping her when he hates her and he says to her that he never hated her. As they are discussing this the emperor appears out of nowhere and seizes both of them, both Ybriel and the prince can't do anything and Ybriel is killed by the emperor with his sword, Ybriel gets to hear the prince screaming her name and sees the statue of their god before dying.
    When she wakes up she is confused and thinks she is dead, especially when she sees her father who supposedly died too, she eventually realizes that she is actually alive but that she went back nine years in the past the day of her fifth birthday, so she is determined to prevent the downfall of her family and keep her father alive, so her main goals are:
    1. Increase the family's power and influence
    2. Keep her father alive.
    Obviously these are not easy things since her family is in a deplorable state and her father pushes her away whenever she tries to get close.
  2. Ipokun15

    Ipokun15 Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2023
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  3. Lordraxion

    Lordraxion Member

    Dec 4, 2023
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    Is her mother really a thief if not why did she run away ?? And what happens to the emperor and does the father gets cured ??
    snzzykitten likes this.
  4. kd3

    kd3 Active Member

    Oct 28, 2020
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    I think it might be the same old plot of "mother run away because she somehow knew her family will be in danger and had to sacrifice herself for them"
    poor mommy always the decoy for authors nim
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  5. keonang010

    keonang010 Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2022
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    Who is ML? The blonde or black hair guy?
  6. Scarlet Lily

    Scarlet Lily Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2024
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    Spoiler about the characters:
    이브리엘 솔그렌
    Yvriel Solgren is the main character of the story. In the first timeline, she was shy, lacking in confidence, and yearning for her father's attention. She was fearful of everyone, even the aides, and was only close to her nanny, Lily.

    Her father hired a tutor from the imperial city. Yvriel, desiring independence and reliability, was deceived by her tutor and accompanied her to the imperial palace. There, she became a substitute for the deceased daughter of the empress, living as a mere puppet for her, and ultimately meeting her demise at the hands of the emperor.

    Yvriel believed she could find a cure for her father in the imperial capital and return to him. Although she discovered a potential cure, her letters to her father went unanswered.

    Eventually, when she turned 14 years old, the barrier in Solgren broke, allowing darkness to corrode the land. As Solgren has a duty to protect the land, the emperor seized this opportunity to eliminate Solgren. The imperial crown prince, Tezeric, aided her escape. However, on their escape route, they encountered the emperor, resulting in Yvriel's demise. Upon awakening again, she found herself back at the age of five, with her tutor, Tillien, just arriving.

    In the current timeline, she has grown into a confident and determined individual. Unlike her previous life, she is not afraid of her father's aides. With her knowledge of the future, she was able to assist Solgren in achieving financial stability.

    테제릭 캐스위더
    Tezeric Casswider, the male lead, is the illegitimate son of the empress's brother, Duke Casswider.
    He lived in the slums until the Duke discovered him and placed him as the crown prince. To deceive the public, his eyes were enchanted to appear red, symbolizing the imperial family. However, this enchantment caused him to perceive only the color blue, rendering him unable to see any other colors.

    He struggled to adapt in the imperial palace when Yvriel, the main character, arrived. Witnessing the dimming light in Yvriel's eyes, he devised a plan to torment her, hoping she would flee and escape a life of sorrow, desiring her freedom. It wasn't until Yvriel's statement in the prologue, "he hates her," that he realized his wrongdoing. Ultimately, he was unable to protect her from the emperor.

    In the current timeline, his appearances were limited, but he experiences haunting dreams of the previous timeline. He is particularly tormented by Yvriel's demise and his inability to protect her. Determined to rectify his past failures, he resolves to aid in overthrowing the emperor.
  7. Suustar

    Suustar Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2021
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    The mother is not a thief and the reason why she had to leave is revealed almost at the end of the novel

    So what happened was that while giving birth the duchess gave birth to twins, not just Yvriel, she had a son and a daughter, before all of this both of the parents were worried about the possibility of their child being born with "solar eyes" which is a trait passed in the royal family were someone is born with red eyes and can later on make a contract with a divine beast, also this eyes appeared only once per generation and that person was considered the next emperor, so Yvriel's twin brother was born with these eyes, the parents were worried because they knew that once the emperor found out about this he was going the kill them all.

    To avoid all the family dying the mother came up with the idea of completely concealing the birth of the son, leaving Yvriel as the only child and the leaving the north and raising the son on her own, she also set the goal of working so in the future they could bring the emperor down and finally be together again as a family without being threatened. In order to not raise suspicion about her sudden disappearance she decided to spread malicious rumors aabout herself abandoning the duke and leaving him for another man.

