Well-Known Member, from Event Horizon
https://www.novelupdatesforum.com/threads/tonylicious.84763/ Jan 23, 2025
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- Location:
- Event Horizon
- Occupation:
- Dispatched Angel~~
[Saudade no more....][Godofultimateconcealment] [Lady Killer] [miyuu havek guardianangel][Ruler of MELANCHOLIA][Z's obedient Q's rebel son]
[My name is now Overlyfriendly's bitch]
[My name is now Saudade][Father of 4]
[Saudade][Father of 5][Lonci4ever][MELANCHOLIA]〖 Little Imouto’s Comrade ~~~☆〗[Currently called Loncina <3 <3][Facta Non Verba][ Catch You on the Flip Side][Fade To Black][Twice Bitten Thrice Shy]
Name: Kontororu
Race: human(initially)
UserID: no clue Nickname: Toru
Job: monk Occupation: foreigner traveller
Weapon: pair of old Katar's (equipped) keepsake Bagh nakas
Skills: concealment(intermediate) weakly body ; entry level kalari
Rank: E Mission Complete: 0 Gold: 0
To register as a participant, please send a PM to @Lady Scarlett Dawn or @Clumsy Soul, with the title "Love can't be Quarantined"
1. Age
2. Time zone
3. Gender and Sexuality
4. Are you more of an indoor type or outdoor type?
5. What are the characteristics you look for in a partner?
6. What is your favorite novel on NU and what makes it your favorite?
7. What are some random facts about yourself? Your hobbies and interests?
8. What is your silliest fear?
9. Among friends, what are you best known for?
10. If you could send one letter to yourself in the past without the goal of making yourself rich (no lotto, numbers, stock picks, etc.), what age would you choose and what would the letter say?