Spoiler Serena / 세레나

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by dunnoperson_, Oct 22, 2022.


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  1. parttimebroccoli

    parttimebroccoli Well-Known Member

    Jan 10, 2023
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    I’m also feeling good about the development and appreciate that we have some hints for many unanswered questions. Overall, author laid some good groundwork for S3. There may be some frustrated chaps with the two not knowing how to fully define what they are but I’m sure it won’t be dragged. Just more reason for make up snu, I agree lol.

    The season endings have been quite strategic. S1 ends at the chapter where S decided to trust Eiser and stop trusting F after E&S became more intimate. S2 ends with E&S evolved from enemies to lovers and a tease that it may not last. :blobpain:

    Anyway, I remember the earlier days of this story the debate were through the roof with so many opposing opinions about each characters. We’ve come so far to now develop lots of mutual understanding for the leads and mutual hatred for the villains at least on this forum lol. So glad to have stayed loyal to this masterpiece and see our thoughts grow together with the characters. Appreciate this fam spending time to provide spoilers and hope to still see everyone around for S3 :blobsalute:

    My guess is Frederick past or maybe Serena’s family? Still have doubt it was an accident. It had to be some kind of set up!!!
  2. roseO

    roseO Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2019
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    I went and read the prologue again, just like the author recommended. That chapter just gives me a bad feeling from beginning to end, tbh. The ending of it is a bit disturbing because it clearly symbolizes a passionate romance (red roses), but not necessarily a happy one. The dark ambiance makes me uneasy and there's too much red color that is described as "crimson as blood" and "red as the sunset". Sunsets symbolize endings and even death, btw. The symbolism is very angsty.

    I sure as hell hope the prologue is hinting at Serena's journey overcoming the death of her family, the dangers brought by Victor and Dia's shenanigans and about finding love with Eiser. My point is, the prologue likely hints at Serena's journey and not at a tragic ending of this story, right??

    What are you guys' feelings about it?
    Last edited: May 24, 2024
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  3. shu0929

    shu0929 Member

    Jan 20, 2024
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    I mean I can say it simply hints to a passionate romance (full circle moment with the recent development)
    I really doubt a tragic ending, it never even crossed my mind
    As you said author asked to read the prologue again, however she also hinted at what's gonna happen in season 2, I don't see anything concerning there, she even assured us about serena x eiser's relationship(y)
    Ang3Blue and roseO like this.
  4. roseO

    roseO Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2019
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    Thank you. I really needed to read this and calm my paranoid as$ down.
    Ang3Blue and shu0929 like this.
  5. taeyong27

    taeyong27 Active Member

    Jul 17, 2022
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    And since the official translation for Ch 84 is now out. And there are few reader still arguing about Eiser’s line that says “ I will protect you, the woman who will be MY LAST LOVE, no matter what”.

    From my understanding, it does not only apply as a romantic type of love for Eiser. I think Eiser is speaking in general. I mean, he mentioned how he was not able to protect any of the people who he loved dearly in the past (including his mom, their family lawyer who became his father figure, and Dia) so he will make sure that he won't let anything bad happen to Serena. The thing about Eiser is that he never discredited Dia’s presence in his life. Even though he knows that it’s not romantic love that he felt for Dia (but more of dependency and survival instinct) he still considers Dia to be one of his loved ones that despite every bad thing that Dia did to him, he still wishes her well (ch 83). Not until she becomes a threat to Serena that he starts talking trash about Dia.

    For Eiser, Serena is pretty much his everything now. A family, friend, partner, and lover. So when he says “my last love” it most likely means that she will be the only person he loves and will love for the rest of his life from this point on.

