[Kingdom Royale - Twin Kingdoms] Game 6

Discussion in 'Community Games' started by Acarnina, Nov 1, 2016.

  1. Acarnina


    Nov 4, 2015
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    Welcome to Kingom Royale Twin Kingdoms game 6, back after a long hiatus I really don't feel like addressing now or ever. I'm your moderator, host, and pretty much every other word that is synonymous with those two unless you're using one of the alternate definitions, @Aca1814ina. We have several returnees, and several newcomers to this game. I've tried to keep them balanced on each side of the ball, but that really doesn't help you as much as you might think. Anyway, you really can't say there are sides in this sort of thing as everyone kind of wants to kill everyone else. So why don't I stop talking, you start reading, and we can get on with that.


    1. Moderator is @Aca1814ina. If you have questions, read the rules first and then go to the old threads linked in the interest thread. If you still have questions, then you may ask.
    2. Sign up at http://forum.novelupdates.com/threads/kingdom-royale-interest-thread.12055/. Each game will be hosted on a different game thread. If you do not sign up there I will not acknowledge your interest!
    3. No private messages between participants about the game (meta-gaming). Private messages for other purposes (say, translated novels, like this site is supposed to be about) are allowed.
    4. While I appreciate that RL takes precedence, please inform me if you're going to disappear for a while. I'm probably going to have to kill you this time.
    5. Global forum rules apply. There's also a new one wherein I can label this as role playing. I don't know, is this role playing?
    6. I called this section the rules, while the next section actually goes over the game rules. In essence, this should really be called 'Laws'. And I'm the god empress.

    1. Day and night cycle take twenty-four hours each, counting from the start of the phase. I will give a warning if a phase is about to end early an hour before it happens.
    2. Each role has a different victory conditions. The game ends when all surviving players have met their victory condition. Winners will be announced on game end. Rankings and Awards are decided by me.
    3. Knife damage is set at 2, and maximum hp is 5 for all roles. Regeneration is 1 per day.
    4. All players are given a knife, which can be used to attack other players regardless of roles. Attacks may be done once per cycle, either day or night.
    5. Attacking during daytime will be announced to everyone, whereas attacking at night will only be announced to the target. However it can only be done to the attacker's night conversation partner.
    6. Players will defend themselves if they have a knife during the day, taking only half damage from stabs. This will not happen after a player has already stabbed or at night.
    7. Roles will NOT be announced upon death. Nor will players be informed of their remaining HP. You may do your own calculations of both if you wish.
    8. All Players will be placed into one of two Kingdoms publicly. Their names will be struck off as they die.
    9. Once six players have been eliminated, sudden death will occur. During sudden death, no HP will be regenerated.
    10. Queued stabs must follow one of three formats:
      • Stab @X at (Day Start, Day End, Night start, Night end)
      • Stab @X if @Y stabs @Z
      • Retaliate to whoever stabs me.
      • No others will be accepted. At most three conditions can be used at once. (yes, Game 3's madness annoyed me)

    History: Ages ago there was a great Empire called the Familia that ruled over all NUFdom. They divided themselves into four groups beneath their mighty leader, based on the suits of the cards he held so dear. But as time passed, they grew divided and weakened as their leader moved his attention from NUFdom to the heavens above called NU. Under their respective leaders, they broke into four disparate kingdoms: the Loving (but Violent) Hearts, the Humble (and Suspicious) Clubs, the Proud (and Ostentatious) Diamonds, and the Strong (but Arrogant) Spades. As the years went by and the Kingdoms fought time and time again, they began to forge alliances. Alliances that were soon betrayed, over and over again. Eventually, the Dread Spades absorbed the weakened Clubs to form the Black Kingdom, where the citizens of one dominated over the other. In response the Diamonds and Hearts formed an uneasy alliance by wedding their King and Queen, forming the Red Kingdom. Now, Centuries later, rebellion is rising in the Black Kingdom as the long oppressed Clubs seek to rise up and defeat their Spade overlords. Across the river, mistrust and betrayal have weakened the royal family of Red, bitterly dividing the once allied Hearts and Diamonds. Seeking to retain control, both kings threw their armies against each other in a desperate bid to remove their chief rivals and restore unity to their fractured kingdoms. Now, with both armies lost, the two forces meet in a secluded castle to determine who, if any, will lead them...