    He dies at the end when Yvriel opens the last door that purifies the dark magic, since the emperor was a dark magic user who was completely corrupted he died.

    Yes, the father does get cured, as I explained earlier the father didn't had an actual sickness, his problem was that after the accident in which he harmed his mother (accident which he didn't even cause) he became unable to allow the proper flow of his mana, so this mana accumulated in his body and later on became like poison for him, making him go on rampages that could hurt people around him, the reason why he looked so sickly and had sudden seizures was because he was taking medicine that damaged and debilitated his own body he did all of this because if he had a weak body then the rampages caused by his magic were diminished, his main purpose of all this was to avoid going on rampages that could harm Yvriel and is also the main reason of why he always tries to keep his daughter away from him, he's deathly afraid of hurting her.

    After Yvriel's come back she is decided to cure his father and after seeing his symptoms she initially believes him to have a certain sickness whose cure would come out a couple of years in the future (he actually doesn't have this sickness). Later on the spirit Yvriel contracted with the "winter branch" that she calls butterfly explains to her her father´s symptoms, so she starts to use the ability of the of the winter branch and absorbs and transforms the mana of the father, (unbeknownst to him), which begins to make his father's condition better, she goes on with this for a while and eventually his father starts go get better to the point that he no longer needs it and is capable of once again using his magic, even so he stills wants to keep the facade of being sick to lower the emperor's guard and remains as the apparently sickly duke even when he is no longer sick and is once again strong, he even keeps it from Yvriel who keeps giving him treatment.

    The blond one, Tezeric, the black haired Asiligio could be considered the Second Male Lead, he does have feelings for Yvriel but at the end he decides to remain as her knight so he never even confeses.
    Also to make it clear the story is not heavy on the romance, Tezeric confeses to Yvriel in the last chapters and she reciprocates in the last chapter and then they kiss, the interactions before this were not very romantic but we knew that Tezeric was already in love with her and she felt something for him.
  8. Scarlet Lily

    Scarlet Lily Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2024
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    Herwin Solgren is Yvriel's father.
    In the first timeline and at the beginning of the story, he is sick. However, his sickness is not due to an illness but because he possesses a strong mana, which he cannot regulate. He is extremely powerful but unable to control his mana. He is the youngest person to have opened nine "doors" of mana, which makes him exceptionally powerful. However, an incident renders him unable to naturally release his mana, causing it to accumulate in his body, driving him to madness so that the power can be released. Consequently, fearing for his daughter's safety, he pushes her away.

    The medicine he is taking is not medicine but a deadly drug that damages his body. He believes the drug is stabilizing him and continues using it despite advice from his aide and the doctor to stop. While not explicitly stated in the novel, it can be inferred that his actions are foolish. Mana is a power that needs to flow like breathing; it requires regulation. However, drinking the drug exacerbates his condition because it damages the body that should contain the mana. A normal person would have died, but his power keeps him alive, albeit at the cost of his sanity. In the first timeline, Yvriel's timidity helped him, but in the current timeline, Yvriel's determination to save him and his emotional instability make him more vulnerable. Without Yvriel, he likely would have died much earlier in the current timeline.

    Yvriel's mother leads a rebellion in the south and is aware of the emperor's pact with "darkness". Fearing for her son's safety, she left Solgren and went into hiding to protect him.

    Liatrice, left Yvriel and Herwin because he possesses "sun" eyes. Those with "sun eyes" have the ability to summon a divine beast and are destined to inherit the right to the throne.

    Servant of Light.

    A divine beast.
    Can change form.
    Is staying with Yvriel, but Ruby's natural contractor is Yvriel's brother, Aiden.

    Sigmund is Liatrice's father and Yvriel's grandfather. He is the Master of the Magic Tower.

    She was introduce as Liatrice's mother but she rarely shown in the novel.
    She was shown in the manhwa and interacting briefly with Yvriel.

    Empress Azerian is Herwin's mother and Yvriel's paternal grandmother.
    Yvirel didn't meet her paternal grandmother in the first timeline when she was staying in the imperial palace.

    Empress Azerian is trapped by the emperor, who is Herwin's half-brother. Half of her face is burned due to the fire that occurred when Herwin was living with her.

    Her every move is being monitored by the emperor, with "darkness" residing in her shadow. She will be saved by Tezeric and Nero when they plan their escape. Tezeric bomb the tower she lived in and the imperial crown prince's palace. The darkness will be purified by holy water.