    But we all know that Serena is his first love. How Serena describes his relationship with Dia is the same as what he felt for Fred. In which Serena said that it was not lo

    OMG! I was just about to share this moment in this thread. Now that the season 1 ends, please re-read the entire season in Webtoon for the official translation. Just like the author suggested, you’ll understand their decisions, character, and emotions better. The official translation will give you the correct information and feelings of the characters as well.
  6. Donelly

    Donelly Member

    Mar 4, 2024
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    Thank you to all of you ❤️ Thank you for all the spoilers, theories, discussions, and for anticipating weekly chapters with me. This series has made me get through though weeks. See you all around in the next season.

    so proud of our parents!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
    Ang3Blue and yeewingmama like this.

    KOOJUNGMO Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2022
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    Same here, I thought that the X was Victor or Dustin. Dia delulu bish has the motive to spy on Serena and ruin her relationship with Eiser. I firmly believe that Frederick will choose Serena and betray Dia. Anyways, did any chapter stated about Dustin’s death? Is that old hag still alive? I think Dia told Frederick to put the divorce papers on the desk? Maybe it’s a fake one to deceive Serena and her to misunderstand Eiser? It’s so confusing tbh. I hope mommy won’t misunderstand daddy
    Ang3Blue likes this.
  8. shu0929

    shu0929 Member

    Jan 20, 2024
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    It was not mentioned that Dustin was dead.

    I highly doubt the divorce papers are in any way related to Fred/Diah (I mean Fred is not free to go in and out of the mansion anymore, everyone in the mansion probably knows if they see Fred to catch him since Serena needs to talk to him)

    IMO they are simply two major plots separate from each other.

    Even if Serena reacted that way, it doesn't mean it's a bad thing for their relationship ;)
    After all, every time we thought our couple had a setback, it was just something that further developed their relationship.
    Ang3Blue likes this.
  9. Montanaa

    Montanaa Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2024
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    Regarding the previous chapter, chapter 86, we finally learned the reason for his frustration.
    I had thought it was something completely different; it was hard to predict that it was about the divorce. The storyline is only better because of it; it adds something more to Eiser’s side. He was already too attached to Serena. Each moment could have been their last, and he wanted to remember each moment with her as passionately as possible.

    Well, when you know Victor a little, you know what he is willing to do to people. If Serena's hotel is built, it's guaranteed bankruptcy for the Grayans. However, if the hotel fails, all the business partners will have to cancel their contracts with Serenety and turn to the Grayans once again. It is in Victor's interest to do everything to prevent this project from succeeding. Eiser's only weakness now is Serena. Either Eiser planned to divorce after about five years, if we link the chapters a bit, we can see that when he returns to Serena after his long business trips, he often mentions that he is pressed for time. I think the contract stipulates that either before or after the construction of the new hotel, they must divorce. Or, since he has feelings for Serena, he is obligated to divorce during the construction of the hotel, which explains why his face closes up when Serena wanted him to go together to see the hotel by the sea. He probably did this because he knows that Victor will target Serena to thwart Eiser's plans and the new hotel. If they divorce, it doesn't mean they will stop seeing each other. Maybe for a little while they won't be able to, but they will probably meet in secret, and Victor might find out.
    As for Frederick, we don't know his past yet. It's strange that the author mentions that he no longer obeys Serena, but in my opinion, he is still trying to protect her. By the way, speaking of Frederick, I think he has a connection with Lise (Serena's friend when she used to go to the balls). Rereading the chapters, I found his reaction strange when he saw Lise's shoes hanging.

    Regarding my little theory about the connection between Fred and Lize, at first, I thought they might be brother and sister since they have the same eye color, but since they don't really have the same skin color, it's too difficult to say. But if they are connected, I think the accident caused by Fred was to protect Lize. Lize had a tragic fate compared to Serena, who could simply stop going to the balls, but Lize couldn't; she had to find private sponsors, probably with extremely shady and perverse guys. And if Fred and Lize do have a connection, whether siblings or friends, Lize must have told him about Serena and how lucky she was to be able to do what she wants. Frederick must have intervened to protect her. Well, it's still another far-fetched theory, but I can't help it.
    mathildareiss., Ang3Blue and Donelly like this.
  10. yeewingmama

    yeewingmama Member

    Apr 19, 2024
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    I think Serena will not like if Eiser divorce her for the sake of protecting her. Serena is the one who wants to face difficulties directly and Eiser knows that also. I also can’t accept I sleep you but I need to divorce you for your sake.
    Hope the divorce certificate is attached with the marriage contact as at that time both of them won’t think they will be in love and divorce with one not loving each other to end contractual relationship is not bad term back to the beginning.
  11. Montanaa