    Red King: The King of Red has ruled their Kingdom well for many years. They were revered as a kind and just king in their youth, but time has not been as generous to them. The death of their spouse ten years back was the last straw, turning this once proud and noble King from a long lineage of Hearts and Diamonds intermixing into a tyrannical overlord seeking power at any cost. They will stop at nothing to destroy their enemies, mustering their three most powerful servants to this conference. Little do they know that one has already turned against them...

    Red Prince: The last remaining heir to the Red Throne earned their place through treachery and deceit rather through any honorable means. They are ruthless and calculating, willing to go to any means to ensure they will gain the power they have long sought. Only the Red Sorcerer was able to understand this child, and taught them much about the arcane arts. But the Red Guardian earned their eternal hate by attempting to train them in the martial path, an attempt that failed miserably and turned this prince forever vengeful. What will they do at this conference of kingdoms?....

    Red Revolutionary: The Prime Minister of the Red Kingdom, they have long held secret ideals wishing for a separation of the Hearts and Diamonds into two separate kingdoms. They were trained by an underground organization in the arts of assassination and stealth, enabling them to move through the shadows and leave their victims dead with barely a scratch on their skin. They believe that by ending this war for good they can finally achieve their dream of freedom, but at what terrible cost will that be achieved?...

    Red Guardian: The most formidable Warrior the Red kingdom possesses is skilled in both protection and execution. They are also insanely loyal to the king, willing to do anything if they are commanded to. They will throw their body in harms way in an instant to protect anyone they are ordered to, though it is unlikely that any assassin can penetrate their watchful guard. Their only goal for this conference is to keep the Royal family alive. Anything else... Can be dealt with as they see fit.

    Red Sorcerer: The eldest Mage of the Red Kingdom has grown quite fond of life recently, making them wonder if attending this sure to be bloody conference was a good idea. They will obey the king when they feel like it, not wanting to be bound by punctuality or hierarchy. They are friendly with the Black Sorcerer insofar as both belong to the same organization, but have never really understood the younger Mage. They really wish they could return home and not have to deal with anything so troublesome ever again...

    Red Traitor: A long time ago a child was picked up by Black agents from the outskirts of the Red Kingdom and subjected to cruel and terrible experiments to turn them into a weapon against their enemies. Now they are a skilled ranger and tracker in the employ of the Red King, recently activated and ordered to destroy everything that supports the Reds to earn their freedom. Little do they know that their own death is also required for this plan, though they would likely consider it to be a release after all that has happened...
    Black King: The King of Black is a descendent of the great Ace of Spades who served Emperor @Tony himself long ago. They are an elitist who believes that only the lineage of the Spades is worthy to live in NUFdom, and will stop at nothing to make that happen. They were domineering and tyrannical from the day they took the throne, always making certain their power was absolute. However, they deeply and truly care about their people, and have always done their best to make sure they are given everything they could possibly need. If only they could be forced to expand that definition, they would be a truly great leader...

    Black Prince: A great rebellion by the oppressed Clubs five years ago took everything from this child. Their siblings, their friends, their love... And after all that their last remaining relative has done nothing to punish the infidels that hid and supported those rebels. Furious with the seemingly insignificant response by the Black King, the Prince has grown tired of waiting and seeks to take control of the Kingdom themself. Nothing will prevent them from obtaining their goals, not the Sorcerer who was forced to train them, not the inferior Clubs Guardian who has stopped them at every turn, not the Red Kingdom who stand in their way... Nothing.

    Black Revolutionary: A Clubs who has concealed his lineage for the last time, the Black Revolutionary is tired of hiding who they are behind a mask of lies. Hoping that the end of the war will allow their fellows in the rebellion to take control of the Black Kingdom and turn it into a more egalitarian realm, they have worked their way into the Black King's confidence in order to strike the final blow at the oppressive monarchy. They are a skilled assassin and user of the darkness who will make certain everyone they kill is celebrated appropriately before their deaths...

