Discussion Genuine Compliment

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by justgonnaaskforrecs, May 24, 2024.

  1. justgonnaaskforrecs

    justgonnaaskforrecs Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2023
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    Hello :blobReach:!!

    I have been thinking about my past a lot lately and i suddenly remembered smth that happened when i was younger (around 2nd year of middle school), i remembered my first ever genuine compliment, it was from my math teacher. I wasn't that academically motivated so i usually just score whatever to get by as long as i passed cause retest was a hassle, anyway one day she was giving back our exam score and out of nowhere she complimented me. She said something along the lines of "Congratulations xx !! You manage to score 13 more points than your last quiz, I am so proud of you :blob_grin:!" And it litterally changed my life, ever since that day i studied out of my own accord.

    What about you? Have you ever be genuinely complimented that it changes your life?
  2. 3db

    3db Looking at the tea too lazy to pick it up

    Mar 9, 2024
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    Nothing life changing, but the once when I was learning how to cook, me and my mom didn't tell my family that I made the food that day, and my sister said that the food was especially good. I like cooking now and maybe it plays a part in why I do.
  3. bluetwister

    bluetwister Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2021
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    my biology teacher complimented me out of nowhere when she gave out our monthly exam in class.. she said "xx, u improved a lot in this exam, keep it up! Guys, please learn a lot from xx's seriousness in studying". After that, i studied very hard since i also participated in olympiad for biology, at that time i thought i have to make everyone proud of me.. But i only rank 47 out of 500 peeps? i dont remember it quite well.. note that this olympiad is attented by many prestigious schools.. but even tho my rank increase drastically at that time, my biology teacher didnt even look at me, didnt even ask about me.. she only asked about the smart students rank, where their rank are lower than mine.. that really broke my heart and i lost my motivation in biology hahahaha

    and another thing happened too in physics class, my physics teacher always targeted me since i'm dumb in physics, always make fun of me until i cry.. i hate her for that but it became my motivation to learn about physics more.. and the results were not disappointing for me, my teacher also praised me for my hardwork.. but then my seatmate (once i thought we were best friend) got jealous of my physics exam's results, she said a few things and its not a compliment.. i've been wondering if i'm really allowed to be good in my exam? so i also lost my motivation in physics hahahaha

    since then, i never trust the compliment from any of teacher, lecturer, even my senior or my boss at work

    i'm a very sensitive person so other peeps' emotions and what they say to me really impact me
    and these things always happened in my life, someone praised me of my good work, but then they scolded me

    well, at least i'm good in cooking instant noodles and toasting bread, my family loves them and they complimented me for that.. whenever i crave for instant noodles, i always cook a lot since i know my family will also eat it hahaha
    justgonnaaskforrecs and 3db like this.
  4. justgonnaaskforrecs

    justgonnaaskforrecs Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2023
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    Awww man that suckss, bad teacher always ruins things :blobimfine:. Ooo what's the secret how do you elevate the instant noodle game :blobpeek:?