    Montanaa Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2024
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    It should be noted that Eiser has always failed to protect the people he loves. I think he is ready to do anything this time. But it’s very likely that, as you said, it’s also a contract since their marriage. However, when you see Eiser's expression in the last two chapters, he seems pretty serious about it. I must admit, I don’t know how you can protect Serena from Victor if you know that Serena is the only weak point.
    Ang3Blue likes this.
  12. yeewingmama

    yeewingmama Member

    Apr 19, 2024
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    But if Victor knows Serena is the only weak point, are there any difference on divorce or not? If I am Victor, I will still harm Serena even they are divorced? But I am a girl, I don’t understand man view haha
    Ang3Blue likes this.
  13. shu0929

    shu0929 Member

    Jan 20, 2024
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    His expression is followed by a panel of sick Iansa, don't you think it has to do with that too?

    You are right, he did harm her even before he knew she was Eiser's wife
    So to be honest it doesn't make sense to me "divorcing her to protect her"
    Rather it will make her more vulnerable :blob_zipper_mouth: (because together they are a team, thus stronger)
    So it will be a big win for Victor if Eiser left Serena
    mathildareiss., Meme13_ and Ang3Blue like this.
  14. Ochin7

    Ochin7 Active Member

    Feb 24, 2024
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    I agree with this. Eiser is a really complex character. On one hand he wants to rid Serena of his degenerate family and on the other hand he loves her and wants to protect her. The thing is the divorce papers could have been done way before they had s.x. Also want to point out that there is no way the Grayans are coming out of bankruptcy except Victor uses Dian’s illegal art business money. Eiser actually made sure of that. The real threat is what that stupid diah plans. She is the important chess piece. She can use Victor or Fredrick to separate Eiser from Serena. The divorce makes no sense at this point because Serena will still be harmed.
  15. CosmicGhost

    CosmicGhost Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2023
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    whew..110 pages in this thread and i just wanna know about the potential divorce arc and what all will happen regarding that, so if someone could spoil me that would be much appreciated!
  16. shu0929

    shu0929 Member

    Jan 20, 2024
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    Since Serena is an original webtoon (no novel) there is no true spoilers regarding the divorce.
    Anything you'd hear/get is just speculations, theories and personal opinions ;)
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  17. seddy_2

    seddy_2 Active Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    It's friday and there is no new chapter...it hurts so bad :(
    mathildareiss., Ang3Blue and Donelly like this.
  18. CosmicGhost

    CosmicGhost Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2023
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    OMGGGGG NNNNOOOOOOOOOO hahaha uggggghhhh
  19. Trinitytiger

    Trinitytiger Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2021
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    So is there a new chapter this week?
  20. taeyong27

    taeyong27 Active Member

    Jul 17, 2022
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    Hi guysss! Just want to ask for your help if you could.

    Who elese here reads and paid for the latest chapters of Serena in Webtoon (official translation)?

    I actually still pay and buy coins to read the fast pass of chapter of Serena as a way to support the author and to make sure that it will not be discontinued. However, the official translation for this webtoon is probably at its worst right now. A lot of scenes and monologues of Serena and Eiser in ch 86 is so bad that it even feels like Eiser is trashtalking Serena. There’s so much mistake and bad deliveries of dialogues that the author’s effort to create a poetic and engaging
    narrative has gone to waste.

    If you could, please a leave a comment on the webtoon app or leave a message on their IG to raise this concern cause I feel like people will loose interest with this story if this keeps up. Or that they will no longer buy coins for the official translation and will opt for illegal website which might eventually lead to having the entire story to halt