    Black Guardian: the Black Guardian is a rarity in the Black Kingdom, a Clubs who has earned the respect of many Spades, including the extremely elitist King of Black. They are an unparalleled warrior who has devoted their life to the current system under the idea that it is best to change a system from within, rather than fight it from without. They believe that by showing their loyalty and skill they can change the minds of the King and Prince and bring them to the side of equality and fairness, though their efforts have seen little fruit so far. Yet they stubbornly continue down the only path they know...

    Black Sorcerer: A younger Mage than the Sorcerer of Red, they are a high ranking Spades noble who is fond of life and everything it has to offer. They spend hours every day studying the most minute and inconsequential things in the hope of gaining what they call enlightenment, and others call madness. They dote on the young Prince of Black despite the others obvious hostility, and are fast friends with the Black Guardian and Black Traitor, though they know nothing of the latter's true allegiance. They also revere the Red Sorcerer, and will hate to have to compete with them in the upcoming conference. 'It would be so much easier to just go home and drink quietly in their tower', they think...

    Black Traitor: Not all Spades believe in supremacy and victory. One, a young noble, was given the chance to contrast the egalitarian Red Kingdom with their own hierarchical Black, and found theirs wanting. Now, they seek to allow the Red Kingdom to take over in the hopes that this new overlord will be more tolerant and forgiving than the last, though they are well aware that neither is as kind as they would have you believe. They are ready and willing to sacrifice their own life for their ideals, a strong sentiment for one so young and full of dreams...

    • King:
      • [Murder]=Once per day, the king can order their subjects to kill another player. This order will be carried out by the Sorcerer unless they are dead, in which case the Guardian will carry it out.
      • [Guard]= Once per day the King can order the Guardian to protect another player, rendering them immune to assassination.
    • Objectives: Secure the Throne: Extinction of Enemy Kingdom, Death of Prince and Revolutionary in Own.

    • Prince:
      • [Murder]= If his father perishes, the Prince immediately obtains the right to order other players deaths. He does not gain the ability to protect.
      • [Anti-Magic]= The Prince is immune to the effects of Sorcery.
    • Objectives: Inherit the Throne: Extinction of Enemy Kingdom, Death of King, Revolutionary, and Guardian in Own.

    • Revolutionary:
      • [Assassination]= Once per night the Revolutionary may strangle another player to death. Can only be used on someone in the same kingdom or same night chatroom.
    • Objectives: End the War: Death of Both Kingdom's King, Prince, Guardian, and Traitor.

    • Guardian:
      • [Guard]= If the King and Sorcerer are both alive, will place another player under protection and prevent assassination from affecting them. Cannot be declined.
      • [Deathblow]= If the King or Sorcerer has perished, the Guardian will receive murder orders and can choose whether or not to act upon them.
    • Objectives: Protect the Royals: Extinction of Enemy Kingdom, Survival of either King or Prince of Own. Does not need to live.

    • Sorcerer:
      • [Sorcery]= Once Ordered, may use Sorcery to kill another player. Ineffective against Prince or Sorcerer
      • [Anti-Magic]= the Sorcerer is immune to the effects of Sorcery.
    • Objectives: Survive the chaos: be alive at the end.

    • Traitor:
      • [Spy]= Once per night, choose another night chatroom to receive a full report of what was said during it at the end.
      • [Secret Meeting]= Once per day, secretly set up a night chatroom invisible to the other players.
    • Objectives: Betray your Friends: Extinction of Own Kingdom, Death of Enemy Traitor, Death of Self.

    Night chat rooms: Every day players will declare a desire to talk with one other player. The two will meet during the night phase and have whatever sort of conversation they want. The Traitor also gets to set up a second, secret chatroom in which he can make secret stabs or send information to the other kingdom. This chatroom will not be revealed to the remaining players.
    Night stabbing may only occur between players in the same chatroom. Further, the Revolutionary may use assassination on any player in a chatroom with them, even someone from the other kingdom.

    1. Day phase: Kings (or Princes) order Guard and Murder. Selection of whether or not to carry those out may occur at any time until the end of night phase. Targets for Guard and Murder may be changed up until the moment the action is chosen to be acted upon (it may be changed if it was not acted upon).
    2. All players decide on public chatroom partner.
    3. Traitors secretly request night chatroom partners.