    He realizes it when he discovers the emperor's plan to destroy the barrier that keeps the darkness at bay in Solgren.
    As a consequence, Yvriel nearly died while attempting to create a shield to prevent the darkness from infiltrating. Yvriel forcefully opened her sixth door to protect the people of Solgren.

    Additionally, Sigmund hints that Herwin's body remained stable due to Yvriel absorbing his mana, which consequently makes her ill. These events prompt Herwin to muster the will to open his "closed doors". The door can't be opened because of his "fears".

    While I understand him, his decision was truly foolish and only led to Yvriel's suffering in the first timeline and the early stage of the novel.
    Last edited: May 24, 2024
  9. Sweet_Bunny

    Sweet_Bunny Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2023
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    Does ML have black hair?
  10. Sagamasa

    Sagamasa Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2023
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    I don't think so, based on spoiler ML is the CP we've seen in chapter 1, he is blonde right?
  11. Scarlet Lily

    Scarlet Lily Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2024
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    As @Suustar have stated there is not much romance in this story.
    Yvriel and Tezeric don't really hang out much in this life, except for when they save each other.
    Yvriel's freaked out by Tezeric 'cause he used to bully her in their past life, and it takes her awhile to figure out why he did it.
    I wasn't really rooting for them to get together because, from Yvriel's perspective, her fear of the dark stemmed from his actions.

    When I was reading the story, I actually thought Asiligio would be the ML. They hang out way more than Tezeric does with Yvriel.
    Plus, Yvriel's chilling in Solgren for most of the story and only hits up the imperial city for her social debut. Meanwhile, Tezeric's stuck there 'cause he's under surveillance.

    The dark haired guy is Asiligio
    The blonde hair is Tezeric
    I was just taking care of my sick father.png
  12. Scarlet Lily

    Scarlet Lily Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2024
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    In places influenced by the Holy Religion, it's a big deal that a guy officially sticks to just one wife, as per the holy doctrine. However, the former emperor had his own ideas. He figured, "Okay, I'll have my main wife, but I can still cozy up with whoever else I fancy."

    So, this imperial maid catches his eye, ends up pregnant with his kid. Despite her lack of authority, the son she gave birth to had the unique sun/solar eyes, a trait of the imperial family.

    To boost her own status and keep herself in the game, the maid goes all out training her son, Kaizen, to unlock his powers. They manage to crack open the door to darkness, a feat easier than accessing the door of light. With his special eyes and abilities, Kaizen was named the crown prince by the emperor. But, of course, to beef up the dark side, someone's gotta get sacrificed, as darkness craves the life Shia created.

    However, Kaizen's position was threatened when Herwin, born to the empress, displayed incredible mana and was a prodigy. The better Herwin gets, the more folks start comparing him to Kaizen. Even though Kaizen's got the fancy eyes, it's clear he's missing a heart, evident in how easily he killed his pet and was the talk by many people.

    Anyway, Emperor Kaizen wasn't having it. He grew envious of Herwin's lineage, power, and the love he got from his mom. In a fit of jealousy, he unleashed his divine beast to set fire in the imperial palace where Herwin and the empress resided. He was the one responsible for the fire that Herwing was being blamed of and the reason why he keeps the empress locked up by his side.

    The second male lead.
    In the first timeline, he left an impression on Yvriel by asking when she would be back.
    He's a pureblood, which makes him much stronger than any other species.
    He lost his arm and his sister during their migration to Solgen in the first timeline.

    In this current timeline, Yvriel manage to save him and his sister before they were attacked by the monster of darkness.
    He became Yvriel's escort knight.
    In the final chapter of the book, he doesn't spill his guts to Yvriel about his feelings.
    Why? Because he's smart enough to know where her heart really belongs. He can practically hear it pounding whenever she's around Tezeric.

    Nero is the acting Shadow King leader.
    However, the true leader is Aiden, Yvriel's twin brother.

    When Aiden turned five, one of his "sun/solar eyes" was gone.
    Coincidentally, five years old is the age Yvriel regressed back into in the current timeline.

    It is explained as someone who passes the gate of time.
    A person who regressed.
    Winter explained that they can tell a person who regressed but do not know the contents.

    In the main web novel, it wasn't explained why Yvriel regressed. However, there was a scene where she lost consciousness after opening the tenth door and had a conversation with the goddess Shia. Yvriel asked the goddess why she was the one given the chance, to which the goddess replied that it wasn't her who gave her the chance.

