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My dog is lazier than me

When told that her harness is Large size now, she just picked up her ears and asked for more food Sep 20, 2023

Meloman was last seen:
Jun 10, 2024
    1. Meloman
      When told that her harness is Large size now, she just picked up her ears and asked for more food
      1. GonZ555 and milk bottle like this.
      2. GonZ555
        Doggo: it just mean i have more room to fill! Now gimme more food! ..please? *headtilt*
        Sep 20, 2023
        Meloman likes this.
    2. Meloman
      Now let’s teach her to stop barking and eating sh…
      1. Xieljhane likes this.
    3. Meloman
      My puppy is the best. Now let’s teach her to stop barking and eating sh…
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Meloman
        paper, toilet paper, leaves, forest nuts fruits and berries, dry grass, tree bark and moss, on top of most delicious horse poop. As if I don’t feed her, *crying expression *). So you give command don’t touch in your language (one word is better) and when the dog turns head you give a treat.
        Sep 8, 2021
        Deleted member 369806 likes this.
      3. Meloman
        I still do that, but she seems to think that after 3 seconds she finished her treat she can go back to eat that chewing gum. So today I put a muzzle on her for like 5-10 seconds each time I had to take an item out of her throat with my fingers (since my rude hands are already on her lovely head).
        Sep 8, 2021
        Deleted member 369806 likes this.
      4. Meloman
        Instead of the usual several big pieces of sh*t she managed to steal only one tiny one and even ignored some piles on the road. Progress. Very proud of her. Feel like a villain for putting a muzzle on her even for a few seconds though. She really doesn’t like it. Can’t blame her.
        Sep 8, 2021
        Deleted member 369806 likes this.
    4. Clumsy Soul
      Clumsy Soul
      1. GonZ555, nyamachi, felidormit and 2 others like this.
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      3. melomarl
        U failed soulchii... they be not a man... kekekekekekeke *pat pats soulchii and her efforts*
        Oct 15, 2020
        Clumsy Soul likes this.
      4. melomarl
        Oct 15, 2020
      5. Clumsy Soul
        Clumsy Soul
        We live in 21st century, a woman can fulfill the place of a man ◖⚆ᴥ⚆◗
        Oct 15, 2020
        melomarl likes this.
    5. Silver Snake
      Silver Snake
      Ho there, fellow travayler. I have come from far off regions to bring news of the new world. Okay, honestly, I'm not bringing my best game. I'm tired. I'm putting together a group, a team, a united force. And you're just the man, woman, or non-binary individual I've been looking for. You've got the chops. The pork chops. We'll be needing to eat something during the meetings.
      1. Maomaomao likes this.
    6. Silver Snake
      Silver Snake
      Also movies from Wes Anderson and Quentin Tarantino.
      1. Meloman likes this.
      2. Meloman
        Now you got me thinking of that “shot me down” song... I prefer Tarantino ones. And that “alarm” sound before the fight. That awful sound...
        Apr 17, 2020
    7. Tofu Cat
      Tofu Cat
      Sup homie
      1. Maomaomao and Meloman like this.
    8. One Perfect Veteran
      One Perfect Veteran
      I am here, so be a good girl and have a good think about everything,
      Your life still continues and everything is alright,
      I will be your friend,
      So you don't need much courage,
      I will support you!
      1. Meloman
        Thank you I’ll get through this (again). Just feeling too lazy to be bothered (and some other rl stuff is helping to not wish to bother). But at some point I’ll get my act together. I did it before. But thanks for you thoughts.
        May 10, 2019
    9. SunderHero
      Hello, can you please send me the link of MTL of Strange life of a cat, TIA
      1. Deleted member 36162 likes this.
      2. Meloman
        I pm’d you the link
        Apr 18, 2019
        SunderHero likes this.
    10. Deleted member 37987
      Deleted member 37987
      I'll be honest and say I thought your avatar was a tissue that had been used for very immoral activities…
      1. Meloman likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Deleted member 37987
        Deleted member 37987
        I'm just doing a general course for now. There wasn't much choice in my small city and I always liked human sciences, it just happened to be the most "concrete" with other career paths than being a teacher or researcher.
        Sep 24, 2018
        Meloman likes this.
      4. Meloman
        Good luck with that. If that fails try psychology or journalism...
        Sep 24, 2018
      5. Deleted member 37987
        Deleted member 37987
        I'm not failing, I'm an excellent student and already getting a licence this year XD I hope to enter the best universities too
        Sep 24, 2018
        Bad Storm and Meloman like this.
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