    1. Night phase starts: night chatroom a set up, discussion begins.
    2. Murder and Guard's targets may still be changed if they have not been acted upon yet.
    3. Traitors' spy target is chosen (specific conversation, i.e. @x with @y). Those messages are sent to them by a mod at the end of the night.
    4. Sorcery or Execution activates at the end of the night.
    5. Assassinate activates at the beginning of the day.
    6. All injured players regain 1 health at the beginning of the day.

    1. Day phase starts.
    Black Kingdom:
    Red Kingdom:
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2019
    DCLXVI and iampsyx like this.
  2. A5G_Reaper

    A5G_Reaper [DCLXVI, sohyee, and iampsyx's cute imouto]

    Oct 26, 2015
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  3. Acarnina


    Nov 4, 2015
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    Role PMs done. You may begin when you finish reading.
  4. kyuukestu

    kyuukestu 『Q』『Vampyre Imperatrix』

    Apr 11, 2016
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    If I die it was undoubtedly pyoo
    DCLXVI likes this.
  5. a101011

    a101011 [Hero Martial Porcupine]

    Apr 9, 2016
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    So Uh this is my first twin kingdoms game, we can do a night chatroom with anyone?
  6. Ceimur

    Ceimur Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2016
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    How can you even join this game?
  7. iampsyx

    iampsyx Have some rest, and let's do better tomorrow

    Mar 29, 2016
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    The first TK I'm not in! :cry:
    Well, good luck, folks! o/
  8. iampsyx

    iampsyx Have some rest, and let's do better tomorrow

    Mar 29, 2016
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    By signing up here.
  9. Arcturus

    Arcturus Cat, Hidden Sith Lord

    Jan 1, 2016
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    Revolutionaries can only kill people in their own kingdom or someone from the other kingdom with which they have a night chat
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2016
  10. Arcturus

    Arcturus Cat, Hidden Sith Lord

    Jan 1, 2016
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    I want all traitors to raise your hands now
  11. Acarnina


    Nov 4, 2015
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    *raises hand*
    DCLXVI, iampsyx and AliceShiki like this.
  12. trvc

    trvc Well-Known Member

    Dec 14, 2015
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  13. Arcturus

    Arcturus Cat, Hidden Sith Lord

    Jan 1, 2016
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    I KNEW IT!!!!!

    *STABS @Aca1814ina *
    DCLXVI, iampsyx and AliceShiki like this.
  14. Acarnina


    Nov 4, 2015
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    *deflects knife*
    *takes zero damage*
    *laughs at comical sight of @Arcturus trying to harm the god empress before armed guards take her to her room*
    A5G_Reaper and AliceShiki like this.
  15. Arcturus

    Arcturus Cat, Hidden Sith Lord

    Jan 1, 2016
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    If we all band together to stab Aca, at least one of us will get through!

    She can take our lives, BUT SHE WILL NEVER TAKE OUR FREEDOM!!!!!!
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2016
    DCLXVI, iampsyx, LittleFox21 and 4 others like this.
  16. kyuukestu

    kyuukestu 『Q』『Vampyre Imperatrix』

    Apr 11, 2016
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    I'm with you!!

    *Stabs @Aca1814ina*
  17. Acarnina


    Nov 4, 2015
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    Says the person who has been mind wiped and thrown into a mysterious castle where all of her life choices are determined by my most sadistic imaginations...

    I think I already did. :cool:
  18. kyuukestu

    kyuukestu 『Q』『Vampyre Imperatrix』

    Apr 11, 2016
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    Choose @Arcturus as night partner, vote to end day early.
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2016
  19. Arcturus

    Arcturus Cat, Hidden Sith Lord

    Jan 1, 2016
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    You merely mindwiped one of my three heads. Th other two are still fine
    A5G_Reaper likes this.
  20. Pyoo

    Pyoo ☀ Summer Melody ☀

    Jan 21, 2016
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    D: did it just escalated?
    Nope,this is a game.
    Roleplaying is for familytreeandstuff n adventurersguild
    But but arcturus...
    If the king perished..?
    I dont do grudges~ *whistles*

    Btwmyphonescreenbrokesoifimonmobileexpectno spaces
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2016
    Arcturus likes this.