Ya Salam... I want to apologize to you cause just now i called you sis without checking your gender at your gender.
4. 素材 家 の 異 世界 旅行 記; 5. Second Story Online: Aiming To Become The World's Number 1. Ideal Witch 6. Pet Shop of Horrors 7. 北欧貴族と猛禽妻の雪国狩り暮らし; ;
I realize you include within your posts multiple large attachments/pictures related to the topic, but they make it take too long to scroll through one post. In the future, please put them within collapsible spoilers, thank you.
You can't get along with anyyone here due to many misunderstandings or misinterpretations. But you can make the effort to communicate.
Life is fragile and can be short. This is why you should try to appreciate and enjoy the small beautiful things around you.
man just wanna say I really love your threads you post, almost everyday the topics you choose are so interesting and help me broaden my view. keep up the good work
No, I do not. Just doing these posts because I am being very curious about specific topics. Don't see myself as a good reviewer. I rather raise questions and collect answers.
Ah yes, just saw your thread. The long ones that's you, and the tagged responses yup I wondered who followed but I know now
For the Eve one... I thought you are calling me or make phoem for me?! But... Too bad... It's film and anime
You can't touch your brain ah I do I do, ah so you like that things? Why don't you then help me solve some physics and chemistry questions Wait I ask sleepy to bring her homework!! Kekekekek jk aside that I like these things but my brain fun like these long paragraphs but it's more cheerful to riddles and such
Good question. Maybe because I am very curious and need to mention details to make people understand better my questions.
No. It isn't. I think OP means sth else. Maybe Operator? All I did was just to invite you to a group conversation.
OP means original poster...lol...my bad...I too got to know about this slang recently, OP aka original poster, who posted or created a thread.
We always tend to remember and seek out memories, stories or any content that make us very angry, sad, angsty, upset etc...
@Lovelybutter It takes time & effort of not taking yourself too serious and concentrate on the positive things happening right now in the present.
Sometimes I feel like, you're probably an English major and a literature addict. If you're, recommendations are welcome [ ◕ ᴥ ◕ ]
@CreativeCriticalThinker If you ever made a solid resolve of writing down some stories, I'll suggest you to start with WebNovel. (I'm not totally sure how it works tho, you can create a discussion and take opinions from other users on here at NU too!)
(cont.) If your book does well, they even provide you a contract to continue. (I'm sure about this as one of the author at WebNovel mentioned this) There are other writing platforms too but this one is the only one I've explored.
It is not easy to write a good smart cathartic story. Takes lot of practice and a critical open mind.
*pat pat pat* you just need to get a feel of the audience of the place. In this case the profile post section of this forum. We like to jump in and reply to people's post. So when you put a post that seem ambiguously deep, they(we) put it to the test with contradiction.
Don't take things here too serious. There are more important things to do outside in the real world ;)