    My speculation was her brother.
    After all, there was a scene where Ruby was fond of her brother. Her brother was born with the symbolic imperial eye, which is supposed to have divine power. However, in this current timeline where she regressed back to five, her brother's one eye lost its color. He has the eye, but with no divine power.

    Well, here's the deal: humans are only capable of opening nine doors.
    The tenth door is a door no human can open. It is believed to be the door to the gods. If someone were to manage to pry it open, they'd have to pay the price. It was said that a person who's bathed too much in mana will lose their humanity.

    Emperor Kaizen was always depicted as something other than human when Yvriel met him. When Yvriel connects him with darkness, she comes to the realization that if there's a door to light, then there could be one to darkness too.

    Yvriel manages to open the tenth door to light, but it nearly turns her into ice. Her heart stops beating, and she feels nothing, slowly drifting towards rest. However, what saves her is Winter's persistent questioning, urging her to consider, "What is it that makes you human?" Thanks to Winter's guidance, she manages to halt the flow of mana and begins to hear the voices of the people around her.

    During Tezeric and Empress Azerian's escape from the imperial palace, Tezeric sends a letter to Yvriel along with a necklace. This necklace serves as a means to inform Yvriel about Tezeric's life and potential death. If he were to perish, the emerald jewel on the necklace would shatter.

    When Yvriel opens the tenth gate, she becomes aware that the necklace Tezeric gave her is enchanted with Life Imprint Magic. This enchantment means that when Tezeric dies, the jewel will break, and if the jewel break Tezeric will die. Essentially, the jewel serves as his heart.

    When Yvriel questions him, Tezeric will confess.
    Because Yvriel tried to give back the necklace to him, Tezeric that he have planned to give the necklace to her from the start because he loves her.

    I checked the book again but there seems to be a side story added this year.\
    If anyone have ever read it can you share what the side story is about.
  13. DOHere

    DOHere Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    Thank you for the spoilers!
    They said in the manhwa that Asiligio is a pureblood. Of what species?

    And what is Tezeric's real eye color?
  14. Suustar

    Suustar Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2021
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    The blond one, Tezeric, the black haired Asiligio could be considered the Second Male Lead, he does h
    Asiligio is a wolf.

    We are never told his real eye color but they could be green, since the empress has that eye color and they are family (nephew and aunt), I don't remember if they ever specified the father's eye color.
  15. ManhwaFreak

    ManhwaFreak Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2023
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    I wanted the black haired one
  16. Scarlet Lily

    Scarlet Lily Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2024
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    I agree.

    When I was reading this I actually thought that Asiligio would be the ML. He have more scenes compared to Tezeric.
    I wonder if they will change this in the manhwa by giving him more scenes.

    In the web novel, Yvriel is both scared of Tezeric and deeply concerned about him. Despite her fear, she feels a sense of camaraderie with him, as they both have lived lonely lives. His act of saving her in the last life is deeply ingrained in her heart.
    EPITHE11 and Latarana like this.
  17. Latarana

    Latarana Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2022
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    Sorry but i think she is better with the prince. They don't share a lot of time together but... they live a similar life. In the first life the prince try to help her. The black haired became his friend in the second life when she saved his sister.
    And the prince remembered thing about his past life. Again is something he can share with her.
  18. Scarlet Lily

    Scarlet Lily Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2024
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    Yes, that is exactly what their romance is all about.

    I do feel sorry for the prince, and I get why they're still together despite all the crap she's been through. Yvriel's always been a sweetheart, even back in her previous life. The prince helping her escape and then them having that whole "you hates me" confrontation, where he's like, "Nah, I never did," really made her see things differently.

    While I lean towards believing her brother orchestrated her return through time, I also ponder whether the prince had a hand in the situation. The prince experiences recurring nightmares from the initial timeline and exhibits formidable strength, comparable to Asiligio.

    I'm hopeful they'll provide explanations for the unresolved elements in the novel.
    hongmeowpanda, its0k and Latarana like this.
  19. tojifushigiroleftbigtoe

    tojifushigiroleftbigtoe New Member

    May 24, 2024
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    I need more info about the brother and mother… cause idk how to feel about them? Like what did they think about fl…? Cause it feels to me that the mother only cares for her son… lol I might just have trust issues with mothers in this types of novels :LOL:
  20. kd3

    kd3 Active Member

    Oct 28, 2020
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    where did you read it???? is it translated?